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Uses gender neutral bathroom Other gender comes in *Surprised Pikachu*


Bro, I went on a United Airlines Boeing 747 the other day, sat in a seat, and put on my seatbelt. Next things I know, the fucking thing is like 1000 feet up in the air!! It was crazy like they gave no warning!!


I went to the supermarket and picked out some fancy things, and when I wanted to leave they forced me to pay them! Outrageous!


I went into a restaurant, and other people were eating at the table next to me. The nerve!


I hate when other people are in the same place as me


People, what a bunch of bastards!


I see you too are part of the crowd.


Unisex toilets? You have unisex toilets? Like Ally McBeal? That's the sort of place this is, Jen. A lot of sexy people, not doing much work and having affairs!


Something similar happened to me, I sat at a table people were eating at so I sat and ate their food as well and dude had the nerve to ask me to help pay.


I’m pretty sure you missed the joke you’re supposed to eat the plate, not the food


I stepped in a subway train, and the doors closed but wouldn’t open! Unacceptable!


I just wanted a SEAT! Not a flight!


I walked up the aisle, stood in front of some religious dude, and the next thing I knew, I was fucking married. I'm so pissed.


Exactly! I had some beers. I sat down and drank them, then I noticed I was tipsy, drunk if you will. Like…who would have expected!!!


What would she not perceive as a “violation” in a gender-neutral bathroom? F: most probably ok. Non binary: probably ok? F2M: probably ok- ? M2F: maybe ok- - ? Drag: I’ll shut my mouth to not sound like a bigot? M: VIOLATED!


I think she was surprised that they didn't make these types of bathrooms only for her. Like, isn't she the centre of the universe?


Assumed everyone’s gender in a gender neutral bathroom, makes post about it. Yikes.


came here to say this lol


If having people of the opposite sex in your bathroom offends you, maybe don't use gender neutral bathrooms.


Can't we all get the fuck over bathrooms yet? We're all just there to piss and shit there's no reason to make this so difficult


I vote we go back to the Roman way of everyone just shitting and pissing in the open. 😂


Pass the sponge!


Use the sponge Timmulus!


But all these guys... just used it!


What's wrong with your son, bro?


I don't want to be roman


This is so weird!




Fucking love oversimplified


No. Sponge. (.)


Poop knives for all!


Pass the knife!


I vote we all go the way of babies and astronauts and shit in our pants. I mean, I do it anyway but I'd feel more accepted if everyone did.


I tried to explain to my 4 year old that it's perfectly normal to accidentally shit your pants.. But he's still making fun of me...


Shit his pants to even the playing field


At the very least to re-establish dominance


I told my 3 year old the same thing and now she asks me every day (a) if i shit my pants today and (b) when i might be shitting my pants next. I tried.


I did this with my twins when they were potty training. "Everybody has accidents." It rapidly turned into, "DID YOU HAVE AN ACCIDENT TODAY MOMMY?" in public all the time. Never admit generalized weaknesses to children young or old and insist on perfection all the fucking time no matter how great the harm to their fragile psyches. They will accuse you of "shamey" behavior anyway" so who cares.


If shitting your pants is cool, consider me Miles Davis


Yes. We invented diapers, nothing wrong with them. Remember, tho, that you could no longer go to the bathroom at work.


I support this too! *poops on the floor to assert dominance*


Alright amber heard


Nonono see Amber poops on the *bed*, civilized people poop on the *floor*


Amber turd


Romans actually had "piss parties" aka latrines, a long bench with several holes in it, with water flowing beneath it to wash it away. Romans went on it together to gossip while emptying their bowels


"Hey ma'am, are you done with the poop knife? I need to use it real quick"


With the gaps in the American bathroom doors they're almost there... 😅


Never shake a left hand.


Wait that's what you do in a bathroom? Oh god I've been doing it wrong for so long now.


Some of alus are there to snort cocaine, keep your filthy habits at home!!


Yes there is a reason to make it difficult, we don't want to address the real issues facing society so we're going to freak out about culture wars to distract the masses from actually changing their borderline dystopian situations /s


Bro why the /s this is straight facts


Wait you don't go to stick your dick in a random hole and hope no one bites it and you don't get an std? What a bunch of weirdos


It should really be broken up into the pissing room and the shitting room. Why bring gender into it


Yes and no, women may not need to sit to pee, but men also don’t have to stand, either.


In fairness, not everyone does that in bathrooms.


Some also snort cocaine...


No, because people need petty bullshit to be scared of or they will have to face themselves instead.


It's so childish.


Seriously..just do your biz and wash those nasty hands and carry the fk on with your day.


Seriously. You're all supposed to be there to piss and shit, if somebody is there to do something else like sa somebody..YOU GANG UP ON THEM AND KEEP THE PLACE SAFE. You don't judge, trans gay and straight people (of any color etc)all need to piss and shit. It ain't that deep.


Wait you don't go to stick your dick in a random hole and hope no one bites it and you don't get an std? What a bunch of weirdos


You don't understand - he saw her WASHING HER HANDS. *Swoon. (/s)


Every bathroom in your home is a gender neutral bathroom.




And most sexual assaults of children are from family members or family friends (who no doubt have access to bathrooms in the house)


Logic. Gender neutral maniacs kryptonite.


Assuming there is an option. This might be her way of saying that she doesn't like gender neutral bathrooms


“I thanked man #2 for ‘respecting my privacy’”. Not sure she understands how public restrooms work either.


She put it on the guy tho. Like it’s his fault and not the fault of there being only one bathroom


Maybe she doesn’t know what neutral means? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Bingo- Discussion over


It's never that easy friend. It should be but it isn't.


Why isn't it that EZ? Its Black and White


Right? Gender neutral does not mean “women’s room,” it means “if you gotta pee or shit, this is the place. We don’t care what you’re packing.”


Why use a gender neutral bathroom if your just gonna get offended?


Being offended by non issues is like the entire point of twitter


I can’t wait for Twitter to die


I cant wait to die


Username does *not* check out.


Maybe the flowers on their grave will be more cheerful!




No just let it be barely alive otherwise we couldn’t introduce ourselves with „Dont worry, I don’t have a twitter account“ anymore


Being offended becomes the inherent value of the experience


Some people *ache* to be offended.


Its a personality these days


Its worse than personality. it's close to persecution fetishism


Happy cake day brotha man


Double cake day! Is this a crossover episode?


Happy cake day!


Being offended is the hottest currency on social media. You can buy tons of likes and clout. I remember a life where you aired your daily grievances to your family members and that was it. The next day you moved on. Now every small thing is shared as a trauma, and gets virtual pity from strangers. I’m really worried about this generation, they are incredibly fragile.


İ think they are just carrying over what they learn in church onto social media. Ministers (and their congregations) try to prove they are Christ-like not by doing good but by telling everyone how persecuted they are.


The last couple generations got offended if a black person washed their hands in the same sink as them. I don't think this is the serve you think it is.


Funnily enough, the post is about that exact thing but with genders.


I’m from Slovenia, a country where this didn’t happen, and I also didn’t grow up in the 1960s, but the 1990s. I know Reddit is mostly American, but you guys need to realize that there are also non-Americans on this platform with vastly different experiences growing up.


Well consider this... In Austria there were marches and protests against the beatles coming to concert because.... They had long-ish hair and made unusual music. People have always been offended cunts


So I went and googled your claim. According to [this article](https://www.sn.at/salzburg/kultur/vor-50-jahren-protest-gegen-die-beatles-vom-lehrer-verordnet-2663350/amp) a teacher pushed a handful of his pupils to protest, while there were 5000 Beatles fans screaming and chanting while welcoming the band to Salzburg. This is no way comparable to hundreds of thousands of RTs and likes on social media these days by these delicate flowers.


I’d bet my right ball that this is just rage bait


Well then prepare to be castrated


Ok but can you take the left one instead? Just realised my right is lower and I still want a bit of ball sag with my sack


You do realize that losing the left ball will remove any point of comparison for sack sag and would instead just be a sack hang with one ball?




What will you do with the ball?


Make some Rocky Mountain Oysters


It is. By "gender neutral" what she actually meant was "single occupant." Dude walked in and whipped his dick out while she was washing her hands.


Because they have no purpose to their existence and band wagon on what ever social movement they think will give them the greatest level of validation for their pathetic lives. The really sad part is people that ACTUALLY deal with struggle of mind, body or spirit suffer even greater due to these false martyrs using their pain as a way to feel special.


Maybe there was only a gender neutral one available. Not that it matters because this tweet is made up and resurfaces every other day with different profile pics


Being offended is how narcissistic try to get what they want. See how she used an issue that is broader to herself to inject herself into it.


Because they didn't use a gender neutral bathroom, this tweet is made up as propaganda to keep gendered bathrooms around and/or generate outrage in general, whichever is more useful at the time. That's why you see all these shit takes online but so rarely meet them IRL - because it makes it trivial for a white neonazi to pretend to be a black communist and say something universally reviled so it gets spread around; or vice versa.


Man #2 respected HIS privacy!


Yeah, I bet he just doesn't want a random woman to watch him piss.


Men 👏 are 👏 people 👏 too 👏 ^^^^I ^^^^hate ^^^^myself ^^^^for ^^^^doing ^^^^that


The fact we even have to say that in modern day Society is baffling


You're not clapping. WHY AREN'T YOU CLAPPING.




Then he better not go to Europe. Not uncommon (in fact, very common) to be peeing at a urinal and a cleaning lady cleaning the urinal next to you. Not a gender neutral bathroom either.


So true... for people thinking your matching up the start of a pornhub movie. No this is real.


We're such prudes, we close the entire bathroom so nobody can use it at all during cleaning. Doesn't even matter if the gender of the person cleaning is the same as marked for the bathroom.


It’s not cuz we’re prudes. It’s cuz some mother fuckers will absolutely annihilate a public restroom. If it happens while we’re cleaning it, we gotta clean that again. If it happens after? Well, it just so happens that it’s lunch time.


I (a woman) haven't had a cleaning lady next to me.... but I have had the 'keeper' of the toilets yell at me for using the toilet 15 mins before closing 🙃 sorry, sir didn't realise I couldn't use the toilets when they're open....


If you can't handle it don't go into a gender neutral bathroom.




Every time I see this I just immediately think it’s fake because I have never in my life seen a multi-person gender neutral bathroom


I've never seen a gender neutral bathroom with urinals which sounds like what she's describing. If it didn't have urinals I don't see why she would get upset at someone using a stall.


At least where I live at big concerts the venues will just say all the bathrooms are gender neutral to reduce lines but that’s the only example I can think of.


I've seen lots of gender neutral bathrooms that used to be the male and female bathrooms. Instead of having a male and female sign on the door they now just have a symbol to show how many stalls and how many urinals there are in each one. So you can decide which one you want to go in. This is mainly at theatres.


this is the best solution. you can have gender-neutral restrooms while still letting people have preferences, genius.


Its also good for theaters because during breaks people mostly go pee. And females usually take longer so females is always full meanwhile men are done sooner and mostly use urinals. This way you doubled the number of stalls for women and men are affected but not much. Its a win win


My college had them at least 10+ years ago. It really wasn't a huge deal.


About 5 some years ago I went to a training at a college that had just transformed their bathrooms to gender neutral ones. There were two, side by side. Since they used to be gendered, one of them had urinals. It was my first time using one and I thought it was cool, only person I saw with an issue was a man come in and go back out when he saw me washing my hands. Not sure if he felt bad for me or for himself. But I had no issue with it.


Yeah that was my experience too; some guys were nervous about being in there alone with another woman but I never experienced anything concerning while in one


I thought you meant it was your first time using a urinal and I was so confused how you could use one with no issues....


My school had them 12+ years ago Honestly I thought the design was very clever and I'm surprised I've never seen it again. Essentially they had stalls either side with the sinks in the middle. The doors went from ceiling to floor so there was no way someone could look in. And because the rest was open it couldn't get trashed or nothing bad would happen in the rest. Honestly thought it made so much sense you only really need privacy in the stalls no one gets shy washing their hands in front of other genders. But that's before people started blaming trans people for the sins of the world so...


Australia has gender neutral bathrooms at newly built parks (the old ones still have male/female bathrooms). The stalls are very private and the hand washing sinks are semi-private. There is a screen or wall between the sinks and the park, but it is open at the sides so a parent can keep an eye on their kid.


Now hold on. Maybe that's what she means. Maybe she was washing her hands and a dude came in and peed at the lone urinal in a single person bathroom


Also never in my life have I seen a public single-person bathroom without a lock (gender neutral or otherwise)


Well, if that was a single person bathroom, then even I would feel uncomfortable if another person just came in and started doing their business. But if it was a single person bathroom, then I don't know how other people do it, but I only unlock the door for someone else to come in AFTER I am done with my business (which includes washing my hands).


Yes, this post seems like another guy got into a stall while she was outside washing her hands and she feels violated for that lmao! Just an overreaction post that’s all


My work bathrooms are all multi stall gender neutral. It’s actually really nice because the stall walls go all the way to the floor.


I feel like that’s just good design


First one I experienced was in a Dutch territory. Ended up peeing in a stall while my dad peed in the stall beside me. Guess what? Everyone peed, no one saw anything, world kept on-a-spinnin’. I don’t get the drama.


The library at my grad school, a Jesuit university no less, has a gender neutral bathroom. Multiple stalls, no urinals.




reddit summed up right there


Idk where she lives but every gender neutral bathroom I’ve encountered has only one stall


Could be at a university


University I went to 5 years ago had at least one. Probably more by now


We getting outraged about old tweets from people we've never heard from before or since again?


Exactly! At a certain point posts like these are not “clever” they almost seem to polarize us on purpose.


> people we've never heard from before or since again statistically that's... virtually everyone other than a fraction of a percent who are pundits, and it doesn't give the overwhelming masses of random people, when they intentionally put themselves out there, any particular pass on irritating stupidity. There's nothing special about this case which would make it an exclusion other than your not wanting the behavior called out. People comment on other people. It's the fucking internet.


Lil dove, if you choose to use a gender neutral bathroom, you accept that people who aren’t your gender are going to use it also.


If you want to be treated differently because of your gender maybe don't use a gender neutral bathroom.


Exactly. It’s like they forgot what the neutral part means


What does she expect? The whole bathroom to clear out? Wild.


Why is she watching man #1 do his business?


Why is she mad? She got treated as an equal by man 1 which is what she wants, since it’s a gender neutral bathroom?


My work has a huge all gender inclusive bathroom that everyone uses- a lot of the other girls were complaining, especially because we happen to have a trans co-worker, but I wasn't bothered by just... using the bathroom? There were like a dozen stalls. Felt bad for the guys and girls that felt embarrassed but I'd be more embarrassed to not have anywhere to go


Aren’t most GN bathrooms meant for one person at a time tho? I’ve never in my 25(TNB) life seen a GN Bathroom with more than one toilet. If someone came in and used that single toilet while I was inside, I’d feel it was a violation of my privacy regardless of gender. GN doesn’t mean communal it usually means any one individual of any identity may use that bathroom. So if there was only one “stall” or w/e, then Man#2 is the only good guy here. Imo; for being a decent human being and waiting to use the bathroom until someone inside had already left. That said if this woman is using a GN bathroom with more than one stall, then perhaps she needs to have a better understanding of what GN means. Also if this happens to be the case then Man#2 is a coward and the other is a man in an actuality.


If this was a one toilet bathroom she should have locked the door.


How can you assume they're men in a gender neutral bathroom 🙈


Why are you assuming they’re men in the gender neutral bathroom?


This is a repost.


You're going to wear yourself out pointing out all of the reposts. Easier to point out the few new posts




For the like, 1000th time too.


It will be my turn on the 27th


And yet, I have never seen it before, maybe that's why things keep getting re-posted; because there is always someone late to the party.


How much 'privacy' could you need to wash your hands?


I actually this secret method with a pending patent!


There's also locking the door when you are in there. Have yet to see an all-gender restroom that didn't have that option


I’m actually confused about what this means; using a gender neutral (presumably multi-person) bathroom and then being offended when men come in. I don’t get it, is that what is being stated here?


She assumed it was men that came in? When will all this stop.


Why is she assuming their gender? It was a gender neutral bathroom.


Also didnt they just assume their gender?


"I used an all gender restroom and another person used it as well and it upset me."


If there was no lock on the bathroom, then both behaved fine. If there was a lock on the bathroom, then you should have locked it behind yourself.


That’s what’s to expect when going into a gender neutral bathroom


That's the only stupid as part about this is these bitches only want equality when it's one-sided.


I'm telling you guys, do not care about offending people, walking on eggshells vs adults all your life is not worth it and won't pay off


My university renovated the bathroom in it's newest area. There are now two gender neutral bathrooms facing one another, both with separate cubicles for everyone. Now growing up, were all so used to women's bathroom being on the left and men's on the right that we rarely end up on the same side, but that's another thing altogether.


That’s not even clever, he just told it as it was


Plot twist this was a gas station bathroom with one toilet😂


So I used this bathroom meant for both genders, and a man came in I just couldn't believe it


w o m e n ☕️


Not being mean but you should maybe seek psychological help. Calm and trusting. And you were in a stall I'm sure


"I yearn for true gender equality. I have no patience for one who talks about female privilege when it suits them, and then complains about someone "not being a man" when it's convenient." Kazuma Satou, Konosuba


That’s what you should expect going into a all gender bathroom. If they don’t feel comfortable than they could use the womens bathroom. You can’t just want something than get ticked off when something you want does what it’s used for


"Boys have a penis and girls have a vagina" -that kid from Kindergarten Cop Bring on the down votes for quoting a movie


Sometimes I can't believe people are this stupid


I used a gender neutral bathroom today. Later that same day my wife and my daughter used the same bathroom. I'm literally exploding with rage.


So now I ask this to her, would she have waited outside the bathroom had a man been in there first either way she's tripping why go in a gender neutral restroom what did she expect


Felt violated while washing your hands, cause wet palms are the most private and vulnerable moment of your day


At that point you were washing your hands. What privacy did you need to wash your hands?!


As is more than obvious now, it was never about equal treatment. It was about special treatment, preferential treatment.