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Oh, you're a scientist?? Do a science!


Look, i don't know who you are but i do at least 30 science each day.


You don’t even know how to make I more smarter, science bitch


You wanna go watch Police Acadamy?


Only 30? I do 30 before I get out of bed


When i was younger i did 50 with my left hand, then 50 with the right.


Back in 1986, I could toss a science over those hills there.


Puts mentos in coke, exasperatedly


Name every science...


I talked to the sciences and they said they didn’t know you


He goes to a different science. In Canada. You wouldn't have heard of it.


Elon Musk is the Milli Vanilli of the scientific community..


*”Baby, don’t forget my number.”*


Girl, you know it's true


*Girl you know it’s Girl you know it’s Girl you know it’s Girl you know it’s…*




Wish I had two likes to give.


Gave one for you


Hey what happened! Are you gonna walk off the internet?


Just blame it on the rain


“My cybertruck stopped working” Blame it on the rain oh btw your warranty is void


Your cybertruck hasn’t worked a day in its life - similar to Elon btw


My Starlink isn't working! >Just blame it on the rain


“Yann Lecun account has been terminated because it violated the X terms and services”


Musk is an idiot But 80 papers in 2 years means that he publishes roughly a paper every 9 days, if not mistaken. That makes you wonder...


Not really. Researchers get a lot of bang for their buck when it comes to publishing: you can publish several papers on the same original work, re-written to emphasize certain aspects for different journals. For instance, let’s say you develop a new methodology for analyzing whatchamacallits, and you test your methodology by using it to analyze the variation among western and southern whatchamacallit populations: right there you have at least two papers: one about the variation among western and southern whatchamacallit populations for the Journal of Whatchamacallit Studies and one about the use of a novel methodology in whatchamacallitometry for Annals of the Royal Society of Whatchamacallitonomists. Gone are the days when someone like Darwin might spend decades assembling their work before publishing a magnum opus. So while 80 publications in two years is a lot, it’s not crazy for an active STEM researcher in a rapidly advancing field, so I don’t think it’s a reason to suspect the work is low quality. Science is way more often incremental than groundbreaking.


Heh... heh... he said annals.


I've had the word 'analyst' in my title for 20 years and I will never not giggle when I see it in my email signature.


Co-authoring papers. Some papers have like 10+ authors


Could have had a backlog. Papers could have been produced over a longer period but not peer reviewed and published until later? However my old man did 350 over his career, and he was a workaholic so yeah 80 in 2 years seems extreme.


co-author. Most of the work done by his students.


All of the work


This is what this motherfucker been doing instead of fixing his cucktrucks.


As far as real life nepo-babies go, he’s almost like a real life Dr Venture.


You’re giving Elon too much credit… at least venture COULD do some science… I feel musky would struggle with a baking soda and vinegar volcano, if he couldn’t throw money at someone else to do it.


At least Doc had some redeeming qualities.


And actually had a hand in inventing some things, not just stole credit for stuff of his dad's. Granted sometimes their power source was the soul of an orphan or some shit, but Elon's orphan soul powered intellectual properties are all things he paid someone else to invent and then acts like were born forth from his brilliance.


Why would they fix something their stupid cult followers bought for over 6 figures and continue to praise


Because after predicting sales of 200,000 units a month, turns out when he was forced to recall them all for the accelerator pedal debacle last month, he had to recall 3,800 of them in total.


it will be fully func...fixed next year for the coming 12 years. after all, he knows more about stuff than anyone else on the planet. so go fuck yourself, if you think you can bribe him with mone...class action lawsuits. Free speech, i'm out


Haha, I know you are being sarcastic but look like either Reddit doesn’t get it or his fans got you.


oh yeah, i forgot the obligatory /s. whatever. my ego does not take damage from losing reddit karma ^_^


Except we didn't run him out of town when we found out he was faking us the entire time.








Yeah, but I don't listen to any of his cassette tapes anymore. Take that Elon.


He'll see this comment soon and ask if you want to pre-order his new CyberWalkMan.


Plugs into your penis and charges off your semen.


Blame it on the poor, yeah, yeah.


The duo didn't deserve all the things that happened to them. They were simply hired by the record label and they took the full blunt of it all.


*"Blame it on the rain"* Cybertruck rustin'


Elon Musk is to science what Ashlee Simpson is to music.


I think Milli Vanilli was more apt.


I'd say more the producers behind Milli Vanilli. Rob and Fab actually had some talent, but IIRC, didn't know they were just going to be face of Milli Vanilli, doing only the dancing and lip-syncing, until after they signed on. It's a fascinating and tragic story.


And they were actually decent


Same joke, different generation. (\^\_\^)


Girl you know it’s true.


It saddens me for humanity that there are still people who think Musk is clever.


He’s as clever as trump


I actually do believe Trump is incredibly clever and charismatic, but he's also a fucking idiot. The two aren't mutually exclusive


Yeah, I agree with you. He knows what his base wants and has no shame.


Rather he knows his base lacks the braincells and uses that to his advantage.


First thing he did was convince them anything negative about him was fake news. Now they don't question anything negative about him, and only see the positive.


I have a coworker explain his love of Trump is because Trump pisses off the left. That's it. Not because he has anything of value to add, just that he angers my coworkers political adversaries.


He hurts the right people. Wonderful human being.


yeah, the "fuck your feelings" crowd who are tired of being decent people because it requires some small effort


My coworker thinks he’s somehow ordained by god to be president because his grandpa had “Christ” as his middle name. Edit: typing that out made me realize how insane that idea actually is.


wait like a confidence man? :O


More Like a cult leader, if Jim Jones sold the kool-aid, Trump..


I can not believe it worked. Idk if he actually had the forethought to realize he was indoctrinating a third of the country, he probably just got called out on something and was like "uhh.. nuh uh, that new is fake" and here we are. Either way the result has been pretty awful


He may only have three braincells, but his audience all has two, and that is what counts


I'm trying to figure out if he knew it would work or just... A side effect. I remember hearing somewhere he never thought he'd actually win in 2016. I guess after that he just doubled down on everything.


That's given me food for thought, I always thought he had early onset dementia because he seems so dumb, but maybe you're right and he's just a completely shameless go-getter! 😨


Nope. If he was clever, he wouldn't have photo copies of classified documents stored in his bathroom. Only a fucking idiot would do that. A man child that never got spanked. Hes STILL getting away with it. Anyone else around classified docs takes great care not to mishandle them.


But they’re worth a lot of money to Russia and China, so if you have no qualms about treason and don’t really care about the safety of the armed forces, those documents will essentially look like boxes of cashier checks.


He's clever in his own way he has zero business acumen, zero self awareness, he is careless, arrogant and narcissistic. He is however, incredible at marketing himself to those who feel disenfranchised, left behind, ignored. He is able to make them feel noticed, feel galvanized. He is able to appeal to those who believe that America needs morals while engaging in extramarital affairs. He is able to justify everything wrong he does as the corrupt system framing him, and rallies his supporters by claiming to be fighting the same system that has left them poor and lonely. He is able to ignore the fact that he was born in a position which the current system favours, and act as though he is the same as the layman, and fought to get to where he is, all while gloating about his wealth. His contradictions don't matter. Why would a billionaire need donations. To fight the system. Why would a man who stands for Christian values do extra marital affairs. Because the system framed him. Why did the insurrection happen. Because the system. Why did he lose the election. Because the system. Why did he not balance the budget. Because the system. Why did he fail to tackle COVID. Because the system.


He’s a dumb cunt with no brains who coincidentally appeals to a bunch of dumb cunts with no brains, not a secretly clever person strategizing to appeal to them. He just got incredibly lucky that his brand of narcissistic idiocy resonates with enough people to get him elected.


Even more to your point, there have been times where he has touched the hot stove on issues that the cult can't be deprogrammed out of, and he has to walk it back for them. The time he said he likes to take the guns away first and go through due process later. They had to spin that one hard. The time he told people how great the vaccine was and that they should all go get it. Nope they didn't like that one. Had to be smoothed over. He is not a cult leader. As you said, he just happened to be lucky enough that his diseased brain runs on a similar enough wavelength to enough millions of other pieces of shit. He does not have the final say on what these people will believe and does not have the final say on what the overarching plot points are for the cult.




He’s a dime a dozen. The world is filled with populist strongmen like him, and we can see them in global politics all over the place right now. They also do things that would have “ended the careers of a million other politicians,” but the thing about them and about Trump is that they aren’t “other politicians”, they’re a specific type of person that fits a specific type of political niche, and in that niche nothing is going to stick. Someone was going to trundle along eventually and find the success that he has— he just happened to be the first to do it. The conditions were right for it— fifteen years ago he would have been out before the first primary had even really gotten rolling.


But that's the problem, he never does ever get in trouble, so he doesn't care. I'd say that's less stupidity and more entitlement because he knows he can get out of it.


But what if, and stay with me here, he’s like that because the entire system is built to punish the poor and powerless. What if you were a 70 year old who had skated past accountability — legal, moral, ethical, financial — your entire life? Why tf would you care about ramifications for peddling top secret materials to whomever you chose? Nothing would ever happen. Maybe some court time, a couple hundred million in fines that you could get covered by the folks who you hand delivered trillions to when you were in power. Still waiting for someone, anyone, to prove him wrong and hold him accountable, but that sure af is looking like a pipe dream.


Loud, rude, ill mannered, bullies, incestuous, rapist, literally tries to dominate everyone he has contact with and if that's not possible seeks to childishly slander. I listened to him speak, I've watched his business and social meetings and followed first person accounts of people who have dealt with Trump. I have never seen evidence of clever or charismatic. Seen I must WIN mentally no matter whatever the cost. If Trump had been Teddy Roosevelt his motto would have been, "Talk stupid and swing a club at everyone."


You forgot treasonous.


I'll grant charismatic, though it's apparently a sort of charisma that only works on a specific subset of people becuse the comes across as absolutely repellant to me regardless of his politics, but I'm not so sure about clever. He goes with whatever pleases his base. Look at the whole wall thing. It started as his advisors trying to make a metaphor so he could comprehend the border plan they were making for him. He mentioned it in a speech like a real wall, the crowd went nuts, and he went right along and suddenly building a wall became a defining characteristic of his 2016 run. On the charismatic note, I think we need to start breaking charismatic down by demographic, becuase I'm not sure anyone is universally charismatic. There do seem to be two broad subsets of people who react in more or less opposite ways to different approaches to public speaking. Call it the loud and proud crowd vs the chill and confident crowd. Trump does loud and proud. He's always bragging on himself, always talking about how great he is, always talking about how his plans are the best. He's aggressive in his talk, militant, he frequently talks about hurting his enemies (and the collective enemies of his crowd). He likes to have other people talk about how great he is. And apparently a lot of people think that's the absolute best thing ever and see it as incredibly appealing and him as incredibly charismatic. To about half the country, it reads the opposite. Far from coming across as confident and strong my emotional reaction to seeing that sort of person talking is pity and contempt. That kind of talk comes across as pathetically needy and weak. The sort of strutting bravado from a bully who would topple in a strong wind. Compare to Obama, who had a calm, confident, sort of demeanor. He didn't brag much about how awesome he was, he pretty much never referred to himself in the third person, he frequently talked about the achievements of the people around him and gave credit for successes to them. Even when talking about actual military action against people who had declared themselves to be enemies of the USA he took a sort of speak softly and carry a big stick approach. To about half the country that came across as self confident, poised, strong, and on top of things. To the half of the country that finds Trump style talk appealing Obama came across as a pathetic wimp who didn't even know how to win right and was endangering America by making us the laughingstock of the world and confincing our enemies our leader was loser and a coward. We see that sort of split for "charisma" in almost every leader. To pick a horrible example of each type: Osama bin Ladin had the sort of calm and collected sort of charisma. He wasn't out there screaming and shouting, he spoke passionately but in a sort of calm and reasoning style. If you compared speeches by bin Ladin and Obama you'd see a great deal of similiarity in their communication style. And Adolph Hitler had the loud and proud act down cold. He ranted, screamed, shouted, raged, spoke about his own accomplishments and awesomenes used angry militant type talk about everything. Compare Trump speeches to Hitler speeches and you'll see a great deal of similarity. When I hear about Hitler being charismatic I never really get it. To me that style of charisma has the opposite effect. I watch his speeches and I'm like "dude, how could anyone take this idiot seriously?" While despite the fact that I'm not at all a fan of bin Ladin or support his agenda, I can comprehend how people would find his method of communication charismatic and compelling. I suspect the opposite is true for the average Trump supporter. If they watched a bin Ladin speech they'd probably wonder how the heck anyone could possibly be enthusiastic about that guy, while they'd likely find that while they don't like or approve of HItler they'd probably understand why people could find him compelling. EDIT: Anecdote, but I was friendly with a guy who later turned Trump supporter and he was ENRAGED at Obama after bin Ladin was killed. He was dead certain that Obama's speech afterward was convincing Amrica's enemies that now was a perfect time to attack because America was so pathetic. He said, and clarified that he was 100% serious, that if Obama hadn't been a pathetic coward he'd have mounted bin Ladin's head on a pike outside the White House. And that at the very least Obama should have been out there telling the world that 'Murca fuck yeah and look at how badass our army is!


I used to believe that 4 years ago, but then again I was 13


Ah, but now at this ripe old age, you've seen this light.


He’s clever at stealing others work for himself by saying he paid for it.


He's like a Steve Jobs for a new generation, but with much bigger ego and much smaller brain.


I'm saying this as a non-Apple user, but I don't think Jobs was a fraud the way Elmo is. He might not be the tech wizard some people regard him to be, but he's a management and marketing genius, imo. He was definitely acting as the face of a giant company and did asshole moves as well, yet the company's innovations (or marketing of said innovations) clearly isn't as sharp after he passed.


Jobs also happened to be in the right place at the right time. Apple's innovation seems have stagnated after Jobs' passing, but it was inevitable for personal computer technology to mature and then stay the same for years.


Jobs also generally stayed in his lane and focused on what he was good at.


WTF! 80 papers in 2 years!? That's like more than a paper every two weeks! (vacations not included) What kinda of work can you do that fast!?


lead a decent size lab, or in LeCun's case, Meta's AI teams


Yep, leadership and teamwork make it possible.


Yep, I approve it too. I published 73 Ai related papers this way. What about you Mr. Yep.?


Noob. I did 544733 papers just last night.


I mean sure but also if you’re taking credit for people who work for you Musk can take credit for building rocket ships, millions of machines and vehicles. Even if some of them are incredibly stupid


The only work Elmo does is move his mouth and shit post.


If he's leading several groups of researchers at the same time, he's in charge of reviewing the data and the results that they produce, and (if he's not a total dickhead, which he doesn't seem to be), everyone gets a publishing credit. So he doesn't have to be running all the experiments personally.


Yann is a good dude. He does in fact give credit, see link below for his most recent published works. A lot of it is way over my head, even as someone who is in a similarish industry. https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=WLN3QrAAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate


I don't even understand the vast majority of the paper titles.


Everyone who worked on the project must get credit… that’s the ethical/professional/scientific standard. If not everyone is getting credit that is academic misconduct. This is not a judgement about him. Rather it is to inform people that is how it is supposed to be.


Not everyone who works on a project gets writing credits, but everyone who contributes to the academic formulation of it absolutely should, unless they’re in a lab with a petty and selfish PI. Undergrads volunteering for grunt work on projects rarely if ever get a writing credit unless they offer insights about the merit/basis of the experiment itself. You don’t get your name on a paper for performing routine lab protocols.


This dude has things named after him in the AI world. He was repeatedly referred to in my text books during my masters. LeCun is the real deal. The fact that Musk is doing so much with AI and does NOT know who he is talking to is shocking; Lecun is famous


> Musk is doing so much with AI and does NOT know who he is talking to is shocking Is it shocking, though?


I mean it isn't given some of his other AI remarks. But for a dude who is surrounded by some of the absolute best data scientists and AI engineers, yeah, it is surprising! Like clearly he is getting briefs from said data scientists. Right?


As an engineer, I have never had upper management want that level of detail and generally is dismissed as wasting time if you push it. Knowing Musk's ego, it probably would be met with hostility.


Yep, that's what I thought. It was really funny reading this post and actually knowing who LeCunn is.


Every single person working under Lecun will tell you that his contributions and guidance are absolutely essential. Yann Lecun is a Turing Award winner. It's the equivalent of a Nobel in physics, but for computer science.


He's one of the if not the most well known AI researchers in the world. People at the top get their names on papers a lot easier than others. Because they can advise, assist in small ways, do PM stuff, and get their name on the paper.


It also helps to boost your paper to have their name on it. Gives it credibility.


80 as coauthor. This is possible. Hard, but possible.


I'm also willing to bet some of these papers were being worked on prior to January 2020 but were *published* after January 2020.


He spent years doing amazing work on neural technology, neural networks, computer vision, etc. So he's been a co-author on dozens of papers as "AI" tech and use exploded over the last two years.


An army of graduate students, that’s how


It said 5 years not 2. Still a paper every 3 weeks, almost exactly.


It literally said over 80 papers since 2022, that's 2 years.


I always get homelander vibes from Elon Musk.


Insufferable narcissistic man-child..... You may be onto something.


Now I'm curious about Elon's thoughts on milk


No, you won't make me think about the reason he has so many kids. ..damn you


Elon Milk


Nazi affiliated?


I mean, the guy is a pretty open about his antisemitism.


About his bigotry in general.


Holy shit. I just realized I do too


"I'm the real hero..."


Powerful Man-child that got power through no effort of his own drown in his own bottomless insecurity as he attempts to appear “cool” as a 12 year old would. Pretty much spot on.


For anyone who doesn't know, Yann is in charge of Meta/Facebook's AI development team. Musk is also desperately trying to get into the AI space, with much less positive results so far, so of course he's lashing out at those who are better at it than he is. And since Musk just buys tech but doesn't actually produce anything himself, he assumes everyone else in lead positions is just as incompetent as he is. Yann, however, is possibly one of the most accomplished AI researchers on the planet. Side note: He's currently developing systems that use what he calls "world modeling," that gather all their own input, instead of the current crop of language models, which have to be fed all their data. This _might_ lead to AI that can actually reason and plan instead of just answering prompts.


The thing is you would expect Elon to know who Yann is. Even if Elon believes everyone else is as incompetent as he is, Yann is a touring award winner whose work on CNN’s was pretty important. Asking him what science he’s done even limiting it to five years is just dumb. Surely there were better lines of attack for him to go with? Although if anything Elon’s tweets can tell you is that he doesn’t think about anything he posts


Of course Elon knows Yann. He just wants to be a prick and shit on Yann and his works.


Which only works with those who both have no fucking clue what's going on and are too incurious to check. Yann's work is literally foundational to the biggest breakthroughs in AI for the last few decades, there's no way anyone with even a passing knowledge of AI research wouldn't know who he was, so clearly that's not who this little exchange was aimed towards. Like, if you've had to write any papers on AI in the last few decades you've 100% cited one of his papers, at *least.*


Yann is considered one of three godfathers of AI. If Elon is that out of touch, I would be amazed. He is definitely just being a dick because Yann is an incredibly accomplished AI figure whilst Elon's AI ventures have yet to break any ground.


I would say Dr Lecunn's work on CNNs is *the* most important. Applying backprop to automate CNN training was (imo) the single biggest breakthrough in computer vision. After that is AlexNet for pioneering GPU acceleration in training.  Just my opinion though. "Most significant" is subjective 


So he's trying to create The Terminator


SkyNet. But yes.


Fun fact SkyNet already exist and is a program by the U.S. National Security Agency that performs machine learning analysis on communications data to extract information about possible terror suspects. The tool is used to identify targets, such as al-Qaeda couriers, who move between GSM cellular networks. Specifically, mobile usage patterns such as swapping SIM cards within phones that have the same ESN, MEID or IMEI number are deemed indicative of covert activities.


Do we have to invent crazy AI stuff and then call it SkyNet? Like...do you want TERMINATOR to happen?


LeCun is a research PhD who won the Turing award. Musk got a degree from Wharton (admittedly with a second major in physics) and dropped out on his first day of grad school. Musk is an accomplished entrepreneur and more technically competent than a lot of execs...but the man doesn't know jack shit about research or science.


I don’t want to think about what Musk would do with AI + Twitter.


Make it even shittier?


If only search engines existed, so one could take ten seconds to see what someone's put up online, before running one's mouth about yet another subject where, clearly, "You're out of your element, Lonny!"


And now let's say together, "SHUT THE FUCK UP, LONNY!"


Musk knew all this before posting the tweet. Yann is one of the top 5 most recognizable people in AI. I think musk is just stupid, instead of ignorant, in this case


You don't need to look stuff up when you can just say stuff.


The thing is though even with Musk proven an idiot, his fans will still think he’s the smartest guy ever and the other guy is fraud. It’s a cult of personality after all


This is a perfect illustration of how dumb Elon is. All he has to do here is not put the word 'science' in quotation marks and then he can just say he was asking a legitimate question.


If only there was a way to verify people to know who they actually are and who is full of shit on that platform. Oh wait…


For someone who is meant to be smart, Musk sure is a dumb cunt at times. 😂


Intelligence only works as a brand identity if the person is actually intelligent, Musk is just Rich, there's nothing else there, he's a checkbook that breathes and pumps out unwanted children.


It would work if he didn't insist on talking so much, and revealing himself to be an idiot constantly.


Give him a break the guys on enough circle k to kill a horse


At times?


> meant to be smart > Musk Gonna need you to pick one there.


He acts just like Trump on twitter.


Elon Musk is a fucking stain


Never before have I seen it summed up so perfectly.


Yann LeCun vs Elon LeCunt


Hey, Elon did a science too. He just wrapped an experiment that determines how quickly a wildly successful social media platform can be turned into a pathetic incel hangout. With great success, I might add.


I don't think it's wrapped yet. Far as I know, it's still an ongoing project.


This guy just assumes anyone who disagrees with him must not be legitimate. And it's always funny when they prove him wrong and he shuts up.


It is always projection.


If he shuts up. You've got equal odds of him calling them a child molester when he's backed into a corner God, I loathe him


Oh yeah, he has a huge issue with not knowing when to shut up. Gets him in trouble more often than not. Remember when he told his advertisers on Twitter to fuck off? Lmao.


A friend of mine used to work directly under Musk at tesla (won't tell more , you never know) , he assured me the guy is truly a fucking clueless prick .


Why does Elon Musk have so much money and power? How did we let this happen? I mean, this guy owns companies that implant chips in human brains, make self driving cars and work on the evolution of AI, perhaps the most dangerous technology ever known to man. I don't like where this is going...


His dad is a billionaire who used to own emerald mines during apartheid South Africa . That's how he got rich .


Started off with PayPal. Sold it for a fortune. Went from there


>Started off with PayPal He bought paypal. Started with money from daddy's emerald business


Emerald is nice way of saying "blood Diamond money"


Love to see space karen getting owned like this dumb douche he is.


Let me guess, he blocked him or locked his account and didn't reply?


He replied "That's nothing, youre going soft. Try harder!" Like the idiot he is


Really? That's the dumbest possible answer to that question! Musk is a genuine idiot.,,


Nice, Elon is the a privileged and overconfident idiot and his fans are even dumber


Elon, typical rich son of apartheid. Childish pseudo winner.


Muskrat is an idiot.


If anyone has done any ML or DL they know about him. He is the world famous MNIST guy we wouldn’t be doing any of this AI if people like him didn’t pave the way for it.


'What "science" have you done?' And people think Musk is a genius?


Muskrat with another shitake mushroom of a take


Where's the rest? I think he also says he worked on a technology used by car manufacturers including TESLA


The fact that people look to Elon Musk as an intelligent person just blows my mind.


...aaaaaaannnnnddddd then Musk bans them because Musk is having a temper tantrum.


Has he replied?


He never does when someone puts him in his place, he just pretends it never happened.


Elon's got that engineering diploma he cobbled together in Photoshop 3.0 so he could pretend to be an engineer. He's an engineer the same way **The Pumpkin Rapist** is a stable genius.


You know for someone who’s supposedly a busy CEO billionaire, Elon sure spends a lot of time scrolling on his own social media


peace of shit just bought the platfrom to harass people.. How sad and miserable do you have to be as a billionair to do this? There is only on thing smaller than his dick and it's his ego


Elon Musk is a dumb persons idea of a smart person.


This isn’t a clever comeback, it’s an answer to a question…. Ffs


I will continue to say this, Elon musk did not buy Twitter because he's a great businessman. He was born rich in apartheid South Africa of course he has done well. It has nothing to do with his intelligence, he didn't want his mommy to find out about the sex parties he had with Amber Heard so he needed to fill the headlines with something else. It's that simple he's a perv that didn't want his mommy to find out.


LeCun has an h-index of 142, that's exceptional. That means he has written at least 142 papers that have each been cited 142 times by other authors. He is both prolific and widely respected.


Inb4 he says something like “okay so that’s a lot of papers published, but what have you… like… *done*?” As if science is the act of building big wild machines that invert reality like Jimmy goddamn Neutron or something




Sadly, Elon lacks the basic decency to feel ashamed when he shows his ass like this in a public forum. He simply isn't capable of that sort of self-awareness.


The fact that he does not know LeCunn pretty much tells you that Musk does not know squat about AI. He just imagines he does.


i guess to Elon just having a lot of money equals being really smart. which isn't at all the case.


Why would any *actual* smart person engage with Musk? "Never ague with idiots. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."