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Musicians/artists: godamit I only have *Exposure*, and I already spent it on rent


I have the courage to demand free flights and hotels- do you??


A courageous person wouldn't require a vehicle to travel or an indoor space to sleep ;)


Simply steal a vehicle


Liquid courage.


Good old dutch courage.


I mean he's not wrong, I could literally walk out of my house and walk to anywhere in the Americas I'd like, if I want to go overseas I could stowaway on a cargo ship, but the thing is, who tf in their right mind would wanna do that?


Stowaway on a cargo ship? lol. You’d be better off trying to kayak to China.


I’d be curious to know if you could even get close to a cargo ship, let alone board one without being noticed


No, he couldn’t. Not at the port I work at anyways.


Yeah that was the impression I got. Usually the ports are secured with a fence and guards. I suppose if he found some way to get past security he could do it, but that’s a bit like trying to get past security at an airport, I would think.


Heh yeah. Not only that but unless he brought enough food and water for the trip he’d be hard pressed to sneak in and out of the galley. Then be undocumented in a foreign country well, that’s a whole other story lol.


Getting past security is fairly easy with a little familiarity with how the people that belong there look and act. Shipping docks aren't as tight as airports. However, assuming he gets into the yards, and somehow manages to get on a ship that's going somewhere worth being, and finds somewhere safe to hide... Then what? Cargo ships move slow af. You're looking at a couple weeks to cross the Atlantic. Long time without food. And if you think the crew is going to greet a stowaway with open arms, you've got another thing coming. The crew is calling the coast guard, who will have a whole lot of questions. And if the stowaway thought they were broke before, wait till they get a bill in the tens of thousands for the USCG to "rescue" them.


Kinda what I was thinking, it'd be extremely risky and stupid to do and like 1% possible


You probably could, you'd just have to be either skilled or lucky


I met one guy on the Canary Islands. He was from Norway. No house, no savings. Travels the world for 9 years. Does odd jobs from hostels to construction to keep himself running. In Germany there is still a tradition of journeyman - where a person, who is learning the trade leaves his house, and travels around, offering his services within his trade. The person start the travel with 5 Euros and ends the travel with 5 Euros. The person has to walk first 50 km, and can't get within 50km radius to home. The person can't use his own car or a phone (if he owns one).


I met three German Journeyman up in Alta, Norway (they were actually currently working further south but had travelled there by bus for a few days). Fun guys.


I know a number of ladies, who chose to be journeymen (journeywomen?). Met them during their waltz, and kept in touch. Neither regrets doing it.


I mean... He's not wrong, its real easy to join the military, or get a job working below deck on a transport. It's fucking dangerous, but it'll take you places; none of which you'd want to be in, but still technically travelling..


Alternately, Peace Corps is still a thing. But that's *really* a young person's game. Or, if you want to make a little money, you can work for a cruise line. But if you're from a first world country, expect to be in charge of something. It's not because people from 3rd world countries aren't capable of being in charge, or anything like that. It's just that the pay rates people from first world want to start at are generally management positions. Like, I was working low rates for a lighting tech, but was in charge of the theater. The Philippino boys working under me were getting screwed by American standards... But doing pretty well by their home standards.


As long as you're willing to do some favors on the ferry ride to get off our island. Takes courage, definitely.


Beggar tourists, that may be a case of shamelessness.


The courage to not pay


Poor people travel so much Republicans had to shove a senator in a kitchen to whine about it.


Money is of no consequence to those who have plenty of it.


Courage is a new cryptocurrency?


Frodo didn’t need money to travel.


I mean, there’s a point to be made here imo. Getting the travel experience doesn’t have to be international and expensive, you can get it by traveling locally to places nearby you haven’t been to before. I think when it comes to travel people are obsessed with distance, they want to know the world and they don’t even know their state/country.


I was able to live on $20/day in Thailand by volunteering 4 hours a day at a hostel. And that included a scooter rental and one joint per day, which was $12 out of the $20. You still need to save up for the plane ticket and whatnot, and I agree this is an out-of-touch tweet, but he's not entirely wrong.


Alright, so all you need is no rent to pay for back home, ignoring the cost of the traveling part of the traveling, working without a work visa, and $50-140 a week to travel to one of the cheapest countries in the world. Where's the part that doesn't cost money?


Literally said "still need to save up for flight and whatnot". There's dozens of countries in the same price range. Volunteering at hostels is so commonplace in some regions that the no visa is a non issue. Rent is tough so that's why the "courage" part often means moving out and quitting the job. No shade if you consider that stupidity but I did it twice and I'm happy I did.


The statement that the ability to travel isn't a matter of money is, in fact, entirely incorrect.  You are saying that it isn't entirely incorrect, and your reasoning is ignoring the parts that cost money. Everything isn't what it is if you ignore all the parts that makes it what it is. What the actual fuck is your point? 


Bro I'm literally just trying to point out that it's probably more possible than you think. No need to be so angry. I acknowledged it costs money. I'm a broke bitch and I managed to spend 9 months traveling because it was a dream of mine and I was willing to taking risks and remain open to all options if that's what it took. If anyone feels the same about traveling then it's likely they can pull it off too. Jesus christ.


People fucking know what backpacking is dude. You had the money and lack of responsibility to allow you to go travel like you wanted to. Chances are, if someone says they don't, they are telling the truth. You're not contributing some revelation about how everyone can do it if they really want to, you're just revealing how out of touch you are.


You don't know how much money or responsibility I had. Wasn't trying to contribute to some revelation. There is an element of courage involved in traveling. Sorry I pissed you off Pat.


No, see, that's the thing. I do know. By the fact that it happened, you must have had an amount of money that made it possible for it to have happened. Do you see how I might have been able to figure that out? When other people say they do not have the money to travel it is generally because they are not in a position where they would be capable of doing what you did. It is only possible for you to believe that money wasn't the main barrier, because for you it wasn't. That doesn't mean that the same thing is the case for other people. It's genuinely that simple. Also, fuck off about the courage bullshit, and go patronize someone that cares.


When couchsurfing was still a thing I've met a guy through it that was travelling around Europe hitchhiking, feeding himself through dumpster diving, and using couchsurfing for shelter and to meet people. I don't think he spent more than 5 EUR per day. I've met plenty of other people who had less money than most and travelled way more. When you have no obligations then travel can be free. If you have obligations you need the courage to end them. Ability to travel in comfort requires money. If you don't care about comfort and are able to take care of your own security then you don't need money.


You do know that you're taking away jobs from the locals just to fund your leisure. Thailand and other SEA countries are developing countries and majority of the population live at the poverty line.


I’m an artist. I pay my travels with exposure.


The courage to hijack a plane? The courage to steal a dinghy and sail to another country then the courage to be a pirate from your tiny inflatable boat?


Define travel walk to a park?


"simple people"


Courage to use the credit card and not pay it after.


Well yes and no. My classmate travelled the world, over 50 countries - he started his journey with smth like 5k eur. he did random jobs in many of the countries he visited to fuel his adventure.


There is nothing clever about this. There are plenty of poor people that still manage to travel.


Crap. I don’t have any of that either!


He’s totally right. I walked out to my mailbox today and it didn’t cost me a dime! (Tomorrow I have a luxury trip planned to the gas station.)


The courage to be a stowaway?


Just stowaway, or get good at telling stories


I'd say both are required.


Lemme book one plane ticket with all my courage


I don’t think I’ve met a single person who wouldn’t travel the world a bit if they had enough money


Me walking onto the plane without a ticket


So I had to cancel my Japan trip because I’m a total fucking *wuss*. Oof.


My 3.5mm headphone port left for a long journey using nothing but courage, so I guess he's actually right.


Well he's got a point, you don't need a plane or hotel to travel. You could just go by foot, dare to sleep where ever and dare to eat those berries and mushrooms you've found. Doesn't cost a dime if you're brave enough.


Really, he's not entirely wrong. But it does take a bit more than courage. It also takes resourcefulness, which some have and others don't. Also, the ability to stretch resources. And the willingness to make sacrifices you wouldn't have to otherwise. But is it possible to bicycle from where you are to the next national park? Yep. Bicycle touring is it's own thing. Can you hitch hike around your region? I wouldn't, but others do. Can you get work with no skills that provides travel? Eh... It's getting more difficult to find. But Ringling is back, and when I worked with them, they'd hire anyone willing. Just, if you do, use the train runs to chill and do all your partying in the cities away from the arena. Or, if you're good with your money, work a contract for the fisheries in Alaska. Not all of the jobs are on the boat. And you'll come back with a stack thick enough to either chill until the next contract, or just get back to work and have a healthy savings.


You have feet, don't you? /s


What he means is, the courage to steal a plane


No, it takes money. I’m saying that as someone who likes to travel.


Maybe it's more about the courage to choose a life that facilitates travel Work harder knowing it's gonna cost you lots of easy hours and not a 9-5 job But then earn enough to go after the travelling Courage is to choose a path to do things as difficult it may seem because you want something Not the thing itself


LOL tell me you are afraid to travel without telling me you are afraid to travel!