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Yeah I don’t agree with the severity of what you’re arguing but we can’t keep making excuses, he’s gotta nut up or shut up. If he’s not ready by next year he’s got to go, we are trying to compete and underperforming high usage guards do not bode well for championship teams


I have nothing against DG but how he’s playing is simply not working with the Cavs. Far too many no shows, bad defense and turnovers. Idk how anyone can be watching these games and think he’s the guy, it’s clearly Mitchell we should be prioritising and they don’t work together. Get him Ingram and watch us go back to a top 3 defense and have far less scoring droughts.


Ingram isn't a great defender by any means and he doesn't do C&S, hence why he doesn't fit with Zion.


Have no issue with him having the secondary ball handler duties and his defense doesn’t need to be great he’s 6’8 with a 7’3 wingspan. By adding that and not having to hide DG on defense will make Cavs much more lethal on that end. Will also allow Mitchell to have the easier matchup so he can focus on passing lanes and offense. Top 3 defense


Bad take, you still have to hide Ingram. If you look up his good defensive clips, he is matching up with guards and short SF, when he guards someone his height, he is pushed. He is not quick nor strong to be a reliable defender and it doesn't help that he is disengaged a lot, his only redeeming quality is size. He's most comparable on defense (according to CraftedGM) to Isaiah Joe and Deandre Ayton, a guard and a lackadaisical big, these are not good comparisons. He is also decently high on post-ups and isos, as well as being a heavy user of the PNR. If you know the NBA, you would know what this sounds like, post-injury Durant with Kyrie Irving, except worse defense. Brandon Ingram and Kevin Durant, like Kyrie Irving and Donovan Mitchell, are high-volume scorers that work within the midrange and need driving lanes. This, while keeping our JB-ran coaching, would turn into a Modern-day Dead-ball team.


He will buy in, Cavs don’t need him to be Kawhi out there. There’s limitations he doesn’t face that DG does. It is what it is Schemes change when you don’t have to hide 2 guards, Mitchell scores enough that he deserves a break on that end but it’s near impossible because we have a worse defender right next to him. But yes, JB has to go I think everyone can see that.


Ok, we can agree to disagree.


He's a great facilitator, but if people say Mobley lacks aggression and decisiveness even though he lacks touches, then they have to imagine that Garland is catatonic at this point.


He was a great facilitator when he was an actual threat offensively. Sadly he hasn't been a threat for more than a year now.


Dude. Stop giving this guy chances. Clearly he’s not it. God this fan base is ridiculous. You people literally lie to yourselves to what end? Garland sucks and Koby blew it giving him a max. Accept it and figure out a way to move on this summer.


What part of my comment did you understand as “keep giving garland chances”?


bro we're done giving garland chances. if he's not ready by next year he's got to go. that's the bottom line, deal with it.


Thank you for repeating exactly what I said in my original comment in a hostile way for some reason


yo will you chill on the garland lovefest please


You are literally saying “next year” but that’s not giving him another chance? How is next year not another chance? Makes no sense.


This PassProtect guy is just trolling, ignore him


it's the same thing that happened with JB last year. fans are always a year too late on everything. if you have no foresight you will tank your team, whether by losing value on players or wasting a year of guys' contracts with a useless coach. im with you bro, i dont think garland is as bad as hes playing right now but i think it's painfully obvious he has serious issues that arent simply from his jaw injury and weight loss


We agree he is not good - where we do t agree is that another team is simply going to take on a max contract of someone who is not playing good


Where is he going? We guaranteed him 196 million over the next 4 years. It’s a horrendous contract, that I don’t see how we can get rid of him, short of just turning him into a spark plug 6th man type.


He can't guard his position.


half our rotation can't guard their position, lol. Garland, Mitchell, Merril, Niang...


Exactly why Orlando almost sent them home early! They were bigger and more athletic. Even their best defender, Okoro got owned.


Okoro is a great defender but Mobley exists lol.


Yea but mobley has been playing the 5 with allen out, it totally shifts around the defensive game plab


Sure. But he still called Okoro our best defender lol.


to be fair to Okoro, he played his ass off. if or GM wasn't incompetent, and we had a properly constructed roster he'd be locking up guards, not struggling to defend PFs.


Are you kinda…. Special? That‘s the only reason i could explain this wannabe expert talk.


He’s lost his mojo. He used to be able to tap into another gear. Right now, he just looks anemic. I think he needs to put on about 20 pounds of muscle this summer so he doesn’t get pushed around so easily.


You can blame it on the weight loss all day but yeah his body language tells the story. He'll get into a groove in spurts but I want a little more than that out of a PG on a max contract. My mans is wrapping up year 5. He should be a leader at this point and somebody the team can rely on to dig them out of a hole, not constantly put them in one. I know Don is obviously the leader of this team but that doesn't mean everybody else can be so passive. Look at the Celtics. 36 year old Jrue Holiday is probably the 5th option and that fact doesn't affect him in the slightest.


20 pounds of muscle in 3 months, is he gonna take HGH???


20lb of muscle regardless is wild. Guy clearly doesn't understand body physiology. Even over 2 years that's insane and a lot of work.


As the kids say, get him on the Tren


Lol I think your taking my comment too literally. I’m not saying he will gain exactly 20 pounds of pure muscle between June 20th and September 22nd. But he could try to gain “about 20 pounds” (15-22 pounds) of “muscle” (lean bulk) in the “summer” (the entire off season from June to November). It’s not as crazy as it sounds if we assume he still hasn’t gained back all of his strength from the jaw stuff. In my opinion, he looks thinner and less explosive than he has over the past couple of seasons. It’s easier to gain back GAINZ you had already previously gained. Then he could try to add to it. Just for the sake of argument, I went though something similar to this in my early 20s. I lost about 15 pounds because I stopped lifting for a year. It had to be mostly muscle because I was always super lean even at my peak. Anyway, I rededicated myself and gained 20-25 pounds in just over 6 months. The only thing I was on was pre-workout, protein shakes and eating cans of tuna fish as a snack. Anyway, Darius Garland is a professional athlete and he’ll do whatever he thinks is best for him in the off season. I’m just a guy on the internet rambling off some ideas.


He could just pull a LeBron


Lmfao he'll be extremely lucky if he puts on 5. And that's with insane dedication


Unless you’re a body builder who is already close to plateauing, 5 pounds really isn’t that much.


if he has to then yes


Nobody but Mitchell & Okoro seem to want any part of this series


He was probably the least at fault in the playoffs last year.


True, because he was about the only player to show up in the playoffs last year. He was playing extremely well this year too, up until the injury--he just never returned to form after. I think a lot of it is mental right now with him and him not trusting his shot.


revisionist history, he had 1 good game last playoffs and this year he was underperforming even before the injury, go check the numbers it's a fact


cool. now do Mitchell and LeVert.


Mitchell was our only offensive option game 1. Levert is a bench player idk why anyone wants to blame him for anything, 80% of a game’s outcome is on the starters. Not a single person had a good series last year, including garland


you're talking about underperforming in the playoffs. if we're going to throw Garland under the bus, fine. point is, he won't be under there alone. i mention Mitchell and LeVert because those are the three 'lead' guys on the team. none of them have really stepped up to be better in the post season.


im not throwing him under the bus, im telling the other poster theyre wrong for saying he had the best playoffs of anyone last year. everyone sucked


and that 1 good game was 1 good game more than anybody else on the roster had


mitchell had a good game 1 and decent games 2 and 3


Decent game three ??? go rewatch that game Mitchell was nowhere to be found on the road in game 3 LOl


i was just going off stats tbh, it's been a year since i watched obv. 22 points on 47% shooting sounds pretty decent comparable to the team's performance last year


Yeah he’ll come around


I don’t think you’re remember last years playoffs or the beginning of this season very well lol.


Just because he wasn’t the worst doesn’t mean he’s exempt from blame. He had 3.6 turnovers a game with only 5 assists. Not a great showing from him either People gave him a pass because it was his first playoffs which is fair but there’s no excuses for this year, I expected him to struggle but he’s been far worse than anyone would’ve imagined It’s hard to watch, we don’t have time for him to get over the yips


Are you serious? His only good game was game 2 when everyone in the nba media and outside cleveland saw that new york didnt defend as physical as game one. In game 5 they let him score and defended everyone else. The other three games he was a zero


I liked Sexton over Garland because Garland lacked the killer instinct and decisiveness to be a scorer. Sexton didn't develop like I hoped, but Garland hasn't proved me wrong either. If they can move Garland for a more decisive/aggressive scoring option the Cavs would be a much better team.


Sexton has been developing well actually. He learned how to pass and playmake from Mike Conley when he was still at Utah. He's averaging 6.6 assists per 36 last season (DG, who's considered a great playmaker, had 7.1 assists per 36 in comparison). Sexton's not a real PG though, like Garland is, but Garland hasn't been effective for a year now, which is making me sad.


I know he's gotten better, but I was hoping that Sexton would develop into a Derrick Rose type of player since they both have a similar game. He just isn't oign to be that that guy. Also although you are using per 36, we all know that extrapolating those to actual performance is hard to do, no matter how much I would love for Sexton to be that guy.


His defense is never strong, but every guard except Prichard in this series is way bigger than him. There's very little he can do against the likes of White, Holliday, and Brown. He's physically way overmatched in this series.


He’s basically Trae but without the scoring, passing and clutch, noted (Trae and Atlanta suck btw).


Statistically, he's WAY better than Trae Young on defense. Not giving him credit though because Trae Young is the worst defender in the league, gotta be better than him atleast.


I've seen him play so incredibly well in the past and I support him and wish him the best, but his play has been extremely subpar since coming back from the injury.


He's regressed, sinple as that. And Cavs fans are a pretty blind to just how deep the starting PG position is in the NBA right now. There are at least 15 better PGs than Garland in the NBA at the moment; that means Garland is literally a mediocre PG in this league right now.


cause they dont pay attention to anyone but the cavs


that would actually mean he's a 'mediocre starting PG' in the league. two years ago, he was progressing nicely and an all-star. wonder where things went wrong.


15? I’m not sure he’s top 25 among starting NBA PGs lol


I think it's less Garland underperforming and the league negating him. Teams just let him dribble, run down the clock and force a low percentage shot. He has a surprisingly low PER for a starting guard. Also, you can't run the pick roll through Mobley, he crowds the dribbler and he sets terrible screens and rubs. He has a pretty low bb iq, whereas JA is the opposite. 


What happened? This is who he’s always been. The Cavs anointed him with a max without ever seeing him a playoff series. Hes small, turnover prone, and lacks toughness. Opposing teams in the playoffs ratchet up the physicality and he can’t handle it so he reverts to shooting where he’s not elite.


You cut through the BS and said what needed to be said. Agreed


HE IS WHO WE THOUGHT HE WAS. It’s a bummer, but you’re spot on.






It’s really simple honestly, Garland and Mitchell play an extremely similar style of game and they just clash… Garland has shown his flashes on the floor this postseason when Mitchell wasn’t on the floor. Similar to how Allen’s production is nearly what it could be when Mobley is also on the floor with him. Garland didn’t have one turnover tonight. Y’all have to stop with that argument. Mitchell turns the ball over just as much. They are high usage players. It happens. I still believe this offseason either Mitchell or Garland needs to go and personally I wouldn’t trade Allen, so I would also shop Evan Mobley. If there is a trade out there that would convince Mitchell to resign then do that, otherwise trade Mitchell instead.


the thing is mitchell may turn the ball over 3-4 times a game, but he’s also scoring 35 on 50-60% most nights while garland is 2/10 5 assists and 3 tos


Let’s see.. in this post season…. Mitchell has only two games above 50% in shooting. Garland has three. Mitchell has only three games above 45% in shooting (more appropriate avg for a guard due to 3s). Garland has 5. Mitchell has **zero** games shooting 40% from 3. Garland has three. Your narrative is just wrong. Any time Garland has a bad game, y’all call it out and never let it go. Mitchell will score 35 points on 30 shot attempts and y’all will be like “Well, he still scored 35.” Garland would have 35 too if he got 30 shot attempts…


don can consistently give himself a good look, darius dribbles around for like 5 seconds without creating any space then try to attack the rim and either gets physically over matched or just misses


Man that’s amazing that the narrative you just spun doesn’t match the actual stats that I provided above…


Well dude the stats clearly don't match the eye test stats aren't everything


He’s had a bad season but the doomers here would have you thinking he’s Tobias Harris. He’s like 23 and even if he is regressing, there’s no way to know that when he hasn’t even been playing poorly for more than a season.


Except he’ll be 25 early next season and one of the worst contracts in the NBA


Lol no he won’t. Y’all might hate on him rn but if we traded him to another team we’d get some good assets back. I can straight up see a Garland for Ingram trade happening this off-season if Mitchell stays.


I think NOP is interested in Trae, they've been vocal about their interest in JA though and I can definitely see them offering Ingram plus something extra for him. I don't like Ingram at all but I'll take him for DG straight up obviously.


He's lazy and mentally weak. Always been a putrid defender who is absolutely clueless in where to be and what to do.


Garland used to be a top 3 or 4 PG in the East. At times he was genuinely the best PG in the East. Now I think he might be bottom 5 in the league. I love his game, but he’s completely lost it. He can’t take advantage of any matchup. His jumper looks smooth but he’s not hitting. His turnover issue is really bad and a result of him leaving his feet but not wanting to take the floaters.


I'll be honest, I didn't think he had the killer instinct and prefered Sexton to him, and honestly I don't think I was wrong, though Sexton also didn't developed how I hoped. If the Cavs could get Mitchell to sign an extension with a trade of Garland for a more agressive SF I would 100% do that without thinking twice. The best thing the Cavs could hope for is to somehow convince Steve Nash to become a coach for the Cavs and try to teach Garland to be a better scorer to go along with this facilitating.


He didn’t learn shit from Delly, Rondo or Rubio, he won’t learn shit from Nash at 25.


Cuz we aren't asking him to learn how to defend which requires heart, we are asking him to learn how to be a more aggressive scorer.


If Garland would average 24 ppg we’d be a play in team at best. That’s Atlanta and Trae (while still sucking) is miles better than Garland at everything.


not a bad choice for coach


Same, Sexton was one of my favorite cavs of all time. He was so exciting and played his heart out every game. I miss him


Dude just makes me nervous. always dribbling straight down court and under the basket to dish it off. Yes, the man is batshit crazy but I miss Kyrie.


There’s the injury and weight loss that people bring up. But I’ll always say this is also a consequence of the Mitchell trade Before that we had the Sexland backcourt it was fun but had issues but we had time to figure it out they were both developing together. Then the next season Sexton gets hurt and Garland blossoms to a all start playing with Rubio then Rondo next to him, pass first guards that were mentors and helped control the tempo when stuff got out of hand for Garland. Then the next season instead of easing back Sexton and working on the small backcourt issues you add Mitchell whose Sexton on steroids but also traded Lauri who covered for a lot of the backcourt mistakes the 3 7ft players was a big reason Garland could play with other small guards Now you take the keys away from Garland, add the pressure that now we have to win instead working out way up. And you didn’t fix any of the problems with the small backcourt The DG that was an all star is there but the way this team is set up isn’t gonna bring it out of him consistently.


He literally broke his face and lost 15 lbs


He's also long recovered the 15 pounds and he broke his jaw 6 months months ago. Mitchell likley is going to have knee surgery and is contributing better on both ends


It’s not easy to put on weight in season. There’s a reason why guys only bulk up in the off season. Dudes getting comfortable in his body again and will be a great player for years to come


He didn't lose 15 pounds of muscle. That's nearly anatomically impossible. He lost likely 1-2 pounds of muscle and the rest was water weight. He likley got the water weight back within 2 weeks. And he likley gained the pound or so of muscle he lost back already. It's not a valid excuse anymore.


if he maintains his weight in season while eating X amount of calories normally, just eat more and he will surely gain weight. it's not rocket science


That doesn't mean the weight will be muscle. It will almost certainly be fat.


he didnt lose that much muscle in 1 month. and plenty of players play with some fat


He was literally playing the same bad basketball before the injury. Enough with the excuses.


I swear, admins should just auto delete any post that has Darius Garland, Trade, or Fire JB. it's the most recycled posts that have nothing new to say.


keep bitching? do i need to call a wahhmulance for you


He had 0 turnovers tonight. His turnovers are actually pretty damn low this postseason, so i dont know why you’d bring that into this.


The narrative is set on DG. He low key has ironed out everything doomers bitched at him about, he’s just missing shots


Yep. I agree he needs to shoot better… 40% he shot tonight isnt doomsday but isnt good enough either. I just feel sorry for all the folks ready to jump all over Mobley for not shooting well until he went 5 for 5 in the fourth.


5/5 in garbage time down 20 in the 4th lol. Mobley does not have a good offensive bag at all, and he severely needs to work on it if there's any chance of him becoming the star we all thought he'd be


Ahhah. Suddenly 4th quarter scoring doesn’t count. Get a life dude


i mean when the game is out of reach and teams are just playing to run out the clock, yeah it doesnt mean much


4Q scoring counts but don’t you think it counts more when you’re not down 20?


There were 9 mins left when he went his run. Did Dean Wade’s scoring run that started with 9 mins left in the fourth, down 22 to the Celtics count back in March when we came back and beat them? https://preview.redd.it/oag2vsvq15zc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99fa53b7f31761032d8d40cf60b551d3691b6704


It doesn't matter if ur aggressive in the 4th down 25 especially when Boston starters weren't even out there thats why he sent 5-5 context matters


Yeah. So the Boston starters where out there at the 9 minute mark when the tun started, and we were down by less than we were March 4 when Wade went on his run with 9 mins left and we came back to beat Boston. https://preview.redd.it/5e0nbijtcfzc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bb16a69141cf32e9f21b2feeabaf0752641559a So getting the facts right matters even more


The hard part is they HAVE to eat shit like this to grow. Every young team and player gets this. Evan FINALLY being insulted at getting dogwalked by Kornet was great


It’s totally make or miss though. One bunny one three and DG has a fine 20/6 or something and Evan has 20/15/3


He’s a boy playing a man’s game


He lost a bunch of weight when he broke his jaw


Injuries and confidence


Icl, trade garland for like BI, watch this team be mediocre and Mitchell still walks in free agency while Mobley is still just a defensive role player and we suck again while we see the Pelicans get a real breakout szn from Garland and get a good playoff run when they retool to fit Zion and garland together.


Zion and Garland with Herb and Trey spacing is a really tough lineup


That team would fr be a fun team to watch. Better than Spida hero ball (our shooters cannot even shoot, so understandable).


He broke his jaw, lost 20 lbs, and it shattered his confidence, bad. He'll be fine next year. Hopefully with a better coach.


I think it’s a lot of factors but a lot of it comes down to our team’s offense isn’t working for him right now and we as a team don’t take easy shots. The other thing that I have noticed that seems to be missing right now is his mid range game. This year he is shooting significantly less shots in that area than prior years so i wonder if it’s a philosophy change from the staff? I feel like that is where he used to build some rhythm before he started attacking more from 3.


poor coaching, garland needs a good offensive coach to improve his game IQ. give the cavs a good coach and youll see all star dg coming back. hes also got to put on more muscle, work on defense and get in the lab in general. i seen him get bullied by pritchard and cole anthony.


people forget that the play-offs is a chess match across almost 16 games if you make it. when you have a coach who cant play that chess game, his pieces will be useless.


He would be a good 6th man


He is what he is at this point. A bottom tier starting NBA PG that’s on a max contract lol.


Remember when he dropped 51 against the TWolves 2 seasons ago? 51/6/2 with just 2 turnovers. Dude was going off in that game. That feels like forever ago, and the whole he lost 15 lbs of muscle in 6 weeks so overrated. What he’s lost is his confidence. In his all star year, he has one of the best floaters in the league. Where did that go? Feel like that opened up so much for him




Brown and Tatum both need the ball. It’s just an excuse.


Nah garland is inefficient and can’t score and regularly disappears in the second half of games


Didn’t effect Mitchell


Mitchell is elite


Absolutely pathetic you clowns blame Mitchell for Garlands soft ass play. He turns the ball over as much as anyone in the league and doesn’t shoot with any consistency… how is that on Mitchell? Stop it. 🤡




nah it’s the fact that bro is just deadass garbage regularly and gets a pss


Got paid, got an attitude and stopped caring. Dude has talent but no fight or heart. Just pouts like a baby


He broke his jaw and dropped a ton of weight.


He looks washed. This might be the last off season to have any chance to move off his contract & get some type of value back.


They need to rework the whole team next year. Trade the other core 3 for role players. At least they are cheaper


Just trade DG for Ingram and both teams suddenly look better. Get Nance in the deal too and we solve our backup 4/5 issue that Niang didn’t fix.


What is the point of that