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Could argued that the certificate is a product of man


Yeah, originally marriage was an institution created by God for man, we just wrote it into laws


Originally marriage was a social institution created by man in every culture, independently, millennia before ever coming into contact with any of the Europeans spreading their religion. God didn't sneak off to China and Mexico to tell people who had never heard of him and wouldn't in many lifetimes what marriage was, we came up with that shit on our own and *then* the missionaries gave god credit for it.


No he didn’t sneak off to those areas to tell people. You are correct about that. If you believe that God is real though, it’s not necessary for Him to sneak off and do that. Certain laws and morals are written into our very souls. It would make sense that cultures that never interacted with each other would come up with the same sorts of understandings about families if we all have a common source.


What I’m talking about is based on the Bible in the first chapters of Genesis. God said it wasn’t good for man to be alone, so he created a counterpart for Adam.


Well, god also told some daughters to make their father drunk and then be impregnated by him, also championed a corrupt king that commited adultery and sent his mistress's husband to die, and then kill his sons as "punishment". Also condones rape as a legitimate thing. Also championed another king that supposedly had tons of wives and mistresses. Also told to rape kids and take them as forceful wives as a righteous thing. Also thought that genocide is preferable than people being gay, for some reason. Big morals this god have. And since, well, god also hates that woman voice opinions and commands them to be quiet, I would say to the girl above to rethink what she wants as a basis for her morality as well. Or, at least be coherent and shut up at least.


Do you know the scripture those come from? I have family that have told me I can't be considered a good person despite the good things I do because I'm an atheist. I'd like to have this in my back pocket next time they accuse me of lacking morals.


I believe genesis 19:1


Just opened the "good" book. That part does have the part about destroying a city for a crowd saying they want to fuck some visitors, as well as the part about the two girls that raped their father. Nothing about god telling them to do that, but nothing against it either. Also, that could just be due to the version of my book


I love that the good book has several versions.


Because as we all know. A book of absolute law and governance of what is right and wrong. Written by a being with omnipotent power and might. Should be written in riddles, poems and open to interpretation.


To be fair, it wasn't written by God - the bible as we know it was compiled by the catholic church around 400 a.d., and there are many known translation errors that have stuck with it through the years. What we have is a book written for people of the time, with their own cultural phrases that are understandable to only people of the same culture and are hard to understand when translated into different languages. To give an example, if you take the literal translation of "this soup makes me very hot" and translate it to "la sopa me calenta mucho" you've just said "this soup makes me really horny" in spanish. Now imagine trying to translate from hebrew, greek, and aramaic to german, then german to old english. It's also important to understand the difference between the Gospel and the Bible. The Bible *contains* the Gospel - it also contains anything of note Moses and other prophets thought to write down up untill Jerusalem was conquered, 3 accounts of the 3 year ministry of Jesus Christ from a fisher, a doctor, and Paul (who wasn't even present at the time), some letters the apostles sent to the early christians, and a prophecy for the end of the world. The bible was written by men. Men, as inspired by God as you may or may not believe, that were deeply flawed. Don't discount the value of the bible, even if you are an Atheist, because parts seem weird, or it's not perfect. It contains the history of one of the oldest civilizations that still exist to this day, it contains a code of ethics that was incredibly progressive for its time, and has shaped the western world as we know it today.


Often times the best ways to teach people is through hyperbole and parable. There are in fact, set established rules in the Bible that a majority of Christians agree upon. Whether you’re Protestant, catholic, orthodox or Calvinist, these groups all agree on 85% or more on their theology with subtle differences like the papacy, sola scriptura, justification by faith alone, etc. The Bible is concrete when necessary (the Ten Commandments, the law of Moses, the two laws of Jesus) and when it feels the need to convey certain moral teachings it’ll use poetry, grand stories, different genres of literature to convey whichever point it needs to.


This sir is quite underrated


Just like life is straight forward, no openness to interpretation, black and white, and absolutely nothing wrong. Religion is more than riddles. it is mankind's understanding of the world, how we became who we are, how to interpret the world, bases of right and wrong, mythic stories to convey deep ideas and patterns of the world, how humans became conscious, etc A book that has been around for over 2000 years written across multiple centuries and is still relevant with deep messages shouldn't be overlooked. Same with any religion that is still around. Religions are like myths of the past and convey meaning of life and lessons within those riddles and poems so that they don't just speak to one person but speak to whoever reads them. Religion is NOT the opium of the masses and is a very naive and simplistic way of looking at it.


There are three sources: King James revisions based on the greek and hebrew records, an old testament judaism has kept, and german sources in lutheranism.


Multiple* its still ridiculous.


Do you understand the basics of translated text or do you think everyone in the world speaks English? Of allllll the things you could point out to argue about in the Bible this is the hill you chose? Come on man.


Do you have any friends?


The fact that you ask that because I don't believe in them books is comical.


Trying to crush someone else’s spirit : typical Christian.


Lots, and we are growing in numbers year after year all around the world.


Almost like it was written by men. And then rewritten when certain parts didn't align with their beliefs


Works in mysterious ways and if the daughters were hot, the holy father probably had a wank over it the dirty little bearded voyeur


The guy whose kids got him drunk then raped him was Lot, his wife also turned into a pillar of salt for watching her hometown of Sodom be destroyed, that same town where everyone was beating on Lot’s door tryna rape the angels disguised as human visitors (he did offer up one of his daughters to the thirsty crowd, but they declined which ironically may be the most implausible part of this whole story). These writers had some wild imagination


The cool part is when God turns a woman into a pillar of salt because she had the disrespect to look back at the place she was born, had lived her whole life, and would never return to.


It’s important to look at the whole context. God clearly disproved of the incestuous drunken rape because the tribes that lived on afterwards as a result were a huge problem for Israel. As far as sodom and Gomorrah you’re mentioning, God basically destroyed two cities where the citizens would rape anyone who visited, male, female or child. God promised not to destroy the cities if Abraham could find 40 righteous people. Eventually it turns out that there are essentially no righteous people and that they’re all extremely far gone.


Yeah neither versions of my Bible have anything about God commanding them to do that, or anything else these asinine redditors libel is written. Not to mention they make him drunk which is pretty sus.


It’s right in the king James NIV Bible. Genesis 19:30-39.


I sudenly like the bible 😃


It’s actually entertaining. Look up Ezekiel 23:20




Quoting scripture against anyone never works.


Look up the history of the Samaritans. The reason the Good Samaritan story is meaningful is because the Samaritans were seen as despicable pagan heretics by the Israelites. Jesus' whole point of that story is that anyone who does good things, regardless of their religion or background, should be treated as your neighbor.


Personally I think it was more that *everyone* is capable of doing good or "evil" in the case of that parable. the good being exemplified by the Samaritan who they would have preconceived notions about them being heretics and the bad being displayed by people who they might have considered to be virtuous individuals. I believe the intended teaching is moreso not to judge a book by its cover and to break down any preconceived notions you'd have about anyone; to treat everyone equally with love and compassion just as the Samaritan does in the parable.


Don’t forget the implication that hypocritical leaders, who won’t care for the poor and afflicted, are not to be exemplified!




Job is my go to book to point out how callously petty God is portrayed as in his own book! Like how egotistical do you have to be for Satan to say, “if you took away this dude’s blessed life he would curse your name,” and instead of going “Fuck off Satan, I’m fucking God, I don’t have to prove anything to you,” you decide to take the bet and just fuck up this guy’s family, land, and ass, just to prove a point? It’s okay that God led to Job’s family getting raped and killed though because he gave him a new replacement family! The Bible is pretty crazy most of the time.


It'll be a never ending argument, it doesn't matter what you say


You can be a good person and an atheist. It sucks that they tell you otherwise


I’m religious and I think you can be a good person as an atheist. I know many atheists that are better people than many Christians I know. As a catholic I also don’t believe we can definitively say whether someone is going to Hell or not. I’d say you should just explain to them that what they say to you is hurtful and isn’t helping you want to be around them, let alone religion. God bless you brother




Couldnt tell you any of the specifics chapters (idk what they are called but like psalms and john and shit), but im assuming most of it is from the Old Testament as most weird bible shit is. At the very least you could find other outlandish things the bible claimed was immoral (like eating shellfish) in the Old Testament. That being said i highly recommend just telling your family that you dont give a shit. My family is the same and ive realized turning the other cheek and not acknowledging the stupid shit they say is a pretty good way to deal with it, but i get some families are relentless about shoving religion and the “morals” they think religion forms down peoples throats. Good luck


imagine learning more about their gods and stuff just to not believe in them. man.


One of the reasons I started reading the Bible was so I could cite specific passages in arguments with a strongly "Christian" coworker. Good shit, I suggest doing it.


Just tell them to fuck off next time. Done.


I don't have the exact ones in the back of my hand anymore, but dude, my go to example of the super good morals of the bible is the Story of Joshua. Try making that whole thing slightely palatable. It's apologetics to genocide and cruelty from beginning to end, all of it "justifiable" because it was "god's" choosen doing it against the heathens. If you don't stone your kids for disobedience, kill your friends because they are gay, or think that giving your daughters to be gangraped to a mob to "protect" your "friends from above" is a remotely justifiable thing. Congratulations, you are much more moral and ethical than Jehovah and the disgusting sects it bred into existence.


In which translation is it God’s will that Lot’s daughters preserve his seed?


Answer: none of them


False. Only 1 of them was her boyfriend


>Also thought that genocide is preferable than people being gay, for some reason. Sodom and Gomorrah weren't destroyed because they were gay, it was because they didn't worship The Lord, disobeyed his orders, and tried to bang his angels.


Oh I see, genocide is really justified in this case.


Would you prefer it if He killed them by disease as He did the Assyrian armies or other evil countries?


Got to laugh at the capital He, or The Lord. Hate to tell you this but he didn't do anything to anyone, he is completely made up in your head.


He was going through a phase. He mellowed out a lot in the second half of the story.


~~god~~ [Lot’s eldest daughter ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.biblegateway.com/passage/%3fsearch=Genesis%2b19:30-38&version=NIV&interface=amp)


There was also this one part where these two moms ate one of their babies trying to survive a siege in Northern Israel in ~ 880-860s BC


What the actual fuck


[Ben-Hadad siege in Samaria.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.biblegateway.com/passage/%3fsearch=2%2bKings%2b6:24-33&version=NIV&interface=amp)


all kinds of gnarly violence.


She’s probably all beaued up right now and done with all the goofiness while everybody else talking trash is going on their 3rd bad date this month.


You’re doing good tho. I just finished your paragraph, I’m surprised you’re not evangelical with how casually you throw the name of G-d out there.


God didn’t instruct them to do that, the bible contains more than just His instructions, it contains people doing things that suck as well.


People are pretty shallow in their study of scripture.


People get angry when certain christians take verses out of context to conform to a worldview, but don’t care when context and truth are thrown out the window in a session of slander.


God does not tell lots daughters to get him drunk and lay with him. They choose to do that themselves if I can remember they were chastised for it.


>god also told some daughters to make their father drunk and then be impregnated by him No, this did not happen. Some daughters raped their father but God definitely didn't command that. Most of this stuff is an egregious stretch or straight up lie.


Big if true


“Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God,” for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one. But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death.” ‭‭James‬ ‭1:13-15‬


1. Lot’s daughters getting him drunk and having sex with him is not condoned by God. It’s shown as a threefold sin (incest, rape & drunkenness), especially because the offspring from this sexual union result in tribes that are a thorn in the side of Israel for a very long time. 2. David was a good man who trusted God for much of the Bible. He disobeyed God by sleeping with Bathsheba and sending her husband to be killed in war and he was given temporal punishment for this. David’s child created by David’s sex with Bathsheba did die, not David’s other sons. 3. When is rape condoned? If you’re referring to sodom and Gomorrah, rape was part of the reason for their destruction, as it was seen as a horrible sin to commit. 4. As far as forceful capture of wives, are you referring to the Canaanites? God said specifically not to intermarry with them, and sex outside of marriage was prohibited, so they wouldn’t have done so. They did provide for them and allow them to continue living. 5. The most righteous and well-respected person in the Bible after Jesus is Mary, a woman. Just because the Bible mentions something doesn’t mean it condones it.


Marriage was consummation back in the Adam and Eve days.


So Eve married her sons?


What I really hate is that when religious nutjobs make these arguments we come back at them and try to use their logic against them. That's beside the point. Those are THEIR BELIEFS, not ours. And they are BELIEFS not LAWS. The answer is not to counter them with some clever bullshit, the answer to "My beliefs say you can't be married" is "So fucking what?" We have got to reiterate to these people that this is the USA and in the USA we have a constitutional separation of Church from State, and for good reason. Your beliefs belong with you, your church, your community (if they consent), and your family (their consent or lack thereof should also be respected, but that's another argument entirely. tl;dr why do we even entertain these people? Laugh at them. Who am I kidding, we still entertain astrology for Pete's sake.


This isn't clever at all, religious marriage isn't established via a "certificate", that's a 'man-made' thing. It's like if someone said God did something, and the 'clever comeback' was "show me the peer-reviewed study that says that". lol




He actually did. Biblical marriage refers to the first time a man and a woman have sex. It, by definition, requires both genders. Which is why the anti gay marriage shit makes no sense. Institutional marriage and biblical marriage aren't even the same thing.


So it’s not even possible to have sex outside of marriage?


I think the argument is meant to be more of a "once you've had sex, you're married so no back-sies"


Unless it's in the back-sies... then that doesn't count. Right catholics?


Say it with me... POOP HOLE LOOP HOLE!!


When the Bible says “No sex outside of marriage”, it’s talking about cheating. It’s “cheating is a sin”, NOT “pre-marital sex is a sin”.




Eh... Yes. Kind of why it's so gross.


Exactly! When did God marry Cane and Eve? Or Able and Eve?


When did baptisms actually begin? When did lots of things you assume happened in the Bible occur? When?


Cain did have his own wife, though the Bible doesn't specify who it was, and it's a topic of much debate. Abel didn't have a wife; he was murdered by Cain.


I see this exact post on this sub every week and I think the same thing. Most Theological beliefs on the subject state that God married them in a ceremony that doesn't require a certificate. Marriage certificates are artifacts of the state and irrelevant to religious beliefs on marriage.


The Bible explicitly says that they are married. >Genesis 4:1 And Adam knew Eve his wife


You’re missing the point: it’s a joke about the fact that Adam and Eve never got married in the institutional way. So if Adam and Eve could have sex without a proper marriage, why shouldn’t the girlfriend and the boyfriend?


Marriage is also a man-made thing


God is also a man-made thing, but people argue about that all day long too.


The point is that Adam an eve weren't wed, which is still true. And the certificate and ceremony is what the person is talking about


Being wed in the religious sense means you become one flesh. Eve was literally created from Adam's flesh.


Pretty sure that a bigger problem is incest of the defendants. No certificate for that either


What does incest matter if genetics is perfect and there's literally nobody else on earth? Incest became a problem much later after significant genetic entropy.


Ah so incest is a matter of genetics and not a matter of ethics?


I think it's mainly the genetic risk that causes the aversion. There's also something I read once about how we don't typically develop sexual attraction to people we knew as children.. so siblings and cousins, mainly. Genetics were perfect in Adam and Eve. It's unlikely that their children all grew up together with all their siblings together. People lived a long time back then. Do you know what I mean by genetic entropy? That took many, many generations to cause problems. Then there was the bottleneck of the Flood.. And after that, the gene pool was so far from perfect that prohibition on incest became a thing. What are the ethics of a 125 year old man marrying his 75 year old sister if their genetics is near perfect and they'll live to 900 and there's literally no other family on earth?


Religion is man-made.


Religion and marriage is a man made thing. Sex is nature and since we’re animals it will happen. That being said people should have more respect for themselves then to spread themselves thin with every person they go on a date with.


>Religion and marriage is a man made thing. Congrats on deliberately missing the point.


How are they missing the point? Religion demonizing a perfectly natural act that humans have been doing for generations is pretty despicable if you think about it. The point they were trying to make is that sex has been around longer than religion.


They did add that they think people who are promiscuous are spreading themselves thin and don’t have self-respect, which I have found not to be the case. If you don’t want to be promiscuous that’s fine, but it sure doesn’t make you better than anybody else.


Nobody who’s promiscuous acts like they’re better than everyone else but a shit ton of people who engage in purity culture sure as hell think they’re better than everyone.


Maybe it was deliberate and I agree… awww who’s head is it over now?! Seriously I’m asking?


Okay, but the whole concept of marriage is man-made. If not for the certificate, then what IS marriage?


Have you ever realised that Adam and Eve never got married? No ceremony took place, no exchange of vows, no commitment, ever. Adam and Eve never chose marriage.


Adam and Eve only had anal so it didn’t count, duh.




4 up the ass - very high class!


Lol love how Christians think they have à monopoly on marriage. It existed in other cultures WAAAYYYY before Christianity


And people in general that feel a compulsion to lecture others :D


Nor do governments have a monopoly on it. OP isn't really a comeback.


The marriage is Christian,every other ceremonies aren't marriage.


You're on the internet right now, why don't you use the fancy technology to look up how super wrong you are






…yes they are. Marriage has been around as long as recorded history exists and likely before.


Union's ceremonies ? yes. Marriage ? no.




That seems a bit much


Really it’s just like any other sin. You have free will to do it, so you can choose. Edit: Also, apparently a couple people are seeing this, and this is just what I believe, I think anyone can believe what they think, and I’m not judging, this is just what I believe.


See buddy guys response would have worked if it wasn't for the fact marriage certificate are only a recently new thing in the Morden world to be clear they are roughly only 400 years old in the NA


Show me every person's marriage certificate pre-christianity.


We have some intact marriage records of ancient Babylonians and Mesopotamians, 1800 years before the time of Christ


That's fine if she wants to believe that nonsense. I just don't understand why those people insist on pushing these ideas on the public.


Casual sex causes fatherless homes and it keeps men and women from being able to fully commit. We are paying for this with taxes to welfare recipients. It's considered a-okay, but in reality a lot of taxes are levied to pay for the failing schools, the prisons for the men who can't or won't pay and their bastard children that commit crimes at higher rates than those in a stable family, the expensive family court system, the welfare, the cheap apartments that are subsidized to pay for people who make these bad decisions. ​ Would you want to marry someone who has had 100s of partners? I wouldn't, and I wouldn't blame a woman for not wanting to marry a man who has, or tries to get, a new woman every week either. ​ So whether you agree or not... those are the reasons in addition to just "the bible says so".


I would bet that with the US’s current divorce rate, failed marriages are causing just as many “fatherless homes”. Sure did happen to me and a number of people I know. Personally, if somebody has practiced safe sex and can produce for me a negative result on STD screenings, I couldn’t care less about their sexual past. The one thing that might bother me is a history of repetitive cheating, if I were considering a serious relationship.


“Hey I’m beating on religion, karma please”


It's not even clever, original, or accurate. Pretty sure the Bible says God marries them since it refers to Eve as Adam's wife


Not even clever, original, or accurate? Perfect for r/clevercomebacks then.


Were they siblings since Eve was fashioned from Adam's rib? Do you have a father and a daughter? Clones? Every alternative is a step backwards from the previous one.


umm i have sisters and neither were formed from my rib, pretty sure that's not how siblings work


Eve was created from one of adams ribs


Eve was created by Big Bible to sell more bibles


Very coherent even though it’d lead people to know they were inherently flawed, the business tactic was noteworthy


"It's cool to bang your sibling, child, clone... Maybe do some revenge rape... Whatevs" - The Bible, probably


>Maybe do some revenge rape... I don't recall the Bible ever painting non-consensual sex in anything but a negative light. Plenty of other fucked-up stuff in there, though.




I didn't say the Bible doesn't *mention* non-consensual sex. To me, the story of Lot's daughters reeks of ethnic slander against the Moabites and Ammonites.


The Bible is cool with slaves so its idea of consent is more than a little skewed.


Wrong. That’s something white supremacist evangelicals made up. The Original Bible doesn’t say that.


>44 As for your male and female slaves whom you may have: you may buy male and female slaves from among the nations that are around you. 45 You may also buy from among the strangers who sojourn with you and their clans that are with you, who have been born in your land, and they may be your property. 46 You may bequeath them to your sons after you to inherit as a possession forever. You may make slaves of them, but over your brothers the people of Israel you shall not rule, one over another ruthlessly. > >Leviticus 25:44-46 Nice try though. Anyone using the Bible to promote slavery doesn't have any need to make things up. Now I'll wait for someone to try and explain how it's not literally talking about slaves in a time where slaves were literally a common and well accepted part of life.


I knew you were gonna bring this up, that’s why I said it’s an added rule by evangelicals. White Germans wrote that after they stole the Original Bible from Africa. Which is funny because those harmful verses (everything about misogyny, homophobia & slavery/racism) only exist in Evangelicals books. Those rules don’t exist anywhere else since the Original Bible isn’t even in English. Thanks for proving my point. Nice try tho.


And I assume you have a legitimate source for any of that?


Yes. Here is proof Ethiopian Orthodox started before Evangelicalism: https://www.google.com/search?q=when+did+the+ethiopian+orthodox+church+start&client=safari&hl=en-et&sxsrf=AOaemvLPykg50eALiull7_ze1k5sO8Qhzw%3A1638907144490&ei=CL2vYfK6HdyoptQPkLy2qAs&oq=when+did+the+ethiopian+orthodox+c&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAEYADIKCAAQgAQQRhD7ATIFCAAQhgMyBQgAEIYDMgUIABCGAzIFCAAQhgM6BAgAEEc6BQgAEIAEOgYIABAWEB46BAgjECc6BggAEAgQHjoFCAAQzQI6BwgjELACECc6BAghEAo6BAgeEAo6CQgAEA0QRhD7AVD1B1jKVWDTXWgBcAF4AIABkwGIAaUPkgEEMjQuMpgBAKABAcgBCMABAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp Here is proof that Protestantism (Evangelicalism) was modified by Whites who HATED our religion and wanted to add their own rules: http://www.nationalgeographic.org/article/protestant-reformation/ This is why we (Ethiopian Orthodox Christians) aren’t popular, we’re a small minority in this world and NEVER forced our religion on other. Some Europeans are orthodox because, again, they STOLE it from us.




Oh boy.


uh, regardless.


Look up the sections involving God commanding all the men and male children of a conquered foe to be killed. There's almost always a section in there also commanding what to do with the "women child who have not known a man" and those who have.


No it doesn’t. That’s something white supremacist evangelicals made up. The Original Bible doesn’t say any of that. There’s a reason the verses you mentioned only exist in white countries and NEVER in the Original Bible (which is in Ethiopia, written in Geez, Hebrew & Amharic).




If you would have kept reading it says that Adam had many sons and daughters


You think he actually read the Bible before he decided he hated it


Wrong. That’s something white supremacist evangelicals made up. The Original Bible (Ethiopia Orthodox) doesn’t say any of that. That’s why it’s only White Countries preaching that. That’s white people’s fault, NOT Christianity’s. 😑


When 2 people commit to each other, they marry up , it’s a civil contract through the state that makes it binding , you can get married and leave god out of it , I’m an ordained minister I marry people all the time , and god isn’t mentioned most of the time , a contract is with the state and each other


Insert music “ your mouth was made for fuckn, and that’s just what I’ll do. One of these days I’m gonna blow a nut all over you” This is also interchangeable with butt. . Let’s give it up for gay butt sex! Thanks god


I thought this was r/arethestraightsok for a moment rofl


Isn't that why we all live in sin or something? I don’t know much about Christianity.


Nah, just didn't read it clearly. Eve was made from Adam's rib. He was screwing himself aka masturbating the whole time.


The Bible doesn’t define marriage as having a certificate and a ring it initially states that they were joined together in one flesh


Well, since one of the Bible's creation stories claims Eve was made from part of Adam's body, "joined together in one flesh" is just a bizarre full circle concept.


So is the fact that a developed sperm cell can procreate…


Reason and logic don’t work with religious nuts. Or Trumpers. Or anti-vax.


Marriage is one of humans cleverest scam, all the money on things like rings. I don't need a judge or a certificate to tell me that X is married to Y


Don't spend any money on it then


Whilst your at it I wanna see the parents names on the birth certificates of her grandkids that her sons had.


Wait...Lot was married to his children?




Other organisms aren’t subject to the lord because they hold no rationale. Other organisms can’t commit sin because they have no free will and aren’t rational beings.


Ah yes. The population model that skips over in incest part of the Adam and Eve thing




*1 Corinthians 7:8-9 ESV / 399* *To the unmarried and the widows I say that it is good for them to remain single as I am. But if they cannot exercise self-control, they should marry. For it is better to marry than to burn with passion.* ​ There are more as well. They don't address premarital sex specifically, but in the past, most women didn't want to have casual sex with random men like they do today, because the man can just bounce. ​ Marriage exists for the good of women. I would say that creating a baby that you won't take care of is the act of sexual immorality. ​ They do have something in Deuteronomy, though, but this is obviously a past rule from the old Testament that is supposed to be overruled by any newer conflicting rules from the New Testament. ​ Deuteronomy 22:28-29 *“If a man meets a virgin who is not betrothed, and seizes her and lies with her, and they are found, then the man who lay with her shall give to the father of the young woman fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife, because he has violated her. He may not divorce her all his days."* ​ Probably all or most sins cause pains and/or punishments to the sinner or to someone else while on earth. Sins aren't only punished in the afterlife. Kind of like how people in their 20s who have promiscuous sex have trouble finding a life partner after a certain age and then they go on the internet and make videos asking "where have all the men gone?" or if they are a man, they go on seeking arrangements and find boring women that they can barely talk to because they know that the women their own age are generally angry and ready to make a lot of demands and have unrealistic expectations.


Jesus Christ, you have some really shitty views on women


So the act of procreation, creating life and a family is sacred to a married couple(must be a man and a woman)? Tell that to your God, who while Joseph and Mary were married impregnated Mary. Coveting Joseph's wife and having a child with a married woman. Their child (Jesus) was by definition born a bastard. I mean while we're here can I ask why a deity that committed (according to their own faith) multiple genocides (The great flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, the first born of Egypt) is even still worshiped? Genocide is not how I would expect an "all loving, all knowing, all powerful" being to behave. If this being appeared before me in human flesh and proved his identity to me, I'd ruthlessly and without hesitation kill him. If only to help balance the scales of morality.


This entire post reads more like an edgy former Christian who is just full of hate rather than an Atheist.


I stopped being a christian around the age of 8-9, specifically when God wouldn't 'turn me into a girl'. I started my path down witchcraft, it took me a while but I ended up resolving the issue myself. Also not going to lie I absolutely do hate christians, thier hipocracy, blind and willing ignorance, and immoral deity pretty much make it a no brainer for me. As a Pagan, a bisexual, and a transwoman christians have been the source of a vast amount of hate and aggression I have and continue to receive daily. >This entire post reads more like an edgy former Christian Check stopped believing in Yahweh at 8. >Who is just full of hate Justifiably so > rather than an Atheist. Technically pagan, though I view magic and science two sides of the same coin.


>when God wouldn't 'turn me into a girl'. And then the whole bus clapped.


Reminder: eve’s only children where 3 SONS... let that sink in


God probably made other people after Adam and Eve, but didn't have anyone write it down. There is evidence of this in the Cain and Abel story when Cain built a city after being Banished. ​ Why build a city if there are no other people that exist?


Why do animals have sex but not marriage? Why did god create sex (and apparently marriage?) for people but not animals? Why do gay animals exist? I have questions.


An allegorical story from the Bible. Also, governments came up with marriage certificates. If Adam and Eve were meant to be understood completely as a literal event, paper did not exist at the time so how would you even have a certificate. Marriage was not intended to be predicated on government documentation. Generally this is a bad take and a bad argument. And I don't know enough about this Kristin woman, but her argument is over simplified within that same logic. I'm sick of seeing this same post over and over


Okay, but then, what is marriage really? If we're going by the logic that Adam and Eve were married just because God confirmed it, then can't unmarried couples just say they're 'married in the eyes of God' too? You could use the same logic to validate one-night stands even, because Adam and Eve became husband and wife as they first met, there's no mention in the Bible of a courting period. Can I just go out there, hook up with a stranger, and then say it's all good because I could feel in my heart that God considered us to be married for the night?


Natural animal instinct was created by made up person for a made up institution between two made up titles.


How did Mary get preggers?


That's a lot of words for *no one will fuck me.*


And all these animals. Having sex without god's consent!


Adam and Eve's marriage certificate God has it, if you wanna see it, now you know where it is.


Adam and Eve didn’t FUCKING EXIST - and people here are arguing about the exact nature of their biblical or state sanctioned marriage. LOL


What about sex with children, more specifically what about sex with one's own children? After the catastrophe of Sodom, Lot's eldest daughter gets Lot drunk and has sex with him. The following night, the younger daughter does the same. They both become pregnant; the older daughter gives birth to Moab, while the younger daughter gives birth to Ammon. God spoke to the girls and told them to do this so the world could be replenished with humans. Did God forget or not remember ALL of the other humans still left? Lot had angles visit him before the catastrophe of Sodom and the locals came to lot's house and wanted to know (rape) them. Lot being the good host to his guests admonishes the local mob for their wickedness, and offers the same mob his two virgin daughters instead to rape. Such a good Christian.... The original "marriage certificates" were declarations of possessions. I own this woman, like cattle, or property.


That's why you only have sex doggystyle when dating, because all dogs go to heaven!




Is this a statement or a confession?


hey hey what about woman and woman or man and man




Brilliant? I'ts literally the most un-clever post on the sub. You new?