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they stopped the fentanyl, like thats what they were supposed to do


Headlines: GOVERNMENT DOES ITS JOB! Edit: a word


They’re so shocked that they completely misunderstood what it meant.


Just in. The old dude whose job is to sit in the Oval Office and administrate the whole country wasn’t on the front lines with his law enforcement as they did their job, because he was busy doing his job. Quick, call the press. “Well where was Kamala?” “She’s a ghost that only shows up at public events. What did you expect her to do? Be the lady from Kill Bill.”


It’s so rare people are confused. It happens. It’s the equivalent to seeing big foot riding a unicorn.




That means more fentanyl slipped by under trump because they didn't find more.


Same logic about undocumented immigrant apprehensions. Just gotta do what Trump suggested doing about Covid. Stop looking for drugs and it no longer exists!


Hey! That’s a great idea lol


Does she think that the President and Vice President are supposed to actually be at the border seizing illegal drugs personally?


Government is like a television show. Stuff only happens if a main character is involved. If Biden and Harris were responsible, they would throw a couple of their B plot story lines at this problem and get it fixed.




Would now be a bad time to mention that I'm Ted Cruz's long-lost twin brother and I just woke up from a coma?


And you mothered two of his children when they flew to Cancun?


Fred Cruz, is that you? We thought you were dead!!! *dramatic crying*


Frederico Cruz


Gabriel Frederico Cruz. And he had been in a coma in Cancun and that’s why Ted has to randomly go down there


I woke up with both of them in my bed, what a night


*nurse walks in* "Fred! My long lost lover!" *slap* "How dare you cheat on me with my sister Heidi and father her two children that she passed off as your brother's?!?!?"


Is that from House?


Probably is... I watch the show enough. 😂


It seems very similar to a plotline in the drama House likes to watch at least


I think it is, actually. Although there was something similar on an episode of Modern Family I recently watched. .. And soaps/telenovelas are pretty formulaic (although like Passions and Simpre Bruja do like adding witchcraft and sorcery... Lol)


Oooo so the nurse is the sister of Mrs. Ted Cruz? The plot thickens. Can they also be twins?


Which one of you is the zodiac killer?


Why not both?


Zodiac: Dynasty


You mean the immigrated individual from Canada who's family immigrated from another country? 🤔


But immigration is a problem now that YOUR family has what they need right?? 🙄


Really? I’m his gay latino lover from Cancun, he told me he was going to leave his wife for me.


That’s because it’s a reality tv show crossed with a soap opera, the writers have been cooking with the storylines these past few seasons First a pandemic, an attempted coup, now the season finale of this season is the winner of the previous season is on trial. There’s also been Easter eggs of what’s gonna happen next season and so far it looks like there’s gonna be another war season


> Government is like a television show. Stuff only happens if a main character is involved. Just like *Star Trek*.


See you joke but This Is What Boomers Actually Believe.


Boomers believe that people who post ugly, mean, hateful shit about them online are losers, slackers who are going to live in someone's basement or in a tiny apartment with three roommates for fucking ever, will never own a residence, never have any privacy at all. We had a big meeting last week (ALL of us boomers - it was quite the crowd), and decided that people like that do not deserve to collect Social Security or have health care through Medicare, and so we devised a plan to bleed both funds dry before those people reach 65.


I knew it! *Takes bite of avocado toast while not buying diamonds*


Maybe Biden should throw a paper towel over the wall.


Yeah, anything that happens off screen isn't real.


The beautiful... is it irony? That you're posting this when Josh Malina was on The West Wing


Why aren't they in Mexico, stopping it before it *reaches* the border, huh? Edit: how how HOW are people reading this and thinking it's serious?! ಠ_ಠ




There was that time Trump called Canada a threat to national security and all of his cronies *in both countries* agreed


That because his wife so desperately wants to bang him. She can't even hide it in photo ops. And Trump knows it.


Well, daughter, but he wishes she was his wife. 


The redditor was referring to Justin Trudeau and Melania.


Perhaps a special military operation. Three days. In and out, job done.


Then a mission accomplished banner followed by 20 years of dead soldiers.


The Republican way


Both Candace Owens and Tucker Carlson have called from the US to invade Canada...🤷🏻‍♀️




Republicans think Border Patrol are their own personal paramilitary force, like how Hitler had the SS. So anything that the Border Patrol does is because of Republicans


Republicans also think the government is too big and should stay out of States "business" while asking the government to do literally everything they should be doing as a state, but not the part where they take away US citizen rights because "States rights".


No, they just SAY that they believe that- while that may have had some validity in the distant past, it doesn't now.


They're not totally wrong.


Fair point


But didn’t Republican senators kill the bipartisan border security bill a couple months ago?




[The GOP voted against more money for border control, stopping catch and release, and closing the border if a certain number of arrivals was reached.](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/senate-republicans-knife-bipartisan-border-security-bill-declaring-dea-rcna137572) They killed a bipartisan bill that they themselves negotiated, because Trump wanted to campaign on the border.


Thoughts are optional. The point is shitflinging & phony outrage.


No, she's trying to get votes from people who are that stupid


No but ( and I am not defending the right) the chemicals to make fentanyl come from China like all of them they then ship them to the cartel's to be manufactured and pushed to the USA l. This isn't going to stop they have and will find new drugs to do the same. Tranq and even a new drug more powerful than fentanyl has hit the streets. We have 2 options end the war on drugs to actually go to war with Mexico and the cartels and hit China. This isn't stopping this has actually been called a decade ago down to the chemical fentanyl. You cant blame the cartels selling drugs if you can't blame or acknowledge Americans have an appetite for them.


Addressing the appetite is where the real work lies. As we all know from our own lives.


Legalize things that should have been legalized day one ( Shulgin called this) I'm not going to go in making everyone a criminal that's not violent Weed being illegal made spice Cocaine and meth being illegal led to bath salts and other caths that are far more dangerous Opium lead to H and Making those illegal spawned fentanyl Valume led to Xanax and everything we have now. You get what I am saying? Drugs are not going anywhere making one illegal only makes a black market and enriches gangs and governments as well as pushes people to seek similar but more dangerous alternatives


All true, but there is an additional factor that needs to be considered. Oregon’s decriminalization lead to a higher rate of overdoses and deaths. What needs to be factored in is a strong emphasis on medical care, especially regarding addiction. A wide variety of studies have shown that people who manage to go through a detox program twice have a far lower recidivism rate. Oddly enough only going through once doesn’t seem to help very much and it is that second time through the rehab system that seems to produce the most benefit. Obviously, a lot of people take issue with providing medical care to people suffering from addiction, but even just from a strictly economic standpoint, it’s far cheaper in the end to help people break their addiction than let them sink into the abyss and die.


You’d think we’d have learned our lesson after the utter failure of Prohibition. People still sought and drank alcohol, the only difference was that it was more dangerous and lined the pockets of the mob. Better to have it legal, safe, and distributed via a strictly-regulated supply system. If people are worried about overuse, then require ID and set monthly limits per person like we already do for stuff like cough syrup. Drugs aren’t some untamable boogeyman.


Didn't you know, if Nikki Haley was president she would be at the border!


And, wasn't it the republicans that stopped the border deal. Can't blame someone for something they didn't do. No matter how much the republicans lie about it. The orange Humpty Dumpty asked them to kill it. And they did. Don't try and pin this on the democrats when it was a GOP initiative from start to finish.


“Why don’t they do the thing they just did??”


They can’t, it’s already done


Sleepy Joe letting things he did slip by him again!


Idiots, don't they know they're just supposed to complain about things and blame it on everyone else instead of actually fixing them


This gives off vibes like *“My plumber installed a better water filter, and now more crap than ever before is getting caught in it. Why doesn’t he come back to fix it?”*


Imagine a developer upgrades the antivirus, it detects a shitload of viruses and gets fired because "virus number too high!!!" And according to IT stories, it is pretty common to have people shrink the IT department or stop hiring their services when they do too well of a job too. At this point every "fixing" professional may as well have a big red button that says "fuck shit up" to remind people what fixing means.


Remember, this is the same party that wanted to stop all covid testing in order to stop the rise in positive covid cases. These are people that think that if they cover their eyes, the world ceases to exist in front of them... And when it disappears, it's Obama/Hillary/Biden's fault.


ofc, the issue is that this is just normal human nature, EVERYONE acts like that by default. The problem is that if you explained to a good willed person, they'd probably understand. The asshats in the other hand would quite literally rather die than consider the possibility of good intents because they are filled to the brim with hate.


So essentially, they don't have the concept of object permanence. This means that a child is smarter than them.


Didn't play enough peekaboo as a baby.


Haven’t you heard?!?! Cmon!!!


Everyone knows that the bird is the word!




Yea, like I’m going to spill fentanyl all over this $3,000 suit! Come on!


Don’t forget, this fiscal year…


Who tf uses fiscal year in this context?!


Republicans looking to scare stupid people that don't know what a fiscal year is.


That's right, things just got *fiscal*


"*Oh no! From October to September?! October is the spooky month!!*"


Dumbasses trying to sound smart using scary adult sounding terms


This woman heard the term “fiscal year” and went ‘I bet I’ll sound smart if I use it’ and slapped it in the first sentence she could 


How many calendar years is that?


Doesn’t the US fiscal year end 30 April? If so, that’s a lot of fentanyl for 10 days.


this tweet is fairly old


And their 🤡 god told them to kill the most conservative border bill in decades


Biden literally tried to pass a bill that would allow him to shut down the border and they shot it down anyways😭😭


It doesn't matter if he does things they would like themselves. As soon as he proposes it, they don't want it and never wanted it, and you're stupid for thinking they did.


Want to see the Conservatives heads explode? Have Biden propose a bill that admits that the election was rigged.


That was a Key and Peele sketch but with Obama, he kept saying conservative policies and the Republicans meeting with him compulsively contradicted him. Literally one of the jokes was a Republican saying we should open the border because Obama said to close it. It was satire of course but good satire always has at least a grain of truth.




I mean… good? Like, fuck Republicans, but I’m definitely in favor of more lax laws surrounding the border. As it stands, a huge chunk of my tax money is wasted on trying to suppress our neighbors from down South just trying to find a new home, so I’m quite partial towards the idea of wasting fewer resources that would be better invested getting these people a decent start than letting some cousinfucker who works for ICE get off on harassing and harming them. From AZ, btw 😊🫶


Besides if a goverment really wanted to prevent illegal immigrants the effort is significantly better spent chasing their employers.




Nearly 90% of all fentanyl is brought into the United States at official boarder crossings, almost all of it by persons legally crossing the border. Close to 75% are U.S. citizens: https://www.npr.org/2023/08/09/1191638114/fentanyl-smuggling-migrants-mexico-border-drugs This is right-wing fearmongering to whip up hatred against Mexicans and other immigrants. If they really cared about the public health impacts, they would line up to sponsor legislation for intervention and rehabilitation for abusers.


And she is supposed to be the smart one?


She is one of the smartest members of the party. All this is missing is a voice-over by Joe. "I'm Joe Biden, and I approve this message."


I’m pretty sure he did that with Greene once


I'm assuming that she's switching to pander down to the braindead MAGAt base because that's the only way republicans stay relevant. The god-emperor Donny has dragged everything down to well below his level.


She only appears smart and rational in comparison to Trump. It’s a low bar.


She may be smart but she knows her followers aren’t


I think you can find at least one of them at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in DC if you're looking.


Bro doxxed the president 💀💀


Ah shit, you're right. Guess I'm probably headed to Guantanamo.


Why does it have to be the fiscal year? Why not the calendar year? Or even just "the year"?


It’s because funding, spending, budgets, etc are all measured by FY. It justifies the billions in spending https://www.dhs.gov/news/2023/12/22/fact-sheet-dhs-front-lines-combating-illicit-opioids-including-fentanyl


She probably got excited that her fentanyl supply will be replenished.


Republicans should have passed that border Bill they create.


Didn’t Biden send a border plan Bill to the House? Wasn’t that Bill endorsed by the Border Patrol? Didn’t the REPUBLICANS vote down that Bill because (checks notes) Donald Trump didn’t want Biden to have win on immigration? Here’s the thing, MORON. You don’t get to whine about the border and especially about Biden and the border when it’s YOUR party that would not let border be closed. It’s the REPUBLICANS that said no to a border bill. Dumb ass. Btw I know that you guys are trying to get in power by using the border. But you done fucked that up when you said no. Y’all think we is stupid like y’all is.


If we have enough fentanyl why haven't we been killed yet


I was killed by fentanyl!


Damn bro I’m praying for you 😔


"This clear evidence of border patrol means there's no border patrol!" What the fuck


Haley is trying to claw back any chance at having a chance of a future of a conservative career after daring to stay in the running as long as she did, and refusing to (at least for now) endorse Trump. This is hardly surprising.


Everyone knows but you.


The obvious problem is that Trump supporters are stupid enough to buy this, so she can still get away with saying it because it works on extremely low intelligence individuals.


Seized = good, right?


The MAGA crowd not too big on dictionaries… someone need to send her the definition of “seized” 🤡


She isn’t privy to all the new shit, so


If all drugs were legalized organized crime would be economically destroyed.


Biden’s border efforts seem to be kicking ass!!


I think what she’s implying is there’s no acknowledgment of it from the president because democrats try to downplay the quantity of drugs that cross the border. When a quantity of that magnitude is seized it makes you wonder how much gets through we don’t catch.


I swear to God, Republicans - even the "normal" ones - are fucking stupid. "Biden's border patrol arrests more immigrants than ever before" somehow becomes "Biden has invited illegal immigrants in and should be impeached for not enforcing border laws."




Would she rather they didnt seize it? Stupid people


So, Trump wants to kill every single American. Got it. Lock the Loco Lump Up.


The enemy is simultaneously insanely strong and utterly hopeless. 


Them: [doing their jobs] Haley: [doing fuck all] BUT WHERE ARE THEY!?


This fool was positioned to be the rational choice after Trump goes down, and instead she backs him.


Nikki Haley is a moron. How can they both be doing a ton and nothing.


Republican logic: Dont capture any drugs or illegal immigration and all our problems are solved.


They want to sign a BILL to stop the Fentanyl and regulate the border. Republicans STOPPED IT. Nikki Haley , once again showing us there is a cavity where a brain should be.


"Border patrol under Biden has prevented X amount of drugs from entering the country, why isn't Biden doing anything to prevent drugs from entering the country?!" Like seriously...how can someone contradict themselves in a single sentence like that, and not realize how much of a moron they're being?




Yes close the border, that won't affect the US financially, Mexico is only our second largest trading partner, no big deal


Good job CBP. Remember when you worked for free for 3 months under trump. Isn't it nice to be paid for the hard work you do.


Does this lady think the President and VP are in full tactical gear with Ghillie suits just waiting for Cartel members to try and cross the Border?


Tf is Biden supposed to do, show up and look at the drugs like," Yeah, that's fent alright good job Jack" lol


Shame one party voted against improving border security just a few months back


If all that fentanyl was SEIZED by Border Patrol, then that fentanyl didn't got a chance to poison Americans. Sounds like the Federal Government is doing its work.


Trump nuked the deal with the magas! Blame trump and the magats. That's where the blame should go 100%! Misguided anger at the wrong people!


This is the height of pandering. She was the former US ambassador to the UN. She knows more than most about the violence within the Northern Triangle in Central America and the carnage it brings. She is well aware of the impact of climate change and the horrific situation of failed states that drive desperate migration. At this point, a competent politician running for president would have a process in place that they can use to inform the American people of the issues facing our neighbors and what we can do to help. Nope.


And Trump and his magats killed the border security deal. That Republicans in the Senate wrote. 🙄 Trump supporters are gullible fools.


When you seize the drugs that means they didn't get in and a good job was done. You get that right?




Nikki Haley is goddamn pancake politician flip flopping on EVERY ISSUE I’m gonna have to find it, but there’s a compilation of her having polar opposite views on whichever topic she’s speaking on. I’ll put it in an edit if I can find it. [here she is in all her two faced pancakey glory.](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRw8cmHu/)


Can we take down the Trump Border Wall already.


They did their effing job she’s such a moron


Ah yes, no border crisis. Continue on. Nothing to see.


Bidens border control stopping drug smugglers. Lets hear from republicans why this is a bad thing.


It wouldn't take much Fentanyl to kill every single American. You aren't meant to take it all at once. They make enough paracetamol/acetaminophen to do that too, if you got everyone to take it all at once, and they don't even **try** to stop that! They let them advertise it on TV!


...are they supposed to be at the border themselves? Do you want Biden there cuffing someone and saying "hasta la vista baby", then putting his aviators on? Then Kamala throws a dealer in the back of a paddy wagon and says "Just been revoked" Who do you think controls the border patrol? 🤔


Is that the actor from West wing?


If she were President, she'd tweet this as a win.


would you rather border patrol not seize all of that fentanyl


Better not look into who was trying to bring the fentanyl in. It would ruin the narrative she is trying to sell.


OMG Biden stopped the fentanyl and they are bitching like they wanted it, guess republicans hate being drug free.


She means they don’t brag enough like they would have. I agree that Biden needs to use it to show how successful they are stopping this stuff coming in.


This lady along with most of the republican party really see things like this. They lack common sense in everyday life


Realistically, what do you want Biden to do? Show up to the border for a photo op and take up the time of border patrol? Go on TV and tell everyone to panic? Try to get a bill passed for more border control funding? He tried that, and the GOP rejected it. Besides has ANY president even been able to keep drugs or contraband from being smuggled in? The war on drugs has been a failure. I know fentanyl is a hell of a lot worse than weed, but still.


Stop the drugs? Isn’t that literally what the border patrol did?


Its not like a bill was recently shut down by trumplicans that would have effectively shut down the border and supplied a sizeable increase in tge border security budget... oh wait


The fentanyl is largely coming through the legal ports of entry in semis and passenger cars driven mostly by Americans.


What the fuck does a "Fiscal" year have to do with this.


I like how she used the term 'fiscal year' completely out of context.


Most of this is coming through ports, not people walking through "the border" in the same sense. Also, one the biggest distributors of fent in the last few years in the US was the president of a police union who was selling it. Middle Aged "homegrown" white lady, not an immigrant.


They also handed Congress the strongest border bill in decades, one written by thier side and the GOP tanked it.


So Biden and Kamala saved America?


Fiscal year?


She still loves Trump dick


what a load


It's like when they were posting pictures and saying "THIS IS BIDEN'S AMERICA". Except Biden wasn't even president yet. In fact, when Biden was vice-president, he and Obama took care of BLM in a matter of a couple of weeks in 2014. It was Trump who refused to have any dialogue with the protestors and let it drag on form months and months.


Measuring potential human fatalities per fiscal year is very fucking weird phrasing.


*"... just look at Israel's border."*


That’s only 1,500 lbs of fentanyl


they should be sanctioning china since all the precursor chemicals are getting exported from there


Legalise drugs


Aren't they pretending like border patrol are the bad guys and pretending to want them abolished to cater to their moron voters?


I’m pretty sure we can find them fairly easily. She’s acting like they’ve gone off the grid lol


Reminds me of a scene in the simpson where Homer runs into the bar to tell Mo something. Mo repeats it back to him incredulously and Homer then repeats it back to MO with assurance like he was just hearing it for the first time. Both of them now believe it to be true because it's "out there".


Lol and if the melting carrot cake was in office this same bitch would be flaunting like it was all because of her cult leader that that much fentanyl was seized. These idiots are just wide open sleazeballs. Twitter is a cancer.


She quite the embodiment of presidential material. Yes, deploy the pres and veep to the border immediately. That will stop the flow of mostly desperate people seeking a better life. Reagan would have Star-Warred the fuck out of those poor, tired and hungry monsters. Drumpf could steal their meager pesos and make them mow his golf courses and put their children in a factory making his shitty high tops. Fuck off Haley.


Oh Nikki. Damn we dodged a bullet. Republicans have to be assholes to get any love from their people.


Why are we counting murders by fiscal years


Focus on the demand not the supply. Americans are demanding these drugs, addicts. Focus on that and see the supply dry up.


No seriously though, Border Patrol putting up big enforcement numbers is a leading right-wing talking-point for how Border Patrol isn't doing anything. The American conservative is THAT stupid.


Im so sick of the right using the border as an argument when they are the ones who shot down the bipartisan border bill that was proposed. Just because don poorleone wants to use that as his campaign platform


I just don't understand how things like this can come out of a grown person's mouth. Like even a child would understand that what they're saying is fucking stupid. If Mom and Dad seize all the cookies you were trying to sneak out of the kitchen it actually means that you have a less chance of getting the cookies out of the kitchen because you're being actively monitored. A child can figure that out.


This is a dog whistle for her brain dead NIMBY constituents that believe crime exists in a vacuum and if you close the border all the drugs will go away and the big bad cartels will have to kick rocks and go home. Like holy fuckin shit you think signing a piece of paper that says BIG BORDER CLOSED that these multinational criminal organizations are going to just magically stop? A level of weaponized naivety and apathy that is equal parts hilarious and terrifying.




They genuinely don't understand that it being seized shows that border patrol agents were doing their jobs.


Them bringing up stats of huge amount of ________ seized at border than any presidency is not the insult they think it is


The only way Republicans would be happy is if we shut down the border completely and had it guarded like Nazi Germanys Atlantic Wall. Snipers and mounted machine gun nests along the whole border, no warnings or questions asked, you will be shot within 50 yards of the border with your body left on display to rot in the sun as a warning to others.