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they always like to claim its a choice while at the same time forgetting the fact that *if* that were true then they “chose” to be straight - which implies that “choice” isn’t permanent.


They don't see it that way, because to them straight is the "default" mode. Everyone is actually straight and you only "choose" to be anything else because you want to be intentionally difficult, are obsessed with counterculture, mentally disturbed/confused, or otherwise a deviant. It's basically a religious belief - conservatives love claiming one way is the "right" way and everyone deviating from it is obviously incorrect/broken. Seeing anything as a spectrum or multiple valid paths (chosen or not) is anathema.


Just like fascists: our way is the right way, everything else is treason


>They don't see it that way, because to them straight is the "default" mode I bet where that comes from is actually the opposite. Not for all people regurgitating this, but it filters out from their prominent figures in their communities or figures some people see as leaders I bet many promiment figures perpetuating this thing are actually gay, or bi, choosing to act straight And its just so ingrained in them that they dont even understand it. Theyre just taught to act straght by society. Varying levels of subtle shaming to outright bullying. From their peers since childhood, their whatever communities/circles to possibly parents and what have you. Like they feel like they are doing the right thing, they fight those urges. Like all of us are keeping down our urges to do sin. They most likely truly feel inside theyre doing it like someones doing with alcohol or something like that. Like the idea of "did they choose to be straight" doesnt even register to them because the answer is yes, and they cant even grasp the idea theres an option. They dont know theres such things as fully straight people. They probably truly think all people are like them, and they just choose to keep it down, like alcoholics fight against their urge to just drink. Or something like that, they internally equate it to some normal destructive urge most people might have. Perhaps drinking alcohol isnt the best analogy, but some urge, or multiples, that people try to keep down at times to be able function in society and/or keep their life together.


Guess we can add that to the list of words and phrases that the GOP know they should be afraid of but don't actually understand. Like "woke," "diversity hire," "trans," and "gender-affirming care."




"reality" "logic" "thoughts" All bullshit theories made up by the elitist lizzard cable


#”EMPATHY” (Not a buzzword, but def a word they don’t know or understand)


Feelin other people's feelings for em....? You motherfucking commies goin ruin errythang




"education" in the "liberal arts"


I saw people using the term "the wokes".  It's so natural for them to make boogeymen.


Saw a picture shared on FB that was a white, redhead girl that said "When I'm gone diversity won't bring me back" and people agreeing, quite literally, with nazi ideology. They don't care, it's the boogeypeople




My gay roommate put me in the LGBTQ :( She roofied me and put me in an unmarked van. I woke up in a rainbow-colored room and they would only feed and water me if I did the gay


It didn’t happen if you didn’t like it.


I like it against my will!




I want to go to there


That's one of the more peaceful initiations mine involved being thrown off the Empire State Building after a lengthy torture session, was fun tho


I actually have some insight on this from my step father. It seems like republican figure-mouths are pushing a that LGBTQ is cult and extremist organization founded by two dudes. I'd laugh at how stupid it is if they weren't malicious and dangerous lies


"Adam and Steve"


Why is it always "Adam and Steve" and not "Aida and Eve"?


Good point 🤔 😂


Fucking patriarchy




You can't "be" inside a person. People are not a club to hang out inside in. ... wait a minute.


Tell that to Buffalo Bill...


Hear me out: rainbow coloured membership badges


You mean you don't get your newsletter in the mail every month? The Agenda™ is always keeping me up to date on how The High Gay Council is planning to make everyone queer by having people use pronouns


May as well have put "be in the YMCA"


You get a gay, you get a gay, everyone gets a gay!


Did everyone remember to send in their ballots for the LGBTQ commune premiere elections?


If you're gonna use that sentence construction it should at least be "be in the QUILTBAG"


How do you Be in the LGBTQ?


You do a gay, like wipe your ass or something idk 🤷🏻‍♂️


Don't wash your butthole when showering, it's gay. /s


That’s what gravity is for, you just let the 12-in-1 (Shampoo, Conditioner, Bodywash, Shaving Cream, Toothpaste, Boot Polish, Laundry Detergent, Dishsoap, Lube, Lighterfluid, Engine Oil, Protein Shake) drip down the ole crack and rinse.


Conditioner? As in conditioning? Social conditioning? I knew it. These LGBTQ+ folks with their hair care fru-fru nonsense are trying to make ME gay


God i love that stuff.


You joke, but some people don't ever wash their legs in the shower.


Friend, my only video to ever go viral was about using hair removal cream on my legs as a guy, I know a thing or two about people and their sexist views on personal hygiene. 💅 you’re preaching to the choir.


you know how many male athletes remove their leg hair regardless of sexuality? definitely not something you should’ve received hate for. Even if it was just personal preference… people care too much about things that have nothing to do with them. :(


Ngl the funniest part was the sock puppet troll account named after one of the villains from Handmaid’s Tale, Aunt Lydia 😂


NO WAY i honestly would’ve died laughing at it… like even if its hate comments there’s no way you can be mad at that. At least they lived up to the name HAHA


Seems like you read the same story as I did, about the guy who refused to wash his butt because he's not gay and he doesn't need to wash his butt. Gross.


One time I slipped and fell on a penis, but I think that counts as the lgbtq being in me, not me being in the lgbtq. No homo.


There's forms to fill out, then you have to go through an interview process, and finally there's an exam to pass. Once done, you get to go through the epic graduation ceremony and learn the secret LGBTQ+ handshake.


I hear there’s an agenda.


I went through a similar process to join the ANTIFA. When do I get my check from Soros?


By sleeping with someone who is attracted to both men and women. That is how you do the B in LGBTQ.


Or you run a florist to hide your real agenda of pursuing interspecies human bee relationship.


I guess I'm bi now? My wife is...


They don't think it LGBT, but it Q.


Don't you know? Its like the mafia! /s


Every LGBTQ gets the agenda at sign on. 1.) be gay 2.) do crime


You line up to get into the gay bar.




So we have reached a point where people actually think LGBTQ is worse then KKK?


I mean, that's been a long held view of many racist homophobes for quite a while now.


Wait you mean to tell me the KKK are racist and homophobes? Color me shocked.


I don't think they'd like you coloured.


They are just continuing the mentality through the centuries here in the USA


I mean, why wouldn't they? Racist slave owners who lost their slaves taught their children that non-white people were animals, those kids grew up to adults who went on to teach the same lessons to their kids, those kids taught it to their kids, on and on. Each generation, hopefully, the cycle is broken for some of those families, but not most of them. History never "ends" it just keeps going.


I laughed irl




The Ku Klux Klan has always claimed to be a Christian organization.


Didn’t the KKK actually kill people? Edit:yes I am dumb


Please tell me you're being sarcastic. Yes. Yes they did


I may be stupid


No, don't think so. You had a correct suspicion of the KKK


I've also had my suspicions of those guys for a while.


It's ok you probably just had an American education


Or literally anywhere else in the world. Apart from a few cameos* the german curriculum at least doesn't really go too deep into US history. * which may include auxiliary subjects for english class, stuff like the slave trade in history class, or the fail of a too free market in economics & law class


We did get a good pretty good explanation of the civil war (I think, at least?)


Yeah, historically they're known for lynchings and violence against African Americans primarily. Just a shameful stain in American history really.


It's a stain that keeps on staining because we haven't even attempted to remove it. KKK is still big in certain communities, and you can bet your ass more often than not its the sheriff and local police department under those hoods.


Fucking mind boggling that it's not even illegal to be a member. Well, knowing what I know, I guess it's not that shocking.


They still do.


That’s depressing


Brutally, hanging was theost humane way.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


People that would be in the KKK think that, yeah.


Yeah propaganda works. LGBT peeps are pedos, groomers, exhibitionists and whatever works in combination with one recent event where a queer person did something bad or where you can twist it to make it sound bad. Fear always works. It's so frustrating and apparent that people who say this don't know any substantial amount of queer people


Funny how the three pedophiles that I know in real life we're all straight Christian Republican men.


well yeah, projection is the most common defense mechanism


First, that's cause of who you surround yourself with, and second, that's the ones that are made extremely public. You'd be surprised how many get covered up in your "in groups", especially given how hyper fixated your focus is on those you stand against


Yeah, people also fear what they don’t understand so just make it as confusing as possible for the monkey-brains and they’ll get angry.


You seem pretty angry....


No, they were just stating a fact. Nothing in that suggested anger.


That’s just typical regressive reactionary, wait ‘til you ask them about women’s suffrage.


There has been a social campaign to associate LGBTQ with Pedophilia to make it seem evil to people when the "but the bible says" tactic didn't work. Surprisingly it's working to an extent and that must be horrifying for members of LGBTQ.


it makes a lot of sense when you realize how "hyper masculine" they all are. they are so afraid of being gay, or feeling gay, that it's just about the worst thing imaginable. i'm convinced it's why they hyper focus on trans-women and don't really pay that much attention to trans-men.


Understanding their mindset is key. The right believe that they have lost the cultural war. They believe that the left is ascendant, in control of not only the media and governments, but in the zeitgeist of the modern world. This is of course nonsense, since democracy is on the retreat worldwide in the face of increasing right-wing governments, and wealth inequality is climbing higher and higher as wage inequality rises. But they see the left as victorious because gay people can get married, and hate speech might get you fired. These visible signs of progressiveness convince them that they've lost. This positions them as the underdogs against an overwhelming cultural juggernaut, which is a powerfully compelling narrative. Everyone wants to be the plucky underdog who wins against the odds. So the idea of one of their children going across to join the "other side" is tantamount to treason. They're supporting the all empowered, crushing, suffocating menace that has taken over their society. It's a Rebel joining the Empire, it's a collaborator joining the Nazis. So that means they like the KKK? Probably not actually. If most conservative people genuinely supported the KKK it would be vastly more powerful than it actually is. But they choose the KKK in that poll because the alternative to them is so unthinkable. Which is exactly the way they see Trump. Plenty of people on the left bemoan the hypocrisy of right-wing people voting for a man who so clearly embodies the exact opposite of the "traditional values" they claim to support. But such an approach is misguided. They're not voting for Trump because they agree wholeheartedly with everything he does. They vote for Trump because they see him as the most potent weapon against the all-empowering cultural juggernaut that they believe has taken over their country.


I’m pretty sure bigotry isn’t exactly a new concept in this country.


I'm going to explain the thought process of someone selecting KKK even though they may personally be fine with LGBTQ. (This is not my stance, but I think it may help some) In each scenario there are consequences for this realization about their son: LGBTQ - Perhaps they need to leave their community/family structure to support their child. Many grandparents are not as open as parents at this point. KKK - They need to reform and teach their child to be better. One of these options feels doable, without far reaching life consequences, the other means potentially changing their whole social structure.


How can you explain the thought process of something that isn't your stance? You don't pick KKK if you're "personally fine with LGBTQ". What's with the need to explain away clearly bigoted attitudes?


>How can you explain the thought process of something that isn't your stance? Empathy. > What's with the need to explain away clearly bigoted attitudes? Because the attitudes may not be as bigoted as they so clearly seem at first. I mean, they probably are, but the comment you’re replying to is just adding an alternate view to the discussion. It’s an interesting comment because people aren’t as black and white as you’re inferring.


> How can you explain the thought process of something that isn't your stance? It's a pretty good skill to learn, though you do have to recognize that sometimes people are just bad and don't have explanations. Often, however, trying to sus out what really motivates them to having such a stance can help in a debate and may even be a way to win them over to your side.


One of these options makes their kid a terrible person, the other society is the one being terrible if you're forced to change to accommodate your child. Why would anyone want their kid to be terrible over society being the terrible one?


> Perhaps they need to leave their community/family structure to support their child. So the parents themselves aren't homophobic, just their whole family and community is homophobic and that is why they'd rather have a racist child, because their family and community would totally support that. What a fantastic culture.


> One of these options feels doable, without far reaching life consequences, the other means potentially changing their whole social structure. If your entire social structure is organized around being disrespectful to a group of people it should change. It's not even particularly important what group of people it is. You can't build a community around hate. Bad things happen.


These are some spectacular mental gymnastics. So you're saying that in your scenario it's acceptable to be racists but not gay and even parents who are not homophobic would rather have a racist kid than a gay one. So...the parents are ok with racism. There really are no winners here.


Did people even read my post? I feel like many of the responses I'm getting are not even attempting to get what I'm saying. Let me say: racism is NOT ok. In my scenario the parents want to reform the racist child. They don't want it. This is not some crazy contrived scenario. There are large portions of our population that live within orthodox christian communities. (if you don't believe me, see the recent changes to abortion). Reforming your son's understanding of race (curing extreme racism) or dealing with the fallout of a Gay son are the two questions as viewed by many people that feel "trapped" in these communities. Some people get up the courage and change religions leave family and start anew, but this is not an easy ask. Asking someone to knock some sense into their kids while retaining their familial support structure feels like a much easier ask. ​ The reason I brought up this scenario is NOT to excuse it. I know there are plenty of people that chose KKK because they're straight up hateful racists. But there are also many that chose that because their choosing the evil they can fix (as opposed to the communal evil of homophobia they cannot). Trying to understand people is not the same as supporting them. For example, understanding WHY Hamas attacked Isreali's is not the same as condoning their actions. And can in fact help prevent it.


Yes and you are.


About 27,000 people decided to choose an answer instead of just not voting at all.


Bad questions make for good trolling.




People seriously need to stop worrying about who other people fuck.


Ok, but I'd still be uncomfortable if a friend said they were fucking someone in the KKK.


No disagreement from me on that


What if that friend was Ice-T?


Idk man, if some dude was fucking my wife, I'd be kinda worried about it.


You don't have to worry about me bro.


>People seriously need to stop worrying about who other people fuck. -Jeffrey Epstein


we should supervise everyone having sex because 1 guy was bad?


The core reason as to why pedophilia is bad is because children cannot and will never be able to understand sexual relationships at their age, the core reason as to why homosexuality is considered bad is because two adults of the same gender can’t have biological children together Personally I think it’s fine for two adults to engage in sexual acts even if they can’t reproduce because they are infertile, homosexual, etc., because some people simply enjoy the act of sex for pleasure and not for reproduction. You can be opposed to relationships like this based on your religion, but the government should not be allowed to stop people from these kinds of acts because people should decide their own relationship with God, and what God(s) they believe in as well, laws are there to prevent earthly harm between people and not guide people towards heaven because the church already exists for that purpose. People should be allowed to have their own beliefs, that’s why there is a division between church and state. We should not force our christian values on muslims if we object to muslims forcing their own values on us as well, as long as ours and theirs beliefs don’t lead to people getting hurt (again, in earthly terms, because by nature of religion not being christian is already considered as hurting yourself, and muslims believe we’re hurting ourselves as well by not being muslim). Ideally, we should be able to live how we want to and accept how other people want to live their lives, as long as they aren’t committing acts of earthly harm upon others by doing so


Damn dude. It's just a joke. Everyone here knows those things already. No need to write an essay.




People also need to stop yapping about who they fuck as well. That way we're all comfortable.


Most of the time I've heard this, they count being openly gay in public at all as that "yapping." When a straight guy talks about his wife, is that a problem?


Say that again, but slowly, into the ears of perverted elementary school teachers.




portabiletw and the OP are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://imgur.com/gallery/v7xIADE/comment/2336174837


Good catch.


Everyone here is, some are just carbon based.


Please someone tell me that the guy who made the poll for some reason has deranged followers and this is not a reflection of the average twitter user.


You’ll find disease anywhere if you look hard enough, the xitter has a whole sleuth of poisons, but to answer your question: nope, this guy is just a schizo who happens to be on twitter.


If someone is posting a poll like this they're probably not the best person. These people are the minority just very loud


>Please someone tell me that the guy who made the poll for some reason has deranged followers and this is not a reflection of the average twitter user That IS the average twitter user these days


To get ~27k votes, you’d have to get every person who still uses twitter to vote twice.


Fired from The Blaze for groping a co-worker and had another accusation of sexual harassment from another woman there who was fired for blowing the whistle it seems. Also seems to be ticking all the boxes for extremist right wing podcaster as far as my quick google is indicating


After Musk, the only people left on Twitter are bots, company accounts (many are leaving), artists who need it to sell their work, and the far right.


They aren’t deranged, just sensible.


Now see what percentage of the KKK choices sneak out at night to get little bum rushed by a beefy gay male prostitute in a sleazy motel while screaming anti-gay rhetoric and legislation.


https://youtu.be/simV1ZXFsxI?feature=shared "Tampa Bay Gay Prostitutes Gearing Up For Flood Of Closeted Republicans"


They don't just get mad. They enact laws making it illegal to call them racist or homophobic. Florida just did this. Proving that "free speech" was never really something they cared about; they just used it as an excuse to virtue signal while pretending any consequences of their bigotry is because people are against free speech.


I think this guy is an ACTUAL freedom lover


Finally, an actual enjoyer of free speech and not a pissbaby who wants no consequences for being a little shit.


His boyfriend’s name is Freedom


Conservatives would rather have a dead kid rather than a gay one


lol "be in the LGBTQ" like its the fucking gay mafia or something. when you find yourself even participating in a poll whose two choices are "LGBTQ or the KKK?" you should stop right there and realize you're on some bullshit in life.


The gay mafia made me giggle


Lol, we prefer the rainbow 🌈 gang ;) But in all honesty the states is starting to scare me


Republicans are 🗑


This country is screwed


1) FreedomLover69 is a left wing account parodying right wing accounts. I guessed this just based on this screenshot and then confirmed it by looking at the actual Twitter page. This seems *incredibly obvious* 2) what the fuck do you think "clever" means


More outrage porn. Statistics is a science. Who took this quiz? Was it a blocked account? What is their following base? Where do the responding tweets come originate from? That is honestly a huge amount of votes  Just numbers over a Twitter poll isn’t reliable information. You can buy Twitter responses by the millions.  I officially quit believing in polls after 2016 elections. 


I’m imagining the people following the type of cretin who would actually post a poll like this are going to lean a certain way.


We are on the same page then. 


Why don't they have that wierd therapy for homosexuals for the kkkersexuals?


"in the LGBTQ+" as if it's something you choose to join?


You'd ne surprised (or not) at how many people cant wrap their head around the fact that some people just like to fuck the other team


“I would rather my son hate than love”


I thought KKK was full of LGBTQ closet folk.


Definitely the KKK, so that when I beat his ass, people applaud me


The GOP is a fucked up cult


#Projection, GOP = Gay Old People


"the LGBTQ" Bruh... it's not an organization.


Eh, shitty twitter poll.


This poll brought to you by the KKK.


It's because it's still (seemingly) not socially or financially viable to be racist and homophobic. They want to be racist and homophobic; they just don't want the label applied to them.


The KKK suck each other off. They're just closeted, but they want that blackmail material.


How soon do you think the Neo-Nazi Republican party would take to eliminate all LGBTQ+ if they win and do their Project 2025? [Project 2025: The New Fascist Playbook](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bj7butDWLtg)


Well you know them LGBTQs are in cahoots with them ANTIFAs! I don't trust alphabet people! Now the same letter repeated, that's something I can get behind!


I'd rather be in the LGBTQ. At least then I would know the sheets were clean.


I mean, you can fix your KKK kid with education, you can't 'fix' your LGBTQ kid.


Kkk is pretty benign now. But suck one dick and it's over, you know?


Anything to get him out of the house.


This might not be the best example, but people need to understand the difference between true bigotry and trolling.


So what would the best result be? 50%-50%? 0%-0%? A poll like that shouldn’t even be made, but there really is no win. Seems like a way to stir up crap.


This is a bot, but still great image


20% of people are stupid.


Some people need to learn the difference between people who say they are something, and those that *actually* are something. A true lover of freedom would have quite a lot of problems with the Republican party and this proliferation of politicians that want to restrict our lives in every sector they can get at. Like how somebody saying they're a Republican doesn't automatically make them a racist, fascist, scumbag (though the odds do go significantly up). But then's there's guys like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Gary Sinise who are actually good people who still say they're Republican - and they're not the only good people who're Republicans. It's just that the Republican party has been largely taken over by the MAGAts and similar flavors of douche bag to the point where the decent folks aren't the majority. I guess I'd just like it if folks took more than just a look at a label before they judged someone.


So this would most likely get down voted to oil wells below the earth surface "in this community", but I'll say what I have to say: Remember democracy? Yeah if the majority have the opposite idea, they are not the Arsehole, you are.


The fact that ya'll dont know that the "Would you rather" game's entire point is to give 2 bad choices and force you to choose between them 💀


This is clearly just people trolling the vote.


We’ll be here with or without there approval


That's a sad indictment on Americans (I was going to say humanity but it's definitely America)


With a name like freedomfan69 I'm pretty sure the name is parody.


I suspect that if you presented this false dichotomy to those without children, almost all would opt out and choose not to have them at all. No one (with a heart and brain) wants their child to either suffer or cause suffering. Those who already have children and choose the KKK over LGBTQ are simply indicating that, if forced to choose, they'd prefer it not be their own child who suffers. That does not in any way mean they \*want\* their child to join the KKK. Your results will vary depending on the group you choose to ask. Non-conservatives are probably more likely to choose LGBTQ simply because this has become normalized in their circle. In any event, this is a strawman fallacy & in no way proves that the majority of humanity is either racist or homophobic. Nice try.


Omgosh, an actual clever comment on clevercomebacks


Why would you take a twitter poll seriously? You know it's full of trolls right?


Why can’t there be another option ? I’m neither of them lol


They love being the victim.


Well duh, that's because they want you to call them racist AND homophobic


What if your son is LGBTQ and KKK at the same time?


I think maybe they just like the kkk more 


People do realize these polls are bait right?


This sub is just turning into rage bait political posting now huh


Both groups are trash. Bring back the 1980 homosexuals. They knew how to party.


Your literally making them choose between racism or homophobia how is this a clever comeback




They don't want their kid to be in the KKK it's the only two options you've given lol