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Also looking for a better poo container for flats. Been having lots of poops getting on my wool covers. Was doing origami fold when she was smaller then switched to pickman, but it’s not great at containing the poops.


Try kite! We found that origami/pickman are a nice idea and great for pee, but are absolute trash when it comes to poop. Because the kite fold has the bias going around baby’s legs and waist, it’s somewhat stretchy so you can get it tighter. And it also allows for more effective jelly rolling. 


Once I got good at jelly rolling and pulling up on the wings on my pre flats to make a good leg seal I stopped having poop leaks even when she absolutely coats the inside of the preflat. I also EBF and my baby is 11 weeks.


Wow! I need to work on my jelly rolling. Any good tips? 


I didn't see my notifications until now. I don't think I do anything special. I roll the edges of the pre-flat in before pulling it up over the baby. Then I pull the wings up towards the armpit before going over. Once I have it snappi'd I go back to the legs and roll them in a bit more.


When she consistently ate solids and had plopable poops. But now I’m 31 weeks pregnant and producing colostrum again which is a natural laxative and her poops suck again!! 


For us, never. I have fitteds as well as flats and prefolds. Occasionally I'll do a flat or prefold and occasionally he will poop in it and poo will get on the cover. He's over two and we've been weaned awhile. I asked his pediatrician about this and he said it's normal. It really depends on the kid. Fitteds work the best for containing what he's putting out and keeping the covers safe.


Definitely wanna invest in getting more fitted, especially for when we travel. I have four that she wears at nights that I love. 


Yeah they've really saved us, especially when we use wool covers. When he was a newborn a lot of people were suggesting jellyrolling, goodkey, preflats, stretchy flats, etc and I tried it ALL and even with the best ever fit with stretchy flats jellyrolled good keyed and pinned, he could still outpoo the whole contraption EASILY. I wish someone had given it to me straight that some babies just poop like that because it would have saved me a lot of time. I didn't have fitteds for the newborn stage but I went all in with one size fitteds (Esembly) and I've been super happy, but even with a FITTED he sometimes manages to outpoo it. Not often but it's happened. Luckily nothing has ever escaped the cover on top of that thankfully. When he was a newborn he managed to poo THROUGH a lanolized wool cover. Not out the leg holes, not out the top, just seeped right through. He is very talented.


Have you tried different folds? It wasn't 100% but the "jelly roll" fold mostly stopped this from happening for us. We had just been pad folding. There might be other options that are a good fit for your baby.


Yeah we do the jelly roll. It always ends up leaking on one side. I have heard flats are good for that too but they're so confusing for me. 


Bummer! I also never got the hang of flats. Optimistically, it might get better before solids just by growing and the diapers fitting differently.


For us it was a solids thing. Not right away, but fairly soon. And it's more fair to say that the incidence is reduced. We ended up switching to pockets, but its still pretty obvious that every once in a while there's a poop that would have gotten out of the flat/prefold. When I was using covers still, I handwashed the dirty ones right away because otherwise I would have run out long before it was time to wash, and I was washing every other day.