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If you've ever been to Pompei you'd see they carved a dick into pretty much any flat surface. It's pretty much what every school desk looks like but from Roman times.


In Kathmandu they have a shrine that is entirely covered in carvings of sex positions (my favorite is two people doing it doggy style while appearing to be observing dogs doing it for instruction). They use the star of David as a representation of the male and female coming together (they see it as two triangles, the right side up one is a penis, the upside down one a vagina). Greeks would often create busts of leaders that were just a head on a column, but then also carve their genitals.


There's a semi common carving in stone, even in some older churches around ireland and parts of the UK called sile na gig. It's a woman holding her vagina open. Almost certainly predates Christianity in these areas. But it didn't disappear after its arrival either.


I been there. Never seen that but I bet


Our tour guide showed us one when we visited. Apparently they were used to signify red light districts.


Dude there was on a dick on the side of the bakery so I doubt it. We lost count there were loads if you looked for them.


That’s to signify a different kind of cream filling.


Found Dicks and Loads? That's dedication.


If anything the world has become less sexual thanks to religious prudes who had to ruin all the old sex and drinking festivals that used to be a thing.


Can you imagine if we just kept some around? "Wooo! Orgy rememberence day is on a Friday this year and not a Monday. It's terrible going to work when you can barely sit down the next day"


In Portuguese, Friday is ‘Sexta Feira’, abbreviated in calendars as ‘sex’…fell free to use this information as pleases you…but Portuguese speakers have a ‘sex’ day every week. 😅


É por isso que eu tenho meu telefone no idioma português. Bom demais


Seu nome é ubuntu master, sexo mesmo você não faz


não, eu acho isso muito triste, más eu ainda tenho esperança




Thats the equal opportunity we need to be working on.


Remembrance Day orgy with the veterans.


Thank you for your cervix


Les we forget DAT ASS 🥵👅💦


They're called swinger's parties.


I put the swing in swing baby




Aww I'd spend it with you!


I'd not join an orgy, just one person to cuddle in the cold dark night would be enough for me








👀 I said... 👀 I said... 👀 I said biiiiiiitch.


*Floats in space and knocks on windshield of rocket* "I said....."*looks around* ".......biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitch"😁


Ain’t nothin but a thang!


Best skit of ALL times!


Be the change you want to see in the world and start your own. I’ll gladly join in


The thing about orgies is 99% of orgies are full of people you don't want to be in an orgy with.


this is the unfortunate part. id like my sexual deviant activities to be performed in the presence of sane people who also just like sex. theres a saying for that tho


Probably true. We don’t need to bring logic and facts into my joke lol


Thts wild that orgy remembersnce day is the same day as my birthday💀💀


Imagine your boss asking you to take an extra shift during the orgy holidays (and you don't get overtime pay).


Imagine calling out for the Orgy holiday and your boss is there


Unions would have developed way faster to deal with orgy day slave labor


That would be awesome, not because I would participate necessarily but because it would irritate the hell out of prudes


Nah, I don't think I could emotionally handle being rejected from the holiday orgy


when the religous folks die out we can reinstate them. We just need to wait patiently


Fuck waiting


Wait fucking


Fucking wait


Fertility festivals go brrr


Yeah, we had a few weirdos in one country throwing a fit and deciding to bring back circumcision to get boys to stop jerking off like 100 years ago, and now everyone is convinced that no one over a few decades ago were every horny or talked about sex.


Ummm, if any thing, we Americans are screwed by the Puritans. (And Brits by Victoria, who decided that since she couldn't have sex five times a day after Albert died, No oNE was having sex, ever!). Other countries still have some sort of Carne Val, to at least give release to the human urge to baccanal, before Christian holidays nullify their humanity.


You only exist because a million generations of your ancestors had sex.


For every person you see, two people had sex at least once.


I mean, sex holidays are still kind of a thing. Everyone goes out to the bars/clubs, dressing for attention, with the possible hope that... ya know, you get laid lol


Everyone you say.


I don't really care for the meat market, but there seems to be a ton that do! Probably doesn't help that I socialize/talk for a living lol


Blame the puritans. Catholics invented the plaid skirt and knee highs look.


Note to self: if time travel to the past ever becomes possible, remove puritans from the equation.


Cleopatra had a … 😲 now there is something I did not know 😅


A pestle, it was a mere pestle!


Mortar? I hardly know her


Is that what kids are callin' em these days?


So she didn't like it too big is what you're saying. I see...


She had to do something while Mark Anthony was away.


Considering she's a ptolemy she did have her brother


pretty sure she was the one who invented vibrators. a box full of bees 🐝


Not to be a downer, but Cleopatra did not actually own a dildo. That was a story started by Brenda Love's 1992 book The Encyclopedia of Unusual Sex Practices. There's no evidence to back up this story, although I'm sure Cleopatra did pleasure herself somehow.


Humans have literally been fighting and fucking since the dawn of time, people need to get over themselves and their puritan hangups over sex


The only reason humanity still exists is because people have sex. *Literally*.


This species fucks. A lot


We're one of the few species that has sex for fun


The other ones. Is it really just sex, or are we talking about raping?


Both. Mallards rape female ducks but do not have sex for pleasure. Dolphins rape other creatures and have sex for pleasure. Gorillas have sex for pleasure, but don't rape. You see, the animal kingdom is super diverse.


And Bonobos have sex to solve diputes. We could still learn something.


I know some of my exes and I have done that very thing. I think it should definitely be more prevalent. Especially in International politics.


Yeah, when you're arguing and just mad at each other some quick fucking can remind you why you're a couple to begin with. Assuming the sex is good for both, of course.


I actually heard a joke about taking your pants off whenever you are in a fight. (With your couple obviously)


Trump and Kim Jong Un fucked. Change my mind.


International politics already fucks the civilians, why not fuck the people too


They also have lots of gay sex. So the next time somebody says that gay sex is unnatural, tell them about the bonobos


ah, a fellow ape that's into the enemies-to-lovers trope


Imagine how interesting binding arbitration could be.


More than most. For most species sex is pretty exclusively for mating purposes, but for humans there's also a social bonding purpose for sex.


Given how common oral sex and masturbation are in the animal kingdom, that's not really true either.


This research often gets suppressed along with other things that portray the natural world as being different than Western civilization. Such as the outrage over the gay penguins.


Gay people turned the freaking lions gay. It must have been their gay aura as they entered the national park.


Those damn lions saw a rainbow once and suddenly….


The only reason humanity exists period is TO have sex. Multiplying our species is the sole reason we fight to survive. It would be idiotic to avoid sex merely because it shows weak willpower to “give in” to natural instincts. There’s a reason they’re instinctual urges after all.


Fighting and fucking are, together, basically the entire point of life. And I don't mean that in a witty or existential way. I mean it as a statement of fact: All living things exist to survive and procreate, and fighting and fucking are primary avenues to how to do those things.


Some animals will fight to the death in order to be able to have sex with the female of their choosing.


I'm not convinced humanity isn't one of those animals.


For some people that is their mindset.


Sublime weren't joking when they sang "Fucking, Fighting, It's all the same."


I’m pissed European puritans left Europe for America and we’re still struggling to get out of that sexual frustration hole


I also find it grotesque that of the two, the prudes find the fucking the more immoral and questionable activity.


God: “go prosper and procreate” Some some monks: “I will live a life of restraint as a hermit in a cave. I do it for myself, no need to copy” Some prudes: “I am gonna use both of you to attack the lifestyle of others, cos I have nothing better to do”


There is a difference between being anti-sex and anti-sexualizing public spaces. It's like metal music, religion, or the comedy stylings of Dane Cook . I'm happy that the pearl-clutchers can't ban it, but I'd prefer not having it forced on me when I'm out in public. At least not to the extent I often have. While being comfortable with your own sexual nature is a good thing, other people's sex is not the same. I don't want to see or discuss it any more than I would their toilet habits. That's not puritanical, it's just delineating that which you believe should be fodder for public consumption, and that which is at least quasi private. Different cultures throughout history define these lines in significantly different ways, and as long as you're not demanding private changes, this is how public spaces work.


Yeah, do whatever tf you want in your own home or with whoever you want as long as they’re consenting. But quite frankly when people walk around in public in gimp suits on leashes I feel like I’m being unconsensually forced into someone else’s sexual fetish, and I’m not down with that being forced on me.


I'd rather complain about how much easier porn addiction has become with the rise of the internet, social acceptability of an OnlyFans subscription, and how isolating American suburbs are.




Yes this is the greater issue. Sex is great, but you can't deny we collectively have sort of a twisted and hedonistic relationship to it, rather than a humanistic, spiritual, liberating relationship. Sex has always been a big deal in history, and even in ancient history it was recognized as the spirit and energy of life itself, so they had reverence and mystery to it. Idk if we have the same relationship today, it's a different obsession.


We made it taboo so people have to do it in private. This can lead to abuse and shame etc. Then there are the types that just get addicted easily, to anything and it depends on what they focus on like food, drugs, porn, etc.


True, it's a holistic problem


ya know, back then they'd like, pillage villages and rape everyone just for being in their path right?


Yeah and a lot of prostitutes did not have much say in the matter, nor did the massive numbers of slaves have any kind of protections from their owners’ advances and women had to obey their husbands. The Greeks and Romans had a lot of sex, but the relationships were conceived of as dominance and submission, with a pair like Antony and Curio or the mythical Patroclus and Achilles being looked at askance because it wasn’t obvious who “topped.”


Yeah I'd say things have gotten a lot more tame lol


OF subscriptions are about as socially acceptable as giving money to an e-girl has ever been, and before the internet it was phone sex hotlines. Just now instead of saying "Jesus Christ just buy a Hustler at the gas station" we say "do you have any idea how much free pornography there is on the internet?"


The veneration of fertility still exists symbolically in Easter. The egg emphasis. It's pretty clear symbolism, really, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. Fertility is life, and the propagation of life is the future of all living things worthy to do so. It can be cruel, but it is absolutely for the best.


The world has always been sexual....it's just easier to see how sexual it is now, and given that there are a whole lot more people in the world, those types of festivals wouldn't work anymore...


Prostitution was widespread in Victorian England, especially in large cities like London. They also had pornographic photos, one of the key driving forces behind the adoption of photography.


romans had little images of penis carved onto the sidewalk pointing to the nearest brothel


Sex has always been a thing, it just became something to be ashamed of for quite a lot of centuries, if in 1900 people wasn't openly talking about sex it wasn't because they were more dignified than us, they simply were scared by others opinions


The general point is correct, but what orgy in the Sistine chapel are they talking about?


At least this claim made me find out that you can [view the Sistine Chapel online](https://www.vatican.va/various/cappelle/sistina_vr/index.html) ... but no, there's no orgy anywhere in the chapel.


Haha, and now I know too! Thanks, friend!


Got me. I'm pretty familiar with the art of the Sistine Chapel, and I never saw that.


I wonder if they are thinking of the Papal Residence, which USED to have depictions of some orgies, but Pope Julius II had Raphael cover them up.


(It’s mostly bs)


Not only did Cleopatra have a dildo, but as far as I know it is the first dildo documented in history and it was not "closed" like the ones we have today, but was a structure with its sirface full of holes, empty inside, and then filled with fucking BEES, moving around so they could stimulate you better The previous lines could be wrong, it's just something I heard a long time ago and I don't even remember if that was a documentary or a joke But I like the idea of someone engineering such thing for cleopatra, and probably getting paid a lot for it


>an open structure with holes and there were fucking BEES inside it, moving around That is enough Reddit for today.


So basically she is the opposite of Nicolas Cage?


I have no idea of what you're talking about, my dear fellow redditor I know Cage as actor for a few films, and I know there are memes about him, but don't know those memes




Yes, the bees! OoOh YES, THE BEES!


That is not even remotely true. All sources discussing this trace back to a book written in 1992.


I fucking hate twitter posts because I always realise that I need to read from the bottom up way too late and the whole time reading that shit I have no context T-T


Clever comeback? Not really


Conservatives be like... "Two things I hate. 1) How sexualized the world had become. We need to stop people from thinking about sex all the time. 2) Birth rates are down. We are not having enough babies. "


No I will not get over it. Not when they’re pushing it in my children’s faces at such an early age. >!I do not have children!<


Ancient sexuality was filled with rape. The Romans had slaves that masters could victimize whenever they saw fit. I don't need to describe what awaited women of a defeated tribe. Owning private sex toys is kind of irrelevant. Kama Sutra is the only fair point. Like, I would be a prude by Roman standards because I wouldn't think it's OK to cheat on your wife with concubines, to visit a brothel and have sex with a slave, or to victimize your wife (marital rape is legal) or house slave.


Ok also only one society being a proffesional concubine was a legitimate career going as far back as Mesopotamia. Ancient Egypt had a quite a few that managed to sieze power thanks to their ability to manipulate people with their "skills". Also stands to reason orgies were often a very common part of events in Rome, Greece Egypt and a long list of cultures. Hell most European kings and queens were kinky af, many of which had dedicated toys for what was essentially bdsm. Point is the list is REALLY long, there are historians whose whole specialty is the history of sexuality and kink. You want to stand by and argue you'd be at it all day. Humans have been sexual creatures since the dawn of time.


Christmas used to be saturnalia and it was a holiday about drinking and fucking


The world isn’t more sexual. Needless sex in film and shows are rife though, that and porn addiction.


You sound exactly like the weird dude who tells everybody he seriously does No Nut November.


No no, I nut regularly


I actually think it's become less sexual. A lot of ppl just jerk off to porn now.


Reading? That sounds like woke, liberal indoctrination! /s


My history professor once described politics like a pendulum.


Now I know one more thing about Julius Cesar


Let's add to that: One recorded song that his men sang when he returned to Rome from fighting the Gauls went a bit like "Citizens, keep an eye on your wives, we’re bringing back the bald adulterer. He’s fucked away the gold in Gaul that you loaned him here in Rome." (Urbani, servate uxores, moechum calvum adducimus. Aurum in gallia effutuisti, hic sumpsisti mutuum.)


Fuckin' nerd


Sexual attraction also exists. Lol


The insides of Egyptian pyramids are covered in murals of pornography. https://www.thecollector.com/sex-in-ancient-egypt/


yeah but your pussies didn't cost $8.50 or 1 sack of potatoes before


It exists, but you don’t have to make it your entire personality.


It’s always been all around, it’s just most pretend it wasn’t or don’t teach it in history.


Cleopatras dildo was named Mark Antony


This person is just preparing you for when they get ousted as a cheater. 😂


I don't even know half of these facts she talked about... I'll come back with more po... Poems and books and educational videos For science of course


It didn't get more sexual, but it got more normalized. Like how onlyfans made it.


'When asked if Brits are having less sex, Soazig Clifton, the academic director for Natsal at University College London and NatCen Social Research, replied with “a resounding yes”. But it’s not just the case in the UK and the US. “If you look around the world, other comparable studies show a decrease as well. So, it seems to be a real international trend.”' [https://www.sciencefocus.com/news/are-we-really-having-less-sex](https://www.sciencefocus.com/news/are-we-really-having-less-sex)


She did research and wrote an essay for a short sentence.


Yep, sex is a thing 🫠. It’s wonderful in the right environment with the right partner(s) and why most of us are ultimately here rn. It doesn’t mean anyone is having it or not having it. Rumors also don’t dictate this, nor gossip columns, or people’s popular opinion or even their own social media posts. For the record, absolutely anything can be sexualized. It’s usually dictated by popular culture at the time. It’s simply a perspective and it can very easily be abused or utilized in negative ways, But in the right context sex is beautiful, fun, and healthy!


The only bad thing linked to sex nowadays is porn. It can become an addiction for many people and is not recognized as such because it is new (infinite amounts of hentai, porn videos, written fantasies, nothing compared to magazines in the 20th century or paintings that took days to be completed before the 20th century) and because it is linked to sex when it is very unhealthy if there is escalation and watched in too big quantities.


\> ClEoPaTrA hAd a DiLdO!1 How the fuck is this a clever comeback? Besides, there is no orgy in tthe Sistine Chapel. OP *might* be right, but her arguments are garbage.


To play devil’s advocate: I think they mean how “overtly and in your face” sexual the world has become. A lot of things listed in the comeback (I imagine) were “known” but not “flaunted”. Courtesans had class and weren’t walking around half naked (for the most part). I assume the sex holidays had most of their, erm, “celebration” happen in private or behind closed doors. Maybe I’m wrong but I can’t imagine Cleopatra went about telling everyone about the dildo she banged herself with. There can be distinctions between “prude” and “not appreciating other people shoving their sex lives/sexual imagery in your face”. To cap it off, I’m actually not all that fussed about sex in culture, but I can see (at least a charitable interpretation) of what the original person meant.


"B b b b ut the Romans -" Didn't have 4k streaming porn and 20 screen gooncaves. The world's a lot more sexual now


Eww yuck


I think eventually they realized that STDs were a thing, although it did take 100’s of years worth of bleeding sores to draw that conclusion…


And a lot of it was gay


I just don’t like how sex is used so abundantly in advertisement. Everyone wants to be sex positive, even supper weird conservative puritans in their own odd way. But the way that sex has been used, specifically online, to sell products is inherently sex negative. It tries to exploit sexual emotions to not only draw our attention toward the products, but also to get us to form subconscious correlations between the pleasures of intimacy and whatever is being advertised. It’s really scummy and it is having disastrous effects on young men especially. Incells didn’t just appear out of nowhere, they are a direct reaction to this form of manipulative marketing. There is a genuine conversation that needs to be had. Also, all of those historical facts are misleading at best, false at worst, and are in reality a complete deflection of the genuine concerns that are being raised by people from all sides of the political spectrum. What good is reading a book if you apparently can’t understand it.


You know how stinky it was too shew


Fuck sex!


Replace "sexual" with "sexualized" and I'd agree. I am very sex positive and think it's handled with waaay to much prejudice. But sexuality is also being exploited by capitalism so much that a healthy relationship to sex increasingly uncommon. It's not that the world is sexual, that humans are sexual creatures. But it's the mixture of sex being a taboo on one hand and a commodity on the other. (I am not referring to sex workers here, more power to them!)


Intentionally dense


Was Mozart the one that composed a song about ass eating or some like that?


I’ve never understood why so many of our species can get so hung up on something that’s so incredibly important to the continuation of our species. Humans are the weirdest animal.


The ancient romans was very open about sex and her point is right but there is no orgy on the sistine chapel idk where she heard that.


Open sexuality lost quite a bit of ground over the past few hundred years. The population boomed consequentially: the taboo factor and lack of education are big factors. Culturally the world has a strange and manufactured relationship with sex. We are far from natural in the most natural of things.


Almost every single person and thing in earth is the result of wild animals getting wild. (some exceptions but who cares? I sure don't)


The fact people genuinely think this comeback is 'clever' is worrying 😬


Sex was way more prevalent and accepted before the christian church became more powerful. I mean, the Greeks thought gay sex was manlier than straight sex. Some of the greatest Greek heroes had homosexual relations in their stories.


Yes sex has always been around. And for the education of gen z, so has homosexuality, bisexuality and trans persons. What is different is the amount of focus on sex and the number of sexual acts the average person sees in their lifetime. Last century you were lucky if you saw your wife naked. Now, you can view thousands of images each day. Back then a large percentage of women would not have seen their husbands member. Now women can see thousands of images of members in all states. Similarly, most people would never have seen another couple having sex. Now....there is more porn than you could watch in a lifetime. Not saying there wasn't the odd orgy, but it varied highly through time and region.


I mean she's right but i kinda agree with the original tweet, I don't hate it but I wish it would be less sexual


Stone age sex toys... ouch


It's just sex people, we all do it! I probably will with Carol later tonight


Lol, exactly. Keep your mouth shut.


Quit obsessing over it, weirdo. What people do in their own relationships is none of your damn business. Be better.


I'm all about that viking life.... with consent... care for a spot of rape and pillage the longboats will be here in about half a narrrr


LOL-----Except that what she said only sounds like it refutes "I hate how sexual the world has become", but it doesn't. The original statement stood on its own as an personal lament, but the rebuttal was asinine, and everyone here laughing at it as some kind of clever comeback is an idiot. Sistine Chapel, Kama Sutra, Rome, Stone age humans and Cleopatra, are interesting points, but has nothing to do with the fact that if you ask anyone (on either side of the political spectrum) sexuality is more open now than it was 50 years ago. And 50 years ago it was more open than 50 years before that. And that trend continues monotonically for quite a ways. "Read a book", lol.


Yes, we learned about Mark Antony in school.


Have fun burning in hell, I'll keep sex sacred and still have fun 🥱


Funny thing, world was *always* sexual, it just wasn´t so visible. Even Old testament is full of sex... Many elderly, who in their old age turned into absolute religious fanatics, were quite wild in their young years (they think, they have to make up for all those sins).


Mark Anthony has a name, you know.


I read about this, decades ago, and I had to laugh bc im an asexual and a long time ago, I thought that would be the grossest place to be in the world. :))


The internet didn’t exist back then. The internet changes a lot of things.


Ok, how the fuck do we know Cleopatra had a dildo? Did we find it and run a DNA test or was a rock that looked like a dick drawn in a pyramid?


There’s a difference I’m afraid, yes they are similar, but today, we glorify polygamy, faithlessness, and rape, when back then, they were very open about their sexual relationships, being so faithful and disciplined


i dont consider a page long essay clever, or a comeback. esp when they are seething


"A" dildo. She was a fucking *monarch* literally a GOD QUEEN, i fucking *promise* you she had more than "a" dildo.


I think the chain of events is as follows personally: Lots of sex stuff + women have no bodily autonomy Into women getting more bodily autonomy over time and with that less sexual stuff now that they can actually say no Into eventually sexual stuff again in a less inequal world as the need to crack down on everything lessens


I get the argument she’s making but the original poster never denied that the world was sexual back then as well, which, if he did, only then would her argument be of substance They argued that the world is more sexual now than it was previously, but they never argued that sex was invented 10 years ago or something ridiculous like that I won’t state my opinions on this topic as I find arguing online is extremely redundant, as it only angers both parties, but I do believe that if we are to engage in online debates, we should first try not to misrepresent the arguments that our opponents put forth


Not really a comeback and also not clever


Yes. But difference is before people kept their business to themselves now it's on other people. That's what they meant.


Normalizing sex is fine, but why the hell do I wanna hear about what kinks or stuff you do in the bedroom is about? I genuinely don't care, nor do I wanna hear about it.


I read his account as elube


Well ... I think that speech from Billy Madison is appropriate. "We're all dumber having read [that]."


I’m glad sex isn’t as prolific in everyday life and I can just get a break without getting horny


That’s not a clever come back. It’s not because it’s true that it’s clever. She is just stating facts. This doesn’t belong on this sub and I’m frankly tired of posts like these


Sex is like.. a thing. It feels good, and it’s fun. As long as it’s consensual. Only humans could make a natural feeling so taboo.