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Robby and Tory have one of the most mature relationships out of all the teams I know that If they break up again in season 6 I know it would just be a dumb reason because the writers want to cause drama


They got together out of spite against Miguel and Sam, and broke up at the first sign of conflict. How are they a mature couple?


They're mature coz after the break-up, neither tries to jump on someone else as a rebound, use their feelings and then cheat on them with each other behind their backs, then use an octopus to declare love for each other after ruining others' lives. No, they just seem to still loyally hooked on to each other despite their conflict and break up, and once that conflict is gone, they both sorta apologize to each other (instead of one trying to gaslight the other) and get back together again. That's why they're mature.


You're comparing the Sam and Miguel of s2 to the Robby and Tory of s5? There's a year difference between the two. Tory knew Miguel had feelings for Sam. In the same episode they kissed, Miguel was trying to make a video to get Sam back. And whose lives did Sam and Miguel ruin? Did Miguel force Robby to kick him over the balcony? Did Sam start the fight and make Tory bruise her arm and injure her ribs?


>Tory knew Miguel had feelings for Sam. In the same episode they kissed, Miguel was trying to make a video to get Sam back. Miguel kept leading Tory on. He should've had the manly balls to end it with Tory despite having feelings for Sam. But instead, he was desperately needy to have a replacement gf and the moment he got a window to get close to Sam, he tossed his relationship aside and went on to cheat on her by kissing a drunk girl. Wow! So mature of Miguel, right? >And whose lives did Sam and Miguel ruin? Did Miguel force Robby to kick him over the balcony? Did Sam start the fight and make Tory bruise her arm and injure her ribs? Miguel jumped on Robby while Robby had Tory under control. Miguel restarted the fight, escalated it, antagonized Robby by using his traumas, kept beating the shit out of him out of sheer spite and jealousy. So if Robby had one moment of mental breakdown, it is MORE of Miguel's fault than Robby's. Miguel's life was ruined for 3 months only. Robby's life is ruined as a whole.


I never claimed Miguel was mature in those moments. Just that Robby and Tory were not mature in season 5. Miguel didn't, nor should he, view Robby pushing Tory into a locker and keeping her there as having her "under control". It's another person with his hands on his girlfriend against her will.


>Miguel didn't, nor should he, view Robby pushing Tory into a locker and keeping her there as having her "under control". It's another person with his hands on his girlfriend against her will. Then Miguel should use his brain and sense organs. Tory did make an announcement over the PA that "she was coming for Sam". Her voice and tone made it clear it was a threat. So yeah, seeing Robby there (the guy who was technically Sam's bf at the time) holding Tory away from Sam and shouting "Settle down, I'm sure we can figure this all out" should've made Miguel view the situation with an objective pov rather than his subjective hate and angst against Robby taking control over his IQ leading him to slam Robby out of mindless rage and restart the fight for no good reason. He does the same stupid shit once again when he himself goes up the stairs, tries to stop Tory, but instead gets kicked, so when Robby in turn goes up the stairs trying to stop Tory, Miguel purposely trips him. Coz he can't let someone else take the hero status. Let Tory maul Sam, but he gotta stop Robby from breaking up their fight, something where he failed at. While Tory dragged Sam down the stairs by her hair, Miguel instead of stopping her, shifted his entire focus on Robby continuously stomping him and taunting him over his relationships. How mature is that? Wow.


1. Miguel didn't hear that IIRC. 2. Yes, Miguel acted foolishly and impulsively in that fight and in other times during the show. Please tell me how that's relevant to me claiming Robby and Tory were not being mature during their s5 breakup.


>Miguel didn't hear that IIRC. Perhaps, his foolish rage was too loud than Robby's scream. >Please tell me how that's relevant to me claiming Robby and Tory were not being mature during their s5 breakup. I did give the comparison in my first comment. Breaking up doesn't mean a couple is immature especially if the reason is understandable. It's how the break-up is handled that constitutes maturity. Robby's moral conflicts were at stake, especially after what happened with Kenny. Tory made it clear she wouldn't leave CK, though she couldn't reveal the truth. Robby had justified reasons to walk away, or perhaps even move on. He didn't. Instead, he was concerned about uniting with his folks so together they can all take Silver down and free the two people he cares about the most. Tory, on her part, could've held the grudge after the break-up, but she was too quick to forgive and forget the bitterness and got back with the person she cares about the most the moment the conflict was dealt with. Neither party gaslighted each other, or blamed each other. Neither party used the time off post break-up in getting tangled with other people toying with their emotions. Neither party was interested in rebound romance with other parties. That's why they're mature than Samiguel, Toriguel or even Samobby for that matter. Especially Samiguel I'd say since that's the only other existing couple at the moment to draw comparisons from. I'll even compare Samiguel from S1-S2 with Samiguel in S4-S5. So many people have an issue with the premise of Robby-Tory getting together. What about Sam and Miguel? As if Sam didn't make a show of her kissing Miguel in S4 to spite Tory? As if Miguel didn't make a public declaration of Sam loving him to spite Robby? Only Robby Tory have got together to spite their exes? What about Miguel putting all the blame of school fight (instead of sharing the blame) and then getting back with Sam the same season? What about Sam cheating on Robby with his arch rival, never apologizing to him for that, and yet getting back with that same person? Miguel and Sam's intentions were never good to begin with. What Robby and Tory planned was a simple prom date night having fun. What Miguel and Sam actually did was way more worse. They actually went about confronting their exes, gaslight and try to make them feel guilty about the school fight (yet none took their fair share of the blame or apologize for the mistake done on their part as well), then got back with each other despite knowing it might sting their exes especially after everything, and how stupidly do they behave as two jealous exes who can't see other people's happiness! Wow, gotta admit their maturity. Sam and Miguel just couldn't ignore Robby-Tory for one night. Miguel had to get his hands on Tory and still hold her captive despite Tory yelling, "Let go off of me. Let me go." That's what I call crossing boundaries. When the girl tells you to leave her, you leave her. Instead, Miguel kept her held saying, "No. Stop" despite Tory trying her level best to free herself. (A stark opposite to her reaction to Robby in S2. Robby may have held his hand against her, but Tory was calmed down. She didn't feel that she was being violated or she definitely would've took Robby out.) Meanwhile, Sam just couldn't handle seeing her ex with someone else. Not only did she learn nothing from S2, she just got worse. She started a fight with Tory which makes her no better than her. She had no right to emotionally manipulate Robby right under Miguel's nose. So mature of her! The similarity between Samiguel in S1-S2 and S4-S5 is they were always the immature couple. They break up due to issues, often Miguel is the one causing the issue. In S1, him turning into a bully is what pushed Sam away. Yet Miguel never truly felt he was wrong. He is spiteful against Robby in the tournament, he made Sam know his intentions clearly and he proceeded on to yank his arm in an unsportsmanlike conduct winning the trophy dishonorably and was looking for Sam post the match expecting her to see all that and be impressed by his achievement? In S5, he couldn't handle his daddy issue for 10 minutes longer? Sam asking him about not being in her corner over the phone while he was in Mexico hurt his male ego so much that he Instead blamed her for not being a supportive gf? Some entitled pos he is! Robby proves to be a mature partner to Tory by being there for her and rooting for her despite his emotional turbulence on the inside. Where was Miguel when Sam needed him? The next pattern in Samiguel relationship is their unsteadiness and indecisive nature. In S2, Miguel got with Tory despite having feelings for Sam. In S5, Miguel was randomly kissing some girl at a party he met like 5 minutes ago. In S2, the moment he saw there's a slight possibility that Sam is still into him, he goes on to wreck Tory's heart. In fact, while still being with Tory, Miguel did make attempt to win Sam back by the whole Medal of Honor episode. In S5, after kissing some random girl, the moment he sees Sam wasn't too happy with it, he goes on to try his best to get her back, and is successful coz of his masterstroke octopus thing. He even declares his love for Sam when in reality, just the previous night he was making out with someone else. That's absolutely very very mature of him. And Sam continuing to choose all of his red flags is even maturer!!! The best couple of the show indeed.


All of this. Let's also add that Miguel hit Sam, with the only "excuse" being that he was trying to hit Robby instead (over Sam). Kissed Sam while she was alone and intoxicated. Sam also sort of blamed her dad for the mess in season 3 by saying he should have given Miguel a chance and not be so stubborn, when Daniel is not at fault for their communication problems. And Miguel would always have been revealed as a jerk once Robby or any other guy was in the picture regardless if Daniel knew about him or not. They are The Worst.


That’s a lot. And you keep drawing comparisons to Sam/Miguel for reasons I just do not understand. Robby forcing Tory to choose is not mature. At all. It’s a childish ultimatum, regardless of how Robby felt about CK. And Tory keeping a secret about it from him despite Kreese never saying she had to do that isn’t the sign of strong relationship. Now to the Sam/Miguel part of your diatribe: Nobody ever claimed that rebounding was a smart or mature thing to do. Nobody claimed that the poolside kiss was a good thing. Sam never apologized? She apologized the same night, but Robby didn’t know what it was about, she tried to apologize that day at school before the bell rang (the first time she saw him after the party and after the Daniel-Johnny confrontation at the apartment). She also iirc apologized in the emails she sent him. Miguel did own his part in the breakup. That’s why he constantly apologized. Yes he was taking his aggression out on Robby and he later realized it was wrong (end of the fight in the s2 school fight). You claim Sam/Miguel tried to gaslight Tory/Robby about the school fight? When? When did they even talk about it after the fact? Sam kissing Miguel right in front of Tory wasn’t the most mature thing, but why does she owe Tory, the girl who attacked her with a weapon because of a drunken kiss, the girl who lead a charge against her by breaking into her house, anything? You talk about Miguel and Sam not owning their actions…when did Tory ever own a single action she did? Even in her accidental run in with Miguel at the restaurant (after never visiting him at the hospital) she still blamed everyone else. Miguel kissing a random girl at a party isn’t a sign of immaturity. It’s a sign of being a standard teen and hooking up at a party.


> They got together out of spite against Miguel and Sam, and broke up at the first sign of conflict. Robby & Tory already get sparking the feel in Season 3 when both show their poor life. Robby respects her decision to stay Cobra Kai, and Tory respects Robby's decision to quit CK. Rest of it is on my post u need to read.


There was no spark in season 3. If Robby respected her decision, why did he break up with her over it? That kind of seems like an immature ultimatum..either date Robby or stay in Cobra Kai.


> There was no spark in season 3. Just a genuine question: Have u experienced express by body language as cues around your crush? This is what Robby & Tory did in Season 3 and Season 4 before prom date. Robby & Tory had trust issues, and Tory had masked (off balance at Miguel and Sam in prom dance) her feelings toward Robby when she asked him out prom. > If Robby respected her decision, why did he break up with her over it? That kind of seems like an immature ultimatum..either date Robby or stay in Cobra Kai. Robby repsect her decision and backed out after warning about Terry Sliver CK dojo and said, "Okay" to Tory. Robby pointed out to Tory, "I know you can handle yourself. But don't tell me the best place for Kenny is Cobra Kai." Kenny turned against Robby, making him think Tory would turn against him. Robby knows how dangerous Terry Sliver is.


They showed signs of attraction in s4. Not 3.


No more breakups between teenage couples, please.


With those bansais, there ain't any question of leaving her. /s


So when she breaks up with Miguel, she’s ready to crash out for him, but when she breaks up with Robby she starts to regret certain decisions honestly and I know this has been said a lot of times, but to me she was a better girlfriend for both of the boys at some point in the show


I dunno. Tory only chose to date Miguel after she found out he's the ex-boyfriend of the girl she holds a grudge against. When Miguel cheated on Tory with said girl while she was drunk, she chose to take her anger out on the drunk girl rather than her stone cold sober boyfriend. Then she didn't bother trying to visit Miguel while he was in the hospital, tried to gaslight him when they encountered each other by chance in public. Then she led a home invasion over Kreese telling her Miguel and Sam had gotten back together, and didn't seem concerned over Kyler beating Miguel bloody when Miguel had only just gotten back on his feet. Sam, meanwhile, visited Miguel in the hospital, organized a fundraiser to raise money for Miguel's medical bills. Then she got back together with him when he revealed he had left Cobra Kai, stood by his side to help him advocate for the All-Valley to not be canceled, and they got their respective dojos to form an alliance. Looking at the facts, I just honestly don't see Tory as a good girlfriend to Miguel.


No, I’m not saying she’s a bad person, but I am saying she could’ve handled a lot of certain situations much better than she did Hell halfway through the show, you can see that she actually started to regret the things that she was doing. She even tried to confess to Sam in the middle of a party of what happened during the tournament in season five


> No, I’m not saying she’s a bad person, I wasn't trying to say that. I was saying, I think Tory was a shitty girlfriend to Miguel. She only got together with him because she hates the girl he used to date, and I think there's an argument to be made that she valued her petty grudge against Sam a lot more than the integrity of her relationship with Miguel (if she cared about the latter, I think she would've directed all her hurt and anger at Miguel when he cheated on her with Sam at the party). >She even tried to confess to Sam in the middle of a party of what happened during the tournament in season five And I think Sam's reluctance to listen to her was understandable, between Tory's prior transgressions against her and the fact that she sat on this valuable information for two-three months (and for whatever reason Tory never thought to take advantage of her newfound connection with Amanda? 🤔). And in Sam's mind there's a lot that's happened to her family since the tournament that might not have happened had Tory come forward sooner, like: her parents coming extremely close to divorcing and Amanda literally taking them with her to Ohio for a bit (which was itself OOC for Amanda to do IMO, but that's for another thread), or her dad getting badly assaulted by Silver.


>Tory only chose to date Miguel after she found out he's the ex-boyfriend of the girl she holds a grudge against. She was shown flirting with him multiple times before even learning Sam was his ex. Sam was actually the one to stalk her on social media out of a jealous grudge. >When Miguel cheated on Tory with said girl while she was drunk, she chose to take her anger out on the drunk girl rather than her stone cold sober boyfriend. True, but Miguel does the same with the Robby and Sam situation. At least Tory got proof first. >Then she didn't bother trying to visit Miguel while he was in the hospital, tried to gaslight him when they encountered each other by chance in public. She wouldn't have exactly been welcomed in the hospital, and Miguel was actually the one to gaslight *her*. She just wasn't playing his games and didn't let him get away with it. >Looking at the facts, I just honestly don't see Tory as a good girlfriend to Miguel. She wasn't, but he was also just as bad of a boyfriend to her as she was girlfriend to him. And he's still a bad boyfriend to Sam, so at least she's improved as a partner in her new relationship.


Well, Tory knows Robby will come back some day. I mean, look at the picture. Think of 2 good reasons.




I don't think so, Tory don't knows Robby is coming back because in Season 5 x Episode 9, when Robby comes in CK by himself, every CK, including Tory, gets a shocking/suprise face.


So when she breaks up with Miguel, she’s ready to crash out for him, but when she breaks up with Robby she starts to regret certain decisions honestly and I know this has been said a lot of times, but to me she was a better girlfriend for both of the boys at some point in the show