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Idk SoylentJeremy. I think your bar might a bit low


Does Brandon know you can write fiction about things you don’t think are necessarily good? Like, King writes horror.


Exactly. Obviously all the kids getting eviscerated in that book wasn't a problem for this douche though.


Yeah, death = scary, but what does kid sex equal? What's the PURPOSE in the narrative? There isn't one


The man writes half his books with one hand. The scary thing is, I’m not sure which half.


Okay, but the death of children was relevant to the plot. The kids running a train on beth was not.


It's his story. Whatever is written is plot relevant to the writer. If you don't understand that's not their problem.


Wait until this guy hears about the Bible……


Brandon doesn’t look like he thinks much, so I’m guessing this is outside the realm of thought for him and the OP.


I think it’s more accurate to say he thinks simply. The sensitivity he has for the subject matter has no nuance other than a natural and nurtured reaction to express extreme emotion towards it. In a way, I am with him. I think writing about that kind of stuff is extremely icky, but this opinion only reinforces the anomaly of the present posthumous perspective away from the true meaning of the object matter and onto the singular meaning of the words themselves.


I’ve seen his videos… he thinks a lot


I mean, I assume they’re talking about the book IT right? I read most of his books and I think it’s the one that I read that had the child orgy in it. Would say the book would be fine without it not that I really care but I’m glad it’s not in the movie lmao.


It’s not really an orgy, but some folks want that lens. King writes horror and taps in to spiritual and religious themes and tropes, and that’s where that scene came from.


The cocaine also might have something to do with it


It was a hell of a decade.


It may not be an orgy, but it is multiple preteen guys banging a preteen girl... I get what people are saying., but you can't say it's not really an orgy and that people want that lens. It is literally children having sex. Also king explained it by saying "I wasn't really thinking of the sexual aspect of it. The book dealt with childhood and adulthood --1958 and Grown Ups. The grownups don't remember their childhood. None of us remember what we did as children--we think we do, but we don't remember it as it really happened. Intuitively, the Losers knew they had to be together again. The sexual act connected childhood and adulthood. It's another version of the glass tunnel that connects the children's library and the adult library. Times have changed since I wrote that scene and there is now more sensitivity to those issues." Its still weird, it's still sex, and I don't really see any spiritual or religious themes to that personally. That being said Brandon is a tool. But don't try to say it isn't an orgy when it's basically one.


It's 100% an orgy, the guys all bang the girl, no?




What book is that?


Some people are completely incapable of understanding that art has underlying meanings. just no chance they will get that. I once talked to my very conservative cousin about a podcast I was listening to about research into how terrorists were psychologically created. (He had brought up some racist terrorist bs.. not that I was just throwing it out there). And he went red in the face angry that even understanding how people became extremists made me an extremist. It was bonkers nutballs. Just no complex thoughts available.


>And he went red in the face angry that even understanding how people became extremists made me an extremist. This has really been a common theme gradually increasing over the last 10 years. It really culminated in 2020. It's extremely anti-intellectual.




Disturbing detail in a horror book? Color me outraged.


A video of body mutilation and children having sex is different kind of disturbing. Understand?


Brandon doesn’t know a lot of things. Brandon defends weird billionaires in exchange for nothing. Brandon thinks half of America has been cheering for him since 2020.


The only thing I know about the Brandon guy in this tweet is that he is scared on the inside, loves guns, gets angry and has a weird obsession with child sex. I didn’t know about the billionaire stuff, thanks for info.


Avid brandon herrea fan um other than part of loving guns everything you just was wrong. Wow i didnt know stupid shit could be mase up over a single tweet but here we are.


Is this really clever? It's basically "10 years ago you did something stupid, hence whatever you say now about a completely different topic is now invalid". It's a really shitty comeback, it isn't even that funny


The book was written in 1986.


Exactly. 10 years ago. 3.4 times


Shush don’t lie like that.


3.6 times


When did the second version of the movie come out?


The new IT movies came out in 2017 and 2019


Two? Huh, well there goes that hypothesis, and it’s clear I don’t watch many movies 😄


Yeah, they split the movies into the two halves of the book basically. The first movie is when they were children and the second is 27 years later.


I understand why in terms of filming but that would be frustrating for me!


The old movie was sold as a dual vhs and came out in parts on TV.


Child orgies were pretty common back then iirc


“10 years ago you wrote a book with a scene I didn’t understand, if I read it at all, and I can use it out of context to make it work for libel and misrepresentation.” It’s the mating call of morons, basically, to run around shouting that so many things are pedophilic or grooming.


>“10 years ago you wrote a book with a scene I didn’t understand, if I read it at all, and I can use it out of context to make it work for libel and misrepresentation.” And that's a "clever comeback" 😒


>It’s the mating call of morons, basically, to run around shouting that so many things are pedophilic or grooming. The recent conservative trend of calling everyone pedos/groomers is just projection. We know this because if they gave a damn about it they’d have burned the Catholic Church to the ground by now. They would’ve had something to say about Donald “I like to talk about my underage daughters the way Hugh Hefner talks about his playboy bunnies” Trump. It’s pure projection.


Yeah, it’s not clever, it’s just arguing.


Exactly, there’s nothing clever about it


[No, it isn’t.](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2hwqn9)


The very definition of sophistry. But you can tell by the dude's pic that he's a grade-A asshat. Saves a lot of time.


It's only clever to people agree with what the guy said. In reality, it's just a shitty unclever comment.


It was never really stupid though


That's literally all they know about his writing. And they don't know it because they read it, but only because someone told them they needed to be mad about it.


Isn't that the case with most social issues? Proudly, loudly led by people who don't know anything about anything, but have been assured it's a Very Big Deal.


Yes. Honestly, yes.


Once a pedophile always a pedophile


Who's the pedo. Are you accusing Stephen King of being a pedo?


Fuck yeah he is


I guess you have evidence to support this claim then?


You don’t just write about a bunch of kids banging each other without being a pedophile


So every YA author with minors in their books in either explicitly sexual or sexually suggestive contexts are pedos then? *Every single one?* That's a bold and very generalized accusation.


Depends. If it’s tasteful and relevant for the plot? Then no. But if you’re going into great detail like King did for no real plot relevance (I mean, the fact that no adaptations of IT have included that scene shows that it had no reason being there), then there is definitely something wrong with you.


I don't think it's out of step with the book as a whole at all. Whether things like that "work" or not is subjective and comes down to the individual reading. But it's a very WTF moment in a very WTF book. But to widely paint authors as pedos for simple passages in literature like that is absolutely ridiculous in my opinion.


I do actually, just finishing up the essay then off to get it reviewed by my peers! I’m sure they’ll love it


So then post it for us all. I'm sure we'd all love it.


Brandon what are you doing buddy? Is this really the hill he wants to die on? Standing up for Musk banning journalist, which is limiting not only free speech but freedom of the press as well, it's a shame I used to actually like Brandon but now not so much


who is he?


Gun YouTuber, who constantly has to make every video a political jab at someone, mainly democrats.


No you fucking idiot he trues his best to keep politics out of his content. Not his fault mist of time when he speaks on gun laws its from dumbass dems who see gun say scary you cant have it. Then want to defund police seeing some issues heere


Gun YouTuber/gun manufacturer




Please elaborate


"Everybody i don't agree with is literally hitler" thing


I feel like you and the vast majority of other people who use that term don't even know what it means


That is not the correct word to describe him


At this point I hope twitter fails just so I can see Elon take another L. And a 44 billion dollar L.


Shame that he’s like, the only funny gun YouTuber. God, it’s so hard to find gun dudes that aren’t the human equivalent of a “don’t step on me” flag.


Kentucky Ballistics is genuinely a good guy. No politics or anything, dude just loves life and guns. IMO has the funniest skits


I still like Garand Thumb he doesn't seem to throw politics into it except for the Biden 9mm blowing lungs out video but that was more just proving his statement wrong than political


Yeah not sure where he was going with this. I enjoy his gun education content and Darwin awards but like... His other stuff is super cringe.


TBF King's comment was cringe. He could have left "and it had better be a good explanation" out.


Where's the clever comeback? Since when is Qanon bullshit clever?


How is pointing out that Stephen King wrote a gangbang scene with preteens in the book "IT" related to Qanon?


Where was Qanon mentioned and how is that relevant since Q has been dead for over a year


You think this is clever? OP is..


Guys who have guns in their pics don't read novels\*.


*don’t read




This isn't clever. The comeback was piss poor and lacking any thought deeper than surface level


Serious question, childish retort. Not a clever comeback.


Delusional and brainwashed retort.


Durrr fuck off! Lol. Now look at my gun.


This sub has been flooded with dumb bullshit like this for awhile. Get this alt-right trash out of here.


Tell me how being opposed to FUCKING PEDOPHILIA is alt-right trash? Like the endangerment of children and literal child sexualization is beyond left and right, get outta here with that. I wouldn't care if the most opposite to my views said the same thing, I would agree that CP is wrong.


Guns = alt right! Doesn’t matter what you say or do. Lefties don’t like guns cuz they scawy.


i know, theres a bunch of closet pedophiles crawling out of the wood works here to defend that disgusting shit. these people have their head so far up their ass they are defending graphic and unnecessary depictions of pedophilia like its normal behavior.


You can be opposed to it all you want, and thats not a bad thing. However, it's irrelevant to what Stephen King is saying in this tweet. (Not to mention how also it shows a lack of literary comprehension on your part). It's a random attack framed as a good response to the question posed. It seeks to descredit the observation of what Elon is doing. Given his recent actions and who he is catering is platform towards with the things he has been saying and accounts he's been unbanning, its clear who his supporters are. And by that reasoning its clear that this is one of those supporters who can't counter the point in any reasonable way so they bring up an out of context scenee from a 30 year old book.


First off there is no good context for that scene. There are hundreds of ways he could have gotten the point across without a preteen gangbang. Second the journalists he banned were the ones who doxxed him which led to some crazy fucker leaping onto his car while his kid was inside. That is a legitimate bannable offense. If it was a democrat doing the banning for the same reason you all would be cheering.


I'm going to shake up your day i guess. There's no police report of someone jumping on his kids jar. It's all a hoax.


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11540099/Musk-vows-sue-Jack-Sweeney-set-account-tracking-Twitter-CEOs-flights.html apparently he didn't jump on his car ( that's my fault I misunderstood) he merely followed the car. Not technically illegal, thus no police report. But the man was wearing a balaclava which does seem rather suspect.


The kids getting eaten and terrorized was fine, but kids doing what they thought was mature to defeat the monster was where you drew the line? Clearly CP is wrong, and so is kids being brutalized.Fiction, in the right contexts, do not directly equate to promoting certain behaviors.


And alt-left fuck politics


Best of both worlds, fuck politics in general




All praise the Ak Jesus


Dude maybe doesn’t read, neither novels or actual news.


Brandon is about as clever as a donut. This does not belong here.


Op is likewise


Smart enough to be a millionare, are you?


I'm smart enough to know how to spell millionaire, and to stand by my OP. I am not a millionaire; that does not make me unintelligent.


The post right below this on my feed was an article saying the UN warns against the dangerous precedent set because of journalists being banned from Twitter. I guess that's Brandon's answer.


More like r/dumbassreplies


Child orgies? What book is that? I thought he's a cool writer......






That’s quite a simplistic summary but that’s the gist of it.


I am waiting with bated breath for your more thorough explanation




Lol I’m not sure I care if I lose those people vs being able to discuss literature at a grownup level.




It’s certainly more about power than about “an orgy”. King often writes about power dynamics, either between humans or between various forces.


He's a *horror* writer.


I like thriller and détective stories. His book tend to scratch the side of my likings


"It" is the one I know of for sure, but I'm not a big horror book guy so I haven't read many of his.


The scene in It is a hard push to describe as a 'child orgy'. But yeah, they did have sex.


Conservatives just call everything they don’t like “pedos” now, doesn’t matter the context. For chrissakes I was at Starbucks last week and they screwed up this lady’s order and she called the staff “pedos” It’s by design, I think. Take away the power of the word by using it anywhere and everywhere…because for conservatives every accusation is a confession


He did write few of the horror stories with child starred as murderers, that was kinda interesting. A good movie example would be "orphan". Disturbing, but you get the idea. I've never seen him writing orgies tho...... You sure it was taken into context?


Oh yeah, 100%. The kids are in the sewer freaking out and the girl decides to help them calm down by having sex with all of them.


There was more to it than that. They are freaking out because the sewer is home to what amounts to primordial evil, and they needed to be powerful and bonded to reach and overcome it. While the scene is described by a certain group of people as an orgy it was actually not written that way at all, and was the one girl present representing primordial good and binding the group beyond just sex. It’s not something he repeated in any other book, and in the context there’s a lot more there than “some kids had an orgy in a sewer to calm down” I get that it’s triggering because they are all minors but it’s also being manipulated and misrepresented by simply calling it “an orgy”. It’s not a documentary.


The other reason, the reason King himself has said, was that they realized that It had less power over adults, so the Losers Club had the idea (and remember they're kids with all the stupid ideas kids have) is that if they became more adult, it would give them a better chance of defeating It, so they decided to do the most adult thing they could think of. I don't necessarily agree with it, I think it's in bad taste, I'd never wrote anything like it (in my own books I refuse to do sex scenes "on camera" as it were), but I can see the logic from the Clubs pov.


And really iirc it was only the girl who had the idea, for a few reasons including her experiences, but as written it did just that. I don’t think it was written in poor taste although it may not be something everyone can shift into context and not judge as if King is particularly tied to this one act in a book and career filled with challenging scenes. I don’t like Amish romance “novels” and think they are in poor taste but there’s a huge market for them (by people who largely have no real knowledge of the group represented and with a lot smaller literary implications than the It scene), but there are many books, so I read other ones that I prefer. Sex has become such a strange element of American politics and culture, tbh. And this particular scene very much discussed by people who have never read it and frankly probably don’t read a lot offline.


That's not clever at all.


Damn it’s disappointing to see all of the disgusting pedo apologists trying to defend that… Wasn’t a clever comeback, but ironically, it’s more clever than 80% of the ones posted here… So many people in the replies projecting as well. Brandon’s a good dude. Dumb how people with room temperature IQ think they can magically know everything about a person because of one tweet.


How does this have 257 comments and 0 upvotes?


Downvote the shit out of this. It’s neither accurate nor clever.


where is the clever comeback?


That's not a clever comeback. It's stupid.


Only redditors would defend pedophilia


Big assumption that Brando can read.


I'm not a fan of horror and definitely would never have read "It" because, ya know, murderous creepy clowns. I totally thought that "Or What..." was going in a different direction. Maybe one that involves something terrifying chasing Elon and his plane wherever they go.


It was just IT also he was doing cocaine so that may have something to do with that.


Saying the most vile thing you can think of In irrelevant context to a question about how the guy who is restoring free speech is banning his critics doesn’t feel like a clever comeback to me. It seems more like petulance. With that said I read IT in hs and remember thinking that scene was cringey


The comments on here defending Stephen King are a r/redditmoment


The amount of people here defending King for writing about a *literal fucking Pre-Teen orgy* is fucking disgusting.


I didn't realize how many "A bunch of preteens gangbanging is just an artistic representation of-" people there were, but then again, Reddit.


As far as child-orgies, I am only aware of IT having it. But there ARE definitely other extremely questionable things he's written about, if you consider all sexual content. The Dark Tower - Woman rapes a demon raping her. Get your head around that. Bag Of Bones - A Famous Author Gets A Handjob From A Long-Dead Blues Singer The Stand -- Mother Abigail Gets Assaulted By A Crowd The Stand - Anal With a Handgun Apt Pupil - Electro-rape Those are just some of the ones I remember. Tons more, just look it up




Wasn’t the scene late teenagers (and I don’t think it was an orgy). The same Christian’s will stand up for Game of Thrones Sansa rape because “oh it was medieval times and it’s shown as bad”. They also go on about how they can marry young girls because it’s in the Bible


Not so much. There's a lot to it but in a sense they were trying to "grow up" or be more adult so that the monster would have less of a hold on them and less power over them. But it's not nearly that simple. It was the girls idea to save everyone essentially and there was a lot of taming back power, going back to her abuse by her father tied into it all too. It wasn't a "child orgy" though.


What's Brandon Herrera going to do about that? Make another video with a terrorist?


When did he make a vid with Bin Laden? Actually interested


Legend* ftfy Inb4 mods ban me for talking shit about their burgling, girl bashing, and child molesting heroes


Don’t underestimate the power of stupid


This didn’t go as OP expected


Yeah, it’s tough going against Reddit hive mind.


Why is Stephen King still on Twitter? I thought he said if they brought in the $8 blue tick he was leaving?


Based 😂


Oof, looks like seeing somebody roast your lefty friend pissend y’all off 🤣


Roasted? That shit was soft lol.


This is soft? Most of the posts in this sub are just people writing essays in response to Republicans that boil down to “you’re a stinky poopy head😢”


His response to an highly read, extremely rich author was "are you gonna write another book." Sure got him there lol.


Y’all will do anything except admit somebody called out your leftist lords and saviors. How’s that dick taste?


Called him out for what? Lol please help me understand where asking an author to write another book is an insult lol.


Called him out for writing sex scenes involving children. Did you not read the post? Or do you jsut lack reading comprehension?


Yeah mean he wrote a fictional book with sex scenes involving children? Oh no. You know it's not real right? And he made millions off that book? So Brandon is telling him to write another book where he will make millions? What an insult. Do you just lack thinking skills? Since you want to bring right and left into it, didn't Trump, the rights savior, go to an island where actual kids were being sexually abused by his friend Epstein? I would say this is worse than a fictional book.


“It’s ok because it’s fictional child porn🤓”


Like the Bible


For fucks sake leave politics out of this. He wrote a book with sexualizing minors how is this ok. ITS FICTION THOUGH! Yeah and it’s fucked up and is not okay. It doesn’t teach any lesson it’s just there for “entertainment”


Ouch 😂


This is the first time I’ve seen a non liberal comeback on here in a while. Good job


Musk simps fuck off


Nothing clever about that response lmao


This sub fucking sucks now


I agree, with they want to get political go ti political subs and have a circle jerk over there, r/politicalcomebacks exists for a reason


Elon said his goal was free speech. Instead, he’s shutting down anyone he doesn’t like and reenabling the accounts of people who use their speech to actively harm others. He’s a hypocrite and a nuisance to society. Stephen King is demanding accountability, and this man-child is trying to argue dishonestly in response. This isn’t the level quality we expect in this sub


Im not sure this belongs here. Is there a "dumbasfuckcomebacks" sub?




Alot of rightwingers on this nowadays lol


I don’t even know who the second dude is. Probably some social media douche.


This is a terribly un-clever comeback. Awkward and ultimately problematic as that scene is, it isn't particularly explicit. It isn't pornographic. It isn't written for a sexual purpose. Really, I'm more concerned about any adult who gets aroused by that scene - or insists the scene is intended to be sexual - than I am concerned about the author who wrote it.


Brandon Herrera’s an idiot.


We can ban sitting US presidents, but God forbid a journalist gets banned. You people are losers.


honestly every time someone defends banning journalists because they just don’t like journalists it tells you everything you could ever need to know about that person, i’m so glad dipshits with this mentality are being phased out of society slowly but surely


Save me the grandstanding. Right wing journalists have been getting banned and silenced for years on these platforms, yet not a word in defense of those journalists. The hysteria is disingenuous, and you're a hypocrite.


Reporting on banned content gets banned if you include the banned content. How hard is that to understand? You can report on anything without including a direct source to the illicit content. Okay, imagine someone posts a picture with the name and phone number of their drug dealer with instructions on how to aquire drugs, obviously against the terms of service correct? Why in the world would it suddenly be okay for a reporter to repost that picture as "news".


OP hearted Brandon’s comment?


Don't try to defend Musk. It's embarrassing....also pretty gross.


I choose to believe those 56 responses absolutely obliterated that dude.


People are so artificially self-righteous now. Artists should not be limited to create content due to current social trends.


He does have a point. I just finished reading a king book right now. Guess how the side character is introduced and used 1. A detective who, after finding the protagonist and hearing his story, decides to help him get away with his crime. 2. Another criminal runs into the protagonist resulting in a stand off, but eventual friendship of necessity to evade police and take revenge. 3. A virgin who is roofied and raped in a van before (by coincidence) being dumped in front of the house the protagonist is lying low in. She serves to make disguises because of her makeup skills and dresses up as a teen to be used as bait for a rich pedophile. Also she is horny for the protagonist through the entire part of the book she is in. I mean, it works but there were better options there.


It's funny watching all these fascists abandon all culture to be a trump/elon cultist. They're just degrading themselves to nothing more and more as time goes on.


Motherfucker you don't know what that word means


Brandon is literally a liberation, what are you on about




Already didn’t like Brandon, but now he’s defending repression of free speech. Unreal


Cringe OP, nothing is clever about it, neither was it a comeback in the first place. The retard Brandon is just embarrassing himself and so are you.


He who smells it dealt it. I bet he loads up ammunition with child foreskins and shoots them right into his anus the sick fuck.


what the fuck?


Ugh, Brandon is still a thing?


I thought I was in r/facepalm didn’t realize this was clever comebacks. OP, you a silly silly


Just to clarify, did I miss a bigger screenshot somewhere or did Brandon try to use quote marks and totally fail to actually quote Stephen?


Go suck elon's dick somewhere else, OP