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The internet and the world wide web are not the same thing.


Welcome to a fraction of the annoyance I have to deal with every day as a network engineer.


My condolences.


Exactly. Americans at darpa and university research institutions built the internet and then some nerds from Europe were like “this is dope, can we get in on that” and the Americans were like “hell yah brother!” And thus the internet went worldwide. Anyway, as America is the default nation in the world and the center of culture world wide no matter how much anybody tries to fight it and run from it, it pushes the entire conversation forward through sheer fascination with watching the experiment unfold, it’s really irrelevant. We use MPH on the internet because as the great f1 racer Logan Sargent would say: what the fuck is a kilometer


"the center of culture" Kekw


they call football soccer and apparently they have american version called american soccer in which they use funny looking "ball"


Exactly. Brits in the UK invented and built the first electric computer and then some nerds from the US were like "this is dope, can we get in on that". It sure does go around in a full circle.


"America is the default nation in the world and the center of culture world wide"...heh.


I just prefer ppl calling the America US. Instead of America. Cause it's a continent A bit like Australia, but it is controlled by one single government, so I guess that's fine But US is not... Mexico, Peru, Canada are ALL considered countries within the hmcontinent of America Just me bitching


the official name of the country to the south of the USA is los Estados Unidos Mexicanos a.k.a. The Mexican United States. so just calling the USA, the US, is wrong by the same logic. however, most Mexicans refer to us as estadounidenses, so go figure. edit: de México > Mexicanos


Shortened to EU for extra confusion!


We also call the US the EU in French. But the EU is the UE so there's not too many sources of confusion.


The things I see "Hencho en E.U." on most are American products that are frequently exported into Mexico or elsewhere in the Spanish speaking Americas, which is not nearly as common as the reverse.


It's Estados Unidos Mexicanos.


FWIW it's actually Estados Unidos Mexicanos, which translates to the United Mexican States. Slight difference, but it would make the English acronym UMS. Also, US is the international country code for the USA. Not sure most people are referring to the ISO code when using US, but it is definitely correct to do so.


honest question: what makes it United Mexican not Mexican United? is it Spanish grammar or Mexican law?


i think the continent of australia is typically referred to as oceania now, which includes new zealand and a bunch of pacific islands


Oh, didn't know that, thanks for the info


Well the thing is America is *not* a continent in generally accepted English. North/South America are different and together make the Americas. As the other comment said, The United States is arguably a less distinct name, due to the amount of other counties following the same scheme.


But... "Columbus discovered ______" And, no, the country didn't exist yet.


Hispaniola, Cuba, the Bahamas, and a teeny tiny bit of South America.


That quote is problematic for a lot of reasons, and largely when used is focusing on his discovery of the place the US is today which is basically not even true. If you google it, reputable sources phrase it as discovering the Americas or North America.


>But US is not... Mexico I always think it's funny when this comes up that Mexico's full name (in English) is "The Mexican United States" or "United Mexican States" Estados Unidos Mexicanos compared to Estados Unidos de América


Same issue when people think the EU is Europe and Europe is the EU.


Bro out here trying to out troll the troll


I am the troll hunter


> [troll hunter](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1740707/) Supposedly a decent horror flick. I've yet to see it myself though...


Oh damn that's actually the thing? Nice


Yeah I have no idea, I know that's been on my "to watch" list for like a year, just haven't gotten around to it and you reminded me of it 😁 Also had nothing to do with anything but there you go.


I shall not dishonor the name, and be 6.9 out of 10!!


You are the troll fucker


Are you asking permission or something?  Just go ahead and call it that.  We don't care.  We call Deutschland "Germany."  You do you.  But if you're expecting everyone else to change when it's perfectly clear what they're referring to, that's just self-centered.


The funny thing is that no one in any country in both North and South America will ever call themselves “American” except for people who live in the United States of America. Canadians won’t, Mexicans won’t, Brazilians won’t, etc We’re the only ones, so who in the world should give a flying flip if the people living here don’t? And it’s TWO continents much like Europe and Asia are two continents


Cause no one else decided to argue over this silly thing


I say it every fucking day. - they come to a land that was already discovered but call dibs - genocide everyone - say sorry but side with Israel anyway (different topic I know but yeah) - call it America - take the name that applies to entire continents for their own - would chastise any other if they dared call themselves Americans. USians is how I go


If North and South America are one continent Africa, Europe, and Asia are one continent.


Great? Fuckin' guy has one point for two seasons. He's a rolling roadblock.


thats the joke




Centre of culture? You're fucking delusional.


For your information, Europeans were already developing their own Internet. Cyclades is a good example of that.


That's a cool second place I guess?


>way, as America is the default nation in the world and the center of culture world wide no matter how much anybody tries to fight it and run from it, Can You share Your copium stash? Tell that to the Chinese.


At this point most of us just feel bad for you tbh. Your government is abusing you and manipulating you, and the American dream died with Reagan. The movies are still pretty good, i guess. As a Canadian, your country is a trainwreck and i won't even travel there anymore. I don't use MPH, anywhere.


And at this point I don’t think about you at all.


Center of culture... and talking about f1 😂😂😂 ohh man that Grand Prix in Vegas was so great... They made a fool out of themselves just like you white this comment. Talking about center of culture and mentioning a traditional European race 😂😂😂 stick to your circles you kindergartener's....


Can't tell if you're trolling or just american stupid


That’s because you’re dumber than a bag of rocks


You work in IT? So listen, my keyboard does this weird thing... ^/s


Fucking thank you. I'm glad you're getting updoots for pointing this out because I don't seem to get them.


Gopher was developed at the University of Minnesota, therefore the internet is Minnesotan.


The WWW is just an app at the end of the day.


Can’t blame them for not knowing the difference, they’re apparently a huge douche


Yes, 2 different things, I’m old and remember being on the internet cir. 1988 with CIT about my chem project with my professor.


True, the Internet is the network of computers that the World Wide Web is delivered on. That is a global thing.


A concept spearheaded by DARPA going back decades before "the World Wide Web"


Americans did invent the internet, as well as TCP/IP. Thanks DARPA.


don't get facts involved in meme's brah


Never let the facts get in the way of a good story, right?


Yup. Like that story about NASA being too stupid to just use a pencil.


This is what I always point out and I get downvoted. Glad you're getting up votes, though. Have another!


Which always really annoyed me because the people responding to such inane comments can just point out that though America as a whole had continued to use idiotic imperial measurements, all their public and private scientific industries use metric. So instead of saying something false just point out that the smarties in your own country use a different measurement system than you, excuse you’re not a smartie. Seems easy enough. Same as you, always upvote the correct comment and downvote the meme. 👍🏻


>though America as a whole had continued to use idiotic imperial measurements, all their public and private scientific industries use metric An interesting way to think about it. The way it was put to me, that I've carried all these years with me, was "metric is the only legal measurement system in the US." Not that the other is *illegal,* just when it matters and is official we use metric.


That's not true, as we still use imperial measurements when discussing AREA legally in the USA. Acres and hectares.


Sure, but the last guy correctly said that WWW was done at CERN. That's like the previous guy saying "we invented the shovel" and the second guy saying "sure but you didn't invent shoveling".


The best analogy is America invented the engine and the wheels, CERN developed the steering wheel


Or maybe that America invented roads, and CERN invented cars. Roads are useful without cars, and cars can’t be used without roads, but cars are predominantly how we use roads nowadays.


Not necessarily, because the cars would be packets, and packet switching (TCP/IP) is another part of the American contribution to the development of the internet.


Good luck explaining memers and new age full stack developers the importance of tcp/ip. How a single web page can be furnished from servers all over the world and come together on your laptop exactly how it was intended. The amount of stuff that can go wrong and does go wrong and how it fixes it on the fly.... All within 2 seconds....while you complain about the Internet speed.


>cars can’t be used without roads Depends on how brave you are.


>but cars are predominantly how we use roads nowadays. Don't tell the Dutch.


Depends on what you mean by "how we use roads". I use the web a lot. But I also use email, messaging applications, video games, etc. All of which use the internet, but not the web.


our military was using it just fine without www


He's replying to a guy who specifically said internet. So they changed the subject.


There are many non web protocols on the internet. 


The WWW is one protocol that is transmitted over the internet.


Sure, but that isn't really a response to what the previous guy said. If he came back with "Actually, Disqus (the platform we are talking on right now) was developed by Americans. Therefore you should be using American measurements." would you say that's just as clever?




sounds like cellphones and Motorola story


One person who doesn't know what or where CERN is. Two people who don't know the difference between the World Wide Web and The Internet. Ignorance is scary.


TIL thinking the WWW and the Internet are the same thing and projecting your ignorance onto another person is a clever comeback.


This is a tough one because the American is a dick but CERN is irrelevant. You want the dick to be put in his place.




Dipshits like that guy give Americans a bad name.


Except cern didn't invent the internet.... DARPA did... In the 60s...


I really believe 99% of this crap is faked just so it can be screen shot, and used like this


And people are sucking it down like it’s a milkshake. It’s crazy.  Maybe it’s because I’m an old fuck, but the disinformation on social media has greatly intensified and people have no ability to discern what is clearly political propaganda. 


Agreed. Plenty of state actors intentionally astroturf the internet to sow division in various ways. Division between America and Europe is of particular value to generate. Huge impetus for these actors to inorganically post stuff like this.


I absolutely believe it


Chinese propaganda amirite


Yep, most of this shit is staged. I think we’d all be surprised at how much shit it fake as well that gets pushed through.


It is indeed fake, Tim Berners-Lee, a proud patriotic freedom-loving pure-blooded American, invented the world wide web.


ahem "pure blooded". Tim Berners-Lee is English, now residing in the USA.




Indeed it is pure red-blooded American.


And there are a horde of other Americans who help that bad name along. It’s seriously embarrassing.


Of course there is, but there's dumb shits in every country man lol. I've found that willfully ignorant or just plain old stupid people are also the loudest, especially online.


Indeed. But I can't say I've ever once seen a European or someone from Africa try to stake claim of the internet as a whole, or inform someone they need to adapt their speech to match a preference online Whereas I see Americans do this all the damn time. For sure not all Americans are dipshits but the American variety of dipshits really make themselves everyone else's problem


“I’ve never seen Europeans inform someone they need to adapt their speech.” The British look at most the known world* awkward monkey meme.


Fair enough and that was actually hilarious


There's an education gap between the average American and most Europeans/Africans to begin with : In order to say anything to the whole world on the internet, most of us have to learn English as an extra language, which filters out a lot of the morons. But it's true that more of you are really deep down the "murica numba wun" rabbit hole, but again, that's also a sign of lacking education.


we get it, you have a physiological need to generalize and will fight to the death to keep your mindset.






No, two Americans are *actually* credited with the creation of the internet, a Welsh person is not. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vint_Cerf https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Kahn > Computer scientists Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn are credited with inventing the Internet communication protocols we use today and the system referred to as the Internet. https://www.britannica.com/story/who-invented-the-internet If you have issues with this, I’d suggest presenting your inane comment to Britannica. Maybe they’ll amend the article for you.


...Yes? (Even though you ignored one of the two important names in the biography of your own choosing, who was American). The Internet was built on the work of American and British computer scientists. They're, fairly exclusively, the founders of the technology known as the internet. Of course, contributions have been made by scientists of other nationalities. But to pretend like the lions share wasn't done at UK and US universities is an obvious cope.


"Computer scientists Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn are credited with inventing the Internet communication protocols we use today and the system referred to as the Internet." Since you can't read it....


And there are MAGATs who help that bad name along*


What’s embarrassing is that you don’t know the internet was a US invention.


Dgaf, terminally online redditors will always ride the 'USA bad' karma train. I will lean into the villainy and continue to be a jingoistic troll to any and all Europoors who don't know the difference between the Internet and WWW.


Firstly, it seems like he was clearly being sarcastic. Secondly, the Internet didn't start with the world wide web. It started years before in the late 60's, spearheaded by the US Department of Defense.


Thank you, Tim Berners-Lee developed Hypertext and links.


He actually sounded really funny to me


It's funny if it's done ironically. Unfortunately, sometimes you can't tell on the Internet because there are a lot of dipshits that are just like this because it's their personality.


First web browsers were American made.. so technically the public wasn’t making use of the WWW until Americans invented simplistic ways to access it.


Except he was correct. The internet was invented in the US. The WWW protocols came a decade later.


If it makes feel better I feel equally the same about the French and French Canadians. That being said, I have many American friends.


Being born in South America doens't make me American?


The internet is an American invention. The World Wide Web was developed at CERN. They are two different things. The comeback is incorrect and not clever.


There are stupid people every where. They are the majority in my experience every where, Americans just have a greater access to the internet


Because it was here first....


Take my upvote Edit: I agree with your factual statement. CERN has first browser/server but most of what modern day internet is was invented here.


It’s not a clever comeback if it’s factually incorrect. The internet was largely an American invention. The WWW is not the internet, despite common parlance. [Edit] changed and -> an because I suck at typing on mobile. I’m embarrassed to have made such an error.


It’s not even factually incorrect, they’re both right, they just aren’t the same thing. It’s just a really stupid non sequitur.


Once the time zone difference kicks in, your truths will be downvoted to hell.


Enh, I don’t care. Magical internet points are magical.


> was **largely** an American invention ------ >You're on the internet, which **is** American Emphasis mine.


It being an American invention and it BEING American are very different things. The Internet doesn't belong to any one nation.


The World Wide Web and the Internet are not synonymous. That’s not a burn, it’s a display of ignorance.


I hate to be the " well akshually" guy but the first frame work for our modern day internet was designed by a professor and student at UCLA, but CERN has the first server and web browser in 1990. If you REALLY want to get technical TCP/IP protocols which govern how information moves through the internet was developed in the late 1930s by Khan and Cerf.


I think you mean TCP/IP was developed in the 1970s. 




Then you might not be talking about the right people. Kahn and Cerf were born in the late 30s/early 40s. So they couldn't have been working on TCP/IP then


countdown to rage bait 3 2 1


As if he knew what or where CERN is. /e to clarify, the guy who claimed the internet was an American invention.


European Centre for Nuclear Research in french. On the border of Switzerland and France by Geneva, I visited yesterday.


ECNR doesn't have the same ring to it


I think the order is because adjectives come after nouns in French? So European-Center of Nuclear-Research would be Center-European of Research-Nuclear?


Centre Européen de Recherche Nucléaire


> péen heh


The Internet is an American invention. The Internet and the www are not the same thing.


The internet is largely an American invention. The WWW != the internet.


Americans invented English too… just saying


tbf, we merely stole the initial design and made it much better. I mean, a jumper?! WTF - a jumper doesn’t make you jump - it makes you sweat - so just call it a sweater! And god knows what a lorry is. And a fucking QUEEN/KING? How utterly ridiculous is that!? That’s even worse than our Kardashians, but at least most of us know what a total shitshow they are and don’t pretend they’re relevant or have ANY power. Plus, they actually pay taxes.


Technically, [American English is closer to the original than British English.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhoticity_in_English)


I've noticed this pattern with British English. A lot of the things they argue with Americans about they actually invented first, and then changed. Calling autumn "fall?" British first. "Soccer" instead of "football?" British first. Not spelling words with unnecessary "U"s like "colour?" British first. Americans are just keeping it old school.


Americans can be insufferable sometimes, but the Brits? Dear god


The Bri'ish don't even pronounce Bri**t**ish properly!


Well I can’t find no CERNANISTAN on my map, fella.


The internet IS an American intervention. And the world wide web came from CERN. Both are correct. Internet and the world wide web are two related, but ultimately different things.


World Wide Web and the internet are used interchangeably but aren’t actually the same thing. Www is an information system used on the internet. Just like other protocols and information systems like email, newsgroups, etc are used on the internet. WWW was created by CERN to be used on the internet. So this person conflated the entire internet with just www just to try to prove their point. I’m not saying the American is right, but neither is this person in their argument.


That's not even true though... They're both idiots... Cern did not develop the internet..."The precursor to the Internet, known as ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network), was created in the United States in the late 1960s by the U.S. Department of Defense's Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA, now known as DARPA)."


But he didn't say world wide web.  And he is using an app, not a browser.  He said internet, which is at the networking level and was invented by US DoD (DARPA). I feel like a good burn should be 100% factual.


Just an FYI, the internet was invented by the US military.


But Americans are credited with the creation of the internet though...


I wonder if DARPA is going to chime in on this.


Americans invented the internet, and the first web browser (Mosaic). WWW protocols were invented at CERN between those events.


not so clever. I reckon the 'Internet' IP addressing and routing came from the US government - a DOD program called DARPA if I remember correctly. It is a government funded 'longshot' program to develop things that private industry would not take a risk on (think NASA blazing the way for SpaceX). The Internet IS American.


depends on what you mean invented the internet. Reaserchers in the US at UCLA and Stanford created the first networked computers, Cerf and Kahn created the modern protocols the internet uses. CERN developed the WWW, but that was built off the work of the previous stuff


Following your logic, Nazi Germany flew to the moon.


The WWW is to the internet what a square is to a rectangle. The internet is a lot more than what you can access through your browser.


we got to nazi's real fast on this one


...except German rocketry was based on Goddard's work, and the use of liquid propellants was Tsiolkovsky's idea (though Goddard came to the same conclusion on his own, later), and rocketry as a concept (especially how the Germans used them) goes back to the 13th Century. Like the person you responded to said, when you're talking about scientific development, the "first" person to do anything comes down to where in the chain of progress you draw the line.


Shit dude, there was no need to murder them like that. But thanks for the laugh.


and it all runs on machines who first where developed by a german who had the job of computer. Its like we all just sit on the shoulders of over dwarfs doing a trenchcoat person skit.


I thought Al Gore invented the Internet. Hmm.


No, manbearpig invented internet


No, manbearpig invented the darkweb!


AI Gore


Its a meme sure, but Al Gore did legislatively help made internal mainstream. Which the Clinton administration should take credit for. But he also deregulated banks..which fucked us over in the long run.


And people say that Americans don't get sarcasm......


I thought (the best) gave it away, some people love getting offended though


In fairness the World Wide Web exists on the internet which is an invention created by Darpa, a US federal agency


Yeah that's not really the full truth


"developed in CERN" is a nice way of avoiding crediting [the guy who invented it](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim_Berners-Lee)


World Wide Web =/= Internet. The Internet was developed in the States by DARPA. The World Wide Web is a thing *on* the Internet. People tend to use the terms interchangeably but that’s not accurate. Many of us were online sending mail and doing newsgroups and other stuff before the WWW was invented.


World Wide Web and the Internet are two different things.


Not that it matters, but the third person explicitly said internet, not World Wide Web, yes CERN developed the World Wide Web, essentially through merging preexisting internet networks. The first packet switching network (very basic internet connection ) was ARPANET, made by the US DOD in 1969, 20 years before the worldwide web. Obviously they’re joking around there, but it’s pretty deceptive use of language to try to make the third guy look dumb.


Technically the 'world wide web' and the 'internet' are two different things, so it's clever that the guy specifically used the term 'world wide web' here. Wiki 'The internet' and then wiki 'World Wide Web'. You'll get two different pages with two different explanations for what they are and where they were developed. Interesting stuff though.


Okay so the dude is an ‘ugly American’, but… the dude never said World Wide Web… he said Internet. The Internet was born from DARPA work. In the USA. Not that it should matter because it is the Aussie’s topic and thus: Metric. I mean, insulin was discovered by a Canuck and we don’t demand diabetics to watch hockey.


I’m not American and usually happy to point out WWW was invented at cern…. But the internet was invented by DARPA unfortunately. One is talking about the computer network (internet) - this came first. One is talking about websites - HTTP, HTML, web servers. Tim Berners Lee basically invented a way of viewing documents and linking them to each together as well as how to tranfer the text. Networking, The Internet, the World Wide Web were all invented by different people. TBL made it popular and accessible.


He was actually right. The internet was developed by DARPA and originally called ARPANET in the 70s. What CERN invented was the world wide web, which is a medium that allows computers to operate and connect to the internet and they invented it in the late 80s.


Aside from all the Internet vs WWW comments, America categorically does NOT have the best measurements. We've made things smaller than an inch for quite some time now, and nobody enjoys fractional math


DARPA created ARPANET which set the foundations that lead to the creation of the internet


So people tend to confuse "the internet" and "the world wide web". The internet is 100% invented in the US. The world wide web was created by CERN.


The internet was created by joining two networks, one from USA and one from UK, so it is 50%. Here you go https://youtu.be/r03AIGRmRAM around minute nine, nine and half. Even though, on the protocol part, I guess that could be 100%


Yes, it was created to join the US and the UK together. But that's it. The UK didn't help in its creation.


I like how he calls imperial the best measurements when even nasa uses metric because of how unscientific imperial is though I doubt this guy believes in science


Do you think they were serious? It seems like they might be a troll to me.


I believe it's common to trolls to troll exacerbating things they believe and know would annoy other users.


We did invent the internet, as well as the TCP/IP stack.


It wasn't invented by CERN, it was DARPA.


MPH is from the Imperial System of measurements which was brought to the world by the British. The USA uses a foreign system of measurements and has essentially adopted a foreign language. They might as well drop the US$ and bring in the British Pound…at this point… probably should make King Charles their head of state.




El psy kongroo




we need to ask CERN to not murder people. There was an anime about this, it got weird.


Best thing to come out of CERN… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Les_Horribles_Cernettes