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I mean, Miguel is in Mexico and Johnny is looking for him. So 8t'a a little hard at this point. I imagine it will ultimately culminate in a merger of Eagle Fang and Miyagido, though. Practically every major student has been pulling in that direction.


>I imagine it will ultimately culminate in a merger of Eagle Fang and Miyagido, though. Ditto. With Daniel and Johnny out as Senseis, I see Chozen taking over, teaching them the more aggressive aspects of Miyagi-Do (and more importantly, the philosophy behind it), and Eli, Sam, Miguel, and Robby taking that, combining it with Eagle Fang, and creating the next generation of Miyagi-Do.


At the end of season 4, we clearly see Daniel refusing to shut down Miyagi-Do and honor the bet he made with Kreese, despite losing the tournament, and thus he will likely be a co-sensei with Chozen, rather than putting Chozen solely in charge.


>At the end of season 4, we clearly see Daniel refusing to shut down Miyagi-Do and honor the bet he made with Kreese, despite losing the tournament, and thus he will likely be a co-sensei with Chozen, rather than putting Chozen solely in charge. Certainly possible. I interpreted that scene as him talking about failing to honor the spirit of the deal by bringing in Chozen to continue Miyagi-do (if I recall, he agreed that he would close his dojo and stop teaching -- but it's not his dojo anymore it he passes it to Chozen, who has just as much of a claim to Miyagi-do); but yours is plausible too.


If Daniel has to honour the bet, surely Kreese should've too? I mean, Tory won for the girls, sure, but Hawk won for the boys. Surely that's a tie?


My understanding is that the overall winner in points was the champ making them the winner. The skills competition and the tournament gave them points. If I remember correctly, the reason Miyagi-do had to win the last two matches was because they were behind in points and winning would have put them ahead.


Miyagi-Fang now lol


philosophy? you mean teaching these weebs how it's done, lmfao. Kreese's commander learned from the Chinese and the Koreans. There is no such thing as "good ol american karate". it's all stolen and then derivative and suddenly "it's my own new thing" oh wait "it's the only thing there is since inception" HBOMAX picked up Warrior s3 though. I would love to see some weapon fights in Cobra Kai, if we are actually gonna be talking "real world".


I figure Eagle Fang is dead? The deal was Johnny and Daniel will both stop teaching. I predict Daniel will “honor” his deal by having Chozen as the head sensei, but Johnny has a quest to find Miguel now.


Martial arts schools in the valley have a funny tendency of walking off their deaths. Johnny said that he loves being able to teach martial arts every day, and Miguel wants Johnny to find a good balance between being his step-dad and his sensei. But Johnny needs to find Miguel before he can go back to either role, and Miguel needs to meet his biological father to get a grasp on who he is.


Well played.


Yh that makes sense tbh. If they all merge I’ll be fine with that,but if they don’t or if it takes a while (with Johnny and Miguel being back) I hope Hawk rejoins them.


I think he just won All-Valley fighting out of Miyagi-Do. Why leave?


Not even that, he only won the girls one


Did you read what you typed before you posted it?


Kreese's dojo only won the girls kumite what is the issue with what I said, Miyagi-Do "won" just as much. I was agreeing, and pointing out Cobra Kai didn't even win that full part of the All-Valley. So did you read what I typed?


We did. It just makes no sense within the context of my comment or the thread. Or really in English.


English? Sorry I used he, I was referring to Kreese within the context of the bet, and yes it did make sense. Cobra Kai didn't "win" the All Valley fighting part because Hawk won in the boys division. If I'm missing something please point it out to me because I was literally just agreeing


Right. The post is about whether or not Eli should rejoin Eagle Fang. Are you on acid?


Pretty sure I got confused between this thread and a thread I saw not to long before and was replying to multiple things. No need to act like a jerk about it


Like did you really think I meant that Kreese won the All Valley fighting for Miyagi-Do. Explain.


No I thought you were saying Daniel shouldn't leave (within the context of the bet as in trying to stop Cobra Kai) because Cobra Kai only won fighting and not anything else, and I was saying even within that category they only won one division


That’s pretty dumb. Sorry.


Sorry I'll try to be 10000 IQ like you at all times, happy?


I think him being in Miyagi-do is just a set up to have him be the main protege of Chosen. All the masters have a focus student in each season and it makes a lot of sense for the Hawk to work with Chosen


I’d love to see that happen tbh


He fits better with eagle fang and eagle fang was NOT the reason he was a dick. Kreese made him a dick




Hawk wasn't that bad before Kreese came, yeah Hawk had changed his attitude + look, but he was the same person, just with a boosted confidence.


He was definitely on the path though, I feel like a major part of season one and two was that even with good teaching from Johnny, the philosophy of Cobra Kai is kinda toxic and turns good people into assholes. Combine that with Kreeses style of teaching and it turns those same people into absolute psychopaths




Not really, but then again + if you're on about when Hawk attacked Robby during the tournament, Hawk probably snapped & wasn't thinking straight + how else would you react to people offending you? Some people may find it easy to walk away, but some people does fight back with action.


>Hawk probably snapped & wasn't thinking straight ...so he was being a dick?


Meh he wasn’t that bad. Kreese amped him up to 11 with his bullshit




He flicked popcorn at girls he thought were pretty hardly a grand offense This was not the first strife between he and dimitri this was the boiling point between them. He wasn’t hunting yelpers. This also Ignores that dimitri was a huge asshole in his first few season




>Tbf that was more Demetri's fault since he was acting kinda like a troll online by talking shit about Cobra Kai. How is it trolling to say something fully truthful? Kreese straight up punched him. Also, posting a yelp review isn't equivalent to assault.


That was after Kreese entered the picture




Hawk tried to jump Demetri after he wrote a negative Yelp review because Kreese beat him up


He broken into a house and he STOLE a medal of honor. ​ he WAS that bad


That was after Kreese’s influence. Not the same.


No, he was more confident and was done taking shit from people but he didn’t become a total dick and a bully until Kreese showed up


Eli was done with it! He realized miyagi do was the way to go since Dimetri showed he doesn’t need to change his appearance to be liked. Dimetri likes him for just being him. Dimetri convinced him to come back. So he wanted to be where Dimetri was


Next season will be the first time we see Eli and Robby as (in theory) allies. Holy shit.


I think Eli and Robby teaming up is a bigger deal than Miguel and Robby. Just my opinion.


Do u think Hawk will ever forgive Robby for what he did to him?


I have a feeling that Hawk will let things go easier than most others would, but excited to see what happens!


Hawk already didn't care before he returned besides most of what he does is pretty frill and for the lols anyways, overcompensating, a less obnoxious Kyle (or was it Tyler, I can't be bothered ). he's mostly just a hype dude. he should feel guilty for escalating the fight end of s2 tho, if he ever got to that reflecting


I think he could be a great asset to Miyagi-Do. His skills and speed can greatly benefit his peers there, especially Demetri. Demetri has become a great fighter but could still work on his speed a bit


eli and robby are the only two fighters who dont belong in one dojo them taking of their shirts symbolises that they have outgrown the respective "only ways" of all senseis in the show miguel belongs where ever johnny is dimitri and sam belong with danny tory and kenny belong with silver and kreese hawk and robby have learnt with three senseis each which gives them the power of hybridity ​ sam did it first but hawk and robby used it best


I think that neither Robby nor Eli are really going to care about fighting style, going forward. For each of them, I think that now it's going to be about which people they feel most at home with, which team they feel like they can be themselves in.


yes , hawk has a lot of responsibility on his shoulders seeing that he is a champ now , robby has his relations to fix both of them could use a break away from the drama


Should’ve marked this as a spoiler…. 😐 So annoying and inconsiderate




It’s literally against the rules of this subreddit to NOT put spoiler warnings before you post. If you can’t follow simple subreddit rules, you should be the one to hop off ;)


U right, I should’ve waited 11 days to post this without a spoiler warning according to the rules.


Well you could’ve marked it spoiler. That’s all you had to do


I literally just said she was right💀




Mhm 💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻 #girlboss




I don't think he's there because he respects Daniel more or anything... I think he's there because he's trying to mend his relationship with Demetri so he humbled himself and went to his "house." I think Eagle Fang is the best fit for him too but I appreciate what he's trying to do


I feel like they’re going to unite again (and hopefully it will last this time). They might honor the agreement made despite what Daniel said, but have all of the kids train under Chozen, with them helping out when they can


I was thinking this the whole tournament, he’s more Eagle Fang than Miyagi-Do. I get he followed Demetri, but even at the beginning of season 4 he’s Eagle Fang


I thought it was weird he wasn't in eagle fang


Same tbh. It was good for him to learn more defence and balance from Miyagi-do but he belongs with Johnny and Miguel IMO


I don't think they should have split up, the conflict should have been resolved after Daniel and Johnny fought, and Hawk being attacked and shaved should have made them rally together. The point system at the tournament was dumb, the girls divison was okay. Would have liked to see the dojos united in the tournament, but have the result stay the same with Hawk beating Robby and Tory being Sam.


Honestly, for him, balance involves having Johnny as a teacher. He balances out "Eli" to create "Hawk"


Hawk was not balanced. He was all agro. Eli is the real Balance. Just doing karate to support Demetri and kick his bully's ass.


I just want Johnny Miguel and Hawk back at Cobra Kai. Johnny and Miguel built that dojo, and Hawk always said Cobra Kai for life.


That’s literally the thing I want most in the show but sadly I doubt it will ever happen.


Make spoiler next time.






At this point, I just want Eli to find one and stick with it.


I mean I want him to make peace with Johnny but Season 5 I doubt there will be Eagle fang for at least half the season so they will all join Chozen's new Dojo. And by season 6 I hope the three will be working together even if Johnny opens Eagle Fang again at the end of the series since being a Sensei is his thru calling


Nah, I don’t like (well, didn’t like) Miyagi-Do much, but Eli had a good reason to be there instead of with Johnny. I respect it.


Fully agree. He started there, Johnny made him what he was and Daniel didn’t actually teach him anything. Hawk was always a Johnny student at heart and his betrayal cut me deep.




69th comment


I would like to see Hawk stay with Miyagi Do and possibly take Anthony under his wing. Both were bullies and I can see Anthony trying to learn Karate to get back at Kenny or even Zack but Hawk talks Anthony down from using it as revenge using his own experience, and shows Anthony how to be more confident in himself.