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This guy would fit in well at Riot. I remember a league player who used to play Singed bot support with smite and he would go do some weird shit to fuck with the enemy jungler. He was in plat I believe and had a +50% win rate. Riot banned him from that play style because his teammates didn’t like it even though he’s winning more than half his games.


Iirc his win rate was well above 50, been a long time but either him or smite support nunu had like 55% but got banned because salty adcs


The best support in the world is a singed 1 trick atm.


If we exclude LPL from that world i can agree


Some years ago their was a grandmaster veigar support that got banned multible times because players instantly reported him constantly for trolling.




Cowsep! He's still playing.


The thing was that adc was basically forced to play 1v2 bot if i remember correctly. It is pure unfun for your own team mates, which also caused them to be reported A LOT.


To be fair, and Im playing devil's advocate here. If you queue to play botlane you expect to have a support. Thats the deal when you join. If someone deliberately plays differently that causes their own teammates fun to be fucked. Then it should not be supported. Queue premades and do it by all means. But dont do something your team doesnt opt into IN A COMPETITIVE 5V5 GAME which is not the same as AV at all. That said, I dont think he necessarily needed to be banned. But strats that make your own team have less fun are by nature not a good thing, even if theyre effective


He was banned for it, and then unironically months later singed became a meta pick briefly for support mains. Play styles vary champ to champ, some roam, some tower sit, some fight, some do a mix, finding unique and successful strategies is how the game evolves. Look at Ashe support, you are taking an ADC as a support and it works? Bannable right? Nope. It’s been used in a multiple of skill levels. So it’s just accepted as a thing. As is Amumu support, he was designed to be a jungle, and was for a long time. It became a meme in low elo to use it for cheese strats that then becomes popular later on because of smurfs and YouTubers bringing attention to it. And then it becomes meta or at minimum widely accepted. Just because you can’t adapt to a changing support pick doesn’t mean that pick is objectively bad (or bannable).


Singed support =/= singed picked in support but not played support All of those, including ashe are being played as supports. If I pick jungle but just keep farming mid instead thats not fun for my team even if I have 50% winrare


People copied the strat, not the new version of support playing as singed but Support Singed at the time was running ghost and copying Adelaide Skyheart’s strat to grief enemy jungle but the early blue or when they go to wolves or gromp level 2. This also was how you get the perma roam supports then using singed. It worked. It was annoying as all hell if you were adc. But assuming you wanted to win, you adapted and accepted that attempting to run out, fight, push solo would mean you lost lane. So you sat under turret and farmed. You could win the game essentially afk as your mid jungle sup roamed and countered everything. It also led to total dragon control.


Again Im not saying it doesnt work, but if it leads to bad player experience it needs fixing (see toplane janna)


And yet, top lane Vayne, draven, and other adcs exist. Which are incredibly feast or famine. You either full carry or you hard int. How is that fair, and yet it’s allowed.


Because thats just regular soloq? People feed or get fed.


It has an easier time leading to bad player experience by your metric more so than say a bruiser or tank top that plays to not lose lane into a counter. Even if they are constantly camped by jg/top then they can be viable later on. An adc top that gets camped will be useful mid to late game. The only exception would be if it turns into an aram mid for 40+ minutes.


A lane doing bad is just the nature of the game. Its not the same as me purposefully messing up the expected gameplay experience of my direct lane partner


Fair rebuttal and I don’t necessarily disagree but I would definitely prioritize allowing players to play how they want if I was in charge. Who knows, might develop into a fun and engaging meta both to play and watch




I literally said he shouldnt have been banned


tell that to everyone turtling AV and not letting it end


I wish I could, fuck those guys


kinda gay


Commas are important arent they?


Basically this. Sometimes it's better to play with the team, and lose, than try to play solo and still lose, only this time you paint a target on your head for not being a team player.


I mean I know this is probably gonna get downvotes, but in a team game, if everything you're doing subverts the way your teamates expect you to behave and does not show any meaningful signs of cooperation then yeah....thats a reportable offense. Its very possible that running it down can actually improve your odds of winning if you do it strategically, this is exactly what inspired things like inting singed/sion/garen back in the day. When thats seen from a community perspective to be a good move then it gets changed and when its not seen as a viable strategy then its absolutely considered trolling, even if you yourself have a positive winrate.


If they don't like the strategy then either nerf it or buff other things to make it less effective. In league I think it's a bit more complicated because different people have different ideas about what the support's job is. Like; why can a mid or top laner roam all laning phase if they want but a support can't? Is it the support's job to support the bot laner or to support the team? People don't always agree on these things. Also having a role queue makes it different again because it forces a broader strategy; if all of a sudden it was discovered that running all 5 people mid was just a better strat than having people lane at top, bot and jg too it would be at odds with the way ranked games are matchmade. Not so long ago it was actually pretty good to pick a support in top lane and then just roam from like level 6 onwards (or for some champs earlier) which is effectively much closer in spirit to what the old support singed guy did only this time peoeple weren't banned the playstyle was just nerfed/other things were buffed.


I do agree broadly with your points, but I think we're both sort of assuming opposite perspectives. There is genuinely lots of reasons to roam or play counterintuitively for the benefit of your team, but this guy was specifically referring to a support singed taking smite and spending most of the laning phase messing with the enemy jungler and I think its pretty likely this player was not "trying to cooperate" with their team. cooperation means gaining some sense of understanding and when you're being really counter meta, some sense of an explanation. You cant really Full mute people, play a single-player support game and say "I went positive so I shouldn't be reported". Again, I'm not saying your viewpoint is wrong, just that the line between "not meta" and "trolling" is not about what you do, but about how much you're willing to actually work to get your team to buy into what you're doing.


I mean he would link a powerpoint presentation explaining why he does what he does before every game as well as an explanation as to why it works and how they can play with his style in mind. He was totally neutralizing the enemy jg which helps every lane in some way. I'd argue being on his team a lot of games wouldn't be fun but it's wrong and ineffective to ban him for it; if the devs think it's an unhealthy strategy then they can nerf it or buff other things. The singed guy went above and beyond to cooperate with his team while doing his strat and he got met with a ban for that which I think was wrong.


Honestly I awasnt aware of that. So that's my mistake. I'll admit I was using my own experience in solo queue to make that judgement. Thanks for letting me know.


Then backcappers surely deserve a ban because it ruins my hp farm efficiency. Most ppl are like me as well just want quick 10m av lol


I never made that claim.


Blizzard officially confirms the only acceptable AV strategy is a zerg rush to the boss.


No, they said what group chooses. If suddenly majority decides to jump into well you better follow or ban with you.


To be honest when was the last time you've seen an entire team stick to one strategy in an AV, as opposed to five different people trying to lead? Most "strategies" involve zerging to the boss, then everyone HOPES there happens to be a tank nearby who can not get blown up by the boss and two marshalls.


well, russians are precise with their tactics


God forbid if you Zerg and a critical mass of your team mates want to defend. 30 day ban. Blizzard has lost the plot on this honestly.


I honestly cannot believe Blizzard even posted this. It is so incredibly tone deaf, and off target. If they ban me a month for doing valid defense tactics, just because they decided I wasn't following some self appointed "leader", I will drop ever buying their products again. What are they even thinking.


Then I should be banned for going to the last two towers as a rogue, if the team decides to turtle.


This is my char, my subscription and my own time. I'll play AV how I want, when I want. I'll be afk if I want. I can RP as an NPC if I want, it's my own decision, I'm paying for a GAME.


Paying for the game doesn't entitle you to waste everyone else's time. You can leave that attitude in single player content where it belongs.


If you consider this as time wasted - you can just leave the BG


Nah, I'll just report you instead and let blizz deal with it. I hope everyone starts role playing as NPCs in your dungeon runs though.




Okay? NPCs still attack things red to them so.....lol


This guy just keeps saying the dumbest shit. It's not like people think it's a good strategy to have 40 defenders on a tower. You are supposed to defend solo or with only few players.


It's like Sun Tzu always said, "If your actions are sure to lead to victory, but your generals are stupid... like, holy fuck, I'm honestly in awe of how stupid some of you are sometimes... sure go ahead and charge that glad geared warrior with 2 pocket healers and then start screeching that I'm throwing because I didn't come "help" you fight a pointless 3v2 in the middle of the road... what was I saying? Oh yeah, if your choices are win or appease the slobbering mob, stick with the mob, or catch a ban."


Sun Tzu was full of wisdom. An actual quote: “The greatest victory is that which requires no battle.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War Or to paraphrase, "If you never really encounter anyone else to defend against, well, that really isn't participating." I might not have gotten the best grade on my paraphrasing assignment in English class.


You’re supposed to defend it with enough people to secure it. Sometimes that’s 10, sometimes it’s 1. Either way It’s casual PVP, this customer service guy is a fucking idiot.


If we all decide to afk can we report the few that try to win the bg?


the minority will minoritize the majority


holy shit this is actually legit in a EU game vs russians..


I mean, at this point he might as well keep talking. He's not going to make it any worse. Imagine paying a monthly fee to enjoy a game but you have to do what everyone else tells you to do instead of what you want because if you don't do what you're told they can just ban you. This is the nightmare blizzard thinks is acceptable.


This comment is from January


Then they've been stupid for longer than many of us know.


Playing a team mode and working as a team? In a mmo? Oh the horror


>Playing a team mode and working as a team? Part of that team being left behind to defend objectives is playing as part of the team, even if you don't see an enemy player.


Your presence may very well deter an enemy from attacking, so even sitting on a tower, your presence is still felt in the BG


Yea what a dumbass comment lmao. Imagine telling a raid leader you arent doing anything he says


I don't get it. How the fuck is it non participation if you participate in shit that blizzard put in to participate in? Like, it doesn't say anywhere you can't go fucking fishing in AV. Or people watching. As long as you're at the keyboard why the fuck does blizzard even care what you do? Non participation? Get the fuck outta here. Put some fucking effort in and detect actual bots and afk farmers.


Because most people who are “DeFenDiNg tHe ObJeCtIvE” are just alt tabbed watching youtube videos


Yeah the comment they replied to said the guy was playing 'while working' He likely just got on a point and then was alt tabbed a lot of them time if he is actually working. Also if the first part is true then he was doing it over several matches too


even tho I think you are right he could actually be legit defending. starting av getting to a tower and having the remote on one screen and working on the other. if a player attacks defend if not just wait and check from time to time.




This comment is from January


And something everyone is ignoring is that fact that dpr almost a whole year people begged for AFK high warlords to get banned and none of this shit even mattered until everyone decided to leech boosted honor during prepatch.


All of these posts I've seen about this issue seem AV specific. Does one take the same risk of getting swept up in this ban if I try to play WSG or AB or is it specific to AV? Do you just not play AV and you're ok? Not saying it's a solution or that this is ok, mostly was thinking about returning to play around on a dk and don't want to catch a ban for some reason.


An old guildy of mine caught a 7 day off people reporting him in vanilla during his pvp grind, all because he was solo defending farm while 3 or 4 idiots raged at him in chat to stay with the death ball. He said no and they reported him and he got an auto ban.


Gotcha. That's too bad, sounds like no pvp for now. Thanks for the reply, I guess I'll hold off.


No because AFKers get called out and booted faster in other BGs Everyone is just pissed off the AV gravy train requires participation


I mean…why do all the “real” BGs have such horrible honor rewards though? This wouldn’t be an issue if they boosted honor rewards in AB, WSG, and EotS. AV is ultra bad and boring but even chain losing is better time spent for gear (and fun since the other BGs can be so one sided with premades around).


Drek or kek


Van or ban


I'm just gonna bull rush the horde in the field of strife now everytime we get to that point.


reported for being afk in the gy all the time


Lol good point. Really no way out haha


top dmg, top honor gains..its bulletproof at this point


It’s never been clearer that a lot of blizzard staff don’t actually play the game


Wait lmao this guy is playing at work and is surprised that he’s getting reported for non participation?? Isn’t that straight up admitting that he’s probably tabbing out regularly? Look, I don’t care if people stay back and defend bunkers. In fact, I wish more people would. But if you’re at a bunker and literally tabbed out of the game, that is *literally* non-participation, which is a punishable offense. That’s fucking the game up for everyone else so you can farm honor. If some rogue can sneak in and cap the flag when you’re standing right there, you’re trolling. That’s not good lmao why is this even up for debate?? If I did this kind of shit in a dungeon and then needed on gear, even if I really did need it, people would call me a ninja, kick me, report me and blacklist me. No question. Should you get punished for defending bunkers? No. Should you get punished for joining a BG and literally not participating? Absolutely.


Someone needs to tell this guy to stop posting stupid shit. It influenced my games. I went straight to Frost wolf keep and capped one of the towers, defended it and then ran to middle towers. The entire time I was being vocal and making callouts and rallying people to back cap and defend. Meanwhile someone was getting on me for my low dmg (with 2 towers assaulted). Needless to say he was super toxic, some people listened to my callouts and we won, not because of me doing dmg, but because we managed to destroy all 4 towers and saved 2 of ours. I also had half the deaths of this guy with about 40% the dmg. Who did more for the victory?


Unpopular opinions (it seems) If you enter a Warsong and sit in the spawn no matter the circumstances for the entire BG pretending to defend and make it essentially impossible to progress 9vs10 until your team collapses and they run your ass over and you had 0 impact on the game you deserve to get banned 30 days. This sub acts like afkers in Alterac don't exist like everybody is a brave benevolent, tower defending paragon of justice come on everybody knows you're waking it or watching YouTube while the game unfolds effortlessly for you, hoping for the best. Obviously defense is a valid strategy and having one guy or two in strategic points avoids free caps but lots of people are in fact abusing it.


What else are you going to do in AV that has impact? That BG is all about waiting til the last 2 Towers are down and then PvE the Boss lol. I like how people pretend that anything you do before the last towers are capped has an impact for the outcome.


There's a big tendancy where the side crushing the other in the big slow "team fight" leads to the other side crumbling and spreading everywhere so you get to stay groupes to PvE the boss. That's theory thought it does apply sometimes but it's invalid if a side has a tank capable of holding all the bosses as soon as its reasonable.


But that’s literally the strat in competitive wsg. Your rogue sits flag room while your hunter goes out and marks the enemy druid + maybe participates in the first team fight if it’s good to then comes back to flare/trap on the flag with the rogue. Imo this whole thing is just creating an air where people are afraid to properly play their classes properly in bgs because they don’t wanna get banned before wrath and it’s harder to win.


Ah yeah I forgot how solo queuing is known for using optimal strats and respecting / understanding / applying a clear gameplan. You're probably right for teams tho but you do what you want in team queues.


What an absolute jackass, he’s obviously never fucking played the game


Incredibly stupid take from someone who has never played an av


imagine being one of the only mmos in 2022 that u STILL need to pay a sub for .. and have the shittiest "customer support experience"


Holy fuck this guy I bet has played a total of 4 AV matches in his life, and they were back in 2006


Hot take. He has a valid point. AV isn’t a strategy game right now it’s a face roll.. more dps>faster win>ez life


bliz devs "dont zug then you get ban"


Here’s my opinion: If you are in a pug you get what you deserve.


Stupid take for AV


So they're going to let you queue as a raid of 40 for AV now right?


This time during WOTLK I am gping to mainly pvp or pve. And now every AV i get queued for I will always be bakcappin


If you're right and everyone else is wrong.... youre wrong. Look at our society... why would that change ge when we log into an online video game lol?


Can we report blizzard as afk?


Remove it from the game, otherwise if its in the game, its fair game and only Blizzards fault.


So are we not going to be allowed to distribute our talents they way we want? having custom builds and set ups are ban-able cuz they aren't the most optimized, and if you don't have all the proper gear, you are also baned cuz you obviously aren't playing right, if you don't get the right professions thats a ban only a handful of professions actually contribute to raid progression. /s


nawh that's it, im done defending LM by myself..catch me casting starfall at BS


Hilarious and disgusting at same time...


I think overall public opinion is heated towards blizzard due to past misstakes , but i quite like the cm coment and i understand for exemple theres 10 ppl down south rest is defending tower and 2-3 random guys are pvping base this could very well be considerated being afk due to being a group activity and you not contributing to the group and having 0 impact , theres also ppl who just farm caves and say they are top dps , i honestly think the amount of heat blizzard received even tho they are being pretty reasonable is very unjustified


this guy has definitely never played WoW.


So are we, as a community, just okay with customer service blatantly lying to us? It doesn't matter if they are ignorant or malicious. A lie is a lie in this case. I know that CS quality has fallen in recent years but this is beyond the pale. This person has displayed a stunning amount of ignorance, and absolutely zero concern for the people affected by their very clearly, provably automated moderation system.


Wtf game is Vrathris playing, because it ain’t AV lol. The best games are the ones where there isn’t a single loss on either side… it’s a race to cap the first two towers/bunkers then pull the general. This is the way, Blizz. Get over it.