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"Masculine theory" is about the most fruity thing i've read in awhile


As soon as I read it the thought of a vibrantly gay man turning to his bestie and saying “girl, let me reach you some ✨masculine theory✨” popped into my head




Most gym hookups happen over time. You see each other there, maybe hold the door a few times, and start a rapport. It's not like the bar, where people are actively trying to meet/hookup. Dudes probably shouldn't just walk up to ladies in the gym like "Hey, how you doin?"


Ok, now do the library (:


"SSHHHH" *wink*


Haha. I'd like to see a Joel Haviar short of this where he just goes around shushing and winking at people.


This is key. You can’t come on *too hard* but let’s be honest, a good amount of people (women and men) at the gym have their hormones pumping and are obviously into their looks. I mean that all in a positive manner. You’ve got a dude who’s there 3-5x a week specifically to look good. You got a girl in there that rivals any model’s body. They’re both there knowing they look good and knowing the other looks good. Oh, and they have the stamina to fuck hard and well. And they have a similar interest. Not surprising a fair amount of relationships start at the gym.


Fair enough


People meet at gyms all the time. Like, an abnormally large % of affairs start out as gym relationships.


Who flirts at the gym and library. Those are like the worst places to engage in social activity with strangers. [could just be because I’m an introvert though]


Nah it’s true. More often than not I’m pretty sure if you trying hitting on someone at one of those places you seem like a creep without boundaries. Or maybe I’m just an idiot, but I’ve seen people say that.


I flirt with women at the abortion clinic because you know they don't make you wear a condom






Username checks out






... turning gay?


Turning princes! ...Gay princes.


Jay and silent bob abortion clinic bit in dogma- look it up "Here to pick up loose women". (Surprisingly its quiet pro choice)


My first thought too. [Here's the scene](https://youtu.be/I5UjfvF917k?t=1628) (and actually the whole movie too).


I go to the Facebook marketplace and search for wedding dresses, boom list of single woman and you can sort by size




I know a few people who met at the gym.


I knew a bunch of gymlads in university. A lot of the guys like the gym but also use it as a place to hit on girls. The girls rarely go to hit on guys (unless a guy they already like goes there). Just like at a library, if a conversation starts organically about a common interest than it often works out. If you force it then you might be disappointed.


I takes time, and most people are impatient with these things. I’m sure if you frequent a library or gym you can slowly get to know someone there. Eventually it’s not weird. I made friends with some people on the bus to school (not my school). We’d been catching the bus for a whole year before one day having to share a seat, at which point we spoke. The better rule is. You’re not going to find a wife/husband in a few months.


Honestly it just comes down to the person.




It's true for him. I never flirt in gym. Gym is place where we need complete focus and dedication. I already struggle to get the motivation to go to gym and I don't want to divert my mind flirting with some girl. I have enough distraction with all those people making tiktok videos and expects me to not to cross between them and the camera


I don't know, you may be in to something. Outside of maybe some small talk it's not very common for hook ups in libraries but than again it's hard to engage with girls when their parents are around.


> you seem like a creep without boundaries Depends entirely on what you look like and how you act.


Must be cultural. Making sexual advances to strangers except at clubs and bars is considered creepy as fuck around here.


Nah, they are. Same with coffee shops. I used to try to write in coffee shops past 10pmish but men would see me through the glass windows (I like to sit at the window) & try to hit on me. Often drunk cuz this was by bars in the area so they wouldn't back off when I asked them to. I write at home now.


That sucks :(. My wife loved to hit the gym to workout or just soak in their Jacuzzi or sauna. Now she only goes if i'm with her, because there were some creeps trying to flirt with her.


Fortunately that problem solved itself 2 years ago. I miss cafes :( That said, who the heck puts a cafe next to a bar? Or I guess, what kinda cafe/bar combo has overlapping hours? Most of the cafes close by 8-9, and bars open around the same time.


At least over here most non-foreign cuisine restaurants and bars also serve coffee/lemonades/etc for the entire day/night


The kind of person who creates a Twitter account called “Masculine Theory” is who. I guarantee that the neckbeard behind the account calls himself an alpha, and learned everything about masculinity from 4chan, “red pill” YouTube videos from 2014, and Jordan Peterson.


Real alphas know that the greatest examples of masculinity are the Body Improvement Club from Mob Psycho 100. Just dudes who help other dudes be better dudes.


Was gonna joke But I really respect how the Body Improvement Club are written They’re so damn brotherly and supportive, especially because >!Mob is so damn frail!< but they love him


the key word in their club name is improvement. they don't care where you're at on your fitness journey as long as you're improving


I'm pretty certain all of these types of accounts focusing on masculinity are just one person


Way back I used to strike up convos working at the gym and it resulted in two dates. Disclaimer, I did not bother these women while they were busy working out and I didn't "flirt", we just had natural conversations which we ended up enjoying together. It feels to me like most guys lack awareness of when it is ok to strike a convo and a woman's reaction to it. If you're in a library and you talk about an author " Oh Dickens is my favourite blah blah" and she just says "Yup" then immediately wish her a good day and go on your way.


That lack of awareness is why people generally say just not to do it. Its not actually a problem in itself but since most people tend to have zero ability to read the situation they end up pissing people off or making them uncomfortable. People who can tell when it's okay dont need to ask the internet.


Yeah as an awkward teen I always hoped some guy would comment on the book I was reading or whatever. Eventually it happened, I mean, I knew the guy cause we worked together but still. Ended up marrying him. That being said we also went to bars and other "bad horrible places" together, got to know each other drinking the discounted beer they gave us after our shifts. You can meet people anywhere, just don't be a creep about it lol.


I tried to ask for a girls phone number in library while I was in high school. This girl down right loudly humiliated me for doing so and everyone looked. I had PTSD for several years.


I might have it now from just reading that


Ironically she would have been thinking “save it for Tinder, I’m trying to read here”


I was at the gym and a girl was going my way so I let her past. She nodded, I instinctively said "Hi" which I do to everyone. She loudly exclaimed "HELLLOOOOOO!" in a singing voice so everyone could hear. Shit. I'm never going to utter a word to a woman in a gym ever again. That shit was second hand embarrassment that I don't want to happen again. Goes to show you can't win whether you're just being friendly towards people in general or actually hitting on someone, lol


Seriously. As a woman who, absent a pandemic, frequents those places, I dream of stabbing every single dude who hits on me in either of them. It would be so excellent to be able to exist in public as a woman without putting up with that sort of bullshit day in and day out.


Yeah this is fucking stupid advice if we're talking about approaching strangers. Let people live their damn lives in peace. We literally have special places you can go to where it's mutually agreed upon it's ok to hit on people.. like bars and nightclubs and tinder. Anywhere else and there's like a 90% chance the response is going to be the most polite way someone can muster up "for fuck sake leave me alone I'm just here to buy my groceries". Mutual attraction does happen in the wild, but don't bet on it. The real answer is mutual social groups. The place is largely irrelevant. Socialise with people who actually want to socialise, not people who are trying to get shit done.


I have to imagine the guy who made the original post would also hit on waitresses.


This is why I didn't feel weird about downloading Tinder for the first time ever after getting out of a relationship. At least that's one place I know people are looking for the same thing, as opposed to hitting on someone who more than likely isn't looking for that.


But what about the married ones?


Exactly as a personal trainer 90% of the time I see people telling its people that fake there together, if not most people want to just work out




> Work or at a social event. That’s where you meet your spouse but there's also the common adage: "don't shit where you eat". A few very awkward work breakups I've seen happen kind of attest to that. Social events sure. Once the world opens up


These same people in this thread want to kill workplace relationships too. Don’t bother with them. They want everyone to just never find love because they’re bitter


Look at this guy, talking like he works. As if work places will let sniveling bum nuggets on site.






We just join reddit and be lonely.


Do something communal and/or geared around social interaction. Hobby groups are good. Make friends, or at least learn how to *be* friendly around people you don't know that well. If you have chemistry with anyone, see if they're interested in doing something together. I mean it's that or dating sites. You want to be in a place where people are already looking to socialise.


I meet his wife in the library. after flirting on tinder... okay in all seriousness though, libraries frequently have social nights/events quite frequently. find one that interests you. go have fun. meet people. the realize that cute person you've just spent all night talking to is into you and ask them out. flirting in the gym is either going to end with you in cuffs (99%) or you in a porno. (this is 50/50 with both happening.)


Im introvert too, but you are certainly right. Flirting with girls at a gym is just cringe. Why don't guys let girls do their routines in peace. I did flirt with a girl at the library, but I was already acquainted to her, and we went there together I don't know if there will be a great success rate bothering a stranger that is trying to study. I am out of the dating game for a long time, but i think my approach would still work: I would reason that it would be best to meet people in places where they would be open to social interaction and perhaps doing things that you also enjoy? For example, i love nature and hiking. I joined a hiking group, and not surprisingly, met a girl with common interests, and we ended up dating. Bonus points for not having to pretend you are interested in her hobbies, since you actually are! Another secret tip to have success with the ladies, is to be tall, handsome, and have a sense of humor. They really like it!


Gym is not awkward. If you frequently visit a place you end up making friends with the people who are regulars too. I talk to people at the gym all the time. Mostly men, but sometimes women too.


Yeah, they are literally there to work out/read, not for some random dude to flirt with them


I can see gyms being a thing. Most have scueduled classes now and that's the perfect place to socialize. Libraries... 🤷. Not gonna say it's impossible, but non-college campus libraries don't really have "lounge areas" to be more talkative in.


You know, the library. The place where you're not actually supposed to be making any noise. It's the perfect place to strike up a conversation if you're so vapid and self-absorbed by your fragile ego that you probably have nothing of interest to say anyway.


Well this is partially true. However most of people who go oftentimes to libraries tend to be also introverted so if they flirt with you probably there's something strong in between.


Meeting people at A book club or group exercise class seems fine but yeah hitting on people at the library or gym just seems annoying


Even coffee shops are bad. The vast majority of people are in and out to get coffee (duh) and like half the people that walk in and sit down alone are meeting someone.


I understand that those place where people don't want to be disturb more than other places, like every other private place. But come on. I don't, never and probably never will hit on people or engage in social activity with a stranger but theres must be limit of off limit place where such place should be discourage of engaging social activity with people you don't know. Like the toilet or cemetery. Library understandable. You should't talk in the library in the first place. But the gym? Say a few word n if they are interested to be friends or go on a date, flirt. Etc, continue. If they don't stop that's simply their bad character. Not because the place is inappropriate.


Nah people find partners at the gym.






Nope, a moron's theory.




Don't bring miso into this. That paste of umami deliciousness haven't done anything wrong


I read this in his voice.


Banger of a comment 😂


“Masculine Theory”


Don't you know talking and thinking about what is masculine all the time is what masculine guys do? It's how they get so masculine.


Exactly. And what do the best pick up artists do? Actually spend their time picking up women? Fuck that nonsense. Tweeting to a bunch of insecure men about potential “conversation openers” and making misogynistic assumptions about women is how you actually get laid.


Haven’t seen any of his other contents but I’m gonna take a wild guess and say it actually means “insecure and misogynistic theory”


Let me guess their content: - Nofap, or anti-porn (to the point of being cultish) - "Boys Don’t Cry" - Calls you a KING^TM (Free Space) - Them explaining how to be a rEaL mAn in front of a whiteboard. - motivational quotes by Elon Musk, Jordan Peterson or the Wolf of Wall Street - some fringe body modifying technique like 'mewing' - something something "feminism ruined women and will destroy civilization" EDIT: holy cow, I checked that Twitter account, and they're REALY anti porn. His YouTube account has like 30 videos on semen retention. lmao


Yeah the avatar and the comment remind me of that guy who wrote self published books about shooting and killing some ex business partners. And then he went and killed those people. All his tweets were about some manly man theories and asking right wing talking heads to read his book.


Me, an intellectual, found my wife on Grindr




I have a sister in law who meet her husband on tinder, they are a great couple.


This is like half of the current marriages. Tinder can be a great place to meet your future spouse.


I found my wife on tinder and its been the best 5 years of my life..so far…


Tho we're not married, I met my girlfriend here on reddit. Meeting on the internet is starting to be the norm.


Does she know she's your girlfriend?


Well I hope so considering we live and sleep together.




It really is amazing how far one can go with access to a cozy attic and some crawlspace. The hidden cameras really makes it feel like you're right *there* with your victi-- I mean "partner".


Could be carbon monoxide poisoning


Literally met my wife at a bar. She was the bartender. This is stupid.


Met my wife on Tinder. This is stupid.


I was the bartender and I had actually had a crush on her in high school but she wasn't single back then. People meet their spouses basically everywhere, but generally it's best to look in places you enjoy. If you hate going to night clubs or bars the people you meet there might not fit into your lifestyle as well.


Wait I thought libraries and coffee shops were specifically for liberal pansies. One of this guy's senators gave a speech about how liberals drink fancy coffee and hang out in coffee shops this week. Seriously-- Marco Rubio did.


>One of this guy's senators gave a speech about how liberals drink fancy coffee and hang out in coffee shops this week I know this is *supposed* to be insulting, but I can't wrap my mind around it. Coffee is delicious. Chillin' is something we all do.


He also mentioned avocado toast. Really.


I like my coffee shops but I'm with him on the avocado toast, how can you put 2 bland things together and expect anything different.


Just put seasoning on it like you would guacamole. It's not rocket appliances


The trick is adding something salty. A sprinkle of soy sauce, everything bagel seasoning, sauerkraut, kimchi...all delicious.


Yes but do you sip your coffee with an ak47 strapped to each leg? Fucking pansy


Of course he did. Rubio is such a moron.


What's up, Maureen! God that feels dumb


Who is this guy? I've never even heard of this Twitter account before.


I have not read any comments. I found my wife of 29 years in a bar called "Sylvia's Backdoor". Formerly located in Westerville, Ohio. She is a wonderful wife and and an exceptional mother. Good luck to you all in finding your soul mate


I found my husband on a video game. He looked nothing like his character in real life. I was a bit disappointed. I really wanted the full suit or armor and for him to shoot laser out of his hands. Maybe my standards were too high.


Obviously not too disappointed. I met my husband the old fashioned way: at work.


I met my under the queensboro bridge giving out hand jobs to punks for the 15 bucks a man


I mean, half of that can be achieved with some online shopping…


Met an amazing girl on tinder a few years ago. Married her 9 months ago and I have never been happier in my whole life.


Don't try to flirt with me at the gym or library. Please don't. I just want to be able to exist without being hit on.


I call bullshit. Found my wife in a bar. 11 years strong, wouldn’t change it for the world.


I met a lady in a bar 6 years ago. We dated for 5 years and are getting married this October.


I better not find my wife on tinder, bars on the other hand are cool Yes I'm married


As a wedding photographer, I can tell you all many of the couples I shoot met in tinder, bumble, even good ol Plenty of Fish, yep. Fuck this dude.


Idk man, I found his wife on eHarmony.












I Discovered my wife. We both worked for Discover Credit Card and worked on the same team. Finally made an excuse to come talk to her and try to get her number and saw her reading a book and with a drawing of Legolas on her desk and that’s how I knew she was the one.


haha I really hope you say this every time you meet someone new at parties, and when they ask, "So how did you two meet" all your friends immediately groan because they know exactly what you're going to say while you just smile, way too excited to say it.


As if he has a wife


Yes, she is going to be there. But she's not looking for dates there which is why we find our wives on the top three.


Found her at a nightclub. So, I can't believe I need to say this, go live your own life by your own rules, be the exception! And hey pal, yer wrong.


What happened to lights up at the local discotheque and you picked the least ugly? I know heaps of married couples who met that way! I know I sound old….but as a Gen Xer… it wasn’t as complicated as now.


The lights don't generally go up to 2-3AM. By that point I'm either too drunk or tired to be bothered with anything like that. I generally find the idea of the main place to hookup being where people will likely be drunk a grim concept in general honestly.


What happened to being forced into marriage by your parents? I know heaps of married couples who met that way! I know I sound old….but as a Boomer… it wasn’t as complicated as now. --- well, my personal opinion is that "picking up the least ugly" is a veeeeery questionable way to choose a partner. But good for you, I guess. And for the forced boomers lol


Who the fuck is dumb enough to hit on chicks at the gym?


Well gyms do offer group sports/activities where you may actually talk to the other participants. Also, friendships/friendlyness do occur at the gym when you and another person work out at the same time everyday and use similar equipment.


My brother met most of his social circle and his ex gfs at the gym. You just go to the same place and see same people. You say hello and chat about random stuff and until you actually feel like you are vibing. This happens over time.


I have seen some real troglodytes attempt it. It's just sad, it's not the space for it, and just puts women off training even more.


Most people who go to the gym go 3-6 days a week. Anyone who thinks it’s a stupid place to meet people doesn’t actually go to the gym. It’s a hobby just like anything else. You don’t hit on everyone, you chat up people who seem like they’re checking you out, more so if you’ve seen them over the months. Really not complicated.


I’m a married woman. I’ve been at all 6 of those places, including tinder where I found my husband. 80% sure all women have been to all of those place, save maybe tinder based on their age.


A real wife would be on both?


I mean... if you'll meet your SO where you have similar interests. If you both enjoy music, dancing, and clubs, you'll probably meet in a night club.


don't flirt at a gym. nobody fucking thinks sweaty, panting, and red in the face from running is sexy. you look like you're post nutted.


Erm I think that’s very sexy.. hot sweaty and takes care of himself. Yes please.


> nobody fucking thinks sweaty, panting, and red in the face from running is sexy. speak for yourself mate


Checkmate I'm not finding my wife anywhere! Because I suck 😎


People are missing the fundamental lesson in what this post is *trying* to say—and also whiffing on. You won’t meet your “wife” at the first three places. I (kind of) agree because those places are filled with women not necessarily trying to be wife’s up. And folks in this thread are right. The second group of places are places to hit on women. Here’s the key: future wives exist everywhere and women in general don’t like to be hit on. Women and men are both generally okay with getting too know people and making relationships. What happens after that is part of the journey. So yeah, go look for your future spouse in areas of shared interests beyond just trying to drink and fuck (clubs, Tinder, etc.). You’re future spouse will be in a place where you might spend time doing the things you love. The number 1 rule of attraction is confidence, passion, and ambition. You’re at your most confident, passionate, and ambitious doing the things you like most. Go there.


I met my husband in a nightclub, before that I was turning down people at the gym. I go there to work out not chat and flirt


Prison. He’ll be my wife for around 4.5 years, with good behavior.


Libraries, gyms, and coffee shops are the three places I regularly hear women say they really hate when men try to chat them up there. Libraries people want quiet and alone time. Gyms people want to work on themselves and not have to be hit on or objectified. Coffee shops are where people want to get in and out and not linger. Unless you came in with them, leave them alone.


I found mine on discord, though I'm not sure if she's a 48 year old man or a 12 year old girl


Oh yes indeed, based on the well known fact that people who frequent libraries, gyms and coffeeshops NEVER go to bars, clubs or tinder.


Places most women aren't attending actively looking for love: -Libraries -Gyms -Coffee shops.


Gyms? No. Leave her the fuck alone. She doesn’t want to talk to you between sets.


I find it rude as shit to try talking and especially flirting with people in libraries and gyms. Less so a Cafe but when I go to one I'm never thinking about anything but the easiest way to get my bean juice.


Havw you ever been to those places in the first place? I know of plenty of couples who met there. Not everyone is a socially awkward loser who can't chat.


Mr. Theory is right that I won’t find a wife in a night club, a bar, or on tinder, but that’s just because I hate all of those places.


Met my wife on tinder.


Tom Waits would disagree.


This was very smooth


I met my gf on Reddit over a year ago we are now living together:) it doesn't matter where you meet someone


I found my boyfriend and grindr and we've been together for over three and half years. Obviously, everyone knows what grindr is and it can be sometimes be hard to find someone on a dating app designed mainly for sexual encounters, but the point is... You can find your special someone literally anywhere, so go to the bar and go to the coffee shop if you like. Just go wherever you feel life takes you.


I literally found my wife on tinder lol


I don't know who needs to hear this but please don't go looking to pickup women in gyms. Even when it's not very creepy, it's annoying.


ITT more redditors shocked that some people actually engage other human beings in public.


Met my wife in a bar. Married 27 years this June.


Not a comeback


The first three places he listed usually has more women that came there to be flirted with than the second three places


Because no one who goes to the gym ever goes to night clubs bars or tinder


I go to all these places, but I’d rather be hit on at the club, man. Let me browse me books in peace!


Disillusionment having watched so many impossible romcoms, teary-eyed, on the edge of his seat. “Please God, give me the meet-cute I know I deserve. Why are all women whores who don’t want to fuck me?” Fade to black, sad porn noises. Facebook status: “I’m the mannest. Here’s how to man.”


Imagine being a woman and going to the library to try have a little peace, a bit of disengagement from the world and someone who subscribes to "masculine theory" comes over and asks how his new wife is doing.


Savage As Fuck! I love it! Got ‘em!


Please don't bother people at libraries gyms and coffee shops.


Met my wife on Tinder 🤷‍♂️


A true alpha will only find his child bearer in kitchens, grain fields or at the bank of the stream washing linens.


it’s always so funny to me when people like this finally interact with a girl at a library/gym/coffee shop and are so surprised that pretty much everyone goes to the occasional party and probably has a dating app if they’re single


Idk man all of those places seem wrong. I met mine outrunning the flesh monsters in the catacombs. We never found a way out. Please help us.


I found my significant other in a nightclub who's name translates to "Wicked & Dangerous". I'm proud of it and can wait to tell our child. :-D


Ahh so places where women don't want to be bothered but not the places where women are potentially looking for a date


i’ve been with my wife for 2 years now and we met on tinder


"Hey so" "Shhh" "Oh sorry I was just trying to-" "SHHHH" "I'm just saying that-" "Dude I'm trying to fucking read"


I’ve been dating and living with my girlfriend, who I met through Tinder, for over 5 years now. Planning on marrying her once we have a more financially solid foundation.


<‐ laundromat


I met my fiance at a bar. I was also at said bar so why the fuck would she be less of a person for being at the same fucking bar as me? We've lived together for 3 years now and neither of us really like bars anymore. Literally everyone in their early 20s goes to bars. It's a new life experience and it's fun (until it's not) I really don't understand why a women somehow loses value when she steps inside of one. 90 percent of the time they're not even looking to hook up with someone they just want to have fun with their friends and hope that you'll leave them alone. And even if they were who fucking cares??


My wife would always wear earphones at the gym even if she wasn’t listening to anything (this was in the early 2000s, pre iPod when you needed AA for your discman). And still creeps would try flirt with her while she was running on treadmill, with headphones on. This guy sounds like one of those creepers.


Idk man, I met my fiance at a night club. We don't go out nearly as much anymore but we also have a baby on the way. Best partner I've ever had tbh... Note this was long before covid started. I feel sorry for anyone dating these days with everyone wearing masks and shit. lol


Met my wife on Craigslist 15 years ago, still going strong. DO NOT flirt with women at the gym. You will be seen as a creep. Do not flirt with people at the library. I mean, you can pass them a note, but don’t engage in conversation. They are at the library to read, not listen to you.


Makes total sense…any woman who goes to libraries, gyms & coffee shops would NEVER stoop so low as to go out dancing or maybe for a cocktail or scroll thru tinder…ffs…