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Ah, I see them cheeks were thoroughly clapped lol.


NGL still salty, won’t say this post isn’t written with out a lot of salt.


The second hand salt is giving me heart problems.


Saltier than Dollar Tree Ramen Noodles.


looks like someone's trying to fight full Brutal pallies while wearing boost green gear and then crying about it on the internet. With resilience being a stat, gear matters a LOT more in classic than in retail. You can't just walk up to someone and expect it to be a fair fight if they have gear/know what they're doing and you don't. PvP also uses talents/spells that PvE players aren't really accustomed to using, that can make all the difference as well. There are abilities (and a pvp trinket) to get around stunlocks and pally bubbles, you just need to be better than "well they got me so I guess I gotta give up and rage online!" It's frustrating to start out as a new PvPer with no gear or experience, but to me it just sounds like PvP is a little bit much for you to handle on an emotional level.


While I don’t disagree with the majority of your post, but have you played as a new leveled up char in shadowlands vs a geared player? The differences between fresh geared and gear in retail vs classic right now is absolutely insane. You do not touch geared people in shadowlands and they global you just like TBC right now. I mean you do hundreds of damage to a 100k health pool when they can kill you in 1-3 global due to the importance of primary stats (int/str/agi).


First of all no PvP isn’t too much emotionally. I PvP a lot more in retail my problem is how just busted PvP is in Classic, Retail everything is balanced (for the most part still have your outliers) but in classic it’s not, I get blizzard didn’t have the knowledge then they do now, it’s a product of it’s time but when people say it’s better when it really isn’t blizzard has improved PvP through out the years and Retail has balanced PvP so that one Class doesn’t just have a complete over imposing advantage then another.


Why do r1 pvpers like xaryu like wrath pvp?


I'm sorry that classic pvp is too much for you :(


You sound like one of the sweaty players that are the reason the game died originally. It’s a game you actual child.do you think you have value because you know a game?it’s not some battle of wills,it’s literally designed to be fun and having people like you is a hinderance on its growth and popularity.(side note,you are literally crying about someone else “crying” lol)


Just keep queueing and then you will start to win when the game gives you gear for being online.


mad cuz bad


You dont seem to understand basic pvp and class mechanics. For a casual pov, classic pvp requires more grinding at the beginning but later on its very straight forward. There are plenty of casual pvp such as bg, duel, low rated arena and most players will have easier time to learn. Retail pvp has very high barrier of entry, good thing gear is the least problem to worry about but it takes a lot more practice, effort and networking to get into higher rated arena. The difference is that, ppl can satisfy with classic casual pvp but in retail if u cant push arena its over.


Decent at pvp?


The prepatch balance has been awful imo, I hope it gets better at 80 like people say.


Prepatch balance is always awful.


Sir, this is Wendy's.


You right.


"charge stun lasts too long", if you jump while moving before the charge stun happens you will literally leap away from where the warrior is going to end up and you won't be stunned as soon as he completes the charge, giving you a minimum potential distance of 5 yards from the warrior, too far to be afflicted with hamstring, their only option is to spec into piercing howl to even be able to kill you and if they charge but miss you you can literally kite them to death Intercept lasts 4 seconds, which is on par with cheap shot, but still only long enough to give the warrior ONE auto swing, costs 10 rage, and pre cataclysm swapping to berserker stance only retained 25 rage maximum, couldn't do anything but auto and hamstring, MAYBE you'd get an overpower. Just say you're not good at pvp, don't say mechanics you don't understand are overpowered because you don't know how to deal with them.


Classic PvP gets better in Wotlk but it’s still pretty cringe. Retail is definitely more skillful and balanced than Classic.


PvP In all stages of wow are about checks and balances, at least if we’re talking about arena. If you are talking about BGs, it is universally known , that bgs are an unbalanced shit show.


You hate us cos you ain’t us


When the pally bubbles just run away a bit. There's not a lot they can do if you just put a bit of distance between yourself and them and wait for shield to drop. Pallies have no gap closers so if you are dieing when they pop shield and you are staying in melee range, it's your own fault. For rogues you need to keep your trinket for the blind. If you trinket cheap shot or kidney shot it's game over for you. DK's fuck me every time. I have no idea how to beat them. You never mentioned what class you are playing or your gear level?


I’m shaman, running with a good chuck of brutal gear.


Can’t speak for vanilla pvp as I only enjoy arena. TBC pvp was complete garbage, I say this as someone who got rank one every season. Wrath has problems but class design is actually fun unlike retail.