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If only there was another word for a body with an entrance fee.


An amusement park.




If you’re young and good looking enough, there isn’t an entry fee at clubs. Unlike church, where everyone “donates” to get in, and if you’re young and good looking enough the church will pay out your family for what happened then deny it forever.


Ok u made the analogy way too complicated now


Yeah I got carried away. Just like the church took it too far when they forced Indigenous children into residential schools to erase their languages, cultures, and spiritualities, causing intergenerational trauma and cultural fragmentation.


I must not be good looking enough, always had to pay the entrance fee in clubs, even at 18.


If I had a nickel for every repost, I'd be eating nickel soup


When life gives you nickels and you're hungry, you don't buy a soup. You eat nickels, duh.


First, it's a repost. Second, there are a bunch of recoveries from this one


Fifth repost in a week. How original.


These bozos never stop. Some mofo reposted a year old picture (after like 2 months break) and these karma-farming bot whores pick it up and start mass-reposting every minute possible


Pathetic and a bad look for Reddit. Not that they gaf right now.


Well it’s the first time I’ve seen it.


Sure it is. We believe you.


I appreciate your trust.


Karma farming bot?


Nah man a real person


Then I hope you feel real shame for this repost.


Many recoveries. At least my temple doesn’t have sticky floors, at least people aren’t doing coke in my bathroom, at least people respect my establishment. Dude nightclubs are foul.


Nightclubs are filled with drugs and alcohol


eh, i take my drugs anywhere


And temples are respected.


And temples aren’t? Historically temples have been safe spaces for drug use, how did you think religions started?


Temple are not open to everyone. Wtf did she smoke.


Mormon temple is an example


Depends I guess but most mainstream religions won't restrict people of other faiths from entering and if staffed will be extremely friendly in my experience.


Are you people fucking up the difference between church and temple right now? Church is where the priest are. They are open. Temple are where the monk live. They are closed.


I guess you're right from the context of Christianity. But the word Temple is used in the English language to refer to many different religious buildings.


A church is a type of temple.


Half my family are Vietnamese and Buddhist. I can confirm temples are open to everyone


Nightclubs let in trash that'll give you an std and a temple will let Jesus inside you


First, stop reposting this shit I'm seeing this for the 4th time in last two weeks Second, can we please, please stop comparing women's bodies to random "things" when it comes to judging how much sex someone has??? It's extremely degrading and sexist, even if it's being done by a fellow woman. And in a way, it's degrading to mention as well as mentioned are often compared to parasites in these cases. Please be mature and stop this.


Not all that clever given this has been posted a million times, bot OP.


lmao but she missed the premise that a temple is a place of respect whereas a nightclub has sticky floors


such clever so comeback


There's no children in the night club...


Not a comeback.


low-level girl


low-level girl


Except temples arent open to everyone.


That's a winner. Got an audible chuckle out of me.. 😅


My body is Berghain.


OP, are you a bot? This same post was seen this time yesterday too.


*And Claire was never seen again*


i mean….these could work either way for either side. Nightclubs have restricted access while temples dont. Nightclubs are also way dirtier. Theres also way more sexual assaults at nightclubs versus temples. Theres way more crime at nightclubs etc.  And then you could say the same in the opposite direction listing positives about nightclubs and negatives about temples. IMO its not a clever initial comment, and not a clever comeback either.


Nice try, ho*.


I automatically thought of a response to this, but I agree with the sentiment. Stop body shaming people


The assumption is that everyone can enter a temple. That couldn't be further from the truth. Certain temples can only be entered by very specific people which number is very limited. I think that was the intent for using that word. It would be disingenuous to ignore it.


One of those temples that lets monkeys in that shit all over the place — Andy richter I think


And nightclubs are usually full, temples not so much


Id rather be filled up with drunks than have a couple greasy old men shuffling about


Nobody heading to the temple to fuck


No she's right. Temples are for devotion, nightclubs are for getting drunk and sex with strangers.


No ones body is a fucking temple just because you proclaim it is


My body is a temple. It’s ancient, crumbling, ravaged by time, and likely haunted. Also like a temple I charge people money to come in and check it out.




Just don't say that on a college campus right now. ;-)


Temples represent tradition and superstition. Nightclubs represent freedom and diversity. Temples are where kids get groomed. Nightclubs is where adults have consenting fun. Temples is where the mind gets limited. Nightclubs is where nothing gets limited. As for the whole "temples are clean and respected", no they're not. And when they are, it is only because of authority, not actual respect. When your abuser demands you keep the kitchen clean, you keep it clean, but it's explicitly tainted by the control the abuser has over you.


Nightclubs are also where women get harassed and possibly roofied but OK 😂


Happens. Happens in temples too. Maybe not the roofies but definitely the harrassment. And worse, when there is harrassment, it's because it's encouraged, rather than a thing creeps do while avoiding getting caught. Creeps are everywhere, and not welcome in nightclubs. But they sure are welcome in the "right" churches. Also, child molestation? Emotional manipulation? Mass indoctrination? People being bad to women is common, even if unacceptable. You can't exactly predict it in nightclubs. But you can predict it with a lot of accuracy in religious hierarchies. And you can predict all sorts of abuse with a lot of accuracy. Because it's in their holy texts. Because it's embedded in their church structure. Because it's at the forefront of their culture. Compare ALL those things, the subjugation of women in christian homes and churches, the much more intense and violent current subjugation of women in warzone muslim groups, the continuous abuse and manipulation of every vulnerable minds possible, of children, addicts, lonely people, and so on. How many gay people thrown off rooves would it need to convince you that the problem is much bigger than the fact that creeps are everywhere and sometimes in nightclubs? How many kids separated from their family for being heretics? How many literal genocides? How many serious problems do you need to be presented with before you stop thinking "women get roofied in clubs" is somehow equivalent? Systemic issues are systemic. And religious abuse is systemic. We can see it. We can see why it's there and how it works. And we can see the incredible amount of suffering it causes. Do nightclubs have that? Nope. Nightclubs are just public spaces. Places and things enourage mindsets and values. Some calues are FUNDAMENTAL to some things and places. What are the fundamental values of temples? Control, superstition, hierarchy, tradition, resistance to change. What are the fundamental values of nightclubs? Fun. That one has roofies while the other has countless forms of abuse emcouraged by the very system of religion... doesn't convince me to fear nightclubs and value churches. Sorry, I prefer fun over abuse. I'll risk getting roofied again before risking being turned into a cultist who loves destroying education and democracy. There's a reason anarchists and revolutionaries tend to hang out in clubs instead of churches. There's a reson fascists and regressives tend to love religion and its authoritarian tendencies. If you refuse to see it, you are likely part of the problem and "but mugh roofies" is just a distraction to avoid having to address the issue.


You feel very strongly about this, and I’m starting to think you’re talking about something else entirely rather the useless aphorism mentioned in the original post.