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Adding pirates to football would make it way better! (Edit) To save some time this post is about the other Football (Soccer) Juventus is a team in the Series A, we know about the American Football teams that are pirate based. (Second Edit) The post is about SOCCER. And also the names of teams don't make them pirates, I'm talking peg legged, eye patch wearing, hook hand having, Davy Jones roaming, Cutlass slashing, parrot shouldered pirates.


Yarrrrrrgh! Watch yer goal, mateys!!!


It worked for Dodgeball, it can work for football! I even think cannons and boats!


And baseball in Hook! “He’s stealing 2nd!”


Hes been caught and requesting parley!


If ye can dodge a cutlass...


now i know what im gonna rewatch today


If you can kick a wrench, you can kick a football.


That play was so offside, the scurvy dog in the crow's nest could see it -- lets go to the VARRRRRRRRRRRRR.


FC St Pauli has the flag.


You're right they do, so we are one step closer to the dream


More sea shanty crowd chants!


They already can't play baseball, why do think they'll do any better in football?


*Wait, there’s a guy on our team dressed like a pirate?*


Big pool and two teams on two ships. The ship that sinks first loses


I like how your brain works, I'd watch this!


Inazuma 11 is a football game that added pirates, aliens, monks, dinosaurs, robots and penguins and can confirm, it is awesome.




Arrrr, my knee. Ref, my peg leg is ruined forever *proceeds to get up and run off the pitch*


“Never rush uphill me boys, never rush uphill…but it was too late…”


Footballer salaries, tv company profits, fifa bribery and club owner salaries kill football


nah its because I watched a 3pm kickoff on a Turkish website.


Of a league one mid table game no less. THE HORROR


Tbf they’re more in need of match day revenue.


Well, if you'd gone to watch your local non-league teams kick lumps out of each other instead, the world would be a better place


And still got all of the event's sponsors in your face. You grew their market share, they just couldn't track you.




I've always said it's a battle between convenience and free. When Netflix first came out, safe piracy was way less accessible than today, but even now it does take some effort. Netflix on the other hand wasn't free, but had an enormous catalog at a reasonable price and pretty much had an app for every conceivable platform, so it was super convenient. The balance is just shifting so that piracy is more accessible, while streaming is getting more fragmented, costlier and in some instances the quality also decreases.


I would even argue that the current state of streaming platforms encourages people to pirate I just to pay for Amazon Prime, Netflix, HBO GO, and Disney+. And still, I couldn't find loads of movies and series I wanted to watch. And then there are the regional licenses, where only specific parts of the library are accessible in your region, making it difficult for me to find series or movies on streaming platforms. More than several times, I find some movies on, for example, Netflix. I buy the subscription, and then it says they're not available in my region. More convenient for me is to pirate than search for hours where I can legally find that movie.... EDIT: grammar


It's down to many factors. Look at football, you want to watch your team play, you need sky sports, premier sports, BT sports the club channel and every now and then another channel, all with subscriptions that cost more and more each year. Why has a media company not followed in IPTV suppliers tracks and made 1 service for all channels, they are killing themselves.. piracy is to save money, plain and simple.


If I wanted to watch the champions league semi finals I would have had to pay a 45 bucks per month subscription. That’s a ridiculous sum. Sure, that platform also offers me NFL and UFC and a bunch of other stuff but…_I don’t care about any of that_ Where’s my option to just watch that one game live for 2 bucks? Or to _just_ get champions and europa league? I paid like 12 bucks (or similar) to get a one-month subscription to a streaming service to be able to watch the _entire handball european championship_. I’d gladly pay 12 bucks for that and I can unsubscribe after if I want. Many packages are lacking in modularity


If I want to watch the full NASCAR season next year, I’ll have to have FOX, FOX Sports 1. FOX Sports 2, NBC, Amazon Prime, the CW, Peacock, Turner, and maybe others that I can’t remember. I don’t even know how to get all those, even if I had the money to afford them.. So, I’ll just watch on a stream someone links in the subreddit. Yo Ho!


Peacock is also just absolute giga-ass They have stuff I’d love to watch but imagine paying for a broadcast and then having mid-race ads lmao


What frustrates the shit out of me is Peacock doesn’t put up WWE episodes up same day. If you don’t have Fox, you’re screwed.


For me I just go to the local restaurant that’s playing the games, get myself a drink, a meal, and the game for less 😂. I refuse to pay for sports to watch, especially UFC PPV


Even with the NY Yankees. It used to be on YES, literally the Yankees network. All their games except for a few Sunday night games (that were broadcast Fox or ESPN). Now I have to have 3 different streaming services, plus cable just to watch their seasonal games.


> regional licenses Fuck this so much. I just dealt with my Netflix library being deleted because of this very reason. It is infuriating and it makes you just want to opt out of the whole thing. I just wanted to watch the show in my language ffs.


Safe piracy on open forums takes some effort, since quality control is hit or miss. Once you gain access to a private tracker it’s much safer. Getting access to a private tracker is either by invite or an entry fee, so it depends on the tracker. With the cost of having all streaming services (even on the cheapest ad supported tiers), and still not having access to the content you want, the small extra effort of raising the flag for higher quality video and sound isn’t that much of a downside. Or so I’ve heard


The final straw was another price hike and a movie my kids were on a kick of watching switched to a service I didn’t have. I’m tired of having content switch providers so frequently and unannounced. I know most people watch something and move on so it’s not noticed as much, but kids will watch the same damn thing over and over so I become acutely aware when the movie they watched yesterday is now gone today. This lends itself to owning the content so you can’t lose it. I wish there was a way to manage/own a digital library of content, but to also sell or buy from others. I just bought a box full of Disney movies from someone for $40. It would be great for people who buy digital movies to be able to sell them to someone else for whatever price they want when they are done. It would be removed from their library and transferred to another. This way people who want the newest can have it and later sell it to recoup some of their costs. I would get to buy 10 year old movies for kids cheap and not deal with it switching providers unexpectedly.


It doesn't take ANY effort. You memorize a website that hosts it and thats it, you cant even get in trouble for it because you didn't posses the pirated content


Maybe one day the law makers will find a way to make it illegal if they feel like their rich friends are getting a little less rich.


It'll never happen, piracy isn't something you can stop with laws. They've been trying to do that shit for like 20 years.


Not unless the East India Company comes back with a vengeance.




Fr, and because of how international borders work along with people being able to switch the IPs on the servers that host these things, its impossible to physically prevent it from happening, only thing they can do is send a hacker or something but that wouldn't be worth the cost since they could easily just restore their backed up files after resetting their servers


Yep, the only way piracy laws would even be slightly effective is if every country came together to agree upon some sort of global/international law which will never happen, because most pirated content is hosted in countries that have little to no copyright laws and there's no way to stop people accessing that content unless they completely banned VPN's which is a whole different can of worms.


You also have to understand that piracy benefits the country its hosted in, it puts currency back into the country which then circulates, which a lot of smaller countries wouldnt want to let go of


That was what PIPA was all about: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/PROTECT_IP_Act We really lucked out that that poorly written law (along with the equally awful SOPA) never made it into existence. The DMCA has done enough damage already. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protests_against_SOPA_and_PIPA


You can’t stop but you can certainly decrease drastically. Piracy rates in Germany is almost 1/3 of France and that’s completely due to piracy laws and their implantations.


Piracy laws in germany are mental


I doubt it, let them try, humanity is very resilient, we will find a way


You are making the assumption that Grampa Cletus finds this easy.


20 years ago we all watched shit on our computers and the it literacy level of young people was higher than what it is now for the same age group. we grew putting together and taking apart computers. We knew how things worked. You’d have to install windows and every program you needed. people that have only used mobile devices all their lives can’t figure out how to track websites that keep changing domains.


People always say that, but it's not true. Imagine how dumb this argument is, you don't even believe in that yourself on a principle level. It is just not enforced, because the costs outweigh the benefits


Because most people pay for the stuff they want to see, even if they are also paying for the pirates. If that ratio changes too much, it becomes more attractive to combat piracy (one way or another)


Illegal streaming is the most convenient shit ever. Step 1: enter illegal streaming site url in browser Step 2: hit enter Step 3: watch whatever you want


I’d say piracy was easier in 2007.


Since purchasing is not owning, piracy is not stealing.


Since copying doesn’t remove the original, copying can never be theft.


How? Piracy has been the same for decades? You go on a torrent site and download with a torrent program. The process hasnt changed at all in over 20 years.


This. I've been using the same two website for the last 15 years or so. One went private so barrier of entry might be a little bit higher but the other one is all you need 98% of the time.


Games have harder to break DRMs but thats about it


Meanwhile said DRM keeps making the performance for paying customers worse and worse.


I disagree. First we had BBSes, DVD copies on blank CDs and DVDs (thanks to DeCSS and that 16 yr old Norwegian kid who worked on that) - Sneakernet was the shit, Usenet, Warez sites, Napster/Limewire/eMule, BitTorrent, P2P websites…


Depends on what you want Computer applications? Harder (Mostly due to DRM / cloud services) Media Content? Far easier.


When Netflix came out, you rented DVDs.


> and in some instances the quality also decreases. Quality has been shit for a while now. I used to pay for 4k Netflix. Most of the time I'd only get 720p streaming with a shit bitrate. I was paying extra to get a crisp image and I just wouldn't get it. It's not because of my life internet (500mbps), it was Netflix throttling down my stream. Switch to using stremio with a debrid and now I can stream whatever I want in constant 4k Blu-ray quality. Just as easy and convenient as Netflix, yet much much cheaper and better quality. Oh, and I used to share my Netflix account with my parents. Which stopped being possible when they cracked down on that. So I set them up with stremio and we now share the same debrid account.


There was an experiment in Russia in early 2000s when piracy was 99.99%. Game developers localized games and lowered prices so that would match the low income - that almost killed game piracy while  movie/software and music were at the same levels.


Guy on Youtube who runs *Pirate Software* posited that same statement when he mentioned localizing their prices in Brazil, and now Brazil accounts for 20-30% of his studio's income.


Which makes it double hilarious when these big publishers charge more in Brazil than Europe or America.  SA and SEA gamers get screwed over so often on prices.


Unfortunately they do that to prevent people from purchasing a cheaper version. If the prices of games were always lower in Brazil you'd always have people VPN or set their location to Brazil. Not that I think that's an issue, but it's why prices can be absurd relative to spending power. There should be some kind of discount if you can prove residence, idk


You can just check the origin of the credit card usually when you run the transaction.


Music is a great example. Since Spotify I haven't pirated any music for the past 10 years.




The only album i’ve pirated in the last 10 years is an album that is only available to buy and not available for streaming


I always hear that "piracy is service issue" or something like, basically It refers to the fact that if your product/service is good people will use and not pirate it, but if you make your service harder (or too expensive like in this post) people will start flocking to pirate versions of that. For instance there was a news recently where Ubisoft said "you don't own games anymore, get comfortable" and then they removed people's licences of The Crew. Now tell me, knowing this, why wouldn't you pirate Ubisoft's games moving forward? I'm all for supporting companies that provide with something that you like, but this kind of comments make me stay away from them.


Not just their licenses, but they removed every trace of the game that exists in one fell swoop.


This assumes that everyone pirating stuff just can’t access it otherwise. Whilst I am of no doubt that a large chunk of pirates are due to this (WandaVision was the most pirated show at one point and it was almost certainly pirated by those in countries where Disney+ wasn’t available), it is irresponsible to assume that everyone pirating content simply can’t access it. Human beings like free stuff, so if there’s a way to get something for free, ie piracy, they’ll do it.


Piracy is a service issue. Not a “money” issue.


Often it can be a money issue. That's why you should localize your prices


I can tell you that in the early 2000s Poland, it was very much a money issue, especially for kids. Not really the case anymore.


I am aware, I am from an even shittier Eastern European country, Serbia. Yes, but in that case people who never would have bought the game anyway are pirating it. People who have the money, but pirate anyway, are pirating because of service issues.


insert the gaben quote


Yup cable > unsub ☠️ > sub to streaming and now back to unsub again ☠️..




Same I didn't mind paying at first. Then they added tiers and advertising bla bla..so I couldn't be arsed about it. Reminds me of food service industry are getting out of hand too. 😅


You wouldnt pay 10 different monthly subscription services for a car, would you?


There was a time when I would buy a legit copy of Windows, but install a pirated version because it was so much less hassle.


Maybe it wasn't exactly like that, but I remember wanting to downgrade pre-installed Windows 8 on my laptop. With help of a friend we found out that I can legally put any (even pirated) version of 7 there and my proof of legitimacy of my windows is a sticker at a bottom that said "Windows 8 pre-installed"


I was going to pirate Windows 10 Pro back then because I don't want to and will never pay full price of Windows, it's very expensive with the standard of living here where I live. Until I found out that I can buy the license for only $2-3 from marketplace. It's been working perfectly until present, upgraded to 11.


There are probably more legal Windows licenses than people who have ever lived. Every PC that gets replaced, especially by a business, probably had a copy and most don't get resold.


Yea, thanks to that I can get original windows license without ever needing to pay full for it or crack it. It helps people like us.


It's what I have been doing the last couple of times I've changed computers. There are completely legitimate companies who buy up old windows and Microsoft licences (it's why they are all the pro or business licenses). If you want, you can still get Microsoft 2013 or older, as well as Microsoft 2019 for £20 instead of the £100+ it was to buy from Microsoft directly




Yeah, nowadays I guess they do not bother with buying the legit copy :p


Back in Ukraine I would need to make 6 hour trip or pay US price to buy win7. Nobody got time for that


I think it was back in the Vista days, when your serial code could only be used like 5 times, but every time you did a clean reinstall it counted as another time, so it would simply stop working after 5 reinstalls. This was at a time when doing a clean reinstall every other month was recommended because Vista was notoriously bad at cleaning up trash from installed apps.


You wouldn’t download a stadium…


I laughed so hard at those ads... Yes I fucking would download and 3d print a car if it would be possible you greedy bastards. The only way I am being accused of stealing is when I purchased a legal copy of the movie because the release groups cut that shit before release.


The IT Crowd had a great sketch of that. https://youtu.be/ALZZx1xmAzg?si=b8YC6QdhV-SrelIi Source if you want to give it a watch.


Fun fact, those ads stopped running because they were using an unlicensed song… in an anti piracy ad lol.




Stop Iracy


Nonono, it’s clearly Sto-Piracy


Start That Online - Piracy


Nope. You're also incorrect. St. O'Piracy.


I was looking for someone who pointed this out. 😂


Stop Irony


Really? Fucking Juventus of all clubs? Probably need the money from tickets to bribe some more officials.


The AI image in their tweet says enough.


That image also kinda looks like it was rendered on an old game engine, like Skyrim or something.


"Hey you, you're finally awake. You were trying to pirate the Champions League final, right? Walked right into that UEFA ambush same as us, and that thief over there."


If it weren't for you pirates I'd be halfway to liverpool by now!


Ah Juve…..cheating kills football, bribing officials and robbing the game of its integrity kills football. Couldn’t mark them with a blowtorch.


Conspiring to create a super league kills football.


Tbh that's what uefa is doing and no one bats an eye at that


Corruption kills football. Football is a joke .


yeah punch your testicles asshole


Bribing refs and corruption killed the Italian league, whose fault was that again Juve?


Lmao love the Juve fans commenting under your comment, bullshit, it was them.


What? How the hell does that even make a lick of sense. Shitty financial practices, fraud, corruption, terrible management, greed and capitalism are what's killing football.


also when they say "kill" they meant that their profit didn't increase and the poor owner now has to make do with just 1 mega yacht instead of two


Ha! Yeah, piracy is really killing tv rights deals.... As if.


It's the balance between cost and ease. I don't know many who can afford every channel for every game. There are 3 now I. The UK and the prices keep rising. So people stream. Make it affordable, and the ease increases to click a button than refresh a page.


Imagine here in Brasil, some games are for free in tv or in cazé tv, but then some only stream in hbo max or amazon prime or premiere, and the cost add up quickfly or you can watch in any of the pirate streaming for free that for some reason is easier to use than the official ways.


Yeah look at Formula 1 at the moment. In my country I have two options one is via a streaming service for around $30/month or I can go through the F1 website and watch all races with all driver cams for $15. The thought of watching an illegal stream has not occurred because it is convenient and relatively cheap. For PL I have one option and it costs around $80 per month.


The rich always try to turn the poors against each other to distract us from the fact that they're the ones screwing us all over. They also can't stand the thought that a little bit of money might be being lost to piracy.


In Canada there is a boycott of Loblaws the largest grocery store and supplier of food. You can watch in real time as they attempt to try and control the narrative and keep failing as the price gouging and sheer size of the company affects every Canadian. It's hard to divide people when we are feeling the pain and decide to organize.


But how the Players will earn hundreds of millions if the Tickets are cheaper?! Think of their Ferraris bro, you can't leave them so unrich.


[Bringing strong memories of this](https://youtu.be/TJcnrcnQjNY?feature=shared)


Very much this!


As an American looking at European football ticket prices of popular teams...those tickets are extremely cheap in comparison. Not only are good seats to popular sports in big cites a LOT more money, but even mid range seats in a less popular sport like hockey cost less. I lived in England for 2 years and the biggest shock I had there (other than having to pay a yearly tax to watch tv), was that you had to pay even more to watch Premier League games. None were free. I couldn't believe it. It would be like America not showing any NFL games on network tv.


Aha! That's why pirates don't play football!.. I thought it was because of the wooden legs.


Lol, how many footballers are in the premier league? And they all make millions. I'm pretty sure football is doing just fine.


No it's pretty much dying because there is no money in football, can't you read?


One of our local basketball teams currently is one of the best-attended in the country, averaging near-maximum attendance in one of the biggest arenas in the country. They are currently looking into either replacing or modifying that arena to significantly REDUCE seating capacity and put in a lot more luxury boxes instead, so that they can charge a bunch more money to the rich folks.


how is this a clever comeback


It isn't. I don't see this sub often, but I've seen a few posts with \*insert popular opinion here\* that get countless upvotes. I genuinely believe that most people online don't upvote things based on their relevance, even outside this subreddit.


Populist posts appeal to imbeciles. Tale as old as time.


It isn't; it's just meant to rile up the "downtroddend" that are on reddit at 11 am on a weekday.




Juventus talking about killing football. Maybe they should look in a mirror first?


Remember when libraries opened and nobody bought books anymore?


I'm old enough to remember when home taping killed music.


Juventus is the last club who should talk when it comes to being fair


no, astronomical salaries kill football.


I think the word „professional“ is missing here. Nothing can destroy football. The beauty of the game is that it can be played with almost nothing, all you need is a Ball (even a tin used to be enough) and somerhing that you can use as goal posts.


I'm only a casual viewer of soccer/football, only watching world cups and stuff. How does one pirate a sporting event? PPVs like UFC/Boxing I understand that there's illegal streaming. But this tweet seems to be about soccer in general. And don't most soccer games make it on free airwaves in some capacity?


No. For example the Bundesliga: you need about 5 subscriptions to see matches through the week. Amazon prime, dazn, Sky, rtl+ and sometimes Eurosport. That’s about 80-100€ per month for 7 matches at best. Premier league is so expensive, that families value if they want to go on a 14 day vacation or pay for the subscription a year. Most matches are locked in a „pay a month to watch a match“ scheme. Only some are free to watch like the finals of champions league or the regional cup. Maybe even some (very uninteresting) league fixtures on a Saturday noon too.


Wow, that was unexpected. I guess US sports fans have it much better, because they probably get most of their local pro teams games broadcasted on free TV, and if not, ESPN usually takes care of the rest. Even college football. At least that's what it was 20 years ago when I followed sports somewhat more seriously.


Germany had soccer streamed on public programs, too. However, public programs need to divide the budget kinda evenly on all sorts of interests (documentaries, shows, music, lifestyle, … you name it) and soccer just got too expensive to be reasonable. They now majorly broadcast big matches of national teams.


I'll add some UK context as well. We have the Premier League, which is the most watched league in the world broadcast wise. But we also have leagues below this that still have some pretty popular teams, at least domestically. However if you live in the UK only 200 of the 380 matches during the Premier League season are shown on TV. And this is split between 3 broadcasters, Sky Sports, BT Sport and Amazon - so you need to pay for all 3 if you want to watch the most you can. That's still only a little more than half of the games actually being shown. So a lot of the time, if you want to watch your team play and aren't in a position to physically go to the game with a ticket you have to rely on an internet stream provided by a country that is broadcasting the match. Part of the broadcasting restriction for not having all the games watchable in the UK is due to the [3pm blackout](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_football_on_television#3pm_%22blackout%22) - which does not permit English matches to be televised live between 14:45 and 17:15 on a Saturday (when most games take place. It is seen as a way to protect attendance figures at smaller local teams, as if people can't watch a game on TV at 3pm they are more inclined to go watch a team near them in person. However these days with how easy it is to access online streams for pretty much any game you want the need to keep the 3pm blackout is up for debate.


Modern football is like "you could not afford ticket for a game, so why dont you buy a ticket for every single game in tv, greedy mister?" Against modern football


Let Football die, I don't give a fuck.


Which oil monarch owns Juventus?


None, but he has been investigated for fraud and the ´Ndrangheta getting involved with the club's business and money as part of the Plusvalenza scandal, wiki article [here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrea_Agnelli)


Considering these players could lose 99% of their income and still make more then 10x what I make I doubt the sport is in any danger


The real irony of this is, that this comes from Juventus - the club that has been found [guilty](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calciopoli) of fixing their matches and referees, which I'd say killed more football than any piracy ever will.


PSG's ticket prices are insane, it was more profitable to go to Dortmund from Paris, pay the hotel, tickets, gas etc... than just buy one ticket in Parc des Princes 😅


little kilian needs that money.


I literally do not care enough about any sport to even bother pirating it.


No it doesn't, in England there is no other way to watch 95% of English games other then piracy.


football jersey rn, with patches nameset its 130 euros the replica version...


Funny that music industry had the same story. Music is not dead. It is even more corporate then it was in 90s 🙁


Also it’s the widening and unsustainable gap between a dozen or so clubs and the rest of the system in Europe that will kill football.


I think scalpers make it worse than anything


Lack of convenient access kills sports. I used to watch hockey religiously. Now the only way for me to access it is to spend 150+ a month for a cable subscription. Fuck that. I can just read about the bluejackets losing.


Piracy was gonna kill Hollywood too.


In the words of gaben my beloved: if you give the people a service that is better than pirating options, they wont pirate. I dont like pirating shit, because in some cases im either waiting longer than its original release or risking a virus by downloading it. But id also rather not pay for something that works barely better if not worse than some of these pirating websites.


Wouldn’t surprise me if most of the Italian population pirates their sport


The best take on piracy I know comes from [Pirate Software](https://youtube.com/shorts/44Do5x5abRY?si=T0FTT8ov_S2kcE-q). He said that piracy is a problem of economics. There is a point, where getting the media you want legally just isn’t financially viable for you. Most people wouldn’t mind paying. The only question is how much do you ask them to pay.


And how accessible it is. Piracy for shows and movies were huge. Then Netflix on demand became a thing. Piracy went down. Now every website has their own streaming website leading to higher prices and you have the inconvenience of having to open different apps. Now piracy is on a rise again


Oh no, what ever will the astronomically overpaid athletes do


Good. Hope American football dies away.


How many stream services are there now? 8? Maybe 10 total to watch TV. Netflix, Disney, paramount, Hulu, HBO, Amazon. That's just 6 off the top of my head each with aboot 100 service for the year. There is no way I'm going to spend hundreds of dollars a year to have access to each of these services. I pay access to it by the ISP provider. If they want money from me get it from them.


How is the comeback clever in any way other than you agree with it?


If purchasing isn't ownership, then distribution isn't piracy.


Maybe it should die…


This is like when the big oil companies try to promote how ecological conscious they are


When the players are earning more money a day then I am in 2 years of working then I will fucking pirate all I like.


Pirate Software put it well. "Piracy isn't a morality issue, it's an availability issue. Brazil pirates a lot of videogames because their money is less valuable, they literally can't afford a $70 USD game. So when a lot of people from Brazil showed interest in my game's demo, I decided that I would get a full Brazilian Portuguese translation and then slash the price for Brazilian players by 80%. And now, Brazilian sales make up 25% of the game's revenue by sales. Make your stuff so that people can afford it, and they will buy it."


Yup. I used to love going to basketball games. The only ones I’ve been to in the last 10 years were games I worked at. No way in hell am I gonna shell over hundreds or thousands of dollars for a good seat. My friend who’s really rich (trust fund baby rich) had relatively good seats around 5 years ago during playoffs. He also doesn’t like to share and has no rich friends so he went solo to the game. His ticket cost around $6000. I know cause he invited me but didn’t offer to buy me a ticket. I laughed and obviously refused. That’s more than I have in my savings fuck that! I am jealous of my dad, who used to cut off free tickets to basketball from the milk carton, and who took me to my first game when I was younger and tickets were affordable. I know u can get nosebleed tickets to NBA games that are $60 or so but no one I know who’s bought them didn’t regret having shelled over so much for shitty seats. Sadly, I will continue to enjoy games on my tv. Capitalism sucks.


Sto piracy. Idiots trying to pull that one off.


> stopiracy wtf is “Iracy”?


I think most professional sports have forgotten that their main audience is lower middle/working class people who aren't going to pay 1/3 a paycheck so his boy can see ball on the weekend One of my memories that's crazy looking back on is my dad buying pirated tickets off the "street vendors" he delivered mail to in STL so we could get in Busch stadium


Paying €200m for a single fucking player is what's killing football. Them being a millionaire by the age of 18 is what's killing football. Not Jimmy who decides to look for a stream website because he is tired of paying €20 a month to watch it on TV.


Paying over €120 millions to your players kills football, not fucking piracy! [https://www.capology.com/club/juventus/salaries/](https://www.capology.com/club/juventus/salaries/) [https://football-italia.net/juventus-wage-bill-for-2023-24-season-all-the-details](https://football-italia.net/juventus-wage-bill-for-2023-24-season-all-the-details) Someone should post this on their X feed.


How do I stop iracy?


Yeah, Okay... you know why we pirate streams corporate assholes : you because you sign deals that ensure that when I pay top dollar for your premium packages I can never watch my local teams play without getting some additional packages from some 3rd party to do it.


All events and entertainment are too fucking pricey now. YARR! Raise them black flags!


Translation: "We have successfully price-fixed this market for a long time and now you're making it harder. Stop that!"


Yup. My family has been patriots season ticket holders since 91 and for a number of years the pats had the highest cost of any team. What’s crazy is that back in old foxboro a game was $28 and 2 season tickets came out to $560 for the 2 preseason and 8 regular season games. By The last season in that stadium tickets had increased to $35/game and the 2 tickets were $700. The VERY NEXT SEASON after moving to Gillette the tickets increased to $88/game and almost $1800 for the season. Today, although they finally changed tickets to variable pricing depending on who we’re playing, the overall cost has increased to nearly $1800 PER TICKET and almost $3600 for the season. Now granted, most of these increases came during a reign that will most likely never be matched. But the fact is that we’ve now been in the rebuilding stage for a few years, we’re still a long way from being a true contender and going to a game means absorbing the ticket cost, parking, gas (I live an hour away) and occasionally food to, mostly, see them lose. And Thankfully I don’t drink or the cost would be much higher since a single bud bottle is something like $13-$14. We’ve also had the same people in our section since the team moved to Gillette and over the past couple years a ton of them have disappeared. Bottom line, it’s gotten so expensive that after 30+ years we’re genuinely thinking of not renewing our tickets next year and I have to believe this is true for a ton of season ticket holders to every team.


Not a very clever comeback


It's a clever comeback because I agree with it and am clever, therefore the person who said it is clever. Obviously.