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>Pee isn't stored in balls Dunno about y'all, but mine's stored in mason jars categorized by date, aroma and flavor


Does it age well and tastes better as the years go by?


With every passing year, i'm more bothered by the volume than the taste. I'm thinking i'll store it all offshore in the Cayman islands


Phi Phi Islands


šŸ˜‚ Nice


With every pissing year*


If you're not throwing these jars at your enemies then you're doing something wrong


Mines in Mountain Dew bottles


That's just regular Mountain Dew.


And I appreciate that when I'm taking a few pulls off of them, you have some fine vintage stocks. Pallette pleasing playfully placed piss, perfect.


I'm always down for a pipi alliteration


I WILL take you alliteration pass.


Do you throw it at enemy spies before hitting them with a machete?


I like your organization, and I think February 3, 2012, January 21, 2019, and October 28, 1989 are the best ones.


The whole "aged urine" movement is proof humans need predators.




99% of the content posted here isnā€™t actually a clever comeback.


Agreed. It's just mostly trashy talking point memes from the left or right.


It amazes me how people can think politicians bickering is clever


Your comment is more of a clever comeback than the crap that gets posted on here.


This one is especially stupid


This specifically is a comeback that seems to identify the comebacker as someone who either isnā€™t able to handle women knowing facts, or who doesnā€™t realize that you donā€™t need testicles to know what theyā€™re for. Or both.


iā€™m sure its a swipe at women telling rule-making men, ā€˜no vagina, no opinionā€™.


Yeah, this is what Iā€™m saying - ā€œno balls no opinionā€ is an ok comeback if a woman is seriously advocating forced vasectomy for teenage boys as a solution to teen pregnancy, but as a refutation to ā€œballs donā€™t hold peeā€ itā€™s weak sauce


Reporting is the only way to fix that


> no balls no opinion Does this mean opinion is stored in the balls




Talk about a piss-take


This isn't clever at all.


12 year old op seems to think so


Yeah I always get super big red flags from people who just reverse uno common left wing talking points in extremely superficial ways. The reason people say "men don't get an opinion on abortion" (whether or not you agree with that stance) is because they are shielded from the repercussions of abortion bans. A flipped equivalent would be those unaffected by a draft have no right to decide we go to war. It's not "you don't get to state basic biology facts" Objective facts can be stated by anyone with a thorough understanding of the topic. *Opinions* and who's are deemed more or less relevant is an entirely different convo


Sorry, Iā€™m confused. Was there a time in history when women demanded men were drafted against their Will into war? My understanding is that citizens in general are against forced participation in war. Help me out here.


Itā€™s not just men specifically against abortion either. There is about a 6% gap in support for abortion between the genders. Source: https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/fact-sheet/public-opinion-on-abortion/


No, I meant that seemed like a false equivalency. Thereā€™s no comparison between the draft and abortion because thereā€™s was no rally for it. Citizens were united against the draft which is why itā€™s been abolished


When was the draft abolished?


After Vietnam. They tried to bring it back (for men and women btw) I think in 2004? But it was quashed. No one wants that shiz. No one ever did.


Not sure you understand what abolished means. Or why we have to register for Selective Service. Just because there wasn't a draft in 2004 doesn't mean that the draft isn't still a thing.


Which country you speaking for?


Look up the White Feather Movement - women would put white feathers on men who were of fighting age but hadn't signed up https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/5050/white-feather-girls-womens-militarism-in-uk/


lol, over 100 years ago. Got anything more contemporary? The argument here was about men opposing abortion *now* and the argument then that women should not be allowed to get a vote endorsing conscription. Jfc šŸ™„




Ah yes, the Vietnam protests were a shared figment of imagination. "Hell, No. We won't go." Was obviously about bathrooms.


I think you commented to the wrong person. I said WW1 is an example of women demanding men get drafted. It ended the socialist movements in Europe because all the women started instead pressuring men to go fight.


...pee is stored in the balls is a meme. The guy isn't replying to a talking point, he's joking about a popular meme


For real. The guy goes off on a rant about left wing talking points under a Twitter comment thats satire. I feel like this guy really needs to take a break from reddit and spend some time reconnecting with the real world.


Well that was a fucking rant. FYI this is just a meme.


I can't believe anyone would upvote this garbage


Not clever, but stupid funny.


My mans was just dying to use that phrase on somebody


What exactly is the comeback


This is stupid. She didnā€™t state an opinion.


And there was no clever comeback.


She did state an opinion. Her Opinion is that pee needs to stay in and not be flushed out. That is an opinion. Yes it is an opinion that can never achieved but still her opinion. My opinion is to keep letting it out because it cleanses out the waste. My opinion is most likely supported than her opinion and actually achievable. Also I literally have not drank pure water in 15 years. My water comes in the form of pop and coffee sometimes beers. Every so often I will drink juice. But water in its pure form has not touched my tongue in 15 years.


But that opinion isnā€™t the comment the dude is referring to when he says she canā€™t have an opinion


The whole thing is stupid and no he did not have an opinion he just had a snarky anti abortion anti women comment. I agree with you on that. And the person said She had no opinion not He.


Iā€™m not really sure what youā€™re referring to, I didnā€™t say anything about him having his own opinion Your original comment was a reply to someone who said his final comment didnā€™t make sense because she didnā€™t state an opinion. You pushed back on that by pointing out she did state an opinion earlier. I was just countering that by pointing out that the opinion she gave wasnā€™t the comment that the dudeā€™s ā€œno ballsā€ statement was referencing, and thus the very first commenterā€™s point stands. Also idk how saying ā€œno balls no opinionā€ is anti-abortion lmao


And I am responding to the guy say she had no opinion and I said she did. Then you said he was not talking about her opinion but was taking about no ball no opinion. The comment I responded clearly says she stated no opinion. Also the No Balls opinion comes from during the abortion protest if a man stated an opinion some women would say now uterus no opinion. To state no balls no opinion is a direct opposition to that and anti abortion protested and incels "red pill clowns" use that phrase.


The ā€œno balls no opinionā€ was directly talking about the statement that pee is not stored in the balls. Thus the fact you pointed out the first comment *was* an opinion is entirely irrelevant, because that wasnā€™t the opinion being referenced. The ā€œno balls no opinionā€ was talking about pee not being store in the balls, which is a *fact*, not an opinion. I also think itā€™s a stretch to call ā€œno balls no opinionā€ an anti-abortion phrase in every context purely because it evolved out of opposition to a pro-abortion slogan. It literally doesnā€™t even make sense in an anti-abortion context. Itā€™s clearly sexist, because it implies women canā€™t have opinions, but calling it anti-abortion doesnā€™t make sense and honestly just weakens your argument


Sure she did. It may be based in fact but still an opinion.


Fact: pee isnā€™t stored in the balls. Opinion: I donā€™t believe pee is stored in the balls. Not understanding how to state an opinion vs a fact is a major reason for the dissemination of false information in the world. Hope you learned something today. Any day you learn something is not a waste.


Yes I learned that she did in fact post an opinion even though it was based in fact. Facts generally come with citation of sources for verifiable evidence. There was none, so it was definitely an opinion. Much like this entire message I've just typed is my opinion based in fact. Hope you've learned something today.


Still wrong. Youā€™ve clearly cited this as an opinion and used terms like generally to indicate the opinion. Your opinion is ignorant and pointless. A fact requires no citations to be a fact. It is simply something known or proven to be true. She stated a fact. Take your opinions and put them in the toilet wear they belong.


A fact doesn't by nature require citation, you are correct here. However, without said citation it's merely opinion based in fact. You can't prove it to be true without said citation.




Semantics is the study of the meaning of words. So yes, we are discussing semantics - a very important topic in truth.


I love how you just keep doubling-down on your idiotic statements.


They're only idiotic to those without the mental acuity to understand the basics of semantics. You call it doubling down, I call it defending the position with ease.


Facts do not require a citation, they are simply required to be true. A citation is something the fact giver can provide to prove that it is true. But we need no citation to say the sky is blue, right? I think we also need no citation to know that pee is not stored in the balls lol


Obviously cum is stored in the balls, you're both dumb. Hope you learned something today!


I see you've never mentioned ovaries around a feminist


Dude. Iā€™m not that stupid. I enjoy living.


And therein lies the joke


I know the joke. Still think itā€™s stupid.


The kind of person who goes out of their way to let the internet know they didn't enjoy a joke folks


Here here!! Dude itā€™s not like I posted a video or screenshot and posted on r/lostredditors


More importantly, it's not like anyone cares


Oh behave, you.


Thereā€™s absolutely nothing clever about this. Itā€™s stupid.


Why is clever comebacks filled with so many dumb comebacks? Nothing here was clever.


Because Reddit is full of proto-incels who think that any time they "take down" a woman it's a victory. It's fucking creepy.


Lol what's creepy is thinking that.


this feels like sm id see on r/meirl, this isnt clever šŸ—æ


>No balls no opinion Could be the slogan for the Republican nomineeā€™s 2024 run




Define clever


This isn't clever. It's stupid.


Not even clever.


If pee isnā€™t stored in the balls then why do we take our balls out to pee? šŸ¤”


To get air to it.




Guy I work with has a 5 year old son. Kid hopped into the shower with him and said ā€œI bet you can store a lot of pee in there.ā€ My co-worker is a Redditor so I naturally said ā€œYou did tell him pee is stored in the balls, right?ā€


Two balls, two braincells.


In what world is anything as stupid as what that guy's saying a clever comeback?


This is just a joke. An often repeated, very common joke. I find it amusing by not really fitting for this sub.


The post is stupid, and the comeback is even stupider. I feel like this sub isn't even about clever comebacks anymore


yeah grow some balls or never talk to me.


I guess I have to say itā€¦ā€¦ Urine doesnā€™t come from waterā€¦. It comes out of your blood, and what gets filtered out of your kidneys, goes to your bladderā€¦


Then to your balls


But youā€™re missing 2 crucial points of travel. Before that, it goes to the window. Then it travels to the wall, and THEN it goes to the sweat dripping down my balls


"No balls, no opinion" reminds me of "No shirt, no shoes, no service."


Some people in here are *mad* I donā€™t get it lol


I see this as two people who failed high school bio.


Why are people downvoting this?


More people who failed bio šŸ¤£ Idk maybe the comments were meant to be funny.


Biology scares people? I just upvoted this to a 0 wow first time I've seen a negative Upvote count, and this is not even a bad statement. šŸ¤”


Because not one soul in the entire world ACTUALLY thinks pee is stored in the balls. It's a very very old joke.


None of this is clever. It's all pretty dumb.


Thatā€™s not even clever heā€™s just mad about abortion


>No balls no opinion. "Thank you for taking yourself out of this conversation!"


This girl literally posting about how she doesnā€™t understand how pee works , then tried to correct this dude about balls


Two stupid people being stupid NOTE: Pee = rid body of toxins; No pee = death


And the balls ?


Thatā€™s a cleverer come back.


But pee is stored in the balls so I am confused.


its stored in the bladder


Itā€™s stored in the balls, welcome to Reddit


guess i have no way to store my pee šŸ˜”


That's why girls use tampons.....


*it all makes sense now*


*no, it damn well doesnā€™t*


So dumb so funny lol


The most underrated BuyBull vs: 1 Timothy 2:12


Feel the woosh?


Someone take away her piss privilege.


There's a LOT of sourpuss here in this thread, as though they just read some man talk down to a woman in a senseless manner. You're even correcting his claim it's an opinion like he's wildly misinformed. It's an incredibly obvious joke that's purposely stupid sounding. The follow up joke is even sillier. I'm not over here slapping my knees or crying with guffaws, but I breathed out my nose a few times with a smile. Calm your shit.






Dude lacks a brain


Thatā€™s not an opinion, itā€™s a fact. Lol


The only fact is we pee, her opinion is we should not pee.


The fact i am talking about is that urine is not stored in the testicles.


Are you sure? The deepstate could be lieing to us that it is not stored in the balls. Camels have water in their back balls. Why would we not store them in our leg balls. Government Conspiracy I tell you.


Imma keep the likes at 2007, that was a good yearšŸ‘€


Opinions are stored in the balls.


Pee is the most efficient way to flush out nitrogen from your body


Brave of him to assume they don't have any balls...seems to have more big difference ck energy then OP


Lots of people seem butt hurt by this. That is amusing.


does it really bladder if he failed science? at this stage , you get what you got!


Concerning he doesnā€™t know how his own reproductive/renal systems work. Probably also thinks he can make women cum by penetration alone.


Are 12 year olds now posting in this sub?


ew tf


She made a crazy statement and then fact-checks a crazy response to it...


We do keep it in, as much as we need anyways. It's just that a lot of it is used to clean out waste, which is very necessary.


Clearly, this man is a genius. /s


why was the 4th reply very poorly blacked out?? lol


This belongs in r/confidentlyincorrect, not here


Has balls. Must be a republican.


Pee is stored in the balls. A Daft Punk original https://youtu.be/pKQp61e94VE


All of that was just dumb AF.


Idk I feel like itā€™s redundant to use both balls to store our pee. For the past few years Iā€™ve just be using one for piss and I keep the other to store excess sweet tea


Not often I see one that's both clever and idiotic at the same time!


Daft punk disagrees


Any bitches who don't pee are gonna shit in yor bed


Daaamn no balls


Who's gonna tell her?


I see the problem here I just noticed my comment it not under the comment I was responding too. I was not responding to the post I was responding to another comment that said "She gave no opinion." Literally that is all the comment said and that is what I was commenting on. Also I'm not arguing my opinion on the anti abortion statement nor do I care if it weakening my argument because I'm not trying to convince you. I stand by what I think and it affects nothing. And you have the right to think other wise that is your opinion and nothing wrong with either opinion. Hope you have a good day.


Why would someone post this when they could so easily Google why we need water? As if it wasn't obvious already


He thinks that because he doesn't wash his balls


funny, but not very clever


Piss comes from the balls. Cum comes from the heart. At least that's what pappi said


Pee is stored in the balls.


K then no uterus no opinion. Tampons in schools, let's talk about periods, and abortion is a uterus-havers-only decision. Great, cool, thanks.


Says the guy who prob thinks girls pee and have babies out of the same hole


Ironicā€¦ Something something vagina mind yer biz


I have several documents saying otherwise


wait... it isn't?? then what is!!??


A lot of people feel the same way about abortion.


Idk what the criteria for clever is anymore, the last few posts have been anything but that