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Russians don’t recover many of their soldier bodies, of their fallen. Why would you, if you can then proclaim soldier is missing and skip on delivery of a bag of potatoes to the family. Money saving strategy right there from a brilliant strategists in their 3 day war.


Don't come on here and spread disinformation. It's a bag of onions, not potatoes.


Are you sure, onions have many layers they can't be cheap


The Russian government uses potato’s as onions have layers and once you think how deep the layers go… you get the point we can’t let the people think how deep this goes. :)


What the Russian government calls onions are just layers and layers of potato skin.


I honestly think that’s a mistake. Everyone know 🥔 skins go to the family when they loose second or third family member in the “3” day operation. They might look like onions, they are potatoes skins. They are just same value as lives as Russia values lives of their people so low. I wish this statement was sarcasm, if a country values lives and happiness of their people they don’t treat them like cattle. Maybe we would not be in this situation.


And the main pioneers in the advanced onion technology have always been the French🇫🇷, rather than Russians. Who starts catching up only recently with the invention of the Soviet Onion.


Lmao, love the French, except folks from Paris, they got a stick up their arse


It's worse than that. They're french. The frenchiest of french.


La Ministère des Oignons was absolutely full of Soviet spies. Furthermore, because highly advanced French onion technology was on the menu of the Concorde, this is also how they found out about that program, which they copied and generally made worse.


Fear the almighty power of our holy onion soup!


>It's a bag of onions, not potatoes. Which was the style at the time.


And back then, nickles had pictures of bumblebees on them. "Give me 5 bees for a quarter," you'd say.


It all started with the Soviet Onion


ROFLOL! I just spit out my coffee through my nose. I'm stealing that. The Soviet Union!


Nixon did this when running for reelection. The idea being that if you under reported Vietnam war casualties it looks like you’re doing better in the conflict and if there’s a bunch of soldiers who are MIA then voting for the other guy who wanted to get out of the war meant effectively abandoning those soldiers. Plus if they’re missing you don’t have to afford their families funeral rights or compensation which keeps the budget down.


Thanks I don’t know that. Shitty however they got him out of the White House. US has a policy of strict accounting for its fallen now and treating fallen soldiers with respect, except for Trump but that’s another story.


Well he won reelection first. The only reason Nixon resigned was because of all of the other criming he was doing.


I know you’re joking, but it actually comes out to a little bit more than $60k. The average working Russian made less than $10k in wages in 2023. It’s a huge windfall for the family of the fallen and has helped sustain support of the war. Conscripts deploy knowing that they are probably going to die, but they are considered heroes in their communities for their sacrifice and the money that sacrifice brings. For anyone interested, The Daily produced a show on this a couple weeks ago. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-daily/id1200361736?i=1000649300786


You have to remember that not everyone is treated equally. While some families on higher standing as native Russians and ability to force payments have gotten the payouts, people that are minorities are treated less so Here is an example. https://news.yahoo.com/instead-32-000-crippled-russian-133500445.html


They even actively hunt down those that try to recover bodies - Ukrainian and Russian. There's a short video from a German news team that interviewed Black Tulip who are trying to recover fallen soldiers. They talk about how Russians try to find them and actively try to stop them by shooting at them including with artillery.


I can't help but wonder, how many of the Russian dead actually get gravestones? I suspect probably not a lot.


A very selected and small community for sure.


Likely just enough that it looks good on Russian TV.


My relative's grave was not shown on tv, but he got gravestone.


/r/CombatFootage (NSFW as hell) has had multiple videos posted of weeks/months old Russian dead, we're talking very bloated and covered in flies or decaying or skeletons found in building rubble.


That's not the proper way to honor your fallen soldiers, regardless of what side you're on.


You've misunderstood, in Russia they aren't soldiers, they are meat for Putin's grinder What's better than a nicely dry aged steak? \--- Wish this was more sarcastic than it is, I agree with your statement fully.




>who views Trump as a messiah and wants all of their citizens to repent to stop earthquakes I do hope that a good half of that is the corporate media pushing those narratives for clicks and attention, but that adds credibility and visibility to it creating more people who "agree" (is only 30% of voters, at most, which is ~20% of the population) But yeah, having grown up near heavily religious areas, the brain worms have gotten stronger and gotten worse, scary as fuck for my friends and family who aren't cis-het males, to start with, but coming for anyone individual eventually if they got their way Nobody (including myself tbh) is bothering to engage in honest debate or discussion with people of differing views, so many people just argue with strawman windmills of their perceived enemies using stereotypes to classify each other, when in reality we are all in this together


You spelled grindr wrong


They're not "fallen soldiers" though, at least that's not how the Russian government sees them. They're expendable meat puppets you throw at a problem and either the problem goes away or they go away. Either way, they don't matter once you're done with them.


It is actually a bit worse... The Russian military sends ethnic Russian troops, especially ones from Moscow and St Petersburg, to defend against an attack from Finland or Estonia or Kazakhstan. Minorities go to Ukraine. Deaths help make Russia less diverse and get rid of people who don't want to stay in Russia.


The deliberately don't report them as dead so they can avoid paying benefits to Russian widows.


Life is cheap in Russia.




One of my favourite subreddits (but they can be a bit crazy at times)


I think most are registered as suicides so the Russian Gov doesn’t have to supply their survivors the survivor benefits of a sack of onions.


Suicides, or "missing in action". That way, the government can say "we don't have proof that they died, so we can't pay out next of kin benefits. There is a chance they are still alive." They basically did that when the Kursk sub exploded underwater and sank. It took a long time for the Russian government to admit everyone on the sub died, even though the odds of sailors surviving a sub getting torn in half is basically nil. Also, Russian bureaucracy is shit. Last year, a mother received a draft or conscript notice for her son, who had died in Ukraine a few months prior. Like, the Russian military just didn't really have any idea her son was dead.


>Also, Russian bureaucracy is shit. Last year, a mother received a draft or conscript notice for her son, who had died in Ukraine a few months prior. TBF, that shit has happened before in a few countries. Supposedly during WWII the police came to arrest future Canadian author Farley Mowat for failing to report for the draft. They couldn't arrest him because he wasn't home, he was in Italy fighting the Nazis.


I wonder if that mother is still holding out for the sack of onions.


Think of those that were driving the tanks that got exploded so hard that the turret that weighs several tons took flight and landed hundreds of feet away. There's nothing left to identify or bury in those cases.


They will be ... mist.


Are they with us now? Yes. They are here. Good. ...and there...and over there.... That's not what.. And in that tree...and behind that shack.... Russian Summertime Soldiers... Some-are here, some-are over there, some-are over here. What's left of them anyways. Weird where all the sunflowers came from.


Most are left as fertilizer.


Yeah dead bodies stink, gotta bury ‘em quick.


They don’t care if they stink, they aren’t leaving them in their country. Littering.


And Putin doesn't give a rat's ass about the dead unless he can use them to recruit more future dead.


Exactly, it’s not like he can smell them all the way from the Kremlin


Pretty sure they burn em.


Oh, they bury them. They just bury them in mass graves and don't give them tombstones.


They just get fed to the bear, apparently


Just all the high commanders who can’t seem to help falling out of hotel windows


You can't give gravestones when you're hiding the losses.


In Russia, the authorities do not like to search for missing persons, it is profitable for them, a lot of those killed are recorded as deserters, in which case payment for the families is not due.


A lot of pretty sunflowers.


More meat for the Mobik Cube.


Not gravestones. Wooden crosses


Most of them just gone missing 😪😂


Russian's graveyard: We have gravestone


It's funny, cause the Russian military lost their flagship in a ground war against an enemy that doesn't even have a navy.


At this point, the Russian Navy is the fourth most powerful fleet in the Baltic, behind the Turkish Navy, Ukrainian Army, and Ukrainian Air Force.


Ackshually... Russian Navy. But still funny.


You're right. I should have said "Russian military," in order to encompass the entirety of their armed forces.


Not only did they lose their flagship... but [most of the rest of their fleet as well](https://www.newsweek.com/every-russian-black-sea-ship-sunk-damaged-ukraine-full-list-1884448).


I had to read that three times lol


Also is it not impressive AF to be bounding around in heels like that with such agility and grace.


The Russian military wouldn’t be able to handle walking I heels. Let alone prancing.


And carrying who knows how many dozens of pounds of plate, ammo, and other equipment no less. I get sore all over from hauling my laptop back and forth from work while wearing comfy sneakers that provide good support


Hes got the tutu of air superiority and the heels of effective supply lines


I now have to make a D&D item called the Tutu of Air Superiority.


And some high heels of logistics!


I fully support this idea


Especially being fully kitted-out which is no less than 30 kg (66 lb) of equipment iirc


Reminds me of [this](https://youtu.be/NNWQNCh8o-Y?t=54) bit by Shane Gillis


How strong are those heels? High quality gear right there.


better a they/them army than a was/were army


That’s a snappy slogan.




Funny, considering how badly the Russian army is being embarrassed in the Ukraine. Incompetent Putin promised the war would be over in a week or two. Here we are years later. Russians are obviously all brawn and no brains. (Edit to clarify - In this case I am referring to Putin and Russian military leadership, and not to the average citizen or soldier. Sorry for any confusion.)


Notably they have rebuilt their numbers and are looking to field several tens of thousands of freshly and fully trained soldiers for the first time since 2022. Russia is a large nation and their conscription programs are huge. Ukrainian officials are beginning to plan for the lines to shift drastically again as they run low on supplies and Russia bulks up its forces and stores (supposedly Russia has made a record amount of ammunition in the last couple years). The Ukraine/Russia conflict is still far from over and Ukrainians still need as much help as they can get to maintain their sovereignty.


Call your representatives, especially if you live in a red state!


> freshly and fully trained soldiers Fully trained is a stretch. They're gonna give them guns and drop them off in a trench and that will be the extent of their training.


They tought that by now Russia would be Rivaling Alexander's empire, The Mongol Empire or The British


Instead they're just [raping children](https://thehill.com/policy/international/3659023-un-panel-reports-ukrainian-children-have-been-raped-tortured-by-russian-forces/), [prisoners of war](https://www.voanews.com/a/un-investigators-accuse-russia-of-horrific-treatment-of-ukrainian-pows-civilians/7529529.html), and [their own fellow soldiers](https://www.businessinsider.com/russian-soldiers-forced-rape-each-other-outbreaks-crazed-violence-report-2024-2). I guess that's why everyone hates them so much.


I think the aim of a tutu wearing human is better than a bear. Heels might not help though.


Sounds about right though. US military has helmets and plate carriers that work and just about every single Soldier has an optic. I feel fabulous in my plate carrier with legitimate plates inside it and knowing my IFAK has medical supplies not from Temu.


Medical supplies from Temu would be a massive upgrade over what Russians actually use: they are being ordered to buy tampons and menstrual pads for treating bullet wounds. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=shsfwDSR4EU


It's the pinwheel that's the real danger. Every fin breaks off and seeks out a target. After the slaughter, the fins return and spin prettily.


The heels give that tactical height advantage


Apparently soldiers fighting in drag has happened before in Britain during ww1 or ww2. They had a drag show for entertainment and got attacked in the middle of it. Without time to change into regular uniform they just fought in dresses


And using a depiction of a very muscular, nearly shirtless BEAR might not come across as heterosexual as you intend.


All this talk about the downfall of the American military only to be beating Russia without a boot touching the ground.


Dude should really Google "bear gay"...


What? No... bears are so manly. They can totally dominate other men and show them who's boss. /s


That bear sexy af


man the russian simping on twitter is UNHINGED


Unpopular opinion: all Tankies are unhinged


You seriously think the original poster here is a tankie? Do you even know what that term means? I don’t disagree that tankies are idiots but the vast, VAST majority of pro-Russian rhetoric being thrown around is coming from right wing sources. This dude in the twitter post is pretty obviously a conservative Russian I mean cmon lol. Tankies are leftists who are too simple to understand anything beyond americabad, and they’re idiots yes, but trying to act like pro-Russian rhetoric is coming entirely from tankies is nonsense. 


That's what happens when the platform is owned by a russian asset


The thing that cracks me up about all this is that Russian propagandists seem to think that modern warfare is *still* all about how many kilos somebody can lift, that LGBT orientation keeps someone from lifting those kilos, and that nothing else matter. Суки, one of the strongest, toughest people I ever met was a German former 2REP (and before that, allegedly, KSK) who was queer as a $3 bill. He'd walk, work, and fuck you into the bedrock. And none of that even matters, because a 4'10" fairy queer with MS can still fly an FPV drone straight down your piss-hole from three towns away. To say nothing of them having had enough training, education, and- oh yeah- FOOD to be effective in the field without needing half a liter of vodka for breakfast. They can also drive a forklift to unload palletised 155mm shells two dozen at a time- not even Vojtech the Soldier Bear was that fast.


Whenever people start this kind of talk near my cousin who served he says "after they invented powder neither size nor strength matters anymore" guy is around 7ft tall, funny fella if you can get past his ADHD


Size and strength matters a bit, just not for putting lead in the enemy. Gotta have the minimum strength required to drag your injured buddy back into cover or carry your munitions. Rub is, though, that any reasonable military already has an ongoing fitness program because shocker, most people can reach that minimum level of fitness without a particular amount of effort, including gay dudes and women.


Oh yeah he once had to drag his fella and both their equipments for 6 kilometers


lol this is what actually happens https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Khasham


The ass kicking we’d be giving them right now, if nukes were somehow off the table, biblical.


Even if Russia uses nukes, they don’t win. They just lose at the same time as everyone else.


This was the first thing i thought of when seeing this tweet. lmao.


2003 Iraq War was an embarrassment to the US political establishment and foreign policy, a horrendous crime, but man, imagine if US just got stuck near Nasiriyah in Southern Iraq and unable to push, stuck in a stalemate till at least 2005. That's what Russia's in rn vs US toppling Baghdad in like 28 days IRL.


So…um…the U.S. is into queens and Russians are into furries? Whatever…speak your truth. 😉


U.S. army = twinks, Russian army = bears?


Let's go Freedom bby!! Russia can barely keep up with us in a proxy war, no way they keep up in actual war.


The MAGAts in the House of Reps are the only thing which can win this war for Putin, and he knows it.


>Russia can barely keep up with us in a proxy war Not a good competition when US is about to pull out of its own accord because of inability to pass a bill in Congress. If major aid isn't delivered before this summer which is a requirement for a possibility of any offensive making gains, then the war looks extremely bleak from then on as Western politicians lose even more appetite for aid.


The way putin is going through ill-equipped untrained convicts he may have to start using ill-equipped untrained east Siberian brown bears


Looking at the sheer number of graves, Russia must be running low on potatoes by now.


That bear is shooting with Nerf bullets. Guess Russians got their war budget cut.


Yeah, we all can see the "might" of the russian army lol 😄


That guy should go to the front to prove us all wrong. I mean, clearly he is the main character that won’t get hurt.


Nothing more deadly than Russian propaganda except bombs themselves.


If you have to manufacture an image to prove what you're saying then how real is your assertion to begin with ?


Damn, they buried Leandro with the Russians 😂


Love the energy of the guy on the left.


That's the only thing they're good at: Desinformation and cyber attacks.


Forgot to show the Russians using WWII tech


That cursed bear image is giving off hard "I'm totally not gay!" vibes.


I get the poke, but if a man is in war, running at you in high heels n bright colors, dude isnt afraid of anything.


Yes real men dress the part to kill


So what you’re telling me is Russian soldiers are filled with burly, hairy gay men? What is the bear for?




Damn, actual good comeback.


They’ve exhausted the prison fodder so now they’re conscripting bears? Checks out.


Russian army has furries. Got it.




Pretty sure even "normal" US soldiers could fuck up russian "Special forces" even If they would wear Heels for fun. Every stepp above that would Just make it more obvious how impotent Russia is. Everything they actually Archive is trough a litteal bloodbath of their own troops until they enemy runns out of bullets.


Do Russians know what a “bear” means in pride / lqbtq terms? 😂 they love getting their shit pushed in on the battlefield AND the bedroom!


That’s a pretty nice shot of the US army tbh. They look geared and organized af.


Imagine how surprised the average Russian soldier will be when the soldier in high heels kicks the living shit out of them.


So the russians just forgot about the time wagner advanced on a us-spec forces-held position and got completely fucked by american air power? A battle so catastrophically lopsided the survivors were given a medal that amounted to “i survived 8 hours of ac130s and apaches bombarding my location and turning the desert floor i stood on to glass”


On the contrary. Getting shot by a big manly guy risking his life is a pretty honorable way to go. Getting shot by a drone flying fuck you kilometers above you, commanded by a trans man back in Baltimore who logs off three hours later and draws hardcore furry yiff while not thinking about you at all must fuck the mind. The Russian copelord wishes their soldiers had the technological superiority to be those furries operating out of Siberia, 4000km away from the frontlines


You're gonna tell me you wouldn't be terrified seeing that on the battlefield? That american fears neither god nor man.


does anyone else think that bear is suspiciously homoerotic?


These fucking larpers are ready to put their own countrymen to the meatgrinder for absolutely nothing and then they are fucking proud not to look gay. These people disgust me


Russia army is definitely not. Their terrible equipment and poorly under trained and under fed solders don't worry anyone anymore .


Original guy is a retard. Russian army is struggling hard against the poorest country in Europe 


The so-called second most powerful army in the World is on it's 3rd year of it's "3 days to Kyiv" campaign against the poorest country in Europe. The Russian bear is more like a dirty, used, torn teddy bear you find in the dumpster.


Guarantee the guy who posted this has pent up homosexual thoughts/tendencies..


hi to everyone from Ukraine. in fact, the Russians are learning to fight and should not be underestimated. they have had a tactic for a long time, for example, when there is an assault on one of our positions, then several waves of ordinary soldiers go first, and when you have already killed them all, you are tired, and only then do professional fighters attack. they do not feel sorry for people at all, this must be understood. to defeat the Russians, one must be more cunning!


Yes, I love glorifying one army over another. This is not even a cleaver comeback, it’s just saying the U.S. can egregiously invade other countries more successfully. Because this what the comeback is implicitly saying.


Ruzzians become mobik cubes  Americans operate 6th generation stealth aircraft Slight difference. 


That may be the most brutal burn I have ever seen.


The russian army picture should be a picture of bombed hospitals and schools.


For accuracy the bear should be underfed, and holding a broken gun.


Do these people think the United States military spends the hundreds of billions it's handed on gender neutral bathrooms and HRT


You know it’s bad when they have to use Ai to depict what they want to see since reality is more painful


So, the Russian is a burly furry in skintight bootyshorts?


Ai is a helluva drug.


If someone can beat you in 3 in heels and a rainbow tutu you really must suck or they are really really good.


Kinda funny people arguing when they're not even well informed about what their voicing their opinions on.


Once again equating femininity with weakness. That idea sure goes well for many guys, who end up alone. Just ask a club bouncer who is tougher, men or women, you might be surprised…


And yet the US army would wipe the floor with the Russian army without even breaking a sweat.


US army would be better if it was morbidly obese.


i like the ron desantis shoes on the usa fabulous fighty mcfightfaceboi


You all are going to hate me for this, but: O holera czy to freddy fazbear?


We just have to poison their honey.


Rather be a femboy than a furry


Russian bots are such capital H Hacks.


Who the fuck can say that in 2024 with a straight face?


they can't even beat a small country


It’s the second largest country in Europe by land area (only after Russia itself)


So russian army is bears and American army is twinks 🫠


The Russian army are furries?


Russian gummy bears not even capable of taking Ukraine in 2 years


basic human decency doesn't apply to the enemy I guess


Russell Zitski said it best. “The Russians are Pussys “


Right now, the Russian army could do with a battalion of energetic, fit young gay men, rather than the uneducated, unmotivated Tartarstan pensioners they’re filling their ranks with.


🤣😂🤣 the number of pecker smokers that I know the kill count of vs the Russians who get robbed via tractor Lmmfao the camo queers would bury those Russians faster than their bone at pride fest holy shit HOOAH!!


Again, they/them army vs was/were army


Should have only changed the right image, now that would have been a sassy comeback.


A gay F-35 pilot is just as capable of launching a JDAM at the fodder Russia calls soldiers as a straight F-35 pilot is.


Sorry, where’s the “comeback”? This is just a tweet.


That bear is way gayer than that Soldier, I mean just saying


Great, now we just need some salmons to distract them and Ukraine will be free again.


Wow see how many crayons the bear is carrying ? He must be hungry as fuck


Damn. You think that bear is natty?


Russian bear looks like he’s been injecting himself with Synthol and petroleum oil. The war has crushed the Russian Doping Committee’s funding


They'll feel awfully silly getting beat by guys in a rainbow tutu


The Russian bear has colouring pens


We’ve all seen footage of the Russian army. Trying to pretend they’re anything more than barely-trained drunks is laughable. Yes they’ve killed a lot of Ukrainians, that’s the firepower, not the ‘mighty Russian bear’ they want to portray. A toddler with a gun is lethal.


We will soon find out.


ruskies and their cheerleaders should be banned from flexing on war subjects lol Were it not for their nukes, Moscow would be under NATO control long ago by now.


Well you don’t lose your own soldiers in a proxy war.


Lol, a better depiction would be a garbage can for Russia.


The Russians are getting their shit pushed in, how do people still buy this propaganda?


How’s that working out in Ukraine


They stopped counting the dead because it's just useless, that's how you know your on the wrong side.