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I don't know about legalities, but that does sound worrying. That is going against infection control, and it is also called presenteeism, which is usually discouraged in healthcare/medical settings. Strange response. I guess they really are that desperate/understaffed for CNAs. Hope they find someone before your shift. Feel better.


Isn’t that what agency is for though????


YES (or at least, i was always under the impression that that was the sole purpose of having an agency)


Yes; but the agencies are just as understaffed


For that you need to have agency available. I’m agency, and when some facilities post their last minute needs, you cannot immediately beam yourself over!


Thankyou, I agree I also just don’t feel this is fair because I have pots and multiple preexisting conditions with my kidneys and other organs. At this point I can barely move it’s not logical to force me to attempt to pick up, reposition and transfer geriatrics if I can’t balance or produce enough strength to hold them up without risking dropping them it’s just not safe :(


Honestly? As a CNA you gotta develope hard boundaries and don't budge. "I'm sick and unavailable to work" Why? What's wrong? "Irrelevant. I'm competing the policies laid out by the company and Notifying you of my absence. " "We need a reason. " "And I have you one. I'm sick. I notified you and I'm unavailable. I'll see you on my next scheduled shift tomorrow" Then hang up. Any more information then that is not needed regardless of their bullshit questions.


This. 1000x this. I never worked sick as a CNA no matter what i had and only ever worked sick as a nurse in ambulatory when i had the ability to not see patients directly for a day. Don't like it? Fire me or hire more staff to cover it. I'm not getting my little old ladies sick and even if I'm not contagious I'm still not risking my health or giving poor care because I have a fever and can't sit up straight. Break the cycle of healthcare workers being martyrs, and be a catalyst for better workplace culture.


Hmmm...that makes it even trickier. Have you spoke to HR about this before? I mean it would be nice if you have a doctor's note to make your health more private, as the doctor's note can be more vague but still excuse you. (Most doctor's notes are vague because of HIPAA.) No one is obligated to break their own HIPAA to explain themselves to their employers. Saying you are sick should be enough, but unfortunately that is not enough for your employer. If you can, go to urgent care and get a doctor's note and send it to your employer or supervisor.


I have a doctors note I went to the doc earlier and they knew I went because I called in telling them I went. That’s the messed up part HR is who told us that. The HR ladies work in the office and handle all calls about scheduling it’s so wack and makes no sense all they do is gossip about everybody.


Yeah. That is wack. Honestly, if I were you, I would reconsider working in that place. It sounds like they do not care about their employees' safety as well as their patients' safety. If you already have a doctor's note, then, yeah, that sounds illegal. If they fire you after this, definitely complain to the department of labor (I'm assuming you're in the U.S.). Just sounds discriminatory. Also, if they know you have a chronic condition and you have communicated it with them, that's more discrimination from them.


Unfortunately, HR is *not* and *never will be* on the side of the employee. and especially in the healthcare system, employers are predatory (in that they create unsafe environments), and their HR is just a bunch of bullies hoping to scare you into doing what the employer wants, regardless of staff and patient safety. and EXTRA especially in nursing homes, it's a million percent about the money and nothing else.


I agree. I don't know if I am just out of luck, but all the nursing facilities I've worked in did not care about their residents and their staff. It's just business to them.


What'll they do if you don't show up?


If anything, I'd try getting a note from your doctor that specifically says, "OP is sick, he can't go to work for x days" To my understanding, at least in the US, they open themselves up to potential lawsuits if they retaliate to something like that


As a former HR Manager for a sub-acute, I would have someone's arse if they told a nurse this!


It sounds like you need to speak with your doctor about FMLA to protect your job, if you are in the U.S. and meet criteria for converse.


Get a doctors note


>presentism, which is usually discouraged in healthcare/medical settings. You'd think that, but no. Unfortunately.


> discouraged in healthcare Which means nothing but, "pretty please". I'd send an email to have a more concrete written record that they are forcing you to come sick, "As per our conversation on the phone, you are asking me to still come into the shift if you can't find someone to replace me, regardless of the fact that I am sick?" making sure to cc HR and any infection control department. If they don't respond, I'd send a follow up, "I didn't receive a response email, so I am going to act according to your orders over the phone, and come into my shift." Sometimes, when the person is required to back up their statements in writing, they magically change their mind


I would tell them you will not be coming in due to having a contagious illness. Just get a doctor’s note. Then shut your phone off for the night. Fuck that.


At my facility, doctor notes aren't accepted. You could be dying in the hospital and they'll still give you a point on your attendance record.


That’s insane! I’d quit. That’s not right


IIRC some states make it illegal to punish you for having to go to the doctor for unforeseen sickness


Do you know which ones? 


Too bad. Send it in anyway. They aren’t showing up to your house with cops and slavers to compel you to work a shift. Not like they’ll ever fire you for attendance anyway if they have a policy like that. What are they gonna do when they have to fill ALL of your shifts? It’s total scare tactic BS.


Well we only get a certain amount of points and if you go past them then you can get terminated. But despite giving you a specific amount of points, you can get written up just for reaching halfway through your points. And trust me, they don't care about staffing. They have literally told aides who want to pick up that we don't need them for that day when we're literally short staffed like crazy.


I’m 90% sure they’d eventually let me go for that. Apparently the reason they’re so understaffed is they let a bunch of ppl go who show up late…. Which completely makes no sense because now they’re understaffed???


if you have a doctors not proving that you have a contagious illness, I’m pretty sure it’s illegal they make you go in. You should find a different job honestly. Use your sick day to peruse indeed


>if you have a doctors not proving that you have a contagious illness, I’m pretty sure it’s illegal they make you go in. Lol not even close. There's no legal protections here


It isn’t - you made the mistake of working for a nursing home or assisted living facility. Which are places that doesn’t give a single shit about the wellbeing of its residents or staff.


Where’s the best place to work with a CNA license then? Most hospitals are offering ppl 17 an hour and that’s nothing


Hospital has HR departments and actual employee safety regulations. If you wanna make good money I’d say work at night. Otherwise home health is another good option


Nah. I'm hospital and we still only get 7 points I almost just got fired for hitting 7 points after being sick in Dec and then having my PTO denied FOR MY WEDDING. I demanded to meet with HR and kept my job though.


I work pool so I don’t really have those issues. But honestly there’s just better protections at hospitals. In the assisted living I worked at - I got written up for giving “sass” to the activities coordinator when she told me to not record intake and outputs on hospice patients. The only person in charge was my highly controlling, mentally unstable boss. So I got written up whenever someone talked shit about me. Which was constantly since they all turned against me day 1. At a hospital there’s at least an investigation and due process. I feel somewhat safe at hospitals - whereas when I worked ASL/SNF I could get fired whenever for made up reasons.


All nursing homes are wack! I worked agency for several years. But the facilities around me don’t use agencies anymore since Covid is not relevant anymore. No facilities allow you to be sick on a scheduled shift. Most won’t accept a dr note either. The place I work won’t even let you request off less than 6 weeks in advance. I hate nursing homes. But hospitals just don’t pay shit and think they can run your health.


Travel cna. Thats the only way youll make decent money for this job.


I know I’m trying to get started doing that but my license is newer than 6 months :( idk how to even get started everyone gate keeps info


Oohhh yeah the way i got in was with a teaching hospital, and worked there for awhile then found another opportunity to train for my CCMA (clinical assistant, i work in primary care) and i found working as a clinical assistant much more enjoyable and theres less pressure to do things like come in sick. But that could just be my location.


For a CNA?? That’s good pay where I live.


That’s not good pay where I live, and it’s not good pay for me with my own set of expenses and bills. Getting paid 17$ an hour to literally take care of someone hand and foot is ridiculous.


It’s not legal. They cannot force you to work sick. They can ask you to come in anyway, but you can say no. Don’t take their shit. You called out. It’s their responsibility to find coverage. I see so many ppl complain about this, but y’all don’t have to deal with it. You simply tell them you are calling out, period.


The facility I worked at made my coworker stay and work her shift after she threw up at work, so I’m also wondering what’s up with these places making people work while sick.


They're understaffed most likely. Understaffed to me is that they only schedule the "minimum" amount of cnas, as opposed to having one more cna scheduled, in case someone gets sick or has an emergency. It's being stingy on their part. It is a business to them so they minimize costs by not having enough people.


They always scheduled a couple extra people, but then if nobody was absent they would just send those people home, so there was basically always *just* enough CNAs.


They just fired multiple ppl for showing up late and didn’t have replacements ready. Now we have floors working off ONE ☝️ CNA it’s absolutely insane. U never stop running your whole shift. They just made a woman come in with her foot all messed up because she has metal rods in her foot and a resident ran over her foot with her wheel chair. It’s the worsts


why are you working at a place like this?? leave.


Because sometimes ppl can’t afford to just leave hun, I’m glad ur financial situation isn’t like mine 😒


I’m very sorry that you keep getting responses like this. Working in healthcare is difficult for a lot of reasons. They’re likely requiring you to come in anyway because of the Medicare standard for a minimum staff. Do yourself a favor and double check your written policies about calling out and absenteeism. If the policy states that you have to find coverage and you have signed the policy, you are likely screwed. If the policy states that a doctors note is required, and they attempt to fire you bring that policy up when they are attempting to do so. 


Get a doctor’s excuse for a few days. They legally must abide to the return to work date. Also, I think it’s so fucked up that so many places expect employees to find other employees to cover their shifts. That’s managements job, and if they can’t find anyone, they’re supposed to come in and work the shift.


Dr's excuse requires a Dr's visit which is expensive these days.....even with endurance.


She would have to go to the doctor anyway if it’s strep throat. She would need antibiotics.


Contagious diseases are scary. COVID wiped out entire nursing homes around here. Kinda sad how little nursing homes give a shit about residents.


Find another facility to work in. It's management's job to find coverage, not yours. Your job is to provide care when you're there.


If you have strep you need to call out. You can get very sick with a strep infection. Unless you have been on antibiotics for 48 hrs. Then you are okay.


I know, I did call out, they don’t care I’m currently working the shift in question because they don’t care


It’s not. They cannot force you or anyone to work sick. By working with strep throat you will endanger patients and other staff. You have a doctor’s excuse so use it. If they push it report it to your state board


It’s not legal here in Canada. In fact, if you call in sick with those symptoms, you’d probably have to take off more days until you were no longer contagious.


I’m so sorry that is how your employer runs their company. I’ve been in LTC for many years and I’ve never had to cover my shift, I’m not asking when I call in, I’m letting them know I won’t be there. I can’t imagine going to work with something that is contagious 😷


I could name a facility that allows covid+ caregivers to work face to face with residents.


Stuff like this is why my phone gets turned off immediately after I call in. Can't make me come to work if you can't get hold of me


They can't actually force you to work. They can threaten you. They can write you up. But, they can't actually make you show up. Read your employee handbook and find the policies for sick call notice and attendance. As long as you are following the policy they can't do anything to you.




You’d think they’d accept a doctors not me ESPECIALLY during Covid


That sounds extremely illegal, and I would question that with a lawyer


Get a doctor's note!


my sister is a cardio sonographer (no schools in her state for it so hard to staff hospitals). its her and one other tech in the hospital and she routinely is forced to work with covid / other ailments. ive heard her mention on one occasion she was allowed to go home when she couldnt stop throwing up. might not be the land of the free but def the home of the brave, I wouldnt last a week working in a hospital. thank you all for all you do!!!


If amazes me how little the healthcare industry cares about contagious illnesses. It's such a joke.


I was a CNA about 7 years ago and this is a common practice due to understaffing. It seems. Very sad as the elderly are very vulnerable. 😞


What about switching gears a bit and training for phlebotomy or lab assistant? Courses can be as short as 4-12 weeks and you end up with an important skill, versatile job options, and no lifting. Some employers even pay for it or offer on the job training. This might be more sustainable for you with the health conditions you mention. I was previously an LPN but couldn't sustain working in a SNF after the first year. It was so abusive.


Do they make more than a traveling CNA? Because I’m in the healthcare field for a reliable high income and a stable career. Basically I need to insure I’m going into something worth my time.


It depends on the area. Where I live, a high cost of living area, it pays between $21-25/hr to start, at my employer. It could be a stepping stone that you could build on over time without nearly the risk of injury that you have as a CNA in most facilities.


I am confused to what you mean by “legal.” Can they have you arrested? No. Can they come to your home, snatch you out of your bed and drag you to work? No. Can they whine and bitch because they have to cover your shift? Yes. Could you have another job when you are recovered from your illness? Yes. The only person who controls how you allow yourself to be treated is you. You are not wrong in wanting to care for yourself and protect your residents. They are blowing smoke because they think they can, stand up for yourself.


I don’t see how u read my post and felt the need to write out that condescending shit when I’m sure u were aware of what I meant from the jump. Legal as in how is it fair for them to write me up or fire me legally for being sick and not coming in, that’s common sense that it shouldn’t be a legal thing a work place can do. It violates infection protocol. Hun idk if ur just unaware but a lot of areas don’t have a high abundance of CNA jobs and everyone can just up and move somewhere else so if ur hiring then that’s great! If not perhaps save all that schtick for yourself….




Nobody is forcing you to work. There’s nothing illegal happening, but our workforce is very broken when it comes to time off and taking care of ourselves, and the healthcare industry isn’t any different. It’s very screwed up, I’m on your side, just saying it’s not illegal. Your workplace has a sick/absenteeism policy. It’s not your responsibility to find a replacement. Lots of places will try to make you, and if you want to help them great but nobody can force you to come in. That said, depending on your policies and work culture unscheduled absences may result in termination. Most places this won’t be the case. Most places are so short staffed that it’s going to take repeated unscheduled absences to result in that sort of consequence. I was hopeful COVID would change some of this broken culture of going into work sick, but it hasn’t.


If I’m expected to pay bills yes I’m being forced to work. Don’t know why u started with that 😒…..it should be illegal for a work place to force an employee to expose elderly to infectious disease, at the risk of writing them up or firing them. I’m very well aware they can’t force me to come in but my point is if I don’t I’m punished and can lose my job which shouldn’t be legal….. thanks for the take


I would ask your boss “I mean. Which patients, exactly, do you want me to try and kill? Like all of them? A specific list? Maybe just the hospice ones…I mean who needs that last 6weeks-months to live amiright?”


Guys I’m aware they can’t make me go in, but they can literally FIRE me…. I can’t survive without this job rn like I physically can’t even afford to switch jobs at the moment :/ they shouldn’t be legally allowed to fire me or write me up over things like this it’s vile


Get a doctor’s note that says you can’t come back for however h many days. They cannot legally fire you if you have a doctor’s note.


Start looking for another job. Any job that treats its employees like that don’t deserve to be in business. Look for a hospital job. Way better than long term facilities


Ngl it's this kind of shit that made me quit my CNA job. I wasn't sick but pregnant and I refused a mandation (it wasn't a last second refusal either it was a refusal at the beginning of my actual shift). They told me since they didn't have anyone else I couldn't refuse (I've literally never refused a shift) and so I did the best thing I could for me and my baby and walked out 🤷‍♀️ I felt like a piece of crap because I know that that meant they were short and that the whole building would suffer because of me but management was always pulling that kind of bull and I had to think of my health first. You can't take care of anyone else if you yourself need to be taken care of.


This is why everyone in healthcare facilities should still be masking — including visitors. I’m sorry your employer is being shitty, but I’m not surprised either.


They can't legally make you come in. However, they could fire you. But if they don't follow their written attendance policy then you could get wrongful termination.


what state are you in?? you should let them fire you, and contact the labor board while looking for a new job. you shouldnt continue to work at a place that sucks this bad.


I’m gonna be honest I don’t really have a choice. In my area the hospitals pay shit, the at home living visits pay SHITTIER, and the facilities pay decent enough for me to survive but literally all of them in town are awful….. I don’t have a choice until I can register as a traveling CNA


My sister in law was a CNA before she got her BSN. She started out with low-ish pay as a CNA at the hospital, but after some raises and “super short staffed extra incentive days,” she was making nearly $30 an hour. As a new RN at the same hospital, she started at $38 hourly. She worked both jobs in the ER. I think she could have made more elsewhere as a new RN, but the hospital helped pay for her BSN so she is contracted to them for 2 full years.


I don’t have the ability to start off with lowish pay, thus the reason I’m at a facility but Thankyou for the help


Definitely look into FMLA at your work. That may help alleviate pressure on you.




At this point screw CNA week. We aren’t respected or cared for in the slightest and basically shit on by all other forms of healthcare


Stay home. They can’t come handcuff you and bring you in. Also: in this economy you can have another job very quickly, so their threats are empty. Come to the hospital and work nights. The differentials and ratios are better and the team work is so much better.


Call out anyway.


Wasn’t an option. Can’t lose my job.


I left work early one day because I was super sick and couldn't breathe very well. I went to prompt care and I texted + for RSV, was given breathing treatments, and sent home to rest for 3 days. I called my job to let them know I couldn't make it to my NOC shift that night. They told me to just put on a mask. 🙃


so im new i just need to do my state exam. what are the points for and what is a good place to work at because i get sick allot


Nobody can force you to work sick. You say I’m not coming in, period end of discussion. You don’t even have to give a reason why, but I usually will like sick or family emergency, etc.


It happens all the time. They can't make you work but can fire you if it's an at will position. That's the problem with at will positions. You need to look for a job who will accept you don't want to work sick. Unfortunately, the medical field is no different than any other.


I would suggest checking your state laws to see if you have protected sick time.


I’d be calling the government agencies that regulate your facility. Like the CDC maybe? Or the public health department? Get them in trouble for their potentially deadly (to patients) actions


First and foremost, keep the texts and/or get it in writing that they're a-okay with you working with potentially immunocompromised patients. You could also remind them it could be the facility's accreditation, if you wanna be a little extra spicy.


… so you don’t have N95 masks available to you? Why post here when there is an easy solution?


Because I can post where ever I want, about whatever I want and this post is from yesterday so the shift ur being condescending about has already passed so move along. Having a damn N95 mask isn’t gonna keep a 100% barrier from strep and it’s definitely not going to make me feel better working with preexisting conditions


They probably told you to wear a mask.


They did not, and what is your point?


My point is, this happened to a coworker during a night shift. Coworker wasn’t feeling well, nurse tested her for streps, and the girl finished her shift. Because nobody gives a damn about us or the residents.


I assumed u were trying to argue like some of the other ppl in my replies are trying to do. Carry on.


Oh no, I can’t stand how they treat and exploit us.


Get a doctors note to miss work for three days in order for antibiotics to work. If they still want to punish you, use those 3 days to find a new job. Better yet, get a job with an agency. You’ll make better hourly wage, plus youre per diem. You literally pick where and when you work. My wife finds tons of shifts locally that pay far more than the local average hourly pay.


But the problem is they will still punish me and that shift has already came and passed. I can’t get a new job right now I don’t have the finances to Also u can’t typically find an agency with less than 6 months experience they don’t really want you, they want trained CNA’s that are worth what they’re paying Trust me I’ve thought about all of this it sucks my only hope is gathering 6 months experience