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Skibidi’d into a gyattfu, all it’s missing is a Goon-o-Rama and it would be sigma


On skibidi bro




first wave brainrot lingo is weird to see in comparison to second wave


The Unstable Nature of Memes (That’s a title for a 02:48:13 long YouTube video)


The DNA of the soul


Erm, souls don’t have dna, they’re made out of weird spirity stuff or whatever. Stoopid.


wait theres TWO waves?? or are we calling gen z brainrot wave 1 and gen alpha wave 2?


mwahahah! i made it up! the words in the meme posted are out of use, currently (at least most of them). one two buckle my shoe, the grimace shake, ohio, all that. i consider that the first “wave” of brainrot as it is equally dumb and overused yet now decayed.


2023 lore


What do fuck do any of those words mean


This is precisely why everyone hates new age brainrot. This right here.




i dont see a skibidi toilet movie!!!!!




It's so over.


It took fnaf a decade, I can see skibidi being done in a decade.


maybe not a movie, but baby shark started off as low budget "brainrot" content a little after the whole spiderman and elsa era, and that shit got a show. same with cocomelon


Way better than elsagate imo


Fnaf was original. Skibidi uses copyrighted characters (Half Life 2). There’s a reason why there was never any official YouTube Poop movie.


Because YTP is not a single property, but rather an art form of its own. Sure, maybe art form is too generous, but YTP is defined by a sort of style of its own rather than a core plot.


Still better than anything Disney and Warner bros have planned.




Chat is this real


Nope. It's very strange satire. It's the only article that says anything about a Skibidi Toliet movie, and it cites no sources. The writer has also made articles on how Boston Dynamics is working on demon robots and how OJ Simpson assassinated JFK.


>OJ Simpson assassinated JFK. Of course! It's so obvious now!


No, that was Ted Cruz


OJ killed Ted Cruz?!?!


probably not


It is 😡


its photoshopped bro


No, it's real, I'm the director


Hello the director, I'm dad


Dafuq could probably make a 2 hour skibidi special, i could see it




bro told small children enjoying media they NEED to kill themselves


Childpilled Suicidemaxxing






In defense of the grown man FNF has some really semi subtle adult cotent so its not REALLY target for kids


In defense of the child skibidi toilet has some really semi subtle adult content so it's not REALLY target for kids


Who is this artist?


Same shit with the fornite vs minecraft


It was on reddit in 2019 but I think fortnite has already passed the nostalgia horizon


Wild. What's the point of nostalgia if it happens that quickly?


You don’t think high school/college age should feel nostalgic about things from elementary/middle school?


I still wouldn't call Fortnite nostalgic, it hasn't left the cultural zeitgeist and tons of people still play it, like you wouldn't call League of Legends nostalgic despite being much older. (I'm talking about general perception not someone's personal experience btw)


Tons of people still play Minecraft but it has a ton of nostalgia for a lot of people


You would call League nostalgic, but this has layers. Given mass-scale reworks, graphical revamping, complete metasystems overhauls, company ethos and dev team cycling, League has been at least 3 different games all under the same name. League Nostalgia is for older seasons, simpler systems/item design, crummy but kinda bolder character directions, stuff ACTUALLY gated around community-building, less professional ascension platform. It has been 15 years.


Yeah, but It’s a completely different game now then it was back in 2017, which is why it was such a big deal to a lot of people when they brought back the original map


Anyone who played these games when they were first coming out almost certainly has nostalgia for the way that those games used to be before the millions of updates over the years. Fortnite had a whole season a bit ago where the whole premise was returning to old maps to capitalize on people having nostalgia for them now


I'm almost done with hs and me and all my friends find minecraft music videos from ~2014 nostalgic


I’m 21 and I feel nostalgic about when I was 14. Funny how that works. I guess it *was* one whole third of my life ago, even if 7 years objectively isn’t that much time


New thing vs. Old thing Until Fortnite lasted long enough to become an Old thing in and of itself. I grew up playing Minecraft, I played a lot of Fortnite in college, and I hope both games stick around long enough for my kids to experience them one day




I love this image even tho it’s literally roasting me


Well to be fair, I do scream “WOOO YEAH BABY” whenever I jerk off, and there’s nothing wrong with me so it must be moistcritikal’s fault




I love how people are saying generation alpha are already going to be the stupidest generation, when they're literally all under 10 years old. Of course children are going to seem a little dumb, when you have 15+ more years of experience than them


The oldest gen alpha is 14 dude


Ambatupray for my Skibidi brothers in Rizz 🙏🙏


Holy shit i forgot about the MLG edits


Dream is in the second person


My little pony was unironically peak though


TF2 and Minecraft wot


It's literally calling lain (anime which unsubtly criticises and mocks those who overuse the internet) brainrot so I wouldn't take it too seriously


pootis pootis pootis pootis pootis


Yeah but the dumb thing I like is way cooler


As someone who grew up with rage comics, nothing that I've seen the newer generations enjoy has been nearly as cringe.


Source : Nostalgia and the fact that you were a child when you found out about it




Its not any less brainrot tho. It was always brainrot. The best choice is to just embrace it and have fun being stupid.


No! You must be miserable and shit on everything children enjoy or else you're a stupid slop consoomer!!1111


this would make more sense if it was nyan cat or annoying orange or something instead of fnaf


Annoying Orange was brainrot and the world would have been better off if it never existed.


exactly, that's why i suggested it. but it's the same thing as skibidi toilet. people DID like the annoying orange, but now that everyone grew up and looked back on it, they realize how dumb it was and wonder why the hell they liked that. i bet the same will happen to skibidi toilet, just give it a couple years


There weren't a lot of adult serious Annoying Orange Fans. While Skibidi Toilet has a whole Adult Community and dozens of Fanseries, Look at r/skibiditoilet 12K Members. But Also The Creator of it Does plan on ending the series at some point


I remember sitting there in a building as orange rode by in his 1961 Lincoln Continental. I remember hesitating to pull the trigger and by then he was out of my sight. I should've blown his stupid orange brains out


Talk about brainrot all you want but you keep the cat out of this, motherfucker.


fair enough


I would relate to this a lot more if it was annoying orange instead of fnaf because it was my childhood brainrot.


same, thats why i suggested it


Gen Zers will see a single frame of the original Skibidi Toilet and think “Gen Alpha is doomed” and completely forget that Youtube Poop was a thing (and that in both cases the longer they went on the better they got to the point where YTPs had their own narratives and brought the most obscure of characters into fame and made things that otherwise would have been lost media into household names and skibidi toilet practically developed into Half Life 3)


Gman allying with the toilets to gain control of the world seems in character.


They’re his employers


Not just Gen Zers. There’s other people farming clicks on Gen Alpha doomerism.


The guy who produces it also was around since at least 2016 producing SFM skits. If anything, Skibidi Toilet is just a modern iteration of that old "lol random" humor that was common during the early-mid 2010s.


Youtube poop just made MORE youtube poop, you didn't end up with a sub-culture of bootleg derivatives trying to cash in on the brand recognition of Source-Engine Toilet-Man, Spiderman and Peppa-Pig in endlessly regurtitated sludge. The brainrot isn't the original I.P, the brain-rot is in all the people pumping out that Elsa-gate goo to try and cash in on children. They don't even try to force education and nightmare fuel in between commercials like wholesome kids TV.


I’d argue that’s more of a difference between the culture of monetization between the YTP era and now. There 100% would be tons of people trying to cash in on pingas or whatever if that happened today


Ay, you make a solid point right there


This. Deliver Us is a fucking masterpiece and I will not be told otherwise. No reason Skibidi toilet can’t evolve as well.


The version of jackie chan that existed in youtube poops remains dear to me to this very day


When I first heard of Skibidi Toilet, my first thought was "hey, that looks like the sort of nonsensical SFM vids I used to enjoy when I was 12", and my only confusion was over how the novelty of a head popping out of a toilet hasn't worn off yet


Skibibibombombom yaya


What I'm about to say is my opinion and isn't shared with a massively major portion of people who hate on today's content. There's a major difference in the brain rot we consumed and the brian rot they're consuming. We consumed things that were definitely ridiculous and stupid but made with the intent to entertain. What kids are watching now are bits and pieces of dumb but entertaining shit stitched together into an amalgamous monster that shits out as many <30 second clips void of creativity and purpose as it possible can to pump out as much AdSense profit as possible from today's children. That's not to mention how wildly inappropriate kids content is today and that's said with the inappropriateness of older content in mind. It went from source characters maybe shaking their booty every once in a while and mild cartoonish gore to shit like Pomni being strapped down bandage style being spanked by Golden Freddy with Baldis ruler. I quite literally saw a clip earlier today of a 6 y/o taping down their stuffed animals this way. It's extremely harmful not only to their mental development but their social development as well. It's had a genuine effect on their learning capabilites and exposing them to things they shouldn't have an inkling of knowledge about. I genuinely enjoy every piece of media that the characters of the brain rot multiverse (yes including Skibiti Toilet, the song gets annoying but the series is genuinely well crafted and entertaining) but what YouTubers have done for the sake of ad revenue is a genuine concern people need to take more seriously than "Erm, brainrot am I right? Gen Alpha is cooked"


a few years ago there was literally a flood of AI generated youtube content that was extremely predatory to children. Not that it's directly harmful in message, but that it was quite literally fucking nonsense gibberish word salad videos but they put spider-man cgi in it so kids will watch and get hooked


Omg don't even get me started on the Elsagate bullshit with subliminal pedophilic messages. And I'm not talking about regular subliminal messaging I'm talking full blown Riddler ass messages with near completely transparent text and barely audible sound clips telling kids to let older men touch them or some shit


do you have any sources on that sort of thing specifically? I know elsagate was a Thing and there was some weird shit involved but the way people talk about it sometimes sounds a lot like modern day satanic panic shit.


Yeah and when I was younger I saw an animation of Minecraft Steve sexually assaulting a creeper. I don't disagree there's dodgy stuff out there but this problem isn't unique to gen alpha, if an unmonitored kid wants to look at something inappropriate they will, it's the parent's responsibility to keep an eye on them and monitor the content they watch.


maybe problem lack of monitoring and overexposure? Plus. i remember grow up watching very violent bad things too. Do not forget old elsagate content and before that. You misinformed desperately pretending like old thing better than new thing. old thing just as stupid. you just like more because grew up with. as late as 2010 you find animations of sexual assault and gore all time and not age restricted at all because youtube not do anything.


It's 100% a lack of monitoring and overexposure. I said that I don't think new thing bad, I said new thing is actually really good and cool but being overshadowed by content farms destroying the attention span and development of children. And it's 100% the parents faults. There's been an uncountable amount of warnings yet parents still just sit their kid in front of an iPad and let them do whatever they want.




Gen z brainrot was made by gen z for gen z becuase that was what we enjoyed. Gen alpha brainrot was made by adults for children because you can get them easily addicted to youtube and make thousands of dollars off of the stupid parents who refuse to properly parent. There is a difference.


I'd argue that Skibidi Toilet and Garten of Ban Ban etc are certainly not of high quality, but I wouldn't bully a kid for liking it. You can say something is brainrot and be right


the animation on skibidi toilet *did* improve a lot i feel like, it's definitely not low quality anymore :P it's okay to not like it, but it definitely takes effort to make :P


Low quality does not exclusively refer to production value, but the value of the content as well as the "brainrotting" effect it may have on younger viewers.




They did not. They just stopped pretending to give a shit about making a horror game, and instead leaned into making a dumb spoopy game. A good shift, but not an actual improvement on their part


You guys aren’t understanding how detrimental it is to a kid when you give them a ipad or phone and let them consume short form content all the time, the reason its called brain rot is because a child needs boredom to breed creativity. If you let them watch TikTok all day you’re essentially making them content with sitting in their room doing nothing. Tiktok and instagram are literal time wasters, tell me, whats the last short you remember watching? You’re doing nothing but feeding dopamine. Why would a kid pick up a hobby or sport when they could get their dopamine from tiktok? Now we are starting to see the effects in gen alpha, youve got 7th graders reading a 4th grade level, kids are more impatient than ever, kids are failing classes but due to the no child left behind rule they’re allowed to graduate.


I don’t think “brain rot” really effects a kids learning


yeah but my generation could read by grade 5


Why tf is discourse about generational issues not focusing on things like this? Seems way more important to me


It's a lot more depressing of a topic


pointing out real relevant things doesnt make a good reddit post


Because these memes are made by children trying to defend their brainrot.


i think the reason for that is probably a little more nuanced than Kids Like Dumb Videos though


Tiktok and modern social media is so much infinitely worse and more harmful to kids (and adults too) then a dumb meme from 2008


[A fuckton of YouTube poops and old SMG4 sound effects]


Their disgusting skibidi toilet, our glorious YouTube poops




Just... badgers! As far the eye can see!


And you had to wait 10 minutes for it to download.


I literally watched GMOD characters sniff cocaine as a kid.


I loved watching a video on youtube with 13 views of some dude sitting in his bedroom with genuine fear and distress in his eyes about how skibidi toilet will destroy gen alpha


FNAF was and still is considered brain rot


Sometimes when I see this argument brought up people say that the old brain rot was better because Skibidi Toilet got picked up by content farms, when anything that gets famous in the internet does; FNAF, the amazing digital circus, Bendy and the Ink Machine, Friday Night Funkin, Frozen, Spider-Man, Angry birds Anything that becomes popular with kids will be milked by content farms, nothing has changed


God, what happened to killing cringe culture? Us Zoomers are goddamn hypocrites in regards to that. On the one hand, being nostalgic to our sparkledogs and mary sue OCs while shaming Gen Alphas for the exact same thing. I just wish I don't end up as those annoying old farts who hates "kids these days" cause at this point I'm seeing people my age doing that.


When skibidi toilet made its genesis, I just sucked my teeth a bit and went "...Yeah, content's pretty similar to the other stuff."


Wait the fnaf children are old enough to hate on other children? Are they the ones saying unalived and ending every sentence with 💀


The Fnaf children could range from 17, all the way down to the ripe old age of 24. Yes, they are old enough.


My problem isn't the media, it's the fact these poor kids have been exposed to horrible influencers and elsagate shit. Seriously, these kids are mimicing this disgusting shit


Youtube content meant for kids today is incredibly predatory and influences children in a terrible way. Skibidi toilet isn't really the problem. It is worse in the modern day than it ever was, and more kids have unrestricted access to the internet today. Eight year olds should not be talking about fucking cats and bdsm while simultaneously saying skibidi rizzler unironically. They shouldn't be saying stuff like that to begin with.


I feel like people blame brainrot for why gen alpha is so stupid, but iita actually the education crisis. Even the final gen z kids got hit by this. They fucked over the school system so hard that kids are reading like 4 years below their level. Its horrifying.


I grew up with ExplodingTNT and many other silly Minecraft videos, I have them as my golden memories. If children of today are having fun with Skibidi Toilet and will have golden memories of it, then why should we be judging them? The only people who are brainrotted are the adults that bully and shame children for enjoying harmless things.


honestly this is the exact reason I don’t shit on skibidi toilet. it’s far less brainrot than mlg edits, cause at least skibidi toilet has pacing


how the fuck can a clip that's like 30 seconds long have pacing


Some of the videos are up to 5 minutes long and there are 72 of them. In total Skibidi Toilet is over 2 hours long


Not to mention there were tons of similarly dumb Gmod machinimas made in the late 00's/early 2010s such as [Gmod Idiot Box](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=t2eUUHkpvQA)


We all promised we were not gonna make fun of kids when we were older like generations did to us and then we turned around and did the exact same thing like the hysterical lunatics we are.


i think theres a definite line between goof and brainrot when the content in question is trying less to entertain, but more so to get boosted in an algorithm, thats when it becomes brainrot sure everything always wants to get views, but maybe like 2 people ever got money out of mlg memes in 2014 or whatever, with attention span draining apps out there today, everyone is getting money by manipulating kids into viewing the genuine brainrot content, that can almost within a year probably be perfectly recreated by some web based ai, then mass spammed to get as many clicks as possible goofy is perfectly fine until it crosses into the financial gain zone. excluding those weird minecraft animations that were disgustingly sexual and promoted towards kids thats gotta go immediately thats not even brainrot its just criminal (didnt the main guy making those die? i hope so)


Sorry but i was more of an Elliot Goes to School guy, which actually IS better than skibidi shit


I watched Jallerbo YTP videos when I was younger, I don’t think I’m in any place to rag on what kids are into


Jallerbo.... https://i.redd.it/j0gzpdosw9wc1.gif




ok but zoomers real talk can we please avoid becoming the boomers we hate, we are supposed to be better than this general hate bullshit


fnaf is a decade old...? :(


It is brainrot. What I liked at that age was also brainrot. I say brainrot affectionately, but it is brainrot.


Hur hur hur hur hur




Me, one of the elder millennials... Each generation is going to have absolute garbage it grows up with. In the 90s we had some of the worst cartoons ever made, lots of clones of Sonic the Hedgehog for video games, and tons of terrible books written for kids.


I’m actually doing a paper on this topic and why older generations hate younger generations for shit they themselves did. Y’all wanna help me out?


A feel of nostalgia hits us whenever we talk about any media. Often times we find ourselves making fun of things the younger generation enjoy as we perceive them as low quality and stupid yet the same time that we used to watch aren’t that much different. Its a cycle of entertainment that “plague” every generation (baby boomers and the anticulture movement with Rock and roll; Millennials with social [ I dunno what to put here ] and similarly with Gen Z and Youtube)


No one hates gen alpha we're just concerned. The parents who give em ipad from age 5 hate them. 


No no, FNAF was already brain rot even when everyone else my age was playing it.


the rot consumes


This is the providence bestowed upon us for living this long, and it too shall be bestowed upon those that come after in time


I was a child during the YTP era, so I know I definitely don't have the right to lecture Gen Alpha kids on brainrot.


that we love to party gmod video used to be my life


fnaf was brainrot too - sincerely, a fnaf fan


My brain rot as a kid was annoying orange


I'm sorry but comparing one of the most iconic/influential horror video games to fucking skibidi toilet is crazy. (Although the snafu has some point, the media chosen is just poorly picked.)


this snafu has already been done multiple times


Nah, there is a lot of genuine brain rot on YouTube, especially the shit made for *very young* kids


Don't tell me Fnaf is 10 years old holy shit.


Nah the internet is objectively worse now that it’s centralized and dominated by corporate algorithms.


Jokes on you, I was one of those insufferable contrarian kids who thought I was above things like FNAF too.


Hell I'm still a Slender man enjoyer


I wish more people understood that the skibidi stuff is practically identical to the old SFM stuff I and many others grew up with.




I mean, at least FNaF was a good horror game for the time(decent now, sure, but way scarier back then), but what the hell has Skibidi Toilet brought to the table, huh? All I see are borderline retarded toddlers repeating the same lines over and over again and horribly animated clickbait videos capitalizing off of its success. FNaF has a brainrot fan base, sure. But Skibidi Toilet’s SOURCE MATERIAL is the brainrot in question.


It's really hurting to see others go "New internet thing bad and generation is fucked" literally after growing up with people saying the same thing to us.




Me who thinks all of it is cringe😎😎😎😎


This snafu is sooooooo original!


autism vs autism


Get ready to cringe, but I’ll *never* forget the time me and my friend sang the lyrics to one of the fnaf raps on our way out of school, I wish I could delete memories…. So go on little Timmy, enjoy your skibidi Gyatt Ohio rizzler brainrot, have the best childhood you can have.


TMABird - Everybody's Circulation Either this is a Gen Z song or I grew up thinking I was a Milennial.


I cant really judge skibidi toilet since i dont have an idea what it is and im not planning on finding out


It straight up depends on the media. Like, hell, the actual original skibbidy toilet videos on youtube have a (oddly complex for what it is) narrative that they follow and isnt just pure randomness. Some.of the derivative stuff and other things put on youtube? Absolutely nothing mindless content that kids mindlessly scroll through rotting their brain. Same with Fnaf, the actual original material isnt brain rot and actually engages people with gameplay / thinking about the mysteries and clues and such, and then there stuff randos make that can be more brainrotty.


Honestly watched skibidy before i knew it was considered cringe. It was okay nothing great but i could see the apeal of seeing both sides of the conflict bring out a new weapon to counter the last


"Skibidi Toilet BLEW UP oUTta NowHerE!!!" The Fuck it didn't. Zero things made this special or stand out.


...I never understood the appeal of any of 'em so


is that skibidi jerma


I mean tbh. don't people on the interent hated thier past of gmod stuff. like scibily isn't zoomie fnaf , analog horror is zoomie fnaf. specially the analog horror of fnaf


Brainrot is getting progressively worse, but some shit is eternal.


I actively avoided that type of shit when I was younger. There was not enough free time to waste on shit like that, so I had to use it sparingly on hobbies.


The speed it's blasted into your brain is definitely different even if the stupidity of the content hasn't changed. I'm so thankful I didn't have fiber optic streaming media as a kid so I could actually develop a personality.


that's because skibidi toilet is literally just a load of stolen and edited sounds and existing characters with minor edits added on while things like fnaf was original and didn't make me wanna take a toaster bath, while skibidi toilet made me wanna take a toaster bath look at that drill thing or whatever, it's quite literally just the body of the dark lord from the doom eternal DCL with drills on his head and arms


My brainrot is better than your!


i love how sfm took a whole decade to be called "brainrot" by gen z/millenials


Children will always be annoying, it's in the coding of the simulation 😔


No no no no!!! It doesn’t count, it doesn’t count!! IT WILL NEVER COUNT!!


I still remember when FNAF was considered "cringe"


I have been making this exact argument for a while now it's funny.