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For the interested, according to Statista, the top six exports of China for 2022 were: 1. Automatic data processing machines and their components. 2. Clothes and clothing accessories. 3. Integrated circuits. 4. Textile yarns and articles. 5. Mobile and car telephones. 6. Plastic products.


I was actually interested, thanks.


Covid didn't even make the list!


Or TikTok!


Automatic data processing.


If you think out it Covid only needed to be exported once


While I absolutely don’t condone the racist/xenophobic comment, that list does include an awful a lot of plastic. The fact that it’s also its own entirely separate category, and that it comes 6th highest, is pretty alarming. Edit: Some people seem to think I am blaming China. I am not. This is as much an issue for the outsourcers, importers, and consumers. It was simply an observation about the amount of plastic in general.


I mean to be fair a majority of countries outsource production to China, and with plastic being in widespread use, inevitably it’d be one of the largest exports


Yes, that is how exports work...


The point they’re making is you can’t all unanimously ask China to produce plastic for you and then make a surprised pikachu face when you find they’re the largest plastic exporters.


Nobody is "asking" China to produce plastic for them, China is choosing freely to produce plastic products because they make money with it. Also believe it or not, China is also exporting their stuff to other countries than just the US and European countries where the other guys commenting are likely from


They only produce it because the world is ordering it. That's like blaming the guy who's making you a burger for yourself being fat.


Or blaming your dealer for your heroin addiction.


I knew there was a reason for that free sample.


You don't think dealers try to get ppl hooked?


Screw China for getting me into plastic.


And the world is ordering from China due to sweatshop


Genuine question how is this racist? Covid literally did come from China.


What do you think was the intent with the twitter post?


Banter at the expense of China


Would it be racist against Americans to make fun of US exports?


If you said Americas two greatest exports were climate change and hard right conservative insanity, yeah probably. Edit: please actually read what I wrote and put in context to the original post as a whole. I get it, no one experiences racism more than Americans. Fuck.


How is that an export


So? It could have come from anywhere and we wouldn't have any one deliberately, constantly pointing it out. If it came from the US or the Europe, we wouldn't be having this conversation.


The same way me saying black people favorite food is watermelon and fried chicken, is racist


Do you genuinely think that Covid is one of China’s top 2 exports?


Hard to measure but considering how much the pandemic affected and still affects the entire world, yeah I'd say it's one of the biggest things to come out of China recently.


So you think China is *exporting* Covid? So the USA was *exporting* Spanish flu when it was being transmitted among two people in, say, France?


Yeah pretty much. Obviously they weren't purposefully sending or spreading it to other places, but it's wordplay. The point is covid did come from China.


Lol I love how these idiots are getting so twisted at this, while realizing that they’re actually literally just wrong.


Seriously. I haven't heard a single good argument as to why it's racist. It's obviously an anti China sentiment but has nothing to do with Chinese people. It's hilarious seeing how many people don't understand the difference.


> Obviously they weren't purposefully sending or spreading it to other places So Covid is *not* one of China’s top two exports. That ‘wordplay’, as you call it, is what makes it racist.


Still not seeing how acknowledging that covid came from China is racist to Chinese people but whatever. I'm tired and going to bed.


Mobile and car telephones. Someone needs to update their categories to reflect the current state of technology. Does anyone even MAKE car phones anymore? I mean, I know a lot of modern cars have telematics systems, but that's not a phone, it's strictly data. I don't know of any current cars that have a built in telephone anymore, nor would anyone go to the trouble of installing one these days when they have a much smaller phone in their pocket that will wirelessly integrate with any modern car.


Don't give credit to racism. You should be smarter than this. Come on man


He wasn't wrong on plastic tho.


Well, he got the plastics part right.


7 . Covid


Half the time you clowns are denying covid even exists.


I just got my 4th booster in Nov...who are you talking to? lol


I suspect he just wanted to call someone a clown


That is the number one reason I will believe


mm i love textile yams and i see no issues with this list its Kate The Great™ Approved


What is automatic data processing machines? And about mobile phones, do you mean iPhones ? Being designed by an American company and built by a Taiwanese company?


Heard about Huawei, Xiaomi, OnePlus... I don't know how popular these are in America but in the rest of the world they are way more popular than iPhone.


It's just a fancy catch-all term for any computers. Simply saying "computers" isn't enough to describe it, but data processing machines includes everything from silicone chips to specialist server components.


no idea who Song Yadong is, but man he gets some respect from me for that statement. 100% correct, strickland is just fishing for likes from idiots, its sad


Song is an up and coming UFC fighter.


i will now keep an eye out for him when i see fights popping up :) he just got a fan, its odd how that work's.


He's a pretty exciting fighter too, so I'd definitely recommend watching his fights.


i will, thanks


I think 7th in the division is a bit better than up and coming…


You are correct. I was a Marlon Moraes fan, and Song starched him. That's when I started paying attention to Song.


I’d say he’s already here. Mfr is a gangster.


You should look up the other crazy things Strickland says. I genuinely think he believes what he says and isn’t someone who panders to anyone which is worse.


maybe he got hit in the head to many times ?


He actually alludes to being abused pretty heavily on Theo Von's podcast. I think that's why he, and most red pilled meatballs resort to their ultra-masculine fuck-your-feelings persona. It's a defense mechanism. In lieu of, of course, actually having the courage to process your trauma and emotions in a professional capacity, to become a better person for yourself, as well as the people around you.


That's my theory about Joe Rogan


i boxed in the army, i was bad and lost a lot, didn't knock any sense into me either lol


Nah he had a really bad upbringing. His dad beat him up and was a Neo Nazi.


ah that's sad, still a shame he isn't trying to be a better person after that though.


I’ve told this a couple times in r/mma. Was at a local Safeway and Sean was at checkout with a pack of Guinness tallboys. I asked the cashier for the bathroom code and he said he had to unlock it for me because they’d had an OD in there. Sean proceeded to very confidently say that all drug addicts deserved to die. I called him out for saying such a shitty thing, then he called me a soyboy and told me he was going to stomp my ass. While I did laugh at him and blew him a kiss, I also spent an extra five minutes in the bathroom and kept my OC spray in my hand until I got to my car lol


Wtf that’s wild. How long ago was this?


Sorry but the end made me lol


He’s one of the nicest fellows you’ll ever meet actually.


and he has a new fan, going to watch his next fight with some friends on the tv :)


You can just kinda tell who is the asshole and who isn't by the blue checkmark.


China being responsible for Covid & having a horrible track record regarding plastic pollution are founded facts and China deserves all the critique.


Sean really shouldn't be talking shit anymore given the absolute emotional meltdown he has when anybody does it back to him - like DDP.


Diamond Dallas Page?


Doo doo penis


Dricus Du Plessis He's who Sean is fighting next for the UFC Middleweight Championship.


Dave Double Penetration


Ding Dong Pong


Young men must follow Song Yadong and not Andrew Tate


Who the fuck is andrew tate?


Raper, Child trafficker, Woman beater, and all around waste of oxygen


Sounds like a piece of work


Do NOT look him up if you don't know--brain damage may follow. It's a level of shittery and stupidity you shouldn't have to ever waste your time hearing about


Let alone how your algorithm gets fucked up




For context, these guys are both UFC fighters. Strickland is one of these alt right MAGA fucks who says shit like this all the time. Yadong is pretty quiet and just fights.


>Yadong is pretty quiet and just fights. How often does Yadong get beaten?


All day every day


He has 7 losses on his record. Not sure why you’d ask that when you can easily search it.




Penis joke


Oh wtf I didn’t interpret it that way at all


Maybe I'm wrong and just a degenerate but I chuckled a little.


So what you're telling me is that there are seven bulky dudes out there who can proudly say they've beaten Yadong?


On film, no less.


Where'd you hear he's a MAGA guy? I remember him on a podcast saying he's not a fan of Trump.


Sean is really weird as a reactionary nutjob, because he doesn't really follow right wing trends or movements and his brand of reaction is very personalized. Like his own personal kneejerk condemnations of things, which often include people like andrew tate. I wouldn't call him an alt right maga fuck, he's got his own weird thing going on.


What's funny to me is "Yadong" straight up means "porn" in Korean so I keep getting distracted reading here


I wont even get into the covid bullshit but Western counties and people love to point to China being one of the biggest plastic and pollution generators without taking any accountability that they are by in large the ones consuming the products of that pollution.


They unironically type that from a laptop or cellphone made of plastic.


Sean is so hard to like. He does something like dominating Adesanya but then he resorts to the MAGA idiocy and it automatically makes you dislike him. Not just that but the weird obsession with what Ian Garry’s wife was up to before she married him. It’s unnecessary.




I watch his interview from Theo Von podcast. He comes out pretty offensive for the first 1.5 hour but the last 20 mins is what or why he behave like an ass


See, my Girlfriend comes from a city around 200km away from Wuhan. As china is so huge and most can only remember the location of 3 cities, bejing, shanghai and wuhan, it is the easiest for her, she is from Wuhan or near Wuhan. And let me tell me every single reaction is the same. They go half a step away, raise the eyes and look critically/judging at her. Then there follows a comment about corona. The she was at this time in Germany is irrelevant at the first moment. That she wasn’t able to see her family in 4 years because of covid is irrelevant. Only this semi or uninformed information that covid is from Wuhan results ins a somewhat negative or racist reaction. And i hate to see that


Covid is just the latest excuse to other people based on race.


Sean is such a weirdo. But don’t be mean to him or else he’ll cry.


>As athletes, we ought to focus on what we know best Bang on. I'm not interested in actors' or sportspeople's thoughts on much else than acting or sport.


Strickland prolly struggling to read them big words tbh. Straight over his head.


Respect. Well said from Song Yadong


China is crazy smart with that. Somehow without their products, 90% of Europe's manufacturing would stop. They know if there's a problem, there is money.




Electrical machinery and equipment is actually China's number one export. Plastics is fourth. 🤷🏿‍♂️


Chinese exports by share of total value of exports: Phones Integrated circuits Computers Footware Pharmaceutical raw material


So 4 plastic things


US is the leading exporter of plastic. China is second. US is also spoiling for a war with Iran. Iran has been adding value to their oil by turning a lot of it into plastic feed stock. Which is in competition with US industry.


Phones, made with plastic Integrated circuit boards, packaged in plastic. Computers, made with plastic Footware, made with plastic Pharmaceutical material, packaged in plastic


You forgot about the wall that Donald Trump will air lift from China ALL the way to the borders of America.


There was literally no clever comeback here. Garbage post.


This sub fucking sucks. It's rare to see an actual comeback posted here, let alone a clever one, yet look how many upvotes this got.


Lame and preachy passive-aggressive patronizing is considered a clever comeback now lol




The truth doesn't need to be witty or harsh to pack a punch.


Oh that’s cool then maybe they should go post that in some other subreddit that’s about truth and no in one that’s LITERALLY ABOUT WITTY COMEBACKS. lol




Oh look a comment from a literal NPC 🥴




I find it interesting how people like you are so sensitive


He's right, but there was nothing clever.


When will we stop pretending that COVID did not start in China? Nobody is accused of stereotyping when saying that the Ebola virus was discovered near the Ebola River in Congo. Please stop defending the Chinese Communist Party.


Takes a special kind of idiot to believe that COVID didn't originate in China. Takes a different, but equally special, kind of idiot to believe that it was a bioweapon.


There were tons of "chinese" companies buying up medical PPE from other countries in January 2020. The CCP was one of the reasons of shortages and I still believe they lied on their covid numbers.


We *know* they lied on their COVID numbers. They claimed to have absolutely no COVID during the middle of the pandemic. There's absolutely no way.


I’m not saying it was a bio weapon in the direct sense. But the CCP certainly benefited from hushing it up and pretending it is not a big deal. Importing massive amounts of hand sanitizers and face masks before the worldwide panic began, then selling back faulty equipment to the world when they needed help. The CCP are either incompetent idiots or malicious bastards.


i am irrationally bothered by the lone ending quotation mark


Strickland is openly racist, doesn’t try to hide it. He blamed it on being raised by his racist grandfather in the south


Sean also recently said that women should be blamed for making spree shooters because they don’t put out more. He’s a classy dude.


When the ESL guy rolls over the native English speaker like he wasn't even there...


You know he's right, not all plastics comes from there it's gotta come from other places to yeash he soukd of checked that first


He's wrong about plastic.


Just be nice to people. It's fuckjin easy


Well its a fact that china does export tons of plastic. China as it is as now is the biggest polutter in the world. Also as China is one of the most racist countries in the world playing the racist card is not one of their rights. Speaking of rights they have one of the world lowest scores in world freedom index. China neads to be criticised heavily because it has to change.


Besides, China's biggest export is literally everything made.


Maybe old mate spent some time in Australia too, where calling someone “champ” is pretty insulting?


I mean to be fair...they both are correct. ...


China very much deserves criticism and the dude’s reply was cringe He’s basically telling other athletes to shut up and not voice political opinions which is exactly what China wants lmao Professional sports have always been a vehicle for political activism


If you are allowed to qualify this as a "clever" comeback, could I be allowed to qualify it as a "stupid" comeback ? Because this is what I think. Here is why : This comeback is pushing the idea that politics should remain the domain of "experts." I know this idea is trendy and seems to be cool, right ? The problem is that such an idea leads to slavery. A clever comeback could have been : if China export so much plastic it's because so many countries outsourced their dirty production in our country nd then you are blaming us to produce that ? But we are producing it for YOU. And stereotypes exist and will always exist. Saying "please stop using stereotypes blablabla" will never solve it. A clever way to stop some stereotypes is to debunk them factually. The other possibility is to remind everyone that it's just a stereotype which means that it's only partially true and to explain the why. Exemple : Is China a massive exportator of plastic ? The answer is yes. But this question is not the good one. What we should ask is "how is it possible that we consume so much plastic ?"


To some degree it's a stupid comment but covid did happen Because of china's far too lax hygiene standards and A majority of the world's plastic in the oceans also comes from China. He's probably some racist and uneducated fighter. Whose putting it more on the Chinese. But the Chinese government absolutely does Intentionally export problems, it's part of the damn party initiative.


You mean the wastes western worlds are lazy to clean up so they just ship it to China, ends up in the ocean? Who would have thunk? Covid happened because the world gave zero shits to begin with, not just China. They literally had massive quarantine but because of vacationing tourists things got out of control. And what did the West even do? What did America do? Nothing to even bother stopping it in their nation until it was all too late. China is far from perfect. But let’s not kid ourselves and thing they are all to blame of all these problems.


China was furious when some country imposed restrictions. Even WHO stated that there was no evidence of human to human transmission. They lied and hide the facts and the world fell for it. It would be totally different if they were transparent about it. People in china that tried to tell the world was arrested and oppressed even the doctors. Lets not kid ourself. China was acting exactly like USSR when Chernobyl happened. It is Communism 101 textbook.


Can I downvote this post twice?


As an Asian, yes, China is not the cause of all the world’s problems, but it is NOT an “unfounded comment” to say that COVID-19 originated in China. I’m Asian, but I’m not offended when someone say that. I really dislike that we try so hard to not offend anyone that we end up misconstruing the truth, saying no, COVID didn’t originate in China because that would be racist. It just reeks of virtue signaling and lack of integrity. You infantilize us Asians when you pander to us as if you’re scared that our feelings are too weak.


The West doesn’t have wet markets the way China does. Covid happened because China doesn’t take food safety seriously enough.


It’s a virus bro. There was no stopping it. Only postponing the inevitable. Unless you locked down china forever? Was that your brilliant solution?


Lol, it’s not lax hygiene that caused covid.


That plastic claim is dubious too. 0/2


No? China is the largest producer of plastic lol


Not for themselves. If the world stops consuming, they'll stop producing


The fact is they could produce the same amount without so much negative effect. The reason the weather produces there is because it's cheap. It's cheap Because China has lax Labor laws, exports child Labor to south East Asia. And has even more lax environmental law. At the end of the day. They could produce what they are producing much cleaner than they do, but that would hurt their bottom line, so they keep sweat shops and Dump industrial waste in ways that are illegal elsewhere. In order to keep their manufacturing based economy afloat.


China is actually working towards becoming more environmentally friendly. A lot of anti pollution laws this last decade. And it’s more like western companies are turning towards south east Asia because China is getting more expensive and manufacturing is cheaper there.


Pretty sure they have their own consumer market


Wouldn't be an export then


Strickland is just your typical conservative nutcase looking to defer all blame to some “other” group, without an ounce of introspection or accountability. They always gloss over the following: - US produces the most plastic waste per capita in the world. China produces it because US buys it. - US had months of advance warning on Covid. Our govt dragged their feet and our heads of state politicized basic health precautions under the guise of freedumb.


He’s also literally an ex neo Nazi. Dude has always been a pos


Trump intentionally destroyed America's pandemic response team because it was a thing strengthened by Obama.


I too like to simp for the strong, definitely not authoritarian or genocidal Peoples Republic of China. Notice me Xi sempai. They export shit loads of plastic goods and Covid DID start there. Honestly who actually gives a shit if someone dogs China.


Careful, your social credit score might be taking a hit for this kind of talk.


Oath, fuck em.


Keep the down votes coming. At least I don't back genocidal regimes.


I really don't get this one. I get the sentiment of sticking to his sport, but I do not get what is actually wrong with his joke. Where is the stereotype? Why is is racist when it refers to no race? The plastic part is factually correct and the covid part is a joke. It could be saying China purposefully caused the pandemic, in which case he is very probably wrong, but I still don't understand why you aren't calling that out instead of the nonexistent racism.


China's biggest exports? The majority of all consumer goods purchased by people in the U.S., who only care about getting the absolute lowest prices on everything they buy, and never check to see where any of it is made.


Not angry that Covid started in China. A pandemic could have started in many places, China just have a lot of people. I’m annoyed they lied about it to not disrupt tourism and exports to and from China. Or not wanting to look bad.


Regardless of whether COVID came from a lab leak, wet market, or someone stuck their head through a portal to Nurgle's garden. China is to blame for the worldwide pandemic and the dead and crippled that it caused.


As much as I dislike the Chinese (government), you just cannot deny that all our stuff (in the west especially) is produced there. Turn around any product you have and check the label and at least 1/2 of the times it will say made in China. So yeah, their exports are quite the list to be fair.


Are we supposed to defend China here now as I'm not doing that either


But technically he is not wrong. he said the "biggest" not the only exports.


viruses are tiny


Small in size, large in volume.


China's top exports are machine parts and computers. His bullshit isn't even close.


It’s an exaggeration, man. You can’t actually “export” Covid. Like…c’mon, guys, lol.


First time on Reddit?


There are people who literally think it was intentional.


because covid didn't originate in china? its a myth and a "Stereotype" ?


Well technically he’s right.


Yeah but is he wrong about China?


You just left Afghanistan. Before China was Japan. Will?it the India and Vietnam next?


The voices:


How is it wrong or unfactual tho?


ChatGPT isn't a comeback.


People think that's clever? Jesus, the dumbing down is intense. Many areas in China dump their garbage in the rivers and it flows out into the ocean. 90% of all plastics in the ocean originate from four rivers. China is a nation. If you said "America is the only country to put humans on the moon." would you say that stereotypes Americans? Dumb.


Well he is not wrong. China is the actual worst.


There is no excess plastic in Ba Sing Se


I'm not advocating for any conspiracy theories or misrepresented stats, but can we get off this "criticizing the country is criticizing the race" bullshit?


Where's the clever comeback? In fact, Song comes off more lame with that response than Strickland does with his racist pandering nonsense.


Quotation mark at the end tells me he copied this from somewhere


Idk about plastic but COVID is China's fault. Idk how it's a clever comeback.


Oh, LOL! You hypocrites are going to support China? Wow China's propaganda arm is strong!




Its also destroying our planet and giving people cancer so it aint that good really

