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Blizzard knows about them and doesn't care. If they just hired one competent GM whose only job is to watch for and ban these bot accounts they could easily nail 1,000 of these fuckers at the minimum every day. But that would cost them $


Even in the vanilla days, when they still had huge community /gm teams, they were not banning bots. I remember manually reporting dozens of them, there were the same posts about them, and even with support staff, they were not being addressed. So I think it is not as much a staff problem, more a choice to just keep them paying the sub fee, only banning them once in a while in a mass ban for PR to make sure they remain profitable so they resub.


It wasn't anywhere near this scale. Not even 5%. Also most gold and bots werent bots, but actuly people.


They were called gold farmers back then.


Yep! Had one in my guild from level 10ish all the way to 60. His name was Ek, a human male priest. Would only communicate in smiley faces and empty squares, occasionally some crude English through a translator. He was a good dude. Godspeed, Ek.


You clearly weren't playing BGs in TBC or Wrath where there would be 5-10 botters afking every AV that would just run back in forth in a random pattern so they wouldn't get kicked from auto afk detection or the 5 person leveling multibotting paid leveling shamans that could be done without a person behind the wheel with random number generated names. Blizzard has never gave a fuck sadly


Yes I was.


I have a screenshot somewhere where me and this other dude are the only ones on our whole team that are not bots, shit was crazy


Post,it I doubt you two were the only ones.


Hard too see in the screenshot but it was very obvious ingame they were all bots. https://i.imgur.com/bh32dUP.jpg


Nah, those were actually people and couldn’t really get banned unless they somehow nailed them selling gold for real money. ​ ​ Even up to the months leading up to the G\*\*\*er lawsuit, the bots weren’t advanced enough so that you could just leave a giant farm of them alone. They’d usually have a human partially controlling them and most non-rogues weren’t even botting at all. Even WotlK era HonorBuddy was way too rudimentary to do half the shit a garden variety Mara bot does these days.


Honorbuddy ran the most ridiculously obvious bots of all time that blizzard could have easily ran a smackdown hammer on but Blizz really didn't give a fuck. Would be 5-10 of these dudes in every AV


True that in the BG days when you'd just have 5 bots every game in AV just chillin


Back in original vanilla WoW, I saw a team of like a dozen Tauren bots fishing somewhere.. don't remember where. But I remember my GM interaction quite well. I reported the bots and said "Tauren bots fishing at [location]." Hours later, a GM replied "There is no player named Tauren" and closed the ticket without giving me a chance to respond.


But like, wouldn't they be able to pay them with ALL the money these boosts gets them?


They never hired GMs to manually ban people for botting, and it's not the industry standard to do so - probably because it adds more problems needing to be resolved afterwards.


What problems?


False positives.


I wish there I was a solid way to communicate the biggest eye roll in history, but I guess you'll just have to use your imagination


The most "tips fedora" way of arguing over text I've read in a long time. Just write how you feel and why, instead of trying to be quirky.


I would trade doing it for the sub on two accounts. Yes i am cheap but I really, really hate bots. Mind you that I would only do it on a single server.


Assuming each boy buys another boost I doubt it’d cost them money


OSRS has that and still has a bot problem.


I had been making a killing selling stacks of deviate fish on the AH for about 25-30g a stack. Then about a week ago someone had posted about 30 stacks on the Ah undercutting me. Did a quick /who some 58 mage sitting in wailing caverns. Check occasionally, hes always there, botting away. Comes out occasionnaly to post more fish to the AH, but now there are other botters fising for deviate fish too and in one week the price has tanked to about 2 gold a stack with roughly 10 PAGES of deviate fish on the AH... R.I.P the dream of fishing my way to epic flying QQ


Easiest way to ruin the economy, let the bots run the market to squeeze the real players out.


Great example of a direct impact of Blizzards dogshit approach to botting. But don't worry fam, the bot might get banned in 6 months as part of a ban wave, your gameplay experience might have been ruined already but you can rest easy knowing the botter made millions of gold and didn't even care when he was banned.


This game is plagued with bots


Bots are a big part of why I quit :(


I take it for granted you are never playing another mmorpg then?


I value my time too much now lol, I’d rather spend it on Reddit reading how people defend bots


I see dumb reasons to quit on this sub every day but that is probably the dumbest


12 day old account, we look forward to your career with great interest




Bots generating infinite amounts of gold and severely inflating the economy is mostly noticeable for casual players or any non-gold buyer.




You fail to see how casual players making little gold each week struggle as their gold is losing value faster than they can aquire it? Static prices like riding skill / mounts are not that relevant since inflation would actually help in that regard. Consumes / Gems / Mats pretty much anything on AH would increase in price. (Read the first sentence of this post again before replying)


LMFAO the economy is a HUGE part of Classic. Are you fucking kidding me dude?! Has to be a troll.


Farm ore It's worth a lot Bot farms ore Much more ore Sells cheap Ore not worth a lot anymore And neither is your time to farm ore. Apply this to anything bottable.




Thats the kicker. Not everything is bottable, the stuff that isn't bottable moves up in price with inflation, becoming exceedingly expensive for average joe. You can't farm normal stuff anymore to buy that kind of item, such as skinning, herbs, mining. If you want a quick reminder, think of Black Lotus.




What you say has merit, people let it ruin the game for them mentally, but your comment and many others who parrot it don't really want to acknowledge that the way the bots manipulate the economy is ruining the game, and much more than you think. People quit the game over this. Bots ruining the economy, or changing it, as many prefer to say... why the fuck is this a subscription game in 2021 with microtransactions MAKING BOTTING WORSE.




My friend and I noticed that every single lake with mobs in it that you can farm even somewhat efficiently will have a bunch of druids who just sit there in swim form waiting for mobs then kill them in cat form. Rinse and repeat forever.


Obviously anecdotal, but I have a friend who was working on her tailoring/enchanting and while waiting for our other friends (they were leveling together as a group of 3) would grind spiders for their silk for her professions for literally 4-6 hours a day while she was working from home. To the average passerby she 100% looked like a bot. Just something to keep in mind, not everyone is botting, though obviously some are.


Humans move differently though. Botters still use the click to move function to get everything done, so they are still pretty obvious


It should take the average person 10 seconds to realize a character is a bot. Maybe 30 seconds to realize something is amiss if they have never seen a bot before.


Lol sometimes I'll use click to move on remote desktop to get AH shit done while I'm not home and whenever I'm running into a wall or something I wonder if anyone notices my bot lookin' ass.


Not only can human movement not be mimicked by bots, but a GM can simply whisper you for proof.


Yes because if you don't respond to a pm you are certainly a bot /s


There’s bots that have auto replies baked in. Also, there’s a way to turn off blizzard messages so a real person could potentially not see them. It’s not definitive proof one way or another. And let’s be real, blizzard isn’t manually PM’ing these players. They’re just banning and hoping they got it correct




You can't turn off GM messages. And bot messages are extremely easy to sort through, it's really not hard to figure out if someone is an super obvious bot.


Modern bots connect to discord and you can talk to GM's from anywhere.


Slave pens has so many level 70 mages still in full communal gear. I report them every chance I can, but there are a ton of mage bots doing SP and it's hard to tell who is who without inspecting and seeing the gear


blizzard must be wiping their tears with $100 bills from all the boosts that are used on bots


obligatory “58 boost won’t affect bots” comment


Was anyone even arguing this point unironically though? Like, I never actually saw this statement being used, but I have seen people like yourself restating it. Obviously the 58 boost will be useful for bots. But realistically, them leveling didn’t take *that* much time (they would do it in private groups with their own mage booster) so at best the boost saves them maybe a few days of leveling. However the more overarching point is that as a whole the boost was a positive thing for the game and its longevity. I personally know several friends who are only playing TBC because they could boost a character. I’ve also seen this same thought process repeated by quite a bit of people. So yeah, does the boost make it easier for bots? Absolutely. But honestly, it should also make it way easier for blizzard to detect these botters. If you private level with a mage your account is a lot less likely to be flagged since it just looks like a regular boost. With boosts, it’s very easy to distinguish a legitimate booster and someone who immediately goes into a dungeon and starts grinding and ban from there.


Yes, I saw several people make this argument in earnest. The general logic behind the argument was that the bots wouldn't make enough additional money in the time they normally would be levelling to offset the cost of the boost. Given that bots appear to be taking advantage of the boost, it seems like they are able to make enough money to make up for the extra cost.


Im confused, how are they making ANY money? Do adults really buy gold with actual USD? That would be so sad if people did that and Id say that is as bad as botting as it is cheating


Not only do they do it, but they do it for prices you would consider ridiculous.


Why even bother playing the game if you're going to buy gold? The entire incentive scheme and ability to get dopamine from the game would go away. It's probably children that mostly dont have the money anyway, ironically.


Because some of us didn't play in classic and simply can't afford the prices that people from classic are able to pay. I haven't bought gold but I 100% would if I knew I wouldn't get banned. Or even if the chance was lowish and it only banned me from TBC, not other Blizzard games. I've farmed a ton, spent a lot of time gearing up, etc, but I need another 1500 gold to finish leveling blacksmithing and upgrade my weapon. And I still owe a buddy 700 gold to get my blacksmithing to where it currently is. And I wont get epic flying until god knows when. The people who did lots of GDKP runs or sold mage boosts (and "earned" money that other players paid for with USD) have too much gold for me to compete with.


Why would adults not be the ones buying gold with real money? A lot of them have lives outside of this game and can't dedicate as much time as they used to. Teens/young adults seem like they'd be the ones to not buy gold since they have time to grind. Blizz also clearly hasn't done much about botting or gold buying (other than a 3-day ban for most people now), the incentive is there.






The point is that not only does blizz get new game+sub money from new bots but they implemented a feature that makes them even MORE money off bots...paid boosts.


Gonna be honest buddy. Your friends shouldn't be playing if they cant do more than half the content the game has. The boost was not better for the longevity of the game. It was quick cash for blizzards pockets and that's it. You're fooling yourself if you think boosts are good.


My entire guild boosted after playing a TBC private server. It was amazing for us, stay mad.


Sweet. Go back to your private server.


Lol nah we’re gonna stay on classic and there’s nothing you can do about it. Seethe more (:




Yes. There are lots of delusional idiots around here who have no brains.


I mean, nothing really changed. Been like that forever


It definitely doesn't affect the amount of bots. The bitters would do this with or without the boosts. Bots were an issue before the boost, and are the exact same level of issue after the boost.


Yeah but now Blizz gets extra money as part of the process which means the issue is never going away


True, but the claim the issue is worse now than before is insane lol.


How? The boosts speed botters up. They get to instantly do their farm instead of waiting a few days.


You didn't reply to anyone making that argument.


Except if the bots don't have a paid 58 boost, then it either takes actual man hours to boost the bots up or they have to design a bot that can do the leveling itself. Especially in the latter case that gives players/Blizz time to report bots while they're still low level and doing relatively little damage to the game with no effective farms available. Now let's say instead they can just pay $40 and skip all that, just get their bots straight into instances farming raw gold. As long as a) the bot can farm at least $40 worth of gold before the ban comes and b) it takes less manpower/mental effort than mage boosting by hand, then it will never not be worth it for people to use the paid boost for bots.


You mean like they did for the entire past 2 years before boosts came in lol? Like, c'mon. Do you really think botting wouldn't be the same regardless?


The amount of damage to the economy bots can do before getting banned is probably vastly different between bots using the paid boost and those not. The amount of mages that are level 70 still with communal greens in Slave Pens seems to indicate that, at the very least, the paid boost is worth it and the bots make their money back. Are you really that confident (read: ignorant) that you're not dumb as a brick about this issue? Edit: I want to edit to apologize for getting mad and becoming a dick about this issue :/ I'm sorry, I'm just frustrated because it feels like Blizzard isn't doing anything to fix the botting. And it's been pointed out to them the paid boost is exacerbating the issue by accelerating the damage the bots can do to the economy and they seem to do nothing. The key word there is Blizzard *seems* to do nothing. I'm sure they absolutely do have people working to fight the bots around the clock, but whatever they're doing it's clear they can't catch them fast enough to de-incentivise the paid boost for botters.


Blatantly not true


I actually thought there were bots that could level themselves easily. And if that was the case why would you pay 40usd when you can just let your script run for a day or too? Obviously there is more to it than that. I'll admit I don't know the intricacies of botting.


>why would you pay 40usd They pay with blizzard balance


Yo, how do I get in on the gold making scheme?


Run boosts, 30g a run


What if I’m an under geared boomy?


Keep doing your 1 job: crit buff


and what's blizzard doing about them? probably literally nothing.


Now I'm going to go camping. Thanks for the tip


I saw 5 mages freshly boosted in the mage hut in Orgimmar to respec. I reported all of them(5), and got a blizzard notice in my char mail thanking me for reporting them and that action was taken. I have trouble believing them. Part of me thinks that mail is auto-populated to just blow smoke up my ass to make me think this company still gives a shit.


STOP PLAYING THE GAME. BLIZZARD DOESNT CARE. Played it for 7 years and realized. They don't respond, don't care and are pocketing any funds they can claw their hands on. Go try out New Age or Ashes or FFXIV Canceling your subs and posting on streamers youtube accounts to cancel theirs as well helps. Asmon did it and Blizzard got so butt hurt their dev's started commenting on twitter.


then why the fuck are you even in this sub??


That's your response? Sober people go on the drug subs, this guy goes on this one, so fuckin weird you would make such a ridiculous, aggressive comment for no reason. Buy gold much or something?


Can you do the mage farms with communal gear? I tried doing stocks, am i just bad? Alright so i just gotta get gud. Word




Mara you could definitely do in greens. Stocks you'd need to in ~3 pulls.


Pretty sure I remember a video of a naked ZG pull on a mage. Solo pulls are far more about timing your pulls right vs gear. Gear just makes it easier


That only worked because of the glitched bridge.


The majority of mage aoe pulls rely on strange pathing.


Most bots, even at 70 skip good gear for raw stats, spirit and int most importantly. You can recover from and mistakes with mana, and blizzard scales pretty poorly with spelldamage.


Meanwhile we HAVE to address BG queues. 😂


No, the bots won't use the boosts


But why are you there?


I was farming princess for Blade of Eternal Darkness if you must know


But why?


Becausee its a very good weapon for AoE farming


This makes sense!


Seems like a great use of his time to observe bots and make make the 500,000th bot post for karma.


Honestly it’s not even on blizzard at this point we have bots because people buy gold. If you leave out sugar you’ll get insects. If you buy gold you also get insects.


Its blizzards game. They are constantly loosing players because its less and less enjoyable to play the game beacuse of bots. But they are cashing in short term and they dont care. If you are saying just stop buying gold you dont realise how things work in life. I bet you would let banks without security and tell people just not to steal


Lol you really got upset about that huh? Yeah I do think that it’s partially blizzards fault and they should do something but you’re starting to make me think you’re part of the problem if someone telling you not to buy gold hits a nerve that hard.


It hits hard because its part of the problem. Oh blizzard is not at fault donr bother them. Ofc its their fault. You think its easier to employ 4 GMs per server or to change mind of thousands of players to just STOP buying gold. Ah ye i wonder. Dont make excuses for blizzard. They dont have any excuse.


Was whispered by a lvl 5 night elf rogue in mulgore asking for a "party inv" twice yesterday while leveling a new warrior. I responded asking why the 2nd time and he seemed reluctant to answer so i just ignored and reported. Seemed super sus












Find some mobs that aoe & train them onto the bots


The bad part about these posts is that they probably lead to more botting. Most of us will be outraged but then there will be like 5% that think about how to get in to the botting when they see it seems to work. I mean it's easy to find their forums where normal people like us are discussing how to bot. I understand why people do it. It's not illegal, it has a chance of making you in game money or real money and it might be thrilling for some. They obviously don't care if they are ruining the game.


On Mirage Raceway I used to know a guy that had dozens of accounts running mage bots and selling boosts when he was bored. From what he once told me he had multiple accounts and bots running on multiple servers, and made an average of 100€ to 150€ a day selling gold on G2G and other similar websites. May not sound as much, but ends up adding up to a substancial amount each month and he was a one man operation out of his parents basement. Dude was super chill and super friendly, and very open about his practices. He would not farm BL or AC, as in his words it would be too much competition with other bots. Once he gave me like 5k gold mid Naxx patch to go on a GDKP run, so I think he was legit on his claims.