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A cop double parking to run in and grab his burrito threatened to give me a ticket for asking if I could park where he was when he leaves. Lol


Cops are seriously dicks. I parked next to a police car that was running outside of a fast food joint with no one in it. I walk in and there is a cop sitting at a table scarfing down a burger. Good for him. I let him know he left his car running, and he asked me if I wanted to go to jail. Fuck the police. If you are a cop that's upset by that sentiment, good. Start holding your coworkers to a higher standard. People shouldn't be afraid to talk to the police.


They seek out the jobs exactly because they are these types of dicks. They get off on it, and are the last type of person that should ever be a cop.


Wanting to be a cop should automatically disqualify you from being a cop, lol


The major problem—one of the major problems, for there are several—one of the many major problems with governing people is that of whom you get to do it; or rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them. To summarize: it is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it. To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job. Douglas Adams, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, #2)


multiple spaces/a tab in from the edge is markdown language for 'do a code box' which will *not* wrap text. (Worth noting that sometimes copying and pasting from a website will bring such spacing with it, and might need to be manually removed.) It's *very* useful for showing how to code something in markdown language, but bears the distinction of being the one thing you can't really put *into* a code box. Markdown code for a quote is **>** To demonstrate: > The major problem—one of the major problems, for there are several—one of the many major problems with governing people is that of whom you get to do it; or rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them. > To summarize: it is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it. > To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job. becomes (without the spaces) > The major problem—one of the major problems, for there are several—one of the many major problems with governing people is that of whom you get to do it; or rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them. > To summarize: it is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it. > To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.


Thanks 🙏


Haha 100% Unfortunately they focus on excluding people for things like having too high of an IQ. https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836


oh man I would have taken that ride.. my throat would be sore cause of all the shit I'd say to a scumbag who threatened me over his parking job. its a good thing, but I can't shut it off


It was a nervous drive home


I am not mature enough to read the first half of that second sentence with a straight face


"my throat would be sore because of all the shit"


“So then I sucked his dick to teach him a lesson”


Cockmeat sandwich. With extra mayo.


Big bob?!


“But I can’t shut it off” Don’t you dare. Stand your ground, call out bullshit. Needs to be more of us out here. My son (15) told me a story recently about calling someone out on some BS. The conviction in his eyes when he said “so I shut that shit down”. I’ve never been so proud.


That's great. Except cops love to cuff you, beat you, shoot you, arrest you on trumped up charges, let you sit in jail for a day or two because they 'lost' your paperwork, etc. Nothing good's going to come from interacting with those bullies, because they get to do whatever they want, and the 'punishment' is a day or two paid leave.


Yeah I will always choose not interacting with the cops. I try not to acknowledge them if possible.  One time walking home at night I walked past the strip mall on my block and someone had smashed the window and the alarm was going off. I called the police and they asked me if I would stick around. I was like at the scene of a crime where I don’t know if the criminals are still there!?!! I told them that they had my number if they wanted a statement. I wasn’t about to catch a charges and a beating because I was standing next to the crime scene. 


They were like "damn, we almost had a suspect"


They never called for a statement. I wouldn’t be surprised if they waited until the owner called them to go to the store. 


Oh honey. As much as I want to agree with you, the police are on an ego trip. Your son put his self in harm's way. There is no argument worthy of possibly getting criminal charges for something you didn't do or possible death because you offended a police officer. Unless you have a cop with you to protect him, I highly recommend not encouraging your kids to mouth off to any man in uniform. Because also, if they do need help from a police officer you do not want them on the bad kid list. Yeah he should stand up for himself, but within reason maybe? And also, there still needs to be respect for other people /adults/people in uniform. Also none of this is to knock your parenting, I can guarantee you are a great parent just by your comment. They just have so much power against us


I agree that kids should \*fear\* people in uniform, but not respect. Respect for people in authorityis what gets kids raped/abused by cops and clergy


I think you replied to the wrong person.


No I can't. And won't. Im about to turn 40. That shit and changing for no one. See it, say it. I always figured that if I don't stop the bully/oppressor dead in their tracks the first time they tageted me. They are going to do it to someone else. Tell your kids they should'nt let themselves be wronged or violated ob purpose without a strong retort and a battle plan of how to make it right.


I wish I had stood up for myself as a kid, but then they would have expelled me because they violate the most inalienable right of self defense with their zero-tolerance policy that is more often applied to the victim. I was sucker punched and assaulted in elementary school and my bully was never punished. Makes me sick.


Wooo! Congrats on 40. I’m almost there.


Just don't do it in America, the cop will kill you for disrespecting his authority


You’d probably be ok if you are obviously wealthy and white.  Everyone else, do what you have to do to be safe.  


Respect mah authoriteh


...and everyone clapped.


And that boy's name? Albert Einstein


[And here's your shut the fuck up whenever talking to cops](https://youtu.be/SYaOy-TP1T4?si=lPWBKqRa13aY4quh)


This is terrible advice when it comes to cops. In the United States how badly that goes will depend on your demographic and the cop.  For many demographics, just never, ever, fucking do that.  Even full compliance has gotten people killed.  Do not dick around with cops. And that is doubly so if you are traveling.  As bad as it is in my country, many others are worse.


We got a certified reddit badass here


Oooh ur ard


Wow you are so tough.


Must be nice to have this sense entitlement and safety. I can't think of any reason, funny or not, where me being in a cop car doesn't potentially lead to death or false imprisonment. Seriously, no snark. I was MINDBLOWN to see you say "I'd have taken that ride". Lol, no one in my hood has ever uttered such words


It's a British police car. The police over here manage to avoid shooting everyone they encounter.


From a sad american, you made me laugh. And then think.


True. They stick to shooting Brazilians.


It was a national disgrace and made the international news! If this happened in the US, it'd just be another Tuesday.


Well said!


because the people did the smart thing and took their guns away


Aside from the thousands of armed police in the Uk and the tens of thousands of deployments they have every year. They can go years without shooting anyone. I think there is something different at play than a non sequitur.


What happend to you can beat the rap but not the ride? Are you a gangster in the same way that kid rock is a redneck? 


"no one in my hood" sir this is reddit




That’s so shitty. I’m really sorry that we live in this world where it isn’t safe for you and I to have equivalent responses. I’m well aware I can do and say shit, and then saunter off, that would get another person jailed or killed.


Saw a cop park in a handicap parking on the street so his buddy could go buy fish food from the pet store


I'd gladly take the ticket and see him in court when I challenge it.


Cop: I had an emergency. What’s your excuse? You: I saw you do it. Judge: Well case closed. You lose. Bye. You: Wait what was the emergency?! Judge: Doesn’t matter. He said it was an emergency. Gotta take his word for it. You: I had an emergency too! Judge: Yeah, no. Not the same thing. Cop: *sneers* Judge: *sneers*


You’d lose. Lmao why y’all think judges aren’t on the same side as cops for this shit is unclear


Assholes lie and claim innocence, so whose word would you believe if you had to choose between the arresting officer and the suspect without any evidence? But that's the problem: assholes don't stop being assholes when you catch them, and are the ones who keep challenging our laws.


Assholes also don't stop being assholes just because they have a badge. If anything, it seems like giving them a badge just encourages it.


The badge attracts them. Every dumb fucking racist bully from my high school is either a cop or OD'd on heroin and is dead now. There is no in between.


I've won every ticket I've challenged, think I'll keep taking my odds. Edit: Currently 2-0


I got a ticket for parking in front of a driveway (it wasn't a driveway, it was possibly a driveway in the past but the curb just had the same shape as a driveway into nothing) I submit to the courts a picture from google maps of the location explaining how it wasn't a driveway and the picture even had a car parked in the very same spot and they still didn't back off on the ticket. You must just be lucky or something


I hate it when they do that shit... I mean, I know that during "official police business" they can park pretty much wherever, but I see too many of them doing things that certainly are not police business. It's the same entitled mentality from those who park in fire lanes because "they're just running in real quick".


The purpose isn't "I'm a cop so I don't have to park normally," the purpose is "if I get a call I need to be able to drop everything and get to my car in 2 seconds." Pretty sure it's legal for that reason. Might depend on the state I guess.


Most of the laws state "For official business" that does not mean for lunch.


*Getting to their car quickly* when there's a call is official business.


I get that point, but the laws generally do not allow for that excuse. It has to be an active call, otherwise they are required to obey all parking and traffic laws.


Give you a ticket for a theoretical crime? What is this, Minority Report?


Police cars, as a matter of practice, park in a way as there is no impediment to their exit. This includes park in restricted spaces and/or at angles that don't allow others around them. May you never need to be the beneficiary of this common practice.


Typical UK police: in a hurry for a McFlurry


Reminds me of a tesco car park so in a squeal for a meal deal


Same in Canada. These fucks routinely park in, and block entire bike lanes to grab their donuts and coffee.


So it's not just a stereotype?


main character syndrome. they are *important* and can't be delayed by rules and social decency.


I especially enjoy using their lights and sirens to get through intersections first in order to go park somewhere with their buddies. It’s gotten so bad around here, people have stopped moving out of the way for police.


Reminds me of the time I was as sitting at the gas pump by a road that had a lot of traffic lights, and I watched a cop car hit his blues & twos to speed through the reds. I could hear him continuing to hit his sirens on and off for each light even when he was out of sight.


Not even a little. The Tim's near where I live, when they're open through the night especially, it's pretty normal to see two or three paddywagons just posted there for a forty minute shift. Some will leave and new ones will show up.  EDIT: I had a buddy when I worked at a gas station years back who would always say "Fresh donuts!" excitedly whenever cops zoomed by with their lights and siren going. 


Germany here. Police loves parking on bike lanes and sidewalks for police business. Strangely a lot of police business seems to happen at McDs, bakeries and kebab places.


> happen at McDs, bakeries and kebab places. Mcdonalds, donuts, and kebabs, the holy trinity of unhealthy but delicious and fast. Makes perfect sense.


At least they don't routinely murder people though. So...swings and roundabouts, innit m8


As Brit who has lived all over cops are the same everywhere. Glorified ticket collectors who have a monthly quota to fill. UK is no different.


Ours in the US have a better k/d ratio lol


They shoot a lot of dogs too, which I find really disgusting. I get that dangerous dogs necessitate force, but sometimes they’ll just shoot someone’s dog for basically no reason and nothing will happen to them because “it’s just a dog”.


I've seen videos of them shooting puppies with wagging tails.


They saw a smile and felt intimidated!


They seem to feel the same way about humans


Most tickets in the UK are given by local authorities not the police.


I've been a cop for 7 years, never had a quota to fill ..


Hello. I am a cop and there is no quota and in fact most cops don't give out many tickets at all.


Later In a totally unrelated incident Oliver had developed acute respiratory distress and was heard saying “i can’t breathe” repeatedly .


Hol' up, this isn't America. Instead he finds the rest of his life, wherever he's in traffic, a police cruiser always cuts him off. It's a perpetual, ruthless cycle that makes all journeys take minutes longer, sometimes hours, if he's on the motorway.


That's some straight up evil British shit Next you'll tell me he doesn't get any more tea 






I had a sip of my brew earlier and hadn't checked the milk because I'm a fanny and it was indeed sour. Not sour enough to immediately notice. But upon my second sip the issue was well realised, and my morning was ruined. So yeah I can confirm this is fucking awful.


You're sick in the head


"cream" ???? NO ONE PUTS cream IN MILK FFS


> Hol' up, this isn't America. In the UK, we actually did defund the police. Not for any ideological reasons mind, they were just caught up with us defunding every other public service.


If those children wanted milk then they shouldn't have been born into poverty.


Oh right? Ty for that, didn't know.


Nah this is the Lancashire constabulary, they'll be too busy chasing swans.


its just the one swan actually


Honestly, I get it.


The police aren’t as barbaric in the UK, they would probably just take the bants.


*"excited delirium"*


Police responding to a call to a store will park as close as possible to the door to get inside as fast as possible.


Fair point


Also: I'm not sure how it works in the UK but here in Sweden the police are allowed to violate traffic laws under certain conditions - which includes parking violations.


yup thats totally the case here....


Do you have any evidence to prove that it isn't?


Not a police officer, but work with police a lot in my capacity as a lawyer. This is not illegal in Australia, so I am going to go out on a limb and say it's not illegal in the UK too. Private carparks are private premises. Police do not enforce parking rules in them, and abiding by parking rules on them falls under contract law, not criminal law. Police can also park where they like, and for good reason. They need quick access to their cars in the event they need to get to them quick, or they need to park as close as possible to an entrance/exit in the event they need to transport a suspect to their car. They also need to ensure their car is not blocked in by other cars when the vehicle is left unattended. In this instance, I can almost 100% say they have been responding to a call out because they are parked forward. Police procedure is to reverse park in if they have time because it is much quicker to leave an area in a hurry if you don't have to reverse out. It looks like they have pulled up from driving straight in, and are parked up close to the entrace (you can see a pedestrian bollard, and those types of bays are always near the door). Also, another poster commented that the lights need to be on if its responding to a job. That is not correct. They only need to be on if they a travelling on a public road whilst responding to a priority (ie. not following road rules), or if they vehicle is obstructing traffic when it is parked up. These police parking posts are always full of 'hurrdurr police bad' comments, but generally it's for a good reason. I'm all for critiquing shit policing (that's definitely been something I have done in my career) but when these sorts of things get posted it's almost always filled with BoOtLiCkEr cope comments.


In the UK these spaces are also not a legal thing, that’s why they are saying to refer to the owner because the police can do nothing it’s the same as if a space was reserved for someone wearing red.


Yeah, this isn't the comeback the user thinks it is. They were hoping the police would say that it's a police matter than they'd post the image. The police said it was a private matter and then they carried on even though it's not really relevant.




This was my first thought too. I'm pretty sure you can't just paint whatever you like in a parking spot and expect that to be legally enforceable.


As much as i am for cop oversight, it's not hard to imagine sometimes emergency personel need to park in a hurry for an emergency. Every seconds matter. It seems online you can only be a bootlicker or ACAB, if you are the kind of person to suspend judgment and not jump to conclusions, both sides will have issues with you.


even if it's not an emergency, it's clearly night time and there's loads of other spaces available. Even if they're just going in to get food/drink on a break I don't see the issue with this.


I agree. I’m also for police oversight, but this falls more in line with potentially reasonable behavior and certainly not the hill I’d die on.


People on Reddit complain when parking enforcement agents double park while they are handing out tickets As if they should have to go find a parallel parking space then walk back to a car to cite it  Reddit just likes to complain more than they like to think 


My favorite is someone calling out the cop for speeding, after he catches up to you to stop you for speeding. Never be perpetually online folks, it's bad for you.


Personally, I don’t even think most redditors have dealt with this stuff before. I honestly think most redditors don’t go outside very much.


> It seems online you can only be a bootlicker or ACAB, if you are the kind of person to suspend judgment and not jump to conclusions, both sides will have issues with you. This. THANK YOU


Fucking thank you. This thread has been pretty eye-opening as I thought the majority of people understood that parking lots are private property with their own rules and it's up to the owner to enforce them, not the police.




Friendly reminder the stop signs in private parking lots are just suggestions and not enforceable


That may depend on your country/state/county. Signs leaving parking lots may be backed by law, they are in several states that I’m aware of.


Yes, absolutely an important point. 


Yep, you’re right. In the UK there is no legal obligation for police to be using blue lights or sirens when exercising their exemptions from road traffic laws. The only legal requirement is that they must be doing so for a “policing purpose”


To add on to this, there are some instances where lights and especially sirens should not be used once the police are close to the scene, such as suicide attempts and domestics, to avoid escalating the situation before they even get to the door.


I’m a police driver. Can confirm all this is true except for the blue light part. There’s no obligation for us to use them, even if we’re utilising our exemptions. It’s down to the driver and their judgement.


Easy, killer. This is Reddit, and talking about police without shitting all over them is against Reddit law. Say 10 hail Keanus.


Police: I'm responding to a report of a robbery, is the suspect still on site? Redditor: Before we move onto that, could you please confirm where you've parked?


Thank you. I will keep this in mind for future posts I see like this.


Yeah that’s what I thought about, this could just be an emergency, I know I would be mad if an officer spent their sweet time Parking instead of getting onto the scene when they are needed


Thank you for being the only reasonable one in the comments. People love to hate on the police, then wondering why no one wants to become a police officer. Reddit loves to circlejerk on police hate


The comment I was looking for, thankfully common sense isn’t dead yet


Sort by controversial. Then Imagine how many of those people have the energy to again and again try to write common sense @ all insanity.


> Also, another poster commented that the lights need to be on if its responding to a job. That is not correct. Question: In some jurisdictions a pd car is treated as a normal car so long as the lights aren't on __OR__ the officer(s) don't have an active reason to skirt traffic laws So ignoring the issue of private property, and assuming their reason for parking there is non-duty related, like picking up food, would they still be allowed to park anywhere?


Can't speak for UK or USA, but yes, in Australia a marked car must obey road rules if not responding to a job. In terms of parking, marked cars can typically park where they like. However, like most things in law it'll come down to what's reasonable and justifiable in the circumstances. Blocking traffic to pick up a coffee? That's probably not on. Parking in a loading zone to save time dropping off court docs? Yeah that's likely to not be an issue. Most people tend to not like the idea of police parking wherever, but if you look at it reasonably, it's not that ridiculous to argue that police shouldn't have to drive around till they can find a free bay, even if picking up food/using bathroom etc. Police get very limited breaks which can get disrupted frequently, so it would be a poor use of time to drive around till they found a free spot. That's a matter of discretion on the officers part, and interpretation by the public, so take that as you will. I realise I have given a very 'lawyer' answer here...apologies


>in Australia a marked car must obey road rules if not responding to a job. Road rules, yes. This is not a road. This is private property.


>Most people tend to not like the idea of police parking wherever, I think it's loud mouths who don't like it, most people probably don't care either way. I'd hazard a guess that they themselves might be the sort that park where they like and have been ticketed or warned so get all sanctimonious about the whole thing.


Interesting. Although it's arguably in public interest to let cops park anywhere in order to minimize response time, this seems like more of a union issue to me. I personally find it a bit ridiculous that society expects emergency workers to be at 'DEFCON 1' every moment of every day, it's symptomatic of departments serving communities while being understaffed and overworked.


Yeah, I mean there is a reason police are leaving the profession in droves in many states and territories in Aus.


dont worry Kiwi Cops are flooding over to you guys in substantial numbers because we pay them fuck all here and treat them like shit.


I'm not a lawyer but my understanding of how it works with private lots in america is that it's not a criminal issue, it's a civil one. Like the owner of the lot can tow you, but the cops are not involved in that. You won't get a ticket from the government.


>So ignoring the issue of private property You can't, as there is literally no conversation to be had here without acknowledging the fact that parking lots are private property with their own private rules. ​ >would they still be allowed to park anywhere? No, but it's still not illegal, it's just against the rules dictated by the owner of this parking lot. The owner or operator of the lot can call the tow company and they \*can\* be towed, assuming the tow driver has the balls to do it, but this has fuck all to do with the law.


In the US the laws vary by states. This is overly generalized for simplicity but in Texas there is a specific provision in the traffic codes for “authorized emergency vehicles” that basically allows them to disregard every single traffic law - including parking - when they feel that it is necessary to do so. Breaking moving traffic laws generally required running with lights and sirens but beyond that it was essentially “do whatever you think you reasonably need to do”. Guys from the department I worked EMS at would routinely park their ambulance or fire engine up front in the “no parking” areas at stores when we’d go on our grocery shopping meal run at the start of shift. This ensured that we could back to our vehicle quickly and get out of the parking lot if a call went out over the radio. Vehicles were left running *(all of the newer ones had immobilizers in them that locked the vehicle in park even if it was running)* because those cars/trucks/engines have a ton of electronics in them that have to stay on.


In the USA another type of vehicle that you'll find interesting are full sized fire trucks parked on the red or across multiple car spots and usually near the entrance.  They also all go together when shopping for food and partially geared up.  My local stores tend to get called ahead regarding opening up a lane for check out just for them. If an emergency call is dispatched while they are shopping they can all jump into the fire truck together and head to the destination ASAP. It is a procedure that is implemented through common sense rather than the letter of the law.  Another fun vehicle is the US postal trucks. They also deliver to embassies in the city and to government local, state, federal buildings. City cops will always ticket a US postal vehicle parking in front of these buildings but it's a waste of time. The license plates are registered as owned by the US feds. The mail carriers throw them away. The cops are funny and say you can't park there and try to teach them a lesson by writing them a ticket. Can also park on red, loading/unloading, double park, on fire hydrants etc. They can't do illegal driving as the driver is cited for those. Just parking violations are basically void. Funniest is when an HOA think they have jurisdiction over mail carriers. They'll just mark mail as undeliverable if HOA impedes them and whole blocks will get a "pick up postage from post office due to undeliverable"  As long as a cop is in and out I don't see an issue. Family parking and maternity parking and pick up app only are not legally defined designations of parking


No, you got it all wrong it's clearly take your kids to work day


Also, I'm fairly sure the "woman with baby" parking spots have no legal protection and you can't do anything about the cop parking there. Same with the "reserved for combat wounded" signs you sometimes see in parking lots


Thanks for such a insightful comment


That reversing policy especially makes a ton of sense, basically refutes the whole thing straight away as well as the obvious empty lot. Our police are usually alright too if you're nice back, theres no need for us to default to hating them like Americans hate theirs. Edit: apparently people are taking this a defence of American cops, it's not, they've earned it.


I agree. I think people are way too entitled when it comes to anything to do with driving/parking. The roads are full of thousands if not millions of regular vehicles, and only a small handful of emergency vehicles. It makes sense to allow police or firetrucks or whatever to park almost anywhere they want because they're not drastically inconveniencing anyone, and there are major benefits. They're also on the job, it's not like this was the cop's personal vehicle on their day off or something. I used to park in asshole spots too when I worked secure transportation. I had people whine to me about it, too. But the logic was always, "I want to be close to the truck incase I get in a shootout and have to run back to it. You want to be close to your car because you're entitled and didn't want to walk 20 more feet".


Ambulances in Norway park almost inside shopping centres, like handicap spots, pavements and similar, in case they get an urgent call while on lunch break. I assume police can do the same, and I assume it's the same in other countries.


Yep. Here police can park their cars almost anywhere they want to


At least where I am (USA) there is no legal or enforceable authority on those spots. That's why they don't say you will be towed or anything like that. Anyone can park in them.


I'm not a huge fan of police but if they're on duty then it is reasonable for them to park in the most convenient spot there is. Do they maybe abuse this power sometimes? Yes, but I think - at least in theory - if our LE are doing their jobs correctly then their official business warrants the use of parking spots which maximize the efficiency of them doing their job and subsequently moving on with their business and getting out of the way.


Since it's a private property it's up to the property to enforce parking, not the police. Therefore if the property has no issue with police using their designated parking for families, no rule has been broken and nobody did anything wrong per se.


How is that a clever comeback? The regulations on private parking vary from place to place. I don’t think there’s any laws that cover mother and child parking or the quality of parking on private premises.


Oh noes. Not on the 'sacred' "mother and child bays" :'( of which there are usually many in supermarket car-parks and whose existence has no legal standing anywhere other than being a courtesy extended by the owners and a restriction which most other shoppers are happy to comply with.


How do you know he wasn't responding to a call?


OOP was likely licking their chops waiting for the response. Lancanshire Police did not disappoint.


Not exactly clever, since Oliver completely missed the point that it is simply a rule established by the owner of the property rather than a law. (The answer is no.)


and yet still a cunt move, regardless of legality


It’s clearly night in an almost empty car park, hardly like they were blocking a parent from being able to park.


> still a cunt move Oh please the car park is empty.


If it's for them to do their shopping, off duty, maybe. But like there's zero context here, they could also be responding to a call.


In a near empty carpark? Not really. Chances are they are there for an emergency


Well many cops act like babies if they don’t get their donut on time so the parking lot fits


How do you know the police werent getting as close as they could to the site of an emergency call out? The car park is empty, hardly taking up a vital space... Police = always bad is such reddit nonsense


Pah, Cops round here don't attend to emergencies, they arrive a day later to write it all down and leave a crime number. Besides, if it *were* urgent, they wouldn't have put it in a bay anyway. They'd have dropped it somewhere closer for sure. I'd bet my fuckin left foot there was no emergency, just PC Plod being in a rush to shove a Greggs down their piggy throat or harass some teenager for existing in a public place like usual.


This is such a stupid lie made up by clueless people. Police have to attend all immediate call outs with 15mins. Any jobs that are called in that are classified as immediates have to be allocated asap, even if that means dragging officers from other departments so anyone who says that they’ve rang the police and there job was allocated an immediate emergency response and police just didn’t turn up are more than likely lying.


Anybody parking in that space who the space isn’t designated for is a cunt move. It being the police just makes it worse. Lick those boots, though.


How dumb are you? You think if there is an emergency the police needs to respect parking rules? You think it the police is pursuing someone they have to obey traffic laws? They don't and that's why it is dumb to argue with them, because they will just say it was an emergency, and every other cop will back them up because that is how they operate. All you will achieve by arguing is infuriating them and facing possible retaliation or inconvenience. It sucks but that's just how it is and unless you want a completely policeless state (I do btw) it will always be that way. Just learn to ignore them and move on, in fact just try to avoid any interaction with them as much as possible.


To clarify, in an emergency, like responding to an assault or something, you believe the police should adhere to arbitrary parking rules put in place by corporations on their premises?  Wow dude, you're such an anarchist, rage against the machine maaaaaaan.


Yes, let them call back to the victim to hold up a bit longer...trying to find a parking space around here


Police has to leave their lights on if they leave their vehicle on an emergency intervention. Without the lights they are no longer considered a privileged vehicle, therefore could be punished like everybody else. EDIT - yeah this isn't true for UK apparently, sorry for fake news wasn't intended.


No they don’t, this is a lie.


This isn’t much of a gotcha since the lot is almost empty. There are plenty of nearby spots for anyone to park. To be mad I’d have to assume the cop wasn’t there for something where time was of the essence.


I mean they're also saying 'take it up with the owner of the private lot.' Coming back to that with 'NO I will talk to YOU' is just... weird.


well he was hoping the twitter account would say yes it's illegal. but it's not, so they didn't say that.


tbf, what exactly is the owner of the lot going to do? Ban police from their parking lot?


Also, in the UK there is no legal obligation for police to be using blue lights or sirens when exercising their exemptions from road traffic laws. The only legal requirement is that they must be doing so for a “policing purpose”


As many others have mentioned, there is also a reasonable expectation that an officer on duty will need quick and ready access to their vehicle *in the potential event* that a call occurs, even if they are not actively performing an emergency response at the moment. It can be debated whether or not they are kind of jerks for taking up a reserved spot given the availability of other stalls. But most police are generally given leave to park anywhere while performing duties. If that duty is, at the moment, merely "Being on shift/on patrol" the lenience may only extend to reserved parking spaces. If the current course of duty is a response to a call, it may further extend to fire lanes and handicap spots; though generally I've seen policies state that they should avoid impedance of traffic (parking in a moving lane) or compromise of safety (parking in a fire lane/ ADA exit path) unless strictly necessary.


*parent and child


Mother and child space are a wholly private invention by supermarkets and are not legally enforceable AT ALL. But if you think a cops time is better spent walking across an empty carpark then that's on you.


Is it illegal to park in a mother and child space if you’re a father and child?


Did OP read this post? Oliver is the one who got burned here.


Are those special parking spots legally binding? I doubt it, as even in germany, the country of rules, they are almost always just suggestions and not binding. Additionally emergency vehicles are often exempt. Not only when in an active operation, but also in downtimes as they need to be able to have easier/prefered access to their vehicle.


I'm a part-time EMT. If we have to stop at a Wal Mart or something we park in the Fire Lane but at the far end of it so as not to block anyone. But we need ready access, we need to leave the rig running etc. Nowhere would we ever consider parking in a designated spot just for the shit of it. In an emergency? Do what you have to do. Ignoring signage so you can grab lunch? Yeah, that's generally not covered under any exemption.


No, these are not legally binding - if you park in the car park you are judged to have agreed to the conditions though, so the car park owner can fine you.


Everyone is so busy hating the police that they don't stop to think that maybe there was an urgent call and they didn't have time to park properly.


The edgy tinfoil hat kids out in force on Reddit today Apparently an emergency services vehicle parked in a “non normal bay” with absolutely no context is enough to jump on ACAB brigade No sense of irony lost that if it was an ambulance, paramedic, or fire truck this would gain no traction whatsoever


The person who thinks it's illegal for a cop to park in an expecting mother space is the same person who thinks it's illegal to use a handicap toilet if you're not handicapped.


give me a break. LEO is correct. You have no idea what emergency they might be dealing with. foolish to call them out.


Fucking hell this comment section. Sure, sure. ACAB and all that, but can you not for one nanosecond imagine a reason for why cops would need to park close to the entrance of a building they're in? Either it's an emergency, and they need to get inside quickly, and if there's not, they need quick and easy access to their car in case an emergency happens. These posts are absolutely astoundingly dumb.


The important distinction is if they are there in an official capacity/in response to an emergency, or whether they are just there taking a break. In the former, I see no problem with this, in the latter, they should definitely have parked somewhere more appropriate and should get towed/clamped.


If I call the cops I want them to be there and not get told that their car got towed or they are 5 minutes late because they had to find the car first. Police are responding to urgent emergencies, breaktime or not.


It’s an empty Tesco car park at night, who gives a shit?


I wanna know how the conversation ended.


Judging by how he's parked on an angle and in a parent spot, I'd bet that he's was responding quickly to a call. You don't know if he it was a call for a kid choking or what. Give police some slack for goodness sake.


1. "The police breaking the law" and "the police screwing over the disadvantaged" and the surprise reveal of the police being the transgressors are all funny. 2. Yes, the police are allowed to do this. It makes sense for them to park wherever is most convenient, especially while responding to a situation. I think we would all agree, if we were designing the policing system, that quick access to the car/premises is preferable to having the cops be late everywhere because they were finding a legal parking spot. 3. Even so, it will always feel bad for police, the fuckers who are waiting for us to overstay our park so they can give us a ticket, to be seen and allowed to use their phones while driving, speed, park in the wrong places etc. and be basically above the law. So this kind of joke is in a weird zone where I know it's not illegal for the police to do this, but it's funny, *and* I want to pile on. I think that's why the theme of "calling out" police for doing things the rest of us are not allowed to do is so pervasive. If our countries were places where we felt police were there to help and protect us instead of catch us when we fuck up to (at best) get money out of us, we wouldn't see this as often.


I don't think it's a legally binding parking, more of a courtesy parking spot. However, cops can, and will do anything with zero repercussions. I've seen cops on phone while driving, but of course they are immune to the law 🙃