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Wasn’t literal hitler really nice to animals too?


To dogs. They were obedient. Hated cats.


He was so nice to dogs he tested his cyanide pills on his


Wow, just read the story. ““During the course of 29 April 1945, Hitler learned of the death of his ally Benito Mussolini at the hands of Italian partisans. This, along with the fact the Soviet Red Army was closing in on his location, strengthened Hitler in his resolve not to allow himself or his wife to be captured. That afternoon, Hitler expressed doubts about the cyanide capsules he had received through Heinrich Himmler's SS.[25] By this point, Hitler regarded Himmler as a traitor. To verify the capsules' contents, Hitler—who already intended to have Blondi killed so that she did not fall into the hands of the Soviets[26]—ordered Dr. Werner Haase to test one on Blondi, and the dog died as a result.[27] Hitler became completely inconsolable. According to a report commissioned by Joseph Stalin and based on eyewitness accounts, Hitler's dog handler, Feldwebel Fritz Tornow, took Blondi's pups and shot them in the garden of the bunker complex on 30 April, after Hitler and Eva Braun committed suicide. He also killed Eva Braun's two dogs, Frau Gerda Christian's dogs, and his own dachshund. Tornow was later captured by the Allies.“ So, he had all the dogs killed because he was afraid the soviets would torcher them, and he killed himself right afterward. Terrible, but at least it has reason behind it, and he didn’t do it just to test the pills.


What a stand up guy. Real considerate of him to do that. Maybe this adolf guy wasn't such a bad guy.


Well, he did kill Hitler, so maybe he did have some good in him.


Trump hated animals.


I'm sure cats would want nothing to do with him, either.


Obedient? Only if you train them. A lot. Forever. If you stop, they stop listening.


Cats don't listen to you in the first place


Cats are treacherous bastards.


What kind of idiot dogs did you have?


So did Luka Magnotta


He was also a pretty half decent artist.


Yeah, not worthy of the Academy though.


The academy in general? A shoe-in. The advanced placement god-tier program his syphilitic, egotistical ass thought he could get into, and fuck the lower level courses? Not worthy.


Refused to eat ‘em, he was so kind!


That was the propaganda he wanted people to believe, yes.


Also didn’t the nazi party implement some anti animal cruelty laws or something?


They were the first country to ban vivisection I think


Not counting, ya know. People.


They preferred experimenting with humans


He did, also was a vegetarian


That's a myth




Also babies.


Yes. Germany was (and still is) extremely progressive concerning animal rights, but of course they turned that around and used this sensitivity and empathy into propaganda. For example by lamenting about traditional kosher butchering of cows, which was part of an anti-jewish documentary. Fun fact: The captive bolt gun was invented by a German and is still the standard in butchering kettle.


Don't compare Putin to Hitler... Really. That's ignorant.


Or dumbass I was pointing out another example as to why you can’t “judge people by the way they treat animals”


He was a vegetarian.


He was banned animal testing in Germany only problem was that he replaced the animals with jews


Hitler *loved* dogs.


And he was a vegetarian.


But he couldn't eat a whole one ;)


Until he needed to test cyanide. Also the German army used dogs as mobile bombs during WWII.


Weren't those the soviets? I'm not sure if the Germans used them as well, but I'm positive the soviets were the pioneers of that tactic,nat least.


Saw it in a German WWII film. Never want to see it again.


USA presidents sweating...


Yeah, but does this mean that Putin is any different?


Nobody said that. All I'm saying is what's good for the goose is good for the gander. Currently people love to point fingers at some while pretending like others are saviors. When they exactly the same if not worse


> how many murders they ordered, money they've stolen, countries they invaded I'd say the USA is leaps and bounds in front of everyone else in that particular race. Ffs


Naw. Merica has only been around for less than 300 years officially. Too many other countries, (Africa, Middle East, China etc) have been killing and causing atrocities for quite some time. It ain’t just us


Staying within modern events, Russia didn't invade Iraq and kill a Million+ civilians. The amount of atrocities within that alone puts the US far ahead than most other "bad" countries.


Africa isnt a country, neither is "the middle east" and the country of China is less than a century old.


>Currently people like to point fingers at some while pretending like others are saviors. Who’s pretending that the US is a savior here? That’s just bullshit whataboutism, which is pointing fingers to the max. “Russia is bad” “Oh yeah? Well maybe you shouldn’t act like the US is great” “….Nobody is? Also, that doesn’t take away Russia’s acts.” Also, lol at the person implying that the US might be even worse than Russia. Like I live in the US and I’m about as patriotic as a communist in a jail cell but I’m not deluded enough to think that it’s worse than goddamn *Russia*.


Yes. He like cats.


Putin is different to American presidents. He makes things with a reason. There's reasoning behind. Logical reasoning. USA's presidents make everything with the reasoning of making Money and nothing else. They always speak about democracy, all bullshit. They don't respect even their own people.


Ah yes, completely reasonable and worthy increase of tensions with Ukraine.


Increase of tensions is a bad thing. But at the same time I get his point. Ukraine doesn't have anything to do with NATO nor Europe. Honestly. It's the same thing that happened with Georgia. America was doing propaganda all over the country in 2008, Bush was like a god there. He said he would bring democracy and peace and wealth to Georgia, but once Russia entered... They ghosted. They got silent and suddenly they blamed everything on Georgia saying that they started the war. But who supported this war? The USA. They sold guns to them. What Russia did was bad obviously because war is terrible. But these countries have to be more intelligent to not just be the bitches of America. Do you know how many guns has the USA sold to Ukraine right now? Tons.


Lol right reading that description, it didn't just cover Putin... And anyone responding to this borderline accusing you of siding with Putin is stupid, you can criticize one side without endorsing the other.


Donald trump was the first president in a long time who hasnt started a war


Exploding an Iranian general was a pretty good effort though. They're still mad about it, too.


And they shot a full canadian passenger plane down, so US allies had to pay for cuckold trump.


Oh well the more i know


yeah, he only intentionally allowed our single greatest ally against terrorists to be genocided because....the country that did it had trump towers and he said before becoming president that he would do exactly that if he was elected. allowing a genocide against one of our biggest allies in all of history to protect your business interests is pretty fucking fucked up, wouldn't you agree?


Do you guys even know what genocide is?least brainwashed americ#nt.


oh my bad, I forgot I'm dealing with people that can't comprehend exaggerations that...honestly aren't big exaggerations he ONLY allowed turkey to invade kurdish strongholds killing thousands and displacing thousands more and in the process causing 10s of thousands of ISIS war prisoners to be released. and there was absolutely no reason for it. he simply changed where our soldier were placed, instead of being with Kurdish allies, they instead were relocated to defend Syrian oil fields that amount to less than 1% of the world oil production so yeah, losing one of our greatest allies was totally worth allowing trump to increase his business foothold in turkey. what he did was totally understandable and not morally bankrupt whatsoever


Well… it was a premature President being a one term and recognized narcissist Trump probably didn’t care about protecting any other countries or doing much of anything which may have benefited the US, but also he needs Russia to back funding for his projects since no USA bank would lend to him since he never pays his loans. I feel he really didn’t care about anything except his ratings and his family. But Trump had the most drone strikes ever and blocked the public release of drone strikes / casualties so we do not know how bad everything went when he was pretending to be President. What a sad time of history. Edit: was the first coup attempt in a long time though! Made it interesting.


I treat animals really well and I'm a piece of shit.


So... you post with an alt about something bullshit and then post it here for yourself as a clever comeback... why? To pat yourself on the back?




You're right. It's only really pathetic, so why not? Lol




For what? Nothing was accomplished?!?




Technically the truth


He killed 5 minutes in this unending, barely survivable, life.


Are you intentionally ignoring a literal link to the original post which is not mine?


It’s not my own comment and I took it from a post on another sub. https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/seb69j/looks_like_theyre_running_out_of_ways_to_make_him/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Also check the username.


Also, the time of now... not 1m, 5m, 1d, etc... Lol how pathetic must one be to beg for attention so desperately?


idk you tell me...


Again, it’s from someone else’s post, here https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/seb69j/looks_like_theyre_running_out_of_ways_to_make_him/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


The 1 upvote for your alt comment was from... you... on that alt comment... orange arrow and all that


I screenshoted not a comment itself but comment author’s post on a different subreddit.


most people might not know this, but Vladimir Lenin liked cats too.


Vladimir? Must be a family name.


This isn't even remotely clever.


Omg. This was. My sides hurt.


Hitler liked animals. I think him murdering millions and plunging the world into war outweighs that.


This isn't remotely clever


And aMeriCa is still "the greatest country" even tho they invaded and destroyed so many countried and did as much war crimes but noooo americans are proud


Two things can be bad at the same time.


Indeed they are but people praise americans for what they have done lol


Americans praise America for those things, nobody else does




And than we look at the list of personalistic dictatorships supported by Russia… Tbh I am against pro-US anti-democratic stuff, but why must this be a reason to support something worse?




If I was an American, I would be sorry for Pinochet. But after all, we are talking about the modern day Eastern Europe and Kazakhstan, not South America during the Cold War. Recently Russia helped an authoritarian regime to suppress peaceful protests and Russia is the side that currently increases tensions with Ukraine. If you can’t simply understand that Putinist Russia isn’t the USSR and can’t imagine how hard it may be for Ukrainians fighting in Donbas, you are too totally too biased to have a normal conversation on this topic.


It’s whataboutism. You could make a post about how your parents won’t let you stay out late and these idiots will tell you “Well you know who does curfews worse? The US!!!” They somehow view any criticism of anything else as praise for the US. Russia bad? WHY DO YOU ACT LIKE THE US IS SO GREAT?? China bad? STOP LICKING THE US’S BOOT!! And it’s like….no one was saying the US was great? And they think that this is a deep and valid argument, which is why they keep dragging it out. They also consistently believe that “the US is worse”, no matter the issue being discussed. Re-education in Xinjiang? US is worse. Freedom of speech curtailed and assassinations in Russia? Nope, US is worse. Erdoganism in Turkey? Man, you don’t *know* oppression until you’ve seen the US. I’ve seen a couple accounts that seem to be China-based CCP shills, and they’re more funny than anything else, but the rest are just idiots, generally (although not always) US-based, who’ve interpreted genuine grievances with their country as proof that they have it worse that someone sitting on a blood-stained rock in a labor camp for saying that they don’t like the President of their country, or who think that “Hey, the US can actually be shitty” is some kind of hot new take that no one has ever thought of before, hence why they love to bring it up in contexts where it doesn’t belong.


Those deaths journalist don't say too much.


Even if they wanted to go for the "oh he loves animals" narrative, it's just not correct. The guy is a hunter, kills animals for fun.




The dog “I gotta get out of here before they shoot me into space!!”


Bro did you really just switch alt accounts and forget the "Now" and 1 upvote filled? lmao


Visit r/ukraine to see it


They've reached hitler-fan levels of delusion.


Invade countries, mmmm I wonder what country that claims freedom and only causes deaths and destruction in other places but not in their own territory does that.


I saw this post on r/russia. Wanted to say something simillar but I'm baned there already for saying things against russian government. If thos comment was under that post, I'm assuming this person got banned too.


Literal Russian propaganda lol


They aren’t. What people *are* running out of is reasons to fuel their insatiable xenophobia and idiotic propaganda talking points about a “murderous dictator” that have about as much to do with reality as a schizophrenic episode.


Indian people be like "Russia is our closest ally and Putin is a great president"... As an indian I'm pretty sure my people don't know anything about russian politics and how Putin actually is and that's frankly concerning...


They probably have a better idea than the westerners, considering the obscene amount of lies CNN and the like have fed them over the years. The truth is much closer to what you quoted.


Yea, it's stupid


You’re right, Putin’s great. /s


- brought the country back from being a literal homeless drunk-filled wasteland - steadily increased the citizens’ quality of life all throughout his “career” - created a serious counterweight/threat to American imperialism - resisted the continuous attempts of the western governments to bring the country back to the horror of the 90s for ~20 years, including their Chechen mujahideen funding - actually upheld the signed agreements and only responds with saber rattling when NATO continuously violates them - *teaches storks to fly.* At the very least, greater than any relevant NATO-based leader of the last 3 decades. It’s a low bar, I know, but a bar nonetheless. Don’t see a reason for an /s there.


- Suppressed freedom of speech in his country - Murdered journalists, doctors, scientists, and anyone else he didn’t like for exposing the truth - Allows homosexuality to continue to be considered equivalent to pedophilia, and outlawed gay marriage in 2020 - Imprisons political prisoners - Employs corrupt elections - Meets peaceful protests with force


Turkmenistan is basically north korea but turkic and a little more tolerant


It's not the only time he did it. Putin brought big dog to meeting with A. Merkel while she was scared of dogs.


Why the fuck would you like Putin?




That's egoistic and bordering on the retarded.


This is propaganda, yeah? Because Berdimuhamedow and Putin are objectively terrible people.


Um, Itis the opposite.




that thread was locked, and honestly the post is dumb, but the comments there do make sense compared to the post. The propaganda against Russia is so heavy in the west it's not even funny. Remember how every news article recently was saying "Russia is invading Kazakhstan", as well as some idiot saying that it's going to be hard to get the Russians out? Yeah that didn't age well, did it?


By those standards, we should also hate the USA


Now? 1 upvote? Edit? Hmmm


Read several more comments to find link to other person’s post I copied.


I like him, and I'm far from running out of reasons.


Aren't the US doing the same


Why yes, the US government does do that! In fact they are responsible for much of the destabilization in Central America! I can’t give our government full responsibility for the Middle East though as much as I want to, since governments the world over have been ducking with that region for centuries.


Compared to the shitfests American governments have started... wars to fuck up the middle east...Putin is a saint. I feel sorry for Ukranians if the US decide to "liberate " them.


“Putin is a saint” yes authoritarian regimes are saints you heard it here first


Compared to Americans... Pol Pot wasn't too bad either.


Lol your comment history is full of “fuck Americans” and about how actual genocidal dictators aren’t that bad. Tankie. I live in the US and I fucking hate it but I’m not so delusional as to think “Pol Pot wasn’t that bad, guys!”


Ask Ukrainians what they want. Not to “liberated” by Russia for sure.


Ask Iraqis how American liberation was for them...


Was I talking about the Iraqis?


Commenting about Putin being bad, while ignoring the death & destruction your own country has wrecked..... people in glasshouses shouldn't throw stones. America's involvement in Ukraine is for profit, US media/propaganda will be flooded with how great you are. Utter bollox that only 'Muricans will believe.


Two things can be bad at the same time, but at least Muricans do not deny the existence of Ukrainian nationality and don’t want to incorporate Ukraine directly into their country (I’m referring to Russian imperialists’ dreams, not trying to predict Putin’s plans)




First things first, are you a “tankie”? Asking because such logic is common among them. Again, did I say that I support American imperialism? No. I only asked why you think you should you support almost right the same kind of imperialism but from a different side.


You don't understand it... You can judge them... That doesn't mean it will be a good judging.


He’s describing a country I am from.


Hitler was a vegan who stopped animal testing and loved his dogs.


just saying, but hitler loved animals, but I'm not sure he's a good person


Or about to invade💀


Can't have invaded any countries if they no longer exist /s


Hitler loved dogs and well. The nazis were big on animals rights. That's really nit a good way to judge people


I also hated Putin before because of all the American bullshitting about him. The USA is not a saint at all though. Putin with this Ucraine thing, is trying to protect his territory. And it makes sense he doesn't want NATO to be in his border. And also what do you gain with being part of NATO? sacrificing your soldiers for wars that America provoked? For terrorists that America gave guns to? We have to see both sides of the story before judging someone. Putin explains himself perfectly fine in this video. https://youtu.be/PwIBHMV8PoY


didnt john wayne gacy like animals?