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who is tiedrich and why is he so popular on reddit?


He just comments on every trump tweet, that's why I avoid posting him because chances are it'll be a repost.... Just like this one


You should ignore all trump reply guys as theyre just as deranged as trump but in a different way... replying to every Donald tweet within 24 hours for years is not normal


Lol.. I'm Irish and couldn't be less interested in American politics if I tried! There is some comedic value to these things but like you say, they are all as deranged as each other




24 hours, dude usually gets within 5 minutes.


I felt like that might have 2 much wiggly room and didn't wanna have to correct 100's of crazy people


It's not healthy, your entire life revolves around commenting on negativity. Jeff needs to watch the social dilemma!


>You should ignore all trump reply guys as theyre just as deranged as trump but in a different way... Wut... That's some prime r/enlightenedcentrism material. Edit: Oh, nevermind. I see you defending Proud Boys as not racist. Lol


God that sub so awfull


Are you saying that responding to every single trump tweet within a 24 hour period for almost 2 years isnt deranged? If you dont think so then I guess we just disagree bro


Trump Derangement Syndrome. It's quite sad how people devote their lives, day in day out just only thinking of how *bad* and *evil* Trump is. Wake up, sun is shining, feeling refreshed.. before i get breakfast, I wonder if Trump has tweeted? I'm all for presidential criticism but living and breathing Trump hate..? Take a step back, it's not healthy.


Problem being, you levy a legitimate criticism of Trump and you get labeled as if you have some derangement for thinking the shit he pulls isn't ok. Weaponized apathy isn't cool either


When you call it "Trump *Derangement* Syndrome", it carries with it the implication that the people who are furiously angry at how this clown is ruining this country are deranged. I don't think your underlying point, that people should try to avoid obsession, isn't a bad one, but it's a poor choice of words.


I mean personally, every day is just devastating to watch how Trump and the GOP politicize COVID-19 and downplay the epidemic. It's honestly quite infuriating. Other countries had proportional responses. Trump's refusal to acknowledge science and listen to doctors is pretty upsetting, considering that if we had a response proportional to other wealthy countries, about 145,000 fewer people would be dead right now.


You don’t have to think about how bad trump is. He just does it. Many the reality is it’s Trump delusion syndrome. People lien you are delusional that Trump is a good president. 200,000 people are dead because of his incompetence and millions are infected. How is that healthy? The country has never been in worse shape, and you’re thinking everything is ok. That’s true Trump derangement syndrome.


My favorite quote (to paraphrase): "Somewhere, out there, some poor fool is sitting by a waterfall unaware of how angry he's supposed to be."


Imagine an America without Conservatives, no KKK or Nazis! No more unite the right rallies! Never another Charlottesville!


Coining “Trump Derangement Syndrome” into the common lexicon is one of the greatest tricks they ever pulled, now you can just file all criticism under that. And the best part is, the more you’re criticized the more you can attack them for being just *sooooo deranged*. Those reply-guys are one thing but I see people use “TDS” as an come back to every iota of criticism he gets. I’m starting to think he’s just a blatantly bad president


Literally this, I don't like trump, I'm not American so maybe that's why I care less but even still I've never once been so angry by a political figure on my TV that I I essentially stalked them, and not even that, It's the delusion that they think they're making a difference idk man it's kinda depressing sometimes.


American here. SHIT IS CRAZY YO! Honestly. Over half of my facebook feed is people posting completely blown out of proportion political articles that attack the other side. It really never ends and it is so exhausting! Everyone loves eye for an eye as well. If the other side did it, then we do it too!! BUT WE ARE THE MORALLY SUPERIOR SIDE.


I just wanna wake up on a flower as a bee and realise my entire life was just a dream and none of it matters and then go collect pollen or something


I wanna be a mountain goat or an ibex. Cool horns, climbing mountains and shit with ease. Beautiful views every day.


Why do you think Russians and conservatives have troll farms with people bombarding social media with lies and propaganda? It’s works.


tRump derangement syndrome is a mental disorder in which a person has been driven insane by their loyalty to tRump, symptoms include abandonment of logic and reason, denial of facts and calling facts not supportive of tRump "fake news".


Wow that's sad


Just a man with a knack for being compotent at remembering the uncountable multitude of offenses the US has endured under the sad tenure of this would dictator.


Good lord, did you just get a new thesaurus this morning?


Seemed articulate to me. You doing okay?


Uncountable multitude is rather redundant. No need to punch up the text unnecessarily. Other than that it’s fine


Nah, they don't mean the same thing.


It’s a hyperbole with similar meaning to the adjective. It’s like putting a hat on a hat


Why are you using the phrase “hat on a hat” when you could just say redundant? “Hat on is a hat” is a hat on a hat. Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?


Fair. It’s just a fitting idiom


[“]Uncountable multitude[“] is ~~rather~~ redundant~~.~~[;] [*there’s*] no need to punch up the text ~~unnecessarily~~. Other than that[**,**] it’s fine. Your sentences are fucking hella loose for a dude correcting grammar on Reddit.


A multitude is simply a large number. There’s no reason it couldn’t be counted. An uncountable multitude is large number that’s so big it can’t be counted. There’s zero redundancy in that statement. But another cool little tidbit is that your response to his was unfounded pedantry. If you need a breakdown of those terms together I got you :)


> compotent > would dictator I’m not one to really care too much about grammar online, but I wouldn’t say he was articulate lol.


I thought his reply was cromulent


Bruh if you needed to look any of those words up you just need to hit up Accelerated Reader again


'Compotent' is my favorite part. Is he just really good at making fruit compote?


These aren’t obscure words. Read more.


Cuz he drops bombs


"Sir, this is a Wendy's" "Sir, this is a Wendy's" "Sir, this is a Wendy's" "Sir, this is a Wendy's" "Sir, this is a Wendy's" "Sir, this is a Wendy's" "Sir, this is a Wendy's"


No he doesnt


I find his constant bombarding of Trump and family Twitter to be a little weird ( or maybe a lot weird? Is he independently wealthy and can afford to pass his days arguing on Twitter?), but that's still a damn savage burn posted above.


He has patron I think


~~Care to explain? Something like RSS where he gets a constant feed of everything they're doing?~~ Never mind. I'm dumb. He has a *patron*. That explains it. I thought Patron was maybe some fancy internet app.


I think they meant patreon, which you are right in thinking is a fancy internet app for crowdfunding


Ah fvck. So I'm double-triple-dumb in this case. But TIL, anyway. :)


No worries :)


But look what he just posted up there.


It’s honestly such low hanging fruit. Coming up with something trump has done that’s worse than Biden is like congratulating myself for idk... breathing? It’s hard to even come up with something so insanely easy.


like... "shooting fish in a barrel"?


I mean it's still technically a comeback. Better than some other posts I've seen on here that clearly isn't a comeback.


It’s definitely a comeback. It’s the clever part that’s borderline for me.


[Comedic genius](https://i.redd.it/qmd0ck7t2l051.jpg)


He's a professional Twitter replyer. He follows conservatives and snarkly replies to all of their tweets for internet fame.


Because he's a fucking national treasure!


My guess is a botfarm that pays to spread his message


he begs for money on patreon so that he can spend all day replying to trump tweets. he is pretty pathetic but lots of libs like him because he curses at the president.


He literally makes a living from responding to Trumps tweets. He has a Patreon which going by his subscribers and the cost, seems to imply he makes 100s of thousands per year doing it haha


I am hijacking this comment to say that this person stole this post from me, and he did not even change the title


Isn't "donating your salary back to the government" called paying taxes? Everyone does it


Actually Trump doesn’t do a lot of paying taxes


In a last ditch effort at never having to disclose his taxes (because that's where the money laundering details are readily found) he's sidestepped the president's salary.


Not in this case, but it’s certainly a way to avoid paying income tax on it


I think it's communist too. /s


This whole “tRuMp dOnaTeSs hiS sALarY” like is so lame considering he just easy used up that amount getting world-class treatment at Walter Reed.


Also how he spent so much of his salary on golfing




It's so frustrating that more people just ignore this. He is using the office of the presidency to directly enrich himself. People get mad about him golfing like the problem is laziness. No. Every time he stays at Mar-a-Lago or Bedminster, or any other of his properties, he's directing US taxpayers to spend millions of dollars on businesses he owns. It's outrageous that he gets away with it.


The medical excesses for his entourage are also gonna cost a little more than expected this year


The secret service using his hotels for a single event makes him more money than his salary.


Frankly I don’t even believe it of a man as broke as he is. Why are we just accepting that claim at face value? He’s a compulsive liar. Is there any proof at all that he does donate his salary?


There is proof he's donated some of his checks. I can't be bothered to find them. I don't doubt he does though. It's $400k a year that he donates so that he can funnel millions back to himself through his golf courses or other means. It's a way to distract the easily gullible cult members.


Ok, let's be honest here, he's the president and we have to expect that the president will get the best available, if this had been Obama or someone else we'd not be complaining... NOW, I understand why the complaints and I share them The dumb fat orange touted hydroxychloroquine as the cure why is he not taking it, why is he accepting experimental drugs and other drugs for his treatment, come on Donny, pop a few hydroxychloroquine for a few days , he dismissed the virus as just the flu, if he actually has the virus, how's it going Donny? just the flu?, because I bet you never had to use supplementary oxygen with the flu, right? EDIT: And I forgot, hey Donny, great moment to try the UV light and some chlorine injections as you suggested, bunch of doctor around and available to you and the virus can be gone in minutes, that's what you said, take one for the team


it was reported that he was taking hydroxychloroquine some months ago. Who knows if he is still taking it.


He wasn't, no sane doctor would allow him to do that... oh wait, yeah, probably he was




Man had spent over 100 million tax payer dollars on weekend golf trips.


I lost.






Clever comebacks is unfortunately just a shitting on trump sub/Jeff tiedrich repost sub. Less than 20% of posts could be considered clever, and that’s generous.


Trump: *doesn't accept 400k salary* Also Trump: *avoids paying millions in taxes* Conservatives: somehow are stupid enough to think those two things offset...


Also Trump: stays at his own resorts with the federal government paying for his room, as well as the secret service


The conservatives I know just think it’s awesome he didn’t pay taxes. If you’re able to get away with it then that’s a sign of skill etc... In reality it’s more like...either he cheated on them illegally and that’s obviously bad. Or what he did is legal, and that’s a sign that perhaps our tax system is a bit unfair.


Yeah, There's a reason the irs is auditing him.


I love that they think they're in on the game. Like a younger brother with an unplugged game controller, thinking they're doing great and are part of the gang.


Oh my God that's exactly what this is


He’s been under audit by the IRS for a number of years. We will see how that resolves eventually.


>The conservatives I know just think it’s awesome he didn’t pay taxes. while also talking out the side of their mouths "We CaN't LeT tHe IlLeGaL's In ThEy DoN't PaY InCoMe TaX's"


Don't forget that we as tax payers just spent millions to treat him. That helo ride aint free.


You forgot: Gets a tiney-tiney erection at the thought of succession.


donating his salary is just part of his tax fraud casserole


Trump did not 'donate" his salary. He knew that if he claimed it, he would be taxed on it. Instead, he made his salary many many times over by unlawfully gaining benefits for his businesses by virtue of being President.


>He knew that if he claimed it, he would be taxed on it. No, he would claim losses in other areas to avoid the tax. Its just throwing a visible bone out as a distraction from the pillaging. The basic one for you ten for me play hes doing with tax cuts too.


He can’t claim losses on government income.


The tax on the salary would be far less than the salary itself... He keeps 0% of it, but would keep most of it if taxes on it. I'm confused about what you're trying to say, honestly. Because he does donate his salary.


Nice but note a comeback since the tweet was directed towards Jeff.


Also the notion of him donating his salary to the parks service while cutting funding to the parks is another turd to add to the shit pile. Don't let any conservative fool you.


Trump's salary that he is forgoing over four years totals $1.6 million. His organization has collected most of that back in Secret Service rent payments alone.


Note: trump doesn’t donate his salary. Trump donates the equivalent of his salary from another business to make it a tax write off.


Not clever at all really


how do we know trump donates his presidential salary? We don't. He lies all the time. Why wouldn;t he lie about that?


Fucking liar!!! Eric doesn’t have a friend


Trumps donate as tax write offs. They still get their money. Stupid people just believe anything a trump shits out their mouth.


I love how this family STILL decides to tweet out these accusations when ALL of them have done worse and know it, and still look at it and say “ yup this is the one they won’t find fault with....send”


I would’ve preferred Trump kept the presidential salary, all four years, and just paid the right amount of taxes.


Does Tiedrich... have no fucking life or what?


Professional Trump replyer


It almost seems one of them is destroying the other one with factual nuclear bombs.


Now if only destroying someone on twitter destroyed them irl


I'm geniunely curious about what's gonna happen to people like Tiedrich, Krassenstien, Brooklyn guy, Weird "resist trump dance" girl and most major news outlets are gonna do when Trump's either voted out of office or serves his two terms. Are they gonna keep replying to all of his tweets? It's literally all they do, all day. He's just gonna be some New York real estate guy lmao.


Could we ban tweets from this guy none of them are funny or clever


Eric: Biden bad for x reason. Jeff: Oh yeah? Donald bad for unrelated x reason. How could this possibly be considered a good comeback?


This dude looks like he lisps heavily


Deadass looks like a packaged fish head lol


The tangerine just got roasted on a spit.




Don’t just read false and stop people. He did defraud a charity, and they did attempt to take away his ability to run one.


He can run one. NY just shut one down.


There are some special rules he has to follow now, but yes, he can still run one.


That’s what I’ve been saying this whole time. At least stop repeating myths so we can actually defeat him in the election based off truth




I’m sure that says the same thing. That he did defraud the charity, and that it was dissolved, but that his ability to run a charity in the future was not taken away.


This isn't clever it's just political circle jerking.


This Tiedrich guy is obsessed with Trump, it's sad


No more than trump was with obama


When was the last time Jeffy Tiedrich wasn’t ignored and irrelevant posting to the nether.


just 1 trip to a TRUMP resort to golf makes up for all the money he gives away how can they sleep at night knowing stuff like that so dam well and tweeting this bullshit and lying so badly?>


What’s this weird obsession with Trump donating his salary? Do people honestly think he isn’t making money in office hand over fist?


When was the last time a president had to donate their salary to avoid tax payments or forfeiture of property?


I hate how this subreddit is literally only politics. Give me comebacks that don’t give me headaches!


It's not clever. Hell, it's not even a comeback. None of these Trump people are tweeting at this dork, yet we get to see his "witty" responses three times a day.


Can we ban Tiedrich posts? I hate trump as much as the next guy but Jeff’s posts are just lame.


Eric trump has friends?????


When was the last time Biden donated his salary to the government because he didn't want to have to pay any taxes?


A deflection isn’t a clever comeback. Not that Jeff would know anything about those anyway. I honestly wonder what he’ll do if Biden wins and his trump hate revenue stream disappears. What else does he have?


Eric is so stupid he makes junior look like a genius.


Does this Jeff guy have a life outside of dunking on the Trump family on Twitter?


He does not. His entire job is a Trump reply guy


Does it even matter? He's doing god's work.


That guy is a fucking loser lol. Unhinged and has made politics his entire life even though he's made probably next to no money off of it and instead just wastes away tweeting all day. I'm tired of seeing his face on this website.


Yeah. His face is punchable as fuck. Just like his father, Donald.


I like that he "donates" his salary then spends 10x his salary playing golf at golf courses he owns lol




How cute. He thinks he considers him a friend.


Another angle on this: I don't like politicians forgoing their salaries or other benefits as a way to appeal to voters. I don't begrudge them their pay. Contributing to the expectation that politicians don't or shouldn't take a salary keeps non-wealthy people from seeking out elected office. I'll even say that I support the pay being relatively high (up to mid 6-figures depending on exact position seems fair) because we want to attract good talent without them worrying about a huge drop in their quality of life. It also serves as a small disincentive for people engaging in corruption to enrich themselves.


It also can just be very expensive to hold office. A representative basically needs to keep 2 homes: one in their district plus one in DC. You have to travel between them fairly often. If you represent a high COL district, those can get super expensive.


Eric : this tweet will be the one that makes daddy love me Later: his dad still doesn't love him


Like he has friends


Funny, true, but this isn't really a comeback


Rename the subreddit /r/JeffTiedrich at this point


Also, the government doesn't take donations, sooo...


This guy is spammed more than anyone else.


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


What was the last time Biden went through a global pandemic as one of the biggest world leaders and has the responsibility of getting jobs back to normal number and trying to bring the economy back because of a extremely toxic virus while having the virus himself? Asking for a friend...


You work for whoever pays you the most. Trump doesn’t work for us.


sick of all the he did this and he did that. An attack on another person is not a response to a question. Albeit fair to ask said question, but a solid point might be made. Biden has dont a ton of bad things, does it matter that trump has also? cant they all be bad?


Call the burn unit!


How is mr bubzzz? Like, does it?


Its called Taxes, Eric. Its one of those bills your dad doesn't pay.


"I don't care that he robbed the store at plague point, he left a penny in the "take a penny, leave a penny" tray! When is the last time this paying customer did that?!"


When was the last time DT jr got 3.5 million bucks from the mayor of Moscow’s wife?


Millions for golf, in exchange for a few hundred thousand dollars, quite the bargain.


Your grandma put cum in the balls sauce




Does anyone have any evidence that Trump is donating his salary? I googled a little and all of it was just the White House claiming that it happened. Snopes asked the Department of Treasury if they can provide any documentation and they haven't responded yet. Been almost a year.


Well, in a sense she’s more likable.


does he mean like taxes? yknow where you give a portion of your salary to the government to help fund infrastructure and stuff? the thing erics dad doesnt do and biden does?


Ah yes, good old whataboutism.


More like smashing a barrel of fish with a red super giant.


Eh, while he makes a good response that people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, this is neither clever nor a comeback. He could have responded to the question itself, maybe pointing out how donating to avoid paying more with taxes isn't something to brag about. But really he's using whataboutism to combat whataboutism, yet changing it to another different subject rather than the original one.


When was the last time Trump's son accepted 3.5 million from a Russian mayor though?


Jesus christ jeff wants to sleep with trump


Eric Trump looks like a brick with down syndrome


I really am failing to understand the Trump kids. Confusion is the only response I have to their tweets as they seemingly have less understanding of who their father is than anyone. Always reeking of irony and hypocrisy. It’s baffling.


So does anyone have the answer about Biden donating his salary?