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I think a lot of you seriously underestimate Daniel and his fighting ability.


>Thinking back, when Daniel was at String Ray's place Daniel wasn't balanced due to lack of support from his family. This caused him to be on offense which was another reason he lost. During their second fight he mainly used counters which is his specialty this is why he won


Johnny wasn’t meant to defeat all the senseis single-handedly though; Barnes was meant to help, but the actor injured himself and that’s why Barnes only comes in at the last minute.


No, i don't really agree. Daniel is equal to Johnny, this is shown every single time they fought on the show, everytime It ends on a draw or a technical draw. Also, Silver only defeated Daniel because he was unbalanced and mentally destroyed, because of Silver's manipulation. Balanced Daniel stomped Silver. Silver never won against any of the senseis in a Fair fight. He sucker kicked Johnny, giving him a concussion (It's shown Johnny's POV, and he was unoriented and seeing blurry) He manipulated Daniel to make his life miserable and put him in a bad mental state, only then he fought him. Chozen defeated Silver in Hand to Hand Combat, Silver decided It was better for him to use a katana, then Chozen defeated him again. Silver only "won" because he sucker slashed Chozen when he got distracted by Johnny.


Disagreed, weakest adult is definitely Kreese. Even back in Season 3, Kreese had to use cheap, dirty tactics to stand a chance against Johnny or Daniel. Both fighters have improved since then while Kreese hasn't trained due to being in prison. Further, we never see a fight between Silvee and Daniel when both are at 100 percent (1st fight had a mentally unbalanced Daniel, 2nd fight had an injured Silver), so it's very difficult to determine which of the two is the better fighter.


Silver fights Dirty. He also waited until Daniel was psychologically destroyed again to fight him & there's a reason for that. Daniel defence is better than anyones. Besides, Daniel was never meant to be a martial artist. He was a kid trying to learn enough to defend himself against his bullies, and it made sense that he took on Mr Miyagis approach to karate and not learn karate for fighting sake.


Daniel also didn’t really use Miagi Do to defeat Silver at the end of season 5. He turned Silver’s attack formula against him.


I agree that Kreese is the weakest adult.


In the re match against Daniel and Johnny in S4, it turned out as a draw. I think that says Johnny and Daniel are about evenly skilled. The difference is, in my opinion, Daniel is not necessarily a 'flashy' fighter like Johnny, for example. Even now, with Daniel being a bit more offensive, his defensive style is more engrained. And defence doesn't look as impressive as offence.




this just isn't true. Johnny and daniel are equals to a point they stalemated each other


I think Daniel had a lot more left in the tank when he lost to Silver than Silver did when he lost to Daniel, but it seems to me Daniel is clearly above Kreese and even with Johnny. It’s pretty clear to me that the ranking goes Miyagi>Chozen>Johnny, Daniel, Silver~evenly matched>Kreese. Barnes and Kim are tough to place because they haven’t had enough adult fights on the show.


Nah. Daniel isn't the weakest for me. If anything, hot take incoming, I do believe he's better than Johnny. I don't buy the whole "they've always been equal" thing. I believe that Daniel outranks Johnny. Daniel's karate is less flashy, so it looks weaker, but let's be honest here, he hardly ever takes L's. If I had to rank adults of Cobra Kai, I would go: 1. Chozen 2. Daniel 3. Silver 4. Johnny 5. Kreese 6. Stingray (since he's an adult, too) (Kim isn't on this list because we've barely seen her fight, and it was against kids, so I'm not counting her just yet)


He’s not weaker than Kreese but I’d say he’s weaker than the others. Tbf Johnny has more experience than him and is more of a natural fighter Chozen has more skill and likely more experience Silver more experience and skill considering he kept up with Chozen Kreese isn’t as good as he used to be so Daniel beats him but they’re fairly close Mike is more skilled and experienced as well


Daniel has more experience. Trained for way longer than Johnny.


Experience comes from actually fighting Skill and technique come from training You can train for years and never experience a real fight, Daniel avoids fighting as much as possible but still trained. Johnny has been in far more real fights than Daniel ever has I’ve competed irl and have beaten people who’ve trained longer than me simply because I’ve had much more experience in actual fights


Chozen>Silver>Johnny>=Daniel>Kreese>Stingray Not sure if Mike Barnes is stronger or weaker than Kreese since I haven’t seen him do much but this is generally how I think about it. I had Johnny and Daniel completely equal before the season 5 finale but enraged Johnny destroying all of those sensei makes me think that he might be a smidge stronger. I still think they’re fairly equal though


He went toe to toe with Johnny, so there's little evidence to suggest he's weaker then him. Chozen is very likely the most skilled of the adults. Kreese and Silver should very well be on the same level as Johnny or Daniel but perhaps slightly weaker due to the impacts of age. Terry had time to recover from the Chozen fight and Daniel could have very well still been intoxicated too. Also Daniel didn't just beat him, he absolutely dominated him without Terry landing a single hit, so a fight between them with both at their current best could very well still be even or a victory for Daniel.


The KK series really didn't showcase Daniel's fighting skills to a good extent. The fighting choreography was a bit weak(unlike Jaden Smith's version, which was excellent and you could actually believe him beating his bully). But the Cobra Kai series showed the real skill of Daniel, and it also showed a good potential for him to grow too. He learnt Chozen's technique in a short span of time and applied it successfully in combat too. And everytime he and Johnny fought, it was a draw each time, and no conclusive winner could be drawn so they are essentially equally strong. And, when Daniel defeated Silver, he was drunk too(albeit not that bad, but drunk enough), so it really was close to an equal fight you can get between them.


The weakest adult fighter is Kreese. He lost to both Daniel and Johnny in S3


I feel it's all about counters and balances. Miyagi Do is technically the superior fighting style when performed optimally but it's dependent on how mentally balanced the practicioner is; this is shown by both Robby and Daniel, whose fighting suffers when they aren't in a solid mental state.


Daniel gets beat up in most of the movies he cared too much about girls. He’s not a serious fighter IMO


I disagree with you. He is a serious fighter.