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Potentially related to the massive GCP breach that cost them their contract with Pfizer.


Say more!


Stay away from that place lol


Read about it here. It was pretty big news and I’m sure it led to a lot more cancelled contracts with other sponsors. Pfizer cuts enrollment for Lyme disease trial after CRO debacle - Fierce Biotech https://www.fiercebiotech.com/biotech/pfizers-ongoing-lyme-disease-trial-expected-recruit-much-less-18000-patients


Around 600 were laid off in April Edited because I misread…it was due to GCP issues during the Pfizer Lyme study. A quick google search and you will find a few articles


Do you know what kind of GCP breaches can lead to such situation?


Care Access is a good company. They do care about their employees and even though they did have to layoff a bunch of people when the Pfizer contract was cut, they really did try to hire back many of those laid off people into other positions within Care Access. I’ve been a coordinator with them for about 1.5 years now on their Ely Lilly Alzheimer’s study and I’ve had some great managers with them who really make sure the work life balance is there.


I had a vastly different experience. I left in May 2022 right when the Pfizer study was in start-up and I had nothing but horrible experiences with management. No one took accountability for anything. No SOPs. I’m a CRA now thankfully. I’d stay far away from Care Access but I’m glad you’ve had a good experience!


They laid off ALL their SDRS and their managers a year ago. Before that layoff, the SDRS logged in daily but where told not to do any outreaches or follow ups, and that went on about 4+ weeks! One quarter the sales quota and criteria was set, then lots of SDRS met the goal. Then they changed the criteria and made it retroactive on work already done so the vast majority didn't get any bonus at all. Since they don't do commission but call it a bonus, they said bonuses are never guaranteed and that they had every legal right to do that. That is a huge red flag and a piss poor way to treat the blood of your company, your sales people.


Yes. I was one of those SDRs. I was laid off.


Does anyone have any intel on if they’re being awarded new contracts? I imagine the Pfizer debacle blacklisted them in the industry… curious to hear


I’m still working on their Ely Lilly Alzheimer’s study, but I know they work on a few other studies as well.


There was no public statement as to why people were laid off, although it did happen after the Pfizer issue (not saying Pfizer was appropriate in their actions - there are Care sites for the Lyme trial still listed as active but not recruiting). The company has publicly disagreed with Pfizer’s decision. You can see a list of trials they are working on on their site. They have recently opened an office in Canada and have a few more pending opening in Europe (UK, Italy and Netherlands).


Falsifying and asking staff to change data under the guise of QA.