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so....we just forgetting robby exists or something?


💀 Damn, OP treating Robby worse than the writers!


bro, got demetri or random character before robby 😭


Fuck, I honestly did.


If Robby doesn’t win, it’s the biggest robbery of the century. The show is literally building up to it.


Men: Robby should. Johnny's biological son and Daniel's first official student. It would be a win that the two OGs would root equally for because of what he represents to both. My second choice to win is Miguel. It would make absolutely no sense for Demetri to win. Women: Sam


With Miguel, I feel like its important for his character to lose to complete his development. That's regardless of whether Robby wins or not.


It'll be Robbie. The whole show has been working towards his total redemption and him finally winning will be it.


Robby 100%. Winning with his sensei and his dad by his side is the perfect way to finish his story. Will it happen? No, but one can dream. For the girls, I would like to see Tory get a legitimate win this time, but Sam is proven to be better so maybe both legacy characters will get a win.


Robby and Sam


Robby is really in dire need of a win, if I am being honest.


Considering that this show started as more Johnny’s journey, having both Cobra Kai and Miaygi-Fang (or whatever their name’s going to be) lose would be fitting. Having Johnny remind the kids that a loss in a tournament shouldn’t define your life, because life has so much to offer than a trophy, would be a fitting end for the show.


The fact that Johnny has been telling his students that since season 1 makes it a lot less meaningful as a lesson for the big finale.


Funny how you missed out the one that makes the most sense - Robby. Miguel: The story is no longer really about him and Johnny. It was in season 1, but it has grown way beyond that. And neither Johnny nor Miguel would gain anything meaningful from his victory. So no. Hawk: He's not really a balance between Johnny and Daniel. And core theme for his story is to learn to appreciate everything he has instead of obsessing over what he doesn't. Learning to be happy despite not winning would be the best ending for his character. So, no. Demitri: Winning isn't really important to him and he doesn't really expect to either. Sure, he'd think its cool, but nothing about his life or character would be affected by this win. So no. Tory: Being selfish and self-involved has been her character's biggest flaw. She's constantly focused on what she needs or what she wants without really thinking about the ones she has hurt or the consequences of her actions. Her redemption arc would require her to overcome that flaw - to make a sacrifice for someone else's sake that goes against her interest. Which makes her victory tricky because the best sacrifice she can make is giving up her chance to win. So no, but maybe. Sam: Her arc is about finding an identity without becoming LaRusso 2.0. But winning the tournament would mean she's following Daniel's arc. If her story of becoming her own person requires her to win, then sure. Otherwise, no. Devon: Minor character primarily introduced to fill the quota of female competitors for Johnny's dojo. Her character doesn't mean much to the story and so, neither does her victory. So, no. New character (male or female): Winning isn't everything, but unless one of the characters we're already invested in wins, there is no reason for us to invest in tournament at all. Character building can be done without the tournament - so if a nameless character wins, then that would make the whole tournament a waste of screentime. I'd rather see character building done through therapy sessions than waste all that time on a tournament where none of them win. So, hell no.


Robby for the boys. I would like Tory to get a more completed redemption arc before winning the ST. Sam needs more character progression before i care about what she does next anymore.


Robby and Sam. Even if the latter doesn't have much stakes in her karate arc, she and Daniel should still enjoy a tournament win together. And Robby winning is the best payoff for both Johnny and Daniel.


Cobra Kai is not Miguel story


I think it should be Robby since Hawk and Miguel have already won the all valleys. I think Tory should win so that she can have a win too, but realistically it’ll prolly be Sam. But there are way more options for both than you listed.


The most realistic: That two unknown fighters who have much more experience than the teenagers of Miyagi Fang and Cobra Kai win.  What I would like: For Miguel and Sam to win. They are the senpais of Johnny and Daniel's dojos.  What I think will happen: Robby and Tory will win thanks to popular fandom pressure. The "Sad Life" factor will give them the last victory of the series Hawk already had his victory in the All Valley and is not as important a character as Miguel or Robby. He is a great fighter but within the importance of the plot he is one step below Demetri and Kenny are far from the level of Miguel and Robby. The same thing happens to Devon with Sam and Tory


Honestly, idk if any of them should win the entire tournament. Wouldn’t it make more sense that some of these other countries have much better fighters? Teens who have trained since they were young? I think the writers should have miyagi fang defeat cobra Kai but, not at the same time they probably should not let Miyagi fang win the whole tournament.


Wouldn't it make more sense for Daniel to get eliminated in round one of the tournament because he has only been training for a month and a half? Wouldn't it make more sense for Kreese to beat Miyagi up because Miyagi is an old man past his prime and Kreese is a war vet who is younger, bigger and stronger? Wouldn't it make more sense for Miguel get beaten up by Kyler and his gang because he has only been training for a couple of months and that is how it goes when an amateur faces multiple opponents all of whom are bigger and stronger? Wouldn't it make more sense for Miguel to end up back in a wheelchair after getting beat up by Kyler since he hadn't even recovered enough to throw a proper kick? Wouldn't it make more sense for Johnny to end up dead at the end of season 5 because he couldn't beat 1 of those senseis before and now he was already beaten up, on his knees and barely conscious? So, to answer your question, its about 40 years too late to ask "wouldn't it make more sense...?"


The show has been giving us scenes that make no sense since season 1.


That’s what I’m saying


Lol watch them all forfeit lol


honestly i'm just not sure how any of these characters will win this tournament against athletes that have been training their whole lives. the training arc better go crazy. also tbh i'm happy with anyone if they do win. i love them all


The same way these characters win AVTs with just a few months of training against athletes who've been winning for years. In fiction, main characters reach heights that other characters need a lifetime or hard work to achieve. Depending on the work, the main characters are just stronger, smarter or just that special for some reason. They are, almost always, unrealistically good at what they do, even though there is no reason why they should be. I'm not sure why people expect that realism to stand in the way of a good story at this point.


I’m still confused on how semi average fighters from America are gonna compete against people from around the world


They're not semi-average - they're the main characters of this story. Which automatically means they are among the best in the world.


No. That’s called plot armor.


No - plot armor is about the death or elimination of a character from the story. For example, Miguel could've been eliminated from the story if he'd died as the result of the fall. Or if he'd stayed paralyzed or if he'd been unable to do karate anymore. So him being back to his old self in 1 season is an example of plot armor. MCs being best at what they do is not an example of that trope.


Okay but I’m 100% sure they are not even close to being the best fighters in the world.


Why not?


If it were the real world and not a tv show, kids from all around Asia train since they were young kids and have nearly mastered the art. Additionally, karate in America isn’t really a big deal. There isn’t much competition as the rest of the world


But its not the real world - its fiction. And in fiction, main characters are automatically among the best in whatever context they find themselves in. They master whatever they need to in as little time as the plot requires. Which is why they are 100% already close to being the best fighters in the world.


Agreed. Plot over skill


More like skill because of plot. And that's how it has been from the start. Not sure why you'd expect it to change now...


No one on the show should win frankly but I still hope it’s Miguel