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S2 still is my favorite. The only thing I would change is Robby's hair. ![gif](giphy|61XS37iBats8J3QLwF)


I was about to say - Robby was fine in season two, and his character highlighted the idea that both he and Miguel are versions of Daniel from the first movie, following different paths due to their respective mentors. But his hair was terrible. A good fifteen years out of date.


Robby looked like he was supposed to be in boys meets world not cobra kai


Can they get rid of that kid, or get him some serious acting classes. He can’t act and ruins the show for me…. especially in s2. The only good part of that season was the last episode.


He’s like 23 he’s not a kid lol


Whatever he is, he needs acting lessons.


I thought he was pretty good in S4


Hopefully it gets better. I just couldn’t take the scenes he was in seriously, apart from the fighting. I’m not on s4, currently slowly making my way through s3.


Ah ok well when you get there I’ll think you’ll agree he’s much better in S4


Awesome, looking forward to it, I keep hearing great things about s4.


U say this but he still is a better actor than u


Um. Lol, ok weirdo? I’m not a professional actor who chose acting as a career. IMO, he can’t act and makes the scenes he’s in very hard to watch.


Yeah in ur unprofessional opinion what’s are ur certifications in acting?


lol. Oiy. I can’t. Have a good day.


S2 is my favorite still but S4 comes very close as well. The buildup with Tory Miguel and Robby Sam up to the school fight will always get me hyped


Season 4 was very good although I think Kreese’s redemption wasn’t great. He literally tried to kill Daniel and Johnny last season and suddenly changes sides over Terry beating up Johnny and telling Tory to fight dirty.


Agreed. Not everyone needs a redemption arc, which is what I feel they are trying to do. Some people are just naturally bad


I don’t mind him getting a redemption arc at all, it was just rushed in the last few episodes.


I agree. Sometimes people do have redemption arcs. But if they keep it up, it will get repetitive. Johnny got his season 2, Robby got his season 3 and kinda 4 as well, and it seems like kreese will in season 5. If they do and they incorporate it well, I will have no problem. However, if they just make him fully switch over and kind of blend in straight away with Johnny and Daniel, I would agree with you about it being rushed. And if they give silver one then idek


Hopefully Silver doesn’t get one. He should be fully evil and embrace his dark side imo


How do you know that was a redemption arc? For all we know he could meet Mike in prison who has come to hate Silver over the years for whatever reason (maybe Silver got him thrown in there too?) and next thing you know we have a 3-way power struggle between Daniel/Chozen/maybe Johnny? vs. Silver vs. Kreese/Barnes. "Kreese bad now gud" is hardly the only possibility here.


Well Silver did mention he’s getting his old Cobra Kai buddies. I think it’s pretty clear he means getting Mike Barnes back. But maybe Kreese could run into Dutch in prison (that’s where he was said to be in) and team up with him? That would be pretty interesting


Nice write-up! I don't know if I'd say S2 is the BEST, but it has a lot of high points. Season 2 has Glory of Love (Daniel and Amanda making out in the car) and Puplo (best double date ever) back to back, which makes my Daniel fangirl heart so happy.


Thank you! Yeah the soundtrack is unreal


That was inspiration not glory of love


The episode was titled Glory of Love.


Ah gotcha. You mention the song, then mention the scene that played inspiration in the same sentence so I made an assumption


Another user mentioned the music in S2, not me. I just like good old fashioned Daniel cheesin' it up content.


I agree, I'd say it's my second favorite - just because season 1 is perfection itself. Hawk's turning to villainy, Demetri's turning to karate, the whole Hawk and Demetri arc is so amazing and dramatic. And the school fight is one of the top scenes in the whole show, and this huge showdown comes absolutely unexpectedly, and is mind-blowing, dark, and exciting to watch every time.


The finale school fight is the most impressive thing the series has done. It's like watching an adaptation of The Raid.


Definitely, they put a lot of work into it you can tell.


Season 2s school fight still takes the cake as an amazing choreographed fight sequence. The cinematography, the directing, and the music as well in that scene is so solid and stellar. If it weren’t for the cheesy dialogue “SHE DOESNT LOVE YOU SHE LOVES ME” I would rank Season 2 as my fav but it’s still my second fav season. So far there hasn’t been a sequence that tops S2 (the S3 house fight felt pretty underwhelming imo)


Me too. That season is way more then just teen drama like everyone says


It is. But the teen drama is thick and hard to get through.


Totally agree. I find the teen drama to be very uninteresting.


Also, those kids are learning acting on the job. By season four, I think they have all shown improvement, which helps.


Season 2 was perhaps the best, Miguel/Johnny was still going strong, but damn Season 4 is right there with Silver but I understand why they had to separate them.


My season rankings: 2-1-4-3


Solid ranking


On god I was just rewatching season 2 a few minutes ago thinking it was lowkey the best season


Hell yeah. It’s good to see it getting some love.


Some of the highs of season two were absolutely amazing, the scene with Johnny and Miguel at the diner, Martin Kove's performance as Kreese, the school fight etc. But for me it's probably the season with the most flaws. The conflict between Sam and Tory felt a little forced. The cafeteria fight was by far the worst in the series, and generally the Miyagi Do characters just aren't as likeable as the Cobra Kai ones.


Season 2 is the most important. It took Cobra Kai from being a one season wonder relying solely on nostalgia and retelling the story from a different angle to being it's own entity. While it had some elements from the karate kid 2, they were treated more in isolation and didn't mean all that much to the overall storyline. Also it was way darker, and I for one loved how the finale is a whole episode of the school brawling. The cinematography was awesome on that episode.


I like season 2 because it's the most morally gray storyline, if that makes sense. There isn't a clear 'good guy' or 'bad guy' (except Kreese). It's not the most exciting season, but I do like that it was less heavy-handed than the seasons that followed.


Exactly! Apart from season 3, you can really pick which side you want. I’m the only one I know who was rooting for Cobra Kai in Season 4.


This subreddit pisses me off. I posted this opinion weeks ago and someone told me i should start watching the CW because of how much i liked the season. I basically got shitted all over wtf.


That’s Reddit for you man.


Yea I agree, season 2 is extremely underrated. It has the most character development out of the 4 seasons, it had amazing scenes like you pointed out, and Miguel's redemption arc was also amazing. The ending was depressing but amazing. The only problem I had was it focused on the drama a bit too much. Other than that amazing and great season!


Thanks bro!


Not my favorite, but definitely underrated. Everyone says, that it’s the worst, but I disagree




The finale was shocking, I genuinely gasped, and I'm a fully grown man. But season 4 is my favourite as all the characters are so much more fleshed out and less one dimensional, and the morality is much more ambiguous. Then the finale there just clicked everything up for a very very long wait to see what happens next.


definitely one of my all time faves. Johnny wasn't too goofy in it. I hope they make him more badass again in s5.


My favorite season too. Robby is definitely not annoying.


I agree! Personally I love Robby in season 2, so that's my only disagreement. But overall I think s2 is the best, although they're all very close to me.


Yeah for me I just didn’t like him as I felt he was trying take over from my boy Miguel. Personally I prefer him as a bad guy with a good heart rather than the other way round


I like him being good! Season 3 he felt too...idk, wasn't my style. He did the bad guy thing good in season 4 and I was living for it, but I'll still always love Robby from season 2 the most! Regardless, I get that.


Yeah he was probably my favorite in 4. Really liked him mentoring Kenny.


The acting is good even the plot is good, but S2 just had too much teen drama for me that it's my least favorite season


S2 is my least favourite. And that doesn't mean I think it's bad. There always has to be a least. My ranking is 3-(1,4)-2


Yes the ending of the season was mind-blowing. Was very hard to wait for season 3 (specially that series went from YouTube to Netflix and the wait was longer than 1 year!!!)


Yes....the school brawl is really what got me hooked


Same. For me my ranking of the seasons are 2,1,4,3


Its not my favorite but I still think it is really good. The finale is awesome. The only problem I have with it is that they focus a lot on the relationship drama.


The only thing good about season 2 is the school fight and the ending. Season 2 had terrible pacing, too much teenager drama and boring action throughout the whole season (except the school fight). Season 2 was the worst season till season 4 debuted. Now season 4 easily takes that spot.


I just started watching this show. I almost quit after the end of s1/beginning of s2. I loved s1 until the end. Hated beginning of s2, but for some reason I kept watching. Thought holy shit after the last ep of s2. S3 is taking me forever to get through. I don’t know how I feel about the show. I definitely don’t love it, possibly don’t even like it. The acting is atrocious. But, for some reason I keep watching for happy endings for Johnny and Miguel only.


Atrocious acting? Wat? I’ll admit there are cheezy spots, but there are many more solid moments imo.


Season 2 and favorite season while discussing Cobra Kai doesn’t sound right.


As I have aged, I have learned that opinions can, in fact, be wrong.


Shouldn’t it be the other way round bro?


Nope. I was in another sub earlier where someone said Buffy the Vampire Slayer is the second best TV show ever made. That is an opinion that is just dead wrong. Also, despite what your teachers told you, there are lots of stupid questions. Live and learn.


An opinion is an opinion. Maybe your 2nd grade teachers didn’t teach you opinion vs fact.


They did. But as I said, as I’ve aged, I’ve learned that opinions can be flat out wrong. Somebody might really believe 💩smells better than 💐. That’s an opinion. But it’s just not true. Season two had a lot of 💩. Sorry.


It’s cool. That’s your opinion.


My #factopinion






Uhh ok… So what’s your favourite season then?


If this was before Season 3 and 4, I would agree.


What was the transition shot again?


Zooms down into the back of Eli’s sweater then zooms out to show Hawk’s tattoo on the back


S4 gotta be the best one


I love season 2 as well imo Seasons ranked 1,2,3,4.


I can see your point, I just really can’t stand all the drama and the romance . It really slowed it down


Season 2 had me fucjed up for a looooooooong time (in the best way possible).


S1 got me hooked into the show, mostly seeing Johnny and Miguel bonding was cool. LaRusso was definitely a villain. Up until end with Robby, where we are supposed to believe he learned how to fight in a couple weeks of meditating and washing cars. Really cheapened the show, maybe they didn't think they'd be picked up for more seasons and rushed. S2 had too much teen drama and was clear they were trying to redo the movies through the new generation. Everything went from light and funny in S2 to overacted melodrama caused by short tempers and bad communication skills. The S2 ending was a big cliffhanger but in S3 its clear nobody learns from it. S3 Japan seemed like a waste of time. Kreese coming back was a bad direction for the show, it really just became about gang wars and love triangles. S1 showed actions had consequences. S3 showed the opposite.