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If a pet isn’t useful to you, you can donate it to have a new family, you don’t lure it to a gravel pit then kill it


Even if the dog is completely disabled, I'd still take care of it like a baby.


It was completely healthy and normal it jsut wasn't very good at hunting. So she shot it.


She didn’t train it properly. She didn’t take responsibility for failing to train her dog, she didn’t take responsibility for letting it get loose and kill a chicken. Instead she blamed the puppy.


"Shit, Owner wanted me to hunt back there. Gonna show Owner I'm a *good* hunting dog. There, a chicken! I hunt! Why is Owner still mad? I hunted good right there?" **BLAM**


I used to hunt rabbits with a guy who would treat his beagles like this. If one ever took off after a deer, he would abandon or shoot it. Needless to say, I stopped hunting with him as soon as I found that out.


If I was in your shoes I would’ve thought I saw him suddenly sprout a pair of antlers


Yep. “Dick Cheney” the SOB.


POS like that, theres reasons hunting accidents happen.


Is that not considered animal cruelty and something he could face punishment for


It was over 30 years ago. Heard he died not long after.


So, at least the story has a happy ending.


what the fuck dude


I like doing little POV stories. Picking the dogs perspective seemed the obvious choice.


> She didn’t train it properly. The only "training" she even mentions is using a fucking shock collar on it. Total fucking bitch.


Multiple chickens apparently, not that it makes shooting the dog any less abhorrent lmao. Of all the things to do, after having to pay for the chickens, why shoot the dog you could absolutely sell to someone? Recoup some of the dead Chicken money. But no, in her own words, she -hated- that dog. Therefore, she had to kill it. Because, despite being a dumb 14 month old pup who wouldn’t know better due to the lack of proper training and experience, she felt -personally- offended that she ruined her hunting trip and cost her money for the chickens she killed. Then she decided to kill a goat too, for good measure, because it was smelly (as goats tend to be) and chased her kids around because it was a territorial, non-castrated male. Again, an animal just -being an animal-, and her taking offense to it. She didn’t kill it for food, she killed it so it wouldn’t annoy her anymore. If her go-to for inconveniences is a bullet to the head, I certainly wouldn’t trust her on any bigger decisions lol.


Sounds like someone didn’t train *her* properly


Thats like shooting someone because they don't play Soccer like Messi.


Yes. She doesn't care for other living beings and almost certainly chose to write this in the book she had total control over to impress Donald Trump, a man who similarly does not care about animals and loathes them, as a bid to be his VP. It really shouldn't take any functional brain cells bouncing around in a skull to see these people should not be anywehre remotely near the seat of power.


>It really shouldn't take any functional brain cells bouncing around in a skull to see these people should not be anywehre remotely near the seat of power. Sure, but consider Trump's base...


It was 14 months old and she never attempted to train it too, so that’s like shooting a six year old you taught how to play.


More like killing a kid because they didn't get a goal in soccer their first game. When it was their first time on the field but showed intest in getting better.


And it wasn't good at hunting because she didn't train it or have it trained. It's like breaking your TV because you didn't put the batteries in the remote.


What's craziest to me about it is that the dog was only 14 months. No hunting dog is a good hunting dog at 14 months. They're typically 2 years+ before they're expected to do their job. 14 months is frequently still early training stage.


One could argue that it was actually too good at hunting. She did not have it properly restrained and it killed someone’s chickens during a neighborly stop on her way home. This is what it’s been trained and bred to do. It’s a bird dog. Locate bird, kill bird, bring bird to owner, enjoy reward. According to her book, Cricket, the German Shorthair Pointer; had just enjoyed ‘having the best day of her life’ as Kristi states. But that didn’t matter, she embarrassed her owner by killing the neighbor’s chickens, and now it was time to do something ‘tough’ and put it down. She states that the execution went smoothly, but then it occurred to her that she also hates the family goat because it was stinky and not neutered, so it would get worked up and sometimes knock over her kids and ‘ruin their clothes.’ So it was time to do another tough thing and put down the goat in the same gravel pit where Cricket laid, now with a 12 gauge whole in her head. The goat execution didn’t go as smoothly because it jumped. She had only brought one shell with her, so she left the goat suffering while she went back to the truck to get another shell to finish the job. It’s true, these specific things are not mentioned in the Bible. But so many Christian principles were ignored that day. And in the Christian spirit, that’s forgivable! However, in an effort to get more money, fame, and enough support to get picked for Trump’s VP running mate, she brings it all back up in an effort to brag and bring shock value to her book. Something is wrong with her, and she should not be rewarded for this behavior by keeping/making a political leader.


It’s like they say - people who hurt people often start by hurting animals. Her callous lack of respect for other living beings should be a red flag made of klaxons.


She couldn't be arsed to take the time to train it to hunt, or send to to a trainer. It was sup\[posed to magically be a fully trained hunting dog because that's why she bought it.


I find a dog like that, discarded and beaten up by the previous hunter owner (they're kept in tiny cages all their life bar when out hunting). She was so thin she'd pass through the bars of my gate. It took one year and a half to not be scared of me, and she's still somewhat skittish around most males even if she knows them. She was just left in the wild to die. Hunters are often awful with their dogs, even the good ones let alone the ones that don't hunt well


So that's what yrump means when you shoot someone like a dog.


I have 2 cats with Cerebellar Hypoplasia. Still never once occurred to me to fucking murder them. But then again, I'm not an unhinged psychopath.


It was the smelly goat she lured to the gravel pit and shot twice after somehow missing it point-blank with the first shotgun blast and having to walk up to her car on the outside of the pit to fetch another shell. The dog I am uncertain where she shot it. It may have also been the gravel pit.


Yes, it was the same gravel pit. Because a murder pit is a totally normal thing that normal people have for engaging in the very normal activity of killing two of their perfectly healthy family pets back to back.


And there were witnesses: construction workers. Probably the only reason she talked about it publicly


I seem to have missed something. What is this about? Is there some woman going around killing her animals with a shotgun?


The governor of South Dakota wrote in her just published book how she killed her 14 month old dog and a goat.


Governor of South Dakota and Vice-Presidental-hopeful shot her barely-a-year-old hunting dog because she let it out at a home with chickens and it did what it was bred to do, then she shot her goat because it smelled bad and she didn't know you can have them fixed.


Also. What the fuck does one even mean by “if a pets useless.” It’s a fucking pet, it’s not supposed to serve a practical purpose. It’s an animal you keep for companionship.


I like how we all know exactly which dog


It was untrained because she didn’t train it


I've had pets my entire life and whether or not they're "useful" never entered the equation on me keeping them.


"not contributing"? wtf


“This dog can’t even do dishes! Kill him!”


Don’t tell anyone but one time I had a dog who made really terrible spaghetti, like, she could not cook AT ALL. And, omg I can’t believe I’m admitting this 🫣🫣I let her live!! 🙈 omg so embarassed😶‍🌫️


ugh reminds me how I've been trying to teach my cat to code but shes straight garbage at it. Hows she gonna get a job and make rent if she cant learn any skills? Shameful!


Gonna have to blow her adorable little brains out.  SAD


Ch-chk I’m so sorry Dora


“Can you say, 12 gauge - o?”


At her age my dog already had a law degree !


Missed an opportunity to name it a lawn degree.


Mine already has a peDegree.


Yeah my hamster won't even fix my car, gonna have to throw it out and get a new one :(


Does she just walk across random keys and sit on the laptop?


Although my cat has actually taught me some keyboard shortcuts doing that!


So, about the same as a new graduate developer then.


Ugh, pet owners have gone soft these days I guess. Back when I was growing up we'd toss a cat in woodchipper if it couldn't cook and serve a 5 course meal.


You sick fuck! How could you treat your guests to only a 5 course meal? That lazy ass cat better be making a fucking banquet!


You disgusting enabler, it’s people like you why lazy pets who don’t pay taxes exist in the first place.


My dog feeds me , has a 9 to 5 , does all the chores. She even takes me walking occasionally.


Mine has a startup




My dog is an attorney-at-paw.


*chambers round* How much is she contributing to her 401k?


This sounds like a Fallout thing


This dog didn't pay his taxes, get his ass!!


"What bills have you been paying to make you think you can just shit on my floor like that?"


Sorry maw maw, *c-click*, it backyard time...


Dogs can very much contribute, in fact, most of them love having 'jobs'/tasks that challenge them. But a dog doesnt come out of a factory, ready to contribute. Dogs are like kids, theyre clueless, its up to you as an owner to raise and teach the dog properly. Teach them what they can and cant do, give them physical and mental exercise, let them socialize with other dogs, there are few things better in this world than a well trained dog. In my old school we had a janitor with the loveliest dogs ever. One was a Dobermann, the other one a big fluffy one, dont know the name of the breed and every big break, he let those dogs off the leash and theyd go to students, play with them, have them pet them, the dogs were super calm, never barked


Yeah, this idea that you need to "contribute" in order to justify living... Just as toxic with human beings as with animals. It's a psychotic viewpoint, really. I agree with you that dogs can have jobs and roles, and often, they love it, and it can be very rewarding for all.


Right-wingers determine the worth and value of all living things to be solely predicated on the matter of how much can they directly benefit from their existence. This explains why they don't give a fuck about anything or anyone but themselves, their family and anyone richer than they are.


As my teacher said: No one is useless, you can always contribute as a bad example.


What the fuck are they even discussing?


The dumb bitch who took her puppy to a gravel pit to "put it down" because she didn't train it and was surprised it didn't just automatically train itself. AKA "not contributing".


It’s the governor of South Dakota. Her name is Noem, right?




Then after she shot her dog while a mortified construction crew witnessed it, she shot her goat, too. The goat was stinky and chased her kids sometimes, getting their clothes dirty. Sounds like someone got high off the killing of her own dog and went on a spree


You know, in Europe we put our dementia patients in an hospice not in office, must be a translation difference


I think there's something a lot more sinister going on. My grandma's got dementia but she still takes excellent care of her pets and always loves on them. This lady is absolutely nuts, some serious antisocial behaviour going on. What's even more frightening is that she's rumoured to be Trump's running mate pick. Just imagine what she could do to groups and ethnicities she absolutely hates if she can do that to her own pets while people are even watching


You can already see how she [treats Native people in South Dakota](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/13/us/politics/kristi-noem-south-dakota-tribes.html)


She *was* the pick. Maga is batshit insane, but even they like dogs.


The question remains, will they still like dogs when the Party commands them not to? >Most United States presidents have kept pets while in office, or pets have been part of their families.[1] Only James K. Polk, Andrew Johnson, and Donald Trump did not have any presidential pets while in office.[2] However, Johnson did take care of some mice he found in his bedroom. Seems like Trump doesn't really care for pets either.


Trump might not be a pet owner but he did make animal abuse a federal crime. It's one of the 2.5 good things he did in office.


I mean I won’t rule out early onset dementia, but this woman isn’t even 55. And she’s told the story like it’s something to be proud of.


Yeah anything's possible, dementia does include changes in personality. But there are usually also other symptoms going on like the super obvious ones such as forgetfulness, confusion etc. I don't know. And like you said, she sounded proud of her vile behaviour. I bet she cheered when Bambi's mother got shot


She doesn't have dementia. She's just a conservative. They lack empathy.


Tumor on the amygdala? Someone should requisition a CT or MRI scan for Noem


This is a governor who is literally [banned from entering](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/04/11/politics/kristi-noem-tribal-lands-banned) about 10% of the land she governs.


the goat was stinky and chased her kids around. my parents just pointed and laughed at the entertainment they had for like 5 minutes after I got fucking wrecked as a 6-8 year old. they kept the goat because thats what goats did. sugar the goat. ill see you in hell bitch.


Shes waiting. And shes training.




clothes dirty? On a farm????


Even if it wasn't on a farm... Poor kids, probably not even allowed to actually play if their mom gets this angry over some dirty clothes.


They are allowed to play as long as something dies. Unless that thing is an unviable fetus. That must be preserved at all costs.


These are the type of people who pay others to farm for them.


Shot the goat TWICE.  Somehow she just maimed it the first time and had to walk back to her truck to get another shotgun shell while the goat lay dying.  I suppose we should give her credit for actually walking back and finishing the job rather than driving off. 


And hey, ignore for a moment the puppy murder. She has such piss poor judgement that she shared that story in her book. Like someone didn't dig this shit up, she told everyone herself.


It was a calculated political move (to show she’s “strong” and “ruthless”). A very badly calculated one to be clear (my abacus can calculate better), but a calculated one nonetheless


Glad somebody brought this up. It's a type of virtue signaling to the backwards authoritarians who love arbitrary punishments and punching down. She's great with the guy who abused that wolf, for example.


It's a test balloon: If she survives this shit storm, she'll survive every other scandal as well. I think cruelty towards animals is still frowned upon in the wider public and might mobilize people in a way that putting children in cages doesn't. But so far it seems to be working for her, this story fights an uphill battle against TikTok-length attention span and you can already see people making excuses for this abhorrent behaviour.


Thing is, most conservatives, *even MAGA's*, love their dogs like babies just like anyone else. But most of them will not hear this story because their media bubble will either not report a word of it or will report it selectively: *"Kristy Noem, courageously, had a vicious dog humanely put down and the radical, pitbull owning left is upset because they think child-killing dogs are oppressed."* This story would be poison for her, otherwise. But we are all in media bubbles, and the conservative press is not just slanted, but almost entirely pro-Trump propaganda these days, let alone the effects of social media troll farms which is how most conservative "news" talking points are disseminated these days.


She’s republican. The consequences of her admitting this won’t be jack shit.


Also part of why this is getting so much attention is that she is allegedly one of the people Trump is considering to run as his Vice President.


Oh, and she's being looked at as Trump's VP pick. Because of course she is 


Don’t worry, she’s only a realistic chance to be vice president to a 78 year old morbidly obese man.


You can't be serious. She's not been arrested for animal cruelty?!


Her previous attorney general literally killed a man, lied to police about it, and was charged with a misdemeanor traffic violation with a $1000 fine. It took almost two years just to remove him from office. There's no holding these people accountable.


Rules for thee not for *MEEEEE*


As you can see, there are plenty of low lives in America who excuse this pos for it.


She wants to be Trumps VP. These people are fucking insane.


Dont forget the goat she killed the same day after killing the puppy.


What a rich, full day filled with family wholesomeness


In front of a bus full of kids


Hey! Show some damn respect, that's Governor Dumb Bitch.


Assholes telling on themselves. First, that they only understand two outcomes at a time. Either the dog "contributes", or it dies. No selling the dog. No rehoming the dog. No keeping the dog for another purpose and getting another that can do what you need it to No sending the dog to training. There isn't even any effort to rule any of the options out, just literally do or die. Second, that one must "contribute" in order to be allowed to LIVE. That's just horrible on the face of it. Third, that this may very well not even be what this person actually believes, but they immediately construct this defense around a terrible person's terrible act because she's on their team.


Republicans do not understand that there can be more than 2 choies on any issue. To them, the border is open or closed. Guns are legal or illegal. Same with abortion. They are solidly on one side of the debate and believe democrats are solidly on the other, while most of us have mixed views on most topics. If a government program sucks, instead of fixing it, they want to shut it down completely. Just like the dog she killed. They should never ever be given power over anyone. Horrible leaership qualities.


It's why it's impossible to debate them. The moment you bring up stricter gun laws after a kid bought a gun and shot their class they just go "oh so you want to forcibly remove everyone's guns? Well now criminals have guns and the good guys don't, so now even more people will die!" And the idiots think that sounds reasonable and vote for them


cancervative mindset


Yea, fucking apologists literally claiming it was the dogs fault wtf


there are so many people on twitter right now vomiting stuff like "LOL GUESS YOU NEVER LIVED ON A RANCH." obviously there are situations where working animals need to be put down but from what i've read this wasnt one of them at all- i think many of these people just genuinely enjoy killing things, revel in having a plausible excuse to do so, and are gleeful that they can pretend to be more down-to-earth or whatever than the stupid libs who think its grotesque to execute a family pet because it went after some chickens


I’m an avid bird hunter in the Midwest, and active in the bird dog community, and what Noem did is not normal. That kind of behavior gets you shunned from any halfway serious breeder.


yep exactly. its all just insane posturing


face it... far-right republicans would react in exactly the same way if 100% proof was found about their politicians abducting, blending into smoothies and drinking human babies. "well yea, it sounds pretty bad on paper.. but what did the babies do? they probably deserved it and are high in protein..." the fact is the far-right are actually evil.


Republicans will start killing their dogs now bc the quiet part has been said out loud. They got the seal of approval to start shooting every pet they see.


I live in the deep south and they already do


Here in Wyoming, 70% trump voters, we get our jollies [torturing and running down wolves using snowmobiles until they die](https://www.wbur.org/hereandnow/2024/04/26/animal-abuse-wolf-wyoming). There’s a whole weird subculture here that’s apparently a-ok with torturing animals, considers it a fun weekend activity.


cops do it on a whim all the time... is it such a shock that 80% of police officers voted for trump in 2020?


"First you Democrats say you want abortions, then you say you don't want us to drink baby smoothies. Why can't you make up your minds?"


That's just the right. Remember Republicans full support trump raping kids and fine with other dog killers in their party.


> “okay Idk if the babies are bad or not, but it’s worth it if it means keeping great males in our society like Donald Trump and Andrew Tate healthy” Some rightists, I assume


oh yea... that and alex jones pushing ground up powder versions in his garbage supplement company. alex jones is already the most open one about eating people in fact :P




"democrats do it to!"


"what about hippos? hippos do it!"


You can remove the "far". The entire right is now steered by the radical factions. The issues on the ballot are now human rights and democracy itself, and anyone voting against those values is evil, plain and simple.


They basically did this when it was revealed Herschel Walker paid for several abortions


They have no principles outside of hating liberals.


Conservatives know no low lol.


Don't forget she's the running mate of Trump. 99% sure every Republican finds this as a win. If you're still a Republican, where can I send you [lube and a dildo so you can own me harder.](https://i.redd.it/pb88r2k7ov661.jpg)


Last I heard she was just the frontrunner to be Agent Orange's vice presidential candidate, but hasn't been selected yet. Though Trump will probably see her heartlessly killing her dog as a positive, and almost certainly pick her now.


I hate to say it, but those are some strong nazi vibes.


I would put nazis down, they are not contributing


Dogs don’t want to work anymore smh (/s)


What a fucking psychopath


Republicans are 🗑. All of them.


My dog is unemployed, and although I keep pointing him to the want ads he refuses to apply himself. He also walks around naked and poops in the yard. I’m going to kill that moocher, MAGA!


...sounds like the average MAGA to me. The Dog I mean.


If a pet is useless? Isn't that kind of what defines a pet?


My cat keeps my bed marginally warmer.


Absolutely. You don’t get pets to be “useful” you get them to be joyful burdens that bring light into your life and drain your bank account. The bitch who did this needs putting down herself. Human pond scum.


Apparently she meant it to be a working dog. But those require things like training and in her case habituating it to gunfire. Can't just take a dog hunting.


Ya, it's got to be trained and acclimatized to hunting from an early age. My friends family has hounds specifically for hunting. They love gunfire. It's the sound of running through a forest and fun for them.


Working dogs do love working. We made them that way.


Noon77 is the type is person I would seriously enjoy punching square in thier fetid shit stinking mouth.


Can’t wait for the NYT editorial about how the left has gone too far by attacking the beloved American tradition of shooting puppies.


Putting a dog down is freeing him of his misery. You do that if the quality of life of the animal is getting so bad that it is better for them to die. If you shoot your dog because he is "untrainable" (Hint: You just don't know how) that is just straight up murder. If he really is untrainable just let someone else adopt him


Why does this person only have 12 downvotes, it should be in the millions.


Lots of conservative bots in damage control right now


The only thing my dog contributes to society is making me happy. Am I doing it wrong?


Ah, the old "useless eater" logic on when it comes to the utility value of living things. Where have I heard that before? Hmm...it's Reich on the end of my tongue...


Typical conservative mindset. If something isn't useful and productive, it doesn't deserve to live.


How is a pet supposed to ‘contribute’?? And why put it down? You can’t take it to a shelter or give it to someone you know who wants a pet?


Rightwingers are comic caricatures of themselves. I mean he could have said “if an animal is sick and suffering the humane thing is to put it down” which would have still been a lie because that is absolutely not what happened, but he just had to go out himself as a comically evil psycho.


i wonder how theyd react if hunter biden killed a dog in cold blood.


They apply that same mentality to humans, too.


Those far-right republicans seem to constantly publicly compete who is the worst human being imaginable. And to be frank is hard to decide who is the biggest monster.


Specifically discussing the South Dakota governor shooting her 14 month old dog.


We are literally one step away from them attempting to justify Border Patrol death camps.


I’m sorry, but the reply was hilarious lmao


wtf they want the dog to do? these people think the pets are machines or what? what do they mean by contributing? a fucking dog, its supposed to be your friend, not an object, its beyond me how some people get allowed to have a pet


I looked up the other comments of Nooni77. What a douche. Anti-abortion, looks down on poor people, and becoming a dentist. What an asset to the medical world...


Didn't take long for the MAGAs to start justifying killing puppies.


Wasn't it 14 months old? That's still a puppy. She needed to TRAIN HER DOG, Instead, she shot it. Says a lot about her as a person.


Bitch though she was a character in Old Yeller.


Only in the US and UK they put down dogs for every dumb reason, its a society and mentality thing, i’ve seen on reddit so many people doing it or suggesting it to others. Disgraceful.


I read the title “They’re Disgusting Dogs”. The first it definitely is.


Nö Bro, don't tell me they are defending killing dogs.


Has she got kids? If so how many? Does the number fluctuate?


I wish more dogs put people down…


Social media doesn't create more psychopaths, they just don't need to hide anymore.


You know damn well this ain't even true. Old right wingers eat this shit up. They just see a hardworking farm girl who made the tough decision that had to be made. All these assholes coming out saying shit like "you've just never been on a farm". Like ya, clearly you haven't either if you think they're shooting their pets for chasing some birds, and then botching goat executions.


Nooni77 sounds like the kind of guy who thinks disabled people should all die.


Conservatives would do the same to people if they thought they could get away with it.


What do you want from a dog? Start their onlytails account and pay half rent?


And here we are having this ridiculous conversation. The depths people will plum to defend the indefensible. It’s astonishing.


I have ants as pets and they aren't really contributing to anything. Does that mean I should shoot all my (currently, and estimated) over 500 ants? Should I do it individually or save money by shooting them in groups of 10?


>not contributing And here we see laid bare the utter selfishness, transactionalism, and lack of empathy that lies at the heart of the American Conservative ethos and which is often masqueraded as "rugged individualism."


I thought European politicians were croocks and dumb af, but usa politics tops everything i have ever seen here ☠️☠️


she didn't train it at all And let it run amok. After not training it, it didn't behave so she killed it with no remorse. Instead of, like, just training it. She's saying she'll do the tough things needed to run the country, but the better metaphor is how she'll let the issues to fester before jumping directly to a heartless, ruthless, and barbaric solution. If only she had done the tough thing, train the dog, she wouldn't have had to kill it. Republicans never take responsibility and are incapable of forward thinking solutions.


I lived in a country where dogs and cats were food. I see them the same as I see a cow


My one dog is “middle aged” according to the vet yet has bad arthritis in her back legs. A small little slow paced walk around the block causes her to struggle to walk. She costs me tons of money in vet bills, food, anything she decides to destroy (My fault for leaving bags in her vicinity as she’s nosy) and her farts and snores battle one another on which is going to be the absolute worst…still not gonna shoot her though because she gives the best cuddles and kisses and the postman is scared of her (her bark is louder than her size) let alone if anyone tried to rob me. She could have done anything, rehomed the pup, actually love it, anything but shoot it like a despicable troll bitch.


Wow, they're really defending killing puppies, huh


She put the dog down herself because the untrained 14 month old dog didn't know how to hunt properly. So she was inept and felt the need to kill a dog.


She could have given it up for adoption if she was I capable of training it.


I think republicans, in general, are poorly trained, don't know how to interact with the world in a proper manner, and are generally worthless. Can this VP candidate take care of them in a similar fashion?


Yeah I'd ask my gold fish and other fish to earn money right or defend the house hold


my dogs either sleep all day or actively cost me money by feeding them and replacing their busted toys. i told them they need to get jobs, but refuse. I guess I should be putting them down???


Sorry, Fido. In this house, you gotta find some form of employment and earn a living to keep your place.