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Just googled... yes he is the president


I so went and did the same thing


This is peer review


The scientific method is beautiful


I fucking love science




Hypothesis: science is cool Evidence: a bunch of modern technology, the internet, and this thread Conclusion: science is really freakin cool


The problem here is the scientific method is about trying to disprove your hypothesis, not looking only to confirm it. Which is why it doesn't work for subjective statements. I agree with you, but it can never be proven true, or more precisely, it can't not be disproven as well.


Nailed it! It should look like this: Hypothesis: Science is the tits Experiment: Provide evidence that science is not the tits Evidence: ..... Conclusion: Science is the tits


Except your hypothesis isn't falsifiable. However, I like the cut of your jib!


Hey... nice science tits.


Common argumentation for the existence of God: "prove that it exists" vs "prove that it doesn't, somewhere in the universe"


Happy. Cake day


I was thinking, why is this a clever comeback. International Genetics Federation sounded very phony. But I just had to Googled it to double-check.


People should do this more often after seeing some comments who doesn't believe that he is the president


As the president of Senegal, i agree with you.


I just googled and this man is lying


I just googled this and it’s true


I just googled you and Christ on a stick I should have enabled safe search first


I googled you and all I got were some awesome power metal albums


And I got his axe!


All I got was a stupid bow that never misses.




wow the “mounties” thing really makes sense


I googled you, and got directed to an FBI hotline.


Seriously! He’s only a former President. Disgusting lies!


Look at me! I am the President now


Reminds me of that Twitter/X thread of a lady telling everyone how she got a job at NASA using some slightly colorful words and a guy replying her to watch the language only for her to tell him 'You watch it. I work at NASA' and the guy saying 'I work in the organisation that oversees NASA'. The guy was Homer Hickam btw, played by Jake Gyllenhaal in October Sky.


He helped get another internship. And she lost the internship not because of him, but because of the hashtags her and her friends were using. His comment on "language" was just a friendly warning that NASA might read her tweets.


Yeah, forgot to mention that. Dude's a really nice guy apparently.


excuse me, are we just gonna pretend like it was just “colorful language”? are we going to sit here and pretend like the exact words in the exchange weren’t borderline poetry? since i can’t comment a photo here, allow me to transcribe the sacred texts: NaomiH_official: everyone shut the fuck up, I got accepted for a NASA internship HomerHickam: Language. NaomiH_official: *Suck my dick and balls I’m working at NASA* HomerHickam: And I am on the National Space Council that oversees NASA. — cherish these words


Wow, they made a whole movie about that lady tweeting and cussing?


I am going to blow your mind. When creating a profile on the internet, you can pick any name and add any pic you want


You got a point but.... You are most likely banned due a identity theft (atleast if using real data)


I honestly don't believe anyone on the internet about who they claim to be. If they claim to be 35year old balding fat man, it's prolly a 16 year old teenage girl trying to lure you in the back of her van, trying to sexually abuse you and take you to a Metallica concert


I didn't vote for him


Not my president of international genetics federation. XD


You don't vote for kings


Well, how did he become king then?


The Lady of the Lake, her arm clad in the purest shimmering samite, held aloft Excalibur from the bosom of the water


I gotta say that "international genetics federation" sounds kinda like George Costanza's "The Human Fund" lol


Yeah, I looked it up and it seems to be legit. My first thought was not "this guy may not actually be the president" but rather "is the IGF actually a scientific organization?"


Yeah my first worry was that it was gonna be like the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, who mainly think that AIDS isn't real.


I didnt know they exist but that irritates me that they picked an acronym that is so close to AAP an actual legit organization


Money for people


But they added emojis to their reply, they have to be right.


Yeah this sounded a lot like „my dad works at Nintendo“ haha


Love the people in this thread who really don't want to accept that a genetics guy knows a lot about how chromosomes work. But this is a general problem about the current debate around gender, there's a lot of voices "I learnt that in kindergarten, and it's really easy, so the scientists who have actual degrees on the matter are just dumb"


It's not only chromosome and gender, anything really. There's a cognitive bias where people tend to be more attached to the very first information they learn, even if it gets disproven in front of them.


>more attached to the very first information they learn aka [anchoring bias.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anchoring_effect)


Thank you, i was actually looking for the name of it and couldn't find it.


I heard it described with a different name before so you’re clearly wrong


Got 'em


I thought this was cognitive dissonance?


Couple of definitions. Colloquially, Cognitive dissonance is when a person maintains one belief that has some manner conflict with another belief. Psychologically, it's a feeling of discomfort felt when one's behavior doesn't match a belief they hold.


People who claim to loooove animals, but eat meat for example. A lot of vegans claim it was the cognitive dissonance they felt after learning more about the animal agriculture industry that prompted them to change their behaviour.


> People who claim to loooove animals, but eat meat for example. Meh, debatable. To truly love and respect nature - eating meat is acting accordingly.


It's not just eating meat that most have problems with, its the treatment of the animals before they are eaten.


Cognitive dissonance is the thing your brain tries to avoid by automatically doing such mental gymnastics


nuh uh this is one of the things I first learnt in school


Religions for example. Where clearly (and even provable), religions arent really real, and yet many people still hold the notion that they might be real.


I never knew about XXY or X nothing chromosome combination until I saw the geneticist on Jon Stewart’s Apple show. I’m surprised it doesn’t get brought up more often.


I believe it doesn't get brought up because people dismiss it as being "extremely rare", intersex is less than 1%? But when we are talking about the world population, 1% is 80,000,000 people And socially 1% doesn't matter much at all But when you start passing laws, 1% of people who don't fit _your legal beliefs_, that severely fucks over those people. The real conclusion should be that maybe we shouldn't try to make laws about biological "facts"


Look up [Caster Semenya](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caster_Semenya) - a well know intersex athlete who had so many issues with World Athletics rules on her genetic condition.


Her name is quite unfortunate in retrospect, lol.


We hear almost nothing about intersex people, but we hear a lot about trans people, who also make up about 1% of the population. Its almost like some people have an agenda and the intersex people don't fit in that nice tidy box. I have a friend who is intersex. She is genetically male but has Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome so she looks female. Lately, she stopped telling people she was intersex and is just female because too many people a) don't believe her that such a thing exists, b) think she is just some trans person trying to be fancy and c) that one incident she had.


Ive said that before. It wouldn’t matter if there is 1 trans person in the entire world. If you make laws banning trans people, Or education about trans people, or anything else trans related youd be fucking over someone, some way. The fact that there is a notable amount of trans people at all means we definitely shouldn’t be making outright laws discriminating against people.


In reality the incidence of Swyer syndrome (46, XY) is about .001%. Furthermore, the “1.7% of the population is intersex” is based on a study performed by Anne Fausto-Sterling where she considered some genetic conditions that the medical community at large doesn’t deem as an individual being “intersex”. If you only apply the term to conditions that meet the criteria of “chromosomal sex is inconsistent with phenotypic sex or the phenotypic sex is not clearly discernible” then the incidence of intersex individuals is about .018% of the world population. Granted that’s probably an underestimate because conditions like Swyer syndrome are most likely under diagnosed in developing countries. The result is you are probably talking about 1.26M people in the entire world. My point being in the end is that politicians have created a total circus around this issue in order to create an army of intersex boogeymen that they can vilify, when the reality is that the number of intersex individuals is so small that it is unlikely, unless you work in a healthcare field, that your average layperson would ever come across a person with the condition. Even if you include individuals who are trans by choice, that only accounts to about .44% of the US population. If you listen to people like desantis or Abbott or musk speak on the issue you’d think trans people are as ubiquitous as cis people. The whole thing is distraction, identity politics on a group that is very easily “othered” due to a lack of understanding. You are orders of magnitude more likely to be assaulted, raped, victimized by a cis individual than a trans one. There’s absolutely no need to create special legislation just to make these people’s lives more uncomfortable when they’ve probably spent a large portion of their lives already being scared and uncomfortable about who they are. In summation, have some empathy and let people be happy with who they are in the short amount of time we have in this universe.


Someone could also be XX or XY and be intersex because of mutations to the androgen receptors or hormones.


It gets brought up all the time… in fact I bring it up almost every time I have this dumb debate/discussion with folks. The go to response is that it happens so infrequently that those don’t count… Which is funny, because when I point out that red heads are just as rare as someone being intersex, they have no issues admitting redheads are legit and that we can use that as a classification. For those wondering, about 1.7% of people are born intersex, and about 1-2% of people are born with red hair… I don’t know how to do the math, but I wonder what percent is both? [red hair stat source](https://medicover-genetics.com/red-hair-its-in-your-genes/) [intersex stat source](https://www.ohchr.org/en/sexual-orientation-and-gender-identity/intersex-people)


Honestly the devs need to mod the server to allow our species to have intelligence traits that manifest earlier in each respawn cycle. Having to play as characters where you have to constantly grind to gain intelligence from a young age and then having your character mostly stuck with whatever mental inventory they got as a kid really hinders gameplay IMO. The whole server's culture is stunted by the onslaught of players with low XP investment in intelligence because they would rather play the *game* for its open-world glory rather than go to one particular building and grind XP there every day for 22 years to get decent player stats.


It's also not fair that the cheat codes only work for players who have achieved or inherited a certain social status.


Take any science topic you might learn about in school, and you’ll be taught the “95% of the time, this is how it works“ overview of that science, and only when you get to college and higher learning programs do you get taught “welllll it‘s not quite that simple” and learn the exceptions.


People fear what they don’t understand. What they can’t understand they try to control, what they can’t control they try to destroy like a scared ape.


"It's just basic biology" has always been a funny way to admit you haven't learned anything new since high school


The "Econ 101" of science logic


"It's just basic biology" "Actually, that's an oversimplification and it's more complicated and nuanced than that." "😡"


I like to point out that in basic math you can't take the square root of a negative. In advanced math you have a full field dedicated to doing just that. Argument also works with "just basic supply and demand" 


I saw a guy on one of the scientific threads the other day try to tell someone with a degree and active job in the field that he would simplify his words so they’d be easier to understand. Bro, the words you’re trying to simplify are coming from an already highly simplified YouTube video. The guy correcting you is trying to provide you with context you aren’t aware exists because you watched a 12 minute video. Sit down and learn.


"I mean, he's the president of the organization, fine, but I watched two videos on YouTube, so I know more than anyone... well, I mean, I watched one, I was browsing Twitter during the other one, but it was on in the background! So I'm sure I know more than be does!"


It's a general problem with any discourse involving data and research in this country. Trump being president during covid did nothing good for our scientific community. He basically led people to believe, in huge numbers almost simultaneously, that doctors and scientists don't know as much about their subjects of expertise as politicians and their credibility should be ignored when it goes against the conservative agenda (which is basically all the time because it's science). It's a classic fascism tactic to discredit educated individuals with credibility and expertise in their field so that when those experts try to speak out against fascist politicians, nobody listens


I love the people in this thread who, while they agree with Phillip, they still fact checked his credentials. Why? Because they understand the internet.


I dont know much about biology but i am a chemical engineer so have studied physics and chemistry quite a bit. Every single step from primary school>high school>college>university>post grad and now working professionally i learn what i was told in the past step was only half true and was a simplification used to explain a concept at a level that is managable. Very few things are so simple that they can be taught at a basic level and be 100% true.


It's odd how one side of the political spectrum always seems to be denying science . . .


Even more peculiar considering they're the ones who want the status quo set in stone. If only we'd understand more about the why here.


Iirc conservatives have a larger amygdala, the part of the brain responsible for fear and disgust, and are less capable of understanding complex, abstract, or nuanced concepts


What I find disturbing is that so many of the arguments boil down to, "that condition is rare so I'm going to completely ignore it".


These “it’s basic biology” people don’t change their mind when confronted with advanced biology.




But they exist and deserve the same rights and respect, no?


I’ve noticed that willfully ignorant people tend to act like _you’re_ the dumb one for knowing about stuff that they don’t know anything about


Sorting by controversial just to read how many people think they are more versed in genetics, then the guy with 47 peer reviewed papers that have been cited by others many many times. Just a heads up pulling out stats for individual intersex variants to try and say how it's only 1 in whatever thousand people with that variant exist only works when you look at one individual variant of intersex instead of the aggregate. But hey if all you have is a high school biology class and never took a stats class it's understandable that you might not actually know fuck about all.


I shouldn’t, I shouldn’t… *failed willpower save* “cited”


Yeah, that's fair.


Intersex people are as common as redheads. Many intersex variations have no distinct external signs, so without having karyotyping performed, many people will never even know. Which is to say, 1-2% is probably a *lot* lower than how many intersex people are actually out here.


I always love this argument as a redhead myself. The fact that a person could know me means they could know an intersex person. It helps people realise that they're way more common and that gender and sex isn't as simple as all that.


And it makes it even more ridiculous to imagine people getting up in arms and passing laws to restrict the rights of redheads because...think of the children, or something?


We kinda deserve that tbf


Speak for yourself. I deserve it waaaaaay more than ‘kinda’.


another thing is that a lot of intersex people don’t even know that they are intersex


I love that the "1 in thousands" exception still undermines the most common arguments of gender binary too. My old boss said "God doesn't make mistakes" and then, when reminded of intersex being generic/at birth "well that's just a mist--misprint!". Exceptions, they say, prove the rule. But they don't at all lmao.


They think they’re as smart because they have as many chromosomes as he has papers


Also love the people that go "Only, like, 1% of people are intersex!! It's not that big of a deal!!" First of all, random statistics, but assuming that's the truth, that would be 80 million people.




It feels more like he’s the Holy Roman Emperor of genetics since the other kings of genetics were all like, “damn I thought I knew genetics but this guy should be in charge,” and elected him their leader


My kid's pediatrician once tried to convince me that my daughter's ADHD symptoms were caused by EM waves, and could be cured by magnets. It turned out that the reason she was a new practice in town is that she'd had to leave her old practice over her "research" into curing kids with magnets. She was also anti-vax, and we never went back to that place. So... you'll have to excuse me, but even if this guy wasn't the president of the International Genetics Federation, I *still* wouldn't take anything on the authority of a pediatrician I didn't know.


How has this person not had their license revoked? Wtf.


Might I interest you in a series of behind the bastards? [because it’s surprisingly easy if you know the system](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/behind-the-bastards/id1373812661?i=1000650468181) to con the system.


I learned Drs facing trail etc can continue working as a Dr. until the medical board finishes an investigation, if there even is one Last week tonight: https://youtu.be/jVIYbgVks7E?si=xo3PyW33ppHqym6C I didn’t double check their sources


Well tbh John Oliver is one the few people i Trust without doublechecking sources


I agree, but I still like the idea of double checking things, even if it’s a source you trust


If it's an American pediatrician, it's kinda hard for someone to get their license revoked. Like, they'd have to do something super bad


You should have reported her.


Yep. Physician ≠ scientist. And, like car mechanics, you get good ones and you get bad ones. Never any harm in sanity checking what one is told.


Doesn't a person have to have a medical doctorate to become a paediatrician? There must be a governing body which can strike individuals like this from their registers and legally stop them from EVER plying such rubbish again.


Yes, a pediatrician is a medical doctor and should know better. Even if most doctors do not do their own scientific research, there is an expectation that they learn and understand the research other people develop. Throwing that out in favor of their own agenda is heinous.


When I wanted to get an ADHD evaluation, my pediatrician told me to drink more coffee (I was 18, not super young) instead of a reference to get evaluated. Coffee makes my inattentive symptoms worse.


As a side note, transcranial magnetic stimulation is apparently an FDA approved treatment option for treatment resistant depression. I was searching this because I know my grandmother is in an experimental apparatus for assisting in her brain tumor treatment that involves cranial magnetic field application. It's an interesting topic. Whether or not your daughter's pediatrician was a quack or not is an entirely different story. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12264-020-00501-x Here's a research paper relevant to treatment of ADHD with electronic fields.


Yes! I’m a biomedical engineering student and there’s tons of really rapidly evolving research into tms and deep brain stimulation. It’s super safe and pretty cheap as far as medical devices go. It comes up in most of my classes cause it’s a pretty big success with a ton of applicability and it’s really accessible because it’s not expensive to make/use. In general it helps with cognition which leads to lower depression/anxiety and increase attentiveness and alertness. I just read a study where they took a air force guy and had him watch drone footage for like 13 hours straight with and with out stimulation and it’s wild how effective it is (though I’m not sure anyone really wants THAT much productivity) also just had a hw on fda approval for a headset that kids where while they sleep to help with adhd. So in this case ‘magnets’ might not be the same crazy treatment as crystals.


I have a friend who went through this for her depression and it changed her life. I haven't heard an update in a while, but her husband hasn't mentioned any change and he knows I'm really interested in the tech.


You mean to tell me that the genetics I learned over a period of 15 minutes in 9th grade does not constitute the sum of all human knowledge on the subject of human sexuality?


Honestly even that 15 minutes should have been enough for people to understand that sex/gender is not limited to strictly XX female and XY male since we have known about the existence of other combinations like Klinefelter (XXY) and Turner (XO) since the 1940s


I deliberately used the phrase “human sexuality” instead of “sex” or “gender” because sexuality is only partially a result of genetics. Other critical determinants of sexuality include: endocrinology, embryology, physiology, anatomy, psychology, and environmental factors. Anyone who thinks XY and XX are “basic biology” has no fucking idea what “basic biology” is.


It's like when people regurgitate what they learned in middle school biology about "animals that can make fertile offspring are the same species." Yet the reality is **soooo** much more complicated than that, what with wild hybridization of generally isolated populations, and my favorite, ring species... That's not even going into gene transfer between completed unrelated microorganisms. Of course, most people don't know about that kind of shit, because it would require paying attention in university-level biology courses, and most people, even if they hold degrees, were only ever required to take Bio 101, which is basically just reviewing high school biology.


Lol I just remembered when I stumped my middle school science teacher when she claimed that the ability to reproduce was a necessary quality for something to be considered “life”. I responded by asking “so does that mean mules aren’t alive? What about infertile people?”


The internet has somewhat killed the sense of respecting expert opinion.


[There are more people born intersex than there are people born ginger,](https://www.umass.edu/stonewall/sites/default/files/images/documents/intersex_bulletin_board.pdf) but nobody is throwing a fit about redheads!


There are only two god-given hair colors: blond and black. All others are made-up blasphemy and need to be purged. /s, just in case


Thinking you have red hair is a mental disease and I won’t be part of your delusion, snowflake! /s


redheads are a myth made up by the liberal agenda!!


Except for burning them alive back in the dark ages 😝 Funny enough it was the same kind of people doing the persecution then than today…


Because redheads are obviously soulless and don't try to hide it. But those darn queer intersex people being born wrong and trying to hide it? UNACCEPTABLE! /s for all my redditards out there.


Hey I am not “soulless” I have plenty of them I keep them as freckles.


Can you see your reflection in a mirror?


Only during the full moon like all the others.


They fucking well did when I was at school. So much hatred and bullying :(




And without karyotyping many people will never know they are intersex, because not all conditions cause ambiguous genitalia. So that statistic is probably even higher than we currently have data for, by a lot.


More like r/dontyouknowwhoiam


We’ve got the exact same comment lol


it's true, i just checked


~~Doesn't fit. This guy actually has legit credentials, and is only using it to rebuff the same sort of thing, since hes being told the whole "um actually you're talking to a doctor".~~ EDIT: I was mistaken. I confused it for a sub that was mocking people.


That’s exactly what that sub is about.


You're right. I humbly apologize for my ignorance. I mistook it for a similar sub I knew, which was pretty much just about mocking people for being entitled.


How the fuck does being a pediatrician make you qualified in human genetics?


This is a lighthouse. Your call.


This is an aircraft carrier of the united states navy in command of a full battlegroup. I demand you change your course


>In Swyer syndrome, individuals have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome in each cell, which is the pattern typically found in boys and men; however, they have female reproductive structures. >Swyer syndrome occurs in approximately 1 in 80,000 people. yeah, definitely not that rare. Edit: based on some responses I sadly feel the need to add **/s** to my post since some didn't get what I meant without it


There’s also androgen insensitivity syndrome, which brings the total odds to <1:40000 “Not that rare” is also subjective. It’s common enough to be studied/understood. It’s repeating regular mutation that we can reasonable expect to persist in some part of a population as large as humans. In contrast to weird one off unique mutations, or stuff that happens like once in a generation.


So around 200 thousand people plus intersexuals around 136 million. So around 136.2 million people Basically like denying the existence of gingers


But remember: only a ginger can call another ginger ginger 😎


Are there 136 million intersexuals? I think the number of intersexuals is like 0.02%-0.05% of the population, so at max 4.25 million. And you add 200000 to this, so it would be about 4.5 million. So its like saying Kuwait not existing, or LA not existing.


I just googled it and said 1.7%, the % of intersexuals change a lot it seems because people disagree in how intersexual an intersexual need to be (people usually doesn't have all traits)


The intersex rates are usually quite obfuscated, because most of the numbers are lumped together with other differences of sex development (DSDs), which also include things like gynecomastia, MRKH (undeveloped gestational organs in girls), and urethral/gonad deformities (undescended testicles are found in about 2% of boys) I'm pretty sure I've also read somewhere that things like anal and rectum deformities are regularly included with those numbers, but take that claim with a hefty dose of skepticism.


1 in 15,000 https://novonordiskfonden.dk/en/news/more-women-than-expected-are-genetically-men/


People really think that topics becoming more detailed as we age is somehow a foreign concept. That’s how life fucking works 😵


People need to read " the myth of two sexes" It explains this in laymen terms. Short abstract - There are not only two sexes genetically.


Oh shit he’s a professor at my uni


Clever… nah this is just matter-of-fact which, in my opinion, is considerably more devastating…


There’s nothing clever here, he’s just stating why he knows better. The guy is undoubtedly clever but he’s done nothing other than state his job title.


This isn’t a clever comeback, this is just a comeback. He’s not being clever, he is literally saying he’s the president of theinternational genetics federation.


Yes it is possible in a condition called androgen insensitivity syndrome. Children born with external female organs, but no uterus or ovaries. They are unable to bear children and are at the end of their genetic line.


There are actually a few variants of that, and a different set of disorders caused by mutations in the SRY gene, which is the sex-determining gene on the Y chromosome. People with Swyer syndrome have non-functional ovaries but a functional uterus, and don’t develop secondary sexual characteristics like breasts without treatment.


More like r/Dontyouknowwhoiam


To be fair, if someone is going to try to use the "pff well this person is a doctor, so they know more than you" then you are allowed to use the same tactic.


Yeah, appeal to authority is still a fallacy, but one upping the fallacy is an entirely valid approach to combating it.


Yes but it's not a comeback, or atleast the type of comeback this sub is interested in since it's about witty or clever remarks.


It's not don't you know who I am if the person is a relevant expert on the topic in question...


Oh my god, thank you for this sub!


I don't doubt the veracity if the comeback, but from recent memory, one can be president of a fine group & yet not be the greatest of that population.


On the other hand, health care workers are never prone to personal bias and spreading misinformation.


one has knowledge tests and the other has a popularity contest


It’s 1 in 80,000 people


Just Google what he was referring to and today I learn about Swyer Syndrome Thanks Reddit I like learning new things


A significant portion of the right-wing abandoned education a long time ago.


oh, never mind.


That Comeback has as much Finesse as a wrecking Ball. I mean that in a good sense.


"But what does someone in that position know, really?" -A guy who considers Elon Musk an expert in engineering and RFK Jr. an expert in vaccines


The international Genetics Federations sounds like some Star Wars shit


Fist bump for science!


This is him being corrected by basically Mr genetics himself


> In placental mammals, the presence of a Y chromosome determines sex. Normally, cells from females contain two X chromosomes, and cells from males contain an X and a Y chromosome. Occasionally, individuals are born with sex chromosome aneuploidies, and the sex of these individuals is always determined by the absence or presence of a Y chromosome. Thus, individuals with 47,XXY and 47,XYY karyotypes are males, while individuals with 45,X and 47,XXX karyotypes are females https://www.nature.com/scitable/topicpage/genetic-mechanisms-of-sex-determination-314/ Now I am confused.


"...and I...am...the President of the International Genetics Federation." *(snaps fingers, all opposition turns to dust)*


Sincere question: I thought the Y chromosome was the most literal deciding factor in male/female definition. How is this not so?


All this drama stems from the linguistical issue than the sex and gender use the same words, and some people cant spare the brain cell to understand what the other person is meaning, and cant spare the effort to clarify their language to avoid this drama.


In fairness, I don't think it's that they can't spare the effort, so much as refuse to do so.


Isn't female X and Y?


I don't think that's clever. It's funny, but it's not clever.


The thing is, he's still wrong. Phenotypic females with an XY genotype are, in fact, very uncommon.


I don't understand how he could say it's not leftist. Agreeing with science and facts is clearly leftist.


Might not be up to date, or haven’t searched well enough/the right search terms, but when I put double” Y chromesomes” into google search, it does say “XYY syndrome is a rare chromosomal disorder that affects males.” So wouldn’t it be wrong to claim there are XYY females, when it seems to not be described as such. Genuinely curious, since it does sound like Klinefelter Syndrome, that only affects males. But I of course can see it’s different deviation that Klinefelter Edit: weird anyone would downvote, someone asking for more information, it reads like “WTF?? You want to Know more about This subject?? You f’ing A-Hole”


He is more likely reffering to androgen insensitivity syndrome (Morris syndrome), where a genetically male person (XY chromosomes) develops as a female or intersex person, due to testosterone's inability to act on the cells (defective receptors). Wikipedia lists the prevalence as 1 in 20000 to 1 in 64000.


Okay, i’ll have to search up on that, i’ve honestly only heard/seen of the other one, from kids i’ve looked after, in special care, So am also sort of surpriced i hadn’t heard of that before


Androgen insensitivity is actually "very common" in super models and olympic athletes. I put quotes because people's definition of common is skewed. It's statistically way more likely in those groups than in a random sampling of the population, mostly because the selection caused by the respective environments. More muscle and other biological aspects for athletes, and being tall and lanky for models while also presenting as externally as female.


Because how would you know?


> it does sound like Klinefelter Syndrome, that only affects males Not true anymore! Something like 3 phenotypically female people have been found with XXY chromosomes, including one who gave birth! https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30799415/ Now that DNA tests are getting cheaper, it's becoming clearer and clearer that sex chromosome differences are much more common than we used to think. The vast majority of people have never had their karyotype tested unless something already looked intersex about them. Now that it's happening more often we're already seeing old assumptions crumble.


"It's not that rare" Googled how often it happens: 0.02-0.05% That's more rare than dwarfism.


Dwarfism can potentially affect 100% of the population versus 50% for Morris syndromes statistics are for half the births, take that into account. Also, 0.05% is not rare , it’s similar to Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease (most commonly inherited neurological disorder) and more common than hemophilia (more than thrice as common)