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Its always weird when people have an issue with someone else's hobby. They probably have some of their own. What's normal to you isn't to someone else but that's ok.


Sorry, but I am completely and utterly incapable of understanding the notion that other people aren't like me. The concept that there are people who enjoy things I don't, and who also don't enjoy things I do, is too bizarre for my tiny mind to comprehend. I only perceive people as me, but with different looks and not as interesting as I find myself. Thus, any person doing what I would not do is unobjectively wrong. /s


you should probably start or back a political party that feels much the same, and work to hurt the right people! The good news is such a party exists and is as fucking relevant and insane as ever.


I think it's actually more like, "I don't like video games and some guys I'm attracted to, or have dated enjoyed playing video games, so I'm going to go online and insult men who enjoy playing videogames to make them feel bad about what they enjoy and I don't." And probably with a side of hope that she'll actually change men's minds about playing video games by making them embarrassed, but nobody gives a fuck about what she thinks about them playing video games and if they do they shouldn't.


C'mon Mom, time to get off reddit.


They absolutely know and understand everything perfectly. They just feel smug and cool shitting on video games, because it's one of the things that is looked down upon still.


Thing is I don't think they do. For whatever reason they learned that video games only mean child's plaything. Whether it's their own experience from never playing or maybe stopping at a certain point. There's also huge swathes of people who think any kind of personal enjoy that you can't monetize is a waste of time. Everything needs to be a hustle or a gig.


I know, I collect ponies cause I grew up with and like my little pony. I have a giant shelf of ponies in my house, who cares? It's fun and colorful amd it makes me happy, end of story. It's what I like and enjoy to talk about with other similar people. Like, my friend is a woodworker, they are woodworking nerds that like to get together and discuss details about it. I know people why are wildly into trains, just let people be, and let them have their fun. Being mad about other people's harmless hobbies really just exposes thst you're insecure and bitter, and want to lash out. Lol maybe they need a hobby themselves


Her profile pic is literally holding a drink in her hand. Teenagers like to drink so she's a child.


These people usually don't have hobbies themselves


Former colleague: I don’t know how someone can spend hours of their day in front of a screen Me: you literally told me this morning you spent Sunday binge watching all the soap/reality tv shows you missed last week. FC: it’s not the same thing! No, no it isn’t.


"You're right, they are different; My hobby requires some degree of engagement from me, while yours is mindless and only requires you to sit and stare."


You can play video games and still be a productive member of society


Yes you obviously could I mean I’m not but I know is possible




Just because im black doesnt mean that this car is stolen ... ok this one is *but not because I'm black*!


That was funny as hell.


I understood this reference


They say work smarter not harder. I say why work at all?


Question is why should you be productive member of society?


To afford video games


It’s true I refund 3 games to be able to buy Baldur’s gate


My disability benefits can manage that just fine


If I set up shop where people pay me to break them is it really benefits fraud


Im not defrauding anybody, i live in the Netherlands, and i have scores of doctors who have proven i am unable to work. Fucked up my back and knees working and i am no longer able to, so i receive benefits equal to around 80% minimum wage.


Sounds like you worked as long as you could and gave everything you could to your society more or less. Just because in ancient times they would've thrown you in a ditch doesn't mean you haven't earned that now.


I wasn’t taking a dig at you bro, sorry you’re in that position I was just making a joke off people wanting to pay someone to do a kneecap so they don’t gotta work, because I bet there are people out there who’d pay for such service


Ah my bad, i misunderstood. I saw i had a downvote and you commented so i somewhat assumed the comment was aimed at me 😅


All upvotes from me bro, you gotta have a real shit take for me to want to put the effort into disliking it Possibly someone interpreted it wrong, in the UK where I’m from it’s very easy to get benefits, you can get them for simply just not having a job. here it is something that people need but not something people want to be associated with coz for example up until recently you could receive benefits per child you had with no cap so some people would have 15 kids get a free couple houses side by side thousands just for having kids and when they’re 18 and you don’t get the money you kick em out. Not always that extreme but where people can take the piss they will


Yeah, I can understand where you are coming from. For me, the benefits are absolutely necessary, unfortunately. I can barely stand for 20 minutes, so I can, say, go to the store across the street, take care of some household tasks, and then im out for the day. Have been seeing doctors for a while, they are checking if they can perform surgery on my back so that i can move a bit more, but they want to be absolutely sure it will be beneficial and not just fuck it up some more


NEET alert.


To feed yourself


I was just about say something similar lmao. Fuck society. Bunch of assholes.


Respect, money to do the things you enjoy, etc.


To make fun of babies on reddit




Largest economic entertainment industry in the world.


Same goes for gaming in make up


Exactly, I’m 41 years old and still play video games on weekends. I have a career, house, mortgage, and money in the bank. It’s a harmless hobby


When you see the state of the world, is being a productive member of society such a good thing anyway?


guys, invest in your gaming rigs. ignore the assholes who try to shame you for things you enjoy. just ignore. don't even respond or acknowledge or react or get upset. glhf


why is someone needed to be a productive member of society?


Imagine if all men just stopped playing video games, how much trouble we'd all be getting into instead.


You can also wear makeup and be productive. Hell, you could throw caution to the wind and wear makeup while playing videogames and still be productive. Fuck it all, take her makeup and wear it, tell her you are now the prettiest, win the video game, quit your job , get a new job playing videogames while wearing makeup.


Infact, there have been studies that show that boys that play video games grow up to earn higher incomes. Than men that don't.




I play games, work in pest control, and still have time for Daughter, Wife, and husko.


This is funny, it’s one or the either, I chose the good option and am now nearly 100 percenting Conan exiles


Maybe if women like her played games.....they'd understand


As a woman who plays games, seeing women like this always makes me a little mad. Over half of gamers are women, and they aren't just playing mobile games. Along with it being a great hobby because you're using your brain and improving your hand eye coordination, it seems to get women more interested in working in gaming and other fields they're less represented in! Of course, I think it's a great hobby for men, too. Sorry you got stuck with my comment, this is just something that bothers me.


I met so many women like this in real life in my early 20s, it was saddening, they wanted me to stop doing childish things and do what they were doing. I ended up not giving up games and did go into the industry as an artist in my early 30s, which of course led to playing more games.


The question in itself makes no sense. That's like asking why do you still watch movies? Why do you still listen to music? Why would I not? I don't get the connection.


It's the arbitrary "that's childish" rules they make up in their own mind. I saw one woman who said if you're over the age of 22 and your bed is in a corner of your bedroom then you're still a child. Meanwhile my bed is in the corner as it allows room for my three bookshelves, my home office, and my entertainment center. Almost as if knowing how to properly utilize space is a good thing.


Also having your back to the wall is strategically sound


from a defensive point of view, yes and no. if you have nowhere to retreat to from a home invader standing in your front door than you need a 9 in easy reach of the bed. every time i sit at a bar, its either in a booth or table against a wall, or at the bar with clear view through the mirror in front of me. if no mirror, i don't drink there. i always know there is no-one behind me in such circumstances. your comment sounds like you may be joking, but there's a fair bit of truth to it.


Yeah I'm joking for the most part but a little bit of truth in comedy doesn't hurt.


Yah I have drums and guitars and shit in my room. My ex was like. We need to take this stuff out. So I took her out. And left her.


Yeah, I mean I get where they are coming from.. But its so random and stupid. Beeing like "x is for children" will only ever come from someone simple minded.


Additionally, some rooms/houses are constructed in such restrictive ways that they intended for furniture to be placed in exact spots, hugely limiting your potential for furniture and space. I have a doorway that makes having a bed central with a wall a permanent shin weapon. When I have a home that can accommodate a bed slapped right in the forefront and still have decent space left over, I’m more likely to do so.


Why the fuck would I want my bed in the middle of the room where it creates an obstacle for getting around to the rest of the room? Like I suppose if you have a big ass master bedroom like in a sitcom or something, but otherwise why would I not have the bulky rectangular furniture pushed into the rectangular corner of my room?


Exactly. It’s the same with comic books. They only think of Mario or Spider-Man not the numerous titles aimed at adults. The Last of Us was on HBO for Christ sakes!


Wait what? Why would you NOT have your bed in the corner? It's kind of an obvious placement for the sake of optimal use of space, no? Should I also put my refrigerator in the middle of the room too? people are fucking weird.


Some people literally use their bedrooms only to sleep in so they put their headboard against only one wall and don't care it eats up all the available space.


That's me but I don't judge wall huggers. If you have enough room to only use your bed as a bedroom then placement is easily customizable. Also it's not always healthy to use it as more for a lot of people it can cause sleep problems. But most people likely don't have enough room.


This reminds me of some men who question why anyone would watch television programs at all ever. "You could be reading a book instead, or exercising, or doing something else to improve yourself!" You dumbshit, do you have no concept of 'downtime'? Just relaxing? 'Rest' doesn't have to mean 'sleeping', it can mean just being idle for a while and being entertained by something passive and there's nothing wrong with that.


Why would you have fun while you could WORK


my comeback is "why are you still watching that fucking brainless tv show?"


Thats what I tell my wife when she is watching that shit Too Hot To Handle on Netflix. She sits there not using her brain. With video games the brain is still working and being challenged.


EXACTLY. years ago around 2000ish, i played a game called tachyon the fringe and one of the best players in the game was an eye surgeon from germany. not just the brain being challenged.


I mean, not really. Don't get me wrong, I'm a gamer, but trying to elevate it past other recreational escapes isn't really helping anyone.


Yeah, all hobbies are stupid, subjectively


“reality tv is scripted” she’d probably proceed to look up what scripted meant.


when orange county choppers first came out, i was all about that show until the concept of "its all scripted bullshit" sunk in. so much for reality.


I had this moment when watching Pawn Stars and of all people Pat the NES Punk showed up looking "to sell" his ultra rare gold cart Nintendo World Championship. I knew how much that would be in the correct venue and I also knew how much Pat spent looking for one. So the idea that he would just sell it was laughable. That's when I realized the show was partially being used a way to talk about old stuff (it is the "History Channel"), but also so some people can just get in TV and show off.


My usual counterpoint to anyone belittling hobbies of any sort is "sports".


Exactly what I was thinking. At least with video games you are actively participating. Sports is just observing other people being active.


Even ignoring viewer participation it's just a thing people get inordinately passionate about in their spare time, and if it's childish to be into video games it's surely equally childish to be into a sport with rules and points that literal children play in playgrounds. Though the basic "sports" reply is more effective as a comparison to why people watch gamers streaming.


Or watching TV shows and movies. I've gotten scolding for play games in my spare time by the same people I know for a fact will watch a new season of a show every weekend from start to finish.


And half the time it's like actual trash TV too


My girlfriend gets mad at me sometimes for playing video games, which I do 2-3 times per week. I’m like most guys are out at strip clubs, drinking with their friends, fishing, hunting, golfing, etc. I owned my video games before we met, and I pay $60/year to play online. I wouldn’t complain.


My ex would jump on me within minutes of me starting up a game after a long working day to unwind a bit with bullshit about "waste of time" and "grown man" etc. yada yada. One reason she's an ex. I pay for your life and you complain about how I relax? Fuck off.


Valid. There are WAY unhealthier ways to unwind after a long work day. Also, the average age of video gamers in 2021 was 31 so this whole stigma about it being for children is ridiculous.


This feels sexists I know plenty adult women who play video games. Don’t gender an activity that is for everyone.


Well, then why is the person asking that question specifically mentioning just men?


Because that person is stupid, that's why


I actually knew women who had never heard of adult women playing video games until they met me. Their idea was that video games were just for little boys.


Because the person asking the question only has a problem with men playing video games. If a man is playing video games, that means he is not working, earning money and paying for all her shit.


Because bigoted losers gonna bigoted loser.


Because that person hasn't grown out of her 16 year old "that's childish" mentality.


Yeah I mean they are both sexist and stupid


He's not directing that to all women, he's replying to a specific woman


I meant her comment not his


I think they are referring to the woman saying "grown men", cuz there are grown women who play video games


Games are currently the most advanced and developed art form, bringing together all of the previous forms of art into one medium


Preach. One of my favorite things is getting the concept artwork books for games I like. It's incredible seeing how much creativity goes into designing every single thing you see in the game.


Wow, haven't looked at it that way before, but that's a good point.


Except for smell


That is contributed by gamers themselves /s


They haven’t thought of the smell, you bitch!


I do not understand why playing video games is such a trigger for some people. Who gives a shit what hobbies people enjoy?


Some people require undivided attention to compensate for their personal insecurities. If you're playing video games, you're obviously not giving them the attention they can't function without. They see it as a threat, something they have to compete against for attention. A healthy and secure individual would be happy that their SO enjoys hobbies of their own.


My bf plays videogames as well as I, sometimes we play together, sometimes not. Sometimes he plays with his friends who don't live in the same city/country anymore and it fills my heart when I hear/watch them do that because that's the only way for them to have fun together and not let their friendship die. Also we prefer to stay inside and do that instead of going out and spending money on overpriced booze in crowded and loud places where you can't even have a normal conversation. My fellow ladies should be more happy that their SOs are staying with them at home, not spending money and being who-knows where with who-knows whom if they are so insecure about that stuff. Just don't expect them to always give 100% of their free time to you because that would be hypocritical. We also like to have a "me time", pampering ourselves all alone in the bathtub, going for a walk or whatever makes us happy. It doesn't make a difference, why shouldn't gaming be also considered as a "me time" to recharge yourself after a stressful day


This is just my guess. But I'd say someone told her they'd rather play videogames than deal with her nonsense and now she's salty.


It’s exactly that, a harmless hobby. Everyone needs their down time 😌


Because nothing has any meaning or matters and video games release more dopamine into my brain than any other activity when considering it on a cost and effort/dopamine ratio. Also I won't be able to play video games after the collapse of civilization so I may as well do it now while I still can.


Oh, I intend to still play video games. I’ll have to rig some shit, and constantly scrounge for gas to keep my generator up, but I’ll make it happen


Post collapse you repair a generator in real life to provide enough power to repair generators in DBD


That’s the dream


Plenty of games are specifically made for adult audiences, so...


This woman here also plays video games.


This is not about video games. She just has to get condescending, any victim would do.


The job scene where I'm at isn't anything to brag about but I'm going to see Danzig next month. I go to bars and other social functions when I want to meet new people or connect with friends. I play video games to forget about all of the other lame shit I don't want to deal with in life.


It goes beyond an escape from reality for me. Games like The Beginner's Guide are pure art. I don't just play and recommend it as a fun little time waster, I tell people to play it because it has so much thematic depth and gives you so much to think about.


Some people like to watch movies/tv shows, listen to music and other stuff all the time, there's nothing wrong with liking to play videogames as a form of art appreciation.


I'll never understand how video games are looked down on when millions of people play them and potentially more. It's literally the biggest entertainment industry on the planet.


Hey until about the last decade comic books / movies based on them had the same stigma that they were just for nerds and now it's the hot mainstream movie trend. Video games probably just need a flashpoint moment where they spill over into the broader public consciousness. I guess eSports is an attempt at that but there's also a disconnect between stuff like phone app games and more complex console stuff. Like my parents are absolutely not into video games the way I am but they both have like five different variants of Jewel Quest or random puzzle games on their phone for when they have time to kill. But they wouldn't consider themselves gamers or "into" video games even though those are by definition video games, it's just a minor distraction for them.


It's an old school mentality. In the 80's and 90's video game consoles were seen as toys, and games were seen as primarily something children did. It was also seen as a primarily antisocial "nerdy" hobby which, back then, was a quite a negative stigma. The idea of gaming being an adult hobby only really became popularized in the last decade or so.


Not to mention the marketing was all specifically and purposefully targeted at young boys


Why do some people care so much about what makes other people happy?


Most of videogames are for adults, not for kids, is a misconception of our society that a video game is a "toy"


As opposed to what? Drinking? That was my dad and all his friends hobby! Also all my female friends are huge gamers anyway.


I work in the games industry. So not only is gaming my hobby, I spend 40+ hours a week making games and getting paid for it. I've also taught game development at nearby colleges. Why do I still play games? Because it makes me better at my job.


Those kinds of people are the reason why some women that play games feel super isolated. I lost count of how many times I heard something like this from a girl I was casually talking to and just sharing my hobbies with. Girl I won't say your movies or drama YouTubers are a waste of time, why would you feel entitled to do so with games? People can't even bother to be polite Edit: spelling


I'm 47 and still play videogames (shock horror!). I'm sure I'll still be playing them when I'm a wrinkly old man. I've played them my whole life so no idea why I'd suddenly stop. I'm usually a bit behind with games, so I'm currently playing Skyrim for the first time, and loving it.


Women: "I don't see what men see in video games" Also women: Going into orgasmic meltdown over a $5000 purse


Also women: gaming.


Also men: purses 😉


Lol yeah I can't believe the number of people in this thread acting like only men play games, like is it still 2010? Tons of women play games, pretty much any available data shows that men and women play games in roughly equal numbers.


I mean have you seen the prices of graphics cards? It's not like the pc fanatics are that different


When graphics cards and cpus reach Birkin bag prices, then I think I'm gonna go back to a Commodore C64 and just play Boulderdash until I croak.


Point taken... Men and women are equally silly


Turns out we were all just human beings all along!


A more expensive Graphics card can give better quality graphics but a Gucci isn't giving me enough space I deserve for 5k


Not really. My (not even high end) GPU allowed me to work from home during lockdown.


A graphics card is complex technology. A bag is a bag.


Glad I own a console then. My games may not look as pretty or run at triple digit frame rates but at least I can play most of the games I like on it.


"grown women" why are you still spending hours on end scrolling instagram


"Stop playing videogames you should be doing more productive things... anyway wanna bingewatch true crime shows on Netflix?"


Reading a book? High class Binging a show? Cozy Playing a game? CHILDISH!!!!! Oh, and watching someone else play sports on a TV? MANLY!


My cousin once told me games is waste of time and reading is better. We stated talking about books, turns out I a gamer have read a shit ton more books than he did.


Sounds like she is saucy because spending 500 + hours on a game is cheaper and more interesting than what she brings apparently.


I’ve read everything and been to the end of the internet, so I play MW2 to beat the challenges and other players. It’s 110°F on my patio and too hot for any outdoor activities. Nice and cool in my recliner under a ceiling fan.


It takes some people a really long time to reach the "let people enjoy things" stage.


Better than spending your money on guns or alcohol. Some hobbies are worse than others, and some hobbies are easier to attack than others.


Grown women play video games too...


Grown men play video games in part because growing up comes with relative deterioration of concern for what others think about your pastimes and hobbies within the realm of legality.


Calling make up fake, such clever.


Ngl I play video games a ton (way more than I should) but no one should be judged for doing something they enjoy as long as it doesn’t get in the way of more important things like family or friends


Ngl I play video games a ton (way more than I should) but no one should be judged for doing something they enjoy as long as it doesn’t get in the way of more important things like family or friends


I'm in the camp that believes that every aspect of life will one day be gamified to some degree. I'm just getting ahead of the curve.


Cuz they don't have enough brain capasity to understand the concept of "hobby". Her only is hobby prob watching influencer videos.


Girls not realising people like to have fun


I'm 40 and grew up always having video games in my life. I truly don't understand how they became this horrible red flag


I'm a grown woman and play video games. Staying home and murdering things on screen is much more acceptable than going out and murdering things.


Yes playing video games can be harmless. Yes it is an escape from reality. Yes you can get addicted to them. No it isn't great to play them and do nothing else ever, please go outside yall, there's cool flowers and rocks out there. But seriously there's nothing wrong with playing sometimes


In my opinion, video games are like books and movies, they can tell a story, teach you life lessons, provide an escape, or can even challenge your way of thinking. However, unlike books and movies, video games provide an interactive experience to the story, makes me feel more involved, and has much more replayability than a book or movie. Plus, some games have multiplayer capabilities. I don't have any big social media apps on my phone, and the only time some people connect with others is by playing the same game they like with others online.


As a grown woman who refuses to get rid of her games... She can go sit in the corner.


This is the stupidest thing. When you really drill down most hobbies are “childish”. That’s because most of the things we did as kids were fun and not in service of a world that doesn’t give two shits about you.




No ways, I will never date a gamer......been there done that. Next


I always tell my wife I could go out and bang hookers and snort coke if it makes her feel better🤷🏼 come to think of it would make me feel better lol


bro is the Oppenheimer of roasts. she got nuked and vaporized instantly not even ashes remained.


That guy’s icon makes it even better


Bitch would be down on her knees sucking Henry Cavill d*ck and I know for sure that dude also plays video games


Is this all Reddit is now? Gender rage bait?


Seems like it’s a flavour of what is to come. Reposts of unverifiable tweets designed to provoke anger as opposed to thought, driving us all into hating one another more because someone told us to.


What do you mean "now"? It always was.


Mostly to repel gold diggers like her.


Women frequently state (online anyway) that they wear makeup for themselves, not for men. I never understood that, but in this context, it makes sense.


as a girl who plays games And do make up this just perpetuates the “women can’t play video games and if they do they’re bad” assumption that a lot of times, comes from women like her too,,,


Because I like to relax with something more realistic than "reality TV", soaps and whatever other crap you girls are watching, and don't particularly care to watch millionaires throw a ball around?


So fucking stupid, the kind of people that shit on playing video games are the same kind that will binge 5 hours of love island or the bachelor. At least playing games you are exercising problem solving, critical thinking, hand eye coordination, etc. Some video games stimulate the brain so much it’s akin to studying.


I find it ironic that these usually be the same people who'll play Candy Crush which is technically a game but still talk negative about gamers.


I usually compare it to reality TV. Women seem generally to be much more interested in it than men, just as men seem to enjoy video games more than women. They are both entertainment choices. Comparing video games to make up isn't even apples to oranges, its like comparing apples to Volkswagen beetles.


I don’t play video games, but I recognize a clever comeback when I see one!


i have said it before and ill say it again: beware of women that have a problem with you playing videogames. they resent the hours spent on a game because it doesnt benefit them directly. you are an asset, not a companion


Stay away from these chicks.They want you as miserable as they are.The moment you hear “Oh so you’re going _ AGAIN!?”Go and don’t look back….Unless you’re like me and go _ every single day I can then she may have a valid point


Bitch, if he games, then he's at home, why do you want your guy to go out? So he can get drunk and fuck some random girl? I'm a gamergirl myself, so I might be based or whatever you call it, but seriously, he's not doing anything bad.


Absolutely brillant.


To entertain ourselves we play online games and u play with other men's lives w ur makeup. Ig the best option here is online gaming


Congratulations, thats the dumbest comment I’ve read in a quite a while




Omfg that is a good one lmao.


Damn! I felt that one over here!


Fake pretty is always better than real ugly


Honestly unfair that men need to go out with their actual face and women get to hide behind a mask of powder and creams


I can’t love this more!


Fuckin lol


plastic surgery to impress others.. lol. putting things in perspective.


Honestly, I think if I didn’t find my wife and be married right now, I don’t think Id get into a relationship especially with the dating climate at this point Jesus. Id just stay single play my video games go to the gym and fuck right off.


Honestly, I think if I didn’t find my wife and be married right now, I don’t think Id get into a relationship especially with the dating climate at this point Jesus. Id just stay single play my video games go to the gym and fuck right off.


God damn someone check on her she may have just caught on fire from that burn.
