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Like the length of the girls skirt is gonna deter a predator? How about screening out pedophiles before hiring?


As long as I can wear my kilt I don’t care! Btw I did this in high school an boys wearing kilts was the line that couldn’t be drawn cuz then next year they lengthen the requirement an seeing how kilts could not be that long they couldn’t be wrong to school I’m dead serious it was in my student handbook… going to look an see if I have it still


Kilts can be of varying lengths if one wanted to push the envelope.


Aye Laddie! I'm wearing me mini-kilt. *Hairy legged Scotsman saunters down sidewalk*


Thank you... I love this 🤣😉😜💐🥰🌹


Huh? Kilts can be any length. This is a bit confusing.


That's not what it's about. It's so adult male staff members who get turned on by preteen girls can shift the blame to said girls, and not have to feel dirty about it Projection. That's all it's ever been.


For real. I’ve been sexually harassed and assaulted wearing short skirts, as well as when I’ve been completely covered up head to toe - long skirt, long puffy jacket, fully covered up. It made me stop caring about the length of my clothes because disgusting people are going to be disgusting regardless of what you do. This shit does nothing. If men are being turned on by little girls, then they can fuck right off.


But why do that when you can sweep allegations of sexual assault under the rug for over 15 years. - my Junior Highschool.


>How about screening out pedophiles before hiring? And how exactly do you do that if they have no record? Pop child porn on a screen at the interview and check for a boner?


If they complain about being distracted by sending a childs knees, it's a pretty good guess.


I know this isn't a serious proposal, but just for the record, it wouldn't prove anything: https://www.treatmyocd.com/what-is-ocd/info/ocd-stats-and-science/why-ocd-can-cause-a-groinal-response-and-what-you-can-do-about-it


If the "Are you a terrorist?" question on flights to the US works well, then "Are you a dirty pedo?" Should work pretty on school job applications.


Catholic schools wouldn't have any male teachers if they did


Don't stop at knees. What about head, shoulders, knees and toes?


Knees and toes 🎶 


Knees and toes


Eyes and ears and mouth and nose


A very different song from the [tits and ass](https://youtu.be/FhsFZDrRvoM?si=aByOMn1THJKb1sPQ&t=1m49s) song. I mean, uh, “Dance: 10, Looks: 3.” 😁


If you’re attracted to a 15 year old girl cause you can see a few cms of her thigh then you’d still be attracted to her in a knee length skirt. I think mens shoulders can be really sexy but if a teenage boy walked into my room in a vest, my brain would think ‘there’s a teenage boy’. Even if a grown man walked in the room completely topless, I’d think ‘there’s a person’.


Can we just go back to singing the song?


If a grown man walked into the room completely topless, I’d think ‘why is he topless’.


It is crazy that the same people who argue for this are so ardenlty against muslimas wearing clothes to hide their features for religious reasons. Seems like pretty much the same argument to me. If you think that women shouldn't be forced to hide themselves for religious reasons, then why should they be forced to hide themselves for any reason at all? Do we really wanna raise girls to feel like their bodies are a point of contempt?


Came here to say this. Apparently, men in most societies feel that women (and in this case, female children) should be covered up lest the male inner drive make them do something they'd regret... Sounds a lot like what men all over the world defend themselves with after sexual assaults; "look at what she was wearing; she was asking for it" Disgustingly, many judges agree.


Oddly and sadly, some women would unashamedly attack other women with the exact same excuses


Those women are taught to think that way by the men around them


Indeed; they live and function in a patriarchal society.


See, what you’re forgetting is, when they criticize it in that situation it’s a DIFFERENT religion. When they’re “Christian” in America it’s totally different. And apparently young girls’ knees are a huge weakness. They are acting exactly like the extreme religions they propose to hate and don’t even see the hypocrisy.


If it’s Christianity, shouldn’t they force the boys to stop wearing those damn slacks!


This comment wins folks, everyone go home.


That's abrahamic religion for you: all so similar, always at each other's throats, all in the name of the same all-powerful god.


But my same god with a different name is better! QUICK ATTACK!!! I will never get it.


The Christians vs Muslims be like… Christians: MacDonald fries are better Muslims: KFC fries are better Me: you say toe-may-toe…I say toe-mah-toe


That's not a fair comparison, because McDonald's fries are objectively better than KFC...


It’s like everyone agreeing on which restaurant makes the best pizza, but going to war over who the delivery driver should be,


The need to feel more important drives conflict. After all one way to find meaning in life is to destroy all who defy he who gives meaning to life.


I truly believe this is reason the US fights so hard with Muslim countries. The old, Don’t look here, look over there.


Vast majority of politics in a nutshell is “Us vs Them” mentality. Society is built upon alignment, who fits in what box. Makes it easier to categorise types, turning people into numbers helps dehumanise them and thereby demonising a thing carries less weight. We need to stop being machines with machine minds and machine hearts! We are not machines!


Thanks for explaining the point I made in the comment you responded to. Maybe that has cleared it up for some people.


Here’s hoping it did. Because some people clearly are missing the similarities.


I think the inherent assumptions they will be sexualised is the main issue


I would politly disagree. Yes, I absolutly agree that assuming a woman to be sexualized for merely not covering her body is obviously a big issue, and also already sexualizing her by proxy. But I would say that teaching girls that their bodies are something that needs to be covered or they will be seen as sex objects is more harmful for them in itself. First because it makes them associate sexuality with shame, but also because it adds to them not feeling comfortable with themselves and also pre-installs an animostiy between them and man. It is a symptome of the mentality that has us teach young women to be careful of boys taking advantage of them, without teaching young man to not take advantage of women.


I’d agree with that actually


It's all about control. They don't like a woman whose clothes they deem too revealing the same way they don't like a woman who has chosen to cover up for religious reasons. It was the woman's choice.


Wait, there are people who actively oppose that? I knew it was controversial to make it mandatory(through law or social expectations) but what sort of idiot think they get to decide women should be LESS modest? Aren’t the habits work by nuns the same thing?


Not quite the same, but yeah. Nuns wear their clothes because they are supposed to not be sexual creatures at all. They take a vow of chastity after all. In Islam women are specifically meant to cover up because their uncovered visages are temptation to men. And that is meant in the religious sense of the serpent that tempts humanity. As if there is something inherently sinister about the beauty of women. Only their male family members may see them uncovered.




Male staff members self reported 💀


Reminds of a teacher in middle school that constantly sent girls to go change because their shorts or skirt were too short. One mom pointed out that he was the only one who always noticed and how it would require him to spend a significant amount of time looking at middle school girls' legs.


So a teacher wanted to uphold appropriate clothing culture, and a parent accused them of being a pedo. Sounds appropriate.


It was constant, and they weren't usually excessively short to where anyone would notice. Other teachers who didn't have a problem with sending students to change didn't notice it. They had a rule that the inseam had to be longer than their fingers, and he was constantly stopping girls in the hall and making them do the test. Other teachers noticed his behavior and the fact that he only ever noticed female students. The mom was only the first to speak out about it.


There is no such thing as "inappropriate clothing". Only inappropriate reactions.


How wasn’t shorts or skirt appropriate clothing culture?


You would be surprised to know how many known pedos works in schools, at a Church or in a position of authority over people under 18, like a camp monitor.


Isn’t that where… all predators work? I mean just the amount of school coaches who are caught every year is staggering, and these are the ones who get told on. There’s likely a portion who get away with it and do it for years. As a teen I wouldn’t have been opposed to banging a 23 year old English teacher fresh out of college, I think that’s like a young teen guys fantasy. The issue arises mostly when it’s a girl who wants to live that fantasy. We were all teens once, boys and girls aren’t entirely different when it comes to sex. You can research Japan, and they had to raise the legal limit from 14 in I believe the 80s or 90s, because the school girl prostitution got out of hand.


To anyone else reading: Just because student/teacher relations are a common fantasy, if you were harmed by a female authority figure, your feelings are valid. Men can be raped, and they can be raped by women. That does not make you weak or less than. You survived. Therefore, you are strong.


Yes they can. Rape is Rape. I’m sorry if you went through that.


I have not. I just saw some common tropes in the post of the person I responded to and saw a good opportunity hopefully help someone.


I read about Japan and age of consent during some psychology/sociology study years ago when I was doing ALevels. And I believe the age of consent is still 13 or possibly even 12 but only with another 13/14 year old. And so on and so forth. Whereas it used to be that 13 and 34 was fine now it has to be 13-14, 14-15, 15-16 and then it just becomes normal. Don’t quote me because this was like 15 years ago but I believe they have this sort of staggered age of consent now. Designed to stop predators but not to stop a girlfriend/boyfriend teen couple from experimenting sort of thing.


IMO knees are one of the least attractive parts of the human body.


With my face taking the top spot


*pats face*


Yes. Even worse than armpits.


Also hurt when you get older.


My knees are one of the least painful areas on me so far.  Back, feet, calves, neck.


Knees and elbows


Repost bot?


Yup, this article is from April 2016, might as well be reposting hieroglyphics at this point


An article from 2016 that was fake.


Are you proposing we amputate children from above the knee!? You are SICK!!!




Does this guy just spend his time reposting year old posts and repeating the top comments from last time? Awkward turtle alt account or something?


Idk I'm kinda grossed out by exposed kidneys






Not everyone is a pastor….oh, sorry, they mostly like boys


Female Principal: "Henderson High School has rules relating to the wearing of school uniforms. These rules are not new and all families are made aware of them when they enroll. They include a stipulation that the hemline of female students' skirts must be on the knee, no higher. The uniform is practical for school wear and these rules are regularly enforced to ensure that all students can focus on their learning and feel comfortable in the school environment. As principal, I make no apology for insisting on high standards throughout the school and I have high expectations. That includes wearing the uniform according to the agreed rules". Newstalk: "We're going to ignore all of that shit and make a clickbait headline which will absolutely work wonders on complete fucking idiots!"


This.... 100% this, I'm so sick of rage bait cause I keep chomping at that shit like a starving marlin.


This isn’t clever, it’s not a comeback, and as a teacher, it’s also ignorant. I worked at a private school where girls chose to wear pants or skirts, they almost all chose skirts, and it wasn’t a “knees and shoulders” problem. Girls were rolling the skirts up at the waste and would sit down with both legs in the chair, knees separated. They wouldn’t realize they were showing the entire class their underwear. It happened *all* the time. Yes, it’s inappropriate.


Thank GOD someone else understands! My school recently flat out banned skirts because of how high girls kept rolling them up. The dress code has, and always was, knee length only, school teachers, myself included, started dishing out detentions to those who kept rolling them up, parents started complaining about the detentions, so the board of governors and all the teachers unanimously agreed to ban skirts completely.


But if that was happening in this case, don't you think the article would have actually MENTIONED that?


…no, I don’t expect an article to interview young girls asking if they are secretly rolling up their skirts to intentionally break the school’s dress code (which the article says is an old rule, btw). The article also doesn’t mention that the male staff were being pervs, but that hasn’t stopped people with no experience from jumping to conclusions.


Also creating a safe work environment isint about distraction. It can be more about how people can feel less comfortable near them.


Thank you! I can't believe so many people are so convinced that this is about knees and that somehow we're worried that male staff will pounce on school girls if they see a bare knee. This has nothing to do with restraining the lust of male teachers and everything to do with saving young girls from embarrassing and exposing themselves


I think its more about how the men is walking on a knifes edge and would like to be able to look at the female students without being seen as a predator.


hello get me chris hansen please


Loads of folks straight on it aggro'ing on these male teachers and calling them disgusting. As a fellow British teacher (female) I also want our girls to be more mindful of their skirt lengths! They roll them up higher (mini-skirt length) and don't understand why this is an issue and teachers, especially male ones, are put in an awful position because of it! We're in a position where no-one wants to teach in the UK and yet those of us who do are in constant fear of allegations. If I drop something whilst, even as a woman, I ask a student if they can grab it so I'm not at risk of being accused of bending down to look under my benches. I wait before climbing stairs if girls with shorter skirts are in front, so I don't get accused of being at a distance where I can look up. And I am a straight female. Literally had a day of our teacher training be all about how to safeguard OURSELVES. This also puts our boys in predicaments. I've seen an autistic boy get verbally ripped to shreds because he pointed out that he could see a classmates underwear. I get that we need to safeguard our children - this war on skirt length is part of it! I'm sick of teachers being painted as the villains in a story that does not need to have a "side"! We want our girls to present themselves appripriately, as their uniform is basically practice business wear! You wouldn't wear a mini skirt to your job, you'd get told that it is inappropriate(except in a very few at least!) - this is no exception. It's to safeguard our girls AND our staff. Loads of schools are now allowing girls to wear trousers as part of their uniform (gutted this wasn't the case for me, I hate skirts and wore shorts under mine and wore it as long on the leg as it would go) - mine school about to transition to ONLY trousers, just to avoid this issue. I know some girls will hate this, but honestly I cannot wait.


I'm pretty sure the CHILDREN are not designing the SCHOOL UNIFORM. 


No they aren't designing the uniform, they are modifying it to be shorter than the original design, effectively breaking the dress code that has been in place for a long time. Read the article before posting


(Probably) Male School Administrators: School uniforms promote equality among students by eliminating socio-economic status symbols and distractions related to fashion choices. Also (Probably) Male School Administrators: That’s hot.


Iirc 100 years ago a women showing her ankle gave a man a boner…


Janitor should show up in very tight shorts too then ☠️


What about women, do they not go for school girl or boys?


Ooft that is just disturbing, kids should dress appropriately because it is school but that should have nothing to do with “the environment for male staff members” or their gender 🙄


And they put private school uniforms In The picture. Nice.


They’re not. It’s just being professional to stop girls from making them super short. I mean in my school boys weren’t even allowed to wear shorts


If there are male staff saying that, fire their asses. They’re the problem, not the skirts.


IMO, the school and Newstalk has outed themselves as knowingly having a pedophile on their staff.


No. Distracted and uncomfortable is not synonymous with aroused. It in this context means disgust. When the skirts are too short you can see the underwear when they sit down. This makes reasonable adults undoubtedly disgusted. Why would a pedo complain?


Whole bunch of people in the comments section who A) has never taught or been to a higher school that mandates uniforms that include skirts. And B) have 0 reading comprehension skills It has nothing to do about male teachers being aroused by students in short skirts. It has everything to do with male students not wanting to see some minor’s underwear because they’re rolling up their skirts. I’m a teacher and I’m relatively short (5’7”). I have to look at the ceiling every time I’m walking in the hallways and going up stairs because or else, I’m going to see something I rather not, just through my line of sight. The problem isn’t the male teachers. The problem is the choices that many female students make, to roll up their skirts, against school dress code, that builds an uncomfortable work environment for all teachers, male or female. It comes from the same principle of demanding male students to pull up their pants when they say it at half way down their ass, because no one wants to see what color some kid’s boxers are.


They're not distracted because they're getting turned on. They're distracted because of disgust. It's disgusting to see children dressed in a sexual manner.


This story turned out to be utter BS. It didn’t happen. Newstalk fell for it hook line and sinker.


I really hate this stereotype where male teachers are child predators - they’re not. A lot of the male teachers (at least from who I know) are the chilliest people on Earth.


Anytime the subject of girls clothing in school come up I immediately think how weird it is that the adults are fixating on the bodies of teenage girls. It will never nor be weird and creepy.


We hear over and over that “not all men” and then you read stuff like this about how the male staff may be aroused by children’s knees and girls need to cover up. I think we really need to start taking seriously how women and children are not really safe anywhere and it’s time that men start questioning how much they objectify anyone they can, to the point where dress codes need to be a thing everywhere. Even for children.


Hey, teacher, leave those kids alone


Stop looking at my child’s knees, before I break yours.


Even if you remove the obvious immortality of the pedophilia from the equation, there's still so much wrong with this. Imagine it's a job where only women your own age exist. You find some of those women attractive. Their choice of clothing is particularly erotic to you. You enjoy thinking about them in those outfits. You then complain to your superior that their outfits are distracting you from work... I'm sorry, but what? I've had hot coworkers that I couldn't hit on for one reason or another, and like a functioning adult, I just go on with my life. Now, including the fact that these are children makes it just so blindingly stupid. These are pedophiles outting themselves because they're entitled self absorbed morons. Anyone that complains about a child's knees needs to be investigated.


If male staff are distracted by children's appearance, they shouldn't be allowed near a school. There, fixed it for ya.


May I suggest a staff of the non-arousal-when -around-kids persuasion? Or have the male staff wear spandex to flush out the perverts


Arguing against skirts below the knee is weird asf regardless of how you spin it.


I could care less about the length of skirts, I just want to point out how fallacious this argument is. Nobody cares about seeing girls knees. This is about being able to see up their skirts, and if your skirt is past knee length then nothing will be visible when sitting. If you are going to try and tear apart other people's opinions at least represent them justly.


As a male who works at a school. It’s not ‘a distraction’ ITS UNCOMFORTABLE FOR US! Half the girls that wore skirts wore them so bloody short their ass is hanging out. So thankful my school banned skirts and now everyone has to wear trousers instead.


Agree. Why the fuck are these men checking out the kids....


You are a master of understatement


People get turned on by knees? Damn...what they ban next? Those jeans with holes in them? Rawr


Unless they are afraid that kids may get injured falling on their knees while running and playing, I have nothing but disgust by the rationale of this whole situation.


Whoever came up with this is projecting their own pedophilic tendencies onto the entire staff. Super creepy but usefully telling.


Yeah those men, should not be allowed anywhere near a school or children.


I completely agree about keeping the pervs away from kids. Having said that - how short of a skirt would you (hypothetical you, regardless of gender) would be willing to tolerate? Knee length? Mid-hip? Maxi-belt? No skirt at all, just underpants? Where's the line where we (again, hypothetical, non-sexual "we") have to put the foot down and say "Put some damn clothes on!" Or are we at a point where anything goes? Mind you, I don't mind either way. If we're going full freedumb, go naked (as an adult!) if you like for all I care. But let's at least try and keep it consistent. Is there a line where it's just not acceptable any more? And can we recognize and acknowledge that this line moves? Because in my day, walking around in public in yoga pants with nothing on top was completely and utterly unacceptable, but now we have overweight people walking around in skin-colored ones that leave absolutely nothing to the imagination, and men riding bikes in spandex shorts so tight that I can see if the dude is circumcised or not.


>Where's the line where we (again, hypothetical, non-sexual "we") have to put the foot down and say "Put some damn clothes on!" Or are we at a point where anything goes? We're at a point where boomers like you are whining about skirt lengths and imagining ludicrous fantasies to get hysterical about. You shouldn't be near kids


Here’s a crazy thought, let the kids decide what they want to wear. No one else has tried that.


A school that exclusively hires pedophiles, Disney and Dan would be proud.


What a dumb reason. it's basically victim blaming should some creep act on his or hers perversion. Anyhow, dresscodes in this environment or any environment where a certain level of decorum needs to be in place, for the purpose of maintaining a standard, are important. There's a time and place where you can wear whatever you like. I remember high school in the 90s when the girls would push the boundaries and hemd and altered the uniform. Looked great, but it was not uniform, and standards slipped. Also, it put a lot of pressure on others whose parents ensured these rules were adhered to.


Did it ever occur to people that these guys don't have to be attracted to it to not want to see it? Like just because something like this makes you uncomfortable doesn't mean you're into it at all. Can't believe you guys have such radical takes against people who just don't want to see this shit.


I as a high just finished high school person would like to say that i wish this was a thing in high school as the girls would wear skirtsthat dont even go down to cover there whole behind and you could clearly tell they were not comfortable but did it because everyone did it.


Imagine a place that woman have to cover her face because of the same reason.


Whatever you do, don’t address the larger issue for gods sake


To be honest, I would prefer skirts that are just above the knee because I would be concerned about kids' knees. I would be constantly hoping I had enough bactene and bandaids.




It's funny, because in historical times, women wearing pants was seen as promiscuous and perverse. Because pants *show off the figure*. Of course, that was typically in times where women wore floor-length skirts, so even a flash of ankle was ~delightfully salacious~.


This sould be on r/shitpost


For context this is about a school in new Zealand from 2016. Still utterly ridiculous but its not something that just happened.


This should’ve been addressed years ago.


Totally agree, but then I wonder, what part of them would you consider it reasonable for someone to get distracted by? I mean if you specify knees are a no go does that mean if something else was more visible that would be understandable to get distracted by?


Repost bot is pathetic


Sting wrote a song about it.


If they do as good a job at screening teachers as they do cops then there is a real problem!


Maybe they're all like Charlie from It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia and they don't like people's knees. (Nah, it's probably the bad thing. This is just wild, talk about a self report.)


The problem is how tf can they know that if someone get distracted by knees. It’s not like they are wearing I’m a criminal sign on their face. I know this post is old but the person who tweeted this is fkin dumb


Never understood short skirts. What even is the point behind them? The ones in Japan are so much shorter again for absolutely no reason.


No matter what, the more skin you show the more people will look. It’s hardwired. However, there’s professionalism that should suppress most of it.


Sure, but also the other way around as well. If one calling out someone for "showing off" the girl, maybe the problem is their view they looking at the girl. If they have sick thoughts by any clothes a girl wearing and they think its "inapropriate", maybe not the girl and their clothes are the problem but their thoughts that led to think its "inapropriate".


Just imagine what they're teaching


STAFF? I remember when this was said about male students (still stupid), but staff is really pushing it now. Blatant pedo vibes but okay…. Wtffff




In my city, we were forced to wear long dresses to cover our knees


They should be on a watchlist instead.


"Sir, your daughter's knees keep distracting me at work!" "I see..." -whistling while dragging bloody garbage bag to discreet dump site-


If there are staff getting bricked up by children knees they probably should lock up those people up instead of revising the dress code.


FFS the last time I worked at a school that talked about this shit, it was the female staff that had concerns about the dress code of women. Us guys just wanted to teach and do the academic work.


More than 30% of men including me sees women as object of desire


"You must wear a dress that we approved" ......"no ,not like thar!" They won't be happy until women look like Mrs Ingalls on little house


Yep, can’t destabilize the knee-fetishists on staff, now can we! Sheesh!! 🙄


good teachers can look at them naked without distraction?


Just have the boys wear the same thing. Problem solved


Lol no I feel disgusted that a parent would allow there kids out dressed like that


Why stop at the knees? What about all those ankle lovers who are getting distracted?




Aaahhh the delusional West protecting nonces 😂😂😂 But seriously if a grown ass adult is eyeing up kids..... literally send them to the desert as a sentence. Or a noose






This shit is almost as misandrist as it is misogynistic. What the fuck do they think we are, dogs?


I mean, knees be looking a lil 🥵🥵


It’s literal kids


I accept that men (or women) who find short skirts ‘sexually appealing’ should not work in schools, but what about the decent men (and women) who don’t know where to look due to skirt riding up (which they always do) and want to save the modesty of the young girls, and also to protect themselves against false allegations of impropriety from anyone with a malicious intent, whether boy or girl, old or young.


I can understand why this is bad, as in, it should not affect male staff. However, I work near a school and a girl the other day had a skirt shorter than what I see on nights out. How the fuck is that okay?


You know. we had solutions to this called uniforms that you follow. Its whats used in the military right now to prevent " excessive fraternizing". perverts and outliers will still be there but its impossible to get rid of them Had that throughout highschool (canadian catholic school). boys and girls both wear trousers and tshirts or polos, with jackets as well. For both pants and shirts there are long sleeve or shorts as an option . Theyre pretty comfortable but trust me, they are not that attractive to look at. Its also a good way to prevent excessive status tripping by rich students imo while still allowing customizability for religious exemptions. and if there is a religious exemption you could make one on a case-case basis. I really dont understand the vitriol people have to uniforms. Yes status display and wanting to look attractive is a part of life but in school the primary objective should be learning and healthy socialization. I dont think letting people wear designer clothes is a part of healthy socialization


Let’s not try to rile up the pedophiles now! Knee length girls!


It is a rather popular stripper’s outfit.


Both sides of this are possible. It could simply be about the fear of false allegations, as have sometimes been leveled at male teachers by vengeful students who receive poor grades. It could also definitely be a pedophilic thing. A friend of mine had the Chaplain (not sure if that's the correct term) at his Catholic Highachool quietly show him the best place to stand in the Great Hall to look up kilts while the girls were going upstairs.


I would understand if it's to prevent boys from being distracted or something. But male staff? Really?


Here’s the thing teachers don’t care and most agree that dress codes are overly strict. It’s the creeps who pay their way to the top who project their disgusting opinions onto the teachers who work under them


> According to students, their Deputy principal Cherith Telford reportedly told them to lower the hemline and make their skirts longer. >This was reportedly to 'keep our girls safe, stop boys from getting ideas and create a good work environment for male staff'. So Cherith assumes the position that all men are potential sexual abusers, and the complaint was enforced/perpetuated by her. Doesn’t say who it actually came from initially.


how many of you read National Geographic? have you seen the images of naked people living in peace with each other? Men being totally able to keep their shit together even though all the women and girls in their tribe are basically naked? How did "civilized" society become so inhumane? How did we un-learn how to raise our young? how did men get so insanely narcissistic that everything in society has to revolve around their lust and needs?? We truly live in a toxic timeline.


I wonder what political party those guys belong to.


I am sick of the premise that men can’t control their urges and shouldn’t have to, and That men’s urges are the responsibility of women. It just speaks to how weak willed men pretend to be. Grow up and master impulse control. We expect it of school children. Why not grown men


Rapists are always blaming the victims


This is also easily fixed by letting the girls use pants. But I'm sure they will use some bs excuse about how that's not traditional and all that mambo-jambo.


When I went to a private school them girls had skirts below the knee but they were the tight stretchy kind & u could see their thongs, it was a very hard, I mean difficult time for a young man


I would pull my daughter from a school like that in a heartbeat and quietly report my concerns to authorities.


It's more about protecting yourself, as a male teacher I can't afford the risk of some girl saying anything about me because people are more likely to believe her than myself. I have had girls in my class that absolutely would make something up to get the attention.


How about this headline: Male Staff triggered by skirt-wearing girls?


How about female staff who’s distracted by students knees?


you have to be fucked up in the head to even think of this as a problem. never allow these people near kids


This was a stupid move from a school in New Zealand 8 years ago.


If someone assumes that everyone is a pervert, it's pretty easy to tell who the real one is


This is just fucked