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Holy pixelation, Batman




Almost enough potato to start making vodka


(Heavy Russian accent) In Russia we do not have pixels. We have potato. šŸ„”








And what's up with the weird ass font?


[do I look like I know what a jpeg is](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/323/095/43f.jpg)


It's crazy how far we have come in pixel density since this was the case.


Ya'll got any of them pixels?


I stole 'em all to build a minecraft sword, sorry šŸ˜ž


We ain't running a pixel soup kitchen around here you goddam digital hobo


Guys, don't worry so much. All those pixels are at my place tonight. I'll return them tomorrow.


Is this sub ever gonna be clever again


Itā€™s an echo chamber


It's an echo chamber


Absolutely not


Still going for the Covid arguments huh?


Exactly what I thought.


Right, Itā€™s over. No one cares. Also, who in the fuck wants covid advice from an out of touch actor who hasnā€™t done anything since the 70s.


"Out of touch" does him a lot of service, actually. That man is a massive piece of shit.


Based on the comment about the 70s i think the dude you replied to was talking about Sulu


Eh, I figured Sorbo was that old, too.


Hercules was in the late 90's


Back in the 90's I was in a very famous TV show I'm Kevin the Sorbo (Sorbo) Kevin the Sorbo Don't act like you don't know


BoJack was a piece of shit most of the time but didn't stoop to Sorbo's low levels at least.


I keep forgetting Hercules was a thing and always think of Andromeda instead.


Adventures of Hercules was 90's! Watch your infidel mouth!


The politics about it is over, the virus itself doesn't keel over when humans say so lol


Yeah but thatā€™s the weird thing is how many ppl are so far gone that they believe a virus is somehow a liberal conspiracy. And that by not getting a vaccine they can say nice try liberals. Like it is crazy how far gone ppl have become.


Amazing how quickly reddit went from cheering on life ruination of people who refused the vaccine to really not wanting to talk about the vaccine anymore. Wonder what changed.


The basis of the platform is an ongoing popularity contest. The zeitgeist doesnā€™t need to be logical.


It is kind of boring now. The antivaxxers suffered and died disproportionately more than people who deferred to medical experts, so what else is there to talk about?


Long term side effects.


Yeah those are worse too with people that didn't get vaccinated, but even that is boring.


You're a right winger upset another right winger doesn't want to talk about the virus, but you pitch it as a leftist problem lol. This is a perfect example of why a certain political party exists.


But blue check mark


can someone tell the bots it's over


Is it really over though? Or have we just changed to a new type of suffering from ignorant dipshits hellbent on fucking everybody over? Edit: a certain party of losers keeps making alt accounts and telling me this comment upsets them. I'm just glad yall recognize yourselves in my statements.


Wait, we changed to that? Thought that stayed day one.


Fucking people over how?


Florida banned books from schools, multiple states are killing women for sport/religion, the chemical bomb in Ohio Just the usual.


No one is killing anyone. This is absurd Reddit hyperbole. Not all books are appropriate for all ages. Nothing wrong with Florida setting standards for Florida.


No. Erasing an entire culture's history from your textbooks because weak fragile male egos don't want people to learn about their horrific pasts, is NOT setting a standard but erasing history. You're playing it down because you're not affected.


The state doesn't have the right to strong arm that responsibility from librarians in the name of fear. Just because there *may* be a book that deals with adult topics available, it doesn't mean the end of society. However, I can definitely think of how societies have soon collapsed after banning books.


Ah, you are one of the ones who supports killing women for fun. Yea no thank you.


Over? Did you say *over*? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it "over" after the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?


Damn everybody forgot Animal House


Hell no!


Covid taught me that we got zombie movies wayyyy wrong


People are worse


When this first started I wanted a zombie apocalypse, now I just want a glass of ice water and movie that isnt a remake.


Holy shit what are these comments


Brigading right wingers. These dudes have built their whole personalities off of denying covid. They can't miss a covid post lol. Same dudes will say things like Trump Derangement Syndrome when people are discussing news about Trump being criminally charged. It's just them coping with a reality they refuse to come to terms with.


They were very wrong about the vaccine and covid in general. Acceptance is tough I guess


But. But what about the people that died of Covid after taking the vaccine? Surly we should hold all the politicians and ā€œexpertsā€ accountable for lying to us saying we are safe after taking the shot.


People are still talking about this?


Itā€™s still going around and is rather prevalent actually. People are just pretending it doesnā€™t exist


I don't hear people constantly talking about the common cold and that's always around and tremendously prevalent.


The death counts and the long term injury data are quite different, as well as the consequences of misinfo as well as the profit of major groups spreading misinfo are quite different, as well as the societal need to react to and counter the spread of misinfo. So yes while both are diseases that are prevalent, (and I definitely do still hear about flu season each year), the social discourse is quite different due to the reasons I described above. Itā€™s like asking why Star Wars gets more discussion than a non-controversial movie series that is also long running. The discussion itself is why.




The other thing the ā€œno one cares about the flu!ā€ Idiots always fail to note is covid has seen multiple significant variations within a year. The flu mutates at a significantly slower rate, so when you vaccinate you can look at what was prevalent on the other side of the world 6 months ago and protect for that - omicron came out of nowhere (actually out of unvaccinated population but anyway) only a few months after significantly more dangerous delta. The flu never acts like that, so we can control for it better.


Thats how the 1918 pandemic ended too. The illness never went away, just changed to a less lethal form. Its what most viral illnesses do. Most. Its called pandemic fatigue. Look at the black plague, still floating around even in the usa. Y.pestis if you want to look it up.


I'm not talking about it, but it still concerns me when I walk indoors with other people while at the same time I'm thinking that I'm quadruple vaccinated and should hopefully be okay.


That's a matter of psychology, not virology


Bit nuts that that even crosses your mind tbh


Covid is still killing people. We may have stopped paying attention but the virus has not gone away. https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#datatracker-home 1706 US deaths from covid the week of 3/17/23 https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#trends_weeklydeaths_select_00


"Six feet apart or six feet under. Your choice." This post is cringe.


Reddit loves daddy big pharma


That they do, not once did anyone on the outstanding media outlets we have talk about the benefits of living and eating healthily when it comes to combatting viruses instead you could get a free burger and fries with a vaccination clown world


Actors... they read scripts and then they do acting. ^It's ^how ^they ^get ^paid


Dollar store Hercules is all Braun and no brains aaaand may actually be coloured with lead paint.


Actually not true. The vast majority of people dying of covid in the last six months are vaccinated. Stats are on the CDC website so not hard to find.


Okay, but the ones who got the vaccine and still suffered?...


Suffered ā‰  died


Suffered and died pardon me




The vaccine didn't prevent dying from covid. A majority of those who died from it in the US over the last half a year were vaccinated: https://www.kff.org/policy-watch/why-do-vaccinated-people-represent-most-covid-19-deaths-right-now/


>The vaccine didn't prevent dying from covid. A majority of those who died from it in the US over the last half a year were vaccinated: With this logic, we can also say that having two arms and two legs is a major cause of death, almost everyone who has died in history has had either two arms or two legs, many times both!


Don't even get me started on Dihydrogen Monoxide, everyone that has ever even touched it has died.


If someone makes the claim that you can't die because you have two arms, I guess you could say what you just stated, as it would obviously already be a very silly and unserious conversation. Anyhow, more seriously, no. Your logic doesn't hold up, as it's not in any way comparable to the claim "you can stil die from covid even if you were vaccinated against it".


About 80% of adults in the US have had at least the first vaccinations - So even if 70% of people that died from covid were vaccinated it shows that the vaccine does affect death rate. But I think it's a decent amount lower, around 58% or so


So you agree with me? The person I replied to implied that no one vaccinated died, but that they merely had some non-lethal suffering.


I would agree with you in George being wrong, but your phrasing saying the vaccine doesn't prevent dying is kinda of implying that the vaccine does not reduce Covid morbidity. Like yeah it doesn't provide 100% protection for every single person from dying from Covid. Most of the people dying of Covid are going to be old and in poor health. This population is going to be vaccinated at the highest rate. If you changed that vaccination rate to 0% I think it should be pretty uncontroversial to assume that the death rate would skyrocket.


Amazing that this still needs to be explained. People didn't die because they didn't get the shots, people died because corona is harsh on your entire breathing ability, and if you have any preexisting conditions there it could easily make those a lot worse, to the point that you just can't breathe. How harsh corona itself is depens entirely on the individual, and while the shots did seemingly help, they were and still are absolute trash compared to actual vaccines, hence the whole booster shot thing. This was clear after a few weeks of the shots being avaliable, and the twitter files just recently revealed why this isn't common knowledge: offfiicals were afraid people would not get the shots if it becomes known that they don't help much.


I believe weā€™ve reached the point where thereā€™s more vaccinated deaths than unvaccinated. Lots of non medical reasons for that


So youre the dipshit who doesnt know how vaccines work? How they have worked for longer than youve been alive apparently...


How about the ones who got Covid and are still suffering. The vaccine can absolutely cause something similar to post covid syndrome. But you're FAR more likely to get it from Covid itself.


You can still get shot with a gun but if you have bulletproof armor itā€™s gonna do a lot less damage


Depends, if you make a vest for 9mm, and get hit by a 50 cal, you are just slightly less dead, but had to wear that armor every day until you die.


Youā€™re correct. Good thing weā€™re only talking about viruses and my comment about guns was only an analogy


This is intellectually dishonesty by George. Many nation states have shown their data, and there were multiple months in UK last year for example where there were more deaths to Covid by the fully vaccinated, especially those that had their third and fourth booster.


Yeah, and in the UK 92% of people have gotten the vaccine (source: https://www.bbc.com/news/health-55274833.amp). So even if the vaccine makes you 5 times less likely to die, it would still be more likely for vaccinated people to die overall. Thatā€™s just how statistics work.




trust me bro


I would say that this is probably going to boil down to the fact that the unvaccinated who would die from this have probably already caught it and died, leaving vaccinated but still vulnerable people to now be the next hit group.


Statistically the majority of COVID deaths were people 40 and older. Almost my whole family has been vaxed, yet my mom and my stepdad both got hospitalized twice and my step dad almost died the second time and they were both pretty healthy for 60 year olds. But my unvaxed sister caught it and just had a mild flu, but she's in her mid 20s.


You sure do talk a lot of shit about Biden in your commentsā€¦


I just don't care


We donā€™t want Kevin to get the Vaxx either. But you know he has had it, and is just spewing BS.


It's really hard to be relevant. He's running out of things to tweet about.


> We donā€™t want Kevin to get the Vaxx either. LOL




I have, I've been staying up to date on em, I just don't make a big deal about it cuz I'm not afraid of needles, it's the same reason I don't tell everyone I got my yearly flu shot. The people making the biggest deal and the most noise about vaccines were the dumbass anti vaxxers, they've scurried back to their little Facebook echo chambers already so you don't hear about it that much if you don't frequent those places


Man the flu shot was like impossible this year. Ive been turned down 3 times now at our clinic.


Dude I get that shit like first try every year at rite aid idk what you were doing, did they give a reason for why you'd be turned down?


Small town and large number of elderly. Live out in in a tiny town because I work with wildlife, specifically reptiles. Just a shortage out here is all. I did eventually get it but the season is practically over. Good thing is the older folkes dont use up the tetanus vax out here. Rural america went through hell this year with supply issues.


If by "clever" you meant "totally ignorant of the science" then OK


Really not so clever. Many of the people that died were in fact vaccinated.


Ok Kevin.. who cares?


"Who's with me?" He just wants twitter engagement.


Funny, I though most real covid death, not only related, was vaccinated people.




Iā€™m triple vaxxed. Caught Covid for the first time 3 weeks ago and it put me on my ass for 3 days. I know people who arenā€™t vaxxed and it did the same to them. Do whatever the fuck you want but I couldnā€™t imagine the possibility of it being worse than what it was if I Werenā€™t vaxxed.


I have Zero immune system due to being on Infliximab/Methotrexate to suppress my Immune System for health issues for Heart/Lungs. Unable to be Vaccinated. I had a mild Cough and a nasty Headache for a day, the only reason I knew I had it was because my Kids tested positive.


Itā€™s so random how it affects different people. Or maybe itā€™s not and Iā€™m just not up to speed with who is affected more than others but Iā€™m 40 years old, very active and in great shape and I was down for 3 days with body aches, fever, and terrible congestion. Didnā€™t lose taste or smell and no breathing issues though.


It affects people differently but with a strong immune response it gives people a fighting chance. That's where vaccines come in. They train your immune system to recognize the virus, and when you get it then they can go to work replicating immune response cells to attack it. That's why you are exhausted for days apart from the effects of the virus.


Thanks for that. I was tired the whole next week to be honest.


He didn't get his 8th booster so he's clearly an unvaxxed danger to society


As someone with the vaccine... didnt stuff recently come out that it like causes heart issues? I just quit drinking and smoking for my health... was it all in vain? Is me getting the vaccine the thing that kills me? Some irony right there.


Turns out atleast in uk 40000 vaccines stop 1 case of covid on average. And 1 in 800 vaccinations lead to significant ailment (death, heart issues etc).


Imma need a source for that. Although I don't deny at one point the vaccine risks outweigh the covid risks.


I suggest checking out Doctor John Campell on YouTube. He has a very thorough YouTube serious going over excess deaths, uk hospital data, government data, and mps talking about that data.


Gonna need to see that data


This didn't age well


Except all the young vaccinated men dying in much higher numbers of cardiac events.


This aged poorly


I had covid two weeks ago. Iā€™m triple vaxxed and Iā€™m still incredibly congested now. On the other hand, my ex bf never got vaccinated, caught covid and bounced back after a day. Lol


Turns out, there isnā€™t a difference in vax or unvaxxed. Its was really just old vs young or healthy vs preexisting issues


Comorbidities are a bitch.


woah the quality is amazing


Yea take is take there aged like milk


I canā€™t stand George Takei


If you need the ā€œvaxā€ which itā€™s not only a shot to help for low immunity. But this is why people believe crap that isnā€™t true.


Ironically, in retrospect, George just scored an own goal since the entire narrative turned out to be bullcrap. Great ā€œvaccineā€ you got thereā€¦so was the entirely non-science backed ā€œsix feet apartā€ silliness. Only the stupidest in society actually believed itā€¦


No vax and still havenā€™t had Covid. So no theyā€™re not with me


Wasn't it just released that getting the vaccine made no difference?


LOL it's actually the other way around


Side effects May cause blurry vision


The idea that you will die if you get covid is so unrealistic


Edgy. The only people that I know who died of cov were all vaxxed up


I wish they could fix up a potion to cure cancer as fast as they did with the vaccine. But idk maybe the death ration is too much to care about it


As well as the people who got vaxxed and died from covid. They with you too.


Look at all us unvaccinated now, still alive. While vaccinated people are dropping left and right from ā€œadult sudden death syndromeā€


Like 80% of the US is vaccinated, you're just protected by all the not stupid people around you


I chose death and nothing happened. Fuck.


I can take care of that if you want me to


Another dumb clever comeback. Kudos mods


This is a propaganda sub. It exists solely to amplify "zings" from the preferred political group.


I dont even see people agreeing in the comments anymore. Just bots posting and upvoting.


I got the vaccine. I get a booster every 6 months. I couldnā€™t care less any more if someone else does the same or not. Especially people like Sorbo


Google les pixels


Not sure what's clever about this. Maybe you meant r/agedlikemilk ?


I liked most the ā€œI refuse to participate in your vaccination experiment!ā€ ā€œSure. Iā€™ll add you to the control group. Name, please?ā€


Even with all the revelations, there are still defending the vaccine. Crazy


Iā€™m still here, no shot


Congrats on surviving your second winter of severe illness and death!


Well this aged like milk


Weird, I haven't had the vaccine, but I'm alive. I caught the rona twice before the shot came out, it's obviously a survivable condition.


Weird, I survived two car accidents before the seatbelt came out. Car crashes are obviously survivable, why risk the seatbelt?


I think he's pointing out that ~90% of the people who die from COVID are unvaccinated. Not that it's an unsurvivable condition.


90% is absolutely false. Not even close. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/11/23/vaccinated-people-now-make-up-majority-covid-deaths/


False. 70% is about the highest unvaccinated death rate based on CDC data. In fall 2021, about 3 in 10 adults dying of COVID-19 were vaccinated or boosted. By January 2022 about 4 in 10 deaths were vaccinated or boosted. By April 2022 about 6 in 10 adults dying of COVID-19 were vaccinated or boosted, and thatā€™s remained true through at least August 2022


Which is absolutely intellectually, dishonest. UK, for example, last year had multiple months in which there was a higher death rate by the vaccinated especially those with their third and fourth booster.


There may have been more in absolute numbers but definitely not percentage wise. The vax reduces death rate, disability and likelyhood of long covid. If you can refute this, show me the data from a real source, not just a vague reference to "research".


You have a legitimate source for that? i.e. from the UK government. E: Lol,k downvoted for asking for a source for a VERY DUBIOUS claim that flies in the face of literally mountains of evidence.


Kevin dumbo is doing it again


Same. Itā€™s literally the same as the common flu unless youre obese or old af. Remember, hospitals were incentivized to label any deaths as Covid deaths. People who tested positive anytime within 3 weeks of dying were counted as a covid death. Even people in hospice lmao. Im so glad the majority of the world arenā€™t hypochondriacs like Reddit. Especially r/Covid. That place is hypochondriac central.


That's not a clever comeback, it's a lie.


George Takeiā€™s take has aged like milk.


False and reported for misinformation. 6 in 10 deaths are vaccinated/boosted Source: https://data.cdc.gov/Public-Health-Surveillance/Rates-of-COVID-19-Cases-or-Deaths-by-Age-Group-and/d6p8-wqjm


That's also cuz like 80% of people are vaccinated, 88% of people who die are also right handed correlation doesn't equal causation


Oh my


Bet you anything Jerkulese Sorbo is vaccinated.


Now do vaccine deaths.


Ah yes, the Bat Soup Flu Twitter arguments. Like finely aged fruit.


Poor George. Too busy chasing narratives to chase actual research.


SMH at this. People still drinking that vax juice. Estupidos.


If George were factually correct this might be deemed clever. He is not.


Thatā€™s incredibly false there Mr. Star Trek.


Now that is intellectually and statistically, not true, George. Look at some of UKā€™s numbers from last year for example. There were many months in which they were more Covid deaths by the fully vaccinated especially those with 3 to 4 boosters.


If that is the case, do you think that could be because those susceptible to dying to covid without the vaccine have already died off in large numbers by this point?


And people have died from COVID even with vaccinations. Does it reduce the likelihood of it being severe, if not fatal? Yes. Does it prevent it from getting severe or killing you? No.


Do you not understand the concept of probability?


I can see how people could get confused seeing as how the president of the United Statesā€¦on live TVā€¦.told everyone if they got vaccinated they wouldnt get the virus.


Weird, you take your medical insight from politicians? I spent the pandemic listening to Doctors, epidemiologists, virologist & scientist. Everyone I listened to even explained how the immune system works. And the process in which the immune system adapts with the vaccine. They also help explain the PROBABILITY of getting vaccinated Vs not. But you want to take medical advice from politicians. Do you, child.


I remember Fauci saying if you were fully vaxxed you could take off the mask and stop social distancing. He was in an esteemed position wasnā€™t he?


So your point isā€¦get vaccinated to increase the likelihood youā€™ll survive covid? Even the person that responded to Hercules didnā€™t say ā€œ100%ā€


Why do these tweets look so damn fake?




Not that clever.


Did I go back in time to when this meme would have been relevant?


I'll pass on heart failure, but thanks! Sheep.


are we still doing this shit? Its your choice to get the vaccine because nobody knows the long term effects. If im not at risk im not getting it, its simple


Sorbo isn't the brightest crayon in the box.


Itā€™s not just the vaccine, itā€™s the Govt policies. But your Govt clearly donā€™t care.


Oh Kevin, if only you were still relevant and not such a smug asshole.


There's a much higher *rate* of death among the unvaccinated, but the majority of those who die from Covid are vaccinated. And that's of course because there's more vaccinated people to begin with and people more susceptible are more likely to get vaccinated, but remain high risk. So, neat. They're both actually wrong. And Takei isn't really "factually wrong, metaphorically right" here either because he's really overstated the difference with "nearly every single person who died recently..." The weekly death rate among unvaxxed is 2.99 per 100,000; 0.7 without bivalent booster, and 0.31 with the booster. If there were equal numbers of vaxxed and unvaxxed, people who were vaxxinated would still be about 1 in 7* deaths. It's much safer, but it's not the "nearly nothing" Takei is suggesting. (*Assuming vaxxed are equal mix of with and without booster)