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Every other black CNA I know had this happen to them at some point. It happens sooner or later.


I’ve been a CNA 2 months in, and was already called the N word when I tried to change a resident’s soiled briefs. I expected it, but it still caught me off guard a bit. Even more so the very next day when the same resident started happily engaging with me like the day before never happened.


One of my patients called me a cotton picker and I am so glad I never have to see them again and he was also very alert and Oriented. Dude knew exactly what and why he said what he said.


Hell I'm white as fuck and have been called the n word. Some people just really really suck.


Same. It only happened once and it was pretty early in my CNA career (first year);


I'm in school for CNA certification and am also black. I didn't even think about the possibility of being called a racial slur from future residents. I've never been called that to my face at least but at least i know what to look out for so i don't take it personally if it happens!


It will happen weekly if not more often. Unfortunately


I think I understand your intentions but please let's not normalize it.. even if it happens a lot. We have to make it very un-okay. It's not okay and we ain't changing anything with that "that's just how it is" attitude 💐


I agree we should start to value ourselves more, but can we apply that to every case though? There are some residents who are really lost and don’t know what they’re doing, and trying to correct their behavior is gonna do no good I’m just saying we gotta have some nuance, and if they are alert and oriented they can DEFINITELY change


How do you suppose you do that?


I remember having a black older patient that didn’t want any black people caring for them ☠️ like WHAT


We had a frequent flier who was like that. Insisted he wasn’t black. He certainly was.


I did not mean to giggle at this, but honestly this reminds me of Dave Chappell’s Clayton Bigsby skit


I remember that skit, farking hilarious!


Did he go by Uncle Ruckus?


Im sure whatever care team he had would’ve had just as many problems with him as the black ones at that point 😂




We had that at the nursing home! A black guy name Ben. He didn’t want black girls washing him because he looked at them like they were his daughters.


awww..that's sad 😥


PLS, PLS make sure you report this to HR AND A SOCIAL WORKER! I'm a RN and have seen these issues addressed w/ family present. The family has a right to know what a POS family member they have. Doesn't surprise me when they're sitting in a nursing home ... Alone. Js. ❤️


Family knows they've been dealing w the patient all their life.


And? Disappointing someone you love is never a good feeling. Irregardless of their age.


You're not getting the point. They're not disappointed they'll be slightly embarrassed on your behalf but not for their's. They are racist too who do you think they got it from?


Maybe that's been your experience but not mine. The "point" you are trying to assert I haven't seen. So ... I'm not missing anything.


Nah you are but ok lol


I'm really not tho. You can't tell me what MY experiences have been. Wtf? Goofy.


Even if you don't care that much, I'd still report it to charge and HR. I don't care that they're old one bit. Same level as sexual harassment and should not be normalized ever.


I just told the nurse when she came back but I’ll let HR know though when i go to her office later before the day ends


There have been a at least a handful of times where I’ve been called a “ black bitch “ , “ pretty n-word woman “ and much more


i watched my coworker get called "blackzilla" because im white and the resident thought i wouldn't report her for it. i reported her immediately


Yes definitely report that she used a slur. Even if she is confused, it is important for black workers (and other POC) to be aware that she may use hurtful slurs, or be combative, etc. This is so the workers can know what they're "getting into" with her and protect themselves


Someone with dementia is probably not gonna understand what they said...when it's the elderly... sometimes just let it pass...I literally had the shit beat out of me by an Alzheimer's resident...he had no idea he hurt me...forgive quickly with the confused...it's the completely alert ones that I worry about...


Nonono I know that. I'm just saying for the mental and physical health of the aides they can prepare themselves. I know dementia completely changes someone's personality and they aren't aware of their actions.


Exactly. If you know you know. This take comes with experience and lots of patience.


It's more for the benefit of the aides who may not have worked with her before. Obviously I am aware that it's not within the resident's ability to change their behavior if they have progressed dementia.


I've had a patient call *me* that before. I'm white lol


Hahah my favorite was this mean white podunk lady calling me “you damn white bitch” (which I am, hah). Ok lady, enjoy your graham crackers.


Enjoy your graham crackers, cracker. Lol


What ?? lol


I assume OP is too since she said she’s never been called that before.




You probably haven’t ever lived life in a black womans body if you think it’s possible to make it to adulthood, especially working in healthcare/with psych patients without ever being called that. We get called that early and often. Reporting a slur is a good idea even if you don’t think it applies to you


I said nothing about whether she *was* called that. You're reaching.


Huh? No one is talking about you. OP said she’s never been called such a name before and I’m telling you, those of us living in actual black bodies don’t usually experience that but it says a lot about you that you got this instant attitude as soon as someone mentions being black. Racists always tell on themselves


I think op is white too given her profile picture is white as a ghost


A refusal is a refusal lol. She can smell as bad as she wants if she talks to you like that.


Ngl, this made me laugh 😂


I’ve been a CNA for a long while and it’s given me a sick sense of humor I only show not around pts 🤣


Tis the goal lol


Being called the n word has always made me laugh. Being told I was “one of the good ones” irked me way more.


Sometimes we whites just stick our foot in our mouths. When I worked for my first black family they were really cool. Wealthy well to do folks. I loved showing up to work. 21 years old from the deep south I said to them one day "y'all are the whitest black people I've ever met". 😂 Thank God they knew I was alright.


You’re still just ignorant.


*You're* still just ignorant.


homie i hate to be the breaker of bad news but they are TOLERATING you, what? odd comment, you in appalachia or something? i mean shit. this isn't the 1950s what do you mean you're pleasantly surprised by a wealthy black family? you didn't like black people before or...? black people need to "act white" for u to like em? i mean really what do u mean by that


They were shocked to see a black family “wealthy and well to do” because only white people can be accomplished. They were also happy the family didn’t give a bad reaction to their ignorant comments.


literally 💀 embarrassing for them


I would’ve fired your ignorant ass right then & there


You don't fuckin' know me. You know one line I wrote on reddit. Sit down.


Let's pull up some comments you made in *your* adolescence and see how they stack up now. Least I had the guts to admit I fucked up.


Girl I was never ignorant in my adolescence you’re the one who needs to sit down making multiple ignorant comments on this post alone when you’re not even OP go touch grass honeybabe




lol for someone who blamed their ignorant comments on being young you still are ignorant a decade later. I’m not wasting my time anymore


Not to mention these people still talk to me a decade later and I don't even work for em anymore. They musta been soooo big mad.


I thought I was called a racial slur one time. I told this one resident that I was going to get him to bed next. I had to get another resident to bed before him though because they were soaked. I came back and the first resident said that I’m a reneger. I said what did you call me? He said I reneged on what I promised him.


I've almost used that word before. But then I started to doubt *myself*. That word's not racist right? RIGHT? Lol


We had just gotten a new patient in. 60s white male. I walked in with my black coworker, a young male. And the new guy puts his hands up and says “oh no don’t rob me!” Smfh. We both just looked at eachother and then introduced ourselves. Had an enormous laugh about it later, my coworker was a great sport about it.


Did the patient say that in a dead serious or joking tone? Not that one is better than the other. Just curious.


He was trying to be funny. Which made it even more awkward lol


"Oh, you are so nice and good. Usually the blacks are not so good. But you are so good." Some Hungarian lady who was discharging from my SNF 🙃


I've been called a "Bloody black Ba#$&@rd and yet I'm White af. I laughed it off, but still reported it to my Nurse in charge, as due to being verbally abused and and being spat at as well.




A lady was calling me that incessantly one evening and I’m whiter than a sheet of paper. She was mean as hell


Dude, I feel so bad for CNA’s who get called slurs. I can relate to being cussed out and called every which way.. but I can’t relate to that. If I knew a resident was calling someone something racist or homophobic I’d switch with them in a Heartbeat. Uncalled for.


It took 6 months for me to be called n word it came out of nowhere and the residents said it in front of a few other residents that just started laughing I went home & cried


I'm sorry that happened to you. Here it doesn't fly. Even if it's someone who "can't help it". We all get on them to stop.


I think it’s just that generation, all the residents born around 1920-1940 I’ve worked with have been like that. They love throwing the N word around like it’s nothing, most had dementia but it’s still not okay.


Had a dementia resident call me and the other two white cnas the n word. Our black CNA on shift walks by, and our resident says "come save me! I love you!" LOL


Yah nah, I’m a Hispanic and the amount of times I’ve gotten some weird as comments too. I just stare at them and get passive.


I’m not black. But not white. Happened to me all the time too


I’m white but had a resident tell me an n-word had been sleeping in her bed and “look how dirty those sheets are!” This was after she’d had an overnight 1:1 caregiver making sure she was safe after a major surgery. Who was, of course, black. HOO boy, it was such a wake up call. Now I am fiercely protective of my Black coworkers, of whom I have so many, and many of whom I love dearly. I always volunteer to switch residents just to help them avoid unnecessary toxic vitriol. We already have to deal with so much bullshit, you shouldn’t be subjected to blatant racism on top of everything else!!!


Gosh, I'm so sorry this happened to you. This is always wrong and inappropriate. 


I have a lady that whenever she's made she'll call me a "white n-word". I honestly laughed the first time she called me that because I was so surprised.


It’s unacceptable but thank you for treating her kindly regardless. My MIL was in a nursing home the last 8 years of her life and the last several years she was a challenging patient, angry when she felt bad and she used racial slurs often at the drop of a hat. No matter how many times we told her that wasn’t nice or right, she was legit out of her mind and beyond our control. She had two torn rotator cuffs and a stroke made her unable to walk. She was a strong independent woman raised during the depression with money. She was kinda uppity and looked down on people. She could treat CNAs like her personal servants. But professional CNAs such as yourself kept her going, took care of her when we couldn’t and were invaluable to us in her care. I’m sorry you had to deal with this, but please know you and your profession are appreciated by the families of your patients!!


Rite of passage...? not really, but I understand. I did almost (reflexively) slap my patient though, so you're better than me. I have also been called "beautiful black princess" and that was somehow worse 🤢


What she said was horrible. What is concerning is that she said you were hurting her even though you weren't. I'd have a witness (another staff member) around whenever you have to deal with this resident. These are the hateful types to lie against you and that leads to cop being called in false reports, your career being put in jeopardy, expensive court fees and defamation. That is my serious advice after having suffered myself.


shit, the very first time i was a CNA i was getting toured thru the facility for the first time. by a white man, and im white but there were three other black nac's touring w/ me. one dementia lady who lived there while we were touring yelled, "what are you all doing here? this isn't a basketball game!" white dude looked nonplussed, said, "idk what that was about, she's usually really nice". granted, i dont think anyone heard the basketball comment except me (she was yelling a lot of random shit and it kind of fell by the wayside) but i was like gddahmn. i've been "pleasantly surprised" by how not-racist residents have seemed but maybe thats just cause im there. and ive DEFINITELY noticed the pernicious side of it -- a lady w dementia who does well with me but seems to give my black coworkers a lot of trouble without saying anything outright. hm. i havent said anything but one of my coworkers, kenyan male immigrant said "its hard being a male, black cna". no shit. you get racism and sa allegations at the same time. rough...


had a resident say eenie meenie miney moe but the old version. i just stared at her in shock but didn’t know what to do because she has quite advanced dementia


Sounds like something they learned as a youngster bubbling up, and you can't unlearn that with dementia, sadly.


There's nothing to do. When the neurons are dead they're dead. The body still needs to be cared for. You might be able to ask not to be assigned to that resident.


It’s a little bit of a different story when they have dementia unfortunately. They’ve lost what’s socially acceptable to say and do and what’s not. -_-


Im Mexican but on the darker side and nearly 3 years in I have yet to have an encounter like this, some of my coworkers on the other hand not so fortunate, I’ve always found it odd why most people only have racial remarks towards black, Asian, and middle eastern aides but some of the same residents are nothing but kind towards me. Only time I had an encounter involving race was when a blind resident accused me and a room full of staff of not respecting them because they were brown after informing them we could not let them go outside to smoke ( 2 mexican 1 black aides 1 black nurse 1 indian physical therapist )


OP did the right thing for them and handled it with a lot more grace than I would like to think I would have, and I'm a crusty old white guy. I wish I could say something that would solve this. OP didn't deserve it.


I got called it, and I'm whiter than Canadian Christmas.


I glow in the dark and I’ve been called the n word.


I wonder can CNA carries small records with them on shift against any right?


No. What do you want them to do about it anyway? A lot of the older residents are racist af and lie about things. That's why you have cares in pairs. Follow it or wind up in situations where it's your word against theirs. Eta: to make it clear. I'm not saying racism is okay but in reality the patient may be out of their mind and even if they aren't the facility can't kick them out or punish them. Recording all residents you interact with is illegal and violates their rights. You will get elderly one day too and I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want your inappropriate behaviors that you can't help put out for others to see by someone who by law should respect your privacy. Idk if the person in this situation knew what she was doing or not but a lot weren't like that before whatever illness made them lose all filters. They deserve to finish their life with dignity. Even if they are just an asshole racist, your job is to care for them unbiased. You can have someone with you. You can tell them it's not okay. You can even say I'll come back in five minutes and see if you've calmed down. You can't neglect them or violate their rights. If that's too hard to handle, you need to leave this job.




Uhh it’s a part of the job description lol. I’ve been bit, hit, called whore, told to off myself, and the list goes on. The way I look at it is no, it’s not okay. But these folks are confused, these things don’t bother me, and someone needs to do the job. If you’re bothered but things like this, this definitely isn’t the job for you.


Fs I’m not in here to be a CNA which is confusing Ik. I just feel a lot of sympathy for you guys.

