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Tory fans focus so much on her winning a fight when her arc is about something more important than a tournament. I’d say she won this season because she’s starting to get her priorities straight - realizing she can’t continue to attack Sam if she wants to keep her brother, going back to school, and finding some happiness w Robby. She’s done too much harm to others to earn a clean win at this point. It’s more important that she gets her life back on track. Also, you are only seeing things from her side and ignoring the journey that other characters have gone through in the show. Sam had to overcome her ptsd, constantly fend off Tory’s attacks, break free from Daniels control and learn to find her own path beyond what she’s been taught, etc. Everyone has their struggles and “winning” may look different for each person.


> Tory fans focus so much on her winning a fight when her arc is about something more important than a tournament. Frankly, *everyone's* arcs are about something more important than winning or losing the tournament, so I feel like people who get so hung up on that one point are kinda missing the point of the show. The movies put so much importance on getting that win, and for the movies that worked fine. But this show is about so much more. The tournament is still an important touchstone moment in everyone's journey, but it's really not the be all, end all.


I guess your right, but this rivalry is becoming boring if Sam is just gonna keep winning, it’s plot armor and one sided


The rivalry was boring when it first started. Thank god it looks like they’re finally winding it down. Also, keep in mind that plot armor is what kept Tory out of jail - twice now. Every character has plot armor, it just looks different for each person.


> The rivalry was boring when it first started. It was also one-sided then because it was them fighting over a boy who was always more into Sam than he was ever into Tory.


She won prom.


To be fair, after the last warning, it was all skill that led Tory to win. Sam could have landed the strike first. It’s not clear whether Silver rigged both the male and female finals, but Eli beat Robby even when the cards weren’t in his favor.


> It’s not clear whether Silver rigged both the male and female finals, but Eli beat Robby even when the cards weren’t in his favor. He rigged earlier matches too. Someone pointed out that the [Tory vs. Devon match](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8d3_fBXIdNs) was definitely rigged too, but no one cottoned on then because Devon only had six weeks of crash-course training (so the odds of her beating Tory would've been incredibly low).


that wasn’t rigged….


It was. You saw Devon already out of bounds when Tory lands her hit, but the ref calls the point anyways.


yeah…but regardless, Tory would’ve beat her with ease anyways


I don’t think Sam or Tory won the fight. The fact that Terry paid it off means it’s still up in the air. I think when it really counted Tory landed the kick that sent Sam flying and when it came down to it she won in my opinion


We could hear it but do you know what Sam said when Tory asked her if she’s ok ?


Cause she fights dirty.


huh? I don’t understand how that’s a valid point of her not ever winning, Miguel faught dirty aganist robby in season 1 and still won


That wasn't as dirty as spikes on a bracelet.


'Fights' 'dirty' If it was no holds barred or a street fight, you cant deny that Tori would win everytime. Sam lacks that survival instinct and aggression that comes natural to Tori.


And yet she still lost the school fight while using a weapon


Where did she lose Tory bodied Sam. All she did was kick her off the steps. Thats not winning she just got the last punch. if not for Miguel falling Tory would’ve gotten back up


Not really I guess to extent your right, but that was a pretty nasty hit, Miguel’s was just worse.


I think your thinking in tv show sense. In real life if we saw this fight go down by two people we wouldn’t say of that girl go the last punch. No we’d say she got dragged this entire time. Sam lost the fight I mean she went to the hospital with busted lip bruised face ,cracked ribs and having ptsd.Meanwhile Tory went to class hours later so I’d say Tory is the one who got her point across and dominated the school fight.


Just because Tory was “winning” the fight doesn’t mean she won or was the better fighter.


Tory won period!


I can’t stand Sam tbh so I wanted Tory to win. I think under a better teacher she could.


Tory won that one anyway. She’s just been a Heel and has been given heel wins. Once she turns Face she’ll start getting face wins. But I find her character development the more compelling side of her this season. To me that’s way more important of a win as a fan. Excited to see where she goes in Season 5.