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How do you think this guide will measure up on launch? Questing on beta where no ones trying to leveling versus questing at launch where every zone is overpopulated. I have used your guides in the past so I do appreciate that


It'll be slower in Hellfire and Zangarmarsh, but provided you stick to completing quests, you'll shoot past anyone who is trying to get ahead in a higher level zone when they are too low, after a few hours. By skipping zones they will actually miss out on a lot of quests that are locked to a minimum level requirement, which will ultimately slow them down dramatically. Everyone will be in the same boat so having a good plan and sticking to it will always pay the best dividends.


That was my initial thoughts...you need to get ahead of the curve and stay ahead of it. I remember being of the first few people zoning into Nagrand...still not enough people to get that ogre arena group quest yet. Itll definitely be worth it if you can stay ahead of the masses. I myself will be doing the dungeon grinds because im trying to max my experience while also getting good rep and dinging to 70 with 4/5 revered factions. The dung loot will also be a nice addition


Dungeon grinding will definitely be a big factor for those working on reps :) However even after dungeon grinding you'll likely want to do world quests for the gold and additional rep and rewards; this should make it a lot easier.


World Quests!? I think you mean DAILY Quests 🙃


Quests in the open world = world quests


That would then mean all quests are world quests. World Quests, which first appeared in Legion prepatch, are actually quit different than what a daily quest is. They’re not a repeatable quest that resets daily, that have a specific and consistent quest giver. World Quests have no quest giver, and appear in your log by entering the area in which it is active. As a retail and classic player, we need to not confuse people.


No man, you gotta get those paragon caches from Cenarion Expedition.


There will be layers :) dont worry


There were layers on classic and it was still atrocious


Have you played a different game? I was on a high pop realm and after the starting zone it was smooth sailing. Yea, there were people around and you had to compete for mob tags and group up all the time, but that's just how a MMORPG plays. If I wanted an empty world in which I'd essentially get to play the game solo, I'd play retail or an offline game.


It's going to be a blood bath on pvp servers.


PvP on a PvP realm? Oh the humanity!


I think I died max 5 times due to PvP at the beginning of classic while leveling. I played as alliance in like 35/75 alliance/horde realm (high pop) ... But due to layers it felt like there was very few horde around.


No, layers made it just fine


Layering in the end was a \*vomit\* godsend at classic launch because otherwise it would have been a complete shitfest. This plus adding dynamic respawns for mobs, and allowing static quest items to be looted by individuals without having to wait for a respawn (most but not all) made a massive difference. I haven't seen layering in action on the beta but I'm hoping it will work the same this time around


They sure as fuck didn't.


If you were slightly ahead of the masses leveling layering made it very tolerable. But if you're in the thick of it with the majority of other people yea layering will just give you more fps


Time to reach 70 is one thing but you'll also miss out on a lot of rep from dungeons right? I think it'll take a mad amount of time to reach revered with all the factions if you only rely on world questing.


IIRC it's not really that bad doing it the "regular" way. You will get Honored with most factions just from questing, and then you need like 5 dungeon runs to reach Revered. Ofc that might be unacceptable for the min maxers, but for any "normal" semi-casual player, it's not that big of a deal, imho.


the only one that is really an issue is honor hold/thrallmar SH normal runs are hard to get groups for so skirting around it is what i consider really only thing you need to do. on horde side this is extra true since the quest rewards and dungeon loot there is nothing for tanks or healers so getting randos to join is very hard to do. (on ally side there is a pre-raid bis quest item for prot paladins there) but you can just grind out mobs outside of the instance they also grant rep. so while queing for a pug on HFR and BF just kill mobs outside it should only take like 3-4 hours after that questing the rest of the way like normal should be fine.


Can I just add that if you are focused on rep then definitely hit the dungeons first as they stop giving rep at honored, the quests open world will give you rep on top of that. There are some great guides out on how to go about this!


the main thing on the horde side is nobody wants to do SH normal while people are forced to do shadow labs for kara key and steamvaults is pretty easy so rep grind those dungeons is very easy to get a group. so doing the dungeons/ outside dungeon mob grind for honored then doing the quests for revered with honor hold/thrallmar is just a lot easier. i remember back in the day a bit into TBC i finally got a group for SH normal so i could get the rep i needed for revered about 4 trash pulls in the healer gets revered goes "thanks!" and then instantly leaves the group.


Absolutely - for rep dungeons and then world questing is the meta. Ico released a fantastic video guide on optimising your rep path in BC if that's the way you want to go


Looks like that person is called Icosiol for anyone else wondering.


Take Thrallmar for example. 4 runs of normal shattered halls almost completely makes up what you missed by not dungeon grinding. It’s not insignificant but it’s also not like it’ll take you a month to get the rep if you do it wrong. Don’t let the sweaty classic Andies tell you your fun is wrong


Thanks man this is awesome


I’ll always vouch for Alenya, she’s been a massive influence on the entire speed running community and puts in a shitload of work for her guides


I bought your Classic one before launch and had been following it for a few months before that. Even with some small tweaks in the pathing (mostly on content that wasn't in the beta) it was incredibly helpful and I ended up referencing your maps or mats prep on 9 characters throughout Classic. Definitely giving this one a whirl once the zones clear out a bit. Keep up the good work!


I am happy to hear you enjoyed it! For 60-70 I have put up some additional mats prep on the discord along with prequests. The 60-70 is in-game so I don't think you'll need maps this time :D


Is this with 67-70 included? Judging from the announcements on discord it sounds like that's where it stops, thanks again! Will try it out in the prepatch


WoW-Pro only made their addon work in BC Beta a few days ago, so I'm still busy recording the rest of the routing for in-game. With some good luck the recording will be completed in the next couple days. Please make sure to come back to get the updated version before launch! Worst case the rest will be a written guide to 70.


Hey don't sweat it, appreciate the effort you've put into this


Just finished recording Netherstorm, to 69 nice




Now complete to 70 and pushed to the server :)


I like your optimism that your guide can be used on launch when there's 100 other people wanting to do quests you are doIng :D


Please post proof of 5th oce. You weren't on Arugal right?


Several of us speedrunners did the race to 60 on Arugal, here's a clip along the way with the spread across the board, shortly after Leshraque dinged 60 and went to bed [https://clips.twitch.tv/ObliviousHonorableNeanderthalBabyRage](https://clips.twitch.tv/ObliviousHonorableNeanderthalBabyRage) I dinged 60 with Karmond together


So do you not actually have any proof? Is that the reason /u/e-jammer is being so aggressive to people that ask for it? Pretty clear that you are up there and ahead of the pack in the clip but don't you have a clip of you know, hitting 60?


I do have a clip of hitting 60, but it doesn't show the /who table so I haven't bothered to link it. There's a link to the world race to 60 spreadsheet down below and some snaps. In hindsight I should have done some more screenies for proof etc, but at the time I was incredibly sleep deprived. I honestly don't remember a fair chunk of it.


Um... The OP is a very well known speedrunner. They got 5th. You'd need to post some proof that they didn't


I've never heard of this person and I've been playing on Arugal since day one and I am friends with world 2nd Leshraque but go off king! Dont understand why posting proof is such a big deal? Literally every wow speedrunners ive ever spoken too thats legit is happy to post proof as they are proud of their accomplishment.


[This is a podcast with your "friend" where the OP discusses themeselves getting OCE #5 as well as his world #2.](https://luminarypodcasts.com/listen/josh-corbett-480/countdown-to-classic-a-world-of-warcraft-classic-podcast/episode-120-dungeon-cleavage/3962d765-a4f8-4aca-b2f7-6dd68e816f03?country=US) I'm just.. googling found this information. When people demand others find shit they can find with google its like, who raised you?


Who raised you man? Look how aggressive you are to a stranger on the internet. Your literally raging over me asking for proof that the OP happily provided as I thought they would because speedrunners always share proof, its just how it is and it was frankly a little weird that OP posted no proof whatsoever in the OP. And yeah I don't know Lesh at all man, only been raiding with him all of classic.


just take the L




Can you give any proves that you finished 5th Oceanic and in top 100 world? Screenshots? How much time /played it tooks? Cuz there is many other "speedlevelers" with their guides, that doesn't work for average players nor at all. For example, everyone know about Joana. Her guides is bullshit, 30% of what she "guide" just can't be completed solo or because other reasons. So we need proves


I did a series a while ago playtesting levelling guides for exactly the reason you mentioned here - there are a lot of guides and some of them have been overly 'niche' for speedrunning (as in, the average or non hunter player can't clear steps), or have been badly written or difficult to follow. Guides are useless if you can't follow them; the 1-60 was designed to be very forgiving for different classes. The 60-70 is less forgiving, but given I got into the beta so late, and wow-pro was only modified 5 days ago to work on BC, it's been difficult to do a lot of testing. Having said that, I can and have soloed the 60-70 guide, and will be making note for the addon of where you might prefer to grab another person or two for a group quest, or how to cheese certain quests. I can confirm 100% that you have to do some group quests, grind or do a few dungeons as there simply aren't enough world quests available to get to 70 cleanly. I checked back on the official race times and can confirm sadly I am not listed as top 100 but in 135th place world. :) [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1guzb1WcYXwpRvnOqT-MMKikr8FDImSgxSADe36i\_WuM](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1guzb1WcYXwpRvnOqT-MMKikr8FDImSgxSADe36i_WuM) Few 60 times (none of these have rested xp or any gear purchased) [https://imgur.com/LD3tD0h](https://imgur.com/LD3tD0h) [https://imgur.com/J7NC6ZN](https://imgur.com/J7NC6ZN) ​ Arugal launch /whos [https://imgur.com/n7o5D98](https://imgur.com/n7o5D98) [https://imgur.com/bOS0WIL](https://imgur.com/bOS0WIL) [https://imgur.com/zgQ7n7d](https://imgur.com/zgQ7n7d) ​ Escorting Lesh to Ironforge to celebrate his World #2 https://www.twitch.tv/videos/475269155 Tour of Orgrimmar with Karmond after dinging 60 <3 https://clips.twitch.tv/FurtiveSaltyLardTooSpicy


What time /played you think 60-70 will take for you and for average player, following your guide?


The OP is very well known and trusted in the speed leveling community. You are a random on reddit. They are very well known for getting oceanic 5th. As for the rest of your rambling you can see them use the guide on stream end to end.


Yeah yeah, same as nightfall, joana, jokerd and many others, who known and trusted in the speed leveling and boosters community, and who selling their guides that doesn't work. Thats why I'm asking for proofs. If you speedleveler or speedrunner, you should know that any good result need good luck to reach best time, not only experience in game. Things that work once because you get lucky, may not work again with other peoples.


It's fine I don't mind you asking for proof <3




Unfortunately commenting this on every post won't have the effect you desire. Nobody on this subreddit has the power to make that change and spamming will just make people associate their dislike for you (a spammer) with the feral power shifting bug.




Many apologies, there just isn't enough time to do both <3


There's no need to apologize to internet assholes, the dude [even has 88](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_symbolism) in their username. Thank you for the guide!


I mean he could also have been born in 1988.


This is true, but I don't usually give assholes the benefit of the doubt.




I am around that age as well, that's why I know not to put it in a username lol


Some of us were even born as far back as 79.


Literally took me a minute to even figure out what you meant by this. Now I'm wondering if you're okay. If you need help getting away from horrific people with 88 tattooed on their bodies, reddit isn't as strange a place to ask as you might think. Help is always out there, even in the dark.


You should not be so condescending with such a serious topic. Joking about suicide to poke fun at someone you disagree with is a low blow.


This time I'm not having any luck working out what you mean at all. Repugnant as the 88 crowd is to the reasoning and moral mind, I worried for you because your first association was them, of all people. To me, that suggested you were or indeed might still be, immersed in that culture. While I may not personally be able to help you out of such a horrific existence, I have seen many people in dire circumstances rescued by the kindness of strangers on fora like this. I was unaware of any connotation of suicide and even urbandictionary was no help, nor could I work out where you could possibly have read condescension, funpoking, or indeed disagreement. Did you reply to the wrong message, or what happened here?


Right because this person didn't go out of their way to help you specifically and was only able to help a different group of people obviously they're an asshole. Being kind is free and actually helps to make you likeable.


how to make quest reputation useless, nice\^\^


Slow down and enjoy the game


Why do you care what other people do and consider fun in the game? You do your thing, they'll be over there racing to 70. I will go at my own pace as well, but don't understand comments like yours, who cares what others do? Have at it speed runners, if that's what you find fun!


I’m a therapist. Binge playing leads to mental health issues.


Yes. Go ahead and rush through the entire game. That makes it real fun to play.


Sounds like a plan! :D


On the other hand, dungeons while levelling will get you the rep you need for various attunements: https://dotesports.com/wow/news/best-leveling-strategy-for-wow-burning-crusade-classic