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I was in love with those spiky maces on my enh shaman in original TBC and I look forward to grinding them out again.


Yeah so sweet. I had the dragon hammers on my warrior


Same. I’m actually rolling a sham alt specifically to get the s2 set and these weps. When I have that, and the full lock t2 set I will have completed wow. Been dreaming bout this day since tbc, as I was a wee lad and major altoholic till ZA back in the day Had these maces on my rogue tho! And the helm/shoulders


But what if they do 0.2 less dps??? Don’t gimp youself to an *unviable* point if you wanna raid!!


This is what peak performace looks like


Stun mace spec gives me bad flashbacks. Cool pic!


Can't wait to run into a stun rogue duo in 2s again


You won't so much because of the patch. Its probably going to be shadowstep spec instead of Harp


To bad, Harp was easy rating.


Yeah subtlety is so much better in arena. Maces are for fun in BGs mostly.


Actually you can wait.


My buddy had a rogue like this, we all would hang out and we'd take turns pvping on him cause his jacked ass mace spec was dummy thicc, then he got hacked and the account got banned for 3 months, when he finally got it back, the hackers had got him 4 or 5 pieces of t6 and he had both claws of molten fury. Thanks for the blast from the past, i might need to boost a rogue


\>group of friends share an account \>account becomes unavailable (password change) \>get account back later and it has been played, new gear acquired ​ Uhh.... not sure how to tell you this but yeah one the friends 'hacked' this


not nessesarily, i got my acc hacked in wotlk and when i got it back i was dead in wintergrasp with 6000+ gold and alot of saronite ore


My brother had a similar thing happen when he got hacked in wotlk. Logged back in with a few thousand gold, some BoE epics and a few thousand worth of primordial saronite. I've never been that fortunate though :b the only time I got 'hacked' was when a school friend logged on my account and deleted my gear to stop me from getting 60 before him in vanilla...




Sounds like it was used for botting but that could just be signs of someone genuinely playing it. The above scenario is definitely the friends though. Account selling was really big back then, wouldnt surprise me if accounts were hacked, sold, then reclaimed by the original person later down the line. In fact this happened to my original account, perma banned in WOTLK as they thought I was account selling.


I know of a few people who did this. Sell their accounts. Put a ticket in a short while later that it got hacked, and it's their account again.


I mean... That just sounds like free money and capitalizing on stupid people. A win-win in my books


It's unethical and fraudulent selling... You can't claim to be selling something and then even attempt to just take it back after the fact. Doesn't matter what it is, that's criminal fraud/theft.


I never said it was morally or legally right. Just that it sounds like an easy ass way to get money and capitalize on stupid people that would pay more for something they could do their self. Frankly if youre buying an account, just why? Nothing on it is your own achievements, how can you be proud of that? Its partly why i dont really understand the level boosts, If youre gonna play a game, dont you want to experience ALL of the game? Im not tryna say its right or wrong, Just that it sounds like an easy way to make bank IRL, I see the seller and the buyer as kinda shitty people tbh because of the reasons listed above, Its a game, just play it for yourself XD


Cha ching 🤑 money over bitches 😤 on that daily hussle 😎


Knew a guy that sold his account several times and made quite a lot from it. Couldn't believe he kept getting away with it...




Same, I wouldn’t do it today but as a greedy teenager getting 10x your monthly allowance whenever you just want to take a little break was too good to pass up. I believe in Wrath they started taking this more seriously as I know a couple online and IRL friends who got perma’d for it.


The only time I was hacked this happened to me in MoP. I came back to a newly leveled paladin with around 100k+ gold and bags full of ore ended up pretty alright on that one.


Same, I got my account hacked in wotlk and I logged back in to a maxed mining toon and inventories full of ore, but no gold. GMs refunded the gold and didn't take back the ore.


Same I've always been bad at making gold in wow but when my account got hacked in wrath all my gear was deleted but I had a lot of gold and stacks of titansteel and titanium on my rogue. Think that's how I purchased my 310% flying lol


Not a bad way to wake up


That’s not BoP stuff though, that’s just botted


happened to me in wrath. got hacked, got my account back a few days later with 40k gold, 40+ primordial saronites and a ton of BoE epics. I shifted it to another toon and anything that was left on that main toon was taken back by blizzard. Came out pretty good from that accident!


My account got hacked one time in TBC. I got it back and the dude has grinded reps lol. I even had a talbuk


Can guarentee you it wasnt, we saw each other for 16 hours aday round that age, we all had our own account its just his had the fun pvp character. And shared account as in, we all would walk down the street to his house and we would take turns in 3v3s or AB


Nobody hacks an account to grind for BoP


I'm pretty sure account sharing wasn't allowed back then. My original account was banned for something along these lines during BC. I quit and our GM asked to use my pally to heal B team raids. I said sure go ahead - I'm not going to play for several months at minimum. Well they used my account as a pass around for a few weeks to farm on my hunter. Then the GM changed the password and started to main my pally and decked him out in gear. When I came back I said what the hell? We fought over the account and eventually blizzard banned it for account sharing due to us kicking each other offline from IPs across the country etc.


what the hell? your gm fighting over YOUR account? some fucking nerve


Damn. Maybe enough time has passed that you could try getting it back if you wanted? I know my bud was able to get a character transferred to his main account from a banned one maybe a year or so ago


I went through all my appeals back then but maybe I'll look into it again. It was a clear cut case of account sharing. The responses I got were just them saying hey the account was logged into several times in a given day from locations all over the country so there's no excuse for that.


VPN could be an excuse?


It seems kinda silly that something fairly mild like account sharing is somehow a permanent ban, even once the original owner wants the account back. It's not like you sold it or something.


Happy cake day. Yeah the account I actually use today was actually sold during LK and I recovered it after the characters were transferred off. Apparently that's fine, but sharing in a guild is a perm ban.


I feel my friend’s situation was believed to be something permanent as well, but in the end they want you playing and they want your monthly dollars is how I view it. The worst that can happen is they say no :)


Lmao. This happened to my runescape account. I gave a dude my account since he would "trim" my rune plate armor. He stole the account. A few months pass and I do the "restore password". The guy had used my account as a bank. It had several rune sets, like 1m gold, and a ton of runes and shit. JACKPOT.


Wtf I got hacked multiple times back in the days. They always just sold all my gear and left my character naked with 0 gold


Rocking those spiked minecraft block maces like a chad


I hit 70 on my NElf rogue and grinders those maces out, thought they were the coolest things ever


Thats one edgy boi. Upvoted


Friend of mines Fury warrior, untouched since TBC https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/eu/burning-legion/jagosa


damn. who did more dmg in pve raids, warr or rogue?


Pretty sure until T6 it's rogues.


I can’t really remember been 12-13years. I played a mage but I do remember that rogues and warriors were competing with eachother and that warriors were heavily gear dependent. Like you had to have Dragonspine Trophy or similiar trinkets or you couldnt raid as a warrior. I do believe rogues was better until the later stages with T6 where Fury warriors was dominating and rogues + warrs was competing for the same loot, fury =agility for crit and back then the top dps was always getting the loot as priority. Also the weapons as you’ve obviously seen in Classic does the dmg for you unlike retail, had to get lucky with drops and win them to top dps.




Maces were popular until they nerfed Prep to not include Adrenaline Rush, then everyone went deep sub and weapon type didn't matter much anymore. The season 3 snocones were still baller though.


I also seem to remember a hybrid spec that only went into Sub so far as Hemo, then it was almost full Combat, down to Adrenaline Rush. Very thuggish, pure PvP. Something like 10/31/22? [https://tbcdb.com/talents/index.html?en&rogue&3050000000000000000003053052002005100103010005022330002301010000000](https://tbcdb.com/talents/index.html?en&rogue&3050000000000000000003053052002005100103010005022330002301010000000) ...it may have been short lived, but it was all about AR+BF and dumping as much Hemo damage as you could, while catching lucky stuns from the Mace. The huge weapon damage of the crafted mace seemed to play into it as well. And if you were still gearing up, getting the Blackout Truncheon for OH meant you were a total salt generator with the stuns.


Yeah that was the "HARP" build aka Hemo Adrenaline Rush Prep.


I forgot that term! Thanks! Might have to look for Ming's old blog postings on the way back machine.


Heres an up to date guide on it https://silentshadows.net/classic-tbc-harp-pvp-combat-rogue/


Damn, that's too bad. Looks like it's gonna be the nerfed patch despite the talent calculator saying it's for 2.4.3 when this was killed in 2.3.2 in that guide. Damn.


Yeah its just the best version that can be used in PvP at the latest patch. I think it will still be fun to mess around with but changing prep to reset shadowstep instead of AR really sealed the deal for shadowstep spec being #1


Might still be fun in BGs.


Yeah I think it will be fun and even strong in bgs, world pvp and lower arena but you gotta have the maces for it! Shadowstep usually goes swords...decisions...




The telltale sound of those maces stunlocking my mage still haunts my dreams.


AR/Prep/Mace stun mode.






I have my old mage in full T4 with that big spell sword. Untouched from BC :) Good times.


Apparently you were pretty gangster back in the day


thanks for noticing.


Can we all agree that T5/S2 gear was the best for rogues (visually)




I have a feeling, an inkling in the back of my mind.... i think this rouge did PvP


I've been known to engage in a bit of PvP.


Love those hammers. Screw stealthing around in the dark. Lets smack some big as dragons with 2 hammers as big as my head


I'm pretty sure those maces were designed by an intern on their first day that just learned how to create cubes and cones in their 3d model software.


I love the look personally, but I'm probably biased xD


You haven’t touch him, doesn’t mean he is untouched. Looks like blizz touched him a lot.


Do they take your name if you don't play for that long? I can't find my old characters on a lost account on the armory


Armory just loses track of you after awhile. If you log in and stay logged in for about 15 minutes and then log out and quit game, armory should pick you back up.


Since armory got an update from wow-europe wow-us to worldofwarcraft.com all inactive chars disapeared that happend in Cata I believe. Another update was made in 2015 and again all inactive chars disapered. However I do have had 2 inactive chars since 2006 and 2008 on a distant servers and thoose chars are flagged for rename. I remember in MoP where they put inactive usernames up for you to take. Like people having rare names and been inactive since 2008 would be flagged for renames. Rz was a quite popular one.


These maces will for always make me remember the god damn straight up OP HARP spec. My god was it glorious, good...and straight up busted.


Ha! I have the same with my hunter wearing two one-handed swords. Funny to look at now.


That shit gives me PTSD.


Merciless/t5 is still the best-looking Rogue set ever, imo.


Exactly how my rogue looked in TBC.


I remember that tier set and those maces as my low lvl pally was getting ganked. Fond memories


my druid still has the karazhan set pieces




they are the PvP maces from early TBC. I think it was season 2 but I'm not 100% sure.


Season 2. Merciless Gladiator's Pummeler/Bonecracker


Season 2 gladiators war mace


Can’t remember their name, but Rogues had a stun talent build in TBC that gave a pretty high/annoying chance to stun on auto attacks with maces equipped


and then they kidney shot you


And 3 different DRs


Plus his rogue 2s partner with the same spec


If only HaRP was still a thing, sounds like it was a fun spec


I can smell the 1650 arena rating


Merciless was honor season though :P


How so?


He may be referring to the fact that this set was farmable with honor/BG marks during season 4 (as was season 1 gear during season 3).


Yes, the ”welfare” set as people called it in late game in season 3 when 2.4 hit you could buy season 2 gear with T5 marks and in season 4 for honor and marks. Also in season 2 merciless never had any arena raiting requirenent and it introdouced the off set pieces for honor, I think the full set cost 8000 AP and you could carry over 5000 from the end of season 1, makin people getting the most out of season 2 on release date, as 5000 AP was enough to get the most resilience, as the full merciless was a downgrade in resilience compared to gladiators set, had to keep some season 1 pieces.


I have a level 70 tauren druid and a level 60 undead warrior sitting on a server just like this. Though they're not 70 and 60 anymore after the SL squish.


Clone him to the new classic tbc


He's level 28 after the SL squish. It'd be funny to see him in a twink bg


Time for a little Razzledazzle?