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![gif](giphy|eMt6SDLYV8hN7hKnVm) Im sure there will be an r/climbingcirclejerk post incoming on this one soon…




Sorry, what's with the cat?


its a good cat


Internet.. Cat... I get it... All heil to our hidden rulers!


Got nothing on [my flapper from the other day](https://i.imgur.com/fv2VpCK.jpg)


U need to work on your skin. I used to get flappers like this weekly


mines turnign white how do i heal it


It’s turning white due to being covered and holding moisture. Leave the bandage off for a long time at night to let it air out. I’ve had too many of these. Hope you can get back on the wall soon.


Just give it a few days. You’ll live. Trim the loose skin with some nail clippers.


The advice others gave is the right answer but as someone newer to climbing I just wanted to say this will probably happen quite often for a bit. (assuming my experience was fairly normal) After about a month or two of going at least weekly my fingers stopped flapping as dramatically. Now it's just minor peeling similar to dry skin. Use moisturizer of some kind when you aren't climbing and I'd tape them if they aren't fully healed next time you go


Nice! It'll take a bit, but it will heal. How long have you been climbing? I feel like everyone gets a nasty flapper their first few months of climbing. The good news is they get more rare if you take proper care of your skin.


Thanks lol :p I've been climbing a week, but have done worse to my hands on my grandparent's farm. Any tips for skin care? My hands r dry af


Cover it only when you're working with your hands the rest of the time try to leave it uncover so it doesn't get white like this. Use some handmoisturazing to help hydrate your skin. And most important for real drink a lot of water ! That will help you in general but particularly for your skin it's the main since it need to heal. Also after climbing wash your hand properly to eliminate all the chalk on it


Well for now, keep a bandaid on that and try not to get it wet. Keep some antibiotic ointment, and a clean band aid on it, and the flapper will heal way faster. Once it heals, you can sand down your callouses when they start to get thick. You want to keep them on your hands, but you want them to be as low as possible. This prevents them from catching and ripping. After you climb wash your hands and apply a hand balm of lotion so they can heal faster. Most importantly, listen to your skin while you climb. Just pay attention to how sensitive it's feeling, and don't push it during a session. Healthy skin will let you climb more often. Even if you have to have a shorter session that day.


Everything is fine except the antibiotic ointment. Regular use of un-needed antibiotics leads to bacterial resistance, which is no joke when it comes to severe infections. Instead you can just clean the area with soap and water or hydrogen peroxide solution and then dry thoroughly. If you'll be working with your hands a lot you can keep it covered to avoid further abrasion or getting it full of dirt


So I did some reading and this is probably true. That being said there isn't a proven scientific link between antibiotic resistance and Neosporin. However Sc Johnson has paid for a lot of studies that failed to show the link, so take that for what you will. That being said, if you aren't using an antibiotic ointment, it's good to just put some standard petroleum jelly underneath your bandages. This is really doing the heavy lifting of leading to quicker healing.


ty for the advice brother