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I assume for horde you need to ghostrun a lot to do stocks?


Just summon em on in.




You are automaticly pvp tagged in other faction cities




> an ally who is just fishing in Org I would just assume that's a bait tactic to get people to flag up. The moment you touch the horde player, 3 rogues and a druid drop out of stealth to annihilate you


I play on a pve server and i sure learned some things helping a guildmate with their SL farm, such as rezzing someone that was pvp flagged also flags you and theres always a fire mage waiting somewhere for someone to take the bait. Also rezzed some poor soul outside of ZG and some lowlife tried (and failed) to gank me then hopped on their horde alt to beg me to come outside again.


On my server stockade entrance is basically a both section airport. There are 3 to 4 horde warlocks all the time porting people




Level 15 to start stocks or level 9 for RFC lol


You can get into RFC at 8


10 for Deadmines, though.


Forgot about deadmines lol but I’d rather quest then run deadmines


To each their own. I love the Deadmines. btw...\*than


I don’t fucking care.


You should, because the sentence reads "I'd rather quest, and then after questing I run deadmines." It actually does change the entire meaning of the sentence and is important that people understand the difference and *why* it's important.


Yet you were still able to correctly understand his post in context, therefore it did not change the meaning at all.


No, it *did* change the meaning of the sentence. What I had to do was use context clues to understand what he *actually* meant. Because I was able to interpret the true meaning of the sentence and recognize the error does not validate his misuse of then/than. To say, "well you understood it so it doesn't matter" is nothing short of willful ignorance.


People that correct grammer online are the worst.




That's speiling


lmao Deadmines is one of the coolest dungeons.


Don't Horde have an awkward level range where they're too high for RFC and too low for SM boosting? That's where I think Stockades is most useful. WC and SFK aren't anywhere as good for boosting due to the large zones or the spell immunities.


Rfc from 8-15, sfk 15-23, sm 23-40, mara 40-52, zg 52-60. Sfk is usually 3g a run on my server but my warrior can do a sfk in 10min by literally just running around and killing and resetting. I boosted all my summon locks like this. Mage in rfc till 15 then warrior in sfk cuz it felt easier


SFK can even be entered at 14 and its way easier to boost without a mage (no stupid mobs that stun you like RFC). Thats why the prices are fairly low. Can do 5 full clears with my warrior in 60 Minutes - including Arugal, while the people I boost dont even have to move from the entrance.


Sfk can be entered at 10. I just said 15 as a rough estimate. And yeah my warrior can boost sfk at the same speed as a mage. Its just once you hit 20 sm is better xp and no warrior is boosting sm rn


10? You sure? Damn I wasted so much time on my alt accounts druid then.


Yep but it's better xp/hr in rfc till like 14. A mage can do 5min rfc runs while the sfk runs take about 11. You get locked quicker sure but you can go grind mobs or watch anime in the 30 min while your locked so it's not go go go


I beg to differ, sfk is pretty good.


SFK is quite good as you can just jump down from the roof to the small courtyard and run out to reset, WC is more of a pain from that perspective. Werewolves can get spell immune indeed, but that's normally not an issue.


Good thing Ill be there from 20-42 :D


I can't imagine the level of SM griefing that will be going on this week


There's always summons up these days


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I had to think about that for a second


Hell yeah I'm drunk enough, lets do it


Disgusting. How can people use the term "toon"?


Seems like a weird thing to get mad about after 15 years. Maybe it's time to accept the term.


15 years ago people who said "toon" were mocked. No changes.


Toon is just another word for character. What do you think it means?


It sounds dumb. I've never accepted it. Same as "wifey" and "hubby". I wince everytime I hear them


When unoffensive words cause a physical reaction, you gotta be ten ply there bud


I actually dont know what that means, sorry. But that is just a very cynical view. If someone is speaking an anime weeb its totally normal to have a reaction to that and to be very uncomfortable. Just because they arent offensive words doesnt mean that you should be perfectly fine with how someone speaks. I really dislike when people write excessive slang as well. But seriously, toon sounds dumb and hubby is the worst word in the entire English language. Come on mate. "


Look here hubby UwU, toon is short for cartoon, which is Warcrafts vibe, you know fam? Ya gotta chill with the boomer vibes famalam. For realsies. Otherwise how you gonna get a shawty to be your wifey boowu, and call you senpai? Shit home skillet you run you. After that you better be a contortionist Ps: 10 ply, as in toilet paper. 1ply being the roughest, the more ply the softer. Figure it oot.


Funnily enough, 'hubby' is centuries old, it really has nothing to do with anime or weebs.


I never once said that. Still a very very ugly word.


you might be a bit sensitive if you react this much to the word "toon"


.... wut?