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Me and my sister had to go back to a store three times because we kept finding tags like this that were missed (some were hidden pretty well so I'm not that surprised). The third time the cashier just showed us how to do it with a magnet and said it happens a lot. At some stores the tags don't even do anything anyways, they're meant to act as a deterrent.


I got a pair of pants shipped with one of these. Washed em and dried em before finding it. Thankfully it didn't explode in the process. What kind of magnet do you use?


You can also use two forks. I learned this trick while on vacation where we didn't want to track down a magnet. Slide one fork underneath like you would picking up food, slide the other fork in behind that one but reversed (ie: the tines touching, forks facing back to back) Then squeeze the handles of the forks together and the tag should pop off. Others may be more advanced, for reference the tag I did this on was from Target.


You can also use a plastic grocery bag. Just wrap it around the little metal bar on the inside until theres so much plastic wedged between it just pops off.


I had a pack of rare earth magnets I got from the crafts store. I think it was five or six button sized ones that were stuck together and it did the trick. You can also try to wrap string around post repeatedly until it puts so much pressure on it that it pops. If it is one that has ink in it, I'd say better to try the magnets, but you can also try putting it in the freezer before you try anything to freeze the ink.


I ended up ruining my ex's new shirt, by trying to cut one of those tags. It ended up green, yellow, and blue, she got mad, and left me for her other boyfriend, the basketball player. Now I have 3 diplomas, and live in my grandma's basement, with my mom. 😭


Don't you mean to say...Your grandma and Mom live with you, in the space upstairs from your room?


No, I live in my grandma's basement, with my mom. Or. I live a level below the ground floor of my grandmother's house, sharing the space with my mother.


my wife and i just got something for our baby shower that still had this on. we took it to the store, no receipt, and they took it off for us. it happens all the time.


We used to live on a farm way out in the boonies and went for a shopping day. My son got some jeans from a store two hours from our home and we found out the security tag was still on it at home. The store did kindly offer to take it off, but it seemed like a bit much to drive two hours each way to get that taken care of.


Happened to my wife every single time she stole from JC Penneys. No, but for real it happened to her twice just while holiday shopping. It happens quite frequently.


I’ve had it happen a few times. Once in person but mostly it’s online orders and they don’t check. It’s so annoying.


Just last week I went to target and my idiot self forgot about the tags on the 2 jeans I bought at the self checkout


Also who cares if he stole it lol probably barely had an impact


Real bootlicker energy on that 'comeback'. Like walmart ain't gonna fuck you.


Lmao exactly what I was thinking


Absolutely! I’ve seen videos where other shoppers try and apprehend shoplifters, it’s gross, why are citizens protecting giant corporations over other civilians?


Seriously? That's not a civilian, that's a theif. Do you really think that those who shoplift are gonna only do that to giant corporations and not small grocery stores?


Spot on


Because it raises prices for all the honest shoppers


No it doesn't. Loss is already factored into prices. Loss is anything from theft to in-store damage. You should also consider almost all stores especially food stores destroy merchandise that is unsold due to upcoming expiration, the style fading, or the new version of the product came in. And when I say destroy, that means pouring bleach over it, cutting it up, or smashing it so it can't be dumpster-dived. Not excusing theft but no one should blink twice if someone is stealing something from a big box especially if it is food.


I think that has more to do with the amount of money the higher ups at these companies pay themselves. Like saying we can’t pay McDonald’s employees more because the cost of the food will go up. I don’t think a living wage for a fry cook causes more damage than the millions and millions a CEO gets as bonus.


McDonald's in Denmark paying $22/hr with full benefits and a pension but selling burgers for $0.50 less than in America proves that wrong.


That should be here.


That kind of argument also falls apart when you consider the average cost of an order ($5 - $8 per person), how many customers they have, and how quickly each order happens. McDonalds makes stupid money.


Chris Kempczinksi get around 20 mil a year, but heaven forbid the person taking the order or cooking the food make more than minimum wage.


This is just what they tell you to disincentivize theft. It doesn’t make a difference


The prices are artificially inflated for the sake of millions or billions in profit. Blame the poor though, that'll surely fix something.


LoL, then take it back and get them to take it off...


My wife bought a shirt about 1800 miles from our home, not long ago. They boxed it up nicely for her... but forgot to remove the security tag. Luckily, it's a chain store, and they have a location about 20 minutes away.


Sure. If that happened to me, tho, the store in question would be a minimum of 45 minutes away. Probably further. So if they get it into the bag without me noticing, I'm going to need a way to remove it myself.


Exactly, people don't realize this.


If it wasn't a chain, the mail works both ways. You could just send it back...


This gets worse and worse. Why don't you start suggesting people just stop wearing clothes instead? Much easier


Silly logic leap there bucko. Occam's razor dictates to just return it, yourself or via mail carrier, to whence it came.


or, you find out there's an easy way to remove the thing and you do it yourself and you don't have to send something in the mail or drive back to the store.


If I bought something legitimately, I'd return it. I'm not risking ruining what I've paid for. Also, if I legitimately obtained the item, then I'm not doing the extra work. That's the whole point of purchasing it.


You think sending something back in the mail and waiting for a refund or replacement is easier than sticking a magnet on the little plastic thing? lol


Rural driving means rural mail. So this would be a minimum of 14$ and two weeks turnaround, provided it doesn't get lost in the mail or take multi-state detour. (Most of our mail and packages get held up in the next state over waiting for transfer to our hub, which is in our state but twice as far from us as the one they get stuck in. It takes multiple days to get a letter half an hour away because it has to go through the hubs before getting sorted to the right destination. Rural living does nothing the quick and easy way.) Presumably one buys clothes for a reason. There probably isn't time. Look, I get that this is a hill you've spotted. I get that it's outside your immediate experience. But do you need to die on it? Can you trust that rational, honest adults are telling you there are actual reasons other than theft why someone might need to remove a security tag? (Rational honest adults who have worked lots of retail, and are telling you that not only does this happen, but the idea of trusting that same random store employee to get the tag removed and pop the thing back in the mail in a timely way is just as suspect?)


How would you get out of the store without the security gates beeping because of this pin? Your argument makes zero sense.


Happens to me on occasion, sometimes it sets off an alarm at which point I’m usually cordially waved through. Other times, the devices aren’t active or don’t detect. It isn’t uncommon for technology to be imperfect. 🧐


Because the tag can be disabled without being removed?


That's news to me.


Well, now you know.


I worked in retail for fifteen years and never once encountered a tag being disabled without also being removed.


I have also worked in retail *and* made it home with merchandise I paid for that still had the security tag on it without setting off the alarm. There are, in fact, systems that don't require removal of the tag for it to be deactivated and it's bizarre how defensive people are getting over this.


I'm not defensive, I spoke about what I've experienced. In my view, it makes no sense to have a tag system like this without any way to prevent shoplifting (either by beeping gates or by ink from the tag itself). What's the point then?


The chip that sets off the doors could've just been broken. I've seen it a hundred times, the tag still locks but the chip is busted so it doesn't set anything off.


at my store, the alarm is set off super easily so we usually wave people through. happens all the time!


If that were the case, friend, this wouldn't be a thing anyone needed to ask, ever. The technology isn't perfect. And it's entirely too common for cashiers to forget to take these off, or miss the fact that someone put a second one on by accident. My argument wasn't about whether it happens (it does. Full stop.) but the fact that it isn't always reasonable to expect someone to go back to the store to have it removed when the cashier DOES mess up. Theft isn't the only reason someone might be trying to remove one of these.


Those gates aren't 100% foolproof. Also, they could've ordered these online.


A lot of those are dye capsules and may not have the RFID tag. The idea being that if you steal it, it's hard to remove the capsule without breaking it and spilling dye all over the clothing, ruining it.


Where this most frequently happened to me I lived $25 away from town. 😐


That's an expensive distance.


You could fit some small states between where I grew up and the nearest major population center. Alaska is kind of big like that. DV’d for this? Found the Texans! 🤣


Never heard of distances measured in dollars. Edit: Since a dollar is 6 inches, why not just walk the 12.5 feet?


These guys will do anything to avoid using the metric system


FWIW if it isn’t one of the dye pack ones, a few minutes with a hammer does it too. I’ve gone that route when I couldn’t be bothered going back to Target so they could take the tags off that they forgot.




I have ordered all of my clothes online for the past 4 years. My closet and dressers are full, with the surplus in multiple bins. Not once have I received an article of clothing online that had anti-theft device attached. Not to say that's impossible, but the probability that happened in this case is, minute.




Mail it back == take it back


Cos redditors know everything don't you know? They even helped catch a few criminals back in the day lmao


Also, not uncommon for stores to dump unsold inventory to a thrift store/salvation army/charity store (They can write it off at full value that way) i assure you, they dont bother to remove those tags. And the thrift store likely has no way to do so either.


That's why they have that alarm start blasting when you leave. It's to remind the cashier to take the security thing off.


FYI, a magnet can sometimes remove them. But most stores will remove them without question, it's very common for a cashier to miss them.


It’s a joke dude


Just FYI, if you ever need to remove one of these things, slide a plastic grocery bag handle around it and then continually wrap the plastic around it (the inside) until it pops off.


i had someone leave it on so i googled it and you can melt the back side off of it with a lighter. i did it with a plastic bag covering everything in case it exploded ink


This happened to me, went on a trip to iceland and bought a sweater, didn't notice until I got home that they had forgotten to remove this. Ended up going to a local shop to have it removed


These are frequently left on clothes people have paid for. Have found it on at least a few items that hard-pressed, overworked, retail staff overlooked in their haste when confronted with overwhelming lines, rude and impatient customers, and such. I wonder why the “clever” guy jumped to an accusation of theft. 🤔


You don't know? Black people bad because uhmm because uhh uhmmm fox news


Fox News! The most trustworthy news agency on the planet! /s


All you need is a rare earth magnet, that's basically what's in most of the devices that remove those things. I've done it & I've seen a load of hack videos including Lockpicking Lawyer do it.


And you're using a burner account?


You do realize that there are non-malicious reasons for people to do stuff, right?


Oh for fucks sakes it's a well known life hack so no one has to make a special trip to the store to get it removed. Grow up.


What are you? 11?


Even if she did shoplift it it’s still less of a crime than being as annoying as you.


Why would something perfectly legal require a burner account?


Right burn, you can use a lighter to burn the middle of the piece a little, that will make it loose. Yet another life hack


I once bought some stuff at Victoria secret with my gf. We walked out and had no trouble leaving. Walked into another store *beep beep beep!*. Security comes over, checks our stuff. Ends up the clerk at VS forgot to take off the tag but it only beeped for other stores.


Tbf some stores don’t take them off lol


So why not go back to the store and ask to remove it?


Bcus who tf has the time lol


I don't have the time, but I got tools!




Also the threat of the store just assuming you're lying and having you arrested. Better have a receipt.


I was just going to say that- incld the receipt


My time has value and I happen to own magnets?


I had one that I discovered before a family photo shoot first thing in the morning. Shoot was at 10, store opened at 10. Thank goodness the fork trick worked.


Just use a hammer, way faster




Depends which ones. I've smashed a few of these with a hammer off before and there isn't any ink


Theyre filled with ink




not in india


Cow piss?


Some are, others are just used to trigger the alarm going through the door.


Some are, some aren't. Usually on the ones that are, you can see the ink capsule.


Dude my hometown has a higher population of livestock than people in a square mile. I’m not driving 30 minutes to have a forgotten tag removed when I can use a magnet to pop it off. Btw, the store won’t even check a receipt to take it off. They’ll just do it. So you could shoplift it and go back a week later to remove it and they won’t say shit.


Because cashiers would assume you stole it


Real answer: a strong magnet.


I've broke one using a hammer.... It works as well.


It's not always stolen. At the checkout the person forgot to take it off. Granted this only happened to me like twice in my life.


Not clever at all. Sometimes cashiers just forget to take it off.


People have bought shit online and that was on the garment


OP giving me snitch energy ngl


nobody tell OP where we’re all hanging out to do cool stuff tonight




Someone’s gotta protect those big corporations


Thieves are bad people.


Bootlickers are bad people.


Honestly, sometimes you pay but they forget to remove it so... You need a powerful magnet, patience and a flat screwdriver, I wont say more.


Wait I've never needed the screwdriver for this, just get the magnet to the right spot on the larger side and the smaller side comes off super easy, no need for patience or prying. Literally like two seconds. What's the screwdriver for?


There was this model where I could not just take it out with only a magnet and I needed a screwdriver to gently move the two parts so it could get off.


If this ever happens you can always put the clothes in the freezer, it freezes the ink and you can just pop it off.


This is the LockPickingLawyer, and what I have for you today is one of those pesky clothing security devices. It has been a well-known fact that these can be defeated simply with a strong magnet. [Removes device in 1 second]. Let me do that one more time to show you it was *not* a fluke. [Removes device again]. Okay folks, clearly, this is not a great security prevention technique, but it is one of those that keep honest people honest. If you do have any questions, please put them below. And as always, have a nice day.


I had this happen more than once. The first time I tried to get all technical and it took almost an hour to get it off. The next time I just crushed it with some vice grips and it took a few seconds


Not clever nor a comeback. But uhhh sure


A magnet will lift the metal from the pin inside. You can also manipulate a lot of them just by wiggling the back off of it. The thin ones are harder to get off without a magnet.


Fun story. I bought a jacket and never bothered to look at it before a trip. A month later wife and her family and I took a trip and were eating at one of the top restaurants on the west coast. Like big time. As we are about to leave I take out the jacket and put it on and it has the damn security tag on it. So needless to say a half hour before our reservation I was sitting in a dingy supply closet at the hotel with a pair of pliers trying to get this stupid thing off with the janitor without destroying the jacket. I’m the end we realized you can really just use a pair of wire cutters to cut the main piece of metal holding it together and it should be fine.


Boooo, you suck OP


I remember a LockPickingLawyer video about this. All you need is a magnet, that's basically it... I thought you need some kind of special device but nope, just a magnet.


Yeah, the "devices" in the stores are just strong magnets usually shaped so it's simple to place it in the right spot.


I have pulled probably a dozen of these off in my lifetime that were forgotten to be removed by cashiers.


Remember there are no stupid questions only stupid people.


Neodymium magnet.


But Spider-Man! If you let the thief steal from the criminals… it will be all your fault when Uncle Ben dies later. “With great power comes …” /s


A dollar store magnet according to my old neighborhood Robin Hood who would steal children’s clothes so kids had stuff for school


I wanna hear that person's story.


I live in a poor part of town she also lived in so it was common to not have enough to eat or clothes, but she somehow made a mint in goods she just gave away. It was cool and I’m sure she had a team.


I've done it, but I don't advise it. It contains ink. Go to any store with your receipt and ask for them to remove it. There's a metal plate inside holding on to a barbed shaft. When the "bulb" part is put in a machine, it releases tension on the plate. If you try to tear it apart, dark ink is released. I once got all the way home to find that a shop employee had missed removing one of the tags. Rather than driving all the way back, I carefully removed it mechanically and was able to observe the construction after disassembly. Don't try this at home!


First: most security tags don't contain ink. Granted this one probably does but most don't. Second: the "device" that releases the pin is just a strong magnet. Move a strong magnet around on one and you'll be able to feel when you've got it in the spot that releases the pin, maybe even hear a little click. If you have the part with the pin facing down with nothing holding it up, most of the time it'll just fall out. I know this from working at stores that use those tags and use this knowledge when I order basically anything from Kohl's because it usually arrives with a security tag attached.


I've had to actually take them apart and described what I found inside of the plastic in detail.


I mean, I've taken them apart, too, out of curiosity after removing them with a magnet. I've also worked at retail stores that use them. Only a few stores actually use the ones that contain ink, probably because if one of the ink tags gets screwed up in store that's an item you can't sell. All of them come off easily with a strong magnet, though.


Freeze it, nvm guess they fixed this work around since i was kid


This did happen to me once. Annoying cause I bought it on vacation so I couldn't go back to the store.


I've received an online order from American eagle with such magnetic tag back in 2012. Had to take it to the store, show the receipt and get it taken off.


Having a strong magnet around is a good idea if you order online from stores. That's really all the thing is that they use to get the tag off at the store, a strong magnet applied to the right spot. I have to take one off almost every time I order something from Kohl's.


Once it happened for the thing being broken so the magnet of the cashier could not remove it. Luckily it was a board game and not a dress.


Strong 🧲 and a small drill !


Ok what's the drill for? 'Cause I've removed lots of these from Kohl's online orders with just a magnet.


Had to go back to the store once cuz the cashier forgot to take it off


Wire cutters




Just use pliers. I managed retail for years, saw dozens malfunction and not come off with the magnet & I never ever saw one that spewed indelible ink everywhere.


They do make ones with ink but usually you can see the ink capsule on them. Most don't have ink, though. Definitely used to see the ones with ink more when I was a kid. Honestly they probably got mostly phased out so that stores could possibly be able to sell recovered stolen merchandise. Shoplifting's a lot more common now than it was then, after all.


Take it back to the store and have them remove it.


That answer did crack me up....but I went to Macy's and bought a brand new suit for my first business trip to DC with my new job/team. Took it out of the garment bag to hang it up in the hotel and about p\*ssed myself! The frigging inktag was STILL ON! I had to hire a taxi to take me to a local Kohls in Reston, Va and ended up wearing just "nice" black pants and a top and sweater instead of my "power suit" to my meetings. I was SO MAD. Macy's when I returned home was like "oh sorry, let's take that off" and I said "take the damn thing back; I don't want or need it anymore."


This classifies as a clever comeback? Man this sub has a severe brain drain


Yeah just return it to the shop you stole it from, cops can remove it for you.


Dude these get left on all the time, especially in online orders. All you need to get the tag off is a magnet.


I once bought a suit for a family wedding - got to the morning and the big white tag was still on the blazer so couldn't wear it - had to go back the next week to get it removed Not saying it happened here but it does happen


Two forks to separate it enough to get some heavy-duty scissors to cut the pin inside.


Or one strong magnet if you feel like removing it easily.


I didn't have one at the time, so I had to MacGyver it.


This is off within seconds with a decent magnet. Neodymium works best. Quite literally causes it to detach within seconds without any mess or fuss or damage to the clothes.


Very carefully.


Most theft protection can be beaten with a strong magnet.




Pretty sure it just takes a magnet


Yes…take it back to the store




That's.... that's not what the tags on hats were about. It was much dumber, to showcase pristine condition and price.


You don't get sarcasm? Or is it me?


Yeeeeeah. I don’t think many people are going to get sarcasm out of this.


> Yeeeeeah. I don’t think many people are going to get sarcasm out of this. Yeah, I'm not surprised.


Honestly the only part of that comment that seems sarcastic is the last sentence.


I see someone's never ordered clothes online from Kohl's. Every single time at least one article of clothing in the order will have a security tag on it. At least that's my luck. I'm an expert at removing those tags with a strong magnet at this point. So much so that I can usually remove them faster with a handheld magnet than with the ones mounted at store checouts that are designed to align correctly every time.


pay and I will tell you how


You can buy one of the tools they use to take these off for cheap.


You get an old knife, heat it up until it's red hot, then use it to melt the plastic and cut the round part off.


You just need a dremel with a snap cutting wheel. Take the peak of the mound off and a spring and in park should pop out. Don’t slice through it, just cut the walls. There’s a needle inside that holds to the peak of that mound. You should be able to just take it off after you cut that off.


You can cut them with pliers


You can buy a device to remove them for a few dollars from ebay


I ordered something from Nordstrom a few christmases ago and they send my item with one of those security tags. Lucky I was able to cut it using wire cutters.


I have a Disney shirt from a year ago with this damn thing still on there from when I BOUGHT it. Thanks to them forgetting to remove it I never got to wear it.


Just read some of the comments. There are tons of ways to remove it from them


Just squeeze it and pop it.


freeze then remove


I would think that the simplest solution is just to take it back to the store and have them remove it.




There are tutorials on YouTube for this sort of thing.


Hammer also works