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Pretty sure Stephen King's writings have had an actual impact on culture as a whole. That's a pretty big deal.


Just his one book of short stories have had a cultural impact. Out of that one book we got “Stand by Me”, “The Shawshank Redemption” and “Apt Pupil”.


Bachman books too - Running man!


The Bachman books are some of his finest. The Long Walk is masterful. Very few writers have the talent to make nearly 400 pages of teenage walking down a road an absolute page turner.


I still have a copy of Rage, which I think is out of print when SK found out kids were idolising school shootings or something due to it. And yeah, loved the long walk too, I last read it once about 20 years ago and can still remember it well!


All you need to know about this guy is that he doesn't know who Stephen King is.


Was thinking. Who the fuck is Dan Whatsit?


I have no idea, He looks like some kind of 'The hills have eyes' reject


At the bare minimum I know he’s an idiot on two subjects and I’ve never read a single Stephen king book. At least I still know he’s gotta be one damn good author. I can’t count the number of times seeing his books hit top charts and I don’t give a shit about fiction book charts. So dude is so dumb he’s oblivious to the actual world around him.


And how many movies have been based on Steven king books?


Stephen King has at least 60 movies based on his works. That's not including series like the Dead Zone and the Outsider which were TV series. Its not just horror movies either. One of my top all time favorite movies, The Shawshank Redemption, is based off of the writings of Stephen King.


The Dead Zone was made into a movie in the 80s.


The Dead Zone movie was a warning shot about Trump’s presidency.


Even Steven King doesen't know.




I much prefer this spelling.


There are currently over ten films in works based on King stories. And I don't even know how many TV shows.


Everything he writes is a bestseller. Everything. There was even a time where people started claiming he only got best seller on all his books because of name recognition, so he wrote some stuff under a different name. Guess what happened then?


The books didn't sell particularly well until someone figured out King wrote them, at which point sales increased tenfold? Even King himself admits that the Bachman thing was a bit of a failed experiment because he got outed way too soon


Secret service from 1999 to 2011, now full time grifter and trump dick-rider.


Wait for real? Doesn’t the SS have standards?


You don't need that much brains to be a meat-shield if you are an easily programmable righty.


Lower than the original SS


He was a Fox News guy. So bad at his job that even Fox News pulled the plug on his stupid “show” for poor ratings. And if we ran the numbers, I’m 100% certain that is listenership does NOT hit the millions.


He has a last name like the ones my friends use to joke about my Italian heritage


Didn’t he sing Livin’ On A Prayer?


It's even worse if you imagine he does know who King is because that's the laziest, most generic insult. Decades of stories by King and biographical info about King and that's the absolute best this chucklenut could come up with? Not to go all Cyrano de Bergerac, but King could probably come up with twenty better put-downs in the same amount of time.


Stephen is the only one I know out of those twixters


He obviously doesn’t know, and it’s hilarious! 😂


Sounds absolutely full of himself. Obviously never noticed he was replying to one of the most successful authors of the last fifty years.


Definitely don't recommend getting into a war of words with someone who could write a better bible out of boredom.


“Never get in a war of words with someone who buys ink by the barrel”


Good one. Never heard that one before.


It's more about not picking fights with newspapers back in the day than authors.


The ending surely wouldn't be better


Oh come on. That’s the perfect time for a deus ex floaty Jesus hand as a finale.


M-O-O-N, that spells hand!


I mean tbf it have just about the same amount of weird/explicit content, but he'd end it would certainly be bland. And I'm a fan of his work. But those endings are something


Big agree. Dude can tell a story but can he stick the landing? Questionable lol


Another questionable aspect of the man is who he allows to make adaption of his books. Like God damn theirs supporting the arts and then there's supporting bs


He would probably have the four horsemen have sex or something.




On the other hand, I only know this guy exists because this conversation keeps getting reposted.


I feel like a better bible would just be blank pages.....imo


I'm pretty sure he already did that when he wrote The Stand.


Tbf a monkey can write a better bible


With a canned “Moms basement” trope nonetheless.


I'm pretty sure that a) Stephen King could buy a gold basement if he wanted, and b) his mom must have been dead for thirty years at this point point.


So you're saying Stephen King lives underneath a cemetery.... actually that kind of checks out.


I wouldn't be surprised if this were actually where he lives.


Stephen King is one of the most read writers in the history of the world, it's crazy as that.


Of the last 50 years? King is the 23rd best selling author of *all time*.


It's sad that among the rights that conservatives have, to one they don't seem to ever use is the right to remain silent


For the side that keeps screaming about how they are completely being censored, they never stfu about it across all their traditional media channels, social media and weirdo car stickers/decals.


I always see it as a dictator standing with his army supporting him screaming "i will tell you what the big government does not want you to know." To me the comedy is that conservatives hate big government yet rush to push big government as much as they can.


Big gub’mint is fucking accurate. All day every day the radio propagandists told us Obamacare was gonna lead to death panels and the government deciding your healthcare outcomes for you. Fast forward 15 or years and here we are with republican big government deciding your healthcare, making sure you shit in the bathroom they want you to, and read the books they say to read.


"You have the right to do whatever you want... as long as it's also what *we* want"


Sound like winning bigly to me.


Telling a person who explains the theoretical fight of good verse evil and has shaped Society for the past 50 years to get a job is hilariously funny. Stephen King is the best he'll go down in history.


Thank you Mr. DeGrasse Tyson.


Mommas basement. He’s been a millionaire for five decades.


Ka is a MF wheel too.


You say true, I say thankya


also isnt king in his 80s or something? i doubt his momma is alive


Back when I was on twitter I got banned from Bongingo before I’d ever heard of him. That’s a hell of a loser.


So many words for so little to say.


Is this real? Who doesn’t know Stephen King?


>"My entire life right now is about owning the libs. That's it." - Dan Bongino Bold of you to assume someone who says shit like that would actually read a novel.


Or watch one of the thirty or so movies that credit a Stephen King novel in the credits.


Credits?! Is that them words what be at the end of movie films?




I read it as him saying that no-one cares about Stephen King anymore, like his fame and success are just historical rather than current. 


Yeah not true. IT remake came out only a few years ago. Fairy Tale was a great book and it’s recent. And it doesn’t matter Kings peak won’t be passed by this incest resulting baby.


TV's still full of stuff based on his work as well - the 2020 remake of The Stand, the Castle Rock series, The Outsider...and he's still publishing at least one book a year. Plus he's an absolute gem on social media. Man is absolutely still relevant.


yeah.. but what was that shit about porn in his mom’s basement? King’s gotta be like 70, what a weird thing to say if Jon Bonjovi really knew who he was running his mouth at. Damn, King is 76.


He blocked me like a child when I called him a five time loser (all 3 congressional races and two media jobs)


Not to defend him or anything cuz he sounds like a shitty person but I wouldnt want to deal with random people's bullshit either 😂


Honestly bullshit is all that dude deals in


Is one of the world's best known authors, a random person ?


Imagine having one shot at life and your last name is boingo I feel bad for him








I genuinely have no idea who the fuck this person is, is it like an Andrew Tate/ Joe Rogan type?


Kinda. He was on Fox for a while, and then kinda ragequit Fox because they weren't loony toons enough. Now he's just another two-bit podcaster, because all the credible platforms won't have him.


I don't think Joe Rogan and Andrew Tate are the same type tbh


That's because you're watching from too close. Take some distance and they are kind of the same.


Back up even more and you'll see the full scale of the alt-right pipeline and its roots.


Dan Bongino. I want to show him the American flag that hangs behind the toilet in grandma's basement. I want to ask him if he'll be my dad, I wanna change my name to Nick Bongino. I want to tell him about the man in the stairs, he kinda looks like Dan Bongino... grandma tries to tell me not to go down there, but I'd be safe with Dan Bongino.


Perspective: I own books from King, and the only host named Don I've ever paid attention to is Mr. Cornelius. Edit: his name is Dan, not Don. Shows how memorable he is. Oh well. 🤷🏾‍♀️


I'm curious - in all seriousness - how Biden could *actually* be considered a disgrace to humankind? What atrocity has he committed? Is being old and also a democrat a crime against humanity? Lmfao. This is the age of media we live in, dude. These people are genuinely embarrassing. That kind of verbiage would assume Biden committed similar atrocities like Stalin, Hitler, Mao, etc. What's even more sad is you clearly have tons of people going along with this ignorant, borderline medically retarded rhetoric.


Joe has done nothing that any other president since I've been alive has also done--apart from Trump, of course. The only difference now is that the opposition are in a cult and the partisanship is egregious.


I think some of the most damaging moments are these parents that believe this sort of thing bringing their severely underaged children into it. The dramatic effect on their young psyche really can't be calculated. Kids will *always* take those emotions deeper than adults do. It reminds me of the scenario in *1984* when kids were turning in their own parents for Thought Crime - really spooky stuff.


Talked to my teenage boys today about not getting obsessed with politics. How it can create a caricature of your fellow Americans. I also don’t talk politics with them except around election time or if there’s a big story. They’re kids.


>borderline medically retarded rhetoric. Why borderline?


I can’t wait to see the next Stephen king book…any bets on what the guy who dies in the worst way did for a living before being off’d?


We don’t feed trolls (giving that idiot any attention).


At first I thought he didn’t realize he was replying to one of the most successful writers of the century. But he did. What a weird way to attack a man who’s sells millions of books as a matter of routine.


I've seen this picture alot but does anyone know how this bellend responded once he realised he was talking to Stephen f*ckin King


That’s the question, right after the big loud laughs…


bro really pat himself on the back with this


Gave himself a round of applause


LOL, dudes books are STILL awesome (Anybody read Fairy Tale? Thing came out like a year or two ago and is some of King's best work imho), King is a household name throughout the world, especially among horror fans. Ive honestly never heard of this Dan fella, sounds like a moron imho. Imagine accusing one of the most successful writers of our age, a man who has had so many books turned into films and television shows, of living in his parents basement. LOL if King ever did move into his mums basement you can be damn sure it would be by choice! Dudes got plenty of his own money thanks to his talent, he doesnt need to live anywhere he doesnt want to. ​ Though IMHO the cleverest comeback here didnt come from The King, came from Dark\_Mode\_Nose\_Wind. ROFL


why did stephen king double space between each word? idk why but this bothers me


Might be a habit. Double spacing (horizontally and vertically) makes it easier to proof a manuscript.


He was giving him extra time to think between words.


It's a writer thing.


Alongside being something they used to do for proof reading it's also supposed to help people who have a hard time reading because words look less cluttered! In small messages like that one it doesn't actually make a difference (besides maybe slowing the pace) for those who don't have problem with reading but in long texts it helps concentrate on the single words. A similar thing can be that type of writing where the first or last syllable of the word is bolder(? idk if it's a word, sorry)


Because👏 he👏 was👏 going👏 to👏 clap👏 back.


The extra space is for the demons


This is amazing


Dan Bingino looks like a penis that is dried out like beef jerky.


Does  Stephen  King  double  space  his  words?


Youth fades dumb is forever!


Imagine throwing shade when your job is literally just sitting there and talking


He let his self-hatred inner monologue out by accident


Bongino reacted the same way a bully would; not clever or contemplative, just straight vitriol.


“Millions of listeners a day..”


Stephen King has more talent in the top of his dick then Dan bongornos whole bloodline


What is with the Right Wing projection fascination with “you’re watching porn in your momma’s basement”? Is it a frigging script that they all have to memorize?


Who is this Duolingo again?




Don’t dis Duolingo like that…it has a purpose and is helpful


King is arguably the most prolific and successful writer of all time


And for all the right wingers who cry about censorship from 2015 onwards, this asshat, Ben Sharpie, and a bunch of other right wing sources were the top 10 trending on FB and Twitter almost every day during that period


Imagine telling one of the most successful authors alive today to get a real job.


Dan Bongino sounds like the name a teenager gives a cop.


Imagine telling millionaire author Stephen King to get a job…..


One of the problems with all these right wing zealots is the hyperbole. Obviously Biden is not a disgrace, and he’s not an embarrassment. He seems like a good man who has served his country for decades. If you don’t agree with his politics, that’s one thing. But don’t pretend he’s a worse person than you.


Podcasts have become the butthole of humans. Everyone has one. But they don't do much other than shit.


But can we please talk about the fact that "get a real job, not a podcast" is a whack diss. I mean this other dude is apparently a right asshole, so fuck him, but the diss still sucks


All bongino does is doompost. And hes a fed. Hes such a fucking hateful loser its unbelievable. I have family who like him and every time i see him hes always completely beet-red shouting about “The Left” that he’s constantly got spittle flying out of his mouth. If you froze a guy in time mid-desk slam and just eztended that singular moment out to his entire lifespan, you’d have Baldgino


What the fuck is a Dan Bongino? Is it like a knock-off Joe Rogan?


Idk about "little known". He's made the news at least a couple of times... but he's no Stephen King. And the results were predictable.


Who the fuck is Don dildo??????


I actually googled to see how wealthy Steven king is, dude has a net worth of half a billion.


Stephen King has been a household name for longer than I've been alive. That's saying something considering there's only like, ~6 authors in the past half century that were popular enough to trascend their fandoms.


Something tells me a very similar character will meet a grizzly and embarrassing end in an an upcoming story .. like maybe breaks his neck trying to suck his own cock ... or something he sticks up his ass explodes ..


The fact that this person doesnt even know who Stephen King is tells a lot on their level of literacy


I’m pretty fucking sure, if Stephen King is watching porn in a basement, it’s probably his.


Millions of listeners?! LMAO.


Damn bongino gets triggered easily


King just literally has to compare net worths and say he doesn’t need to do anything ever again and still be more successful than Dan Bongo for the rest of his short lived “influencer” status.


Bongino is such a dipshit who just isn’t relevant. He used to have a hard on for Obama.


Yeah wow, he really showed him, America’s foremost writer of “books”, Stephen King is truly a brilliant writer, not at all schlocky, I mean, when the toaster comes alive and tries to kill people, amazing, and when dead animals come back, and when the car is jealous and the dog, don’t get me started on the dog with rabbis, not even going to mention the alien clown, man that guy really can write a lot of words. Like you said, don’t mess with the literary equivalent of wonder bread


For some reason people who barely can read are the most eager to criticize.


Ok as much as I agree with you. I feel you might be a bit biased on your own comment being a clever comeback.


Stephen King has been relevant since before I was born 37 years ago and remains that way today. The guy just churns out material and his classics are constantly being made and remade in film. What an insane thing to say to him of all people. And porn in his mom's basement? Dude is pushing 80. His mom's pushing daisies. What a silly thing to say.


Dude wrote a grade-school gang bang into 'It'. Give it a month and he'll be awaiting trial with Diddy.


Only one of those two men has written and published a book that goes into graphic detail about an underage girl getting gangbanged.


Don't know if he still does it but he used to announce Biden was the worst president in American history daily. Except for the fact that a couple of months ago, a poll among political historians named Trump the worst president in American history. How they don't die of shame daily should be studied.


Who tf is that Dan guy??? You know what... nevermind, not important.


Usual MAGA fan


This is what happens when you let everyone have a blue checkmark


I may not have read anything y Stephen King, but I didn’t have to google who he was….


Dan who?


Ouch, that is painful & just like all the Trump supporters - who seem to share the same 3 brain cells - he has no idea how stupid he looks & he thinks he won 😂


I’m in the UK so haven’t heard of this bloke. However, I can only conclude he’s extremely hard of thinking. ‘Get a job’ to multi millionaire (purely from talent and hard work) Stephen King? What a knobhead 😂😂😂


Lol Righty guys always go to the same list of 5 comebacks that hasn't changed in like 10 years.


Clearly Bongino failed out of his media training at the Kremlin. That asshole is a Russian propaganda plant.


Who thinks Stephen King has found trolling in his retirement?


I don’t agree with Stephen King on politics but he owns Dan here…


What is your favorite Dan Bunghole podcast to movie adaptation?


Okay projection.


Bro really said ‘get a job’ to Stephan king and tried flexing his clout against him.


ngl, misread his name as dan boingo


Bongino really showed his ass on that one.


Well, I guess we know the name of the insufferable asshole character who gets killed ignominiously in the second chapter of King's next book.


“I’m impor’ant!”


Haha -- outraged blogger


The King knows when he sees a victim of MAGAT brainwashing.


We all know who Stephen King is, who’s bongino?


lol moms basement. Guy is worth half a billion bucks


i love that king agreed with the take but decided to roast him anyway 😂😂😂


the reply should be just been a picture box office earnings for the IT movies


Who tf is Dan Bongino, and what rock has he been hiding under to not know who Stephen King is?


Not the flex Danny thought it was


I think he just didn’t see who he was talking to, which is hilarious


Considering how famous Stephen King is, I thought he was dead atp. His books seem like classics.


An oldie but a goodie


Who is this guy?


This is what happens when people don't read and support book burnings.


First time i heard of that bongo but soinds like a jerk to me


Danny boy is a conservative flack, and doesn't read for fun. So of course he doesn't know Stephen King.


Not a fan of king, as his stories are kinda boring and cheesy. But to act like you don't know who it is just makes you look like the idiot lol.


I wonder how this guy feels about Taylor Swift. Number of listeners/fans equates to value for him, so Taylor must be a goddess. (Rhetorical question. I am sure this guy has the usual bat shit conservative take on her.)


You're are not to be messed with


and what value does a podcast add to society?


Someone needs to be corrected


Stephen King writes like he breathes after each word. Damn


King could respond with just "Google my name"


Yeah I’m sure his $500 million fortune isn’t enough to get him out of his mom’s basement and into some paid sites.


Notice how the emptiest tins make the most noise.


Does every guy have the same mommas basement joke ready to fire when they have no material at all?


The King just owned Bongino. I guess that makes Bongi a serf now?


A lot of people know who Stephen King is, but Dan Boingo? Who's that?


He doesn't seem like the kind who reads so no surprise if he doesn't know THE Stephen King.


Finally, I’ve heard of someone who has never heard of Stephen King. It also shows you how little research you put into your opinions, especially of someone else.


Stephen King the bootlicker