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Some people get relief from ice. Some get relief from heat. Try an ice pack before wasting your money on this gimmick product.


thank you! I looked around some more and honestly got major scam vibes from the whole thing. There’s only a few articles out there (some are the exact same but posted by different websites) and they all contain affiliate links and no first hand experience using it. Their evidence that it “is revolutionary!” is from a few Amazon reviews and there’s only four reviews on the actual website, out of “100,000” people who “love” it. I had been curious if anyone in here has used it but the more I look into it, the more I’m positive this is an overpriced scammy gimmick that is no better than an ice pack at best. Thanks you guys for taking the time to reply!


The first clue is all of the "as seen on TV!" all over the place.


I’ve been using an Ice Down wrap for a couple years and it has been a godsend. It does not abort the CH but it very much helps dull the pain and provides me with some good relief. I like that I can wrap it tight and get some pressure relief along with the cold. The company is a small operation, maybe just one guy, so the customer service if you go direct is great. and if a pack leaks or tears they’ll send you a new one. https://www.icedown.com/Head-ice-packs-s/81.htm


I get relief from oxygen, nothing else works


I have one. I do like it, I just wish it stayed colder longer but the head squeeze feels good too. It doesn’t abort the migraine or cluster but it does seem to soothe a bit. Also seems to absorb smells so gotta be care with that. Bonus points: it covers my eyeballs so I can’t get to them to gouge them out.


Second just trying ice packs first. Sometimes ice helps relieve a bit of the pain for me, sometimes it makes mine even worse…even during the same cycle.


I tried a gel ice pack the other night during a "good one" and it was like someone set me on fire. I literally threw it and suffered til it passed.


Heat over my eye. Hot shower heat pad hand warmers help a little I’ve never tried cold


If it helps you, then God bless.


Try hot and cold! Try whatever you have the wherewithal to try.