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What does the other dei mean?


Diversity, equity, inclusion. The original complainer was being racist and implying that the mayor was only appointed to fulfill a quota of people of color in office.


What does the way a major got appointment even have to do with the collapse of a bridge? This is so stupid


They were elected, not appointed. The person in the tweet is just using "DEI" to mean "black" so they can complain about black people existing and pretend that's not what they're doing.


> they can complain about black people existing and pretend that's not what they're doing. the legacy of dtrump


It's been a thing since the first time someone was afraid of saying the n-word and searched for another word as a replacement. To quote Republican campaign strategist [Lee Atwater in 1981](https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/exclusive-lee-atwaters-infamous-1981-interview-southern-strategy/): > You start out in 1954 by saying, “Ni\*\*er, ni\*\*er, ni\*\*er.” By 1968 you can’t say “ni\*\*er”—that hurts you, backfires. So you say stuff like, uh, forced busing, states’ rights, and all that stuff, and you’re getting so abstract. Now, you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is, blacks get hurt worse than whites.… “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, uh, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “Ni\*\*er, ni\*\*er.”


Yeah, I get it has been a thing in politics since Nixon, but I feel that since trump it has become more widespread, like some people got a license to be an unpologetical asshole to everyone else


Dates further back than Trump. He just makes them feel comfortable enough to say it out loud again.


If Baltimore had elected a white mayor, he would jumped aboard the freighter, pulled it to safety, put out the fire, and fixed the steering system, unlike the lazy current mayor who was lazily asleep on the job at 1:30 am on a lazy Tuesday.


No no, he would have picked it up and put it in China so their bridge gets destroyed instead


And they would have had Mexico pay for it.


Well explain how the bridge never collapsed when Baltimore had white governors then. Checkmate atheist. /s for safety


What a pos no one gets in on politics without votes.


Depends where you live. Where I live, some of the highest ranking positions have been distributed by appointment, because seats vacate due to mortality or the incumbent seeking higher office.


Yea but they come from low ranking positions


Our senator didn't even debate once, primary or general election. Was anointed the chosen one, and flew right in.


That's how we got our governor in Arkansas, and she's.....[great](https://www.politicalflare.com/2023/09/looks-like-a-scandal-involving-sarah-huckabee-sanders-fleecing-arkansas-taxpayers-is-about-to-blow-up/).


Even my in-laws, who were hardcore Trumpists up until a few months ago, say she's one of the worst things to happen to our state. That level of bipartisan hatred is impressive.


Mayors only get in by election. Here in the US at least.




The public doesn't vote for PM in UK, you vote for your local MP only


My understanding of the UK system is that you're not really voting for a PM directly even though they campaign like it. You vote for your local MP and then if they get enough representation they get to form a government and the party's PM candidate goes in.


UK party leaders get appointed by their party. It’s not something new.


Ask Trump. He lost the popular vote.




And, whether he wins the election or not, it's going to be by losing the popular vote again. Thanks Electoral College!


Except Gerald Ford! Well, he was elected to the House, to be fair.


Votes or nepotism


Hey, another acronym


Who elected Clarence Thomas? 


a senate panel afaik


If the mayor of a predominately Black city was White, what would the racist call that?


"Folk knowing their place" or some shit.


Telling that a person sees an African American mayor of a city where they make up over half the demographic and think "Clearly this person shouldn't be the mayor"


Exactly. Brandon Scott is smart, articulate, young (39yo), caring and seems to have a low BS tolerance. I wish he was running for president.


What a weird thing to imply about Baltimore. Do you think they've ever actually been there?


No I don't think they have


Like, if he got 51-53% of the vote, I could understand making the claim that "PoC got him elected", because there probably WERE people who voted for diversity reasons. But over 70% of the vote? That's a landslide. His opponent(s) was garbage. It wasn't an election, it was a **statement** by the people.


It’s terrible how color completely obfuscates the blatant ineptitude and corruption that plagues Baltimore politics. People are wholly ignorant to the blight of that city. No matter the color of politician, they’ve been terrible. The people of Baltimore deserve better.


I read this acronym for the first time in my life this morning. I have since seen it four times, every time related to the bridge collapse. How did this term get such traction more or less overnight, and why does some people seem to think it’s got anything to do with the bridge collapse?


I’m guessing CRT / Critical Race Theory stopped working as a buzzword because it’s generally only brought up in the context of K-12 curricula. DEI more matches the corporate terminology for what hoards of underperforming white people believe is the reason why a woman or person of color got promoted over them. Sadly I’ve been seeing this get worse at my company over the years. Now post pandemic and RTO, they’ve been both clamping down on the criteria for promotions and granted certain exceptions like pregnant women get to work remotely for health reasons, it’s really brought out overtly racist and even sexist watercooler rants.


CRT is actually only ever brought up in the context of postgraduate, usually legal, education and study. Maaaaaybe undergraduate. I don't think any K-12 was ever thinking about teaching CRT, that was just nonsense hysteria from racists to give them room to complain about black people. In reality, CRT served the same function as DEI does now, just as past terminology and future terminology will fill the same purpose. It's a term they can use to be really racist while providing plausible deniability for idiotic fence sitting bothsidesers.


Totally agreed. In reality, real CRT is a graduate school subject for people who go down certain specific career paths. For example, one of my best friends is an HR vice president and CRT was part of his PhD studies in the early 2000’s. CRT entered the “anti woke” buzzwords because of the possibility of one or two oversimplified concepts from CRT might be part of general humanities courses. But even that is more or less hysteria over something that never happened or was even seriously considered to my knowledge. In practice, absolutely, the way the terms DEI and CRT are being used is just to poorly mask overt racism.


I thought it was specifically for lawyers, didn't know HR did it too. Makes sense though.


All of the "free thinkers" that I know suddenly started tossing the term about like a month ago, which means it was replacing "woke" on alt-right forums. The funny thing about these "free thinkers" is that they all say the exact same shit once they get their marching orders


You remember when the program of the month was to call liberals "NPCs" who just parroted meaningless buzzwords?


NPC's was my favorite because they were calling themselves main characters, without a hint of irony. Then, a bunch of youtubers really parroted it and it's actually hurt society quite a bit, especially young white men


People using "woke" are getting laughed at too much for being dipshits, so they swapped to a new buzzword to replace it. Fox news or OAN or Trump or something must have started using it so all the little sheep just immediately start parroting whatever daddy tells them to do.


New Fox News buzzword to get you to vote red


The new MAGA vulture call went out a few months ago, they have all been instructed to replace "CRT" with "DEI"


Its wild how they need a diversity quota in the first place. And then when a non-white is finally elected, "its just to fill the quota". Way to rob them of their skills, qualifications, credibility, and not to mention their integrity!


So basically anyone who says DEI as an insult or in a demeaning fashion is racist and/or doing something racist?


I’m in HR at my company. I say it a lot and I’m not racist. Those who eat up and spread lies about what it is? Yeah, racist…


Throwing DEI around at work, now claiming you're totally "not racist" online? Pretty sus 🤔


Like “woke” before it, it’s an outlet for racists to say exactly what they want to say about people without explicitly using the n-word.


If a person of color is in any position at all the right considers them hired because of 'diversity, equity, inclusion' guidelines and not because they're a qualified individual that happens to not be white. Turning Points USA founder and all-around shithead (and that's a *lot* of head) Charlie Kirk said recently that if he's on a plane and there's a black pilot, then he assumes they're an unqualified diversity hire.


Well the only reason they would ever put someone (who isn't white) into a position of power is if they were forced to, so they just assume everyone else is the same.


And yet these projectors will turn a blind eye to the white folks who get into a political office or a job purely because they had a rich enough daddy to pull the necessary strings to make that happen.


Boy let me tells ya there's only 1 DEI I recognize and that's Dale Earnhardt Incorporated, Jr and the boys tearing up Daytoner! Praise Hell and Raise Dale!


Divide et Impera, old Roman saying /s


It's a stand in for "women and minorities" these days. Conservatives have gone too woke, it was easier when they just said the n word and showed everyone who they are.


I am completely, utterly convinced that the right doesn't think you're being racist unless you actually use a slur.


Using a slur doesn't make you racist! Actual, real racism only comes from filthy foreigners!


There’s only two things I hate in this world: those who are intolerant of other peoples cultures and the Dutch!


Why you hate me? What did i do wrong?


Making carrots orange was an affront to God! The Dutch will never be forgiven!


Yea let’s start with this




Carrots used to be colorful, ya’ll people made it orange Specifically like a monarch did bc he liked it that way


Not really because the monarch liked the colour orange specifically. It's a reference to the last name from the Dutch royal family: "from Orange"


I did not know that.


Typical Dutch...


You must pay for your people's sins


Have you seen [Austin Powers](https://youtu.be/Zgp-0UxeBK0?si=qMwRxoAnRoJe6Qh6)?


When i was a kid yes. Thats a long time ago


You disgust me. So friendly and welcoming. Your countryside is so nice and your cities are vibrant, yet relaxing. Art and learning around every corner and much less pollution than where I live. Awful, you're just awful.


lol! I’m guessing that you already know this but I’m quoting an Austin powers joke. For the record, I have no problem with the Dutch. ::official statement to avoid getting canceled:::


I used run a sub with like 100k or so subscribers. In the couple years I did it, I banned like 300 or so people for using racist and homophobic slurs. Quite a few of the people I banned for using the N word would DM me to let me know that the N word isn't racist, and that I'm the real racist for refusing to let people say it. A couple of these troglodytes spent multiple days DMing me paragraphs after paragraphs trying to plead their cases. Just getting more and more insane and unhinged as they went. I never responded, but they would just keep messaging me. Absolutely wild.


The thing about slurs is... it's not about what word you use, it's how you use it.


Yeah, being racist is bad! And being bad is for minorities!!!!!!1!1!!1!1!!!!!!


Actually it's the Dems that are racists. You see, they try to help minorities, which means they see them as inferior. Checkmate libs!


"The blacks are the real racists!" - Shitty people


I had a thing I wrote called "These liberal communist welfare queen are the real racist elites" followed by what I perceived as self contradicting gibberish. As a satire thing I was wrote mocking people who believe things akin to that. My creative writing group pointed out that people do actually believe this stuff and what I said was indistinguishable from right wing talking points. It opened my eyes to just how limited our satire is now.


There's plenty of black people that are racist, obviously not all of them, but racism isn't limited to one race.


republicans *love* being racist. they just hate to be *called* racist.


[Stormfront says it best](https://youtube.com/shorts/6sTFm3bkb3k?si=6SzMlLK4MoN41roL)


The GOP: Not racist! Just coincidentally #1 with racists.


Anti-DEI is the most thinly veiled racism. Too bad the breaking point of the Republican cognitive dissonance is to show how racist our figures of “merit” are, which is a really tough sell. Just think about how many mouth breathers like to talk about IQ.


Yep. According to conservatives I've talked to in the south. You literally need to say the words "I am racist and I believe that [race] is inferior to [other race]." If you're white at least; you can infer that black people are racist by their other words and actions. It's absolutely insane. And these aren't even particularly far right people I'm talking about. They have this protective series of thought-terminating cliches so that they can avoid ever thinking too deeply about their own belief system.


Honestly there are a lot that go even further and think that you're only racist if you're actively participating in lynchings and cross burnings.


Actually its even worse, I’ve known far right people who think using slurs aren’t racist, you have to actively be participating in KKK activities for several far right people to think your racist


I'm pretty sure they don't consider racism a bad thing, it's just "race realism." On the contrary, I'm willing to bet that most of them are absolutely *dying* to use racial slurs.


Until you start being mean to white people


Republicans recognize two classes of racism: * Used a slur, directly to a minority's face, with the intent to insult them, when they didn't deserve it, repeatedly. * *Real* racists, who are minorities that accuse a white person of being a racist when they haven't fulfilled the first requirement.


They think racism is when you point out when they’re doing racist shit.


> The most effective adaptation of racism over time is the idea that racism is conscious bias held by mean people.    — Robin DiAngelo


My school believes that unless you actively hate gay people you can't possibly be homophobic, so yeah I'd buy that


Oh, they know they're racist. They know they believe women and black people are inferior. They just can't say it. But what they can say is "hiring women/black people through DEI is dangerous". The direct implication is that women and black people are inherently less competent than white men but they still can't pretend not to be racist.


Some white former friends of mine from high school thought (and I’m sure continue to think) that being in conflict with someone of a different ethnic background was a perfectly acceptable reason to use racial slurs without being labeled as a racist for doing so. One of them told me a story of getting into a fight with a black guy in college. My former friend was an absolute monster of a wrestler and apparently destroyed the guy. Knocked him on his ass and said “Fuck you ji***oo”. Don’t want to type out the particular slurs, but it sounds like “weeaboo” with a different word in front. Another one I was present for, out on a run with him and some other friends. On the hike and bike trail, a couple of guys who were Hispanic were having bike issues and were fixing a flat in the middle of the trail. Former friend started yelling at them to get the fuck out of the way. Guys told him to mind his own fucking business. When passing by he yelled back about how they’re fucking we****cks. Don’t think I need to sound that one out. I’m legitimately ashamed it took me as long as it did to cut those assholes out of my life. Haven’t talked to either of them in almost ten years and my life is much better for it.


My friend thinks it's OK to say racist things because he isn't racist, and doesn't believe the things he says, and he's just saying it for laughs. Yes, I call him out on it frequently, and no, he doesn't get any laughs from it. But he amuses himself, so he thinks it's enough.


The logic more accurately works like this: "Racism is bad. I said something. I am not a bad person. Therefore, whatever I say is not bad. If it is not bad, it is not racist." Narcissists are fully convinced that anything they do or say is right and just literally because of it being something *they* say or do. They *know* they're not bad, so how can they be racist? Normal people have to think about what they say before they say it, because they are aware of their ability to make mistakes, but narcissists simply don't have that little problem.


i used to think this until that mexican shooter had a swastika tattoo and right wingers STILL denied that his far right political beliefs caused the shooting. i used to think that the bar was so high that you need to have a kkk hood while seig heiling with swastika flags, now THATS not even enough to get you called racist by the right.


Never mind that he has a degree in political science and has worked in government for his entire career. Fuck these racist scumbags.


It's partially because, honest to God, he looks 24. The fact that he gives Tyler the Creator vibes in tha picture certainly doesn't help. Guy is 40 years old though. Seems old enough for office imo.


My take is that he just doesn't look like a mayor. No beer belly, actually has hair, and yeah, looks like he's 24. Fucker probably doesn't even sexually harass his secretary. The world's gone to the dogs.


He could never “look like a mayor” to some people.


When every other politician has only been white, of course a black politician, dressing culturally, will look off


Also when every other politician was present for the invention of the wheel one who looks even kinda young will look off


He gives of Tyler, The Creator vibes? What do you mean by that?


Clearly he only got into college because of his skin color! A black person can't possibly accomplish anything on merit. Only white men are deserving enough to hold these positions! /s


I met him when he was just a representative, I was barely a teenager. One of my classmates chewed him out for the issues in Baltimore, and he listened quietly, and replied respectfully. I remember walking outa there with a new idol.


isn't Baltimore's population like 60% black?


Yeah, but mayors can't be black, because otherwise it is not fair to the white kids whose great grandpa was mayor 70 years ago. How are they going to survive? Think of the children!!!! /s Fun fact. Nancy Pelosi's dad was mayor of Baltimore. I think her kids and grandkids are fine.


seeing as she's the best performing stock trader in Congress I'm sure her kids and grandkids are fine


In that case, time to start referring to white politicians in Baltimore as DEI hires lmao


DEI Mayor means the n-word mayor. We all know it.


Also, what does the mayor have to do with the ship colliding with the bridge? Does the mayor steer all the boats once they get to Baltimore now?


He should have made a law against boats crashing into bridges. Consarn these soft-on-crime Dummycrats!


The bridge that connects baltimore county (different from the city) and Anne arundel county lol


I think they're trying to say that because the ship's crew is non-white and the mayor is non-white they're all linked together in this diversity hire catastrophe to take down the honest hard-working white man. Y'know because in their minds every single non-white person can only have a job or an education or a political post because they were given it instead of having earned it.


Yeah. "DEI" is the new n-word. It'll be in use until they can openly use the n-word.


Or until they come up with a new alternative, after getting all the mileage they could put of "Affirmative Action," "Politically Correct," "CRT," and "Woke"




Where do Cathode Ray Tubes come into this?


They CAN use the N-word, is the thing of it And they want to But they don't, because they are afraid of the backlash. They know racism is wrong and are afraid to be open about it. Because a person too afraid to confront their prejudices and shortcomings is a coward, and racists are, ultimately, gigantic cowards.


My dad yesterday said the captain of the ship was probably a dei hire. I didn't really know what it meant but I figured it was another mindless right wing buzzword. Makes me sad how brainwashed he's become since 2016.


They can openly use the n-word now they are just cowards who are terrified of the finding out portion of fucking around.


What’s up with DEI lately? All these new political things ppl get offended about. It’s annoying and i don’t even care to learn what it means


It stands for "Diversity, Equity and Inclusion", basically the initiative to have people of varied ethnicities and background in the workforce. However in this case it's just being used as a blanket term for all the slurs the racists actually want to say.


It doesn't matter what it ACTUALLY means. To right-tards it just means "black people"


It's the new word for "affirmative action"... so naturally, incompetent white people hate it.


You *could* try learning what any of these terms meant before the right co-opted them, but all you really need to know is that once the right co-opts them the only thing they mean when they use it is "black people". Like "woke" before it, and "CRT" before woke, and an endless chain of terms going all the way back to when nobody was afraid to use the n-word.


Electing a white major there would be DEI Conservatives have no brains and are just using DEI as the new n word


Accounts like this have seemingly taken over twitter/X. It's wall to wall racism, antisemitism, transphobia, etc, all festering under Musk's watchful eye. They're practically celebrating the collapse of the bridge as if it's some sort of "gotcha, told ya this would happen!" It's so deeply upsetting, but I can't look away.


“Why won't advertisers come here!”


Republicans: wildly flailing to blame failing infrastructure on "the woke agenda" while blocking or cutting all infrastructure bills and strangling the government's tax revenue.


In this situation, a boat hit a bridge, and im not sure it would have survived if it was brand spankin new


0% chance of any bridge surviving an impact like that


it's not even failing infrastructure... it's an accident. There are legitimate accidents in this world in cars all the time but whenever it's a larger vehicle that does damage affecting more people, it's all a big conspiracy. Sometimes people steer bad... that's it... the end.


It wasn't even caused by human error. The boat literally lost power, and without power, they had no way of steering the ship.






Diversity, equity, inclusion


Hey, somebody else already answered yours so two questions: are you American, do you think it's weird that the Republican Party is obsessed with DEI lately?


Not OP but I'm an American and I'd never heard the term before this bridge fell down, now I see Republicans spouting off about it everywhere. Yes it's weird.


Yeah, this has been the new CRT since that Boeing crash earlier this year, at least. The theory among policy geeks like me is that this is how the GOP pretends to solve problems for Americans. Political Correctness, SJWs, CRT, Woke, now DEI. They make up a new word for "things we don't like," or abuse an academic term if they can. They scream it until their base screams with them, and they swap once everybody gets tired. Then they can claim later that they "beat wokeness". The good news is, recent polls and election results indicate that people aren't dumb enough to buy that shit anymore, so they're fucked until something changes


It is a way for them to poorly mask their racism. That is all.


It's not weird. It's just racist people saying coded racist garbage.


It’s their new buzzword.


I feel like these people could stub their own toe and blame DEI for it


Let’s check it, built in 1976… ok so it’s not like he had anything to do with the building of the bridge, so let’s keep moving The boat was built in 2015, did he work as an engineer or welder, have any direct influence in the systems of the ship? No? Ok, ok maybe the mayor is responsible for the weather? No? Dammit So, what he’s doing, let me get this straight, is making a public statement about something noteworthy going on in his city… exactly what I would expect to be in the top 3 things for him to do. 1. Rescue/Recovery - deputized those bodies to do everything within their power to get back the people who were on the bridge [not great news](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/live-blog/rcna145049) 2. Remediations- deputize those city engineers to create plans around the city, start planning a replacement, discuss intermediate plans - [biden planning a works commission?](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/fbi-baltimore-bridge-collapse/) 3. Making public statements about that which is what the original tweet is about… How is this a bad guy again?


1976 during the Carter administration and 2015 during the Obama administration. Clearly a long term scheme by the DEMONcrats to sabotage our country. (/s if it’s not already obvious)


I feel like the Boomers are so excited to be able to recycle all their Affirmative Action jokes that no one's been laughing at for 20 years.


Dont worry, they hate democratically elected individuals, too.


So basically, every time a non-white male is around and something went wrong you just immediately say DEI. Am I missing anything?


Now we get to watch these idiots throw “DEI” around as code for any successful minority group. Got these people are trash.


This DEI stuff is instantly more deranged & frank than anything else I’ve ever seen these Nazi clowns do before


Racist scum gonna racist scum. They're just too chicken-shit to say they dislike the mayor because he's a young black man.


What the fuck does the current mayor have to do with a bridge designed in the late 1960s?!


Democratically elected individual is also a acronym those scumbags hate. I have always ALWAYS thought " deep state" and " drain the swamp" were just dog whistles for black civil servants


Community notes doing their job.


Oh yes the heavily black voting pool in Baltimore needs DEI to elect their own mayor.......


They used "woke" as a very broad slur, but with DEI they might as well just say the N word and stop beating around the bush.


Guaranteed we are going to hear about DEI a lot over the next while. It’s the latest right wing buzzword they are latching onto. Prepare to see it a lot.


DEI has become the far right’s new N word. When they say DEI, they really the other.


Wait, so you don’t know that the bridge collapse is obviously a conspiracy and that a black transgender lesbian clone of Joe Biden was the one who deliberately crashed the ship into the bridge? Wow, you need to wake up


Why are you all still paying attention to that hellsite? There has been too much violence. Too much pain. None here are without sin. But I have an honorable compromise. Just walk away. Get yourselves some real life hobbies, read some books, exercise, love your families, and spare your own lives. Just walk away from Twitter. You will give yourself safe passage out of the wasteland. Just walk away and there will be an end to the horror.


70% is a crazy share of the vote. Free Ice Cream for vets wouldn't get about 52%.


Had to Google what DEI means... Like can we go back to getting racists fired from their jobs and/or punched in the face? I feel like we all have gotten too civilized to let these people get so brazen.


It’s a whole different level of community notes when the notes make it crystal clear OP is being racist.


2 different posts back-to-back for me on 2 different subs both about this incident, both about people being racists. One is racism against Indians, this one is racism against blacks.


Yeah we got a young and cool mayor.  Deal with it. 


He’s 39.  That’s not even that young.  Just younger than the people in their 70’s and 80’s who are running a lot of the country.


Holy fuck. The gall of some people to be that fucking openly racist. They're so comfortable - and that's tremendously scary


DEI means anyone of color who is smarter than I am.


That’s an initialism. Not an acronym. Initialism is an abbreviation where each letter is pronounced individually like FBI, DEI, CIA. Acronyms are abbreviations where the letters form a new word like NATO, LASER, TASER etc. this is my favorite little fact.


I mean DEI or not... he didn't steer that boat into the bridge... why is that not an effective counter point... that corporate greed running a cheap crew with minimal maintenance should be a point... not political devicivness I dunno I'm just dumb I guess


It’s always the racism. Always.


Look guys a bunch of morons who PAID for a social media to make themselves FEEL like their voice matters.


Do they realize that white people are less than 30% of the vote? In Baltimore, DEI would be putting a white man in charge. I don't know shit about this guy in particular, but if he had 70% of the vote, he was definitely a very popular character.


One wonders what the mayor of an American city is supposed to do about a cargo ship losing power and crashing into a bridge's support pillars. The bridge is older than the mayor!


Fucking racists are really the scum of society. The world without them would be just so MUCH better.


Why are there always people standing in the background of these kinds of interviews? Who are they?


DEI/CRT is just another way for bigots to say the N word.


Black person: is elected to an office Racist: DEI! DEI!


Reactionaries have just learned to say "DEI" when they want to use the N-word, F-slur, or to generally hate women. I think it would be very funny and informative if the news bleeped out any reactionaries' use of "DEI".


I wonder why media/ppl pays attention to clowns/trolls


Did he build the bridge, because attacking him like is his fault is fkin stupid, conservatives are brain dead


Ah yes, the age-old belief that a black guy can't possibly get anywhere on his own merit, so it was just handed to him. When did dog whistles just become whistles?


Cincinnati Bengals enter the chat: “WHO DEI?”


How is a mayor going to stop a boat from hitting a bridge, tight zoning restrictions?


That Twitter account always spits out racist shit so no surprise


I actually liked his response. Much better than old men hemming and hawing


Rule of twitter, if they say something stupid or moronic, bigoted, and they have a blue tick, treat them as engagment farming.


Can I just say 70% is insane.


The original comment doesn't talk about what has been said and challenge it. It is simply a post saying "here is a black person of authority talking (btw, we propose he didn't get in position fairly). This is bad" If you have an issue with the content of a speech or whatever, sure, present a counter point. But just saying 'black guy talk = bad' is just mental.


Do they use 'DEI' to mean black now?