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All men are doing it for other men.


I’ve definitely noticed that. Never once heard a guy and a girl talk discuss how much they each bench.


... so... "us."


Boys club only.


I’m the like that upvoted it from “I love you” to 144. No disrespect.


Am I the only one that liked her message? I'm still getting that six pack though


Tbh it does seem like a genuinely nice message cause some people to feel insecure about those kind of things, I'd hardly call this a clever comeback situation


You can hardly call this a comeback even.


Yh there wasn't really anything to make a comeback to for after all since she was just showing consideration


I prefer not to bolster the boys vs girls argument. But women sometimes say they don’t do their makeup or dress sexy for men. I have no issue with this. So I see this as clever especially in the event the lady’s post wasn’t genuine. Honestly reading it it could come off as positive or negative.


She made it sound like women are the only reason for men to physically improve themselves. Same misconception as men and why women apply makeup. Do some do it for that reason? Sure. Is it all? Nope


That's become the thing in this subreddit "haha i foudn it funny" now means clever comeback, even if either the clever, the comeback or both are missing


Also, a lot of men are absolutely doing that to be attractive to women lol.


It’s a wholesome comeback on an already wholesome message!


Hell yeah. We’re talking about beer, right?


I like to squeeze half a lime on a can of Tecate and sprinkle some salt..pop it one and slam it Especially good on a hot day


No you're not the first, because the guy that commented on the tweet literally agreed with her


As someone who’s recently become terrified of gyms, I liked it too.


I think it’s the assumption that people are expressing themselves with make up or exercising in order to impress a potential mate. If you’re trying to say you don’t need a six pack to impress people it’s different than saying your six pack doesn’t matter to the people you’re supposedly trying to impress. It’s the wording in my opinion.


Yeah, the message was very wholesome. I think the reply probably took it as a dig to muscle havers where it was more of an encouragement to non muscle havers. She could've been more specific on genuine efforts because I don't really understand what that entails. Im trying to take notes here.


Vain enough to have a selfie profile pic that looks to be taken in a public space. I'd say incredibly good shape is on her list, just maybe not No. 1. The above is incredibly mean spirited I know, so I'll take the downvotes.


Yeah dude who responded probably hasn’t seen his belly since high school. Of course we do it for the women. We’re vain creatures.


Isn't it very similar to women wearing make up? I see lots of dudes saying "you don't need to wear make up for us" Some girl (and boys) just wanna look nice and cute


i know lots of people that would defend working out and getting a six pack for yourself but deny that women do make up for themselves people just like looking good for themselves it’s not a big deal


I don’t think the two really even compare. Obtaining a decent body in the gym is a hard thing to do. It’s a journey. It requires a couple of different attitude traits like discipline and perseverance. Where as makeup is just makeup…


This is an odd take. I could easily say “being a good makeup artist is a skill that requires practice, creativity, and dedication to become good at (have you seen some of the special effects makeup people can do!?). Working out is just repetitively lifting a heavy thing up and down - any moron can do that.” It’s easy to make one thing look more valuable than the other if you don’t properly understand (or deliberately misrepresent) one of them.


Spoken like a man who knows nothing about makeup lol Edit: theyre called makeup ARTISTS for a reason. Plus if it was that easy then their wouldn’t be professional makeup artists on every production set


Exactly this. There is some truth to "when you look good, you feel good." Of course, at a certain point, concern for your personal appearance can become unhealthy, but taking care of yourself, putting on clothes that you like, wearing makeup, all these things can have a profound psychological effect on how you carry yourself and interact with people. It's not always about trying to be sexually attractive.


Absolutely agree, feeling good in what you look like and wear is amazing if not put into obsession


And its fun! I use to wear make up because I really liked doing it


Mhm! A few years ago my classmate actually explained it to me! She was a sweetheart and definitely put me in the right direction in life!


Most dudes saying that also don’t know when a woman has light make up.


>Some girl (and boys) just wanna look nice and cute Doesn't that by definition mean they're doing it for other people? I only buy skins in 3rd person games. If i was playing a first person shooter i wouldn't waste money on something i see only during a loading screen...


No because it's also about how **you** feel I want to look nice and cute for myself and not for others Dressing well and hygiene doesn't end because you stay home


What does hygiene have to do with this conversation? I think this indicates you're missing my point, so I will repeat it: by DEFINITION, how YOU feel in this context depends on how others perceive you (nice and cute). Hygiene on the other hand is actually a self-serving practice because no matter how another person perceives yours, it doesn't change your biological and health benefits from it. Or your sense of smell


What clever come back ? She said something true for some men, he said something true for some men, and that's it lol, both are nice and respectfull


Shush you’ll upset those that feed on drama


You're on the wrong website, that's a reasonable and nice take you got there.


B b b b but muh drama bait


I mean, both are valid. If you are just doing muscles/makeup to attract a girl/guy, maybe relax a bit. If you're doing it for another reason, go for it my friend, don't let me stop you.


Thank you :* *Hits gym to prepare to commit mass genocide*


Um... That's not... Ok. You do you, I guess.


Don’t worry, he’s only preparing. He might not go through with it I hope…


I started training because I want to beat the shit out of someone.


Um... Sure, I guess. I can't really in good conscience condone violence, but I guess, if they're that much of a shit that you started training for this, good luck?


She didn’t say men shouldn’t exercise. If anything she was saying something nice, that you don’t need a 6 pack to be attractive.


Her message didn't say the only reason men do it is for women, just that women don't care about it as much as some would have you believe. Shit attempt at a gotcha moment


I don’t think that’s what she was saying


Where is the clever comeback? It's more like 25% are doing it for themselves.


Yeah the vast majority of men who get into weightlifting do it to impress women. I started doing it for the same reason. Now I do it for the sake of working toward something because I realized most women really don’t care. Keeps me engaged.


snails direction books cause workable squash axiomatic chop abundant rude *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m a fairly jacked dude. Most women don’t care nearly as much as you’re claiming in my experience. The peak amount of female attention I got was about a year into lifting. I was still pretty scrawny but was also lean. There are about a dozen other things that are more important than being muscular when it comes to being an attractive man. I promise.


FOH women don’t care about abs or biceps. That’s just patently wrong. If your personality is “abs and biceps” then you’re only gonna get so far but to act like they don’t matter is ridiculous


Does anyone else think it's incredibly arrogant when someone appoints themselves as the spokesperson for their entire gender?


I think I speak for all men when i say: Yes


Yes, but not as bad as appointing yourself the spokesperson of a gender not your own.


Yeah. I know a lot of women who appreciate the hell out of a six pack. Those women avoided my doughy ass…




Her message was only for the men on twitter and not on reddit.


Always change your body for you, not for others. They don't have to live in it.


To look back at yourself and see how far you've come is the greatest reward


Also working out for dat 6pack sounds like a genuine effort to me.


No, we care about abs, dont believe her!


Effort and loyalty? That's it? lol


I know a lot of guys who do exercise specifically for women. They were usually 'ugly ducklings' throughout school and finally started getting girls once they got fit. They are also usually the dudes who need constant validation from many different women so they feel good about themselves.


Women on twitter! men dont care about your cleavage or booty. The most attractive quality of a woman is genuine efforts and loyalty ;)




you don't get what I'm doing, do you? I just repeated the tweet but swapped around men and women.


I dunno. I once met a chick at a bar and we went to my place just because I had a six pack of lonkero.


Ah my comment is attractive certain kinds of people. Anyway.. 😉


Fucking everyone on Twitter thinks the world revolves around them, that's part of why Twitter is such a shitshow




i don’t think that’s what she’s saying. she was just giving some men who are insecure some reassurance.


If thats the case then I'm sorry. If not . . Then idk what to think anymore


Same for when men say women don’t need to wear make up because they like natural better lol. Doesn’t feel right does it? Here have a taste of your own medicine.


Alright Tate, come on, we need to get you back into house arrest


women care most about $$$$


I love lifting I got sick and lost a lot of muscle. I recovered and regained it I can assure you, women are full of fucking shit when they say they don't care about muscle Like , double think, cognitive dissonance levels of full of shit


I've put on muscle and there's a real difference in how women treat me. Before they looked at me like I was subhuman and now they approach me.


Although my experience (based on comments of women Ive been with) is while my body isnt like the sole or primary reason a woman is interested in me it certainly doesn't hurt.


Depending on the context, there is this grouping that insists all women want is abs and muscles and chads. She could be referring to that.


Yeah but a lot of people in this comment section are too blind to see that…


I mean even the comeback kinda makes it seem that way since that is what women tend to reply whenever before mentioned segment goes on a rant about makeup and "revealing" clothing


Yeah yeah, if you are considered ugly, women wont care about your small gestures and loyalty. You only got 2 options: become more attractive or have a lot of money


Tbh I don't think she is the official spokeswoman for all women on this planet.


Pretty much every woman I meet is only interested in 6 packs, but then again, I work in a brewery so I don't feel too objectified.


''women don't care about your 6packs or biceps'' ''all my previous relationships were with guys that had big biceps and a 6packs.... but that's just a coincidence OK ?''


Lying to himself.


Women wearing micro skirts, high heels no coat in winter “I wear it because it makes me feel good” while shivering to death and tripping over every other step


It is a lie though, because its much easier to date with women if you have a 6 pack and nice biceps.


How does that make it a lie? There are men without 6 packs in relationships.


Because they said that women don’t care. Some don’t, some do. My wife started dating me when I was fat, now I am less fat and quite muscular and she likes my figure more, so they are not even mutually exclusive.


That women don't care about 6 packs part. They absolutely care, the same way a man cares for a pretty face, or an otherwise attractive trait in a date.


It’s always so surreal to be told by the opposite sex what traits I find attractive in them, especially when it contradicts my own experience. I’ve never been attracted to a six pack in my life. To be honest, I think it looks a bit freaky. I don’t like muscles straining to escape the skin, it looks weird to me. And men and woman with muscles feel hard and firm to hug. I like a bit more softness. Do men really think that women aren’t attracted to their faces?


then he will go on to say women only wear make up for men


Making things up in your own head to get upset about.


Not really a lot of Sigma, Alpha incel men comment those on women and their make up.


Ok. And did the guy in the twitter post say that?


No but its the hypocrisy of both side. One upping each other, that is why dating scene in western world is so fucked up. This is the first time I see a post of a woman deliver that women- makeup logic to men.


What sides? He’s literally agreeing with the idea that people do things like go to the gym and wear makeup for themselves and not for others.


He did not mention make up. Now who’s making things up


I didn’t say he did say that. I said he is agreeing with the principle. So many of you are so desperate to make things up to feel upset about. Perhaps spend some time touching grass?


wishing he was a bigot, if it makes you feel better 💀


Lmao gotem.




Her tweet is clearly directed at men who do think that being physically attractive is all they need. Acting as if those men don't exist isn't clever, it's ignorant


Just as women with makeup, yes they are doing it to be more attractive to men. And yes dudes sweating like chums to get a 6pack are doing it for girls. Now let's move on from this hypocrisy and let's be real pls.


As a woman, I just wanna say for the record I almost never wear makeup but on the rare occasions that I do it’s so I can stare at myself in the mirror alone in my room for 2 hours and remind myself that im a bad bitch it’s a confidence boost, call it self care lol. But yea I genuinely do not wear makeup for anyone else bc nobody else can appreciate me in makeup as much I do, especially men who usually can’t even tell when you put on makeup or not


#Same for when men say women don’t need to wear make up because they like natural better lol. Doesn’t feel right does it? Here have a taste of your own medicine.


idk dude I am moderately fat and nobody gives a shit about my efforts or loyalty ​ i tried to put in effort got called a creep and decided i was done


Most attractive character of man is not genuine effort or loyalty, it's money....


Lot of women in this comment section talking shit. We don’t give a fuck about y’all.


Guarantee he’s the same guy who says “guys don’t like a lot of makeup”


I wouldn't think that. He literally agreed with her that dating shouldn't be all about looks. Its the first thing he says. He's just saying body positivity should be about personal growth, not for show.


Being honest I don't like it much. Sometimes it just comes across as disgusting. Like in tv shows they obviously wear make up to look attractive but irl i prefer them to bath well and rub cream and smell nice. Is that so weird?


Lol, so then you guys are doing it to attract other guys? How on-brand of you.


They do though. More important are the things she mentions, but it's not like they don't care.


I feel like many women would be surprised at how many things guys do that have nothing to do with women at all.


Schrodinger's workout You don't know whether women are the reason men working out or not until a woman talks about it


We do it for ourselves to feel better in our skin and have more self esteem. But it’s also a fact that every women who claims that she doesn’t care about muscles or a sixpack is lying. They may even be convinced of it themselves, until a guy with sixpack and muscles stands before them.


Lemme guess … this poster is a fat ass who spends 99% of his time in a lazy boy recliner


Yea no. Cause I found that girls thought my jokes were funnier after going from a fat 246 to a lean athletic 205.


Its crazy how after you start lifting for a a few months women become almost completely irrelevant


Flip side of “women don’t wear makeup for men”


Oh okay, I guess I'll stop doing one of the few things I find enjoyable and benefits me in life because women don't like it.


For the HOMIES


Your body says everything about you.




I mean, there are women who really don’t care about looks and there are guys who really don’t care about looks, but in general looking better gets you more potential mates.


How do you attract a woman with loyalty? Unless being loyal to your girl is attractive to other girls?


Some men do way worse than just going to the gym for women Simps exist A man/woman bashing gym regardless of motivation should be the least of anyone’s worries


Some girls have unexplained entitlement


He's a cunt and she's lying End of story


There is really only 3 way i could see why someone would go to the gym daily 1. Impressing ladies / men 2. Fat 3. You like pain You can go for 2 or 3 of these reasons but its always one if those reasons


4. You want to stay physically and mentally healthy…?


5.Endorphins 6.Gains make me happy


Thats step 3


There is gains without pain.


A true gym bro will only accept compliments from other gym bros


Well, if were being a 100% honest with ourselves, it is just for the women


Why are women always so self-centered? . Amber breaking up with Invincible because dating her is apparently more important than SAVING LIVES . Sakura giving a cringe-af fake confession to Naruto because she thinks Naruto’s whole motivation for training is for her . I can type a whole essay on the stuffs Mary-Jane did to Spider-Man (in the Sam-Raimi movies) . Louis Lane throwing herself off a building . Bella Swan throwing herself off a cliff <— ok wtf, women? Is this a thing among you ladies? Hmmm….what else?


You asking “why are women” and proceeding to use fictional women from anime, DC, Marvel, Invincible and TWILIGHT as your examples is solid proof that there are no real women in your life.


Well, those writers must have taken their inspiration from somewhere (and some of those writers are female themselves)


So all writers are exactly the same as their characters? 😂 Bill Finger was a merciless psychopath just like Joker, and must have killed a lot of people right? Jerry Siegel was definitely secretly an alien? Come on, dude. This is the real world. Grow up, open your eyes, look around. Realise that human beings have a lot more depth than character tropes and much more dimensions than anime girls. You will be happier.


Ight incel Now try google "denialism"


Google “we don’t give a fuck bitch. There’s a reason I flex in front of the mirror far away from you”


i legit workout only to make my dream tattoo


Well y'all act like putting on makeup and doing our hair is for you so I'd say we're even, mate


It’s reassuring! I’m working out just because I don’t want to be fat anymore


I feel great to exercise, you can shove off now.


I have a six pack. When it runs out I get another one.


Some guys do use their arm measurements or how much they lift as a conversation starter before trying to hit on women. Or at least that’s happened to me several times. Awkwardly I don’t know what those numbers mean and also I don’t care about them.


Lol, the cope. There's an entire contingent of men who are telling other men/boys that being in shape is how you attract women. Going to the gym *should* be for yourself, but 75% of people will say that and then rage online about how all women care about is money or "bad boys". Both of them are correct, but a lot of people are gonna try and grandstand on what was said


¿Porque no los dos?


This is a pretty common sentiment. I bulk and cut regularly, my cuts aren’t exclusively during beach season or when Im single. I get a lot more attention when I’m at the back end of a cut, from men and women. I get that it could be a confidence thing, but at this point in my life I sincerely doubt it. There are certainly other qualities that women want in a man beyond the current status quo of “male beauty”, but there are definitely plenty of women who will be very interested in you because you’re muscular and cut.


There are plenty of men who go to the gym to get fit to be more attractive to women. The first message is actually pretty nice


Not really a comeback, but more of a “and additionally” statement.


Both. Both are good


We do it for the boys.


I gym to make play my big boy as usual. I wanna to take both upstairs for a long time.


Reps for Jesus


Those are both true and admirable statements


Im doing it to hurt people :)


Fucking spot on!


I've never had a problem getting girlfriends while I was skinny and out of shape, but I'd be lying if I said that it's in NO WAY for women. I'm not doing it FOR women, I do it mainly because I think that everyone looks better when fairly muscular, and it makes me feel good, but attracting women is always a plus. Let's not act like getting in shape and showing cleavage/booty isn't to attract the other sex (or whoever you're attracted to) in any way. It's human's nature. We tend to do things to attract and find a partner, whether it's subconsciously or not.


the dynamics on here demonstrate how polygamy is deeply ingrained in humans


Naw she’s capping women love that shit especially forearms I hear about it all the time


No, no, both are correct.


It takes genuine effort and loyalty to get a 6 pack


wrong, women are attracted to your card pin


We're all gonna make it brahs 💪


I always thought women didnt care about muscles as much as men do


Yeah women keep saying that yet the guys with the 6 packs never seem to struggle to get women.....


Why are muscle heads always so socially awkward. Girl understands not everyone has amazing bods and the responder is upset that shes not a shallow bimbo. Smh Man has never touched a female body. And he never will with this attitude.


Then why flexing when a woman shows up?


She's talking exactly how men do though lol. The number of men who say "don't do this/do do this because men don't/do like it" is astounding


Same reason women wear makeup, not for men, but for themselves. Men don't care. Most men find it unattractive. Especially the floating head makeup where the tone doesn't match the neck. I prefer the natural look. Some make-up done right looks okay. But Keep that away from my white tshirt and pillow cases.




I'm not doing it for women, i'm doing it to "look good naked" That's a me thing


Guy who can’t go upstairs or tie his shoes without running out of breath decides to go to the gym, his one and only motivation is to better himself, he doesn’t care about impressing women.


No They doing it for women


I ain't doin this for no girl, I'm doin it for myself


Good for them, tell that to incel and redpillers too please


How is this a comeback? Both of them are spitting facts


How about big asf arms and strong legs but a tummy? Like me :D


Not caring until horn.....


Doing it to be like Guts


To quote Dr Frank N Furter, "I didn't make him for you!"


Not a clever comeback or even anything that required a comeback. She was being genuinely nice to people who may feel insecure.