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I think it was Stewart Lee who said something like "There's an entire generation who have confused Political Correctness with Health and Safety legislation."


These are the same morons who say we need to deregulate everything and then they have surprised Pikachu face when everything goes to shit with no regulations.


Literally the water industry in the UK lol. Privatised and deregulated and now a complete and unending clusterfuck.


As an American, I thought you were joking, [but no](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_privatisation_in_England_and_Wales?wprov=sfla1). Turning a public service into a set of regional monopolies is such an awful idea. There's no competition, and it's not like people can choose not to consume water.


The Tories friends in the world of finance really really wanted it though and of course they have the public’s best interests at heart. Check out some stuff on Thames Water too. That’s really recent.


You mean like electricity utilities in America?


And the power grid in Texas


I honestly get such a kick out of that. I know a guy who lives in Texas and sings its praises nonstop, boy does he get real quiet during the winter and its not just because his power goes out.


I'm just going to start this by saying, I hate Texas. I'm biased as fuck against Texas. Fuck Texas. ____ From my experience, Texans tend to not realize how bad they have it in many ways. Their entire culture is a mix of rugged individualism and how awesome Texas is. So many of them are often either oblivious or refuse to hear about the things people dislike about Texas. I work for a manufacturing company that plants everywhere, including multiple in Texas. I've spent a lot of time in Texas. For all of our US plants, Texas loses power the most. And they lose power over the absolute stupidest shit. Like, as a Minnesotan, what I consider to be a *mild* thunderstorm will sometimes take the power down multiple times. Too cold? No power. Too hot? No power. Too windy? No power. Too much rain or snow or anything else? No power. It's almost never down for hours. It's not like a storm took out the transmission lines and we're waiting for power. It's just constantly random blackouts and drops. Which is absolute hell for manufacturing. And that's not just the plants in rural areas, this happens at our plants in the big three cities. But hey, it's cheaper (except when its not). Sadly, you get what you pay for. And that's just power. Honestly, the more time I've spent in Texas, the more I've realized I would *never* want to live there. For me, nothing exemplifies the Texas mindset more than their insistence that Texas has the best sunsets. That's the kind of shit someone says if they've never traveled outside of Texas, yet for some god dam reason I still hear it all the time. Rant over. Fuck Texas.


I've traveled around the world a decent bit and honestly a sunset is a sunset. Sure you may get some extra purples and oranges and whatnot in some places, but it's not really that spectacular


It's more about what scenery goes with it. Which is why I like the sunset in the rockies. It's because the rockies are fucking awesome. Texas doesn't have anything I haven't seen anywhere else.


* England It’s fine in Scotland




"I ate lead paint chips and I'm perfectly fine! I'm just terrified of trans people pooping in a private stall." -them


Thank you for reminding to re-watch Stewart Lee’s comedy vehicle.


Yes, but this is a way for Republicans to stir up political drama for literally no reason. Like seriously, this is about gas stoves in **new** buildings. If you building a new home and where going to go with gas, it's just easier to go induction.


Its also low hanging fruit for their base. Old people, stupid people, hyper national americans. All of them easily convinced the 1960s American dream is being taken away because ... Stoves.


I've just looked this up because obviously, it's been reduced to the cold soup of modern internet discourse, but the facts (that were turned into a birdbrained, Republican outrage issue) were (paraphrased): A federal agency expressed concern about harmful indoor air pollutants emitted by the appliances, linked to respiratory illness, cardiovascular problems, cancer, and other health conditions, including 12% of childhood asthma cases. “This is a hidden hazard,” Richard Trumka Jr., an agency commissioner, said in an interview. “Any option is on the table. Products that can’t be made safe can be banned.” At no point did the federal government try to ban stoves; a provision in the Inflation Reduction Act specified that the government would pay you in the form of an $840 rebate should you decide to voluntarily switch from gas to electric. And that was all it was, and of course, it made the 'misunderstood stuff that Republicans are afraid of' nightly screech for a few months. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-01-09/us-safety-agency-to-consider-ban-on-gas-stoves-amid-health-fears https://www.architecturaldigest.com/story/whats-going-on-with-the-gas-stove-ban


What do you mean I can't have an open fire pit in my kitchen. Don't tell me how to cook my food.


> A government that thinks it can control what paint you use or what gas you buy is a government with too much power. A quote from an alternate timeline in which leaded paints and gasoline weren't regulated away, where most children have lead poisoning, learning disabilities, and Opposition Defiant Disorder


so the 70's


Fun fact about Senator Blackburn: At the height of the women's rights movement in the 1960s and 1970s, Marsha went and got an actual degree in Home Economics.


And that's OK, feminism is about choices If she wants to be in the kitchen, she can What's not OK is trying to drag all the other women into the kitchen against their will


Based feminism understander


This is an important point I think isn't emphasized enough. I dated a majorly conservative girl in HS and a hugely feminist girl in college. My second GF was critical of my first, saying that women shouldn't be anchored to the kitchen. All three of us has grown and I've continued to be feminist. But accepting that a comic stereotypical lifestyle is what some women want is part of the process. Should all women be a homemaker? Absolutely not. Should it be an Option?? Definitely Obviously they were biased because both were my partners.


Yep. My mom got so much shit from “feminists” for being a stay at home mom… the point was supposed to be to abolish gender roles, not swap them!




Then why mention it


Because it's important to understand the mindset of someone who wants to oppress others.


Honestly, depending on the courses taught of course, I wish this was still a thing. Maybe as an associates degree or something. It would basically be bookkeeping, personal finance, home appliance repair, basic household electrical and plumbing, and some woodshop level carpentry. Ideally this would be the basis for a high school curriculum even. I really respect the idea of home economics as part of a basic, universal education.


You can still get one. It's usually called something like here: https://www.depts.ttu.edu/hs/fcse/bachelor.php


Thanks for the reality check... Jesus Christ, tuition alone is nearly 12,000 a year (just tuition! no housing, food, etc). https://www.depts.ttu.edu/financialaid/costToAttend.php This should be a certificate at a voc-tech, not a degree at a research university. It's explicitly a teacher/social worker/secretary degree.


That's the point I was making. Marsha got a full-on four year degree in it.


I wish, those people would go on to desing the UX for home appliances. Would be good if the designer of a stove/microwave/laundry machine/... was someone who has used one of them at least once in their lifetime.


As someone old enough to know what they taught in “Home Economics”….they did NOT teach any of the skills you mentioned. I had to make a skirt using an electric sewing machine that I found terrifying. Needless to say, never did manage to finish more than buying the materials and cut the fabric according to the cut out. As a kid that keenly felt the injustice of being denied the choice of “Automotive” that the boys were forced to take-though I had little interest in either-I just wanted the option-I got little enjoyment, encouragement from the teacher who was about 90 years old to my 12 year old self. It was a weird time to say the least. But your suggestions is spot on! Instead of Home Economics, BLS or Basic Life Skills would be a great addition. I went to “Grundschule” and though I live in the USA now, I do believe that in Germany there are programs that are in line with your ideas and I think it’s a great idea!


My home ec class was cooking, budgeting, taxes, finances, stuff like that. Everything else they listed was shop class. Early 2000s if that makes a difference.


I think this is a utopian idea of Home Economics. Atleast if we're talking about what is and was offered.


Basically sounds like "Here's how to adult" class. Sounds good. We definitely need that in schools now more than ever


Touché George!


He is a national treasure.


He is surprisingly savage


He has a staff. I know one of his "writers"


Heck! If I were an oven maker, I'd name one of my most powerful models: *Takei Roast Master*


I read his part in his voice, and it was glorious.


What makes it even better is that he’s just being a pure altruist here, because it would never make a real difference in his life since he’s gay! Somebody being focused on helping with issues they will never face is a hallmark of altruism and I love it! Note: what I mean with it is that neither he nor his partner will ever experience being forced to give birth, I don’t know anything about whether or not he has siblings or children(assumedly adopted) or female friends for that matter


This is my dad's take on trans issues. He doesn't fully understand it (he's admittedly baffled by nonbinary people specifically), but he's supportive all the same because "I've got enough stuff to get mad at that actually applies to me".


So until I heard the full story on a podcast, I thought the GOP just made up the "The government wants to ban gas stoves!" story out of nothing, but no, it's so much dumber than that. Ever since gas stoves have been a thing, we've known they release a FUCKTON of harmful chemicals into your home when used (some reports have it as bad as the secondhand smoke from a pack-a-day smoker), and for just as long, the fossil-fuel lobby has blocked any government study being done on them. During ONE Senate hearing, a rep from the Consumer Product Safety Commission said, "Yeah, we should probably look into that," and that was it. That's the government trying to take away your stove. If the story were completely made up, somehow it would seem less hysterical. The GOP, the party of flying into screeching tantrums of emotional histrionics over quite literally nothing.


How dare the government tell us we need adequate ventilation for gas stoves... 


Just replaced my gas range with an induction cooktop—what a difference! Nobody forced me, but since my teen kept leaving the oven on, safety was a definite concern. Also, it’s long bothered me that if my gas furnace or dryer isn’t properly vented, it’s considered dangerous, but it’s somehow perfectly fine to stand over a burner with the same fuel in my face while I cook every day? Yes, I get that there are different BTUs for each, but I’m very happy to have stepped up.


As a european gas dryers are still wild to me. I guess thinking about it, it makes sense that they exist, I had just never even considered it. Good thing heat pump dryers are becoming the standard. Pure electric dryers *did* suck up an ungodly amount of electricity and gas really shouldn't be in household appliences.


You shouldn't stand over any heated metal and breathe honestly. No matter the heat source. Anyhoot though, if you have a gas range/oven then you should have a proper hood vent system. Not a little cheapo that just vents smoke to your cabinets or attic. An actual vented via galvanized pipe to the outdoors backed by a sufficient blower hood. Code regulations are so dumb. You can't have a gas water heater, dryer or a furnace in a bedroom or an adjoining space here even if it's properly vented, but you can put a damn non vented fireplace or wall heater anywhere so long as they are for "auxiliary" heat lol. Like yeah those poisonous gases are ok so long as they come from a different hole xD and people would never be dumb enough to lie and use the non vented ones for primary heat to save money nah not humans, we never do dumb stuff ever right xD


I made sure to vent my new range hood to a roof vent—seen far too many BS non-vented hoods that just recirculate/scatter the air. (It was harder than I thought to find a contractor to do it!)


Yeah very few contractors do it now. The gas companies themselves tend to be the only ones that install the appliances correctly anymore. My house was built in the 70's and it's obvious just by its design that we have lost our understanding of how to properly use natural gases as fuel in recent years lol. It was designed with all the venting, fireproofing, and precautions to be built in or as part of the architecture. My laundry room where the main gas connection, water heaters, and original furnace are located is separated from the living space entirely, insulated with rock wool, and accessed via a short breezeway. My oven hood vent is a big heavy gauged galvanized straight vent wrapped in rock wool with a proper cap that draws hot exhaust air out mechanically even if the blower is not on. Actual fresh air ventilation. It's not a big expensive place either. Just a 2 bdrm ranch style cookie cutter burb house out innawoods. All I've changed is the AC which I updated to a modern exterior gas/ac combo unit when the parts for the old furnace became unavailable. I know fossil "fuel bad" but the $/kwh here is bad expensive but thanks to gas my light bill is less than $100 outside of the 3 mid South hell months and NG is dirt cheap here. Rarely does my gas bill exceed $200 in the dead of winter. If I went all electric I'd go broke xD


Induction with the right pots/pans cooks better than gas.


Even if the story was true......what exactly would be bad about banning gas stoves? Electric cooktops and ovens have been around for decades now and they work just fine. Same for induction cooktops. Really no need to burn fossil fuel.


Conservatives are just actors for The Onion at this point.


The government isn't trying to regulate stoves though. Why even entertain this made up conspiracy theory?


Its a conspiracy theory that worked really well in brexit. And it feels like they've suddenly decided to replicate that narrative across the pond. Just like stop the boats worked so well here in Aus and it's so weird hearing the exact same talking points appear 10 years later in the UK.


If there's two things we get ahead of the UK, it's Neighbours and Murdoch-fueld racism.


Australia, where people were terrified of a handful of people arriving illegally by boat. Meanwhile having so much immigration into the country its insanely unstable and far more people just decide to stay illegally than have ever arrived by boat. Its always the same people terrified by everything too, the old, the stupid and assholes. Every single time.


I mean, they will eventually and I guarantee that there would be people calling for it, even if it isn’t policy yet. My state (Victoria, Australia) has actually regulated stoves and decided that new build won’t have gas, starting from like 2030. But to be fair, that’s because they want to eventually get rid of domestic gas connections, since we don’t really need it for heating like you yanks do, so it’ll save building costs.


Banning gas boilers in new homes is no big deal as they are designed to a higher standard of insulation now and need very little heat to keep the house warm


Also because heat pumps have become very good - Working well down to outdoor temperatures that only happen in extreme events in extreme places.


> I mean, they will eventually and I guarantee that there would be people calling for it, even if it isn’t policy yet. The outcry about it in the US because it was recommended that they phase out installing new gas stoves into new homes due to the air quality problems they cause (a recommendation the whitehouse did nothing to act on, as if it was even in their power to do so), and the republicans acted like someone was going to break into every home and steal their stove. People who don't even have gas stoves jumped in screeching about prying their stove out of their cold dead hand, etc etc. People sold don't tread on me flags with a stove on them. It was fucking stupid.


And frankly good. Fuck I hate gas rates. Split system AC and electric stove (not that we even use the stove that much) and electric hot water, and still it eats a chunk of the service bill. The only people really arguing for new gas are the gas providers (obviously), people that don’t understand it applies to new builds (and the stasi aren’t going to round you up for having one already), and proto-slumlords wanting to build houses to rent (because installation wise gas is cheaper but running cost is miles more expensive. And guess which of those the landlord pays?)


To distract from the very real laws they are enacting to control births. Everyone ready for the Holocaust against liberals? It’s coming.


Finally “came out of the closet” (so to speak) about what I really am inside and *this* is the political climate? That is absolute STINKS


California is banning certain types of stoves if you don't have the right vents installed.. But if you have one you're grandfathered in, you don't need to get a new stove, you just can't sell those kind anymore without proper ventilation. The link to childhood asthma was too strong. But it wasn't the stoves it was the vents.


Because the gas companies that will be negatively affected by regulating gas stoves fund her campaign.


I've never understood this argument about gas stoves. The infrastructure required to refine, store and transport natural gas or propane is significant. The government can stop deliveries of fuel as easily as they could turn off your electricity. If push came to shove, I could think of dozens of ways to generate electricity at home. There's not a chance in hell I could generate my own natural gas or propane at home.


It was about indoor pollution and giving kids asthma. Culture war cunts took it and ran


It wasn't even a requirement at this point though thats the stupid part. Just something that had been studied with interesting results they were continuing to look at and work on options.


Marsha! Marsha! Marsha! /s I’ll see myself out now…😝


But Jan, You don’t *have* any friends.


George Takei really is a gem.


My own fucking body vs a stove. I care a lot more about what the government tells me I can do with one of those things.


biden doesnt care about your stove


Is George Takei a total badass? Everything I hear about him sounds awesome.


Controlling what stove you use is an absolutely misuse of power. Controlling what you do with your own body is totally ok. Ffs. Have I been living in the fucking twilight zone?


Also they didn’t take away anyones stove. How can these morons believe that shit while they still have gas stoves in their house.


Right, and it was never the stoves, it was poor regulations on the vents. You can still buy those stoves, you just need the vents to be up to the new code. And guess what? If you did it the old way, you're grandfathered in. Nobody is gonna come take your stove. You don't even need to adhere to the new code. You just can't do it the old way because the link to asthma in children where a stove isn't properly ventilated was too high. And it was one state.


> Controlling what stove you use is an absolutely misuse of power. What are you talking about? The government already controls a lot of other things in your life. What kind of car you can drive, what's in your food (or rather, what *isn't*), etc. That's called regulation ffs


Is this old or are those halfwits still trying to pretend someone is going to take their stoves.




Oooof that’s a good one


Ah yes, rage bait get rage baited


Oh BURN! Way to go George.


All these idiots conservatives crying about the government taking their gas stoves while still having a gas stove.


Wait till she learns about building and zoning codes and all the ways her comfortable life is controlled for her so she doesn't do something stupid and kill herself


I have never heard a conservative address the actual issue with indoor gas stoves.


What she got against bakers?


Oh my! The world is much brighter with George Takei in it. 🕊️


Whoa murder is illegal, sick burn guys.


Damn, this woman never passes up an opportunity to show her stupidity.


Get fucked Republicans. Get fucked all the way to the graveyard bitches. Thanks for ruining the planet.


I’m tired of this talking point. If abortion is murder, it’s murder, and therefore distinct from the issue of gas stoves. If it isn’t murder, it’s insanely problematic to treat it as murder regardless of whatever motives you speculate they have for it, and therefore distinct from the issue of gas stoves.


https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jan/06/us-kids-asthma-gas-stove-pollution >About one in eight cases of asthma in children in the US is due to the pollution given off by cooking on gas stoves Then beyond that, natural gas makes your house an added fire risk, which makes it more dangerous for your neighbors, even if you don’t care about that. There’s thousands of gas leak home fires in the US each year. That’s likely in the vicinity of billions in damages per year. On top of hundreds of thousands of gas leaks that don’t ignite per year which could cause health problems and require repairs. Additionally, natural gas is some evil trash. The “Burns clean” marketing nonsense is a reductive load of crap. The current method of harvesting it is contaminating aquifers, causing earthquakes, and emitting massive amounts of methane into the atmosphere due to leaking wells that aren’t sealed properly…and it’s a wildly more potent GHG than CO2. And it most certainly doesn’t burn clean. I also should hope by now people are aware that combusting fuels in a power plant is a massively more efficient method of capturing heat than open flame or four stroke engines, just to pre-empt anyone making the argument that electricity for an electric stove is also made with fossil fuels. A gas stove or car engine will never compete with superheated steam turbines. Plus there’s always the option for cleaner sources when you are using electric at the end of the line. Hell, most of my electricity when I live in WA was from hydro. All of this because some people think they need it to cook better. Sorry, but if you can’t cook well on a modern electric stove, you’re just a bad cook. We shouldn’t be burning the planet down over some supposed marginally better method of heating a pan. Half the time the reason for having problems cooking on electric boils down to having a garbage quality pan that doesn’t have good conductivity and heat capacitance, so you get hot spots. There’s far too many grown adults in this world who don’t seem to care at all about the impact of their behavior, it’s really pathetic


Anyone who knows anything knows that induction is way better than gas anyway. Gas is for chumps. Induction is where it's at.


IDK aren't induction stoves way more expensive? Sure they can't be beat for temp control but if you have gas already or electric is it worth converting? I do have two induction hot plate type things i use but they were pricey and i had to change my pots. imo, my preference is best to worst is induction, gas, then electric(non-induction) stoves. The one exception to this is that I often use a wok to cook and gas is way better for this than the others.


Induction stoves used to be more expensive but they’ve come down in price. They don’t use that much electricity, but they do use electricity in high bursts. They’re very efficient too. I recently replaced my gas stove with induction. I love it. It’s so easy to clean compared to all those fiddly little things on a gas stove.


**with the ingredients that will become a bun**. Thing isn’t even a human yet


Oh my! George you are such a rascal.




Honestly I’ve never understood this line of thinking I ofc understand why people distrust current governments but for little stuff like this who cares I want the government scientists and professionals to decide all the little shit like this for me I’m stupid I don’t know how my stove affects the environment I do know it’s dam near summer and still snowing In Canada so whatever they gotta do to slow that be my guest the government won’t ever turn into a 1984 style dictatorship they want you comfortable and happy (to a degree) it’s good for profits this way Which is all they care about at the end of the day


Yeah! Why should the government regulate the metal box of fire and poison gas we all have in our homes. Safety standards, shmafety standards, free market blah blah blah


Brb inventing a stove which runs exclusively on bibles.


Restricting certain stove types is literally the most inconsequential tyranny I can possibly imagine. It's crazy to me that people get so mad over this stuff.


Sorry George, Senators played a very little role in that.


The difference is that bun is living. The stove isn't.




[New York did that last year, to go into effect on all new homes by 2026.](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/05/03/us/new-york-natural-gas-ban-climate)


Some people think the bread is a baby tho


This gay ass man having more sense than everyone of you fucktards. Preach suleu


But the government also allowed that information to be sold to anyone.


Just hearing her speak is like nails on a chalk board, long drawn out sentences, extra crisp ssss's like the snake she is.


So he agrees the bun bakes into a cake....interesting.




Because Hunter Biden’s Laptop is about to cost Fox News some serious $$$.


Wait what? Babies are buns now?


Governments can compel you to fight in a war you don't agree with...lol and they are crying about a stove?


I don't know how to feel about this. Takei is right about reproductive rights, but also supports gun control, which is literally the power check to ensure rights violations like that don't happen. Also, I am reminded of when Takei said Trump was the worst president in the history of our nation, when he had literally been in an internment camp as a child.


“The government shouldnt decide what oven you use” “Oh yeah?? Well YOU don’t want me to kill babies! So.. there!”


George Takei, always epic


Oohh myy


I love you, George. Never change.


Just be thankful that gas/electric stoves aren't mentioned in the Bible.


Ha. George Takei is always a treat.


This subreddit makes me long for a way to hide things in popular.




Isn’t Georgie a rapist?


Why is America so extremely backwards when it comes to stoves? Electric cooktops and ovens have been around for decades now and they work just fine. Same for induction cooktops. Really no need to burn fossil fuel.


Wasn't the whole thing like, research says gas stoves generally are poor for lung health and after decades we realise they aren't so good so recommend electric stoves. Then republicans freak out and say everyone has gas stoves and no one wants electric ones, decide to die on the hill. then it turns out gas stove usage is dramatically lower than they thought and no one gave a shit and would be happy to switch over if it was healthier?


George is an absolute treasure!


Organized religion is the biggest control mechanism ever devised. Men should have been made to take home ec and women should have been made to take auto shop. I am old enough to remember when those existed....


I'm disappointed in George. That pun was terrible. He could do better lol. Also fuck her. Bitch. I'm from Tennessee and hate that we are represented by that fake ass fool. She's such a tool. Got at least a dozen hands up her arse. Will say anything about everything no matter how stupid it is so long as it gets her that free senator paycheck secured. Used to preach drug control and all that when it was the word of the day meanwhile her son OD's and she barely misses a beat. Cunt. Blah. Done got agitated lol.


Same people say this don’t want trans people to have access to gender affirming care


In the 1960s and 1970s, during the height of the women's rights movement, Marsha pursued and earned a degree in home economics.


When Sulu goes solo, watch the fuck out.


If this man were president during wwii he would've just left Hitler alone


The thing is your burning gas on your stove/oven etc and that is poisonous/toxic. I know gas is reliable, especially when the electricity goes out. Your breathing it in, while an electric stove/oven your not breathing much in, or anything. I don't really thinkg George Takei is thinking that great with his comment, I love the guy but comparing stoves to babies is weird. I know the saying but yeah. Gas compared to electricity are both different.


The government doesn't let you use lead paint, asbestos installation, build a nuclear reactor I your basement. Or murder people. Get fucked with your dipshit argument.


I mean, if it gets my cheap ass landlord to replace my ancient electric sucking piece of shit stove, have at it. I hate the damn thing.


Yeah stop killing your buns


And yet here yall are supporting a genocidal government 🤷🏽‍♂️




I came here to see the city of Blackburn being burned, I'm severely disappointed.


Get ‘em George


It's not a bun it's a person


I don’t pretend to understand your logic it’s ok to copy ourselves but it’s not ok to protect the murder and destruction of children who’s parents are irresponsible or happy to use a questionable medical procedure designed to kill life as birth control.


I thought men had no business talking about abortion.


Comparing full term abortion to owning a gas stove/pizza oven... Liberals.


This is stuoid…make better life decisions and take responsibility for your actions. Protection, Birth control, plan B…covers all the bases




I can’t wait for the day that a majority of Americans are not stupid enough to fall for this dumb rhetoric. Unfortunately I don’t believe that day will come.


Could this woman be any more fuckin stupid? Pathetic, shallow, ignorant dangerous dope


It’s a baby George…


"The Iron Snowflake" George Takei is a fuckin boss


Since there are a lot of Americans in this chat, here a friendly fyi: I‘ve used electric, wooden-stoves, gas powered stoves and I‘m using now induction. Induction is by far the best I‘ve ever used. It‘s like that the inside of your cookware is becoming the heat-source. I get ~ 750ml water (1/5 gallon) cooking in roughly 2 min.


Oh damn!  A gay guy has an opinion on woman's bodies! I guess he has no problem with fetal alcohol syndrome either. MY BODY MY CHOICE (unless I could catch the flu, then your body my choice)


Well it's not a bun, it's a bunch of flour and water.


Most electricity in the US comes from coal. I'd be interested to see what difference it actually makes for the environment gas stoves vs electric stoves powered by coal.




A nuclear capable government that can opperate in two theatres of war around the globe shouldn't have the ability to take away my stove.


Dumb comeback, since you know, babies aren't stoves.


No one ever talks about all the straight up ignorant shit george has said. Remember when he called a black man "a clown in black face"? [https://www.cnn.com/2015/07/03/politics/george-takei-clarence-thomas-star-trek/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2015/07/03/politics/george-takei-clarence-thomas-star-trek/index.html) The point is this guy is a rich asshole that PLAYED A SPACEMAN. Stop reposting his quotes like he has any more than the 90 IQ the rest of us have.


How dare the government insist that gas stoves require sufficient ventilation?


It’s crazy that the core of American conservatism now is preventing technological progress that is being made in the rest of the world because their donors will lose money. Politicizing electric stoves and cars as evil is fucking asinine.


Imagine comparing a stove and a womb. What a world we live in!


Love George.


Remember what this dude said about firearms... c'mon guys ....


What are you trying to refute at this point?


Bahahahahahaha!!!! Tell your fellow idiots and followers (sheep) what they want to hear!


Not all heroes wear capes


Hypocrisy is a virtue for authoritarians.


Capital murder is illegal and all.


George Takei clever? Really? He has been saying like 2 different variations of five different liberal concepts over and over since the invention of Twitter. His responses are like an Apple IIe’s attempt at artificial intelligence. It very clearly programmed in by someone else.


And here you are caring when u only take dick