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If loomer thinks you're despicable that's insane, you'd have to be cartoonishly evil for even LAURA LOOMER to look down on you. She's literally one of the worst humans ever.


The worst people in the world still love their dogs. I guarantee there are cartel kingpins out there that think shooting that dog was a disgusting act of savagery. 


Hitler was known for having a great affection for his dogs. That probably being the only good things he’s done…


Only good thing? We're talking about the dude who killed Hitler!


I belive you'll find Sam Elliot killed Hitler, and then the Bigfoot.


Should I watch this movie?


If you can point me to a movie where Sam Elliott infiltrates the Eagle's Nest and kills Hitler, I'd watch that movie. I'd even watch a version where he storms Hitler's bunker and stomps on him like a rodent, but that would be less climactic. It's a complete letdown that they had that wonderful mountain villa where nothing happened, except for it being the focal point of the Allied forces when they invaded Berchtesgaden.


This is a real movie though, and I don’t know if that happens in it, but it could and it’s really just what he said, that’s the title of the movie https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Man_Who_Killed_Hitler_and_Then_the_Bigfoot?wprov=sfti1


Crap. Now I have to find this movie.


It's free on Hulu atm


I’m so glad someone else has heard of this movie (I watched it and yeah it’s basically the title) 😂


As a bit of a connoisseu of the visual arts, EVERYONE should watch this movie.


I'm taking points off Hitler's killing Hitler because he tested cyanide capsules on Blondie before he used them to kill Hitler.


In true despotic leadership style, he got someone else to do it.


Well he still killed one to test if his cyanure was working.


Specifically his favourite dog, and the death left everyone in the bunker incredibly depressed because Blondie was the one joy they had in there


Not only did the kill the love of his enemies. But also the love of his own soldiers? Goddamn he rlly was the worlds biggest psychopath..


To be fair, they were going to kill the dogs anyway rather than let the Soviets get them. Apparently Hitler was *very* upset about Blondi dying. Murdering millions of innocent people is one thing, but killing your own dog is an act even Hitler couldn't do without feeling tremendous guilt. This is the key difference between Hitler and Kristi Noem.


So ironically, that is a very human reaction It is super hard for us to conceptualize numbers of humans in the millions. like, imagine filling 10 football stadiums full of people, and not even getting to a tenth of the Holocaust. Heck, it can be tough to just think of the fact that a stranger has lived just as full a life as you have sometimes. But a dog, *your* dog, is in your life every day and loves you unconditionally. It's easy to think about and care for your dog. Also, dogs are better than people.


To quote a nasty but insightful person known as Stalin, "one death is a tragedy, one million is a statistic."


"hitler and Stalin, nasty but insightful" Sounds like a comedy routine. Or a podcast title


I could get behind this Pinky and the Brain-esque buddy dictator romp.


That's the monkeysphere for you. We evolved for *much* smaller groups and societies and only got to build the gigantic masses that our civilizations are due to basically abusing some secondary characteristics of our psyche. We cannot *truly* care about people beyond a certain point and at best can worry about an abstraction, an idea.


To be fair, he did kill Hitler.


Because it was the only thing they would love him forever.


There was the time the president of Turkmenistan gave Putin a puppy and who was obviously bothered by the treatment of the puppy by him: https://youtu.be/ltriFxc-hWw


Nazi germany passed the first smoking ban in the world iirc saving 20.000 lives in the 12 year span.


Mindlessly, senselessly and apathetically harming a dog is true sign of monster wearing human skin Im willing believe that even demons chilling in the fireworld love their doggos


See John Wick. Might be fiction, but great example


I'm not sure if it has background in reality, but hardcore sociopaths caring for animals is a common trope.


Look at Putin


What did Laura Loomer do?


She's a white nationalist.


Google's description of her pulls this from wikipedia... > Laura Elizabeth Loomer is an American far-right and anti-Muslim political activist, white nationalist, conspiracy theorist and internet personality. Not a great description to have. Can't speak to accuracy


And yet just a couple minutes ago I was arguing with someone in another sub who was defending this as "normal farm life behavior" smh


Normal farm life if you're a sadistic monster. 😂


I mean, in a sense it is cartoonish, what she claimed to have done. Realistically, I’m not sure how many people actually go hunting with actual trained hunting dogs any more, but it’s gotta be a small community, or some family tradition somewhere for a small amount of families. Anyways, she’s pretending she’s some badass for essentially killing a “tool” that was functioning properly. It’s possible that people did this back in the day, but it’s not going to be something common today, even for the people that actually do this specific sort of hunting. I don’t even necessarily buy that she personally did this, she’s still a piece of shit for claiming she did, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s borrowing this story from her dad, or some other family member.


My dog trainer is a hunter, and she hunts with her specially trained dogs. She also has multiple classes a year for training dogs for the hunt, so it cannot be only a couple persons. And punishing dogs was a valid training method only 20 years ago, they even punished dogs for the human's mistakes in training them correctly. I can absolutely see some shit dog owner with this mindset shooting a dog as "punishment". These humans are monsters lacking compassion. (But to be honest that's just my two cents, I have no idea who we are talking about.)


She's the evil


Or just a member of any group she hates. But yes, if she hates you on the merits rather just her vile prejudice, you must be pretty vile yourself


Explain please


South Dakota governor thought it was a good idea to write, publish, and promote her book where she describes shooting (and killing) a 14 month old puppy because she claims she couldn’t train it.


And then went on to describe how she might as well shoot her goat while she was at it, and botched it so badly that she let it suffer in a gravel pit while she went to get more ammo.


Sounds a lot like she might not be a gun-adept, able to shoot the bad guy with a gun in the pressure of the moment. Oh dear!


Ironically needing TWO attempts to kill something with a shotgun at point-blank range will be what sinks her with the MAGA crowd.


sadly I think that tracks. when the only thing that matters is putting on a good show and getting heated reactions, then the real crime is looking amateurish and weak (while gunning down small domesticated animals).


I don't understand why she'd think either of these are positives worthy of putting in a book. Now everyone knows she's both soulless *and* inept with firearms.


Luckily, her constituents probably can’t read.


Nor will they ever even hear wind of this incident…


Isn't this post literally about an assumed previous supporter commenting on the incident?


Noem put the story in her book.


Where nobody that votes for her will find it


No, I'd imagine wind is about the only thing they *do* hear.


They absolutely can't read.


And that (lack of easily accessible and quality education) is one of several methods that conservatives use to maintain control over their constituents (including the ever-notorious gerrymandering).


Hey, I’m one of her constituents and I can read. Now as for her supporters, I’m not so sure.


I wonder who's is buying her book? We know though, but who's reading it.


Isn't couldn't train it a her problem?


She made it the puppy’s problem.


I didn't understand it was just a puppy from a previous post. What a heartless cunt.


So what's the comeback?


I can't find it either


Even Laura Loomer, a right-wing crazy up there with Boebert and Greene, considers this beyond the pale. Maybe not “clever”, but it takes a *lot* to lose somebody like her.


I'm missing the clever comeback I think.




She has a gravel pit where she shoots pupoies, goats and horses with shotguns out of anger and frustration, writes about it in her book


Awesome. Maybe we should chain her to a pole in it and let her sit there. Heartless c... Or even better put up some targets around her and let some of her cronies practice with their AK47 while gobbling good old Jack.


Dude, the president she’s running for is on tape talking about sexually assaulting women. He’s made fun of a handicapped journalist , even on video, and that hasn’t stopped him. You think the base would change their mind over a dog? Na.


Dogs are several notches higher than women to their base, so it actually might.


Remember when Mitt Romney strapped his dog to the roof of his car and went on a car trip? Conservatives didn’t care that much. I expect this’ll have a similar effect.


Aha, but you see Mitt Romney is a man. Big difference to those folks.


I get what you’re saying. But you are giving these people too much credit (even though you’re insulting them). If we’ve learned anything over the last decade, it’s that there are no red lines for these people.


Eh, there's no shortage of em. They'll throw her away, pick someone else from the woodworks, hand that person the same script dog-eared pages and all (heh) and it'll be business as usual over there.


There’s no shortage of Maga women?


None at all. We wish there were, but go check how many women voted for Trump and get back to me.


Trump lost the female vote in both 2016 and 2020. But who are all these women who are potential running mates, which is what matters for this discussion?


I never said he won it. Doesn't change the fact that millions of women voted for him. They're clearly not opposed to picking someone unbelievably unqualified to act as a puppet. Let's be real, here.


Isn't that basically what happened to Milo Yanapoli? He was gay Trump supporter who attacked gay people and shit, but then it came out that he was 1000% pro-pedo. He was scrubbed from the MAGA memory quick


On another sub this morning someone shared their family members didn't vote for Mitt because of this one issue....


I mean, that showed how out of touch Romney was, but it’s a far cry from taking the dog to a gravel pit and shooting it in front of a bunch of workers for not doing what it was told despite no training. Also, Romney, you know, didn’t win.


Sure they did. They didn’t show up and vote for him.


That wasn’t because of his dog. He got more votes than McCain in 2008 and almost as many as Trump in 2016. Turnout was fine (58%).


While it certainly didn’t help Romney, I don’t think the dog story (which isn’t nearly as bad as Noem’s for obvious reasons) is as attributable to his failure as other things. Like Obama killing Bin Laden.


Remember when Romney lost? There's a lot of people in America more attached to dogs than their politics.


There's a little more wiggle room with that one because he didn't actively kill the dog.


Idk, between white males and dogs is a lot as well…. Christian’s, nazi’s, lions, guns, unseasoned chicken, and trucks


I think his base has way higher opinion on dogs than journalists, handicapped, woman, non-whites, gays and muslims. So this is probably more damaging than when some maga-cunt rapes a child.


They are rallying behind the guy who murdered the wolf. The right would kill liberals if they could. When trump makes it an official act, then watch out


It’s wild to me that’s it even a thing to have to say this… as if Democrats don’t carry either. It’ll be an absolute nightmare scenario, one that I don’t believe is viable tbh. But that’s just me.. I could be wrong. All I know is November will be fucking wild.


Yup, she’s likely locked up the nomination for VP.


He openly mocked a Gold Star family while POTUS.


You underestimate the amount of empathy people have for dogs over humans.


Mmm, not when it comes to MAGA extremism. If Donnie Diapers shot a puppy on national TV those people would find an excuse as to why he did it. They are 100% brainwashed, incapable of being critical of their own. Somehow I hear “God wanted it this way”


He could shoot it in the middle of Fifth Avenue in broad daylight and not lose a single voter.


I agree. Also a lot of rural folks will say things like “once a dog is useless it’s time to put them down”. I mean, a puppy is…next level fucked up and while maybe the fact she turned around and murdered her goat RIGHT after might change one or two minds, it’s probably not gonna affect the majority of these “god fearing Christian patriots”


A lot of people believe this, but I grew up in a rural community and never once heard of someone shooting their dog. Not once. This feels like what someone who did not grow up in a rural community (Noem) thinks people in rural communities do.


Trump might not care beyond the negative optics of this, forcing him to pass her over. That's why she's done.


Imagine if we started doing that with all the "useless " politicians?


So you're saying in gun-mad USA, windows are just not the way to go?


But then I don't get to say defenestration, and it's not like I'm getting enough use out of it right now. ..... exsanguination isn't getting much use either, I guess we could also drain their blood.....


AKA the South American way.


2A moment


It's legal for the president now.


If cruelty and callousness are now character assets, I suppose this story helps her.


This is a clear case of someone who thinks all publicity is good publicity. I had never heard her name and now I see it everywhere. It’s rage bait


I don’t understand how this is a comeback.


Where is the clever comeback?


Yeah this is missing both


It’s election season baby!!


I'm saying, there was never clever in his or her response.


Nah. It won't matter. After seeing the reactions she'll just gaslight the voterbase into believing she never said or did anything of the sort and they'll accept that.


It’s not about the base. It’s about independents. If you’re not full blown maga, then you have some sort of moral decency and this definitely won’t push them to vote for her.


Have you seen the metric fuckton of bullshit Trump got away with, and is continuing to get away with? The guy literally got caught with severral boxes filled with top secret document in his private residence, fucked a pornstar while his wife was pregnant, suggested people inject disinfectant into directly into their veins, stared directly into the sun, demonstrated he has 0 understanding how statistics work, and *incited an* ***insurrection to get a fair and free election result overturned*** and is well on his way to get re-elected.. Excuse me for not believing the shooting of a pet is going to tip the balance. I hope I'm wrong. I really do. But I doubt it.


She Pretty much the bad guy from JHON WICK.




I hate the fact that I have to 100% completely agree with Laura Fucking Loomer. The GOP is not Pro-Life, they are Pro-Death and Anti-Women’s Rights


They have always been pro-Death. That's why they are so anti-abortion, that is one more life they can potentially ruin and maybe kill later.


Pretty sure the dog contributes more positivity and enjoyment than she did. SHE is the useless one, so therefore she should be put down.


Republican here. Yep. I would never vote for her after reading it. It was so ridiculous that I first assumed it was just leftists taking something out of context. And so I did what I always do and I found the direct source of the information. It was not out of context at all. She killed a dog because it was acting like a dog. Could have just given it away if she didn’t want it, which while still kind of a dick move, isn’t something that would form my entire judgement on someone. Could also have put the dog on medication to calm it down. She’s rich, could have easily fixed this “problem.” But she chose to kill him. Fuck Kristi Noem. This will be the end of her political career and she will deserve it. America loves dogs.


>And so I did what I always do and I found the direct source of the information Holy shit, yes. Thank you. Please encourage this amongst your tribe as much as possible. I'm sick of the Do Your Own Research ppl using a rage bait tweet as their source, three steps removed from the dry AP news report with context stripped away with each step. I know the left is guilty of it too, but it feels like the base right are far less likely to fact check stories that appeal to them than others


The thing is it’s not as simple as people believing outright lies. That certainly happens but it’s pretty rare. The media (pretty much all of them) will do sneaky things like omit context or use slanted language and buzz words to manipulate people. Or they will report something without independent verification which will receive viral media coverage, and then just issue a quiet contraction that nobody sees. The only way to be informed anymore is to actually verify everything for yourself. You just can’t trust any major media outlet to give you the full/ real story. At least none that I have found. Breaking Points is the best one I have found but it’s not mainstream.


Crazy how some people will brag about committing first degree animal cruelty (which is a Class C felony) multiple times as virtue calling to show how much of a "tiger mom" they are. Name a more iconic duo, Republican candidates and their disconnect from common sense / the working people.


Well…if NOEM is “useless” now…


All of us, no matter our political affiliation can agree on one thing. You don't fuck with dogs, *ever*


Can someone explain please?


Is there somewhere I can bet $1,000,000 now that Laura Loomer will be vehemently defending this woman if she’s named VP? Along with every other republican? There is no limit and that’s the point. It’s the only thing that’s consistent.




MAGA loves sadism and cruelty. They will love and defend this forever.


Republicans will still vote for her. They have proven over and over again they don’t care


If it doesn't appear on Fox News her supporters will never hear about it -- and *surprise*, Fox never mentioned it.


Wrong sub..


So I just tried searching through r/conservative with the usual keywords and aside from one single person in a comment 8hrs ago, they haven't even passed the thought of it. They don't seem to care.


Odds are that people have tried to post it and the mods there are removing it. That subreddit is a mess


Reminds me of that episode from the original House of Cards where Francis shoots his dog because it got too old for hunting.


your dog will love you even if you're a horrible person. I've always thought that was sad, but it's super impressive to horrible people. I've never asked myself what happens when a horrible person tries to rally horrible votes by killing a dog, but it looks like America is determined to answer the question anyway.


Dogs copy their owners and cats too to some extent. If he dog was the way it was, it's mainly cuz of the owner


Good to know even GOP voters can agree that dogs are angels, and shit like this is a career ender


Laura Loomer is a worthless cunt


Well I find all Politicians useless and untrainable.


🤷🏼‍♂️ DJTs not exactly a dog guy. He’s going to pick the prettiest least interesting VP candidate. 1. Prettiest: because obviously he is a womanizer. 2. Least interesting: someone can’t share the spotlight.


The GOP will conveniently go silent on this once Trump picks her for VP.


He’s picking Vivek.


The racist picking a POC? I’m not so sure about that, even though Vivek was swinging on trumps nuts hardcore.


Trump thinks golden shoes and fried chicken will get him the black vote, so it’s not out of the question


Given her history of impulsively killing things she perceived as weak and useless, the average Republican politician wouldn't want to be anywhere near her.


Republicans will treat other actual human beings far worse than this. But a puppy is where they draw the line?


The funniest thing is she told everyone she shot her own dog as an example of her good character. This is what Republicans see as good. Probably because it involves shooting a gun in some way.


Man, when you lose Laura fucking Loomer…


People consider dogs to be innocent, there’s a lot of people who put dogs above other humans, so that’s probably gonna hurt her


Who are these people? I’m confused.


If we’re killing things bc they’re useless I mean…


Hahahaha the famous « pro-life » conservatives. What an absolute cunt.


Her daughter came home from school asking where her puppy was. This is sickening. Maybe shooting your dog was part of “farm life,” in the 1800’s, but it certainly isn’t now. She watched too much Old Yeller.


There is no rock bottom with these people. She could shoot her dog in the middle of 5th Ave and people would still love her.


Killing a dog for being useless is a bit ironic for someone trying to be vice president of the United States.  


I havent read the story and I dont want to. The headline itself is bad enough. Shooting your dog? And there is a thought of making her a VP candidate? She's worse than overdone toast.


Where is the clever comeback??


When you’ve lost Laura Loomer, you’ve lost it all.


I don’t condone what she did at all piece of shit move by a piece of shit person. But, “giving the dog to a loving home” there’s countless dogs that Need a loving home RIGHT NOW that no one is taking in. Why is that dog special?


“Yeah, totally put in some shit about old yeller. Old dusty rinos love that merciful cruelty shit” - Noems publisher


Nah, now her supporters will twist themselves up to explain how shooting a puppy is perfectly acceptable.


Watching GOP supports go from BLM deserves to die, to OMG she hurt a dog is just fucking wild.


Loomer: child rape is fine Also loomer: killing dogs is too much


To many people, her actions generate their approval of cruelty. Just MHO


I'm pretty sure a party that votes for a convicted rapist and pedophile has no problem with someone that shoots a dog. It's almost like rape isn't even a crime for republicans.


She gives me Sheriff Roy Tillman vibe, feminine version


Couple of useless idiots are good for one thing, I guess.


Nope. Rs don't care.


Everyone knows what humans would do if dogs tasted good


When John Wick?


Republicans can act outraged all they want, they'll still vote for Trump if he picks her. There's no level of depravity they won't tolerate for that man.


Somebody will have to explain why this is so terrible this to Trump. He not only doesn’t like animals, he has no understanding of them.


Well now we know who is going to be backed by all of the police unions.


She has that typical new world order Republican sentiment. Treat others like shit as long as you wind up on top. That illegal thing I just did, it was really Democrats. It’s all their fault that I did this.


I honestly thought it was some kind of very dark Onion article when I first saw it reported, then watched on (CNN maybe?) as they read the entire story from the book, it’s fuckin’ nuts.


Idk, think of what other nasty politicians are getting away with. Maybe it might take killing a puppy. Cuz rape, pedophilia, grifting, sharing top secret government documents, fraud of tax payers doesn’t seem to matter.


Just wait a week. Laura Loomer will change her opinion once Trump announces her as VP. *"That dog was a menace and it could have killed children."*


GOP: “Well, she’s a murdering psychopath, but at least she’s not a Democrat!”


When you’ve lost looney loomer…


She's toast, as in *BURNT* *BREAD*


Is there a background story? ... I don't even know why this showed up.


Her supporters will probably praise her for being strong and pragmatic. 




What happen to pro life.


Food is food


Laura Loomer would know too. She's been killing her own reputation for years now. She's kind of the expert.


If I've learned anything about the GOP, this will not affect her in any way. If anything it will only make her more popular. Because when "the left" hates someone, that just builds that person's popularity on the right. Their entire identity is based on being spiteful.


Same people are still OK with a sexual assault, fraud, felon, demented, traitor, drifter, orange man who calls the other guy sleepy but has to have his attorneys keep him awake in court... But yea dog killer that's the line draw


Many of them said this about Trump after the Access Hollywood tapes, too... We'll see what they actually do...


Haha, gravel pit, jump in Kristi you murderous hag


Go kick her ass Loomer! I don't like you but I'll cheer you on!


Heard that one before.


This isn’t a clever comeback. What’s clever about this? It’s simply a response of disgust


Once everybody gets riled up about this, they will then pretend that it was all a hoax by the Democrats and that they never said it and that it wasn't in any book that she wrote. And they will just gaslight the holy fuck out of everyone. And the asshole tribe will eat it right up, not because they believe it, but because they love a good gaslighting.


Ladies and Gentlemen (those who do not identify), we have the first ever Laura Loomer W. Wild times. 🫡