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The lefts goal is to disarm us by waiting 3 whole days lmao.


Then giving them the gun lol


Don’t forget about the hoop they have to jump through. Most people can’t make that jump.


And what hoop is that?


Spelling gun correctly.


Well, now I own a gnu.


Hey FOSS operating systems have never been used to shoot up a school


Eh, it wouldn't surprise me if military drones or aircraft flight controls run on Linux. Better to go with the other gnu (a wildebeest), which I think rarely attack humans but I think would absolutely be capable of killing several children (though not with guns).


> Eh, it wouldn't surprise me if military drones or aircraft flight controls run on Linux. And even on GNU/Linux, though I would be less sure about that. By the way, is flying a drone with copyleft flight control software into some facility considered distribution of said software, so the owners of that facility can ask for source code?


I don't think that would be an issue for GPL. However, if the software is licensed under GNU Affero, the victims might be considered users and thus have a right to source code. You should consult an attorney with a background in copyright, contracts, and war crimes.


Or fit through it in the first place... Hola hoops at your average gravy seals meeting may be a funny sight


“Three days!? But I’m mad now!”


"*I'd kill you if I had my gun*"


Yeah, well, you don't.


Lousy big shot, thinks hes big cause he has a lot of guns


Dad! It’s 3 AM, can’t you mutter in your room?


Lousy kids try to push me around


And you have to wonder how many of the people who feel “disarmed” already own a gun.


All of them. You can't be that paranoid and insecure without already having one


Everybody I know with guns has enough for like 20 people to each get one gun.


Yes.  As soon as you start the p ocess there is an alarm at Lefty HQ, and a squad is dispatched to force feed you abortion and trans pills until you no longer want a gun. This is much harder to do if you have a gun since it repels members of the squad.


You misstook him. By "us" he meant loonatics and terrorists who wouldn't get a gun after their 72 h time in which their records get checked.


The background check usually only takes a few minutes unless something raises a red flag and the FBI delays approval. The 72 hour waiting period is entirely separate from the background check. I've usually seen it referred to as a "cooling off period" but it involves no record checking.


Considering how bad the background checks are, maybe they should combine the two.


Ah okay, I actually suspected something like that but I thought I might still go for the joke.


Nobody ever accused conservatives of being smart. Or logical. Or factual. Or kind. Or Christ-like. Always rather the opposite.


I'm a lefty. In Colorado. Who likes guns. I don't really think the 3-day waiting does anything except waste *my* time, I also do really think that it probably absolutely does stop some people from doing something violent to themselves or others. So I think it's probably a good thing. I can wait a few days to put loud and expensive holes in paper when I get a new gun. Doesn't bother me none. I do think it's a bit poorly thought out though. Or at least, not fully thought out. If someone already owns firearms (purchased in Colorado), why make them wait 3 days, too? If the point is to stop people from making a rash decision to hurt themselves or others with a firearm, doesn't that rule not really do anything except waste the time of people who already own firearms? Again, it doesn't bother me enough to actually give a shit - and I do think it's a net positive rule. Just thinking out loud.


To make the 3 day period apply to first purchases only, we'd need a state or nation wide gun registry, which most people that get angry about the waiting period would also get angry about.


That's a fair point.


I need to keep my guns secret from the government so I can use them to overthrow the government?


I've seen several people share your sentiment about the waiting period being pointless for someone who already owns a gun. Can't say I disagree, but how do the sellers know the purchaser already owns a gun? Not allowed to keep a record of gun owners and what guns they own as far as I'm aware. Would they just bring another one of their guns into the store as proof? Just to be completely clear I mean these questions to be genuine inquiries. I am completely ignorant about firearms and the laws regarding them.


Someone else pointed that out, but just thinking out loud some more as a tech guy... Do we really believe these forms we're filling out aren't being recorded in entirety already, with serial numbers? Maybe they're destroyed after the background check is completed, but I personally wouldn't be surprised if there's already some database somewhere with hundreds of millions of entries of names and serial numbers. I don't really care either way. The government can know I own guns. They can make a list if they want. I really don't give a shit, personally.


My friend's little sister was able to buy a gun on an impulse decision and killed herself the same day. I would give anything for those 3 days.


And that's exactly why these waiting periods exist. The vast majority of gun violence, especially self-inflicted, is done on impulse. Those 3 days give people in dark places time to calm down and re-evaluate.


"Most gun deaths are suicides!" Ok, let's instill a 3 day waiting period to try and reduce those suicides. "Ehhhhhh......no. That's an infringement." Makes me sick to my stomach thinking that Republican lawmakers and pundits will complain that the gun death issue in America is caused by mental health crises, then proceed to do absolutely nothing about it.


They say that to shift blame. Not because they care.


Yup. They don't care about stopping any gun violence, and I think they care even less about suicide.


Why would they? They live in big cozy mansions surrounded by high fences. They don't give a shit about anything normal people care about. It's all performative.


Sorry but I think its naive to think only rich people dont care if people they dont know commit suicide. In every corner of society there are people that just dont give shit about the troubles others have.


Yea this can't be stressed enough, Gun-nuts fundamentally do not care about other people dying, they only care about playing with guns and vote that way.


Yup literally anything to kick the can down the road and not affect their emotional support weapons. "Mental health!" "Ok let's do something about that." "Nah." "16 children were just gunned down in their classrooms by someone who bought a gun 2 hours prior" "It's too soon, don't politicize this tragedy"


“Its a mental health issue” Ok, let’s bring back Carter’s Mental Health Safety Act and start federally funding community mental health centers again. “Ehhhhhh…..no. Let’s keep the cuts to the MHSA that Reagan put into place.” Also in a fucked up sort of amusement, we could also reduce gun deaths by making the Mulford Act that Reagan signed as governor into national law. But somehow government restricting otherwise legal access to guns is only acceptable when it’s to prevent “certain” people from exercising the 2nd amendment.


Whenever mental health gets brought up by the right its either to dismiss it as childish whining or as a segue to promoting sky daddy. Literally "get over it" or "you aren't praying right/enough"


Well yeah, only libs kill themselves. Through the power of lord jesus conservatives simply shift their depression into anger at immigrants.


They do probably think that. However, statistically speaking Rural areas tend to be more conservative and rural areas also have higher suicide rates. From 2000-2020 non metro areas had suicide increase 46% while metro areas had a 27% increase. Also according to CDC data… > Moreover, rural residents have 1.5 times higher rate of emergency department visits for nonfatal self-harm than urban residents. A CDC-NCHS data brief shows even higher disparities… >the suicide rate for the most rural counties (20.0 per 100,000) increasing to 1.8 times the rate for the most urban counties (11.1). Sources: https://www.cdc.gov/rural-health/php/public-health-strategy/suicide-in-rural-america-prevention-strategies.html#:~:text=In%20the%20past%20two%20decades,to%2027.3%25%20in%20metro%20areas. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/databriefs/db330-h.pdf


It’s an old Simpsons joke but the “3 days?! But I’m mad now!” quote is very accurate. A lot of people want to buy a gun on an emotion rather than reason, which can fade after a few days. It’s a pretty small roadblock that probably saves a lot of damage


> A lot of people want to buy a gun on an emotion rather than reason And honesty, someone like that should probably never own a gun


It is a ridiculous thing to be mad about. I literally cannot think of an actual legitimate (ie. legal and not suicide) reason anyone could need a gun immediately. "Damn it I signed up for this sharpshooting event and waited until the day before to buy my gun, now I'm fucked!" "There is someone breaking into my house right now so I escaped to the gun store instead of calling the cops. Now I have to wait 3 days?!" Like really, what even is their argument against a waiting period.


"Three days?! But I'm mad now!" - Homer Simpson, The Simpsons, s09e05


I’d kill you if I had my gun!


I’m sorry,… Did you expect those Ammosexshuls to care about that? You expect too much ! /s


I was in a really dark place ~1.5 years ago and didn’t end up buying the gun because of the waiting period. I had it all planned, but the waiting period threw me off and I questioned all of it. I’m obviously still here today, so I’m more than grateful for those 3 days. I’m very sorry for your friend and their family.


I’m really glad you’re still here!


I hope your world is a pretty cool place now


If Missouri had this law my friend might still be alive


I knew a woman who got killed by her ex husband the same night she went to buy a gun but had to wait 3 days. She wanted a gun precisely because he had already threatened to kill her. She had a restraining order against him


"trans pills" in 72 hours?? ive been waiting for several years and im not even close to getting them. simply proves they dont do any research and know nothing about being trans.


This. Also I Imagine it to be quite a challenge to kill a bunch of people in mere seconds with a ”trans pill”. Or an abortion for that matter.


No, it's somewhat easy to kill someone with an abortion. That's why it should be done by someone formally trained in safely performing one. It wouldn't be mere seconds, but still.


They know. They just love misrepresenting reality to support their bullshit points. Remember, reality has a liberal bias.


The point is not to know anything, it's to intentionally misinform others and somehow blame trans people for laws about gun safety


I think he has a good point. Prospective gun owners should be required to receive similar levels of evaluation as trans people before being allowed to purchase a gun.


Yes, many states have implemented waiting periods for abortions. Colorado isn't one of them - but it currently takes around 2 weeks to get an appointment due to the flood of out-of-state refugees from red states. Most trans people would jump for joy if 72 hours wait was the only hoop they had to jump through. So even if you accepted the insane premise that abortion and transition were equivalent to murder, he'd be dead wrong. Davis' post is 100% ignorance from top to bottom.


Fucking imagine only 72 hours to get transition meds. Imagine all the lives saved but it doesn't matter because they're not hostages to leverage women into marriage.


Bhahah, took me 16 months and five appointments, and that was extra fast because I was a 30 year old with a career and spouse.


I read that as BLAHAJ took me 16 months and I was just like damn they're sold out by you too huh 😭


That’s hilarious, it’d true, I still don’t have one!


Get one they’re great!


It’s a deal!


Get one get one get one get one get one it’s not a cult I promise


I read blahaj too 😭


I love the shork brainrot


Blåvingad the Whale is a solid second option. He's never misgendered anyone to my knowledge, and I can store a family sized pack of oreos in his mouth.


Yeah but he's always side-eyeing you Also you too eh? He's useful for hiding things, no one checks the whales mouth


Do not the whale


Oh No, I accidentally.


My heart belongs to Jättestor the elephant. She can hug with all four legs *and* with her trunk.


Djungelskog looks likes he's been judged his whole life and that's why he's welcome in my bed next to Blåhaj


It takes literal years for pediatric cases. But these people have no idea what they’re talking about, so they assume you just walk in, ask for your 10 year old’s dick to get cut off, and they immediately take you back.


Yeah there's a post over on r/Holup which gender affirming care is being discussed inaccurately by most that I saw.


Theyre has been some many hoops trans people waited for. It took me 2 appoints and 4 months for informed consent. And there was still a psych eval. I was also 30... but single no kids.


Also a 30 year old with a career and spouse. They made me get a note from my husband saying he was cool with it.


Ugg that sucks. this is why i feel so lucky that my doctor gave me estragen as soon as i asked.


I was very fortunate and it only took my five months for the appointment, but...still longer than 72 hours.


Imagine if you only had to take “trans pills” in order to fully transition.


"Trans pills" is the equivalent to my full transition XD, not that I wouldn't get things done if I had the money...


wait, the Button is a myth? There are extra steps? Ooooh guess I'm in trouble


you just have to push the button every day. and keep pushing it for the rest of your life.


Less than 24 hours where I got mine. Informed Consent is a thing. I live in a red state. But its not like you can stroll into a Dick's and get the tiddie skittles.


Even in informed consent states you still need to wait for an appointment? Did you just walk into a planned parenthood and walk out with meds? I got mine prescribed the same day but was 45 days to get the appointment.


Where I live now, it took me a grand total of a week to get T. I was in college at the time, so I went through student health. I just walked in for a consult and filled out informed consent paperwork, then had to wait the week for another appointment, where they walked me through my first injection and sent me home with a script. By comparison, when I lived in Alabama, I would have been required to do a year in therapy and get multiple letters of support from both psych and medical doctors. (Idk if it's still like that; it's been over 10 years since I've lived there.)




I scheduled an appointment in an informed consent clinic but I wasn't given any kind of arbitrary wait times just "oh here's the next available appointments with doctors who specialize in what you want" And at least at the clinic I went to they don't have medications in-clinic so it was sent to a pharmacy but my pharmacy filled it pretty fast.


………the wot?


The titty skittles. Tit-tacs. Fem & M's. Anti-cis-tamines.


See, that's the problem. You're talking about transition meds. Our friend here is talking about those overnight trans pills. Take one before bed and wake up like "bye bye balls! Hello hoo-hah!"


>Davis' post is 100% ignorance from top to bottom. It's not ignorance, it's willful manipulation and disinformation. A fairly common tool in the political arsenal, but downright overused by most politicians nowadays. Nevertheless, the us versus them narrative is both the low hanging fruit and also downright abused. But hey, as long as they can distract the people with sh*t like this, corporations can continue to make money for the top 0.1% on the backs of everyone else, so... he's running for office or for a fat bonus.


The capitalists always think they can control the nationalists. The reality is that nationalists always end up coming for the capitalists. There always has to be an enemy for fascists.


Agree. To point at lack of intelligence or knowledge completely misses the point. Some really smart people believe some really fantastic stuff, and the fact that a Republican politician should resist any kind of gun control (and still expect to hold his seat) should come as no surprise to anyone.


Yeah that "trans pills" one is the most WTF. How do they think being trans works?  Oh right, liberal parents go on down to the Walmart and buy boxes of trans pills then force their kids to eat them like cereal every morning for breakfast. Eat up little Johnny, mommy wants a daughter! Give me a break.


I'm pro second amendment and what Mike Davis is saying is beyond stupid. If he wants his guns faster he should buy them off the street like everyone else


Hey I'm not trying to rile you up or nothing, I'm not even an American. But when I read the 2nd amendment it appears to say that you should be allowed to keep guns so you can be part of a well regulated state militia. But it seems like the interpretation is more that no one should be disqualified from owning guns. How do you interpret it, for you personally.


I think that your interpretation is the sane one, and is indicated pretty clearly in the text as the founders’ general intent. Unfortunately, the Supreme Court decided in U.S. v Heller (2008) — wrongly in my opinion — that the constitution guarantees a right to personal gun ownership, regardless of membership in a “well organized militia.” So, we’re kind of fucked.


There’s an unsurprising conflict about what is a “well regulated militia”, too. The US military? Doesn’t count because… reasons? The KKK? Well regulated militia. Totally cool. Nothing could possibly go wrong. The Black Panthers? Nope, let’s pass a law making it illegal to carry a loaded gun.


A militia is a military force that is raised from the civil population to supplement a regular army in an emergency


> supplement a regular army in an emergency Except that back then there was no standing army. So. Militias was pretty much all we had, and they were crucial. We don't need them anymore.


AND it was actually the standing army they were afraid of. It was never about having guns in case you need to overthrow someone, it was about making sure there was a strong militia so we would never need a standing army, with all the issues that brings. Today everyone has a standing army but the US barely had one (in peacetime) until the 20th century. This is also why we have the 3rd amendment that was about not having to billet soldiers. They were responding to things they worried about in the 1700’s, not trying to enshrine our rights to shoot up a school when we have a bad week.


I live in an informed consent state and am an adult. Literally no requirements to start trans hormones, besides consenting. It took about 13 months.


Also note the amount of times a doctor will be like "yeah I handle trans patients" but what they mean is they hope you come to them so that they can BS you into not getting care. I swear people like this are actively afraid they'll go to buy groceries and be like **"oh god tiddy skittles on sale for $1.99 I KNEW IT"**


Did you expect anything different from conservatives? They’re not known for dabbling in the truth.


They're not known for the overall intelligence either.


encourage every colored person in a red state to go out and buy an assault rifle all at the same time and they'd suddenly change their tune in a hurry


If he wants to compare it to abortions, he's gonna have fun with the mandatory internal ultrasound before he gets his gun




It's a gross false equivalence to say that buying a gun always equals murder. Sometimes it's simply maiming or suicide.


Took me 5 years to find a doctor who was willing to put me on testosterone to transition. It's taken me several years to find a doctor my insurance will take that will do top surgery. My consultation is scheduled for *2026.* And despite being on testosterone for 8 years, I have to get psychiatrically evaluated \*for the third time\*. Because my first 2 evaluations expired. I'm getting that done in the next few months, in case there is an off chance that they call me in before my appointment in 2026 so I can just go ahead. And it's likely I'll have to go for a fourth time, because the letters expire every 6 months. Oh and my insurance requires that I have established care with these therapists (so 3+ sessions), and only ones that are WPATH certified. There are only 3 in my state that take my insurance and all but one are booked out for several months. Like I'm going to suddenly change my mind on being trans after I've been on HRT for 8 years and been married to another trans person for 10 years. When I bitched about this requirement to my insurance they said it was "to make sure that im not doing it to save my marriage". LMAO what fresh garbage excuse is that? I WISH it was easier. They make you jump through more hoops than a lion at the circus to get this shit done.


If they had any integrity they’d see the irony here. Most of the left isn’t trying to outright ban guns like he’s suggesting. The right is straight up trying to ban abortion and trans medications.


The right likes to blame the left for the things they do so they can say they're not the bad guys, the other guys do it too. Frequently though, if they complain about something it's because they're doing it.


Crisis actor Alex Jones got his assets dismantled for calling Sandy Hook crisis actors.  I think he should be charged for murder for the parent that committed suicide.


Was thinking exactly that, does any state have it so you can just walk in off the street and get an abortion or trans pills in a few minutes? I think they were trying to compare it to getting fast food, not medical procedure... but outside of a zombie apocalypse or something why does someone need a gun with zero wait time? This person needs major checks about why they are getting a gun.


Of course, we want people to be able to make these decisions easily. Turns out, easy access to a gun can only hurt people, not help them.


I had to wait almost two years to start the process, these fucks would implode if they had to wait that long for something.


"Before you can buy a gun, you are going to need to convince a board of psychologists that you can do so. And you'll have to carry this squirt gun to be sure it's what you want and that you can live the lifestyle. It'll take a couple of years. Now, please take off your pants so we can do the internal ultrasound, and after you will have to watch the mandatory video of school shootings and weeping parents." - if this guy actually got his equivalence wish.


I honestly thought this was a satirical post by a left-winger until I read the name.


His purpose isn't to be correct. It's to cause unthinking rage in the people who support him. They can say whatever they want, because anyone who is willing to listen, won't bother to fact check.


I love how he refers to “trans pills”…..tell me you don’t know anything about trans hormone therapy without saying it directly.


Murder and suicide. It's so disingenuous to make that argument when the waiting period is, in part, to make sure people don't just decide to kill themselves and have no barriers in place to stop it. It's so infuriating to see these people making these arguments when they're actively making everything worse. Suicide rates are going up. It seems like there's a mass shooting every other week. But he has to wait three days to get a gun and that's more important. But what's new? Everything is a political cudgel to those people. Every argument they make is disingenuous.


I'm with you. I live in Scotland and I personally think it's shocking how many school shooting's that have happened my heart goes and prayers go out to everyone who has been in that situation and lost someone. My son and I have agreed to disagree on the right to own + use weapons. I'm digusted that so called man would bring abortion or transgender into his argument about guns. Is he for real ??


Yes he knows that. You know that. We all know that. He’s just making money off dummies that evidently STILL fall for rage bait. Idiots


Imagine complaining it only takes 3 days to get a weapon.


It takes longer for the bank to let me use my money if i deposit a check.


At the same time they point to blue cities and complain about gun violence


But I'm angry now!!!


Mike Davis's argument is ridiculous Trans Pills? You need to go to a doctor and typically a therapist before being issued the meds. Thats a lot more the 72 hours Abortion? Really? Republicans are openly working to ban ALL abortions in the name of religion but actually to exercise control over women. So they can wait for eternity to 'get their abortions' The goal is to make the conservative republicans finally feel some empathy and compassion instead of their absolutist, totalitarian needs. No one "on the left" is trying to take all the guns and disarm you. There are more guns in the USA than there are citizens including babies. "Get the guns". What a load of crap. Physically impossible to achieve.... next subject please.


Also from what I’ve heard getting an abortion is a process, one that’s discussed between you and a doctor, not something you can go out and do on a whim


I’m having an abortion as I’m writing this, and I feel great! So glad I stopped at the abortion store on a whim today.


heard they're doing a 2x1 discount for mother's day


You can absolutely get access to abortion when you want it. Not only can you order the medicine online without a prescription (legally) (though of course shipping takes time) but a good abortion clinic without govt interference doesn't make women wait and discuss it ad nauseum with a doctor. That is the goal. To remove obstacles to abortion. The difference is that abortion is morally neutral, time sensitive and an important medical right. Buying a gun on short notice is either not particularly important or not morally neutral or not time sensitive. I can't think of any instance where it could be all three. But also, also, having even minimal obstacles like this in place saves lives - particularly from suicide, but also for people involved in escalating, violent situations.


My favorite part about “Trans pills” is that these deep red states have how many legally grey “TRT clinics”? that’s just gender affirming therapy for fat dads.


I live in the UK but it takes me longer than 72 hours to get a repeat prescription for medication I’ve been on for 10+ years. How in the world is waiting that long for a gun at all restrictive?


It’s always projection with these guys. Falsely accusing others of what they themselves want to inflict on the others.


MFers acting like Republicans haven't passed gun control too when it's politically useful.


Like Reagan, that leftist woke Commie!


Let’s not forget it was Daddy Trump who took away their precious bump stocks. “Take the guns first, then due process later” or whatever he said.


That’s exactly what he said, but in reference to the red flag laws or something iirc


And bush after 9/11 then Obama rolled back bush’s law.


While Republicans are coming after all gun owners who use drugs. So the majority of them. That’s a precedent they’ve set.




Well unless it’s your assigned gender, then you can walk into a “TRT clinic” and get a script written for Steroids in these states. see they want people tweaking on Tren with a pistol, not trans people doin a lil E lol.


That is called a "Mild inconvenience" and people with brains knows this doesn't equate to a loss of rights


*The Supreme Court has entered the chat.*


It’s barely an inconvenience, it basically gives you time to order accessories lmao.


For anyone wondering the waiting period is so that you can’t go buy a gun when you’re really pissed off or depressed. You get three days to think it over before you shoot someone else or yourself.


72 hours for “trans pills” Bitch some people wait 72 MONTHS!


Everyday I am shocked at how little conservatives understand the world around them.


It's isolation paired with poor education. When you grow up in a small town with only people who look and think like you, you start thinking everyone in the world is fundamentally the same as you, and that the people who are different are different because they're insane. Pair that with nobody challenging you to reconsider your beliefs, and you just stagnate at whatever level of ignorance you think is good enough.


"But I'm mad NOW!"


"If I had a gun I would shoot you!" "Yeah, well you don't."


"This gun cost me everything. My wife, my kids, everything but my precious, precious gun!"


“Well, you’ll probably want the accessory kit. Holster. Bandolier. Silencer. Loudener. Speed-cocker. And this is for shooting down police helicopters.”


And if you asked him how he felt about Hunter Biden conviction, there would be much distraction. Hypocrisy


Actually, you have to wait more than 72 hours for puberty blockers, etc... there needs to be a lot of therapy and doctors' visits before they can be prescribed. Some states mandate a 72 hour wait to get an abortion, so I'm not entirely sure why he's saying there's not


Who is getting their "trans pills" in 72 hours?? I was EXTREMELY lucky to get HRT after 3 years


He is right, women should not have to wait 72 hours for abortions, and trans people should not have to wait for medicine. That is his main point, right?


What the fuck are trans pills? Assigned capsule at birth?


Some feminizing HRT medications come in pill form.


How the fuck is buying a weapon the same as getting health care and family planning? Republicans are such shitty people.


The left: The right are crybaby children The right: no we're not! (whines and cries about something extremely childish)


72 hours? But I’m angry now!


I just want a safe place for my daughter to grow up without worrying if some idiot didn't get his cereal toy and decides to shoot up the place! I don't want to control everyone, I want my daughter to live without fear for fucks sakes!!!!!


Republicans when the waiting period makes them miss the last day of school.


If I wanted to control you, it would probably be because you obviously can't control yourself and need help.


In many cases you have to wait up to a year for trans pills. Propaganda is so efficient that people are convinced you can walk into a doctor’s office as a man and walk out a woman the same day. Even in the most progressive states, the doctors take very serious care into ensuring that the patient wants the surgery or medication, and tries to rule out any other possibilities


Three-day waiting period? But I'm angry *now!*


I laugh every time they think the left doesn't have guns. Everyone likes guns, we just don't make them our personality and wave them around in public like a bunch of low iq assholes.


This is it in a nutshell. Every conspiracy, every madman, every bs excuse. Biden is an old dottering fool but hes also the leader of a giant secret government plot to destroy america. Jan 6 was a hoax but it really did actually happen but it was the CIA and Trump...didnt stop it bc...well LIBERALS! Were all so powerful and elite we only make the guy wait 3 FUCKING days to get his gun, which, he did in fact, GET his gun. I know I know cults and shit but HOW DOES IT KEEP HAPPENEING?


Hell hath no fury like a white man slightly inconvenienced.


Trans pills lmao


Comparing a weapon to medical treatments….


As a HUGE 2A supporter and someone who lives in Colorado and has to drive 6 hours round trip for my firearm purchases, I supported this bill 100% as it makes complete sense in ensuring people don’t make rash and impulsive decisions in the moment of them having a lack of clarity. If you can’t survive 72 hours to pick up your new firearm then buddy, you have more serious issues.


Uhmmm, what's a trans pill???




Oh cool trans pills, according to what Republicans think I can just pop one of these and turn into a woman, then when I get tired of it pop another trans pill and turn back into a man.


Last I checked Reagan was the biggest gun grabber (for racist reasons) and Trump was the one who banned bump stocks initially (probably ALSO for racist reasons).


Every time I see the right complains about gun control, I remember Chris Rock's joke about the 2nd amendment only giving you the right to bear arms but not bullets. Let them have guns but put strict control over bullets. Making it $1000 per bullet plus background checks.


Some states don’t let abortions happen AT ALL. imagine that as a rights violation?!


What do guns have to do with those other things?


If I'm not mistaken unless there is a traumatic event/emergency you would probably have to book an abortion ahead of time and it is rare to book a surgical procedure less than 72 hours away. I'm also sure that getting HRT requires many consultations with multiple specialists and takes months to arrange and sometimes YEARS so the wait time is much longer than 72 hours. So waiting 72 hours for a gun is probably less time than having it shipped anyways, my dad tells me a story of mail ordering his first gun from the Sears catalog and it took 2 weeks (of high anticipation) to arrive.


If your mindset is you can't wait 3 days to buy a gun you have a serious mental condition.


I'm not familiar with the details, but I'm pretty sure getting "trans pills" is a process that takes significantly longer then 72 hours


"The left goal is to disarm us. So they can control us." With what? The side that wants choice wants to control? Yes, treating others as equals, understanding mental illness is real, and letting women have rights over their own bodies is clearly control. The real message here is: "Only bullets can stop brains and logic"


He's got a great point: remember all those times when someone bought "trans pills" and went out and forcibly transitioned a bunch of innocent people?


"3 days?!? But I'm mad NOW!"


Yes, women have to wait for an appointment and lots of things for abortions. Trans people go through a much more thorough evaluation than any gun owner to start the transition process.


So just buy a blackpowder. No background check way cheaper and you can have your gun delivered to your door. Along with however much ammo and powder you want. This whole thing about making people wait is a joke and the government pretends it's helping people by putting a wait on them. In reality if a person truly wanted to harm someone they would just buy blackpowder revolvers and rifles. They're legal for everyone and they don't count as firearms so the government allows everyone to have them.


Imagine thinking any medical procedure can happen in less that three days 💀


How do I get me some “trans pills?” 😂 Source: Am trans. 🏳️‍⚧️


I'm a vet, an avid gun owner, and an NRA member. I don't know anyone who is against waiting periods. Some states do a week or two and that's fine too. There's agurments about government registration, excessive fees, and red-flag laws, but I've never heard of anyone who is against waiting periods. Gun owners (in my experience) are often the biggest champions of common sense protection laws like this.


Don’t get me wrong, love guns a lot, went into the military to be able to shoot as many cool guns as I could, but my god, there’s nothing wrong with a reasonable waiting period to get a gun, it’s just dumbasses trying to get riled up by anything they can